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) WASHINGTON, D. C, TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 1932. *** PAGE Β—1 RED CROSS GIVES TONS OF FOOD 10 BONUS VETERANS 9,000 Pounds of Flour and Wheat Turned Over as Funds Run Low. FARMERS SENDING TWO CARLOADS FROM IOWA Glas&ford Asks Senators' Aid in Getting Ex-Service Men to Leave for Their Homes. The American Red Cross this after noon came to the rescue of veterans rl the Bonus Expeditionary Force and released 9.000 pounds of flour and wheat to feed the bonus seekers en camped in the Nation's Capital. On requisitions signed by Polioe Chief Pelham D. Glassford. the Red Cross shipped from its stocks of Farm Board wheat and flour 3.000 pounds of wheat to Ottenberg's Bakery, 3,000 pounds of flour to National B. E. F. headquarters and 3,000 pounds of crushed wheat to the bonus headquar ters. The shipments were delivered as food stocks reached a new low level, with only enough rations on hand to feed the men through today and pro vide one meal tomorrow for 1,500 men. Glassford and Stott "Resign." Thus. Gen. Glassford once more came to the aid of the veterans less than 24 hours after he had resigned as "treasurer" of the Β. Ε F. and had returned to the organization the few dollars remaining in his hands. Both he and Police Capt. William G. etott, B. E. F. purchasing agent and commissary officer, "washed their hands" of the veterans' affairs when they resigned yesterday. Ottenberg's bakery has offered to bake 500 pounds of bread a day for the veterans and L. A. Speiss. head of the Washington Bakers' Association, an nounced he would ask other bakeries to do the same. The crushed wheat will be used for cereal pending arrival of two carloads of foodstuffs from Des Moines, Iowa, gift of the Farmers' Holiday Association. Thomas Seeks Policy. A resolution authorizing creation of • joint congressional committee to recommend a policy and a program for the "proper care and treatment" of the unemployed war veterans now to the District was introduced today by Sena tor Thomas, Democrat, of Oklahoma. This plan is designed to supersede another resolution introduced yester day by Senator Cope land. Democrat, of New York, authorizing an appropria tion of $100,000 for relief of the vet erans. The joint committee under the Thomas resolution . would be composed of three members of the House and three of the Senate » The resolution pointed out there are 20.000 homeless and unemployed citi zens in Washington and immediate vicinity without housing facilites or funds and almost without food. In presenting his resolution. Senator Thomas called attention to the serious condition faced by the veterans, reading an excerpt from an editorial in The Star yesterday relating to the sanitary conditions at the bonus camp and stories in the morning newspapers de claring the members of the B. E. F. are facing a food shortage because of avhonsUnn nf fimd*. Ashurst Suggests Return Fund. The resolution of Senator Thomas «as laid on the table temporarily at his request. During debate on the resolu tion, Senator Ashurst, Democrat, of Arizona, agreed that the situation, due to the presence in Washington of such a large number of unemployed veterans, is "acute," and suggested that the reso lution embody an appropriation as con templated in the plan of Senator Cope land, so that members of the Β. E. P. can be returned to their homes. Sena tor Thomas replied that many of the men have no homes. Senator Ashurst also declared that a popular misconception exists about con ditions at the bonus camp. "The American flag flies from every tent and every hole." he said. "You go out there, not as Senators, but incog nito. and you will be surprised by the 1 abeolute freedom of profanity and ribaldry. These men may have made a mistake in coming her?, but there is just as much true Americanism and patriotism in that camp of squalor and misery that can be found In any other place." Senator J. Hamilton I «wis. Demo crat, of Illinois, joined in the debate and paid a tribute to W. W. Waters. Acting Commander Quits. For the second time in three days a leader of the force resigned today. Thomas Kelly of Camden. N. J., fol lowed Walter W. Waters of Portland, Oreg., Into the discard this morning when he handed In his resignation as acting national commander. The ac tion. which he said was due to press of business at home, followed a renewed outbreak of communistic activity, ex haustion of food funds and a continued refusal of groups of veterans to obey orders from national headquarters. Meanwhile the District government made known it would not provide any more trucks to transport veterans out of the city. George Kleinholz. another Portland veteran, took over the reins of the fast disentegrating bonus army pending election of a permanent commander at the forthcoming "first national con vention" of the B. E. F. Anacostia Bolt Threatened. As rain transformed the vast Ana costia camp Into a sea of mud. the veterans quartered there threatened to bolt the organization if .national of ficers refuse to allow them greater representation on committees and fail to hold a direct election of a com ril^Ilder by popular vote, rather than by the convention of 500 delegates. The remnant of leadership today called on