Newspaper Page Text
SALE—AUTOMOBILES. iCmllmrt.) 2109 We* 1931 Chevrolet Cabriolet.. $395 1929 Chrysler 75 Coupe... 450 1929 Pontiac Coach 295 1928 Eiiei 4-door Sedan.. 195 1928 Pontiac Landau Sedan, 225 1931 Oakland Custom Sed., 650 Every car conditioned to perfect running order. Excellent finish and tires (food for thousand* of miles on each. Why Guess? ...Buy a dependable Trew value , «1th confidence. Here are two , Bulcks priced far below their actual J value. 1KI Buick Cloted-Cluk Sedan oricinal Duco ftnlih «ithout bltmish. upulil«r> spotless. The motor is in tip-lop mf ι hanical condition. Reduced ^ J-J."-) 1M3 Bnick Master VPassenser Sedan. Original dark green Due· finish like ne». I'pholster.v spotless. Four new tires. General appearance will please tne most critical buyer. Runs even better than it λ iq looks. Reduced today to... ν τ JO 50 More to Select From The Trew Motor Co. Home of Trau Values 150S 14th St. Dec. 1910 People who can afford to buy new Cadillacs and La Salles turn in food used cars. Kerapton Cadillac has another sale you can't afford to miss. 1929—Cadillac 7-Pa««. Fleet wood Sedan 1931—Buick Coupe 1931—Pierce-Arrow with Le Baron Body 1931 —Packard 7 -Pau. Sedan Kempton Cadillac, Inc. 1138 Conn. Ave. Dis. 343» •Special Bargains The following care are a few choice reduced-price bargains that we are offer ing at thi» time. Our mer chandise, prices and terms are hard to beat. Open Till 10 P.M. 1926 CktT. Sed., fine shape, $50 1928 Essex Sed., rum food, 50 1926 Buick Sed., fine motor, 60 1926 Buick Rumble, rum fine 60 1926 Nub Sed., food shape 75 1928 Che*. Coach, run* fine, 75 1928 Ckrjriler "4"-cyl. Coupe, excellent .... 75 1927 Chrysler "β" Coupe, fine order 150 1928 Pontiac Coach, excel lent condition 150 1929 Ford Sedan, fine con dition, cheap 150 1929 Chevrolet Coach, fine shape 175 1931 Ford Coach, good run ning order . 200 1930 Essex Coach, "Chal lenger," perfect 235 1930 Pontiac Coupe, fine condition 295 1931 Essex Coupe, perfect, 295 1930 Nash Coach, like new, 325 1931 De Soto Sport Road ster, perfect 495 1932 Plymouth Coach, al most new 495 1932 Plymouth Sedan, practically new 550 1931 Dodfe Conv. Coupe, 4,000 miles 595 BLANT0N MOTOR CO. Factory Dealers De Soto and Plymouth 3 to 11 New York Ave. N.E. CHERNER SPECIAL VALUES '31 Ford Dr Luxe Roadster, $325 •31 Ford Tudor 339 *31 Ford Coupe (R.S.) 349 '31 Ford De Luxe Tudor.... 349 '31 Ford De Luxe St;dan.... 389 '31 Ford Town Sedun 369 '3· Ford Sport Roadster.... 229 '30 Ford Tudor 249 '29 Ford Roadster 115 '29 Ford Sport Coupe 139 '30 Essex Coupe Ruirible Seat 295 '29 Hudson Coach (perfect). 295 Liberal Terms and Trade 1781 You St. N.W. CHERNER MOTOR CO. Ford Dealers Pontiac Six V -Eight L. P. Steuart, Inc. 30-Day Guarantee on Parts and Labor 1931 Chevrolet 4-door $425 1930 Ford Town Sedan 345 1930 Pontiac Custom Sedan.... 465 1930 Oakland 2-door 425 1930 Chevrolet 2-door 295 1930 Pontiac Sport Coupe 395 1931 Pontiac Custom Sedan ... 595 1929 Ford Coupe 125 1929 Chevrolet Coach 195 1929 Pontiac 2-door 275 1929 Pontiac 4-door 325 1931 Oakland V-8 Conv. Coupe 675 1931 Pontiac Canv. Coupe 565 BARGAIN BASEMENT 25 CARS BELOW $110 1927 Oakland Sedan $69.00 1928 Ford Coach 99.C0 1927 Chevrolet Coach 49.00 1927 Chevrolet Sedan 35.00 1926 Nash Roadster 6'J.OO 1927 Ford Coupe 29.00 1928 Pontiac 4-door 99.50 1928 Chevrolet Coach 69.S0 1929 Ford Coach 99.50 1927 Pontiac Roadster 37.50 Manv Others 1325 14th St. N.W. TARZAN AND THE ANT MEN. By EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS — 1 > i .1 |cmrris»t im * tmr km· »«ι·ο· tm.; (MM4 k* WW htut 8rn4tt*t* let itonyo* * · » ry· -tj Luckily for Tarzan, one of the courtiers present suggested that Zoanthrohago show them his experi ment. whereupon the wisard. glad to escape from following the king's silly idea of striking Tarzan, produced a cage of rodents and a complicated ar rangement of pegs and cords. Selecting one of the larger animals, Zoenthrohago fastened its lower jaw upon a small metal plate. Another large disc, mounted vertically, was re volved rapidly by a hand crank. A single wire was fixed to » metal plate attached to the base ot its skull. Now Znenthrohago set the mechanism to moving. The king watched intently, and Tarzan, unobserved, had moved nearer to watch the uncanny experi ment which might mean so much to him At last the mighty walmaic appeared satisfied. The result was instantaneous and startling! Before his very eyes, Tarzan now saw the rodent shrink rapidly in size while retaining its propor tions unchanged! The ape-man leaned far over that he might impress the method upon his memory. The king cried angrily, "Have this fellow sent away st once!" Tarzan was taken to an inner chamber. SALE—AUTOMOBILES. SALE—AUTOMOBILES. Only s25= Down No Red Tape No Property Indorsers—No Signers Balance Financed AND WE MEAN IT ALL CARS CARRY 30-DAY FREE SERVICE Here Are a Few But We Have Many More: Because of our tremendous volume of sales at these terms we are »ble to offer late model, hifh-quality used cars at low prices. Shop early and take your pick. THESE CARS LOOK AND RUN LIKE NEW I ESSEX COACH M DURANT SEDAN λ ESSEX COACH — DE BOTO COACH fS ΗΓΡΜΟΒΙΙ.