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For Those Who Need .• . I Ak. I C I I I I/P Home Needs ... LANS- I ANSnUKLin J ' BURGH’S Offer Seasonable 11 F<i/ues . . . Plus No Connection With Any Other Washington Store LANSBURGH’S I 1 Annual August Sale of Su^ex h Quality Beds and Bedding Featuring Choice of Three Lovely pillowcases Simmons Beds, $ 27- 75 * . | Not only the popular Windsor bed is offered in this annual sale —but two I 03* of Simmons’ newest models, a semi-solid panel and a cane panel style, both with the new low headboard. All complete with a Simmons double decker There’s nothing like a cool, coil spring and a fine inner spring mattress covered with green, rose, orchid fresh, clean pillow case for hot, or y ue Dobestry ticking. Sizes 3 3 —4'—4 6". sleepless nights! Stock up while they can he bought for 42x36 and 45x36 66x80 aii-wooi 70x80 plald I : 1 Blankets Blankets Clearance ' $ 2- 79 «• s l* 9s pr> ■ j- n— m. 0* of blue, rose, green, gold, VXKW L hoice of rose. blue, green L/ iVnll J helio and tan. vakie f Ch,d * Splend,d - A L W t ° Ol Mattress 66x80 A "- Wool Blankets $|Q.75 Blankets i z&jt *5 5 pr. Hundreds of highly tem- 4L £T Dr " pered springs and thick layers * r‘* Extra large and made of fine resilient felt go to make of selected long staple tllis , the best mattress value Loomed of long staple Ball-Bparlnn virgin wool for longer we ve e\er ottered at $lO./.'' . \ irgin wool and carefully .7 i y %tf\7s service. In rose, blue, I Supremely comfortable with I finished. 11 rich tones of Slidinq Divans green, peach, gold and the new tape tufting. All sizes. green, blue, gold, helio. helio. ___________________________J rose, grey and peach. Earlv in the season you would have had to _ ___ , . , .... .. ... BED WEAR—THIRD FLOOR. pay a great deal more for gliding divans like « these. With box mattress seats, tufted back and attractive striped covering. 5 Yards Linen Crash Toweling Dish towels and roller towels do wear out —if you are wise you'll stock <th gAA up on this splendid quality crash totveling at this low price! Pure linen, 4r 9 ♦UU with red, blue, green and gold borders. | Turkish Wash Cloths, white with Booth Mills Huck Towels, soft $1 QQ blue, rose, gold and green borders; and absorbent; with pastel colored |* 12x12 inches, 6 for .'... hemstitched hems; 18x36 ins. 6 for 2-Passenger cc 75 5.Pc. Linen Luncheon Sets, 50x50- q/\ j Cannon Turkish Towels, heavy, q / i» i» r\» ___ inch cloth and 4 napkins; blue, rose, Oc7C double loop quality with colored O^lC Ending Uivans green and gold borders borders. 18x36-inch size. 6 for... LINENS—THIRD FLOOR. A small glider that is suitable for apart ment porches. All cotton stuffed and with heavy painted striped duck covering. 3'/i feet long. ■ II I™ Screens...Liarden Mose...ttc. "" ' R.volvin, Lawn G.rd.n Hoit. in H . n ,.. , ... , 3pr.,._ in amusing to ?4 f oot i el ,gii,.. Flower B.d Cialvanized Wife ruled ~?^! ng ~ 577.50 JSftSrtiS: guaranteed 'for Extension. Screens G iding Divans one season. / ! ,eds ,^ nd 69c Replace broken and woYn screens much more Ft OC lawns. Doz.. with the Continental brand-at low „ ■ ■ ■ nationally advertised prices. The arms move to permit maximum of ■ 1 _ comfort. One-piece folding stand with heavy ** ‘p '* , | *! !! *’ Gliding Divans tajjjMHAHB HStetr jjaßß "Handy Andy” Fruit Matal Hm« R*«it, Safety Serving » Juice Extractor 6_ . with wide wheels to Trays, with carring “Sunkist Jr.” Juica , ... ... . „ .Foot „_ __ permit easy rolling handle; holds 6 Extractor, with Works like lightning. Ha* ' 5Q.75 over lawn; a saver glasses-and note metal reamer and glass reamer and pitcher is sanitary Gliding Divans *5 & ~ h' $1.69 35c $9-75 oX d “. n ;.... A $1.50 OUTDOOR FURNITURE—FOURTH