Waters, resigned commander In chief, to "save the day" by soliciting contributions. Only $40 was in the treasury this morning. Supply Oflicer H. E. Williams reported, cut of the nearly $200 turned over late yesterday by Càpt. Stott. Redoubling his effort» to get the men out of town. Gen. Glassford last night sent to all Senators copies of letters he previously had mailed to Representa tives, showing the number of veterans from each State and congressional dis trict and asking their co-operation in securing funds for the evacuation of the veterans by railroad. More than $100,000 is needed to send the men home by the railroads, which have agreed to reduce fares to 1 cent a mile, less than one-third the regular rate. TenU May Be Recalled. "The problems of food and shelter «•ill soon become acute," Glassford ►aid. "Many of the buildings now oc cupied by the veterans must be evac uated so that the Federal building program may not be arrested and hun dreds of men thrown out of work. It may be expected that the return of 143 pyramidal tents borrowed from Maj. Gen. Anton Stephan (National Guard commandant) will soon be called for. "It does not seem practical for the Bonus Expeditionary Force to remain In Washington and X urge that imme diate steps be taken to co-operate with me in sending the veterans back to their homes." The police chief's efforts to transfer 115 men from Camp Meigs, however, were defied by. the men there. E. P. Wagner, Erie, pa., camp commander said: "This is Government property and we're not going to move unless they want to use force." The men also defied the Β. E. P. Executive Committee when It requested the evacuation of the camp In com pliance with requests of the District Commissioners, who fear Its proximity to the Capital's food supply may menace the health of Washingtonians. New Β. Ε. F. Head ι GEORGE KLEIN'HOLZ. —Star Staff Photo. η υι mit AID REFUSAL ASKED Dates and Names Sought to Give Group Probing Re lief Work Here. Facts in substantiation of charges ι that Washington charitable agencies failed to aid several highly educated women in need were requested today by Fred A. Emery, past president of the Society of Natives, in answer to a "letter to the editor" recently published in The Star. In a letter to The Star Mr. Emery asks that the author of the original let ter send him dates and names in con nection with the cases mentioned in or der that they may be presented to a subcommittee of the Committee on Pub lic Health of the Washington Board of Trade, which is now investigating the efficiency of local relief work. Mr. Emery Is chairman of the subcommittee. He requests that he be furnished the names of applicants for aid, the names of the agencies applied to, approximate dates when aid was sought, and who turned down the applications and why. Subcommittee Created. He states: * "Xt is due the public, including those now in real distress, on the one side, and the relief agencies on the other side, that precise information about what happens be made available to those interested in the subject in an impartial way. I may add that the Board of Trade's Committee on Public Health has just created a subcommittee to inquire into the subject with a view of determining whether the relief work ] to which the people of Washington are | financially committed is functioning satisfactorily with the very highest pos sible real service to those for whom the funds are subscribed, namely, those who are deserving and worthy of aid from the community. "If any Evening Star readers have any suggestions or authoritative in formation that will be of help, in view of the indicated greater demands for relief during the coming Winter and possible limitation of the maximum amount that may be available, I will be glad to receive it to present and consider with the committee. "There are 65 separate services func tioning in the Community Chest set-up, with a budgeting of more than $2, 000.000 subscribed b7 the people of Washington, and there are other sub stantially organized relief agencies for which funds are raised, outside of the Community Chest, each having its sal aried staffs for administration of the volunteered funds. What the commit tee would like to know, or speaking for myself as one of its members, is: How is this functioning from the viewpoint of the public; from those who come into contact, as applicants or other wise, with all this organized relief. U.i: !_ /Λ-- I-.J "We have faith in Washington and always will have. We have faith in or ganized relief in Washington and al ways will have. But the public is en titled to accurate knowledge as to what goes on with respect to the funds it raises and to know whether relief is functioning satisfactorily from the standpoint of the public, including those who are in actual need as well as from the standpoint of those wno are sal aried for relief adminisiration. The re lief organizations have done splendid work in the past, including those pa triotic high-minded citizens who have volunteered their services and their time without compensation, but every large business enterprise sn every pro gressive city welcomes constructive criticism and suggestions. "Any ideas for improving the service to these in distress, for effecting more economic management of relief as a whole—constructive suggestions and criticisms, not mere idle gossip—will be welcomed by me personally for presen tation to the committee. The purpose is to render, through recommendations, such impartial, constructive help as the Information obtained from the public may make possible in the interest of organized relief in Washington, a vote less city w hose citizens hav e never shirked their responsibilities." PAROLED YOUTH HELD On parole from the National Training" School where he was sent when con victed of breaking into a hardware store at 1815 North Capitol street, David A Robinson. 