Ε SEDAN SS HUDSON COACH λ CHEVROLET COUPE Ή0 PONTIAC COUPE •!MI PONTIAC COACH •Î» NASH CONVERTIBLE COI PE M DODGE SEDAN ÎM NASH SEDAN •H| Bl'ICK I-PASS. COUPE FORD CONVERTIBLE COUPE See Me First Before Buying EvenJnet ASK FOR ·»<■ MR.WIEL Sundays The Place for Value* 1232 12th St. N.W. Easiest Terms in Town MEt. 6S21 Barry-Pate Outstanding Values New Low Prices Τ erms—Τ rade CHEVROLETS 1931 Chevrolet Coach ....$375 1931 Chevrolet Sedan ....$445 1931 Chevrolet Cabriolet.. $445 1930 Chevrolet Spt. Rditr., $275 1930 Chevrolet Sedan .. .$345 1930 Chevrolet Coupe ... .$315 1929 Chevrolet Coach ....$225 1929 Chevrolet Sedan $255 1928 Chevrolet Sedan ....$165 FORDS 1931 Ford Tudor $335 1931 Ford Spt. Coupe ....$355 1930 Ford Tudor $265 1930 Ford Spt. Rdstr $245 1929 Ford Spt. Rd*tr $175 1929 Ford Spt. Rdstr $95 OTHER MAKES 1929 Graham-Paige Sedan, $275 1929 Essex Coach $185 1929 Whippet Sedan $195 1929 Whippet Coach $145 1929 Oldsmobile Coupe ...$265 1928 Pontiac Coupe $175 1928 Whippet Sedan $95 1927 Buiclc Sedan $175 1927 Buiclc Spt. Coupe. .. .$175 1927 Buick Roadster $145 1927 Essex Coach $75 60 Other·—$25 Up Barry-Pate 2525 Sherman Ave. N.W. Adam» 6000 Branch Salesroom 1S60 Park Road N.W. at 14th St. Used Car Department SPECIALS 1929 Buick St. "6" Coach New tires. orltinal paint ίxnc periect. Unusual motor «Ρ" 1931 Ford Tudor Maroon finish. tires like JJJJJ new Low mileage 1928 Nash St. "6" Cabriolet Has had the best oi care and must be seen to be *·) CC appreciated 1929 Chrysler 75 Roadster Blue paint, mechanically ii'/)ΛC guaranteed . φ'·" 1932 Plymouth Coupe Appearance like new. RîcIo equipped Rumble l>4QC seat. Guartnteed 1928 Chrysler 72 Roadster Every one knows the class iooe of tii- car ψΛιΟΌ MANY OTHERS Η. B. Leary, Jr., & Bros. 1321-23 14th St. N.W. Open Evenings and Sundays NOrth 6826 Hill & Tibbitts Quality Cars '29 Ford Phaeton $155 '30 Ford Phaeton (late) 269 '28 Ford Phaeton 95 '29 Ford Spt. Roadster 159 '29 Ford Fordor 99 '29 Ford Spt. Coupe 169 '30 Ford Tudor 285 '30 Ford Fordor De Luxe 295 '31 Ford Fordor De Luxe 339 '31 Ford Std. Coupe 310 '23 Buick Roadster 60 '28 Whippet 4-Door 75 '27 Essex Coupe 69 '27 Buick 4-Pass. Coupe 150 j Hill & Tibbitts ι 1114 Vermont A»«. N.W. X.V.. r :;. Cpcη everyday ft S^uùay* Do You Inhale . . . the other fellow'* dust? Nine out of ten do knowingly . for the* drive ears that don't have the speed and size to step to the front and stay there. You'll make a "Lucky Strike" whan you buy this car and remember ... « "It'· Tested." 1931 Packard Coupe 5· Passenger Model 8-40 Deluxe This practically new car was for merly owned by a man who has pur chased 14 new Packard* in Î year·. He invariably buys them in pairs. The car was turned in on a new Twin Six of the same body type. Finished with 1ft coat* of blue lac quer. with fine ivory stripe. Its ap pearance is that of a brand-new ear —very low mileage—140-inch wheel base—115-horsepower motor—original tires, good for one year's hard terv ice—six demountable steel wheels— two in fender wells—chrome spare cover plates—-chrome tire locks— chrome metal tire covers—chrome fender lights—chrome headlights, set with imitation emerald — trapdoor hood louvers—chrome hood hinge and headlight tic bar—automatic Winter front—chrome radiator and speed emblem—ridged rubber running board, chrome trimmed—door sill plates are chrome plated—five chrome scuff ribs adorn each front fender—all cylin dei-head studs and fittings are chorme—twin windshield cleaners, which sweep entire windshield— chrome-trimmed, folding trunk rack —large deek space for luggage— three-way chrome stop signal and tail light—automatic chassis lubri cator—"lubricate your own ear as you use it"—all wheel* have chrome lot king rings—interior Is In dark brown broadcloth with doeskin finish —both doors are paneled, padded and tufted with the same