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B-8 —— — r >1 A— 11 " Olir Personal Shopper For Monday Only Charge jHwcluue* miul* *top( Pnrhina - v TO Jk At AT • ~ Boys’ 79c, 95c and the 25th JSfAny month I on the FOLLOWING month'* bill .cV *• **?*«« i Opposite W/X^A/^^nTB OL J Sleeveless mrv that we been rendering our <W«« OMjg . Our HlWil i W!M 111 gO JH She will take care of your needs if you find 7ho” CQri tomers for many years. Bf/s Sf. it inconvenient to shop yourself. Simply sleeve models, %-J V-» r . • }VyiK\ . 11l a large variety of styles. *» - j L <:>... c.nirance T \ . —#URgpU phone NAtional 5220 and ask for Marion Every suit fast color. Sizes No interest or carrying olwrr g*s aaaea ggjp [THE |t STORE **AT jC Gage 2t09 yc „ 0«r July Clearance Swings Into Its Last Week—Save! Hsis, mm H ■■■■^mmii*ei^ ™***■^■1 J T-xr^if^r^ifA Mor raiZ a i k n Me All Summer Dresses —Drastically Reduced! Ea^jssi**- AMbL W /VlvH/ Crisp, Cool The Season’s Most Sensational Price Reductions—a Sweeping Clearance ~ Monday Onh ’ Friday Morning we began this tremendous sale—and Washington women literally “took 4~„ ... T) SI 24 to SI 59 possession.” We shall not carry over a single dress—so if you are hunting real bargains be Vo- d j L-rinKie ~ / V, , Uaytime her. .arly Monday! TL. „ Bedspread, ‘ Frocks Dresses Dresses Dresses split; 1 ! ea# S’ S' Sold at $2.98 & $3.98 Sold at $5.00 & $5.95 Sold at $8.95 to $12.95 jggf'Vl gold and colors. «. J!~L 66 c SI.BB SO.BB I Vegetable Fresheners .. . 8-cup Per- - „ . ~ . ■ W L /MBHES W Covers, ea. S colators .. . 6-qt. Tea Kettl 2-pc. Just Recently Sold at U f V-V|^MV/A Saucepan Mt Cook Pot .. . SI and SI.2S mm A ’ «/ Co v 11”. 1 * 12-qt. Pails .. . Oval Dish Pans ... Plain and printed silks; Fine quality silks, in plain Beautiful models of flat 'TJ 111 full and twin bed sizes. Cut I Seamless Combinettes. onewuld^everbelieve plain and Panted rayons; colors and printed designs; crepe, georgette and printed full to allow shrinkage. A very attractive group of possible they could be sleeveless, and models with sleeveless, short sleeves and silks. Jacket styles, tailored enameled kitchen ware—well made bought for so little! capelets. White and pastels. jacket models. White and all styles; sleeveless, short and For Monday Only |( -m. :4 in green or ivory colors. Each piece For morning wear, the All sizes, 14 to 40. shades. Sizes 14 to 46. elbow sleeves. Sizes 14 to 46 50 C Percale excellent 1 sendee and marketing fashioned of I Entire Stock of “FANGEE” Dresses, Famous Spe- I I I 4?x.% ,^!^C^T S pu This Sale Is Limited to Stock on broadcloth, in straightline cialized Line, Always Sold at Fifteen Do lars, Now $1 O»50 111 pnf?wcSsei 2Sc X » X Th,s » ale ls Limited to mock on and flare models; sleeve . r» J J 4. » JL V/ made of fine- X*- Hand—Quantities Are Limited i ess anc j ghoj-t sleeves. rxeClUCeCl tO count percale. Regulation Ll*nS’ »■%- iHdl size, with deep hem. Perfect. y Cioldenbfrt'i—Downstairs Slor* Goldrnbrrc’s—Second Floor Goldenbcrr'o—Drc»* Section. Second Floor. Charitr Accounts Invited. PHVMain Floor. „ __ For Monday Only Sale! Entire Special Clearance! Smart and Cay Fabrics in This 29c and 38c Croup of jq c Unbleached wash J 3& Sheer Washable Cottons CTJIXQ »/W.l\ 40-in. Printed Batiste | fiSSteo.f Jlid £Ssf^ , ” a, " yi 2 “ . vUlla (f Clearance of Maie $1.0(1 (81x99) 36 ' in ' Printcd Lawns Women’7s249 Now'*2l 50 Y indOW Bleached 50c Printed 40-In. Chiffon Voiles «g|gp cff^Tya 1M OW, OKJ Qrrppn<s Lovely styles and rich color combinations— XAQVXX 7 V t chine silk I•/ zf OCieens> high count quality—all perfect. Guaranteed /Xp V ~ I Undies, in Firo Ring Hardwood, easy-sliding X fast colors. eluding Chemise, Dance Sets, Gas Range 522 V I >-X 50c Printed 39c Rayon 19c 40-in. tßhtaJr .. .. 