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Official of Association Up holds Present Dual System as Safest Method. BY EDWARD C. STONE. Plans proposed In Washington to force replacement of the dual banking system of State and national charters •with a unified system under Federal supervision are denounced by Felix McWhirter. president of the State bank division. American Bankers' Association, in the current issue of the journal of the association. "It is proposed to compel reorgani sation of our banking structure by a process of coercion and political pref erence," declares Mr. McWhirter, who is president of the Peoples State Bank. Indianapolis. "The~e stirs into fresh conflict powerful forces wisely subdued for half a century. The settled na tional policies of a dual banking sys tem. Stite sovereignty, freedom of in dividual initiative and resistance to a concentration of financial power in a few private hands are once more made national issues." Describing particularly the proposal of Senator Glass to grarrt branch bank ing powers to national banks in all States, even where forbidden to State banks, and also on interstate lines under certain conditions, Mr. McWhirter says: "The reasons are not clear, the sup posed benefits less so. but the adverse effects are plain. The State-chartered unit or»bank or trust company—and the unit national bank as well—would be given three choices. It could sell out to the highest bidding branch sys tem at a price dictated by threat of ruinous competition. It could liquidate, either before or after wasting its de positor's resources in a futile struggle. Or it could scramble into the race for branches, a rc.ce certain to go not to the swift, not to the strong, but onlv to the big. and ultimately to the biggest. Destruction of the dual system, sub stituting "remote control" for individ ual local management would "impair America's fundamental vitality and spirit of progress." he says, discour aging "such potent factors in good banking as employment of community resources for a community's own bene fit. proprietorship management, indi vidual credit for success and individual responsibility and penalty for failure and placing faith in elaborate ma chinery, not in men." Partners in New Broker Firm. It was announced in New York to day that the recent merger of F. B, Koech <fc Co. with Clark. Childs & Co. •will go into effect on July 1. Details of the consolidation have been carried to^ completion and thi partners in the combined firm announced, the broker age house taking the name of Clark, Childs & Keech. In the new set-up, it is announced that the partners will be Frank Β. I Keech, Gilbert W. Keech, member of the New York Stock Exchange; Rav P. Sackett. member of the New York Stock Exchange; J. Clarke Dean, George A. Garrett of Washington, Lucius P. Ordway, jr.; George Russhon, William M. Erb, Austin F. Barry. Her bert H. Childs. member of the New York Stock Exchange; W. Channing Burbank, William F. Bartholomew, John Everett Kolbrook. John Edmund Carney, Walter S. Aagaard, Lewis E. Waring, George S. Passmore. J. F A Clark and Richard Wharton will be special partners. As already noted in The Star, the Washington office will remain in charge of George A. Garrett, no staff changes being contemplated. L. λ ι*, uraers expansion worn. Appropriations for work requiring 78.400 man-hours of labor were author ized by the board of directors of the Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co. at its meeting held here today. This work is necessary to keep the telephone plant in good condition and to meet service requirements in all sections of the District. The amount just approved briny» the total work authorized so far this year to 558.000 labor-hours, acccrdir g to John A. Remon, general manager of the company. The work includes construction of underground conduit and cable and the Installation of telephones and private branch exchanges. Acacia's Business LTp 33 Per Cent. At a meeting of the Field Advisory Committee of the Acacia Mutual Life Insurance Co., held here yesterday, President William Montgomery reported that business has increased 33' 3 per cent since May 15, the date on which the company's charter was liberalized so that new insurance is not longer confined to the members of the Ma sonic fraternity. This sudden jump in business was received with great en thusiasm. The Fie'd Advisory Committee for th:s period includes Cornelius Legters of the Tampa branch. Roland Suter of Baltimore and%CIarence Fritz of New ark. President Montgomery. Vice Presi dent, J. P. Yort and Secretary Samuel E. Mooers are ex-officio members of the committee. Bank Head's Sixtieth Birthday. Thomas E. Jarrell, president of the Washington Savings Bank, received many congratulations today on the oc casion < f his sixtieth birthday anniver sary. Mr. Jarrell has been president of the Washington Savings Bank for 10 years and has been active in the real cttfte field for a much longer period. Francis G. Addison, jr.. has just started his third year as president of the Security Savings & Commercial Bank. He was elccted to this position cn June 25, 1930, Jaûus I. Peyser, founder and president of the bank at that time, being electsd chairman cf the board, which position he still holds. Gen Chsr'ts E. Dawes, who recently TPtigned as head of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, has resum-d his F^are ft the head of the Central Re- ι public Bank <fc Trust Co. of Chicago. Today's Trading on Exchange. Trading was light on th" Washington Stock Exchange today, the opening transaction being a $1.030 sale in Wash ington Gxs 6s, series A at 