material—all controls are in imitation ivory—all moulding Is in American walnut In laid with Circassian—two glove com partments. one with lock and key— cigar lighter fore and aft—dash trou ble and floor lamp—ceiling light— quarter light for reading—courtesy light at both doors—cloth-covered in side sun visors—two Jaeger clocks, one in dash and one in rear tonneau moulding—pillow -type arm rests, rithly decorated with silk cord— overstuffed seat divider in rear—both front seats adjustable—finest silk cur tains at all window*—floor covering i* in cinnamon brown plush. Ygu can Inhale the pine-scented air of the mountains or the salty breeie of the sea in this 14.160 Pack ard For todav and tomorrow only at the very special prlee of— $1,995 31 La Salle R'dster $1,395 29 P'ce-Arrow Sd.. 850 30 Pack'd Phaeton. 1,150 31 Stud'ker Coupe. 850 PACKARD Kalcrama Rd. at Seventeenth "Ask the Alan Who Owns One'* OLDSMOBILE 1931 Ford Coach $335 1929 Chrysler ΡΛΟΓ 65 Roadster ifaOJ 1928 Pontiac Coupe ûli)J 1930 Oldsmobile ff JAP Conv. Roadster. . w4«/D .">«» Other* to Select From WISCONSIN MOTORS, Inc Used-Car Lot 2901 M St. N.W. Dec. 5540 Attention Chevrolet Buyers! WE WANT 28 CHEVROLET COACHES & SEDANS They may be the down payment on 1931 Chevro let Coaches and Sedans. Many to choote from. Taylor Motor Co. 14th and Τ Sts. N.W. 1835—14th—1901 * ALE—AUTOMOBILES. SPECIALS. 1931 Buick Master 8 Sedan, β «'Ire whls SI,050 1931 Hupp Cent. « Sedan like new 450 1930 Hup» 6 Sedan. dlac whls 495 lMO Bulek Sport Tour SOO 1929 Studebaker Près Β Sedan, de luxe. 450 19Î# Bulck Sport Coupe 475 192V Nash Coupe 395 192» Essex Sedan 275 192» Nash Coacn 195 1928 Wlllys-Kmiht Coach 150 1927 Chrysler Coach IÛ5 1927 Hudson Sedan new paint 115 Trade and Terms. Open Sun. and Evenings Northeast Hupinohile Sales & Service " 51Eye St Ν Ε 50 H Bt Ν Ε 28» ! Dodge DISPLAY CARS 6β—8β These car* hire brrn υ ted for display purpose* only and carry our I new-ear guarantee and service. Your opportunité for a bt* SAVING No Tax Trew Motor Co. Established 1914 Dodge Distributors 1509 14th St. N.W. Decatur 1910 SEE BEFORE TOC BD* 1M2 Chevrolet Roadster; «.«MM) ni MS.'· IMI Chevrolet 4-Door 87.5 1931 Ford Tudor, late 249 I9S1 Ford De I.uxe . t> wheels SIM I9it( Chevrolet Roadster 1X5 19» Ford Tudor «SB 1!«9 Chrysler 7.5 Cabriolet 475 1SÏI Ford Cabriolet *45 I»?» Ford Roadster 185 1929 Ford Sport Coupe 14'* 1929 Ford Standard Coupe 140 1625 14th St. Dec. 6261 LOT SPECIALS '31 Eord Town Sedan $299 "30 Graham Sedan 399 '30 Ford Sport Roadster.... 379 •30 Furd Std. Coupe 289 '28 Chrysler Sedan 139 *28 Dodge Coupe 169 '28 Chevrolet Coach 149 •27 Nash Coach 179 w STEUART MOTOR CO. y 6th Α Ν. Y. Ave. N.W. Open Evenings and Sundays NASH-ORR SPECIAL SALE OF COUPES '32 Nash "8", 6 wire whif., $875 '31 Dodge 6, wire w., fr. w., 745 ,j '31 Na*h (2 to select from) 345 '31 Nash, rumble teat 595 '29 Nash Conv., 6 wood w., 465 '28 Oakland 195 '28 Chrysler "62" 265 *26 Nash 95 '26 Willys Knight 125 35 Others in Sedans, Roadsters All Makes, $65 Up USED CAR DEPT. 1733 Phone Ί TOO St. DE. 4419 1 / Ο Ο N.W. 8-Repossessed Cars-8 Rare Bargains to Quick Buyers These car» are in perfect con dition and will be «old for the unpaid balance due on them. Each 1» a bargain that you can not duplicate. LAMBERT "The House of Confidence'" 1501 14th St., Cor P. WILLIAMS & BAKER,INC. NASH DEALERS *31 Chev. Sedan $395 '31 Ford Town Sedan.. 325 '31 Ford Coupe 350 '30 Nash Sedan 450 '30 Buick Sedan ...... 695 '30 Buick Coach 595 '28 Nash Sp. Sedan. · . . 275 '28 Oakland Sedan 345 '27 Nash Sp. Coach .... 145 '28 Packard "6" Victoria, 495 1507 & 1525 14th N.W. Potomac 6140 I WANTED—AUTOMOBILES. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED for oar sate by suction en Wednesday or Saturday. 10 a.m. Weschler's. 915 Ε tt. η w. National I 12Ϊ1. Quick, satisfactory method _ 1»J0 OR 1»31 DE LUXE BUICK. Cadillac or La Salle 5-passengfr sedan tlve mlleaafand condition: must be cheap for cash Address Box 143-R. Star offlce ! PRIVATE PARTY will pay «400 cash for a late-model, medlum-welaht sedan, no deal ers. Call Adams ΟΟββ-W CASH'Kl.Y —for late model c»r· Get our prie# lUt Auto Mart. 1333 14th st. η w. CASH IN 5 MINUTES. 1 pay the highest price*. If car is not paid for, will pay your undue bal ance and give you the difference in . cash. No delay. See Mr. Barnet, 17-9 14th n.w. Dec. 2390 Open till 9 ρ tn. RENT—GAKAGE. iaÔ5" 1Mb ST DOUBLE OARAOÎ; VERY reasonable. Also stud,ο apartment, çom ! pletely turn, for 2: aai. Frig. North_ li|L i AUTO LAUNDRY AND FIREPROOF TWO l 4tory taratr. 