B-2 BROUSSARD SPLITS WITH HUEY LONG Charges Governor Illegal In oumDent and State’s Worst Executive. By the Associated Press. NEW ORLEANS, July 25. —United States Senator Edwin S. Broussard charged today that Huey P. Long was violating the law by serving as Gov ernor and that he was the worst Gov ernor Louisiana ever had. The Senator declared when Gov. Long filed his credentials of elec tion with the United States Senate he became a Senator on last March 4 and forfeited his right to serve as Gov ernor. He also charged Gov. Long was not content to be Governor, Senator and a member of the State and Dem ocratic National Committees at the same time, but was attempting to name a slate of State officers to be dominated by him. The Senator's statement, issued from his home at New Iberia, was regarded by political observers as the first open and definite split between Senator Broussard and Gov. Long. Calls Service Worst. "We find him doing worse than has ever been done by any predecessor.” said the Senators statement. "And all the power and influence vested in a Governor for the public good mis used to elect himself to the Senate of the United States, yet is not satisfied. "Although he has filed his own cre dentials of election with the United States Senate prior to March 4, 1931, and consequently became a United States Senator on March 4, 1931, in violation of the State constitution of Louisiana, providing that he cannot be Governor and Senator at the same time, he persists in illegally discharging the duties of Governor. Charges Patronage. "Senator Long not only wants to hold the Governorship, but he is now con spiring to elect a State ticket that will be controlled by him by wire from Washington, if elected. He insists he must have State officials for the next four years w f ho are his tools. The people's free expression of this matter, he thinks must be controlled by pat ronage and waste of public funds." The Senator concluded by asking the voters to vote against the Long-in dorsed candidates. From the new Governor's mansion at Baton Rouge, Gov. Long said he was not in politics at this time as he was too busy getting over his SIOO,- 000,000 program of public improve ments. BOY DIES AFTER ARM IS LOST BY POISON Maryland Youth Breaks Limb in Swimming Pool—Death Fol lows Amputation. Bpeeial Dispatch to The Star. LONACONING, Md., July 25.—Roy, 12-year-old son of Albert Stevenson and the late Flora McFarlane Steven son. died yesterday at Memorial Hos pital, Cumberland, following amputa tion of his left arm at the shoulder. He struck the bottom of the pool In Seldom Seen Run while diving from the bank and the arm was fractured in three places, the bone protruding from the elbow and the hand. Gangrene de veloped and the youth was removed to the hospital Thursday afternoon, and later in the day the arm was ampu tated by Dr. William A. Grade. DEMOCRATS TO HEAR SENATE CANDIDATE Arlington Voters Will Get Two Opportunities to Meet Office Seekers. 8r a Staff Corre.'pondent of The Star. CLARENDON, Va„ July 25—Two opportunities will be presented the voters of Arlington County during the coming week to hear the two Demo cratic candidates for the State Senate —Charles T. Jesse of Arlingtop County and John W. Rust of Fairfax County. The first opportunity will be provided Tuesday afternoon by the Organized Women Voters of Arlington County at a meeting to be held at the Lyon Park Community House. Following an Ex ecutive Committee meeting at 15:30 o’clock and a luncheon at 1 o’clock, the candidates will be given the after noon in which to present their dews and platforms. Friday night there will be a mass meeting in the auditorium of the Cherrydale Firemen's Hall for the same purpose. The meeting will be under the auspices of the Cherrydale Citizens' Association. According to Julian D. Simpson, president of the association, the meeting will be open to any per aons in the county who wish to attend. Records in the office of the county clerk today showed that 24 persons have actually filed notice of their can didacy for the five places on the new county board. There were approxi mately 10 other persons who had an nounced their candidacy. The latest to file as an independent is William Friess of Clarendon, who was elimin ated at the Republican county primary last night. PROMISE OF $250,000 AVERTS SIO,OOO FINE Former Wife