00 18 i„. huh A~> r -L /l IJ/l Rayon Flat Chiffon Stt M " i $1 A.yo ao Unrestricted choice ot fIMC Shantung Crepes Voiles nHBHEBfe. SSIHSL X X ! n - h !s h ANr* everv wash suit in stock. For Monday Onlv 33in - w,de Great variety of models, P"t _ „ 7 » ' «l 40 Full guaranteed range 24 in. high Aftr* colorings and materials _ b i eaC hfd seamless 1 C* / I A X Womens with 3 large star burners 37 in. wide *±OU including broadcloths, iheets—all]perfectLif staunch. %J i V-/ AM //t Costume Slips and oval oven burner. 9g in PA_ coverts, khakis and silk wear resisting round-thread w " WF&gr *_ Enamel lined oven and door 37 i n wide 3yC pongees: sailor, flapper sheeting. Full double-bed size Stylish sport Rayon and cot- Wide tape edge y&GSßfßp&B&S&fe*' Lace-trimmed QQ panel. .. ... “ r n and junior styles. Sizes 2 —six" inches—which aiiow-s patterns color- ton ‘quality. 36 grade—white and a, ’L V 3 S„,a on Our Budget Plan. 69c to 10 years. for, .mpk tuok-to .„d ton ? Mt . Inches aide. popular colors. WSgSp \ X? and e "ra'drea Goldfnbrri's—Downstairs Stor# . |i ... . n . * Goldenbrric’s Downstairs Store. (ioldenberc’s—Third Floor Goldenberr't—Main Floor Goldenber* s—Main Floor 9 W dye Silk and rayon tlat Crept, Floor. YfsTsmartHy'BridgV' $3 to.s6 Clearance of (,£.) “Sure-Fit” Engraved Frames , A _ _(we Striped Linene Slip Covers g(96c " \ r'/V M V“" I TW of Our r . „ , , c . c . r\r\ pretty floral designs; one and C,unran,red / \7 jS -4 ,r>() ? \i 1 LWlll I 17-pieee Cretonne Slip For Standard Size Suite. § J ,wo piecejaodeK^ Against t' x- • I J 1/V V P ]■ Better Cover sets for dining —3 Pieces—Having 5 * Discoloration J V \ V ML Summer r °° m suites: rp ß ularl y Separate Cushions mM For Monday Only Latest style, beautifully engraved frames, fitted with com- > Nx (D I ]■ Styles. at $2.50 There is no better way to protect your living Muslin SHds sortable pads that do not cut or slip. Permanently against any 1 MA M<AJM y \ iviuwm oiipa discoloration or tarnish. !■ X. I SI.OO Cretonne-covered room suite from unnecessary wear than to cover It Muslin Slips A/T EYES EXAMINED FREE " I Perfect cushions; heavily with “Sure-Fit” slip covers—and no more econom- 111 e’x sizes'! aC C Two Registered Optometrists in Attendance— I Quality. buttons.7.. 42c ical way, either. Several attractive patterns—sun- ? t yk t J im Piik. *?each'^Sd Dr. Kanstoroom in Charge. fast and washable. Made with pre-shrunk bindings. white. Also Gowns of Cot r...d..b.r. ,-opUf.i M„. ri,.,. W. A Black and White—Linens, i - T . . . , ' ", 77 , lon r<,|, kU’.. ngrl"- \ Blonde Kid—Whites, __ e tices re Muc ower for earance. For Monday Only Look Over This Remarkable Clearance Croup . U Y /j. Black or Brown and A AimintYC vkn/lno S2.SO to 53.50 <£H 4- <tO *7C Famous « dS/Kl White UGIUII rVWIIIIIgh OIIdUCS Inlaid Linoleum 3>/ to v>V./0 Make p.rr2rC"'sl u War : en Mak * a j« s __ Brown .r U.MI 4 I khaki. May be had in green, brown or green and “.Sj l 1 n n XT' li_ T> D.. While; sturdily 7M. XV< leather soles and rubber X ~. oc „ „ or brown. Very easy to raise or lower. Nasrn ; s, BlfboaS and Stiine'i r elt-15ase KUgS r:: K i\ <or ° ah.uc,„2. 