18, colored, was brought into Police Court again today on a charge of illegal entry into the same place of j business. Robinson was arrested first in 1930 ι and aft'r being convicted was sent to the training school. Today Judge John j P. McMahon ordered Mm he'd for the grand jury under S2.500 bond. Police said he took an air rifle and a pair of roll?r skates from the store on this oc casion. UTILITIES BOARD DELAYS «G ON GAS RATE COT Keech's Petition May Not Be Acted Upon by Commission Until Next Week. DATA ON PHONE SERVICE AWAITED BY OFFICIALS Plea for Extension of Bus Line on Rhode Island Avenue North east Is Granted. The Public Utilities Commission today passed over for later action the petition of Richmond B. Keech. people's counsel, for a hearing to consider a reduction in the rates of the Washington and Georgetown Gas Light companies. The matter is expected to come up at a commission session Thursday, but may be deferred until next week. The petition was not acted on today due to the absence of Maj. John C. Gotwals. Engineer Commissioner, who was attending a session of the District Commissioners. Mr. Keech, in his petition filed last Saturday, asked for a rate hearing at the earliest practicable date, contend ing a reduction in gas rates would be beneficial not only to the consumers but also to the utility concern. He asserted the gas companies during 1931 had a combined return of 10.25 per cent. This rate of return, he said, was based on a valuation of approximately 520.500.000. The Public Utilities Commission also was awaiting today completion of data concerning various costs of different types of sen-ices rendered by the Chesa peake & Potomac Telephone Co. The data is being prepared by engineers of the commission and the telephone com pany, and the commission desires it be fore resuming the hearing on telephone rates, recently begun. At,its brief session this morning the Utilities Commission granted a petition for extension of the Rhode Island ave nue bus line of the Washington Rail way & Electric Co. from Twenty-second and Quincy streets northeast to Twenty second and Shepherd streets, at the in tersection of Bunker Hill road. The commission postponed action on a petition for extension of the Trini dad-Burleith bus line for some distance farther In the Trinidad area, pending an improvement of the street in that section. POLICE ASK EXEMPT CLAUSE IN PAY CUT Declare Overtime and Bisk of Life on Duty Entitle Them to Consideration. A plea that police pay be untouched In pending salary slashes, has been sent to all members of Congress by the Po liceman's Association of the District of Columbia. The request, presented as a "state ment of facts for the serious considera tion of Congress" was accompanied by a brief letter. Excerpts from the state ment follow: "Policemen of the District of Colum bia do not protest the so-called "pay cuts' in the interest of lowering the public debt, but it must be borne in mind that the expenses of the District of Columbia are carried to a greater extent each year by the taxpayers of the District. . . "The policemen of this city have been working overtime for a long period . . . the 8-hour day for policemen be ing more of a fallacy than a fact . . . "Policemen are allowed by Congress 'one day off in seven.' but the records will show this 'day off' has been can celled repeatedly since January 1. va rious 'marches,' pageants and parades having required almost continuous day and night service by policemen. The Β. E. F. has also caused much over time work. When it is considered in the light of fairness and justice that these po licemen. who are the guardians of life, limb and property of the members of Congress and their families, and the vast Government possessions in this city, who do not receive pay for over time and do not have any of the so called 'holidays' granted other work ers, and who are constantly risking their lives (and the records show an increase of loss of life by policemen on duty), it certainly does not seem fair and just to reduce their present sal ary." The statement is signed by Lieut. Milton W. Smith and Patrick S. Tor mey, legislative representatives of the association, and W. H. McGrath, its president. Lieut. Smith was at the Capitol this morning presenting copies of the pamphlet to Senators and Rep resentatives. GAS HUCKSTER BAN AMENDMENT IS URGED Bride Seeks to Exempt Stations Having No Driveways to Off-Street Pumps. Recommendation for a minor amend ment to the recently-adopted regulation prohibiting sale of gasoline from tank wagons on the public highways was laid before the District Commissioners today by Corporation Counsel William W. Bride. The proposed modification of the regulation would exempt from its pro visions a small number of gasoline dealers who have off-street stations, but which have curbstone service due to lack of private driveways. There are said to be less than a dozen such stations which would have to be abandoned unless the amendment is adopted. The new regulation, it is pointed out. was intended to halt the sale of gasoline on the hlRhways, with the fuel being transferred from tank wagons to the vehicles of their cus tomers, except In emergency cases. The city heads recently ordered the arrest, beginning July 1, oi any venders of gasoline violating the rule. EMBASSIES SOUGHT Nanking Government Moves to Elevate Legation Here. SHANGHAI, China. June 28 OP).