98' ■·. Washington Gas Light 5s figured in β $500 turnover at par Ten shares of Potomac Electric Power 51 , p-r cent preferred sold at 103 i, and another email lot changed at 102'2. The auctioning off of the Exchange rc-at held by Edward 3. McLean, for mer publisher of the Washington Pest, lor non-payment of due and assess ments, was again postponed for one Sleek. Gleaned in Financial District. New York City bank stocks, in which there is wide local interest, reacted slightly last week, according to the lat est summary of averages. For the four weeks ending June 18, Enfeway Stores reported sales of $17, *750,780 The company now operates 3,469 stores. For the second consecutive week, the National Fertilizer Association reports a-) advance in its wholesale price index irom 60 to 60.5. The Interstate Commerce Commission has approved Reconstruction Finance Corporation loans of $13.600,000 to the New Y?rk Central and $83,500 to the Georgia & Florida Railroad. The Financial World advocates ces sation of short selling on the New York Stock Exchange until what is consid ered unwarranted liquidation has been checked. PARIS BOURSE PRICES. PARIS. June 28 (A3).— Three per cent tentes. 73 francs 55 centimes. Five per cent loan. 97 francs 95 centimes. Exchange on London, 91 francs 80 centimes. The dollar was quoted at 25 i.ancs 43 Je centimes. TRANSACTIONS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Daylight Saving Time Is l'«ed in All Market Edition*. ^Prev. 1932^ Stock and Sales— Net. High. Low. Dividend F„ate Add 00. High. Low. Close. Chge. 8 4 Abitibl Pwr & Paper. 12 2 'i + 4 98 72 Abram Strauss pf (7) 120s 70 70 70 —5 54 IS Adams Express 2 2 2 2 IS 9** Addressograph 2 104 10 10 16'» 44 Affiliated Trod 1.60.. 6 5 44 44 - V4 «2H 344 Air Reduction(t44). Π6 354 344 35 + 4 164 74 Alaska Juneau <50c). 15 81* 7*» 8^4 + S 3i* 4 Alleghany Corp 1 Η 4 % 87'» 424 Allied Chem&Dve(4) 429 47 434 454 + % 119 96'* Allied Chem pf <7)... 4 101 984 101 + Η 184 4 Allis-Chalrners(50c). 3 54 54 54 — 4 164 12 Amerada Corp <2)... 6 144 144 144 74 84 Am Agrl Chem(Del). 2 4 4 4 — 4 3Η 1 Am Heet Sugar pf. . . 60s 24 14 1*4 —1*4 15V* 64 Am Brake Sh&F(60c) 4 74 74 74 + 4 90 404 Am Brake Sh pf (7).. 50* 46 45 45 — Η 73·:» 29*. Am Can Co (to) 597 334 304 314+14 129 93'» AmCanCopf (7).... 2 96 95·» 954 -IS 34 Am Car & Foundry.. 3 44 4 4 — ν» 39:» 164 Am Car&Fdy pf (7). 10s 181* 18'* 184 + 4 15'» 11 Am Com Alcohol new 1 12'» 124 12'» 10'* 2»» Am Kuropean Secur.. 9 3 2»» 24 — 4 94 2 Am & Foreign Pwr. .. 6 24 2 2V» 884 5 Am&Forgn l'w pf(7) 2 54 54 64 + 6 3 Am Haw Sfship (1). 2 34 34 34 2'» 1 Am Hide & Leather.. 1 IS IS IS + Η 51*» 25 Am Home Prod 4.20.. 28 26». 25 26 -1 21S 9 Am Ice (2) 2 11 104 H 84 24 Am International.... 3 3 3 3+4 94 4 Am Locomotive 7 4 4 4 —4 444 244 Am Locomot pf 17).. 3 244 234 234 -14 224 74 Am Mch & Fdy 1.40.. 12 74 7S 7»« - 4 164 3 Am Pwr & Lt<l) 46 44 4 44 -4 494 13S Am P& Lt pf A (5).. 4 14 13 13-1 68 15% Am Pwr & Lt pf (6). 2 16 154 154 —4 84 34 Am Radiator 1 3S 34 3S + 4 120 85 Am Radiator pf (7).. 925» 80 80 80 13 3 Am Rollins Mills 4 44 4 44 + 4 184 64 Am Smelt & Ref 15 64 6 64 + 4 85 22 Am Smeltg & Ref pf. 1 23 23 23 103 90 Am Snuff pf (61 30s 934 934 934 -14 80 354 Am Steel Fdry pf (7). 60s 35S 35S 35S — 4 394 13 Am Sugar (2) 2 17 17 17 + 4 1374 764 Am Tel & Teleg (9).. 409 78 754 764 + 4 864 404 Am Tobacco (t6) 10 48 47 48 +14 894 44 AmTobacco Β ( ΐ6 )... 100 504 484 484 + 4 25 4 Am Type Founders.. 1 5 5 5 —4 344 11 Am Water Wks (2).. 10 12 114 12 + 4 31 11 Am Wat Wks efs<2). 3 11 11 11 75 26 Am Wat W 1st pf(6). 1 36 36 36 -2 304 1&4 Am Woolen pf 9 174 174 17!» - 4 34 14 Am Zinc & Lead 1 14 14 14 124 S4 Anaconda Copper.... 13 34 34 34 174 54 Anchor Cap ( 1.20)... 5 7 64 64 12 7 Archer-Daniels (1).. 1 84 84 84 - 44 24 Armour of Del pf(7). 2 26 26 26 2 S Armour of 111 (A).. .· 1 4 4 4 - 14 4 Armour of 111 (B) .. .I 5 4 4 4 - 144 34 Armourof lli pf 1 54 54 54 - 84 3 Asso Dry Goods , 13 3 3 94 204 Atch Topeka & S Fe.. 327 214 174 184 -14 86 424 Atchison pf (5) 2 43 42'» 424 -14 414 94 Atlantic Coast Line.. 2 12 12 12 124 84 Atlantic Refining (1). 10 104 104 104 + 4 794 46 Atlas Powder pf (6). 10» 474 474 474 — 4 1614 284 Auburn Auto if4) .... 201 494 43 454 -+4 4 4 Austin .Nichols 1 4 4 4 — y* 34 14 Aviation Corp (Del). 6 14 14 14 284 8 Baldwin Loco pf 60» 94 84 84 — 4 214 34 Baltimore & Ohio.... 23 5 4 44 5 414 6 Baltimore & Ohio pf.. 2 64 64 64 — 4 4 4 Barnet Leather 2 4 4 4 — 4 54 34 Barnsdall Corp 4 44 44 44 434 164 Beatrice Cream (2).. 1 174 174 17!» 95 70 Beatrice Crm pf" (7) .. 1 74 74 74 -t-34 184 44 Bendix A\laiion 6 54 5 5 14 » 54 Best & Co 1 04 64 64 244 74 Bethlehem Steel 28 7!» 74 74 — Vi 74 244 Bethlehem Stl pf (7). 1 24 24 24 — 4 43 4 204 Borden Co (2) 36 214 204 214 + 4 124 34 Borg Warner 2 34 34 34 — 4 604 114 Bklyn Manhat Tran.. 54 154 144 15 +4 784 314 Bklyn-Man Tr pf (6). 7 42 414 42 + 1 68 284 Bklyn&Queens pf (6). 1 234 234 234 - 54 894 46 Bklyn Union Gas(5). 6 52 50 50 -2 2 4 Bruns Term & Rwys. 3 4 4 4 — yt 18 .64 Burr'ghs A M (80c).. 6 7 64 7 65 94 Bush Term deb (7)... 70» 104 104 104 — 4 19 7 Byers (AM) 5 84 8 84 - 4 lilt 44 ι amornia racking. .1 00 ο ο 4 ·4 Callahan Zinc & Dd. . 2 4 Η 4 4 14 Calumet & Hecla 1 24 2>» 24 + 4 134 6 Canada Dry (1.20)... 3 7»» 74 74 — 4 204 74 Canadian Pacific 1 4 . 18 84 8!» 81» — »* 434 164 Case (J 1) Co 148 224 204 211» + 4 75 SO Case (J I) pf (7) 80» 344 344 34'» -3 15 44 Caterpillar Trac 50c. 1 5 5 5 H 1* 141» 74 Cent Aguirre (14 ) ·. « 144 13'» 14'., + », 15 31» Cerro de Pasco 3 44 41» 4V» 3114 104 Ches & Ohio (24). . . 138 Ils S7. 9·* - ». 201» 5 Chesapeake Corp (2). 25 51» 41» 54 — la 44 114 Chi Great Western... 