of Consular Officer Seeks to Recover Part of SBOO,OOO Given Him. » By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, July 25—Upon his re newed promise to repay her $250,000, Mrs. Virginia Harrison Gross today withdrew her application to have her former husband, Christian Gross of Chicago, in the American Consular Service in Ottawa, fined SIO,OOO for contempt of court. Last May Mrs. Gross, daughter of a former governor general of the Philip pines. told of having turned over SBOO,- 000 to her husband in an effort to in duce him not to abandon her. Supreme Court Justice Peter Schmuck thereupon ordered him to repay $250,000 of that amount, in accordance with a written agreement which Mrs. Gsoss said he had made w> that effect after their separation. When payment was not made in the time stipulated by Justice Schmuck, Mrs. Gross filed the contempt applica tion. Britons are acquiring the "sody pop” habit to such an extent that a school has been opened In London for of soda fountain dispensers. AM>. these trained attendants «re learn ing the delicate are of watte baking. GOLD STAR MOTHER RELATES STORY OF 148 VISITING FRANCE National President Returns to Capital After Voyage and Battlefield our- Mrs. George G. Seibold Says Spot Most Sacred to Her Was Where Son Died. Heading a delegation of 148 Amer ■ lean Gold Star Mothers who visited I battelflelds and cemeteries In Europe, ! where American soldiers rest, Mrs. I George Gordon Seibold, of this city, na | tlonal president of the American Gold 1; Star Mothers, has Just returned home. Mrs. Seibold, who was accompanied j ; by her husband On the trip, said “of all the places in France, an unknown spot somewhere near Bapaume, was to me ' the most sacred, for It was there, fight ' ing 5,000 feet above the earth, for you l and me and all humanity, that my brave boy. Lieut. George Vaughn Seibold, [ ,148th U. S. Aero Squadron, gave his 1 all. I stopped for a brief period near [ the location of the fight in which my boy was shot down and killed." Wreaths Cast Into Sea. Mrs. Seibold was all praise for the ’ treatment afforded the American Gold Star Mothers on the trip. She related : the entertainment for them in New York before sailing early In June. In midocean two Impressive ceremonies [ took place—the casting of wreaths In memory of those who were lost there during the World War and later the de positing of a wreath In the name of the | Veterans of Foreign Wars of Hoboken, N. J. After touching at Queenstown. ’ Ireland, and Plymouth, England, the ship finally docked at Cherbourg, Mrs. Seibold said. there, the motheis. escorted bv Capt. Frank Burns, Infantry, went to Paris and stopped at the Hotel d'lena, near the American embassy. 1 Held Rites at Arc de Triomphe. Mrs. Seibold told of exercises con , ducted at the Arc de Triomphe. beneath ■ which the Unknown Soldier of Prance rests. An official wreath was placed on the tomb by one of the mothers, who ■J was followed by Mrs. Seibold, as na- I tional president of the American Gold Star Mothers, to place the only gold star i on the tomb. She later was welcomed by ■ Ambassador Page. There also were sightseeing trips about Paris. Mrs. Seibold told of trips to various l cemeteries in France where flowers were placed on the graves of sons of those in the party. She told of an interesting hour spent at the spot where the Armi stice was signed. Lille, Cambria. Can tigny and other historical places were visited, she added, while on the way to Amiens. The trip was not without a serious incident, Mrs. Seibold said, in which she and her husband, while riding on a front seat of a bus on the way to Amiens, when a small car. containing . four persons was crushed by the bus. 1 The four persons were killed. Mr. and Mrs. Seibold narrowly escaped injury when they were showered with glass. Mrs. Seibold was cut beneath the left eye. Visited Exposition. Mrs. Seibold said the great number of cemeteries in the Somme sector. 