— The Nanking government has decided to open negotiations at Washington and London with the purpose of rais ing the Chinese legations to the status of embassies. Pennsy to Start Blizzards Point Project at Once Railway Line Necessary J · for Building Huge Power Plant. Immediate development of a great in dustrial area at Buzzards Point, on the Anaccstia River water front, between the Navy Yard and the Army War Col lege, appeared assured today when J. G. Nettleton, Washington representative of the Pennsylvania Railroad, an nounced his board of directors had ap proved the project of immediately throwing trackage facilities into the Buzzards Point area. The board of di rectors also appropriated sufficient money to proceed and authorized a prompt survey to initiate the work, Net tletcn said. Extension of the Pennsylvania Rail road tracks from the Washington Navy Yard trackage system into the Buz zards Point zone will mean that the Potomac Electric Power Co. will be able to begin soon erection of its $5,000,000 electrical plant, which will give added facilities to the Capital. The electric firm proposes to bring in its building materials in carload lots, directly to the site of the new plant. The company has about reached the limit of its produc tion at Benning and the Buzzards Point plant will provide for future expansion. Test borings for the new plant are now going forward. Mr. Nettleton said the survey for the track extension will be made this week. Actual laying of the tracks will begin in from 10 days to two weeks and it is expected the work of placing the new tracks in place will take about a month. This work will give employment to a number of trackmen and for material and labor alone, the Pennsylvania Railroad authorities will spend about $125,000. The Industrial development of Buz zard's Point has long been favored by . the National Capital Park and Planning Commission, which lent its support to legislation to achieve this objective. President Hoover recently put his signature to bills for the extension of the tracks of the Philadelphia, Balti more & Washington Railroad from the Navy Yard into Buzzard's Point and for the closing of certain streets and alleys for construction of the Potomac Electric Power Company's plant. TORN SLIPS BARED IN EMBEZZLEMENT Anacostia Teller Accused of Taking $19,000 Cash. Awaits in Jail. A system of tearing up deposit slips ! and pocketing the money of depositors was employed by Robert B. Field, 31, teller at the Anacostia Bank, charged with embezzlement of more than $19, 000, officials of the bank disclosed to day. Arrested yesterday when he returned from a vacation. Field signed a state ment admitting the peculations and j said he first began the series of em- j bezzlements when he needed extra ' money during the illness of one of his i two children about a year ago. Immediately after Field's arraign ment yesterday afternoon before United States Commissioner Needham C. Tur nage, when he was held for the grand jury under $20,000 bond, Maurice Ot- j terback, president of the bank, Issued a statement that the institution is fully ; covered by a bonding company and the loss already has been made good. According to bînk officials, the em bezzlements possibly would not have ; been discovered for years but for the fact that Field left for a two week's va cation and a depositor with whose ac count Field had tampered asked that it be balanced during that time. The j teller, Mr. Otterback, explained, was j able to juggle the account, while he | was at the bank, so that the books ap- j peered to be in perfect order and ! showed no shortage. Field went on his vacation June 16. ! When he returned yesterday morning j he found a special agent of the Depart- j ment of Justice waiting for him with a warrant charging embezzlement. He had been unable to make bond to se- \ cure his release this morning and was in the District Jail awaiting the pres entation of his case to the grand jury. CAPPER'S CAR RECOVERED Senator Capper of Kansas today was j again in possession of his automobile, which was reported stolen early last night while parked in front of the May flower Hotel. Police recovered the machine shortly after Senator Capper notified them of the theft. The machine was spotted by a third precinct patrol car near Twenty-sixth and Ε streets which gave chase. Alter fleeing a short distanc? the two occupants deserted the cap·. J Police ran after them and caught j Robert Morlittle. 