6 Halloween Rites Today and in the Past M rou P °f ashington Light Infantry masqueraders. First row, left to right: Thomas B. Walker~(with barred trousers and savage mustache); John A. Heydler, now president of the National Base Ball (wearing derby); Charles Slentz, Jesse Grant (wearing white chapeau), Charles Hammond (dressed as Buffalo Bill). Second rase, standing in front of tent at right: Jesse B. K. Lee and J. Cal O' Loughlin (small figure in white). BY JOHN CLAGETT PROCTOR. WHAT a great comfort and pleas ure It Is for people of middle or advanced age to dream of their childhood when they were receiving their early edu cation. Their teachers and companions, and even the old school house it self, come vividly to mind and receive a kind thought or word as the panorama of youthful happenings recurs to the mind and is viewed in all its splendor in that great storehouse and reflection of thoughts—fond memory's lane. The Sabbath school is not forgotten, nor are the excursion resorts, the picnic grounds, the boys and girls who lived in some particular neighborhood, the unusual characters they saw or came in contact with, the circuses that came to town, and all the things and events that went to make up the joys of early life, not to omit, of course, the little heartaches which frequently enter into childhood days. In the writer’s youth, as he particularly re calls, Christmas, Fourth of July, the old swim ming holes in Rock Creek, the big bonfires on election night and the tricks played on Halloween stand out most prominently in his mind. Os course, when the writer was a boy, Wash ington was small compared with its present population. In the northern part of the Dis trict the city then actually ended at about P street, and north of this there was only a sprinkling of houses, and many entire squares were unimproved. To be more precise, so re cent as 1175 there were few houses north and east of St. Aloysius Church except the colony known as Swamp Poodle. East of Eighth street southeast there were few buildings, and in the section of Dupont Circle the residences were few and far between. Indeed there was then much vacant ground In all parts of Washington, South Washington Included, and the little frame, box-shaped, one story dwelling was considerably in evidence throughout the city. A few of these may still be seen, inspiring fond memories of the past. There was then plenty of open space for fireworks on Independence day, lots of room for bonfires, and the kids had acres of fields upon which to play, where now are blocks of houses, and where they could perform all kinds of diabolical and fiendish tricks, if they wished to, which could not be tolerated or permitted in a big metropolitan city such as Washington has since grown to be. IT is said by some that Halloween was not cele brated with the same eclat and enthusiasm following the Civil War as it was prior to that time. Maybe this is true; but those who were born subsequent to that event win never be lieve so—especially the boys who lived in the sparsely settled parts of Washington and who, seemingly, roamed at will—like sons of wild jackasses, as Senator Ifoses would say—and who had no respect for anybody or anything. The Police Department was kept busy pro tecting people’s property. For in the days of bonfires, which surely did not cease until around IMS, such detachable things as front gates were not safe, and anywhere a box, bar rel, hogshead or other portable wood could bo found it was added Is the bonfire, the reflec tion from which at times looked as though Mat part at ths cfty ware on firs. Many of the smil frame houses here of M THE SUNDAY STAR, WASHINGTON, D. C., OCTOBER 25, 193!. How Event Was Celebrated in Washington When City Was Small — Bonfires, Omnibus Rides and Masquerades. yean ago and earlier had before the front door a small stoop of one, two or three steps, as was required to make access to the home easy. In many cases these were not nailed to the house, and when the "foraging" or scouting party found one that was not, It was quickly carried away and consigned to the flames, and many a person almost broke his neck the following morning when he stepped out of the door and landed horizontally upon the ground, Instead of perpendicularly upon the accustomed stoop. Many of the things the boys did in those days were really dangerous and had to be stepped. The writer recalls an Incident where a rope was tied from one of tlm old, low fire plugs near the curb to a fence a few feet away, endangering the life and limb of any one who might pass along the sidewalk that way. A night or so before, the Schneiders—who then lived in the Garfield Hospital property—had given a dinner at their home, and the caterer, with a large basket of dishes was the first one, that Halloween night, to pass that way. When in the darkness he struck that rope and went down sprawling with his load of chinaware, the rattle of which could be heard for a block. Just as sure as “the thief does fear each bush and officer,” so did the rapscallions who placed the obstruction there fear the officers under Lieut. Johnson, and soon thereafter each one sneaked into his home and to bed, expecting he might be awakened anytime before morning and charged with the offense. BUT the making of bonfires for the purpose of celebrating some particular event is not of recent origin at all, and no doubt was prac ticed everywhere as far back as pre-historic days. In the District of Columbia, until pre vented by fire regulations, it was a common form of exult ~tlon, and during the early part of the admlnistirtion of President Tyler, In 1841, when the repeal of the subtreasury act was passed, we find it noted that a thousand or more Jubilant Washington Whigs marched in procession from Capitol Hill to the White House, with torches, music, transparencies and fireworks, escorting a catafalque on which was a coffin labeled “The Subtreasury.” Also, that, "the procession moved slowly along Pennsyl vania avenue,” and that “bonfires were kindled at the intersecting streets, many houses were Illuminated and there was general rejoicing.” But the destroying of private property in this way was not the only method used, and as many will recall, others were equally as despicable. The Star was never keen for this kind of so called sport and the day after the Halloween celebration of 1882, said: "Mischievous Fun.