(Continued From Second Page.)
Courts left recently for Denver, Colo.,
where she will join Dr. Maulding and
■pend the holiday season before return
ing to Washington.
Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Dennett of
West Baldwin. Me., were at the Dodge
Hotel over the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Gilbert enter
tained a small party at the supper dance
•t the Shoreham Hotel Saturday eve
ning. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Robertson
Kurtz were among their guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Lewis of
Minneapolis. Minn., are at the Carltpn
for a few days, accompanied by Mrs.
H. H. Walter, also of Minneapolis.
Ladies’ Aid of Garfield
Hospital Feted Tomorrow.
Mrs. R. L. Hoxie will entertain the
Nursery Guild of Garfield Memorial
Hospital in her new residence, at 3401
Macomb street, tomorrow' at 2 o’clock.
All members of the Ladies’ Aid are in
vited to attend.
Mrs.' Cabot Stevens, president, has
■elected Mrs. F. X. McGovern as chair
man for the Christmas party at the
hospital for student nurses and in
ternes, assisted by Mrs. Engene E.
Woodson. Mrs. Joseph Sizoo, Mrs. John
Kirkwood, Mrs. Edward A Keys, Mrs.
E. J. Roth. Mrs. Charles A. Stott. Miss
Anna Southard Larner, Mrs. William
B. Willard. Mrs.' William A. Morgan.
Mrs. William Calhoun Stirling and
This committee will have leadership
In the general Christmas festivities for
the nospital and children of the con
tagious wards. Second-hand books are
wanted for the library unit of the social
■ervice department. Miss Justine Corby,
Chairman; Miss Harriet Whitford, as
sistant chairman.
The twenty-second annual Founders’
day banquet of the Kappa Beta Pi,
legal fra’ernity, will be held this eve
ning in the Shoreham Hotel. The fra
ternity’s chapters at George Washing
ton University, the Washington College
Os Law and the National Law School
will join in the celebration, while the
alumni chapter and a delegation from
the Alabama Chapter* will be the spe
cial guests of the evening.
A vaudeville skit will be presented by
each chapter of the fraternity as the
climax of the evening’s diversion. Miss
Olive Evelyn Geoger will act as toast
mistress, while the committee in charge
of the event includes Miss Addie
Hughes, Miss Katherine Reany. Miss
Elna Anderson and Miss Lucy Brown.
Dancing will conclude the entertain
ment of the evening.
Following the dinner for the junior
group of the American Association of
University Women at 1634 I street to
morrow evening,* Miss Sophie Snyder
will be heard in a piano forte recital
at 8 o’clock. Miss Snyder is a promi
nent member of the Washington Pian
ists’ Club and a certified teacher of the
Peabody Conservatory, in Baltimore.
Mrs. Martin A. Morrison, director of
the Washington Pianists' Club, is a
member of the A. A. U. W.
The Madrigal Singers, Under the di-
jbl iIU OPEN 9 A.M. lo 6 P.M.
Superior Qualities-Moderate Prices
YOU will find many things to intrigue your fancy and your interest on the
three floors of Dulin & Martin—a few of which are sketched, CONVEN
IENT GIFT TABLES are also placed throughout the store with suggestions
ranging in price from 50c to sls. ★ “Why, your prices are lower than any I've
seen!” is an exclamation often overheard in
Dulin & Martin's. Come in and verify.
ware with smart modern Rose brim with gold CLOCK. Mahogany ware, with crystal ball
cut stem. Sherbets, turn- scroll inner rim and floral case. As decorative as it stem. Sherbets, footed
biers $13.50 doz. center decoration. is dependable $12.50 tumblers $6.75 doz.
Other pieces in proportion $2.50 ea. Other models, $7.95 up Finger bowls ... .$lO doz.
_ _ . I OIBBHL Choice Oil —Etchings, !
European “ Furn i. t .V re ’ Ramies, HWmm Wood Cuts,
Glass, Silver Embroid- and Prints
\ ANTIOUES er y* and Fabrics at A.I/lillM ;>
' very moderate prices. Personal selections from abroad,
i' _ . . _ ‘ißJwajte. Georgian Room, Second Floor i 1
ning & Bowman Electric, Sterling Silver ....SIO.OO dainty china figure and copies in miniature of fa
with heat indicator. Non- SALT & PEPPER Set, georgette shade, in choice mous old coaches. With
tarnishing chrome plate of Sterling Silver. .SIO.OO of colors. Complete, $7.50 team of horses, $lO up.