18, of Graham. N. C He was held lor investigation. He said i the driver of the car was a stranger to him. The driver escaped. CAUGHT BY PRIEST Captured by Rev. Francis J. Hurney. ι after he is said to have broken into j the Immaculate Conception Church, j Eighth and Ν streets, early Sunday i morning, Alfred J. Webster, 21, colored, was remanded from Police Court to the grand jury today under $1.500 bond. Warned by a burglar alarm which had been sounded. Father Hurney, armed with a pistol, halted Webster just as he Is said to have been breaking j into the money boxes of th? church. ! He said entrance was gained through a window. DISTRICT BUDGET FIGURES FOR NEXT VEAR DUE FRIDAY Revenue Estimates Will Be Ready When New Fiscal Period Begins. DONOVAN TO ISSUE CALL FOR 1933-34 NEEDS Department Heads Will Be Asked to Keep Recent Decline in Receipts in Mind. With the close of the current fiscal j year Thursday, District officials will | make a final tabulation of the revenues j and expenditures in prospect for the ι new year to determine the financial condition of the municipal government for the year 1932-3. Pinal action by Congress yesterday in sending the District supply bill to the President settled the question of the amount of appropriations for the new fiscal year, and on Friday Maj. Daniel J Donovan. District auditor and budget officer, will have compiled the totals for the revenues anticipated during the coming year. Meantime, Maj. Donovan is preparing to issue the annual call to the heads of the various departments of the Dis trict government to submit their esti mates for appropriation needs for the operation of the District government for the fiscal year 1933-4. Preparation Later Than Usual. Preparation of these estimates for the year following the one just beginning comes later this year than usual, due to the fact department heads have been waiting to see what the final figures would be for the ensuing fiscal year be fore completing total estimates for the following year. The department heads will be called upon to hold their estimates down to an even lower figure than their estimates for this year, due to the falling off in revenues that occurred during the last ! 12 months after their estimates wera j submitted last Summer. As soon as the estimates are re-1 ceived. the special Economy Committee of District officials will bring the work of studying them with an eye to elimi nating any appropriation request not deemed essential. The estimates are to be filed with the auditor by July 9. Evidence of the need for holding estimates for the next fiscal year down to the lowest possible total was seen a few days ago in a preliminary estimate by Tax Assessor William P. Richards, which showed that during the year now ending, there was a sharp de cline in receipts from the intangible and tangible personal property taxes and no considerable rise in the real estate tax assessment base for the new fiscal year. Bill Carries 841.245,622. The District appropriation measure as passed by Congress carries an appro priation of $41,245,622, this repre senting a reduction of about $4,500,000 from the total for the current year. While the tabulation of the tax reve nues to be made Friday by District officials will estimate the funds which the District may expect in addition to the Federal lump sum of $7,775,000. a third important element Is contained In the economy measure now awaiting final action by Congress. Under the operation of this proposed law, the District has anticipated a sav ing of approximately $1,900,000, due to the furlough of employes and the 8.3 per cent pay cut for its firemen and police and school teachers. RECEIVERS ARE ASKED FOR RAUSCHER'S, INC. Joseph A. Fisher, Part Owner, Says Differences Interfere With Management. Application has been made to the Dis trict Supreme Court for the appoint ment of receivers for Rauscher's, Inc.. famous old catering firm at 1345 Con necticut avenue. Joseph A. Fisher, own er of half the stock of the corpoiation, brought suit against Mrs. Augustine Dagneaux. widow of Rene C. Dagneaux. who owned the other half of the stock. Through Attorneys W. Gwynn Gardi ner and Charles S. Baker, the plaintiff says irréconciliable differences have arisen over the management of the business of the corporation which calls for the services of a receiver. The busi ness will be continued, it is announced. RESOLUTION FOR BRYAN MEMORIAL IS SIGNED President Hoover yesterday signed a congressional resolution Tor the erec tion of the memorial to William Jen nings Bryan in the Capital. The Fine Arts Commission and Lieut. Col. U. S. Grant, 3d, director of Pub lic Buildings and Public Parks, are studying plans for the location of the memorial, possibly in Potomac Park. Gutzon Borglum, noted sculptor, is now at work fashioning a statue in one of Bryan's characteristic oratorical poses. The commission recently viewed a statue by Borglum at the Corcoran Art Gallery here. Josephus Daniels, wartime Secretary of the Navy, is a leading fig ure in the Bryan Memorial Association. Boy Shoots Self Accidentally. James Glakas, 13, of the 500 block of Fourteenth street northeast, was treat ed at Casualty Hospital yesterday for a bullet wound in the hand. The boy had shot himself accidentally while playing with a revolver. LIBRARY'S "FINELESS WEEKS" RETURN 14,000 BOOKS TO USE Some Missing Since 