2 1!» 14 11» 54 IV» Chi Mil StP& Pac pi. 1 1'·» IV» IV» - H 124 2 Chi & Northwestern.. 6 24 2H 24 + 4 31 5!» Chi & Northwest pi. . 1 51» 51» 51» — H 164 11» Chi Rock 1 & Pacific.. 4 2 2 2 —1* 9 5 Chicasha Cotton Oil., 15 5 6 164 5 Chrysler Corp (1)... 64 64 6 6 284 1» City Ice&Fuel (3.60). 7 154 14'» 144 - 4 68 634 City Ice&Fuel pf 64 . 10» 54 54 54 22 1· Ciuett Peabody (2). . 1 10 10 10 120 834 Coca Cola (|8) 197 84»* 804 81 -24 50 424 Coca Cola (A) (3) 1 42V» 421» 421» 314 124 Colgate-Pal-P (2V4).. 2 121» 12V» 121» — 4 101-» 24 Collins & Aikman.... 2 31» 3 3 — 4 16!» 4!» Columbia Gas (bl)... 27 6(4 51» 6 — «4 411» 134 Columbian Carb ( 3) .. 15 16S 15*» 16!» + s 11 31» Comcl Credit (50c).. 7 4 4 4 26V» lï Comcl Credit A (3)... 1 134 134 134 -I4 271» 104 Comcl Inv Trust (2). 6 114 11V» 111» — 4 104 3V» Comcl Solv (60c) .... 14 4% 4V» 41» — 14 14 Comwlth & Sou(30c). 28 2 2 2 274 Comwlth&Sou pf (6). 3 354 364 35'» + 1» 64 Congolm Nairn (1). . 3 7 64 7 + 4 5 Consol Cigar 1 5»» 5*» 5*» — V» 17 Consol Cgr pr pi 64 . 10» 27 27 27 21» Consol Film pi 10 3 24 3 +4 314 Consol Gas-Ν V (4).. 208 35*» 344 344 + 4 5 Consol Daundries(l). 1 54 51» 54 + 4 4 Consol Oil Corp 25 5 44 44 — 4 14 Consol Textile 1 4 V» Vi 244 Cont 1 Baking pi (6).. 3 294 29% 294 — 4 174 Contl Can (-4) 40 19 18 18'·» + '·» 6·» Cont Insurance(1.2U) 5 94 9 9 — »» 34 Contl Oil (Del) 2 4 4 4-4 4 Contl Shares 4444 254 Corn Products (3)... 33 271» 27 27 + 4 14 Coiy Inc 1 14 14 14 74 Crown Ck & S (1.20). 24 124 114 124 + 4 174 Crown Corlrpf (2.70) 1 184 184 184 -t 4 15V» Crucible Steel pi... . 30» 15V» 15V» 154 4 Cuban-Am Sugar.... 2 1 1 1 20 Cudany l'ack (2 4).. 1 21V» 214 214 — 4 94 Curtis Publishing... 2 94 94 94 — 4 24 4 Curtiss Wright 53 1 4 4 34 14 Curtis Wright (A)... 16 14 14 1*, — 14 90 62'» Cushmans )>t ( 7 >. . .. 30» 654 634 634 —14 54 4 Davega Stores (60e) » 1 44 44 44 64 1 Davison Chemical... 4 2',» 24 2!» 154 64 Deere & Co pi (40c·).. 1 64 64 64 — 4 894 354 Delaware &. Hud (9). 2 36 35 35 —4 9 14 Denver & KG W pi.. 1 2 2 2 +4 122 63 Detroit Kdison (8 )... 1 62 62 62 -24 1514 12 Diamond Match ( 1).. 3 144 14 14'·» + 11*» 74 Dome Mines (tl 20).. 1 9H 94 9^ + 134 5 Douglas Aircraft ( 1 ) 3 54 54 54 — 124 24 DressertSK)Mig(B). 1 24 24 24 + 47 23 Drug Corp (4) 33 26V» 254 254 + 594 244 Dupont de Nem (3). . 173 244 24 244 105 80"» Dupont deN dli f»f (6). 2 854 85 85'» + 4 877» 37H Kastman Kodak (5).. 58 404 38!^ 394 — V» 8 3 KatonMfgCo 8 3 3 3 14 4 Kitington-Schild. .... 1 4 V> 324 84 Klec Auto-L (120)... 1 94 94 91, 4 14 Klec&Musical Instru. 2 14 14 IV» — 4 144 24 Klec Pwr & Lt 36 34 24 24 554 104 Klec Pwr & Lt pf(6). 1 104 10',4 104 — H 46 1114 Klec Pwr & Dt pi (7). 3 IIS 114 11V» — 4 33'/» 12S Klec Storage Bat (3). 2 17V» 17 17 + 4 1074 98 Kndieott-John pf (7). 5 1014 1014 101V» -1 134 24 Kl ie H Κ 1st pi 1 34 34 34 + 4 4 54 3 13 3 3 74 24 Fashion Park As pi.. 150s 3 3 3 104 3 Fed Wat Service Α.. 4 34 3 3 — lsS 104 Firestone Τ & Jl (1).. 3 10"» 10». 104 — 694 464 Firestone T&Rpf(6). 2 474 47 471» + 43 37 First Natl Sirs (2 4). 12 40 394 394 + 4 4 Fisk Hubber 1 4 4 4 10 44 Florsheim Shoe (A).. 2 64 64 5!» — 12 3 Foster-Wheeler 5 54 4V» 64 44 11» Foundation Co 1 1(4 14 14 — 21!» 104 Fourth Nat Inv 1.20.. 2 12!» 124 124 194 10 Freeport-Texas (2).. 2 104 104 10'/» — + !» 174 £4 Gameweil Co 110» 64 64 64 34 4 Gen Am Investors... 6 4 4 4 1S4 4*» Gen Asphalt (1) 16 6 6 34 4 Gen Bronze 1 11 1 1 381» 20 Gen Cigar (4) 2 224 224 224 — V 264 84 Gen Electric ( 40c)... 187 94 9 94 114 104 Gen Klec spec (60c).. 2 104 J04 104 404 19'» (ien Food Corp (3)... 39 204 194 204 24 4 Gen Gas & Klec (A).. 12 4 4 4 244 34 Gen G&K cv pf A(p6) 3 4 3 3 88 77!» Gen Mills pi (6) 1 77 77 77 244 84 Gen Motors ( 1 ) 170 84 8 8 874 694 Gen Motors pf (5)... 3 59"» 594 594 4 34 Gen Outdoor Adv.... 1 34 3!» 34 9 44 Gen Outdoor Adv ( A) 14 4 4 60 274 Gen Prtg Ink pf (6).. 60s 30 30 30 14 4 Gen Realty & Util. ... 3 4 4 4 164 6 Gen Realty & Util pi. 1 54 54 54 144 24 Gen Refractories. ... 15 24 2 2 244 104 Gillette Saf Raz (1).. 61 124 114 12 684 47 Gillette Sat R pi (5). 2 454 45 454 6'* 24 Gobel (Adolf) 3 44 44 44 191» 84 Gold Dust (1.60)....> 9 104 10 10 95 83 Gold Dust pf ($) 1 75 75 75 51» 24 Goodrich (BF). 1 24 24 24 184 54 Goodyear Tire&I'ub.. 2 6!» 6',» 64 — 4 61 194 Goodyear 1st pf (7).. 2 22 214 214 -4 144 74 Gotham Silk Hoiiery. 3 144 144 144 44 1 Graham-Paige 2 11* 14, 14 — 4 3 14 Grand Silver Stofes.. I !» 4 4 80!» 144 Grant (W T) (l)i 7 154 15 164 - 4 25 54 Great Northern pf » 6 64 6 64 fe.64 34 Great Western Sug., | 1 64 64 54 + Κ -Prev. 193î-> Stock and Balfs— lgh. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. Hlih. 1*» V* Grigsby Grunow. . .. 3 % H H 3% Hawaiian Pineapple.. 2 4 4 4 45 Hershey Choc (6). .., 5 46 44 4fi +1 lv. Houston Oil (new) . .ι 2 2 2 2 8*4 Houston Oil 1 9% 9S 9% + 5 Howe Sound ( 40c)... 3 5H 6H 5% 8 Hudson & Man (3'i). 1 12% 12*. 12% 2!4 Hudson Motor Car... 4 4H 4V» 4% + 1% Hupp Motors 3 1*4 1% 1% + 4% IliiaoiaCentral 13 6 5H 5% - % 7>4 Industrial Rayon (2). 7 8Π 8V» 8W + '> 14% Ingersoil Rand ( 3 ). . 2 16*» 16*» 16% + *« % Inspiration Copper. . 1 1% 1% 1% + H 3% Ins'sharesDel a62 He. 1 3H 3'i 3H — H 61H Int Bus Macliine(n6) 35 62*» 60'a 62v« + % H Jnt Combustion 5 H '3 '.à — 4',i Int Combustion pf. . . 14 9% 8'.·» 9*» * % ll'i Int Harvester (1.80). 15 11% 11 H% + *■ 68% Int Harvester pf (7). 1 69 69 69 — % IV* Int Merchant Marine. 5 1'» IV» 1V4 — 'r· 3H Int Nickel of Can.... 55 4 3*» 3» — V» 63 Int Nick Can pf (7) ·. 1 50 50 50 —4 Vi 1% Int Paper pf 40s 3 3 3 —3',4 H Int Paper & Pwr (A). 1 S % % 2 Int Paper & Pwr pf.. 3 2H 2% 2% - H 4 Int Printing Ink 14 4 4 32% Int Shoe (3) 22 34'a 34 »4H + % 26 Int Silver pf (4) 20s 30', 30'i 30'· -IV» 2% Int Tele & Teleg 17 3!