" n * sb $13.75 Without horses. .$3.75 up
New Automatic Edicraft
Waffl. :• ~ dnaim
L r ß e fYr e An ° pen St ° Ck pattern Octagonal Flower Bowl A welcome gift for either
chased* * tray s2o 00 with colorful floral sprays —merely one of a myriad sex and any age. In
STERLING SMOKERS’ on ivor £ body; gold edge. of lovely gift items in en- green, brown, red or blue
SET—4 ash trays and 4 32-pc. service for six. graved crystal at $5.00 leathers $lO to sls
match box holders, $12.50 SB.OO
Dulin & Martin
6onnecticut c4ue. and I!
— !
— -—— j
mm mam
, Who is spending the holidays with her parents, Surg. Gen. of the Public Health
Service and Mrs. Hugh S. Cummins. Mrs. Kendrick was formerly Miss Diana
. : Cumming. —Underwood Photo.
■ rection of Mrs. John Milton Sylvester,
i will give a program of early English,
. French and German Christmas carols
■ j at the December meeting of Constitu
tion Chapter, D. A. R., to be held In
! the studio of the League of American
• Pen Women, at Stoneleigh Court, to
: morrow evening at 8 o'clock. This mu
■ sic group was formed to study the six
• teenth century madrigals and the sing
; ers wear costumes of the period.
Mrs. Anne Tillery Renshaw will be
■ the guest speaker of the evening. Her
: subject will be “Our Christmas Bless
ings ” Mrs. E. Richard Gasch is regent
t of Constitution Chapter.
1 Arrangements have been completed
for the Christmas dance to be given by
■ | Alpha Delta Pi Sorority of George
> Washington University in the Dodge
’ Hotel garden house Monday evening,
5 December 29. The Dance Committee
‘ consists of Miss Louise Bruce, Miss Eliz
-1 abeth Rees and Miss Kathleen Watkins.
A card party for the benefit of St.
. Thomas the Apostle Church and its’
. rural missionate work will be given in
j th? Shoreham Hotel January 15. It is
> planned to have 150 tables for bridge
f | with prizes for each table and two door
. | prizes.
t,! The committee in charge includes
Mrs. Nellie Bartholomew, Mrs. Robert
| Bourke, Miss Jane Bradley, Miss Mary
i I Burke, Mrs. Harry Carroll, Mrs. D. J.
/ ) Callahan. Mrs. Adelaide Cavanagh,
e Mrs. D. B. Casley, Mrs. John Cammack,
; Mrs. Bernadette Dore. Miss Margaret
! Dore, Mrs Alexander Eustace, Miss
Raphael Ellis, Mrs. Samuel Hoover.
1 Miss Sarah Hickey, Miss Nan Hickey.
Mrs. L. Gardner Moore, Miss Mary Me-
Inerney. Miss Mary Rover. Miss Kath
arine Rover, Mrs. M. Frank Ruppert
and Mrs. D. E. Spangler.
The teachers of the Peabody, Hilton
and Carbery Schools gave their Christ
mas party in the Dodge Hotel garden
house Saturday evening. Santa Claus
came and presented each one with a
little gift reminiscent of some personal
incident in the life of the recipient.
There was also music consisting of
Christmas songs. The guests of honor
were Mrs. Florence G. Rogprs, super
vising principal of the sixth division;
Miss Adelaide Davis, former supervis
ing principal of the sixth division: Mrs.
Howard Smith, who was before her
recent marriage Miss Mildred Repetti;
Miss Edna Van Dynne, Miss Molly Pola
coff and Miss Edythe Gilbert. Miss M.
Gertrude Young, principal of the Pea
body, Hilton and Carbery Schools, pre
sided and Miss Ruth Mack was chair
man of arrangements.
Mrs. Ellis Logan entertained 100
guests Friday at 1661 Crescent place,
including members of the Sabbath Al
liance, the Housekeepers Alliance and
Chapter C. P. E. O.
The Christmas story, from the thir
teenth century to the present time, was
illustrated by hundreds of pictures and
the history of art outlined from the
beginning to the present biennial ex
hibit at the Corcoran Gallery of Art.
Mrs. Seymour Lowman. wife of As
sistant Secretary of the Treasury Low
man. presided at the tea table, assisted
by Mrs. Cron, wife of Col. A. C. Cron;
Mrs. Archibald McLachlen, Mrs. Fred
erick W. Ashley, Mrs. Ernest H. Daniel,
Mrs. Henry Fenno Sawtelle, Miss Eliz
abeth Sawtelle, Mrs. F. C. Brlnley, Mrs.