FLOOR. HOUSEWARES—SIXTH FLOOR. • / \ ■ . . ■ THE BTTNITAT BTAR, WASHINGTON. D. 0., 3TTLT 28, 1831—PART ONE. PAGEANT TO FEATURE WASHINGTON BALL Prototype# of General and Wife to Lead Grand March Next February 22. Oeorge and Martha. Washington, Im personated by residents of the city bearing their name, will lead the grand march at a brilliant ball to be held next February 22 by the District of Columbia Oeorge Washington Bicentennial Com mission. The commisison Is seeking candidates for the role# of the first President and his wife. The local man most resem bling Oeorge Washington will be chosen, it has been announced. President Hoover, members of his cab inet, the Supreme Court and Congress, Governors of the States and foreign dip lomats are to be guests of honor at the ball. More than 2,000 invitations will be Issued. All the guests will be asked to wear colonial costumes and Join in the minuet and other dances of bygone days. Mrs. Walter Tuckerman, chairman of the Ball Committee, will invite descend ants of various Presidents to attend. A high light of the evening will be a pageant showing the 200- year trend of American life. • RUNAWAY BOYS TAKEN Two Industrial Home Escapes Located In D. C. Hubert Joseph Beach, 13, and Joseph Mulvey, 14, said to have run away from the Industrial Home School last Thurs day, were taken into custody yesterday afternoon by Policeman J. E. Burke seventh precinct. pie boys were said to be stopping in a house on K street. found! ANIMALS apply Animal Rescue Uasua, 349 Maryland ave. a.w. Wat 80SS LOST. - BANK BOOK, with money order. checks a nr! c«Gh. on Upihup to Taylor st. n w Kindiv 73Q U T»y C lSr?t: mqneT order * n « cash! BILL FOLD. containing T2O in bills and Dlc^ , lost near Tuxedo. Md. Reward W R Booth, 3205 Central ivt. n.e. Potomac 4840- J. leathir. containing J3O £J;*?L , , ( eh r^ k - Md. opera .or * and chauffeur'. w!n?‘ia 1 K* W ? r<J - Notify Brandy wlJLe-IZ ~~an B. D. Naylor, Aquaco. Md. 27* of TI B L R ' 5 °* sses: in vicinity J T DowTp. n o P W4r . d if returned to Eats, i" ’ P R ' H ' fr *** nt ' oOee, A l , and BROOCH—White gold, oval. with single dia* 1 mond in center: vicinity Conn ave and R R Tram "g, r . 3 <> thPl '"' advfaV'Mrv C Reward!”* 3015 Q Bt * nw * Potomac 3003 tortoise-shell cat. vicinity 15th BSJio * *« < g^,s«. , 3asvft& *s* mo New York ave. n.w. Met. 1481. jY d Pekmesir - iil- | ftwm to name of Toy, belonging tc Lieut Co!. C, A. Meals, 2810 3Cth pi. n w Teie phone t;iev. 5388. Reward eje | EARRlNG—Rhinestone: on Col. road near Potom.c Ti’si c.\i s 0t A u^ E t s 0 ?* in store near 18th St. ,na Col. road Reward. Wise 3677. bADY’B PURSE-Diamond ring, frat.rrvtv j ?«is t lO k„* F !i ndf £ plea J 5e return to Adana 4615- T. Ant. 4. Reward « I PIN. platinum, in vicinity of - Connecticut 1 ate and Davenport st.: reward. 3609 Cum berland st. n.w._ Phone_Cle\\_7s4s-J j POCKETBOOK—BIaric silk. white “uTme ! coii’ained identification card. Mattie V between »35 and 440. Reward if re turned to 1343 Randolph st. n w. RED HOUND— White ring a:ound neck: an- ; swers name of "Ring." Liberal reward of- . sered Washlngton-Hoover Airport, South Washington. Va. Metropolitan 0534 RING At W , B A- A. station, beaten gold and silver ring, set with an opal. Liberal reward. Cali Miss Dorothy Deibert at Fori Mver. West 2000. Extension 20 WALLET, containing J1 and valuable per- 1 sonal cards, name inside, between Rosslvn. I W. Chrrrydale, Vs . Military rd . Chain Bridge and Tysons Corner, between 4.30 and 1 » p m Friday. Reward. Clev. 5598 WRIST WATCH—Lady's. Bulova. between Oa. ave. and Decatur st. n w. and 607 Emer son st. Reward. Adams 4761. or above ad dress. W. WARREN TALTAVULL Funeral Home 3619 14th St. N.W. Corner Spring Road n , \ Col. 0464 PhonCi j