* S1·* 3% 10·/» Island Creek Coalf 2 ). 4 ll'a 10*. 10'»-% 10 Johns-Manville 20 im 10*» 10»* + 1 «Γ Johns-Manv pf (7)... 10s 55% 55 ·3 55'·.-" JO Jones & Laugh pf(4). 90s 35H 34 34 -1 3 Kaufman D S (80c).. 2 3% 3% 3** 5 Kayser ( J ) & Co 12 5·4 5 5 — % 8 Kelly-SpT8% pf et.. 1 7 7 7 -1 1 Kelsey-Hayes Wheel. 4 1 1 1 2% Kelvinator Corp 4 3 2H 2% - H 6 Kennecott Copper... 49 5V» 5 5!% + H 8H Kresge (SS) Co (1).. 13 8V» 8 8V» 19 Kress (SH) Co (j 1 ».. 9 18V* 18% 181» -1% 10 Kroger Grocery (1 ).. δ 10% 10*» 10% + Vi 25 Lambert Co (tô) 11 28% 28 28Vi — *» 1*» Lee Rubber & Tire... 1 2% 2% 2V* 47 Leli Port Cmt pf (7). 20s 48V» 48'» 48V» 30% Lehman Corp (2.40).. 2 30'» 30% 30% — 1% 3"» Libbey Owens Glass. 1 4'» 4V» 4'* + V» 32'» Liggett & Myerstt»). >' 38U 38 3K —1 34% Liggft Myers Β (t5). 9 39% 38 38 -1 100 Ligg & Myers pf (7). 4 108 106 106 —4!» 8!» Lima Locomotive .... 4 10 10 10 9 1 J<juid Carbonic (2).. 1 10*» 10*» 10*» 13V» Loew's Inc (+4) 15 H>% 14H 15% 45 Loew's Inc pf (6 H ) · · 2 45 45 45 l'a Loft Inc 3 2 2 2 V» Long Bell Lumb( A)ï. 1 '» % Vi 16% Loose-Wiles Bis(t3). > 5 18% 17*» 17% -1% 9 Lorillard (P) (1.20).. i 17 11 10% 10*» + H 8% Lou GasftKl A (l*i).. 1 H* H** H* 7H Louisville & Nash . ..( JL 1 10% 10% 10% + V» 13 Mclntyre Porc M ( 1 ). 1 14'» 14% 14% — V» 28 McKeesport Τ Ρ (4).. 27 33 31% 32% +1'/» 1% McKesson & Bobbins 1 1% 1% 1% 3% McKesson & Robs pf. 1 4% 4% 4% + % 10 Mack Trucks (1) 5 12'i 12 12 - % 17 Macy (II R) (n2) 10 18% 18 18 lVi Mandell Brothers. ... 2 IV» 1% 1% — Vi 4 Manhat Kiev mod gtd 15 5 5 SH Manhattan Shirt 14 4 4 H Maracaibo Oil Exp. .. 1 % % % — % 6',, Marine Midld (80c).. 4 7 6% 6% — H 5% Marlin-BockwelKl ). 2 6 6 6 — V» 3H Marshall Field & Co.. 1 3H 3H SH 9 Mathieson Alk (1V2). 1 9% 9% 9% + Vi 9% May Dept Stores 1.80. 1 10 10 10 3% Mld Continent Petrn. 1 4H 4H 4H — H 25 Mid St Pr 1st pf (3).. 2 26 26 26 -4 5 Minn Molina Ρ pf.... 1 5 5 5 -1H 1% Mo Kan & Texas 2 2 1% 2 1H Missouri Pacific 12 2 2 2H Missouri Pacific pf. .. 1 3Vi 3Vi 3Vi + % 13% Monsanto Chem 1 '·» .. 4 16(4 15% 16V» + H SH Montgomery Ward. .1 17 4H 4H 4V» % Mother Lode 1 % Va H 2H Murray Corp 1 2% 2% 2% j β *\asii inuiui η \ - ; «· ^ 25% Nat Biscuit (2.80) 71 26 24% 25% + V 101 Nat Biscuit pf (7)...· 1 108 1·8 108 -2 ·% Nat Cash Reg (A)... 2 6% 6% 6% — V 14% Nat Dairy <2.60).... 87 15% 1414 14% 13 Nat Dist Prod (2)..., 11 19 18% 19 +1 4914 Nat Lead (5) 1 83 53 53 — 5^ 94 Nat Lead pf A (7) ... 60s 941* 94 94 70 Nat Lead pf Β (6).... 20a 68 68 68 —2 6% Nat Pwr & Lt (1)... · 24 8% 81* 814 14'/» Nat Steel (1) 3 14V* 14 14 - V 1% Neisner Brothers. ... 1 1V4 1% 1% 2% Nevada Con Copper.. 1 2!·» 2% 2% — V. 4V» Ν Y Air Brake 2 414 4V» 4'/* 8*» Ν Y Central 194 11% 10% 10*» + 1 1% Ν Y Chicago & St L.. 1 2% 2% 2V* — * 2 Ν Y Chi & St L pf 4 2 2 2 -V 82% Ν Y & Harlem (5).... 40s 92 91% 91% - fi 6 Ν Υ Ν Η & Hartford. 7 714 6% 6*» 14*4 Ν Υ Ν II & Hart pf. .. 3 14 1ST» 13'» 4*4 Ν Y Ont & Western.. 9 414 4*4 4% 70 Ν Y Steam pf (6). ... 120s 75 71V» 7114 90 Ν Y Steam 1st pf(7). 10s 92 92 92 10*» Noranda Min (aûOc)., 3 11T4 117· 11*4 57 Norf & Westn (tl2).. 6 59 67 571, 1*4 North Am Aviation.. Il 2 1*4 1*4 13% Nor Amer(bl0%stk), 73 16', 15% 16% 6*4 Northern Pacific 27 6*4 6% 6V, 5 Ohio Oil (a20e) 6 6% 6% 6% — % Oliver Farm Equip.., 2 H H »t + 9 Otis Elevator (1H >.. 6 11 10». 11 + 12 Owens 111 Glass (2).. 12 20 20 20 — 16% Pacific Gas & El <2).. 64 19*4 19 19% - V 20% Pacific Lighting (3 ). 6 26*, 25 25', 58 Pacific Tei&Teieg(7) 290s 62Vi 61 61 -IV 1% Packard Motor Car.. 21 1*4 1% 1% IV» Paramount Publix... 74 Ι'* 1% 1% 2 Park & Tilford 2 4% 41* 4% + » H Park Utah 2 H H H 114 Pathe Exchange (A). 1 2 2 2 — * % Peerless Motor Car.. 1 % % % 13 Penney ( J C) (2.40}.. 7 15 14% 14% + » 614 Penna Railroad 46 8 7% 7% — *< 4514 Peoples Gas Chi (5). 15 48 46% 47 + V 3V4 Pere Marquette pr pf 30s 4% 4'* 4'4 — V 3 Petrol Corp of Am... 6 3% 3% 3% 3'4 Phelps Dodge 1 4S 4% 4% 18 PhiiaCo 6% (3) η 1 214 21V, 2114 - 2 Phlla & Read C & I... 10 2 2 i 2 Phillips Petroleum..: 9 3*4 314 314 + V 1*4 Pierre-Arrow..' 1 11* 11* H* — ν 14 Pierce-Arrow pf 1 1514 15'4 15*4 — V '4 Pierce Petroleum.... 1 «* h % + V 18% Pitts Coal pf 1 18 18 18 -2 614 Prairie Pipe Line.... 2 7 7 7 24% l'roct&Garni» (2.40). 54 25V» 24 24 — ' 29% Public ijjvc Ν J(3.20). 49 32% 30% 31', + » llf'i Pullman Corp (3)..., 12 14 1314 137* + * 2"* Pure Oil 5 3V* 3 31» , 2% liadioCorp 19 3*4 3 3 10 RadlCorp pf (A) 3 10% 10H 10H 3% Radio Corp pf Β 4 5 4V, 4V, 1% Radio-Keith-Orph. .. 2 2% ^ 2*4 4*4 Raybestos-Man (60c) 2 414 41, 4Vâ 914 Reading Rwy (1) 3 11% 11 11 1 Remington-Rand.... 1 1% lvi 114 4 Rem ltand 1st pf 2 6% 6% 6% 1V4 Reo Motor Car ; 2 1% 1*4 1% 1*4 Republic Steel 1 254 2V* 2*4 5% Republic Steel pf. ... 15 5 5 6 Reynolds Met ( 1 *4).. 4 6 6 6 65 Reynolds Tob A (3).. 50s 65 65 65 26% Reynolds Tob Β (3).. 17 27% 26% 27>4 IV, Itossia Ins of Amer.. 1 IV* 1V4 lï* 12V* Royal Dtch (a8le). .. 2 15% 15% 15% 34% Safeway Stores (5).. 17 35V4 34 35 60 Safeway Strs pf (6). 10* 64% 64'i 64'4 +2 69 Safeway Strs pf (7).. 20· 73 73 73 5V* St Joseph Lead 2 5'j 5*4 5% — V* H St L-San Francisco.. 1 1*4 1'4 1V4 — % % Schulte Bétail Stores 3 1 1 1 V* Seaboard Air Line. . . 1 Vi % % 6*4 Seaboard Oil Del 40c. 7 7% 7% 7% + % 10 Sears Roebuck ι 53 10% 9% 10 1% Servel Inc 6 1% 1% 1% + H 5 Shattuck (FH) 50c. .· 3 5% 5*4 514 + *4 2*4 Shell Union Oii 2 2% 2% 2% 18 Shell Union Oil pf. .. 4 20 20 20 +1 3% Simm» Petroleum.... 3 3T» 3% 3% — % 214 Skelly Oil 1 3% 3V* 3% 6*4 Socony-Vac (80c).... 