1 numerous French. British and German 1 cemeteries dotting the countryside was remarkable. She said only one Amer ican cemetery < Somme i has been es tablished in this region. She also ' visited the Colonial Exposition, where the replica of Mount Vernon attracted considerable attention. Gen. William Horton of Washington, a member of the American Exposition Commission, greeted the mothers. Art galleries, the tomb of Napeleon and Versailles, where the treaty of peace was signed by President Wilson, engaged their attention during one day of the trip. „ The Gold Star Mothers of the Dis trict gathered at the home of Mrs. Seibold last Tuesday to welcome her. The chaplain. Mrs. Etta Nash, offered prayer, and Mrs. Carlysle M. Gordon ■ read a report on the last meeting. Mrs. R. E. Jacobs led in the pledge of al legiance to the flag. Invitations were accepted from Col. H. N. Cootes, commander of Fort Myer. 1 to attend the exhibition of the Citizens' Military Training Camp on July 28, when a trophy will be presented by the mothers for excellence in citizenship. Four New Members Listed. Four new members were enrolled as follows: Mrs. Edmonia Lee Beatty of Bluemont. Va„ mother of Russell T. ' Beatty, of Company E, 319th Infantry, who died of wounds in action October ■ 3, 1918; Mrs. Kate Roberts of Hart line, Wash., mother of Walter E. Rob erts, of Company I. 16th Infantry, who ' was killed in action January 20, 1918; ’ Mrs. Emma Hawkins of Finger Butte, Mont., mother of John Newman, un j located, missing In action near Verdun September 30. 1918, in Company A, 1 138th Infantry. 35th Division, and Mrs. ; Lois Emma Templeton of Seattle, 1 Wash., mother of James A. Templeton, j of 109th Infantry, 28th Division, who died of wounds in action December 1, • 1918. The American Gold Star Mothers are ’ planning to participate in the York town Sesquicentennial in October and 5 i:\ the George Washington Bicenten ; nial celebration in 1932. MISS CONSTANCE WATERS BRIDE OF R. M. TARDIFF ’ Prominent Prince William County i Girl Wed to Long Island Resident. Special Dispatch to The Star. I DUMFRIES. Va.. July 25.—MLss Con stance Waters, popular member of the younger set of Prtnce William County, and Mr. Roland Malcolm Tardiff of Long Island, N. Y., were united in mar riage Saturday night at the home of the , bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Alexander Waters, with Rev. A. H. ' Shumate, pastor of the Dumfries Metho dist Episcopal Church, performing the ' ceremony. The bride, wearing a chiffon ensemble with accessories to match, and carrying a bouquet of sweetheart roses, was at tended by her cousin. Miss Rose Rat cliffe of Manassas, who wore peach coloied chiffon and carried Pernet roses. Mr. Leon Ratcltffe Waters of • Culpeper, brother of the bride, was best f -ran. The wedding music was played . by Mrs. George Francis Waters. Fol lowing the ceremony a buffet supper ‘ was served, after which the couple left r for a trip to Washington, Norfolk, Vir r glnia Beach, and Newark, N. J., where they will make their home. The guests included the groom’s i mother, Mrs. Marie Tardiff of Long . Island; Mr. and Mrs. G. Raymond Rat - cliffe of Manassas, and a few close . friends of the bride from Prince Wil » liam. Fairfax, Loudoun, Fauquier Coun i ties, and Washington, D. C. ' t • . ; Post and Gatty at Chicago. : CHICAGO, July 25 (A*).— Wiley Post and Harold Gatty, round-the-world ! flyers, arrived at Fort Airport today , from Cleveland and were met by a Re ■ ceptlon Committee of the American Legion and escorted to luncheon. It has been a century since the reaper Invented by Cyrus McCormick and nis I father was flnt successfully tried—in l the Valley of Virginia, July 25. I*31 — an Invention that revolutionized meth ods of farming. THE SUNDAY STAR, WASHINGTON, T>. 0., JULY 26, 1931—PART ONE. MRS. GEORGE G. SEIBOLD. CAPITAL IS ONLY CASH BASIS CITY Washington Only One Among Largest 250 Operating Without Indebtedness. Washington is the only city In the country that is operating on a stricth cash, pay-as-you-go basis, with not one | cent oi the revenue leaking out in in terest charges on municipal debts, ac cording to the comparative financial statistics of 250 cities having a popu lation of 30.000 or more for the year 1929. announced yesterday by the U. S Census Bureau. The other 249 cities paid In 1929 a g.and total of $365,- 691.000 in interest on municipal in debtedness. This is further official Government confirmation of the statement made by the U. S. Bureau of Efficiency, in its last, report on fiscal relation*, which said: "It is evident that most of the other cities are living beyond their in come and running into debt in order to undertake extensive programs of public improvement. On the other hand. Washington