Adams 10341 ©Ryan Service lx Always A pprrriatrd The friends we make, we keep. The thoughtful consideration we give to every detail of our work is responsible for years of success. i Model chapel, private ambu lance and livery in connection / JAMES T. RYAN funeral Director 317 Pa. Ave. S.E. Telephone Atlantic 1700-I'ol FUNERALS Are Getting Less Costly Every Day We are getting caskets at l /z what we paid two years ago. We will give you a full funeral equal in looks and quality of a $350 Couch Casket funeral—the full funeral, $195. Shipping fu nerals, complete, as low as $65. We have a won derful funeral, cars and all, only $75. The greatest of all, we are the largest in town —10 cars, 3 chapels, 5 parlors, hearses and ambu lances. Finest embalmers and directors obtain able, such as W. F. Elliott and R. K, Harvey. These men are men of experience—why, Harvey was born an undertaker. They have been under takers so long his father buried Abraham Lin coln. As for W. W. Chambers, he is just an ex pert on economical funerals. If You Want the Best and Pay the Least , Call The Greater Chambers Co. Undertakers Cor. 14th & Chapin Sts. N.W. Col. 0432 WINFIELD W. SNYDER BURIED AT ARLINGTON Xmom Conduct Bites for Postal Employs Who Died Wed nesday. Funeral services were held yesterday morning for Winfield W. Snyder, an employe of the Foetal Savings Branch of the Post Office Department, who died Wednesday at the Naval Hospital. Mr. Snyder had been 111 for a long time. Masonic rites were conducted at the grave In Arlington National Cemetery. Mr. Snyder was senior warden of King David Lodge, F. A. A. M.. No. 28. and also was a member of Columbia Chapter, No. 1, R. A. A. M., and Brookland Chapter. Order of the East ern Star, No. 11. For many years Mr. Snyder had attended Ingram Memo rial Church. He Is survived by his wife, Mrs. Viola Snyder, and by several brothers and sisters. i • Births Reported. The followins birth* have been reported to the Health Department In the last 24 hours: Howard V. and Sarah C. Dove. boy. John A. and Mary M. Moorman, boy. Theodore and Hazel E. Behrens, slrl. Lawrence R. and Annie M. Jones, girl. Onoforlo and Carmela Smiroldo, slrl. Jack and Bertha Gorin, boy. Warren L. and Viola Spruill, boy. Joseph and Stella Asero. boy. James and Marie Templeman. boy. Clinton 8. and Johnnie D. Lewis, boy. Robert and Blanche Kimbrough, girl. Thomas W. a*nd Dorothy Jackson, girl. Walter and Elenore Thomas, girl. Bradford and Edmonla Peters, girl. Richard and Alice R. O'Brien, girl. Charles N. and Daisy A. Baker, girl. James and Mary Williams, girl. William O. and Leola Voung, boy. Deaths Reported. The following deaths have been reported to the Health Department In the last 24 hours: Martha E Pywell. 80. 1001 11th at. *e. Paul Maas. 89, Oeorge Washington Uni versity Hospital. Pred Oflenbacher. 52. Georgetown Univer siiy Hospital. Samuel C. Rye. 48. 3044'i R st Catherine Pope. 22. Tuberculosis Hospital Ellen J. Bryant. 84. 917 Westminster st. ! Mamie Anderson. 45. 1831 9th st. Martha A Holland. 38. 923 Barry p! William Brown, 37, Casualty Hospital. Tsabelle Simms, 17. Oallinger Hospital Harvey. SS Preedmen-a Hospital. Willie Hardy. 28. Preedmen's Hospital. Hattie IT Chase Ray. 24, 1407 W st. Walter Powell, 8 montha, Children s Hos pitai. (Earft of (Hjattka THOMPSON. CHARLES M. We wish to ex tend to our many friends our sincere ap preciation for their acts of kindness and ’ beautiful floral tributes during our be reavement LILLIAN E. THOMPSON AND FAMILY. • Srathn. ANDERSON. MAMIE. Wednesday. July 22. 