1913 Are Brought Back to Shelves as Fines of #1,585 Are Canceled. A summing up today revealed that the shelves of the Public Library have been enriched by 14.000 books returned to circulation during the two "flneless weeks" declared by Dr George F. Bower man to give delinquent borrowers a chance to clear the record of charges against them. Of the tctal. only 167 unrecorded book were returned, while 1,646 volumes had been overdue three weeks or more, single cases dating back as far as 1913. The library canceled payment on a total of $1,585.55 in fines which had accumu lated on the carcjj of delinquents. The return of borrowed volumes, how ever, will enable the library t:> extend a larger service by placing long-overdue books back in the hands of the borrow ing public. To a great extent the library records have been cleared against delinquents and the service re-extended to many in need of library facilities during the de pression. Library books, it was ex plained, are often called upon just ncjv to take the place of recreation Invok ing the outlay of money. Lives Alone on Mountain MISS BECKY PASSES YEABS WIYHOl'T CLOCK. Miss Becky Hewitt and the lonely i cabin in which she lives alone at the age of 85. —Star Staff Photos. I THERE is no call for clock or cal endar at Miss Becky Hewett"s cabin in a cove on Upper Bull Run. Va., which is only 45 miles from Washington, but still as remote as the eariy frontier. The days, like the weeks, months and years, are of less crr.sequence than the seasons, which demand a little garden ing in the Spring, more wood chopping in the Fall. Miss Becky, what with living alone and marking the hours by the slant of sunlight across her doorsill, long since has lost count of her years. But the eldest residents who live in the valleys of Prince William and Fauquier Counties near the Bull Run Mountains say she is older than any of them and must be over 85 years. Remembers "the War." Miss Becky herself estimates more conservatively. Still, she can remember "the war"—the one and only war—of Bull Run and Manassas. She lived in her mother's cabin then, just "across the branch," a stone's throw from her present doorstep. The other wars, if Miss Becky had | heard of them at all, echoed but faintly I in the timeless cove where Miss Becky j has lived alone for perhaps 50 years, : cultivating a garden patch, keeping a J cow and a tev: chickens, chopping wood against freezing weather and cooking j over an open Are. Feebleness grew upon Miss Becky j slowly with the advancing years, the ' garden· sprouted weeds, cherries and apples ripened out of her reach, fire wood became increasingly hard to gather. Will Never Leave Mountains. But Miss Becky Insisted then, as she insists today, upon living on in the lonely cove. She's "scrta used to the mountains," she says, and will never leave them for the county alms house or anywhere else. Now residents of The Plains, Va., say Miss Becky is "on the county" for some S5 a month, delivered by messenger to her door. Church people from the sur rounding valleys ride the 3 miles of overgrown trail to deliver butter, milk and eggs from time to time. But for the rest, and sturdily enough, Miss Becky looks after herself. Yester day she was stirring about her yard, talking to herself and collecting brush for her cooking fire when visitors ar rived—Miss Margaret Shirley of Water fall, Va., who with her young niece had volunteered to show a reporter end , photographer to Miss Becky's door. Surprised by Callers. Miss Becky was surprised and more than a little puzzled by so many callers, but invited them into her tiny one room cabin, with its single window. She saw that her guests were comfort ably seated, and sought, in the name of courtesy, to restrain her curiosity regarding the purpose of the call. Miss Shirley, on a previous visit, had taken Miss Becky's photograph for the : first time, and now presented the aged | woman with an enlargement. Miss Becky scarcely glanced at the picture, which she quickly hid under her gingham apron. "It must be a purty sight," she scoffed. "I don't aim to look at it." Nevertheless Miss Becky presently tucked the picture furtively away in ! an old trunk, for later reference, per haps. Cats Keep Her Company. Miss Becky, she said, had "got'sorta : used to the mountains" and wasn't lonely, especially since she had three cats to talk to. Only a few seasons back she had two "top knots," chickens j which something, man or beast, had stolen. "I wouldn't have took a dollar a piece , for them." Miss Becky said. "No, nor | two dollars neither!" About her tiny cabin Miss Becky had a garden in which hollyhocks, bridal wreath and other flowers grew pleas antly. There were apple trees—"Sweet- i enins," Mise Becky said, and too high | to reach anyhow. A great cherry tree : gleamed with a profusion of fruit at | Miss Becky's doorstep, but Miss Becky | "didn't have no tooth for cherries." Instead, Miss Becky subsisted largely on corn pone and coffee, which she prepared over the hearth, pieced out by a few "store rations" from time to time and such produce as the weed grown garden yielded. Has Fear of Snake*. But Miss Becky, despite her sturdy ' self-reliance and a lifetime in the I wilderness, fears one thing, and because of it taxes her meager resources