is living strictly within its income and has no bonded indebtedness." Per Capita Cost High. Washington, in 1929, paid for opera ! tion and maintenance of general de- I partments $29,337,000 and for operation and maintenance of public service en terprises $1,050,000, making the total cost for operation and maintenance $30,387,000. This was a per capita cost of $63.19 as compared with $60.49 in 1928 and $27.77 in 1917. This per capita was higher than the average of $55.69 for all the 250 cities, and higher than the per capita of $51.93 in Chi cago, S6O 91 in Philadelphia, $46 46 in St. Louis. $49.20 in Baltimore. SSB 91 In San Francisco and $56.89 in Mil waukee—all of which have a larger population than Washington. The outlay for permanent improve ments here in 1929 w’&s $8,889,000. Washington had no net debt, while the net debt per capita in New York had increased from $219 51 in 1928 to $226.33. In Chicago the per capita debt | had decreased slightly from $93.27 in 1928 to $92.04 in 1929. In Philadelphia the per capita debt increased from $215.13 in 1928 to $224.67 in 1929, In Detroit the per capita debt, decreased from $169.58 in 1928 to $166.45 in 1929. In Los Angeles the per capita debt de creased from $188.57 in 1928 to $lB4 76 In 1929. In Cleveland the per capita debt increased more than $lO from $144.59 In 1928 to $154.95 in 1929. In St. Louis the per capita debt increased from $48.76 in 1928 to $57.29 in 1929. In Baltimore the per capita debt in creased from $174.40 in 1928 to $186.27 in 1929. In Boston it increased from $133.95 to $135.66. Other Cities Cited. In other cities in the same group with Washington, comparable in size, the net debt per capita was: Minne apolis, $11.22; New Orleans, $148.12; Cincinnati. $181.86; Newark. $212.87; Kansas City, $121.06; Seattle. $222.03; .Indianapolis. $95.56; Rochester, N. Y., $144.57; Jersey City, $222.57, and in Louisville, $81.58. In the group of 13 cities with a larger population than Washington the net debt in 1929 increased in each and every city, the largest increase being $69,434,000 in New York and the small est $1,522,000 in Boston. In the 10 other cities in the same population group with Washington Minneapolis and Louisville, Ky.. were the only ones that showed any reduction In the net debt, while Newark, N. J., led the group with an increase of $9,532,000 in the net debt. Total indebtedness of the cities in 1929 was $6,130,189,000. an increase over the previous year of $304,017,000. j STILL AND MASH TAKEN, BUT NO ARRESTS MADE Virginia State Prohibition Officer Continues Drive Against Manu facture in Prince William. Special Dispatch to The Star. DUMFRIES, Va.. July 25—Continu ing his drive to eliminate the manu facture of ardent spirits in Prince Wil liam County, State Prohibition Inspec tor M. A. Lynch, yesterday seized and destroyed a 100-gallon capacity still and 1,700 gallons of mesh, in the forest belpw Independent Hill. No arrests were made as the two men operating the still w-ere warned of the approach of the officer in time to make their getaway, but not in time to pre vent recognition. It is expected that , the illicit manu facturers will be apprehended In short order and lodged in the county Jail at Manassas to await trial in the October term of court. OUUIIU puuiiu JA/UV/J. The best way to avoid the Heat Wave fff —in the kitchen is to take the family for a pleasant driye into the country and dine at one of the excellent eating places listed under classification— Where to Motor and Dine Turn to the Automobile Section, Part 4, Page 4, and refer to the map and advertisements in planning your trip. AMATEUR’S COMET FIND IS “SCOOP” Masani Nagata, Japanese Ranch Foreman, Modest in Beating Scientists. Special Dispatch to The Star. BRAWLEY, Calif., July 35 (NA.N.A.). —Masani Nagata, Japanese farmer astronomer, who scooped the scientific world last week when he discovered a new and hitherto unreported comet with a 4-foot telescope planted on a tripod out in his vegetable garden, sat In the shade of an arrowweed ramada adjoining his little ranch house today and disclaimed any credit for the fame that suddenly has been vhrust upon him. He first saw the new comet at 8:15 o'clock on the evening of July 15. He recognized the bright speck nestling close to the Planet Neptune as an un charted comet. It attracted his atten tion because it was traveling in the wrong direction. Other comets passing across the sky during June and July move toward the south. The new comet was moving northeast. It was this fact which caused him to send a telegram to the Mount Wilson Observa tory. at Pasadena, calling attention to the unusual phenomenon. Astronomy Is Hobby. Astronomy is merely a hobby with Nagata. His occupation is that of ranch foreman. He superintends the raising of lettuce and cantaloupes for Sears Bros, on the George Butters Ranch. 