37 7 6% 7 + % 35H Solv Am pf ww(5V4)· 9 35*4 35 35 —H 4(4 South Port Rico Sug. 23 8% 8 8 — % 15% Southern Cal Ed(2).. a 19 18% 19 + >i 6% Southern Pacific 75 7% 6'» 7 — % 2% Southern Railway... ft 3 2% 3 4% Southern Railway pf. 2 4'» 4 4 — '* 8 Spencer Kellog(60c). 1 8 h 8 6 Spicer Mfg 15 5 6 8% Stand Brands (1.20)., 20 10 9% 9% + % 119V* 110 Stand Brands pf (7). 1 118% 113% 113% + % 34% 7% Stand Gas & Elec (2). 10 10 9% 9% + '* 9% Stand Gas&El pf (4). 2 13V» 13 13V* + % 24% Stand Gas&EI pf (6). 2 29% 29 29% +1% 1514 Stand Oil Calif (2)... 9 18 17% 18 -% 81 Stand Oil Kxp pf (δ). 1 85 85 85 7 Stand Oil Kansas.... 5 7 7 7 19% Stand Oil Ν J <t2>... 103 23% 23% 23% % Sterling Secur (A ). . 1 1, V» 14 — % 13% Sterling Secur cv pf. 2 161» 16% 16'* - % 1'4 Stewart Warner 4 2% 2 2V* 61» Stone&Webster(50c) 31 6% 5% 5% — V» 2% Studebaker Corp. .3 3V4 3% 3% + % 24% Sun Oil (1) 1 27V» 27V, 27% + % V4 Superior Oil » 2 % % % 2 Sweets Co of Am... . 1222 9% Texas Co(l) 29 9% ' 9% 9% + % 12% TexGulf Sulph (2).. 12 12% 12% 12%-% 4 The Fair 2 4V* 4Vi 4% -1% 40 The Fair pf (7) 100e 40 40 40 3% Third Avenue 3 4** 4% 4% — % 2V» Timken-Detroit Axle 1 2V« 2V» 2V» 8% Timken Roll Β 1 % . .. 7 8% 8% 8% Ζ 2% Transanterica Corp.. 5 2% 2% 2% 1% Tri-Contl Corp 19 2 1% 2 + Η 8% Underwood-El-F ( 1 ). 1 8% 8% 8' i — % 151, tin Carbide &C( 1.20) 100 16'» 16% 16%+ *« 8% Un Oil of Calif (1.40). 4 9% 9 9 - % 31% Union Pacific (6) 132 33 29'4 30%-% 40 Union Pacific pf U),j 11 41 , 41 41 -2 - -Prev.1932—. Stock and Sales— Net. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close. Chge 12 Un Tank Car (1.40). . :3 124 12 12 — 4 6'·» Unit Aircraft 37 74 74 74 804 Unit Aircraft pf (3).ι 4 40 39* 40 + 14 64 Unit Carbon 1 8% 84 8% + 4 34 Unit Corp (40c) · 42 4% 4 4'« 20 Unit Corp pf (3) 12 224 22·* 224 + 4 ΙΟ'-i Unit Fruit (2) 2 13 13 13 - 4 94 Unit Gas&Im(1.20).. 53 124 117· 117» — 4 44 Unit riece I>ye Wks. 3 4 3'* 34 -1 1»» U S & Forn Secur. ... 4 1*, 14 14 134 U S Indue Alcohol... 12 16 15 154 + 4 74 US Pipe& Fdry (2).. 3 84 84 84 + H 114 l* S Pipe 1st (1.20).. 6 11*. Hi, 11». + 4 2 U S Realty & Imp. ... 6 24 24 24 — 4 10 USSmtgA Ret (1).. 4 11 104 104 324 U S Smtp&Ref pf 3 4 1 324 324 324 214 US Steel 392 23 214 214-4 51*» Γ S Steel pf (7) 78 534 514 524 + 4 27 Unit Stores pf (3). 2 31 31 31 1H Util Pwr & Lt (A). . ■ 3 24 24 24 + 4 4 4 Vadsco Sales Corp... 14 4 4 184 54 Vanadium Corp 3 7 Ç*4 g»4 1 H Va-Car Chemical.. .„ 4 1 t ν 394 20 Va-Car Chem 7 To Pf.. 4 35 34 35 4 4 Wabash R R 1 1 1 6 1 Wabash pf (A) 1 14 1% 14 19 74 Waldorf Sys (1%) ... 18 8 8 3 4 Walworth Co 3 4 », »4 24 4 Ward Baking (B).... 1 4 », 44 4 Warn Bros Pictures.. 26 4 s, *4 20 4 "Warner Bros Pic pf.. 15 5 5 14 4 Warner Quinlan 11 4 7 14 Warren Bros 2 14 14 14 ,-Prev. 1932—, Stock and Bales— High. Low. Dividend Rate Add CO. High. Low. Close. < Η Webster Eisenlohr... 3 4 4 4 204 Webster-Eisenlhr pf 20f 25 25 25 8*» Wesson Oil & Sn (1). 1 84 84 84 444 Wesson O&Sn pf (4). 4 444 444 444 4 Western Pacific pf.. · 5 m 1 1 124 Western Union 43 134 124 12*» 94 Westing'se Air B(l). 7 104 10 10 164 Westinghse Elec (1). 198 174 164 17 524 Westinghse 1st (3 4 ) 50a 59 59 5» 24 Weston Elec Instru.. 14 4 4 64 White Motor 2 74 74 74 12 White Rock M S <2).. 1 12 12 12 2*4 Wilcox Oil & Gas.... 28 44 44 44 4 Willys-Overland 1111 11 Wilson & Co pf 8 13 13 13 22 Woolworth (2 40) 82 244 234 234 5 Worthington Pump.. 9 lO 94 94 254 Wrlgley ( Wm) ( 4 I. .. 5 304 30 30 14 Yellow Truck 2 14 14 14 12 Yellow Truck pf 90s 24 22 24 94 3 Young Spring&W* 1 ). 2 44 44 44 9'» 44 Zonite Products(60c) 4 44 44 44 — 4 Sales of Stocks on New York Exchange. 10:30 Α.M 100.000 12:00 Xoon 4β0.000 1:30 I'M 600.000 2:10 I' M 600.000 Dividend rates as given In the above tables are the annual cash payments based on the latest quarterly or hall-yearly decla rations. •Unit of trading less than 100 shares. tPartlj extra. îPlus 4'· in stock a Paid this year—no regular rate, b Payable in stock, e Payable in cash or stock, i Plus 8·. In stock, h Pius 3'» in stock, j Plus J1 in special preferred stock, k Plus 3Γ» in stock, m Paid last year—no regular rate, η Plus 5Γ· In stock, ρ Payable in scriD χ Ex-dividend. PURCHASE OF SILVER AUTHORIZED IN BILL Senate Banking Committee Reports Measure Designed to Stabilize Price of Metal. By the Associated Press The Senate Banking Committee has reported a bill authorizing the mint to purchase not more than 5,000.000 ounces of silver a month up to July 1, 1938. The silver to be purchased is to be the product of mines and reduction works in the United States, coined into standard silver dollars and subsidiary coins, and is to be the basis of cur rency issued in the form of silver cer tificates of $1, $5 and $10 denomina tions. The committee said the bill is to aid in overcoming the oversupply of silver in world markets, due to debasement of melting of silver coils by governments and disposing of the metal in the mar ket, and to place in circulation a limited amount of additional currency based on silver. Opposed to the measure is Secretary Mills, who expressed disagreement as to the seriousness of the low price of silver and commodities. These low prices, he said, reflect conditions which must bo remedied by readjustments in basic conditions rather than through creation of an artificial demand. He said the bill does not represent a neces sary or sound use of silver, and that the purchase would be unnecessary to cur rency requirements. RAILROAD EARNINGS. NEW YORK, June 28 (Λ31).—Norfolk & Western Railway had May net operating income of $1,091,480, com pared with $1,603,462 a year ago. Fig ures for other roads reporting today follow: 1932 1931 Kansas City Southern, $45.335 $246,543 Burlington 162,214 1,385,551 Illinois Central 547,915 853.989 Delaware & Hudson .. 