54,95 *“-■ $9 - 85 sx7.footsize.Now $2.65 j’pamr™ Per“"t "■ 1 " ' rSMI Vf Breez Sandals _ _ Women’s and .-d g in.. $5.65 e $lO 35 7x7-foot size. Now ...$3.65 111 an<l >cc p!, l Jn„.i r . 5 ,.„. ./»i\\ d* CC I "i*n en ’ Sandal* '1• —— Oiri.’ Crepe So'e w I *oO ,„. gg IS Ih $lO 85 Pit.' IVT ~far Monday Onlv * /aV iSHk.Dj Many colors. X Sport Oxford. X vMt ' 6 01U.03 Bx7-fOOt SIZe. NOW $4.6» 69c Felt-Base •/"Agm %J or M , nr A „ „„ *«• ; . g§fe s[ 7hx9 ... 9x9... 9xi#« CH f\ cS. « £ 88 35 *ll-65 10x7-foot size. Now $6.65 48. C t ” S,/CS Leather K'l k M Sandals MM V 6°!"” $9.35 $12.35 All Have Standard 7‘Ft. Drop 2 vards wide. Choice of pat /tSCyJSrM-? soles. Cuban heels. All sizes. Sandal*- Broken m ~ V tC rns. Perfect and seconds. Many colors. sizes to 2 111 lot. (Jut they go. Goldenber*,—Fourth Floor Down.talr, Store. /Just 200 of these high- l^tmi^mi^^^^^^^^^^a^m^^m^mmmmumM^^mm^m^m^^^^^^m^m^mm—mm^im^^m^mmm^mmmmmm^mmmmmmm^mm^i^m^m^^mi^m^^mammmAmmi^mm—^mm im IMM Sale! Famous “MARTEX” Towels and Bath Mats *■* fffi^ a^es include Armstrong, • • . !nd d die Lowest Prices Ever Nanted for America’s Finest Quality Towels! make in ' very size > tTermed slight irregulars because of minor mill defects, which in no 6x9-ft. $3.45 dr-feaVs vi 1 jmx" way impair the famous wearing quality. Ulf A nmC V» size i Tomorrow we place on sale our entire stock (nothing reserved) of the nationally JVI I p v Colo? cn AYtnin<itpr Riictq 1 JPV. j known Turkish Towels and Bath Mats at a fraction of the established OalC. ixAlllilialc prices. Truly an unheard-of opportunity for the discriminating housewife to supply all tj d i it jr a from a large distributor. Sold $25.75 fMI ■ T _ her towel needs at wonderful savings. * I JVI3.LS to us as seconds, but we are un- «^!hL, n e / l:' r*y.-"/Mm LM~ ** GROUP ONE GROUP TWO GROUP THREE able to find other than trivial defects. Many fine patterns. X- Iv' ,• /llvvih V Iku, n__ » » An jAnCO r 1. Ft. 7V>x9 Ft. 6x9 Ft. .-J Regularly 75c, SI.OO Regularly $1.50 Regularly $2.00 and Regularly $2 and $2.50 Each $23.75 $17.75 $13.75 and $1.25 Each Each $2.50 Each Summer Rugs % Off! 48c 78 C /0 C Si 4.50 Rattania Rugs, 9x12-ft. Size /jf v -V llfll TH Large size “Martex” Turkish Bath picker Rugs, 9x12-ft. Size i /k 4% VH \ m]c \ V 20x40 and 22x44 inch sizes. 22x44 and 25x48 inch sizes. 22x44, 24x48 and 25x50 Mats, thick, spongy quality, in a va cil'fn rCX i UXC ux S ’ fih «; iC «unn VwA ii fit fM? -L V7 # Fin e quality double thread Finely woven, double thread inch sizes. Extra large and riety of patterns and colors that are f1 CA reX D ,UX n nf’ c' -It. Sze 5. JMM G Towels, in white, plain quality of heavy grade. In extra heavy quality, in plain exclusive with this nationally-known Grass Kugs, Size 5■ i V VtA f,\ IJRBMHH pastel shades or with color- pastel shades and with white, solid pastel colors and make. Save one-half and two-thirds! $12.50 Fibre Rugs, 9xlZ-ft. Size $0.«5/ Vjy '/j n| ful borders. novelty colored borders. with colored borders. GoMenberr’*—m»i« n«tr. THE SUNDAY STAR, WASHINGTON, P. JULY 26. 19,31 PART ONE. ~