40x140 on main throuoihfar· near Oovt. dept.* . hole;» and Union Station completely euulpfed. Addresa Box »> »· Star oBce. SALE—AUTO TRUCKS. FORD TRUCK, mi: 1 ' i-ton, dual wheels: with large express body: repossessed only run 9.000 miles buy It for unpaid balance. S395 easy terms. Triangle Motor Co . 1 New York ave. o.w. FORD 193ΓSTAKE BODY, l'a-ton sacrifice, , *185. on terms. Nolan Motor Co . 1111 18th si' η w. _ TREW VALUES. Guaranteed Trucks. • All Make's—All Models. TODAYS SPECIAL 1927 Dodge '4-Τ0Γ. 1'ancl, $. SEE MR BASS MANAGER USED TRUCK DEPT. TREW MOTOR CO.. 1509 14th. Decatur 1910. ) >: BUY S. 0. S. Good Used Trucks I BECAUSE THEY ARE TAX FREE! WE HAVE TAKEN THE DEPRECIATION THEY HAVE BEEN RECONDITIONED! In order to make room for our new • hops every truck is priced to MOVE AT ONCE. 8 'i-t· Deliveries. Open and closed. " 1-t. and l'/rt. Panels. 6 Stakes and Open Express. 6 Chassis and Cabs, light A heavy. 4 Dumps. Some as low as J250— ready for the job. Sterrett Operating Service 30 M St. N.E. Met. 0505 ROOMS—FURNISHED. 208 UPSHUR BT. N.W.—Comfortable. clean basement housekeeping apartment Ior two «35 monthly. 30· _ 1834 COLUMBIA RD. N.W.; $3 and It week— Single, double rooms, clean, cool: 4 baths, inst. h w.: 3 car_llne«; gent. Adams 10313 1122 VERMONT AVE . overlooking Thoma! Circle—Furnished rooms. $30. }25 and »30 Inqulre^he Burlington. 1120 Vermont ave 87 NEW YORK AVE Ν W —Bright. coo] room, next to bath: continuous hot water: near both car llnee: reasonable.^ 28· 2805 CONN. AVE Ν W.. opposite Shoreham Hotel -Beautiful, large rooms, well fur nished reasonable tarage. Adams 2464. 2" 1800 NEWTON ST Ν W 2 lame fiont 101 mi, newly furnished. Phone Adams 0297 ϊ9·_ I THE CECIL. 701—Large bed-sitting room ! 3 windows: to quiet lady, employed 28·_ j 1947 BILTMORE 8T. Ν W Neatly furnished 1 room, near Shoreham. Wardman Park Ho ' tels and Rock Creel: Park car lines: rcas THE MANCHESTER. 1428 M st Rooms with ] private bath, light, ebvator. maid service, ; at t30 up for two persons. 8* 1703 RHODE ISLAND AVE. Ν W —Gentle man: unusually large, well furnished room with sitting room, baths with showers, con tinuous hoi water, plenty of linen: also an other large room. single or double. 30· 2710 ONTARIO RD . near Col rd —Delight ful large rooms, twin beds, porch, adj. bath, single excellently^ cooked meals. 2i 822 8HEPHERD ST. N.W —Five furnished rooms, owner s home; no children. Adams 0884. 28· LIVE AT THE Y. M. C. Α.. "home away irom home A men's club with reasonable rites on transient or permanent basis. 1738 G st. n.w. Natl 3250. CLEVELAND PARK—Nicely furnished rooms, facing Bureau Standards Park. Call Clev 7975. 30·_ 1316 15th N.W.—Cool, front room with 4 windows: running water in room: also hall room, walking distance departments 1824 BILTMORE ST Ν W 2 nice. single rpomi in lovely, quiet home for refined gen 1735 DE SALES ST. Ν W.— Just off Conn »ve. away from noise; hotel-like e.ccommo dftLions, modern, fireproof. 7-story all out side rooms, with running water, near show ! ers single, $6 week double. <7 up. DOWNTOWN—930 Κ NW—Coo'., whole I some; single and double; also retlned young ! man roommate wanted; S3 weekly. TILDEN GARDENS. 3020 TILDEN ST. APT. 502—Large room, southern exposure.· lavatory. TelephoneCleveland 5334. ___ i 1420 17th ST.. corncr Ρ st.—Double roO'.n, twin beds, next bath, $25; single room. $16 Free phone 1323 I ST N.W - Cool rooms, running vater; desirable for Summer use ol 2 par lors. *6. $7 weekly; single. $4 1322 L ST Ν W—Large 1 h.k. rooms, alcove kitchenette, runninn water desirable for Summer; accommodate several; reasonable. 1509 16th ST Ν W —Pleasant hotel-like ac commodations in beautiful 7-story fireproof I bldg : all outsiae rooms, near showers; maid ! and elevator service; double. S8.50 to $10; also transients. 11.50 per day. DOWNTOWN. 1424 Κ si n~w.-Beautiful I furn. rm , next to bath; very cool; reason able. 28· NEAR CONN. AVE. AND FLA. AVE.—In apt . large, delightfully cool room; roof garden; ; cafe in building. North 0271 1* I 916 16th 8T Ν W . Gorden Hotel—Under new ; management: large, cool, outside rooms, near ! showers; newly decorated; 24-hour elevator service; some rooms running water or pri vate baths Range of prices Single rooms. $5. $6 and $7 weekly; double rooms, J8-$12 I weekly. ! GRAFTON HOTEL 1139 Conn, ave n.w — ' Rooms Kith bath, newly papered and painted. ! *40 monthly up. Other rooms with running water. $30 tip transients. SI 50 daily up Reasonable meal rates in dlning room 6.11 EYE ST Ν W —Housekeeping iooms in quiet, attrac'ive home: room and kitchen ette. $7; large, cool, iront room with alcove. jj; cont. hot water: adults. 