12 miles northeast of Brawley. He speaks excellent English, and also reads it. He studies astronomy in two languages. His library, which consists of a rough table piled high with books and magazines, contains the works of both Japanese and American scientists. His interest in the stars dates back to his bovhood days in Japan, when his father, without the aid of any instru ments, pointed out the visible constel lations in the heavens overhead. As a lad he was interested, but gave no serious thought to the study of astron- I cmy until 10 years ago, after he had moved to Imperial Valley for his i health. , , , His first investment in astronomical equipment was one of those $3.99 tele scopes featured in the mall order cata logues a few years ago. It was the enlarged vision of the moon and other solar phenomena disclosed through this cheap telescope which aroused his Interest to the point that he began to save his money for the purchase of * i more elaborate equipment. Telescope Is Three-Inch. ' J The telescope with which he discov ered the new comet has a three-inch lens. Recently he purchased the glass for a nine-inch lens. He plans to grind it down himself and is looking forward to the time when he can penetrate deeper into the mysteries of the uni verse. The greater part of his knowledge of ; astronomy and ether scientific subjects was gained during long hours of study, with nothing more than a coal-oil lan tern for lighting purposes. More re i cently he has installed a small elec trical plant at his ranch headquarters. J He has a homemade rain gauge and keeps temperature readings charted daily—merely as a pastime. Nagata is 42 years of age and has been in the United States since 1907. He has had little schooling and none lin the United States. But he is of a | studious nature and has acquired a i broad general knowledge of the sciences, i His main limitation has been his lack i of mathematics and he points to this | fact as one of the reasons why he is i entitled to only a very modest place iin the scientific world. Modesty is One of his outstanding characteristics. He was puzzled to know why inter i viewers and news photographers be sieged his little ranch house today. He had not even read the newspapers car rying the announcement cf his discov ery. But he received them with ail the courtesy of a well bred Japanese and discussed his pet subject in terms of the layman rather than the scientist. (Copyright. 1931. by the North American Newspaper Alliance. Inc.i POLLUTION WARRANT ORDERED DISMISSED Virginia Commission Suggests Apple Company Replace Fish Killed by Ammonia. Special Dispatch to The Star, j WINCHESTER, Va., July 25.—A criminal warrant charging Virginia Ap ple Storage, Inc., with polluting a stream near here, resulting in the death of more than 100.000 young yellow’ perch, was ordered dismissed today by the State Game and Inland Fisheries Commission. The commission made a proposition to officials of the storage company to replace the fish, and this is being con sidered. It was said the fish had a money value of around $5,000. They had been placed in a large pool for storage and were to have been dis tributed in streams of Northern Vir | ginia. Officials of the apple storage ! company said an ammonia pipe sprung : a leak and that the stream, flowing | through the pool, became polluted be- I fore they knew it. Large quantities of the fish died be- I fore the w’ater could be diluted suf [ ficiently to counteract effects of the , 1 ammonia. Maj. A. Willis Robertson, chairman of the commission, and Dis trict Supervisor Fletcher made the pro posal of replacement to the storage company officials. EVICTIONS PROTESTED West Virginia Mine Company Told Plan Is Inhuman. NEW YORK. July 25 (/P).