—Last evenfhg, AH Hal loween, the boys throughout the city had their fun. If mischief can be called so. and crowds «t them could be seen In all directions bent on playing some trick on their neighbor. In some cases, not content with throwing vegetables in through a door or window, the fronts of houses were daubed with filth, and even the street cars were invaded by some youngsters with small packets of flour, which they bursted so to pow der the dresses of passengers. About 7 o’clock p.m. a crowd of boys set on fire an old hogs head of straw near North Capitol street and Massachusetts avenue, causing an alarm of fire to be turned in and a run of engines. The fire was extinguished with a few buckets of water before the arrival of the engines, and as the firemen drew off they were followed by a crowd of boys, who Jeered them for being taken in.” A few years later The Star even more forcibly expressed itself upon the subject, editorially, saying: "Halloween, properly employed and enjoyed, is a noteworthy season. The fun of imitating the mysteries of divination and noting the antic combinations they often bring forth is unobjectionable. There are some sorts of mum meries, however, which are neither significant nor otherwise interesting, which have nothing witty in them, and whleh contribute only to the annoyance of the community. Last year, and on other occasions, this sort of horse play has resulted in serious accidents, some times in actual bloodshed. There is no reason why the lives, limbs and property of reputable citisens should be placed at the mercy of the hoodlum element for one night in the year any more than for the remaining 364. In the days when Washington was only an overgrown vil lage many things of this sort were overlooked. But we have now a populous and handsome city which carries upon her shoulders a certain special dignity as Capital of a great Republic. The police regulations which prohibit dangerous mischief of all sorts in the streets should be strictly enforced, wlth.no exception in favor of Halloween.” IUST when Halloween first came into ex istence the writer does not know, but the reasons for its establishment are easily obtain able; for we are told that from the beginning of the Christian era, and even before, the prac tice of designating and worshiping saints has been a religious custom. Most naturally, in this respect, special days were assigned to the wor ship of each saint, and as years and centuries passed by it was found that there were more saints than there were days in the year, and so to take care of the overflow, as, it were, Novem ber 1 was designated as a day to be kept in honor of all the saints and that it should be known as All-Hallow mass, or All-Saints’ day, and that the night of October 31, immediately preceding it, should be kept as a vigil and be known as All-Hallow eve. Poring over the files of The Star of nearly half a century ago, the writer came across an item that tells what Halloween means aul stands for, In addition to what has already been said. It follows: “ALL-HALLOWEEN. “The Night When Fairies Hold High Carnival and Boys and Girls Dive for Apples. “This evening is All-Hallow eve night, and tbs people who have doorbells, and the young men whose matrimonial fate is still undetermined; had better be on the outlook, for this is the night of all the year when danger threatens both them interests. All-Halloween or eve it so called because it is the night immediately; preceding All-Hallowmas, or All-Saints* day. which is the Ist of November, and is observed by the Roman Catholic, Protestant Episcopal and Lutheran Churches as a festival in honor of all the saints. “It was said that in the older time all the spirits, both of the visible and invisible world; in this evening walked the earth. All devil* and witches are believed to be abroad and the fairies are said to hold high carnival. It ig for this reason that youth and maidens en deavor to peer into the future and obtain soma forecast of their matrimonial prospects. Ruts; apples and cakes are used in these mystic ceremonies, and a great deal of fun and arnnsn ment is derived from the signs and omens - obtained. The boys, as soon as darkness sets in, begin their celebration, and by mysterious noises on the windowp&nes, the ringing of door bells, and then running away before they can be answered, they have a good deal of fun. whatever enjoyment their victims may be to extract from this form of observing the •vigil.” INDEED, spirits and devils and witches sorcery existed in the minds of the people as far back as history and tradition go. In the Second Book of Moses we find It said: "Thou shall not suffer a witch to live.” Shakespeare, we will recall, has Hamlet talking to his father’s ghost, and It is the exception to find an early; writer who did not place confidence in the supernatural. Upon one occasion, In our own country, as reoent as 1692, up in Salem, Mass,. 19 of toe best people of toe town were executed upon one occasion far being witches. So U our Washington boys of a former day were downright bad, at least they were a colossal Improvement over our Salem ancestors, and beside when it is known that one of those who participated in toe executions mentioned bora the distinctive reputation of being toe greatest scholar and author that America had then produced—it only goes to show that biographies do not always tell the truth. Sir William Blackstone in his “Commentaries on the Laws of England” ends his reference to the laws relating to witchcraft, conjurative, en chantment or sorcery, by saying: "Wherefore K seems to be toe mast eligible way to conclude, with an Ingenious writer of our own, that in general there has been such a thing as witch craft, though one cannot give credit to any particular modern Instance of it.” And so to education are we indebted today for not taking seriously toe tomfoolery of our ancestors, who evidently were easily persuaded to believe most anything, and toe poor old feeble woenen of our midst whom we gladly venerate and respect are not branded as witches and thrown into prison, or burned at toe stake, or other** wise executed, as was formerly toe barbarous practice. When the writer was a boy there were any