1931. at 4 30 pm . at her residence, 1831 9th st n.w., MAMIE ANDERSON, devoted mother of Ethel and Joseph Anderson. Funeral Sunday, July 26. IS3I. at 2 p m . from the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church, i 1432 You st. n.w. 26 BFARH. MARY E. On Saturday. July 25, 1931. MARY E. BEARD 'nee Linthlcumi, beloved wife of John W. Beard and mother of Mrs Mary E. Robey, Mrs. Dorothy B Kline. John W. Beard, jr . and Charles Garland Beard Funeral services at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Gordon M. Kline. 816 Quintana p! n.w,. Sundav morning. July 26, at 10 am. Interment at New Hope. Va., Monday morning July 27, at 10 a m. 26* AMEUA LOUSE. On Friday. Julv 193 J, »t Galling, r Hospital. AMELIA LOUISE BROOKS, devoted daughter of the late Vincent and Hester Brooks: lov urtg sister of Mrs. Mary Muschette. Mrs. Florence Bn.adus. Clarence Arthur’ and Samuel Brooks. She leaves many other re.atives and friends Remains resting . the j T oh . n T Rhine* funeral chapel 3rd and I sts. sw- Funeral Monday. Julv 2o at 9 a m . from St. Vincent de Paul Church. Interment Mt. Olivet Cemetery 26 BROWN. MARIE ELIZABETH. On Fridav. July 24. 1931. MARIE ELIZABETH BROWN, .oving caughter of the late William H a u Annle Brown: devoted sister of Doro thy Logan and Daniel Brown. She also | l?ates manv othe- relative* and friends Remains resting at the John T Rhines j funeral chapel. 3rd and Eye sts. sw. Fu neral Monday July 27. at 1 M pm. from Mt. Moriah Baptist Church. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 28 CAMPBELL. KATHERINE. On Saturday July 25. 1931. at her residence, 20 6th st n e., KATHERINE CAMPBELL Glee An drews.. beloved wife of the late James Clinton. Campbell. Funeral services at the above res.dence. 2 p m.. Monday. Julv 27. Relatives and friends invited to attend Interment at Glenwood Cemetery. 26 DAVENPORT. MARY CONVERSE. On Sat urday. July 25. 1931. at her residence. 1303 Maple View pi s.e . MARY CONVERSE DAVENPORT, beloved wife of the late Rev. Willard Goss Davenport Funeral from the Emmanuel Episcopal Church. 13th and V sts. s e . on Monday. July 27. at 10 am. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Vermont. GOICHFR. EDWARD. On Thursday. Julv 23. 1931. at 6 40 p m.. EDWARD, beloved husband df Minnie Goucher <n?e Schnei derl Remains re'tir.g at Lees funeral home. 322 Pa aw n.w., wmere services will be held on Monday. July 27 a* li am. Interment at Arlington National Cemetery. 26 GREEN. MARY. Departed this life Thurs day. July 23. 1931. at 5 35 pm. at her res.dence. 1908 Vermont ave n.w . MARY, the devoted wife of Beniamin Greer, lov ing mother of Dora Fleet. Hattie Lewis. Florence Kemt>. Rebecca Matthews. Andrew and Joseph Green: sister of Lavinia Whit field Remains resting at the W Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st n w . un til 6 p m. Saturday, thereafter at her late 1 residence Funeral Monday. July 27. at 1 p m. at Onantico. Va 26 HARVEY, MARIE. Thursday. July 23. 1931. at hpv residence. 509 Florida ave n.w.. MSRIE HARVEY, b-loved aunt of Mrs Eary Clark. She also leaves a devmt"d friend. Mr Jehn Smith. Funeral Sundav. July 26. at 2 p m., from Galbraith A. M F 7.ion Church. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. HURLEY. WALTER GREEN BERRY. On Saturday. July 25. 1931. at 4:35 p.m . at his residence 4315 lowa ave n.w.. WAL TER GREENBERRY HURLEY. beloved I husband of Alleda R. Hurley. Notice of | funeral hereafter. * JACKSON. HOLLAND T.. JR. Suddlnlv. on Friday. July 24. 1931. ROLLAND T JACK SON. Jr., drvoted husband of Elizabeth Jackson, father of Bessie Jaekson and son of Rollend T. Jackson ard the late Emma i Jackson. Remains resting at the W. Er nest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 U st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. 