St art in g
morning~8 a.m.
132 5
Ρ Street
for men who still believe
that a sale price doesn't
tell... EVER YTHING...
If all a sale means to you îs a bunch of figures, I'm
afraid you won't find anything exciting in this news.
But if you are one of those men who have found by
dear experience that there IS a difference in the mer
chandise . . . you'll be here!
A store should be judged by the things it DOESN'T
sell as much as the merchandise it DOES sell.
A few years ago it wouldn't have made much differ
ence where you bought ... if it was a good store . . .
But today, many good stores are nervous and are do
ing things they never did before; they've lowered their
standards as they lowered their prices. They've put
"price" above everything else; quality has been pushed
into the background.
There has been no compromise with quality7 here.
That's the big thing I'd like to point out. I have per
sonally selected every bit of merchandise in this shop.
It's the same fine merchandise that is reduced in this
sale ... we haven't "imported" anything for this event.
So consider the qual
ity when you consider
the price. I have faith in
your good judgment.
Every Single one of our $2975 Suits
Here's where the special prices start . . . and the group comprises the famous Gro-spun Suits we've been selling right along at
$29.75 . . . together with a sprinkling of Kuppenheimers . . you'll find hard finish worsteds and unfinished worsteds, dark patterns,
including blue?, greys, tans, browns.. .in fact, any man can find a suit to his liking in this first group.. .reduced to
Every Kuppenheimer Suit in the House
that sold for J3450
In this group you'll find Kuppenheimer's famous "Value-Line". .the suits advertised all season as $40
values special at $34.50...and this July Clearance has brought their price down to
Every Kuppenheimer Suit in the House ✓-v
that sold for '40 and '45 ... . vJ
The names Crusader and Champion Worsted are well known to every one acquainted with Kuppen
heimer. . .they're the regular $40 and $45 line and only an important sale like this would reduce the price to
Every Kuppenheimer Suit in the House ^
that sold for '50 and '65 ... .
The finest suits we have in the house.. .Embassy constructed Kuppenheimers, Famous Trojan Weaves
and Tigertwists are the finest we know of at $50 and $65, and starting tomorrow they're
You didn't expect us
to reduce these!
Tropical Suits
Beautifully tailored.. .and the big
point is, they're made up to Grosner
A fine lot of shirts, collar attached, in .
white and plain shades; white, in neckband #1 15
only. Special «L:
Our Gros-Modem shirts, collar attached,
white and plain shades; white, in neckband
only. You know what you paid for them ψ | 5»
.. .they're now
Beautiful Neckwear of handmade resil
ient construction. Formerly $1.00... now
Fine handmade resilient construction OCT
and formerly sold $1.50 now C
Plain shades with clocks and fancy pat- Ζ ET^
terns. Formerly sold for $1.00 now ^
Shirt and shorts and union suits, in .
Rockinchair and other well known makes
Formerly $1.00 and $1.50 now
Pull-over, surplice and English collar style.
were $2 were $2.50 tiere $3
j-ps $ ^ 65 ips
1 95
Washable broadcloth, in green, blue and $
tan now
lightweight, all-wool flannel, in all $ A 95
popular shades. Formerly $7.50 now
Straws that formerly sold for $3.00. $ "1
Straws that formerly «old for $5.00.
Summer felt hats that formerly sold for S095
$5.00. Now Zm ~
Summer felt hats that formerly sold for $ A 95
$7.00. Now
Panamas that formerly sold for $7.50 S A 95
and $10. Now
Ile're Even Making
Suits to Measure
in this sale for «24»
and the regular price is $34.50
Ask about our
GROSNER'S . . . JVo Compromise with Quality . . . 1325 F STREET