21* 1335 12th ST. N.W—2 rooms. 1.h.k . «7; 2 sleeping rooms, dining room. *10; single room. $3 50 gas. elec. Pot. 0417. THE PORTNER 15th and You sts -Large, well furnished room : gentleman only. Apart ment 362. Phone North 1421. 2326 37th ST Ν W — Large rm. with porch, next bath: det. house near Glover Park guraqe included; $22 mo. Clev 8834-J 28· 1516 EAST CAPITOL 4 unfurnished room*, private bath. $25 or will furnish ad lits If 507 Η ST. N.W One room, l.h.k . running water: modern, clean, quiet: adults. $6 week; sleeping. $3.50 commendable 1304 KENYON ST. N.W—-Clean, pleasant 2nd-floor front room, continuous hot water: j 116 month Col. 4285-W _ 2»· ι 1357 EUCLID ST Ν W —Single room, second floor. next to bath: continuous hot water, j phone; near both car lines; gentleman. 4· NEAR WALTER REED- Lovely front room, private bath, exclusive home: gentleman ] $22 50 1412 Geranium St. n.w. Adams 6463 * S CONNECTICUT CLUB. 1302 Conn Ave N.W. 1 Attractive, outside, single and double rooms; Summer rates Nuèth 9200. 29' 1724 18th N.W.—Attractive rooms in quiet home; one with kitchenette: home privl | leges, books, piano: reasonable. Dec. 4683. · 1 1519 M ST N.W.. Apt 3 (opposite New Colo i niai Hoteli—Large, cool, clean room, twin beds: reasonable, walking distance to stores and Government departments. _30· ! CLIFTON TERRACE. Apt 502 South, 14th and Clifton sts.—Bright double rooms; rea sonable. 4° 1704 LANIER PL. N.W —Nicely furn room with screened noreh. Inst, h w : half block to ce and bus lines, reasonable. Adams 7829-J 29· 2655 CONN. AVE NW—Attractive, cool room, private bath, phone; beautiful home; near Shoreham »nd Wardman Park; garage; eentleman board optional. * 824 ttli N.W —Newly furnished rooms, with running water. 15 and >6 weekly: large base ment room, M; other rooms; continuous hot water 30*_ 1752-1754 QUE NW—Cool, well furnished rooms Ice water: three parlors; meals if desired: transients accommodated^ 1β· 1729 21st ST. N.W—Cool, attractive room and kitchenette; excellent neighborhood ; eon tmuoucbot water; also single room. i' WESTCHESTER, 1332 15th ST. N.W.. Apt 3! — Front, corner room, adjoining bath; large closet: 2 exposures; one or two gantlemec 1(20 EYE ST.—Splendid location near White House Single room. bath, cold water; »reat Ιτ reducad: in a refined home * 1U4 PARK RD.—Attractive 2nd-fioor front room: continuoug bol water: near car and bus lines Î317 Jiib 8T—Desirable, well furnished room; gentleman; rîasonable, Adams 1894-J. ROOMS—FURNISHED. ( Conllairf. ) I 1345 L ST. N.W.—Erery room newly papered and painted. floors varnished new. modern furniture finale. (3 50. I4-J5; double. 16-17. clothes closet meach room. 1431 CHAPIN ST. Ν W Colonial house ad jacent park, beautiful, cool room. 2 bath rooms, high elevation, close In; gentleman. »·_ 1329 util ST. NV-Btd room and kitch enette «ut.· 6ink and gas ranges S8 and 19 weeklv. Adults. 2* _ 13ΠΠ MASS. AVE NW. Apt. No M—At- I tractlvely furnished room; cool, next bath: ren orable 1719 Ρ Ν.'.Y - L.irue. front room, twin beds; also single rooms Continuous hot water. 1B41 INuLfc-SIDi. TERRACE Ν W Attractive slnele front room in owner's home. meala If desired reasonable. Art 5516. 17Ô7 EUCLID. near 18th and Cof rd —De sirable rooms, double or single. clean, home like: reas ; meals convenient: 2 car Unes. 1336 lltli ST. N.W.—G'oiy 2-room apt., incl. complete kitchen, gas. elec., china, sliver: linens furn. and laundered free; only tl 25. , THE WESTMINSTER. 1607 17th «t. n.w — j rooms with private baths, single or double; $7. ^8 and f 10 weekly elevator service^ Ml. PLEASANT—Comfortable room with two large windows, next shower bath, con tinuous hot water; garage optional. Col. 4179 1501 MASS. AVE. Ν W —New management: several desirable, clean, cool rooms for re spectable people; reasonable rates. *_ 1614 EYE NW, downtown -Beautiful rooms, best location: double, S12 50 each; single, 318 monthly: shower. * CARLISLE COURT8—Lovely, bright room, nicely furnished, with or without l.h.k. porch, a m 1 . cont. h. w.: real. Col. 4817. 2606 GARFIELD ST Ν W . near Wardman— Desirable second-floor front bedroom, cool, windows, near bath. ON CONN AVE near Wardman Hotel— Large, beautifully furnished room, suitable Tor 1 nr 2 ladles Reasonable Col. 0587. · 1408 EMERSON Ν W - Two girls. twin beds, private bath, cedar closet; 3rd floor, detached private home; Inst, hot water; free use laun dry phone, olano—your own home near cafeteria cars «25 'reduced». Col. 2160. * 1311 EMERSON ST. N.W.