26 MOORE. SVDNOR J. On Friday. July 24 1931. SYDNOR J. MOORE, son of the late Austin and Hattie Moore and brother of Raymond. Clifton and Julia Moore. Funeral Monday. Julv 27. at 1 p m., from McGuire's funeral home. 1820 9th st. n.w. Relatives and friends invited. • NORRIS. SAMUEL. Suddenly, on Saturday. July 25. 1931. SAMUEL NORRIS. Remains j resting at’thp Colonial funeral home of ! William Reuben Pumphrey. Rockville. Md. I Notice of funeral hereafter. Sratha. WiUUm Reuben Notice of funeral hereafter. 1 Gltltly. MAMIE. Suddenly, on Saturday, July 35. 1931. MAMIE NORRIS. Remain* r«*V, n * the Colonial funeral home M William Reuben Pumphrey. RockrineT Md. Notice of funeral hereafter. O’BRIEN. WILLIAM V. On Friday, July 1831, at Port Lambton, Ontario, wnj r JJ AM r < beloved husband of Mary *. CTBrien. Notice of funeral hereafter. 1 OFFENBACHER. FRED G. On Friday July 1 Troi?? , A at , O *l rKe S own University Hoapltah FRED Q., husband of Lola E. OfTenbicher. > Remains resting at the W. W. Chambers funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w., mitll iS •-*»». M ?n. day - July 27. Services In tha Christian Church at Leakesvllle, Va,. on . Monday. July 37, at 3 p.m. Interment Leakesvllle. Va. 36 ROBERTS. PALMER WILBUR. Suddenly, on , L jmy. I»ll. at Imperial. Calif-. PALMER WILBUR, son of the lake Dr. , Palmer Wilbur and Ernestine Roberts. Notice of funeral later. 38 ■ ROBINSON. ELIZABETH. On Thursday. i July 23,1931. at her residence. #O9 Bth st, ’ [ n.e ELIZABETH ROBINSON, devoted mother of Mrs Annie Matthews. Corlnne. - Madeline and William Robinson and sister of Rosa Simms. John West and Clara Car ■ | 9r - £ un tral Monday. July 27, at 9 a.m.. from St. Cyprian's Church. 13th and C sts. s.e. Remains resting at the W. Ernest l Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w..’ I until 5 p m. Saturday, thereafter at the 1 above residence. S 8 ROBINSON. JOHN W. On Saturday. July his residence. 231 F st. s.w., JOHN V. ROBrNSON. loving husband of * Annie Robinson. He also leaves to mourn his departure five children and other rela -1 V v * s !L nd t riends Remains resting at the 1 John T. Rhines funeral chapel, 901 3rd at.' » S.W. SCHAFER. BLANCHE L. On Friday. July 24, 1931. BLANCHE L. SCHAEFER (nee. Landon), beloved wife of Fred C. Bchaefer. Funeral from the residence cf her sister-** in-law. Miss Elizabeth Schaefer. 822 9th. st. s.w., on Monday July 27. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Intermpnt at Rock Creek Cemetery. 26* SLAUGHTER. JOHN L. Departed this life' suddenly Friday. July 24, 1931, at his rest-, dence. 401 50th st. ne , JOHN L. SLAUGHTER. He leaves to mourn their loss father, stepmother, flve brothers, one sister, two sisters-in-law and a host of other relatives and friends Remains at the George C. Clarke Co. funeral parlor. 1416 Florida ave. n.e., until Sunday, 11 80 am, thence to his late residence, where, funeral will be held Monday. July 27. at 2 pm. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 26 WATSON. WADE. On July 24 1931. at 1:45 , a.m.. WADE, the beloved husband of Ruth . Watson. Funeral Monday. July 27. st 1 30 p.m.. lrom Lomax's chapel. 1400 S st. n.w. Friends invited. Interment In family lot. Harmony Cemetery. 26* WELLS. OLA. Departed this life Saturday. . July 25. 1931. at 4 pm. at her residence. 321 F st. s w.. OLA WELLS, loving sister of Mrs. Lizzie Howell of Richmond. Va . Mrs. Mary Walker of Baltimore, Md., and** devoted friend of Alphonza Reeves. She also leaves many other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the John T. Rhines Co. funeral chapel. 901 3rd st. s.w. • Notice of funeral hereafter. WILKINS, BELLE. On Friday. July 24. 1931, BELLE, the devoted wife of Charles Wil kins, mother of Jesse Lewis, and sister of Virginia Montague and Asbury Barnes. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w. Funertl Monday. July 27. at 1 p.m . from New Bethel Baptist Church. 