Newspaper Page Text
Secretary and Mrs. Stimson Will Spenc Brief Holiday at Higlihold, Their Home on Long Island. THE Secretary of State and Mrs. Stimson will spend the week end and Fouith of July at Hlghhold. their Summer home on Long Island. Mrs. Stimson r trill leave Washington tomorrow by motor and will be joined there later In the week by the Secretary. M. Claudel in New York to See His Children OIT for France. The Ambassador of France. M. Paul Claudel, with his two daughters. Mile Reine Claudel and Mlle. Renee Claudel, " are at the Sherry-Nrtherland in New ' York, where they will be joined today j by the Ambassador's son. M Henri Claudel. The Ambassador will bid bon voyage to his children when they sail tomorrow to join their mother In France. The Minister of Norway and Mme. Bachke sailed today from New York for a cruise to Iccland and the North Cape. Senora de Abelli. wife of the Minister - of Peru, who is preparing to sail for her husband's country, is the guest at a tea this afternoon at Belmont House, headquarters of the Women's party, on Capitol Hill. Mrs. Paul M. Linebarger trill preside. Senora de Abelli is particularly in terested in the large movement for wemen in Peru and has studied the sit uation in this country—hér native land <—with unusual ardor. The Minister of Rumania. M. Charles Davi!a. will return to Washington to morrow evening from New York, where he has been for several days. Senator and Mrs. Henry F. Ashurst will have as their guests over the Fourth of July Mis* Catherine Morgan . of Arizona, who will arrive Thursday, snd Miss Helen Peppard of Wichita. Kans.. formerly of Arizona, who will arrive Sunday. Miss Morgan and Miss Peppard are now at White Sulphur Springs, where they are attending an educational conference. Mrs. Aldrich. wife of Representative Richard S. Aldrich, and her daughters, Miss Dora White and Miss Janet White, have leit Frovidence for Nonquit. Mass., where they have taken a house for the Summer. Representative Aldrich will join them there after the adjournment of Congress. Maj. Gen. Thomas Q. Ashburn, TJ. £ S. Α., will return Thursdav and with Mrs. Ashburn will leave Washington ■Friday for Jacksonville Beach, Fla., ■where they will be for a fortnight. Col. and Mrs. William Holt Peek, brother-in-law and sister of Mrs. Ash - burn, who have been her guests for a short time, will go to Baltimore Fri - day to be the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Meyer have opened their Summer home at Mount Kisco. Ν. Y.. for the season and enter tained at dinner there last evening pre ceding the opening of the Crcton River Playhouse at Harmon-on-Hudson. Mrs. Cornelius Gardener will enter tain at dinner this evening at the Congressional Country Club for her daughter. Miss Barendina Gardener, and her fiance, Mr. Robert Edward Stuart Chambers, and the members of their ■wedding party. The marriage of Miss Gardener and Mr. Chambers will take place tomorrow afternoon at 5 o'clock at the home of the bride's mother. Last evening Mr. Chambers enter tained at a supper party in his apart ment on Massachusetts avenue when ' the guests were his parents, Mrs. Gardener and members of the wedding party. The military attache of the United !