— Eight leaders of religious organizations, head i ed by Bishop Francis J. McConnell. ■ president of the Federal Council of i Churches, today sent telegrams to the Paisley Valley Camp Coal Co. at Ward, W. Va., protesting the scheduled evic tion on Monday of 90 miners from : company houses. The message said: “The eviction of these miners seems to be both inhuman and against sound public policy.” From the Front Row l ■ 11 I —■■■■" Reviews and News of Washington s Theaters. Mias Boardman and Mr. Lnkas In Strong Flay at Palace. Eleanor boardman again in a strong dramatic role, to which she gives the best of her talent, and Paul Lukas in the even more difficult task of making the idle and irre sponsible artist an exhibit of flesh and blood, lead the cast of “Women Love Once," which is offered on the screen at the Eleanor Boardman. Palace. It is a pleasure to see these two actors in a play of the atrical Interest, which has al ready had its place on the stage with the more ef fective title, "Daddy’s Gone a Hunting.” It is conceivable that Mr. Lukas might have been better cast, for he is es sentially a man of action and the erring husband in “Women Love Once” presents a too thoughtful part to be adapted to the qualities of this excellent actor. Yet he puts force into those stronger scenes in which he reveals the qualities of loyalty that are really inconsistent with his place in the plot. There Is no reason to doubt that real life presents instances that are parallel to the story in this play— the picture of the wife who feels confident that the husband, having forfeited hope of forgiveness, will return to make her happy. Human qualities are such, however, that many may be Inclined to doubt that anything could remain but the shell of character after a life of immo rality. The same doubt exists in endeavoring to find consistency in the author's portrayal of the men. Yet here is the story and the family is reunited. An emotional feature is the devotion of both parents to their child and the pathetic death of the girl. This part is played with skill by Marlyn Knowlden, adding one more child role to the screen. Others who contribute to the story are Juliette Compton and Geoffrey Kerr. The customary products of the artist are found in the setting of the stage presentation at the Palace, while the Chester Hale Girls give a well drilled series of performances. The Individual acts of singing, danc ing and comedy are supplied by Eddy Conrad and Marlon Eddy. Gold and Raye. and Harrison and Fisher. They are all good. Car toons. traveltalks. selections by the orchestra, a film devoted to Bee thoven in the Music Masters' Series and a newsreel complete the pro gram. , D. C. C. "Confessions of a Co-Ed" Draws Crowds to Earle. r pHE “anonymous college girl" who A revealed her past as a co-ed at a university might as well have saved herself the trouble. For her "confessions" —as portrayed In a film version. "Confessions of a Co- Ed." which opened yesterday before a much-excited audience at the Earle—are a pale form of entertain ment and certainly neither so bois- j terous nor so believable as to bring about much sympathy from the casual observer. Not having been privileged, or otherwise, to see what goe*. on on a State university campus, it is per- ] haps unfair to say that this story is not true. Perhaps it is. Perhaps it isn't as crude as it might be. What matters is that it doesn't make par ticularly hearty entertainment— which is. after all. the prime func tion of the cinema kingdom. While there is much to make the person who has been part of such a life sit back and say, "Well, if that j isn't Just about the truest thing that ever happened,” one finds such verbal theme-songs as the one re peated from hero to heroine to the J "villainess''—"You’re the first girl j I’ve met that I’d rather talk to than kiss" —not especially devastating, nor so original as to make one tingle with interest. Both Sylvia Sidney and Phillips Holmes deserve better material. Miss Sidney, who occasionally seems as though she could get almost any place she wants cn the screen, and Mr. Holmes, who ever since he was the Princeton Triangle Club's "lead ing lady" in the annual "musicale” prior to his Hollywood debut, has seemed the same, are an engaging couple, who might be paired in fu ture productions to great advantage. In this film they are in love with [ each other at the first eyeful, and for the rest of the time pout, sulk and behave ***“ • • * , u