—Two large front rooms, second floor, one with private bath; ami: detached house. Col. 10011. 13î9 NEWTON ST." Ν W —Large front room, twin beds. c. h. w ; 'a block from 14th it.; Si a week. 1410 PAHKWOOD PL. N.W.—Corner room overlooking 14th st.: semi-private bath, un limited phone: pleasant, clean: reasonable._ 17M EUCLID ST -Newiy decorated, next to bath: Inst, hot water, near llth and Colum bia rd.; reasonable 182S 10th ST. N.W. Large. cool, nicely fur lushed front room. 2nd floor. 2 persons; also single room: unlimited phone·. 2019 Ν ST NW. «near Dupont Circlet — Nicely furnished front rooms, single or dou ble: use of phone; reasonable 1402 GIRARD Ν W Well furnished, clean, cool, front room, semi-private bath, continu ous hot water. 1326 FAIRMONT ST. Ν W —Newly furnished double room, light housekeeping; home privi leges. Adams 3645. 1508 COLUMBIA RD—Well furn.. cheerful front room. 2nd floor: all conveniences. Inst, hot water private home; gentleman: terms moderate. OPPOSITE WARDMAN PARK HOTEL—2lid story south front: cont. hot water: near bath: $18 garage. Adams 22(1. 2707 Wood ley rd. 1 1410 M ST NW. Apt. 403—Double room! twin beds, large closet, next to bath: every , j convenience for comfort. 1210 MASS AVE. Ν W — Downtown: Apt. 6^ j 3rd floor: single front room; newly deco ! rated continuous hot water; reasonable; I Pi otestant. ___ ι i NORTH CLEVELAND PARK. 3611 Van Ness j St —Comfortable room for gentleman; hot j j water, telephone: private family. After_·. ! 1115 12th ST N W- Now Berne^ Apt. 43—j j Two cool, bright rooms: walking distance; home comforts. Met. J542 BARGAIN to desirable men; one single, one double adjoining bath: second floor; attrac tive. _Mfi 0649 30* : 1103 9th ST Ν w.—Cool houMkeeplng rooms. «5. 36 weekly bed room·, J3.50. 14 weekly; i continuous hot water. 30* I 1720 M ST Ν w-Private home near May- ! flower Hotel large, bright, front. 3rd floor: j private bath July end August: $40 two per- | I sons. S30 one y I ; 1720 17th 8T. N W.—Two neatly^ furnished . Phoney very reasonably 1011 L ST NW —Ladie- large. attractive room, for one or two tie S20 electricity. hot water, maid seiyice. phone; refined home. • 1614 HOBART Ν W —Attractive Iront room, twin beds, shower: convenient car. bu* ; quiet location; 1 or 2 gentlemen or employed : coiiol». 1 '443 GIRARD BT. N.W.—Large iront room. Southern rxocsure. in private home: un limited nhnne Col. 2052. 2120 Ρ ST N/W . Apt. JO. Dupont Circle— τ irge. rool. front and middle rooms, home like North 9682-W. NEAR WARDMAN PARK HOTEL — Cory room, .«-ml-nr-vate bath unlimited phone. ι η · t hot wate": reasonable. Adams 6854. Ξ712 ONTARIO RD -Newly decorated single and large double room: clean, light, cool. airy: new paper, paint, bedding. 29* _ 1220 HARVARD Ν W.—Bed room. $5 week: housekeeping rooms. 15 week 2 rooms. 135 month Adams 3900. See janitor. i 14.H FAIRMONT ST—Besement apt., private b.,th. «hower. .<25 mo. 1430 Col rd—L.h.k., <?0. S2.V ί30 mo. always hot_water 1714 KENYON Nicely furnished, with sleep ing porch. semi-private bath: southern expo sure breakfast if desired: ««rage 2804 14th ST. N.W.—Well furnished, cool room, twin beds; 24-hr. elevator service. Apt. 82. 8avoy ί 1753 CUE ST N.W.—Cool. attractive, a.m J.: owners home: permanent, transient; rea ' sonable: adults. 1315 FAIRMONT NW—Room, private bath and oorch :n well kept home; reasonable: inst 11 W . unlimited phone. Col. 4502. 6? I ROCK CREEK CHURCH RD — Three niclv furnished rooms for l.h.k : <35 month. «127 KANSAS AVE N.W — Large front room and fully equipped kitchenette, rear porch. new home. 1 2146 Ρ ST Ν W. Double ard single rooms: c >ntInunits ho: water in rooms and shower; p'ione *15 and «20 per month 801 Ε ST S W —Furnished room for rent, with or without l.h.k.: near Govt, depts.; I very reasonable. · _ 217 F ST. N.W Apt. ll- Room In private ; family for middle-aged lady. MAM AND WIFE have large, well appointed ί .·">! . every comfort: gentleman to take one attractive room North 1953-J. 29· NEAR 14th AND GALLATIN STS — Airy front roon in beautiful detached home; : cmiet prl\!ite family Adams 4584 29" 1429 WEBSTER ST N.W.—Cool, clean corner j ro>m. with H va tory. 3 windows, southern exp . 2nd-fl front, next bath: cont. h w.: | ί <?0 eentleman Adams 0157. 