9th and S sts. n.w., Rev. William C. Jarvis officiating. 36 WOOD. IONE. Saturday. July 25. 1931. at-* the Home for the Aged. Gaithersburg. Md . Miss IONE WOOD, aged 77 years. I Funeral service* at the above home Monday. July 27, at 10 am. Interment’ New Market, Md. Itt f&murtam BRASS. MARY ALICE. In sad but loving . remembrance of our dear wife, mother, and sister, who departed this life one year ago today. July 26. 1930. Loving and kind in all her ways. Upright and just to the end of her days; Sincere and kind in heart and mind. What a beautiful memory to leave behind. HER DEVOTED HUSBAND AND DAUGH TERS. • It is not the tears at the time that are shed. That tells of a heart that is broken. But the silent tears in the after year, . In remembrance silently spoken LONELY SISTER. MAUDE. • BRONAUGH, SARAH E. In loving memory of my dear mother. SARAH E BRON AUGH. who departed this life two years ago. July 3. 1929. , Mother dear. oh. how I mis* you. But some day we shall meet, r I Then all heartaches, will be itver. HER DAUGHTER, SADYE BRONAUGH NIXON. • I EASTWOOD. CHARLES E-. JR. In sad but loving memory of our dear son and grand : son. who died five years ago today. Julv* 26, 1926. MOTHER AND NANA. • I GREGORY. MUSETTE BROOKS. In loving memory of mv dear devoted daughter. MUSETTE BROOKS GREGORY. who passed to the great beyond ten years ago today. July 26. 1921. # 'Ti* sweet as year by year we lose» ‘ Loved ones out of sight in faith to muse. ‘ How grows in paradise our store. 5 MOTHER. • MOORE. LULA. In loving memory ,>f dear* 1 I mother and grandmother. LULA MOORE. 1 who departed this hie seven years ago today. July 26. 1924. Tho’ lost to sight, to memory dear I Thou ever will remain. * SON AND GRANDCHILDREN. • t SPENCER. ANNIE P In loving remem ! brance of our devoted aunt. ANNIE P. SPENCER, who passed to hpr reward eight years ago today. July 26. 1923. Sweet are the memories that never will lade of the one we loved so dearly. NIECES. RENTE AND EVA. • : I SPENCER. ANNIE LINVILEE. In '■toving re- , membrane* of ANNIE LINYILLE SPEN- J 1 CER. born. 1875: died, 1930. One year ago today. The Lord took our dearest friend away; . God took her for the best. May she be at rest; While the memory of mother be near. HER DEVOTED CHILDREN • !• FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Clyde J. Nichols, Inc. CHAS. S. ZURHORST l 301 EAST CAPITOL ST. Joseph F. Birch's Sons (ISAAC BIRCH 1 xfH4 <st V \V Phone West 0096. Jun ' u -t- ->•*>• Established 1041. LAV LAWLER CO. ~ Funeral Directors * ISIII M St. N.W. Pot. 41 70. 41 71 _ * GEO. W. WISE CO. 2900 M ST. N.W. j _ West 0138 V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither the successors of nor connected 1 with the original W. R Spca-r establish ! Phone National 2892 1009 H St. N.W. • Formerly 910 F St. N.W. , Established 1876 JOHN R. WRIGHT CO. ! | 1337 UHh St N.W. Phone North 0*47. TABLER 928 M St. N.W. Natl. 1544 I J. WILLIAM LEE’S SONS, FUNERAL DIRECTORS . CREMATORIUM 332 PA. AVE. N.W. NATIONAL 1384. 1385. CLEMENTS Established ISO? P. J. SAFFELL PERSONAL SERVICE—REASONABLE. _7 33 54 hSt ,_N. W. NaUI 0537. _ Frank Geier's Sons Co. Modern c E h7£i.telephone National 2473 Wm, H. Sardo & Co. Funeral Chapel 412 H ST. N.E. Lincoln 0524 Ambulance sr rvicc Lincoln ALFRED B. GAWLER WALTER A. GAWLER WILLIAM A. GAWLER Joseph OAWLER* *9XB Established 1850 Chapel Crrmatlong Lady Attendant 1750-2-4 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W. Phonet: NAtional 5512-5513 NO BRANCH OFFICE FUNERAL DESIGNS. Gude Bros. Co.. J 212 F St. Prompt Auto Delivery Service. Artistic—expressive inexpensive. GEO. C. SHAFFER EXPRESSIVE FLORAL EMBLEMS AT MOD ERATE PRICES. PHONE NAT. 0108. < 23 , wS5r . . 14th & Eye A-7