it b You' • . e («■«« l \*„\ e in ive *' w • 50c ts • — -rr* xx {f^ es • • • . • a '*‘’*'">' v Sjfl * • J^ysoc« u ’“ l ' ! * * : : the intended theory that books ere superfluous at universities. On the stage, Anotole Friedland's “Twentieth Century Revue” holds the featured place with such enter tainers as Ycurloff. Loretta Denni son, Una Cooper and Bobby Bernard, introduced at great length by Irving Edwards, gracing the spotlight to best advantage. Before this the Agemos do alarming things on their heads and their hands. Jerome Se Ryan sing a song about “Egyptian Ella” and Mr. Edwards in an act of his own makes late comers feel that they would have done better by not coming at all. All this, of course, heralded by Maxine Doyle, whose wardrobe increases weekly by leaps and bounds. E. de 8. MELCHER. Wild ‘West Thriller Shown At the Columbia Theater. r PHE venerable Wild West thriller *■ returns to the screen in an ar tificial comedy mask In “Dude Ranch,” at Loews Columbia this week. Laid against the novel background of one of those mesquite emporiums where atmosphere is served up steaming, the picture unfoMs like a recurrent dream of a William 8. Hart epic. The fact that the fa miliar ranch house is equipped, as Mr. Lucius Beebe would say, with hot and cold running butlers, that the villains are modern gangsters, and the hero only a hired "bad man” does not serve quite to ob scure the well remembered and somewhat creaky machinery of the “two-Gun Pete” silent flickers. Beginning as a palpable burlesque of the “mellerdrammy,” the film promptly works itself into that very Class. A dude ranch owner hires a troupe of wandering and hungry Thespians to emulate the bold, bad Characters of Western fable. His bored Eastern clients, who previous ly had threatened to go off in a high huff —a high huff with free wheeling, in fact—become enthralled by the pretended villainies of the troupers. The natural and expected com plications follow, when some truly black-hearted tough mugs invade the plains, rob the nearby bank, cast the shadow of blame across the in nocent figures of Jack Oakie, who plays the pretended killer, and his friends, and plunge the entire cast into a maelstrom of melodramatic events. The mistaken arrest of the hero, kidnaping of the heroine and her appropriate rescue follow, with a precision very gratifying to one's anticipations. The incidents of the plot include a cross-country auto mobile race, a free-for-all fist fight, and a shot of the heroine herself from her gag and ropes just in time to jump clear of the kid naper's truck before a train hits it. This obviously is the 1931 mode of tying Little Nell to the train tracks. Mr. Oakie, often a capable come dian. supplies vigor but little comedy i to this dramatic vehicle. Eugene Pallette, famed for his detective roles in the Philo Vance movies, is somewhat more amusing and de serves a medal for his impersona tion of a fake Indian. The beauti ful June Collyer appears as billed. When the situation demands that she act. she opens her eyes very, very wide. The short subjects are dull. R. B. P„ Jr. INTERSTATE *BUS LINE HEARING SET AUGUST 15 Recently Organized Company Has Yet to Ask Council for Route Through City. j Special Dispatch to The Star. I ALEXANDRIA. Va.. July 25—The Alexandria-Washington Busses, which i was granted a charter for a bus line between Alexandria and Washington | July 3, will be given a hearing before | the Interstate Commerce Commission on application for an interstate permit. August 15. according to a statement to day by Charles Henry Smith, attorney. The recently organized bus line is prepared to start operation with eight busses. Charles P. Orr, president of the new company, formerly was con nected with the Mayflower Sight-See ing Co., of Washington, and it is un derstood that the new company Intends to use some of their equipment. Mayor Edmund Ticer stated today that the Alexandria-Washington Busses : have made no application to the City Council yet for a route through the I city, which application will have to be made and passed upon before the new co npany can begin operation. Officers of the new bus company in addition to Orr, the president, are: Joseph Magner of Silver Spring. Md„ vice pUsident; C. Cockerlll of Boston, Mass., secretary-treasurer. ■ - • " ■■ Perthshire, Scotland, is considering a cut of 50 per