to keep 1 a lamp burning all night long. The light, which she has tended for < years, will keep snakes out of her ' cabin. Miss Becky hopes. Once Miss Becky was on her way to the store when she saw what looked like a pretty necktie in the trail. Her failing eyes almost betrayed her into picking up a rattler, which coiled and struck with vicious speed. Again a rattler crawled under her cabin, and Miss Becky was forced to move softly about the floor for days, lest her foot falls anger the snake. A creaking boaru, Miss Becky said, was enough to set the rattler off, and the deadly buzz had a way of unnerv ing her. She walked softly on the floor of her cabin and every day trim med a few shrubs and weeds from about the cabin, hoping the unwelcome visi tor would leave. This he did eventually, but Miss Becky keeps the lamp burning against his return. Bad Luck to Say Good-by Twice. When it came time to say good-by Miss Becky shook hands all around and wished her visitors well. At the door step they paused to chat a little longer, but Miss Becky raised her hand in a warning gesture, when they started to repeat the. bood-bys. "Stop," she commanded. "Hit's bad luck to say good-by twice. A preacher said howdy twice to me once," she added grimly. "What happened?" some one asked. "He died!" announced Miss Becky, grimly, turning back into her cabin without a backward glance. DISTRICT FUND BILL AWAITS SIGNATURE Measure Sent to Hoover After Scrutiny by Congressional Conferees. All that Is needed now to Jet the 1933 District of Columbia appropria tion bill become law on July 1 is Pres ident Hoover's signature. Congress put the finishing touches on the conference report late yesterday, with a result that the bill's authoriza tion for $41,245,622 will be made avail able at the beginning of the new fiscal year. Although this is a reduction of considerably more than $4,000,000 under this year's appropriation, a concession to the demands for economy, the 1933 bill goes to the President carrying $1,351,812 above the sum criginally voted in the House Of the total in the bill. $7,755,000 represents the amount of the Federal lump sum con tribution toward the support of the municipal gavernment and $350,000 for unemployment relief. The final action that sent the bill to the President was taken in the Senate late yesterday afternocn following the House agreement to the conference re port. This was merely a routine matter, as the Senate previously had passed favorably on all the provisions in the conference recommendations. There were five amendments, however, which had to be acted on separately, as they constituted legislation in an appropria tion bill. For this reason it was neces sary for the conferees to report a dis agreement so that the House could approve them. Salary Expenditure Limited. One of the amendments was the $350,000 for tlrt> Public Welfare Board, to be expended for emergency unem ployment relief. Not more than $35,000 3f this can be devoted to administrative purposes. The amount the Senate origi nally voted was $600,000 but this was reduced in conference The other amendment related to the Municipal Center. The relief fund was the subject of a brief but bitter debate in the House Λ-hen Representative Holaday of Illinois, Republican conferee, attacked the Com munity Chest, charging it used "more than $1,800,000 to pay salaries from $10,000 a year dowr The belligerent Mr. Holaday, how ;ver was effectively refuted by Repre sentative Byrns of Tennessee, chair man of the Appropriations Committee, aho had charge of the District bill, and Representative La Guardia of New Vark. They charged that Holaday had misrepresented the Chest, and the latter finally was forced to admit that he had ίο exact figures relating to salaries. Administration the Same. The relief item finally was agreed ;o when Mr. Byrns and Mr. La Guardia Doth explained that the money would »me from the District revenues in the >rme way that practically every other arge city had administered its emer ?ency relief fund this year. "Representative Holaday's statement that $1,800,000 of the Chest's fund goes to pay the salaries of employes is not true and the House conferees know it Is not true." Elwood Street, director Df the Community Chest, said. "It is misrepresentation of the worst kind." Mr. Street explained that the 65 con stituent organizations of the chest do pay that amount to their employes, but that less than lialf their funds comes from the Chest. The Chest raised $2,417,000, Mr. Street declared, while the budget of ,he member organizations totaled ap proximately $5,500,000, more than half af it coming from sources other than he Chest. Therefore, Mr. Street pointed out, thé figure of $1,800.000 paid out In salaries should be compared with the larger figure rather than with .he amount raised by the Chest. BEER IS CONFISCATED Some 37 cases of beer were confis cated by police yesterday in a building η the 2100 block cf Fourteenth street ihile they were seeking an alleged gam >ling establishment. As Detective Sergt. Howard Ogle and ietective J. K. Baker entered the place )ccupants fled. A number of large rocks used in making home brew also irere found, the officers reported. RUE'S COUNSEL BLAMES PITTS FT SPURIOUS EVIDENCE Effort Made to Show Former