29· 1811 WYOMING AVE. Apt 22 Large, nicely fprnished cool. comfortable front room: aduli.s. Ring res m'-r.'s bell. Adams 6812. j 718 18th' ST NW. Apt 4 Two rooms, fur nished. next to hath Call between 8 and ! 12 and nfte- 8 M-t 3847 1852 MINTWOOD PL Ν W - Two attractive connecting rooms or single: ideal location. Col. 2415-.I _ j 1316 EYE » Franklin Parki <3 «k up dou-| j ble. <4: transients. 50c: 1 r. k.. b. J6: 2-r. flat In base . wash trays, concrete yd . J" 50. I Open. _____ 4» 20.72 Ρ N.W inear Dupont Circlel —Large.· attractive ror"i«. newly papered. paint»d: ι I low rates ta Oil houae quickly. · 1819 G ST Ν W . Apt 403— Front room, j suitable 1 or 2 gentlemen. Can be seen be | fort t a m. or_after_S D m. ____ , 144» ÔIRARD 8T. N.W —Comfortably fur nished single or double room In private home; reasonable. Adams 5120-R 1402 DELAFIELD PL NW.—Nicely furnUhed room, eastern and southern exposures: prl vate home: «11 conveniences. ϊβ· _ 2β2 Ε ST N.W.—Nice, cool room and kitch enette and sincle. for l.h.k.. running hot water. 29* mi 1Kb 8T. N.W Choice cool rooms, seml-prlvate bathg; h.k. apta: every convenience: reasonable. » NEAR CAPITOL Attractive rooma at attractive prices: airy, comfortable, homelike, one for l.h.k. Lincoln rim. ·_ BURK S RENTAL SERVICE. See our list of desirable rooms and let ug show you rooms on our recommendation free. North 5183-J. DESIRABLE ROOM. " 1885 Calif, n.w — Clean, cool, quiet, electric j fan; 1 or 2; near Ambassador Theater and j 1 car lines. Potomac MM. WANTED—ROOMS RKFINZD YOtTNO~ MAN desires furnlahed loom wit!»» home privileges, reasonable. O. J. L.. «Π llth St. n.w. ROOMS—UNFURNISHED. 407 2nd 8T. 8.E.—1 rooms una porch ftrst j floor, elec. and «as. 132.SO. 3 basement | room». »as and elec 38 R 8T. HE—Either 3 or 3 rooms and j kitchen. private bath: tas and elec. lur- I nished; reasonable. 623 NORTH CAROLINA AVE S.E.—One room j next to bath; l.h.k ; gas. elec. Phone Lin- ι coin 1414 tf* 75" 20th ST N.E—Three rooms and porch. heat and ll«ht: 132.50 * 1360 GIRARD N.W.—Large room, kitchen. iante porch new paint «as lliht, heat. convenient to cars, busses: 125 I 44 RHODE ISLAND AVE N.W.—2 large rms . kU'rhen and porch. 2nd floor lights and gas furnished: >38 50 adults Dec 0687 71» L ST Ν Ε —Three rooms; heat, light and gas furnished 125 month. _ 1440 Ο ST. 8 Ε 3 unfurnished rooms and clo»ed-in back porch: gas and elec. 30· 1124 VERMONT AVE . overlooking" Thomas I Circle—Good sized room. >16 a month. In- j quire Burlington. 1120 Vermont ave. ROOMS—FURNISHED * UXFUR. 3706 ONTARIO RD. N.W. 'near ltth and Col. , rd.i—Large, cool room, sleeping porch; also I small room; convenient location. COLORED—1306 R BT. N.W.—Law rooma I In quiet family, all modern conveniences: ι reasonable rati. * 1 RENT ROOMS—SUBURBAN. 1320 HEMLOCK ST Ν W —COOL ' ROOM, detached private home. Meals if desired. reasonable kentlemen. Oeorgia_S966-J. * MONTROSE. ROCK VILLE. MD —3 or 4 un furn rooms in home. Newly painted, elec tric lights. water, porch, yard, garden lot. Near electric cer and bus. Misa Gillias. home after 6 p m 29e LEE HEIGHTS. VA—For rent furnished, two bed rooms, living room and screened porch Continuous hot water Use of kitchen: breakfast or board, if desired. Tel Walnut 8954 evenings, or Box 5038. Cherrydale. Va. ROOMS AND BOARD. PRISCILLA CLUB. 1712 New Hampshire—A ! spacious, beautiful home for business girls, reasonable rates. 16C5 15th ST N.W.—Single and double rooms, | with exceilent_meals: S7 50-SI.50 week 1343 EUCLID 8T N.W —Second-floor front. ! four windows, twin beds; continuous hot water: excellent food. 135 each per month. Also single. 30· 1306 COLUMBIA RD N.W —Beautiful, large1 2nd-floor front room, semi-bath: well kept. refined: excellent table; reasonable. 162· k ST. If.W.. tee Lee-Marque—Nicely furnished single and double rooms, seml-pri vate bath: excellent board. I· 14th AND PAÎRMONT STB N.W.—»10. room ana board. Apply New Amsterdam Hotel D. room, the oest food; the coolest place in town. 1116 Mh ST. Ν W. Three excellent home. cooked meals dally; all you can eat, (7 to $7.50 week. Ring house bell. 2* SCOTT HALL INN 1S15 Maw. are.—A few choice vacancies for particular people; tran sients accommodated. 1738 LANIER PL. N.W.—Attractively fur nished single and double rooms: some with private oorches^_excellent food. 28·__ 1744 LANIER PL. N.W.—Clean, attractive, single, double rooms: lest water, showers; splendid board: J£0 up. Col. 7544. HAMILTON CLUB. 1702 16th 3T. N.W—De lightful : vacancies: twin beds, good food: walking dlatance: S35 and »40jnonth. 