cent in teachers’ salaries. HOOVER DECLINES TO ACT IN STRIKE Lamont Writes President Un willing to Intervene for Workers, v Bf the Associated Press. PAWTUCKET. R. 1., July 25 Presidential Intervention in the textile •trike here was declined In ft letter re- j ceived today by Representative Francis B. Condon of Rhode Island from Sec retary of Commerce Robert P. Lamont. The letter, received In reply to one from the Congressman, stated that, while President Hoover's position against wage cutting was well known, | It was not the duty of the Govern ment to Interfere. Praises Hoover's Stand. Secretary Lamont, after stating that while the President’s conference at the White House had worked in a “mar velous manner" to maintain wages in Industries represented, said: "As the period of depression length ens many corporations which were not well protected by reserves accumulated In years of good business find them selves at the present time in extremely difficult positions. Many of them have already cut dividends and salaries.j Some of them " are faced with the i prospect of closing down altogether, FINAL REDUCTIONS of Wright Co.’s July Clearance HALF-PRICE I for Most of These Items Discontinued Numbers Slightly Marred Items Summer Furniture ONE EACH OF THESE LIVING ROOM SUITES! (1) $l2O 2-pc. Bed-Davenport Suite, denim up- SAQ.SO holstered % J (1) $165 Overstaffed Suite, all mohair, rust $00.50 color, Kroehler make . S S (1) $250 3-pc. Mohair Suite. Splendid construe- JJK | r } 1^ tion and style Ami (1) $149 2-pc. Overstuffed suite, pillow back, $77.50 ONE EACH OF THESE DINING ROOM SUITES (1) $lB5 Ten-piece Dining Room Suite, oak $09.50 finish; 72-inch buffet (1) $149 Seven-piece Dinette Suite, mahogany S7zL.SO finish, corner china M J (1) $195 Ten-piece Dining Room Suite, walnut $07.50 finish y i (1) $395 Ten-piece Dining Room Suite, $1 07-50 walnut, 72-inch buffet JL M (1) $295 Ten-piece Dining Room Suite,* sl/17.50 walnut, artistic design A M ONE EACH OF THESE BED ROOM SUITES (1) $139 Bed Room Suite, 4 pieces, walnut finish *95 (1) $165 Bed Room Suite, 4 pieces, maple finish.. ms (1) $295 7-piece Bed Room Suite, diamond | W matched veneers .JL. V/ Ve (1) $195 4-piece Bed Room Suite, mahogany JJh 1 finish %y MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS AT FINAL REDUCTIONS (7) $5.50 Maple Porch Rockers. Strongly braced, $9.99 sturdily built (3) $4.50 Lawn Benches, steel frame; good size.. $2-75 (2) $59.50 Three-piece Fiber Suites, for home $97.50 •r porch use 4» (1) $35 Three-piece Fiber Suite, good st\;le and $99.50 color jL* (3) $35 Refrigerators, top-icer style; good size, sl9-50 (2) $1.98 Lawn Benches. Strongly constructed; SI.OO nicely painted JL (2) $6.95 Junior Gliders, for porch or lawn 50 . (1) $49 Day-Bed, coil spring, inner spring S9QSO mattress S (1) SBS Davenport Day-Bed, coil springs, denim szi q.oo upholstered - J- tj' (4) $39 Poster Beds, Simmons product X (3) $25 Baby Cribs, floor samples; enamel $19.95 finish (8) $650 Unpainted Dressing Tables, novel shape, $9.35 with drawers (3) Chest of Drawers, walnut finish and thus creating more unemployment or alternatively seeking temporary wage reductions.” Writes of Disappointment. Representative Condon, who had ap ! pealed to the President last week, lm -1 mediately replied to Secretary lamont, saying hLs letter was a “distinct dls apointment.” Condon charged that profits of th<> textile industry had been dissipated in big dividends. INJURED IN CRASH 1 Man, Wife and Son Hurt in Vir ginia Accident. Ey the Associated Press. LEXINGTON, Va . July 25. Jack Callahan, manager of a hotel in Tam j pa., Fla., and vice president of the i State Hotel Association of Hillsboro County, received a broken wrist and his wife and young son suffered bruises ‘ and shock in an automobile accident ! occurring 2' 2 miles south of here late yesterday. The car driven by Callahan was in collision with one driven by Herbert Mutispaugh of Lexington. Mr. Calla han's car was demolished and he and his family plan to leave for their home by train tomorrow. They were on their way to Tampa from New England when the accident occurred. Pups Born in Plane. ROOSEVELT FIELD, N. Y . July 25. —Dotsey, an Eskimo dog owned by Joe Collins, and her litter of pups had their I first airplane ride here. The pups l were bom in the cockpit of an aban doned plane at the airport.