65,518 358,380 Northern Pacific ..(x) 61,299 34,335 (xj Deficit. Gasoline Price Advanced. NEW YORK, June 28 (Λ*).—Standard Oil Co. of California has advanced gasoline prices 2'2 cents a gallon, fol lowing the advance in crude oil effective on June 26. This is the first change in California gasoline prices since April 9. when retail quotations were cut 2 cents a gallon. dividends declared NEW YORK, June 28 (/Ρ).— Redoced. Pe Company. Rate, riod Allegheny Tr (Pitts»-12 Q Avondale Mills $5 Q Bank of France 100 ir Canadian C & F ...15c Cinn Bk A- Tr $2 Dist Nat Bk ι Wash. D C).. $1 50 Maiden Tr (Maiden, Mass) 10c Manchester Sav Bk & Tr : Pitts) .. $1 Nat Bk of Germntn & Tr (Philai ?1 Sat Cent Bk < Bait ι $3 Sat Pr pr Tr pf 87'2c Park Bank (Bait).. 10c Penman's 75c Peter Paul Inc 15c Sec Ν Bk IN Hav $2 State St Invest. 50c West Side Trust (Newark. Ν J) Willimantic Τ (Conni S s ο Q Q Q Q Q 62'je Q ...25c Q Omitted. Béni Elec Mfg 8r'r 1st pt *2 Contin Tel 7'· Pf S1.75 Do 6'ii''· Pf î 1 62" .· Flatbush Invest ..$1.50 Qraham-Paige Mot 1st pf fl.75 Missouri Oas & El pr lien . î 1.75 Stearns (Fredι & Co pf ï 1 75 Thompson Co Inc pf $! Westn Ins Sec pf.Jl.50 Wilcox & Rich Β. ,7'ac Regular. Aeolian Co Mo 2d pf.<2 Allegh V Bk (Pitts' $2 Am Furn Co A pf .ll 75 Am lnv Tr Shrs . 94Hc Athol M Co Tr pf $3 50 Baldwin Co ί'ί· pf $1.50 Boston R R Hold pf $2 Bristol B&T ' Conn ι 50c Col-Ore Pr Co C ν Bf (1927i Si SO Can Bronze Ltd 31'«c Do. Pf 11.75 Citiz 4 Sou Ν Bk (Savannah) 25c Colum Ν Β (Wash, D CI >3 "omwlth Ins 8hrs.25c Do. Β 12.95c Comwith Life Ins (Kvt 40c Comwith Tel pf (Madifon. Wisi il 50 Sons Royalty Oil . 5c 3ons Trac of Ν J $2 Duquesne NB (Pitt). 12 Ely & Walk Dry Gds pf $3 50 Do. 2d pf *3 ïureka Pipe Line ..$1 Farm & Merch Bk (Lg Beach. Calif ι S3 Do. ( L Ar.geles) $4.50 First Ν Β (Mobile).$3 First Nat Bk (Toms Rlv Ν J> 87' jc Ftnilds Mill Co pf. $2 3".obe Disc & Pin 25c ill Coml Tel *6 pf.$l 50 [nti Elevating fl tnt Util *7 pr pf $1.75 Do. $3.50 pr pf STjc Do $1 75 pf 43a4C Janss lev $6 A pf.$1.50 It hnson Publish 1212c Lex Tel Co 6'j'< pr pf $1.62 j Lincoln Tel & Tel.$1.75 Lynbrook Ν B&Tr.30c Mil Factors Corp (Ν Υ ι A 50c Do Β 50c Murray 'JWi Mf pf $2 Nat Weaving Co 7 Br pf «3.50 Ntilson (Wm) Ltd pf *1 75 Ν Brunsw Lt Η & Pow 5'< Pf $2.50 Ν Eng lnv & S pl..$2 Newark Cons G as . $2.50 Newark Tel Co (Ohio) 6 ' Pf.. $150 No Am Edis pf...»1.50 Ohio Asso Tel C pf 35c participation in Select Standard Oils. 17.963c Penmans pf. l'2'i Pocah Fuel Oil pf $3 Reliable Strs Corp 1st pf ··* 1 3anta Cruz Post Ce.Ti $1 Secur Tr (Indi $3 Security Tr ( Lynn 1.40c Springfteld Ry Cos pf (192βι $2 Syracuse Trust .. aOc Tec Palm Bridge 71 v„ Pf 5187'.· rri-State Τ & Τ 11.50 ,V Jer Tr ( Camden >. 25c Westn Sav & Dep Bk (Pitts) $1 Wichita Un Stk. Yard $1.50 WrittltAB; Ce Pl.llVZS Pay able. July 1 July 1 Aug. 30 July 9 Hldrs. of record June 20 June 30 S Q Q June 30 Q July 1 q July 1 July 1 July 1 July 1 July 1 Aug. 15 July 1 July 1 July 15 July 1 July 21 July 1 July 1 July 1 Mar. 31 Q July 1 Q July 15 July 1 July 1 July 1 July 30 July 1 July 1 July 15 June 30 July 1 July 15 July 11 July 1 July 15 Aug. 1 Aug. 1 Q July 1 Q July 1 .. June 30 Q July 1 July 15 July 25 July 15 July 1 July 15 July 15 Aug. 1 June 30 July 1 July 1 July 1 July 10 July 15 July 15 July 1 Aug. 1 Aug. 1 July 15 July 1 July 1 July 15 July 10 June 30 July 1 July 1 July 1 July 30 June 30 July 1 JTiIy 1 July 1 July 9 Sep. 1 July 1 July 31 Aug. I June 30 July July July July July 1 July 1 AUK. 1 July 1 July 1 Q July 1 July J July 1 Bank President HEADS NEW INSTITUTION AT MARLBORO, MD. CLARENCE M. ROBERTS Of Landover. Md.. president of the Farmers & Merchants Bank. Upper Marlboro. Md., which opened for busi ness today. W. Seton Belt of Hall Station, who was chosen president of the institution 10 day j ago. resigned because of pres sure of private business. Mr. Belt will be chairman of the board of directors. At the same time Mr. Roberts was elected president by the directors yes terday afternoon. Charles S. Early, for mer sheriff, was chosen first vice presi dent and John E. Donald second vice president. Washington Produce Butter—One-pound prints, 93 score, 20; 92 score, 19; standards, 18. Tub, 93 score, 19; 92 score, 18; standards, 17. Eggs—Hennery, 14; current receipts, 12. Poultry, alive—Turkey hens, 12; toms, 10; crooked breasts, 10; Spring broil ers, Plymouth Rocks, 2\- pounds and over, 18a20; 2|ό pounds and under, 16a 18; Rhode Island Reds, 15al7; mixed colors, 14al6; Leghorns, 14al6; hens, colored, 13al5; Leghorns, 12; roosters, 8. Poultry, dressed—Turkeys, hens, 15; toms, 13; crooked breasts, 13; Spring broilers. Plymouth Rocks, 21* pounds and over, 21a23; 2y2 pounds and under, 19a21; Rhode Island Reds, 18a20; mixed colors, 17al9; Leghorns. 17al9; Leg horns, 15; roosters, 11; Long Island ducks, 14al5; hens, colored. 16al8. Meats—Beef, 12al3; veal, 11; lamb, Spring. 17; Fall, 13; pork loins, 15; fresh hams, 1312 ; smoked hams, 16; strip bacon, 16; lard, 7; compound, 6>û. Live stock—Hcgs, light, 4.25a4.60; medium. 4.25a4.60; heavy, 3.75a4.30; pigs. 4.00a5.00; roughs, 1.00al.50; calves, 3.00a5.50; lambs, 4.00a6.00. Fruits—Watermelons, 35a65 : canta loupes, jumbos, 3.00a3.50; standards, 2.75a3.00; oranges, 3.75a4.25; lemons, 4.50a5.00; limes, per 100, 2.00a2.50; bananas. 1.25a2.00; plums, 1.25al.75: figs, 75al.OO; cherries, fancy, 15-pound lugs, 2.50a2.75; honeydews, 2.90a2.50; honeyballs, jumbos. 4.00a4.25; stand ards, 2.25; grapefruit. 4.00a4.25; grapes, kegs, 5.00: blackberries, 2.00a2.50; rasp berries, quarts, 20a25; huckleberries, 20a25. Vegetables—Potatoes, new, per barrel, 2.50; old, 100-pound sacks. 1.00al.25; sweets, per bushel. 