For Christmas
Crystallized and Preserved
>/4-lb. Tin Crystallized, Canton....s .25
Vi-lb. Tin Crystallized, Canton 45
1-lb. Tin Crystallized, Canton 90
] i-lb. Tin Crystallized, Stein 70
1-lb. Tin Crystallized, Stein 1.20
| Vi Size Stone Pot Pres., Canton... .60
j \z Size Stone Pot Pres., Canton... 1.15
No. 1 Size Stone Pot Pres., Canton 2.25
! Vi Green Pot Pres., Canton 70
j Vi Green Pot Pres., Canton 1.25
No. 1 Green Pot Pres., Canton.... 2.45
Fancy Blue and White Pot, Stein.. 3.75
! Fancy Five-color Pet, Stein 3.75
All in desirable gift containers.
Magruder Inc.
Bes* Groceries
Conti. Ave., M and 18th Sts. N.W.
, Phone Decatur 4180 Established 1875
Albert N. Baggs. Mrs. William J. La
Varre. Miss Grace Osgood. Mrs. Edgar
B. Metltt. Mrs. Jason Waterman. Mrs.
i Eva Criswell. Mrs. G. L. McKay, Mrs.
i Tamar Rorke. Mrs. Appleton P. Clark
and Mrs. W. W. Scott.
Members of the Woman's Guild of
American University and their guests
were entertained at a tea Friday in
the home of Mrs. F. S. Benton, at 4928
Reservoir road, the company including
Mrs. P. M. Anderson. Mrs. Mary Logan
Tucker, Mrs. Warren Brush. Mrs.
Charles Clark. Mrs. Benjamin L. Du
laney, Mrs. Jennie Stafford, Mrs. G. W.
Trowbridge. Mrs. Samuel Prlklnhorn,
Mrs. Rice W. Means, Mrs. James T.
Bootes. Mrs. George F Colison. Mrs. H.
N. Kitzmiller. Mrs. William R. Man
ning, Miss Isabel McDougall and Miss
Maude McDougall. Miss Mary Louise
Brown, dean cf women of American
University, presided at the tea table
and was assisted by Miss Charlotte
Jamison aid Miss Mary Louise Mclear.
Zeta Chapter of Chi Sigma Sorority
o?L H r; ShUipßborn “ I
Just 10 More Days
Until Xmas!
Nothing could he more appreciated than a warm,
attractive flannel robe. They are so practical because
they launder beautifully . . . the color is fast. Varied
colored stripes or solid tones ... in tuxedo and notch
lapel styles. Small, medium and large sizes.
~ Gift
Black crepe slipper with
trim. Both styles have
padded elk soles.
Lingerie makes a most I
acceptable gift. Tailored ..
1 and lace-trimmed styles in -
dancettes, gowns, teddies, -
step-ins, French panties
and slips. - ~~
VW 7 Beverly
ts 3 HOSE
Always the appropriate
gift . . . for one cannot
have too many hose. Chif
Every wanted shape and
color, in calf, and suede.
Attractive ornaments, zip
per pockets.. .some lined 'll ‘
in black.. .the new fashion.
First Floor
: —l
. 1 held Its regular meeting Tuesday. De
cember 9. In the sorority rooms. Plans
; were discussed for a semi-closed Christ
; mas tea dance to be held at Indian
j Spring Country Club Christmas day
. Miss Gertrude Ochs is chairman of
1 this dance.
Mrs. Robert Riley is in charge of a
; Christmas party and entertainment
which the sorcrity will give for the
;; children of one of Washington's orphan j
j homes.
After the meeting a very dainty I
surprise shower was given to Mrs. Leo j
Naughton, who was before her mar
riage Miss Isoline Hess.
Eta Alumnae Chapter of Kappa Beta ;
■ Pi Legal Sorority held its December
; meeting at the heme of Miss Olive
’ Geiger Monday evening, December 8. |
Miss Mary Connelly acting as joint |
, hostess. The meeting was followed by :
, j bridge. Attending were Muss Julia!
j Banks, Miss Anna Boyle. Miss Harriet i
j Buckingham. Mrs. Genevieve Callahan,
’ I (Continued on Fourth Page.)
The Woman’s Shop of the
1310 F Street
I Annual
Sale of
$ 69 75 and $ 79 75
$ 55
Smart women looking for the finest
Coats for the least money will find them
here at savings of as much as $24.75.
Fine, long wearing materials hand tai
lored in semi-fitted lines—imported
tweeds, Lamona cloths and Camel's
Hairs —luxuriously trimmed with Rac
coon, Beaver, Skunk, Caracul, V/olf and
Lapin. Substantial reductions on every
KNOX Hat Sale!
$ 5
Were $12.50, sls, $16.50
The famous Knox Hats in off-the
face models and hats with small brima
featured in felt, soleil and suede . . ■
Green, brown, copperglow, Guardsman
Blue, winetone and Oriental purple
are the new colors . . .
The Woman’s Shop of the
* 1310 F Street