■* Btates Embassy in Havana, Maj. Joseph J. O'Hara, has returned to this country and is at the Astor in New York for a lew days. Miss Beatrice Graft, daughter of Capt. and Mrs. Ralph Payne Craft, ' whose engagement to Lieut. Josepl Wayne Earns haw, U. S. M. C„ was an nounced Sunday, will go to Philadelphi: Friday for a series of week end ftstivi ties planned in her honor. Miss Ann Britton will entertain at a dinner part; for Miss Kraft and Lieut. E&mshau Friday evening and the following da; j Miss Craft. Lieut. Earnshaw and th ; former's parents, will be members of i ! house party for the Fourth of July ο Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gudebrod. Mr and Mrs. William D. Wrightsoi will be joined tomorrow in their home on Hesketh street, in Chevy Chase. Md by the letter's aunt, Miss Harrie Doughty of Cincinnati, who will remaii with them for some time. Mis Doughty is a sister of the late Mrs William Crawford Gorgas, mother ο Mrs. Wrightson, and was a frequen visitor here during the late Gen Gorgas' service as surgeon general United States Army, and after his re tlrement. Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Johnson hav opened their cottage at Monterey, Blui Ridge Summit, Pa., and their daughtei Miss Mary Louise Johnson, is witl them. Comdr. and Mrs. Edward D. Wash burn, who are now spending some tim in Newport, will arrive in Washingtoi on July 2. and have engaged an apart ment at Wardman Park Hotel, wher they will make their home while here The marriage of Miss Mary Davi Baker, daughter of Dr. May D. Bake and the late Mr. Arthur B. Baker, as ; sistant director of the National Zoolog ical Park, to Mr* Louis Grandis Car mick. jr.. son of Mr. and Mrs. Loui Grandis Carmick of Hammond Courl Georgetown, took ulace last evening, a ι 7:30 o'clock, in All Souls' Church. Six ' teenth street and Columbia road, th ! Rev. Dr. U. G. B. Pierce, rector of th church, officiating. The arrangements for the weddin I were informal. The bride was given ii marriage by her brother. Dr. Arthu Baker of Philadelphia, and wore a whit crepe gown and carried a bouquet c white roses. Mrs. Percival D. Gibsoi was matron of honor for her sistei wearing a gown of green chifTon an carrying an arm bouquet of pink flow srs. Mr. Harwood Martin was best mar Following the ceremony there was ai Informal reception at the horn·1 of th bride's mother, 1767 Lanier place. Maj. and Mrs. Hobson Leaving For Series of Visits in South. Maj. and Mrs. William H. Hobsor Infantry, U. S. Α., accompanied b their daughter. Miss Mary, will leav Washington this week on an extendei automobile trip in the South. The will visit relatives in Charlotte. N. C and Somerville. Tenn., Maj. Hobson' home, before passing the month ο August at Beersheba Springs, Tenn. Admiral William S. Sims and Mr; Sims will entertain at a dinner danc Friday evening at Newport for thei : daughter, Miss Adelaide Sims, who wi! be married to Mr. Robert Francis Fiskc son of Mr. and Mrs. Reddington Fiske, Saturday. The commissioner of the Shipping Board, Mr. A. H. Denton, will sail to night aboard the Leviathan to spend some time abroad. The first secretary of the United States embassy in Havana and Mrs. Ed ward L. Reed will arrive in New York today aboard the Orienta from Cuba and will be at the Savoy for a short stay. Mr. and Mrs. F. Mcrris Lee, who were married in Baltimore Friday, are on a wedding trip, and on its completion will make their home in the Fairfax, at 2100 Massachusetts avenue. Mrs. Lee for merly was Miss Marian B. Hopkins of Baltimore. Mrs. Winthrop Murray Crane and her daughter. Miss Louise Crane, have gone to their cottage at Wcods Hole, Mass, for the Summer. Mrs. Bruce, wife of former Senator William Cabell Bruce of Baltimore, was hostess at tea yesterday entertaining the members of St. Thomas' Church in Gar rison Forest, who take an active interest in parish work. Dr. Frank Lee, former Chinese Min ister to Mexico, and now on special mission to this country, was entertained at dinner last evening by Dr. and Mrs. Kuo C. Li, in their home at Glen Cove, Long Island. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Reynolds Hitt have gone to New York and are at the Gladstone before going to Saratoga Springs for the season. Lieut, and Mrs. Harry H. Pyles of Parkersburg, W. Va., were guests of Mr. 'and Mrs. D. W. Gall and Miss Mamie Gall, on Saturday last. The lieutenant is a World War veteran, who saw serv ice overseas and was in the hospital for 18 months after returning from the war, but is now in the service of the Internal Revenue as an auditor, in his home State, West Virginia. Mrs. Franklin E. Smith and Mrs. A. M. Dibble of Portland, Oreg.. are spend ing a brief time in Washington and are guests at the Dodge Hotel while here. • - Dr. D'Albora and Miss Ruby Married Yesterday Morning. An interesting wedding took place at the Soldiers' Home Chapel yesterday morning when Miss Mary Helena Ruby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James S. Ruby. Soldiers' Home, became th* bride ! of Dr. John B. D'AIbora of Brooklyn. Ι Ν. Y. The nuptial mass was said by the Rev. C. C. McGonagle. O. P.. and at tended by a few relatives and intimate j friends of the couple. The bride was ί given in marriage by her father. Miss Genevieve D'AIbora. sister of the I bridegroom, attended the bride, while ] Mr. Frederick W. Schroeder. M. D., act ! ed as best man. Breakfast followed at the Carlton Hotel. Dr. and Mrs. D'AI bora will make their home in Brook ! lyn. Ν. Y. Mr. Tolley Allender Biays of Balti ' more, an authority on early American ι portraits and Colonial furniture and glass, was in Washington and visited the Bicentennial historical loan exhibi tion in the Corcoran Gallery of Art. Mrs. Dorothy Campbell Hurd and Mrs. Clarence H. Vanderbeck. the for j mer national title holder, are among ; the new members recently elected to j membership in the National Woman's Country Club. During the month of July contests J will be held at the club each Saturday I for members of the club, their guests, and those to whom invitations have j been extended to participate. The First Presbyterian Church in Waynesboro. V».. was the scene of » beautiful wedding last evening when Mirs Margaret Russell, daughter of Mr. Albert Lundy Russell of Waynesboro, became the bride of Mr. Samuel Pasco Conrad, son of Mr. and Mrs. George N. Conrad of Harrisonburg, Va. The ceremony was performed by Rev. R. W Cousar, pastor of the church. As the guests assembled an lmpres (Continued on Third Page.) Ύ Recently Married ! 1 MRS. DUNCAN STl ART CHISHOLM, Daughter of Dr. and Mrs. De Witt C. f j C'hadwick, and before her marriage Miss : ] Mary Alicia C'hadwick. Mr. and Mrs. j C'hisholm will live in Chatham, Mass. The DODGE hotel North Capitol and Ε Sts. N.W. a It's easy to park your car here. Then come through our gates...enjoy our charming gar den. . .and our cool - κin - rastaurant. Dinner—$1.00, $1.25, $1.50 Luncheon, 60c and, $1.00 Also a la Carte at Moderate Prices Washington's Only "No Tipping" Hotel philipsborn^ r ELEVENTH ST - BETWEEN Ffc G Genuine Wide Corduroy Wale WHITE PIQUE FROCKS They have the cutest ideas in contrasting trims that wake them ultra smart! You can wear them any place you go all Summer long. Be sure to see them ... they're irresistible. Some are sleeve less, some have short sleeves and sun backs! Sizes for misses and women 14 to 42 All guaranteed snnfast and tubfast. lik:.. Junior Shop 1919 Que St. Clearance Sale 24 SILK DRESSES, sizes 10-17. Formerly &A 7c &Q 7c $9.50-$19.50. Now φΊ./Ό-φΊ./Ό 12 EVENING DRESSES, sizes 12-16. Formerly & / £ | Λ $12.75-$29.50. Now φΟ-φ I \J 3 VELVET SEMI-EVENING DRESSES, sizes 12-14-16. & I A Formerly $19.50-$25. Now φ I U 17 COTTON DRESSES, were $6.75-$12.50. ^ 75 75 29 SCHOOL AND PARTY FROCKS, sizes $9 OP &Q OC 5-12. Were $4.50-$16.50. Now φ£..