50a70; tcmatoes, lugs. l.OCal.25; string beans, 50a75; limas, 1.00a2.00; squash, 50a75; cucum bers. bushel baskets, 50a75; eggplant, 1.50a2.00; lettuce, Iceberg. 4.75a5.00; homegrown. 50; corn, 1.00a 1.26; celery, 3.00a3.50; kale, 50a60; spinach, 1.00a 1.25; asparagus, 1.25a2.25; beets, per 100 bunches, 3.00: carrots, per 100 bunches, 3.00a4.00; cabbage, 50a 1.00; peppers, 2.00a4.50. Exchange Seat Value Drops. NEW YORK, June 28 (Λ»).—New York Stock Exchange seat values have slipped back a little from their recent rally level. A membership sold at $80,000, off $5,000 from the previous sale, but $12,000 above the recent low. Discount Rate Reduced. BUDAPEST, Hungary, June 28 OP) —The Budapest National Bank has re duced its discount rate by 1 per cent to 5 per cent. FOREIGN EXCHANGE. (Quotations furnished by W. Β Hlbbs A Co.) Nominal gold Selling checks value. today. London, pound $ί ϋ??5Ρ *a oji'.c Paris, franc ?ô Â, ?» ,,,ΐ Brussels, bjlga olJ«a*c 23 69c Berlin, mark 23.82c 23.89c Rome, lira J.JéC 5.09c Zurich, franc 1# 3c 19.48'^c Athens, drachma 1.3c Madrid, oeseta 19.3c Vienna. «cliillinR... . 14 07c Budapest, pengo.. . ij -·· Prague, crown tnom.) 2.964c 2.96 ac Warsaw. ::loty 11.22c ...... Copenhagen crown.. .6 8c 19.8«c O.slo. crown ^J.Jc }· ÎL* Stockholm crown 26.8c 18.DJC Montreal, 1211'« discount. — . SHORT-TERM SECURITIES. (Reported by Chas. D. Barney^A Co.^ Allis-Chalmers Co. 5s 1937.... 63 69*< American Chain Ço. 6s 1933... 40 American Tel. A Tel S'js 943 1001. 101 Amer. Wat Wks. & El_ 5s 1934 71 13 ; Baltimore Λ Ohii4'js 1933 36 · Balding HemimAy Co 6s 1938 80 JO Bethlehem Steel Corp. 5s 1936 .9 · 80 j Canadian Nor Rwy. 4'iS 1935. 90 ι 91 ι Chi Ν :rU:»estern R. R 5s 1935 90 ι 91 2 Chi Northwestern R. R. 5s 1933 52 63 Chicago Rock Island 4s 1934, . 28 4 -9 < Cleve. Lor. & Wheeling 5s 1933 ..... 96 Cclorado & So. Rwy. 4' as 1935 72 ι ·3 Commercial Credit Co. 5'jS 1935 91 Delaware & Hudson Co 5s 1935 8o 93 Denver A· Rio Grande 4'as 1936 35 38 Gen Mot Accep Corp. 6s 1937 101 ', 101S General Petroleum Corp. 5s 1940 100 lOOVj General Public Service 5 Si 1939 75 80 Grand Trunk ot Canada 6s 193» 92 92 · Houston E. & W. Texas 5s 1933 83 93 Keystone Telephone Co. 5s 1935 62 es Laclede Gas Light Co. 5s 1934. 77 78 j Louisville & Nashville 5s 1937. 89 96 Ntw York Cent. A H. 4s 1934 28·. 29', Northwestern Tflep 4 '.«s 1934. 82 #< Penna. R. R. Co. 6'iS 1936 87 «7S Portland General Elec. 5s 1935 8a 8i Republic Iron and Steel 5s 1940 4β ι 48· Sinclair Cruae Oil Co 5'is 1938 100 100 .· Southern Pacific 5s 1W4 .... ..... ?·} St. L I.M S. Ry R &G. 4s 1933 48S <9 Union Elec Lt. & Pow 5s 13^3 1011* 102 Union Oil Co. of Calif. 5s 1935 91 92 , Virginia Rwy. A p°w"A* 1934 2? 4 Wabastl Rw*. Co. 6* 1SJ8 ·» 11 « COAL SALES AGENCY FACING COURT TEST Department of Justice to File Suit Against Appalachian Com pany in Near Future. By the Associated Press. The Department of Justice shortly i will institute suit to determine the le gality of Appalachian Coals, Inc., newly created sales agency of the coal in dustry. Trial of the case before a three-judge court is looked for in August, and a decision from the United States Su preme Court is anticipated in December or January. Counsel for the regional sales agency and J. D. Francis, president of the corporation, have held several con ferences in Washington. Preparation of evidence to be submitted by defend ant is under way, and witnesses from the ranks of producers, distributors and consumers in support of the plan will j appear. A high degree of interest is evinced throughout the industry and offers of ! co-operation have been received by the National Coal Association. Other in dustries. particularly copper, lumber and oil, have expressed lively concern in the : matter and voiced confidence as well as : hope that the effort would be sue- ; j cessful. The National Coal Association, a j prime mover in the action, is asking all operators to co-operate with Appa lachian Coals, Inc.. with any ideas or suggestions regarding preparation of : j the case, which, it hopes, will result in ; general stability throughout the in i dustry. . U. S. AUTO IS FAVORED IN NINETEEN NATIONS By the Associated Press. Nineteen of the countries of the world show a 100 per cent preference for the American automobile. A survey of the 162 gecgraphical units included in the 1931 autcmobile census brings out this fact, as well as the fact ' that 47 countries show 95 per cent or ! more of the cars were made In the United States, and 57 units have pur chased 85 per cent or more of their cars from American factories. As examples, 96 per cent of the cars in Uruguay, Japan and Argentina j came from the United States; 95 per ί cent of the cars in Afghanistan and j New Caledonia ; 85 per cent in China ! and Latvia; 98 per cent in Taiwan, and 99 per cent of those in the Philippine , Islands. COAL OUTPUT GAINS. By the Associated Press. Production of bituminous coal in- ! creased slightly during the week ended June 18. as compared with the previous week. In the table that follows the output is given for comparable periods, as reported by the United States Bu- J reau of Mines: Week ended June 18... . 4,000,000 tons Previous week 3,975,000 tons Same week last year 6,635,000 tons Price Advance Aids Farmers. NEW YORK, June 28 (/P>— Both packers and farmers have been bene fited by the steady advance in the price of hogs during the past two weeks. Growers have reaped an immediate profit, and packers are finding in the i advance an additional bulwark against weakening influences of individual price cutting. Anti-Trust Suit Filed. WILMINGTON, Del.. June 28 (/*>).