Smith Co. Head Planned Fake Documents. FORMER VICE PRESIDENT TELLS OF AGING PAPERS John H. Edwards, Jr., Declares Ex-Associate Ordered Letter heads Taken to Florida. Counsel for Prank G. Raichle, Buffalo. Ν. Y., attorney, now bsing tried in Dis trict Supreme Court on perjury charges, tried to show today that G. Bryan Pitts, former president of the P. H. Smith Co„ conceived the idea of using spurious evidence at his trial on ccnspiracy embezzlement charges before Raichle began working on the defense in that case. John H. Edwards. Jr., a forrmr vice president of the Smith company, who was convicted with Pitts on the con spiracy-embezzlement charge, testified on cross-examination this morning that Pitts told him to bring blank letter heads of the Smith company to Florida in July. 1930. Edwards ?aid he did not know Raichle at that time. He de scribed how he spent two days aging the authorizations with acid. Prosecution Blames Rairhle. The defense is expected to produce evidence in an attempt to show these letterheads were subsequently used in the preparation of spurious author izations Introduced in Pitts' behalf at his trial and that Pitts must have been planning his defense when he gave Ed wards instructions to secure the blank papers. The Government has contended that Raichle conceived the fraudulent de- * fense and Edwards testified yesterday that the attorney, after he had met him in Florida, told him it would be neces sary to prepare spuricus authorizations. C. Elbert Anadale, another former vice president of the Smith Co.. testi fied he had never seen the authoriza tion prior to the trial of the conspiracy embezzlement charges on which he also was convicted, and that he did not know what the defense was going to be until it was offered in court. On cross-examination he said he did not know whether Pitts had ever embezzled any money from the Smith Co. Emory L. Coblentz. banker and Mary land State Senator, yesterday denied he had received any promises of immunity from the Department of Justice for testifying against Raichle. Coblentz is under indictment for aiding in the commission of perjury in connection with the Smith Co. case He said, however, that Dodds and Burkinshaw had told him they "hoped the perjury matters would be cleared up after this trial, and that he would be exonerated." Conversation Is Read. A stenographic report of a telephone conversation between Raichle and Cob lentz was read to the jury by Burkin shaw after it had been shown Coblentz induced a stenographer and a friend to "listen in" on the conversation without Raichle's knowledge. The report indicated Raichle knew Pltte had some spurious documents In his possession, but also tended to prove he thought thoee used at the trial were genuine. During the afternoon session Edwards testified he told Raichle prior to the conspiracy - embezzlement trial that some of the genuine authorizations were missing. Raichle. he testified, then said: "The only thing to do Is make them up." Edwards said none of the genuine au thorizations was offered at the trial. He said they were different In size and shape from the spurious ones. Pitts, he said, dictated the fake docu ments from the original ones in Raichle's présence. FOUR DISTRICT BILLS MAY COME UP IN HOUSE Black to Seek Floor for Action on Measure to Close Useless Streets and Others. Speaker Garner will call the rolls of the House committees within a few days and as a result the District Committee may secure the enactment of several bills. Representative Loring M. Black, Dem ocrat, of New York, who is acting chair man in the absence of Representative Mary T. Norton, said he would seek the floor for action on four bills. These would empower the Commissioners to close useless streets, authorize the Washington Gas Light Co. to erect an additional ga·; holder in Southeast Washington, accept Senate amendments to the firearms bill and set up a board of Intermediate sentence and parole in the District. FREIGHT LOADINGS TOTAL 518,409 CARS FOR WEEK By the Associated Press. Revenue freight loadings for the week ending June 18 were announced today by the American Railway Asso ciation as totaling *518,409 cars. This was an Increase of 16,649 over the preceding week, but a reduction of 220.685 below the corresponding week in 1931. Miscellaneous freight totaled 208,277 cars, a decrease of 85,384 from the corresponding week last year: mer chandise, 175,925. decrease 41,211; grain and grain products, 25,873, decrease 6,898; coal, 68,603 decrease 40,728; forest products, 17,140. decrease 13.415; ore. 4.290, decrease 26,350; coke, 2,941, decrease 2,510; live stock, 15,360, de crease 4,189. Grain and grain products Increased 1,250 cars over the preceding week; live stock, 148; ore, 1,149; coke, 294, and coal, 1,770. MISS HAYD0N RENAMED Stays on Nurses' Examining Board for Another Term. Miss Edith Haydon, whose five-year term as a member of the Nurses Examining Board of the District Government expires with the beginning of the new fiscal year Friday, was re appointed today for another term by the Commissioners, on motion of Dr. Luther H. Reichelderfer, president of the board. Miss Havdon. a graduate of the Army School of Nursing at Walter Reed Hospital, now Is superintendent of nurses at St. Elizabeth's Hospital.