£Ό-φθ.£.Ό Sweaters were $3.50 now $J.75 SWEATERS AND SKIRTS. Were $9.50 and $12.50. qq All Hats · $2.00 14 COATS AND JACKETS. Were $6.75 to il 7c t|C $35. Now ' φο./Ο-φΙϋ A Few Spring Models Way Below Cost dtoltwj ffiritoimt ifhtiumrr HIGH IN FAVOR AT TODAY'S LOW PRICES Diana" $8.00 19.00 16.00 13.00 12.00 13.50 "Lady 6 Teaspoons, medium .... 6 Dessert Knives 6 Dessert Forks 6 Salad Porks 6 Butter Spreaders .. 6 Cream Soup Spoons Other items proportionate LADY DIANA "Francis I" 6 Teaspoons, f Π ζΠ medium φ*υ.^υ 6 Dessert Knives . 6 Dessert FRANCIS I Forks .... 6 Salàd Forks ... 6 Butter Spreaders 6 Cream Soup Spoons . Other patterns—Duncan Phyfe 20.00 21.00 15.00 13.50 17.50 "Pointed Antique" $8.00 17.50 13.50 12.50 12.00 14.00 6 Teaspoons, medium ... β Dessert Knives .... 6 Dessert Forks 6 Salad Forks 6 Butter Spreaders . 6 Cream Soup Spoons Other items proportionate pointed Antique "William & 6 Teaspoons medium .... 6 Dessert Knives .... 6 Dessert Forks 6 Salad Forks 6 Butter Spreaders . 6 Cream Soup Spoons .... Mary" $7.00 19.00 16.00 12.00 ' 12.00 ' 13.00 WILLIAM tMARY Fairfax, Hunt Club, Orchid, Baltimore Rose, America, Louis XIV and Minuet. D ulin λ Martin ίConnecticut cÀue. anct£ , < Stiirts 8:30 A.M. Wednesday... Sale of $1.95 SILK MESH PROPPER HOSE Ί.ΙΟ 3 Pairs $3.15 "DROPPER" Hose have been recognized for many, many ' years as America's outstanding make of finer grade ' hose . . . These are the regular $1.95 quality All-silk Mesh, in beautiful new summer shades of Nu-Beige, Putty Beige, Turf Tan, Peter Pan, Marlene and Cylamen. Sizes 8% *° ' to 10%. A sale for women who insist on fine quality. Sale for 4 Days Only—Limit: 6 Pair» to a Customer < THE WOMEN'S SHOP RALEIGH HABERDASHER ♦ 1310 F Street The Mary Elisabeth ' 912 17th St. N.W. Barr BIdg. (Opposite Furant Park) PICNIC LUNCHES Packed in Individual Boxes 25c to 75c Each Sandwiches For Τ eat, Picnic*, Partie* 35c to $1.20 Dozen Orders Delivered ψ Phone MEt. 7745 ^ special summer prices cffcctk'c now Fine materials for the quality minded . . . clever details and unique styling . . . plenty of white. The smart Summer weaves suits are included. ΠΔΜΙS c ° M " A 1 Τ 1224 -Γ_5τ«*ΪΤ lovely wash silks 1775 knit sport frocks 795 [375 summer print crepes 795 1375 Τ ar./« ^ Light and dark grounds for every purpose. Dorvt miss this Sale of Beverly Sheer Chiffon HOSE 3,000 Pairs—All Perfect irith Silk Picot Top and Run-Stop Welt All first quality, all full-fash ioned, with reinforced feet and smart French heels. Every popular Summer shade. Sizes 8V2 to 10. 80 Hats were marked .... $15.00 165 Hats were marked .... $12.50 320 Hats were marked .... $7.50 300 Hats were marked .... $5.00 Be sure and cancel all engagements and be here with the opening of the store Wednesday Ballibuntals—Bakus—Crepes Panamas—Felts—Straws Colors: White, Sand, Navy, Black, Brown, and Pastels The Greatest Assortment We Have Ever Offered at $3.75 STREET FLOOR ONE of Our Great Hat Sales —Starts Wednesday CHOICE OF EVERY SUMMER HAT IN OUR ENTIRE STOCK ~W~th€ new •leilefis 1216-1220 F Street N.W. 4 Just on the Ere of the Holidays— Jelleff Saves You Money in a Grand Hat Sale!