— ' The Stanley Co. of America, Inc., has filed suit in Federal court against the American Telephone & Telegraph Co.. the Western Electric Co.. Inc.. and Elec trical Research Products, Inc., alleging violation of the Clayton anti-monopoly act. The complainant attacks the validity ! and legality of an agreement under whieh it obtained use of sound-repro ducing equipment for its theaters. The bill alleges the defendants have unlawfully 'conspired to monopolize the interstate business of supplying record ing equipment to producers of talking motion pictures and reproducing equip ment for theaters. Stores Extend Lines. NEW YORK, June 28 <A>).—Many stores are said to be taking on new lines in an effort to stimulate business in July, which threatens to be the year's quietest month. Late Rally Reduces Losses of Midafternoon—Trading Is Quiet. BY GEORGE T. HUGHES. Special Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK. June 28.—Governed al most entirely by the dividenO news, to day's stock market was alternately firm and reactionary. It rallied In the morning, sold off in the early after noon on omission of the Atchison com mon dividend, with a number of im portant stocks making new lows, and then recovered irregularly in the last hour after it was announced that there would be no change in the dividend on American Can's junior shares. The action of the Atchison board had been expected, but the market took It as a blow. More than any other rail way common stock. Atchison had been regarded as an Investment. Dividends at one rate or another had been paid for more than 30 years. That It should now be necessary to discontinue pay ments altogether was a striking com mentary on the railroad situation This news was not entirely offset by the favorable declarations by Allied Chemical and American Can. in the case of the latter, at least, unexpectedly favorable. It was possible to draw almost any conclusion one desired from the movement of prices. The market did not go off as much as might have bren anticipated, nor on the ether hand did it rally with any decisiveness. Buying incentive is lack ing. that much is sure, but it is equally plain that liquidation is r.o longer pressing. Besides the dividend actions already mentioned. H;rshey Chocolate declared the regular on the common. The market was better frcm the start. In part this was due to an oversold condition, in part to the appearance of support at the new low levels Teached yesterday, and in part—although this did not develop until later in the day —to the fact that dividend develop ments had been overdiscounted. The oversold condition was revealed In the case of Auburn Auto. Opening 2 points higher, it advanced rapidly for a gain amounting to 6 or 7 points at tHe best of the morning. At one time there was "na near offer." but that was scon remedied, presumably by sponsors for the stock. With the per formances of Auburn on its last ad vance in mind, the lesson was not lost on the bear faction. The dividend news was mixed but as a whole favorable Graham-Paige omitted the quarterly dividend on the first preferred due at this time but only the common is traded in here and that, selling around $1 a share, was too low to be affected. On the other hand Norfolk & Western declared a quarter ly dividend of $2 on the common stock, or an $8 annual basis against $10 pre viously paid. This was all that could have been expected by the most opti mistic. Allied Chemical. 3bout which there had been a good deal of discussion, de clared the regular on its common shares and the stock ran up 3 to 4 points before meeting realizing. This also was a piece of good news. Another dividend development was declaration of a quarterly payment of 50 cents a share on General Foods common against 75 cents, the old rate. This had been fully allowed for in the re cent decline, and the stock was un importantly changed. Standard Brands £xpands. NEW YORK. June 28 <£>).—Standard Brands, Inc., has formed a subsidiary to consolidate and extend its business in Asiatic countries. It will be known as Standard Brands of Asia, Inc., and direction of the company's affairs and business will be through the head offices of Standard Brands οί Cali fornia, another subsidiary. Capital Reduction Planned. NEW YORK. June 28 <&).—Arcturus Radio Tube Co. stockholders will vote July 18 on reducing capital by $2.574, 000 and reducing valuation of assets to present replacement values. SILVER QUOTATIONS. NEW YORK, June 28 (A>) (Noon).— Silver futures steady: sales, 275,000 ounces. July. 26.85 bid: September, 27.07 bid: October. 27.20 bid: December, 27.41 bid; January, 27.56 bid. NEW YORK BANK STOCKS NEW YORK. June 28 (A3).—Over-the counter market: BANKS. Bid. Asked. Chase (21 19'j 21'» Commercial '8' 83 89 First National < 100 > . 875 97S Manhattan 12) 16'i 18'.i National City <2>. 233< 2S3« Public (2) 15'« m« TRUST COMPANIES. Bankers' (3> 393« 41Λ« Brooklyn Trust 116 ) 103 118 Central Hanover c*7i 87'j 91'2 Chemical ■ 1.80 > 27 ' 2 29*2 Continental 11201 Il3, Ιΐ*» Corn Exchange < 4 > 40 43 Empire <2 > 1334 15*i Ouarantv < 20> 169 174 Irving (1.60) IS-1» 14H Manufacturers' '21 167» 18'« New York Trust > 5 > . 55 58 Title Guaranty & Trust (4 801 . 26 29 'Include:; extra PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Apartment House MANAGEMENT ^OULDN 'T you be re lieved to feel that every time an unusual condition arose in connection with the opera tion of your apartment house property that you had oi^r ex perience and facilities to take care of it? It's a service that costs little —but performs to very definite _ advantage. B. F. SAUL CO. 925 15th St. N.W. NAtl. 2100 MORTGAGE LOANS