29* 12/2 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE. N.W.—Large, double rooms, runnlac water, twin beds. 6 windows. Meals option».': sleeping porch 326 MD. AVE NE.—Cool front room, home cooked vegetables, hot biscuits; near Caol tol snd post office Lln._13J7. 28» NEAR DUPONT CIRCLE—Good home atmos phere: large outside rooma for Summer, any exposure: S40 and 145 per month. Phone North 7967 30* 14?4 HARVARD βΤ Ν W —Pleasant front bed and living room* suitable for two; excel- | lent home cooking. 30* 1327 16th ST. N.W.—High-class accommoda- | tion at a reasonable price. M' 1020 16th ST. N.W.—Room for two See to I «niprclste Home privileges excellent meals; walkln« distance; reasonable. 28* THE MALVOLIO. 2531 CONN AVE — Attrac- j tlve rooms In beautiful private home; splen did jneaU. 1749 QUE ST N.W.—Furn . cool front rooms: board optional: cont hot water, shower: small familv: terms reasonable. Ing room, with running water Adjoining: priced reasonably: best of home cooking · MACACÏA CLDB 1320-28-30 !8th st. n.w . Dupont Circle— Washington's finest boarding club: clean, cool; abundant, splendid table: double, sin gle rooms, with or without board; Bummer rate·. 30* R NEAR CONN. AVE.—Large Iront room" eight windo*a. comfortable beds, attractive ly furn , everr convenience, congenial young people, homelike; excellent food, *35 mo. Decatur 44&S. 30* ^ I 171Î EYE ST N.W.—Central down town, de sirable rooms; excellent table: reception room; piano, radio: re?sonable._ Met 6179 · j 1337 CRITTENDEN N.W COL~ 4976—Larae room, private bath twin beds: newly deco- | rated: detached house: automatic hot water; | near both cars and bus narare. " I 1831 CALVERT 8T. N.W—Desirable room. 2nd H.. next bath, for 1 or 2: lunch and Sun supper: reasonable Adams 0552. 1855 WYOMING AVE, Ν W—Balance your budget. Beautifully furnished house, coo', detached; porches, awnings, lawns, large rooms, bath for every four persons, contln- I uous hot water: splenrid meals: dances and card parties, rates as low as $30 per month; room and board, vacancies lor girls and men. · 638 COL RD N.W.—Jewish men wanted for room and board. »8 week, or room alone if preferred Adams 2496. 30· 1752-54 QUE N.W—Reduced rates, same high-class service; rooms with excellent —Is. >40. 848, *50 month. 10» LARGE FRONT ROOM, shower, cont h. excellent home-cooked meals; private family; garage Chevy Chase. Md Wis. 3336. · _ BROOK LAND. Michigan Park. 4307 12th St. n.e —Cool front room next bath, shower: private home: near bus, cars; meals; priv.; reas. Decatur 1776-W. 30· BOLIVIAN CLUB. 1633 16th N.W.—BE AUT I !*UL HOME FOR BUSINESS WOMEN SIN OLE, 2 ROOMS. BATH; EVERY COMFORT; DELIGHTFUL TABLE REAS _RATES. . 1231 HARVARD N.W.—Large, comfortable" front room for 2: a real home: hot wa'er: exrellent meolg; reâs. Col. 5093. 2(00 13th Ν W. THE HÎLLCREST—Southern exposed: front double and single rooms, with private bath: balanced home cooking; hot bretd: place to park: «35 to S50 per mo. 17ii 20th N.W.—Attractive, cool rooms ex cellent meals: all home privileges; very con veniently located: Summer rates. Dec. 4274. _______ 30· _ 1307 R I AVE N.W Large, aool front room, twin beds; refined guest:: rates reduced for Summer. THE SOUTHERN CLUB 1400 New Hampshire ave.,-formerly Italian embassy wonderful old mansion. al' outside beautifull» furnished rooms, bath and phone: splendid cuisine: attractive; dallv or weeklv rates. 312 7th ST N.É —Country style dinners. 2 doors lrom new Ubrsry near car line; rea sonable Lincoln 1703-W. CKEVY CHASE. 3750 Oliver st-Large. cool rooms, private phone: home privileges, home -.ooktnir sleeping porch suitable for four '« block from cars and busses, convenient to Burepn of Standards. _ 1409 16th ST. N.W.-Airy front room, bal coiiv. instant hot water, semi-private bath. «ho*er; excellent meals: Summer rates 1· 1306 COLUMBIA RD. Ν W —Beautiful, large*. ' 2nd-floor front room, serai-bath: well kept. refined; excellent table: reasonable. ] 18Î2 LÂMONT ST Ν W —Cool. airy, single room and sleeping porch: also large double; all fresh vegetables. Adams 5223 29· 2300 19th ST.—Large, cool, clean front rooml 2nd floor. 5 windows. 2 closets, twin beds. excellent meals: reduced rates. 14}· lfth it NW Large, airy, beautifully furnished, modern home: every comfort: double, also single room: excellent food : Summer rates. ι CLUB EMBASSY | 1321 Κ at n.w.—live in the most modern boarding club. Nothing in Washington equals this home for ladies and gentlemen. Quality and Quantity in every meal. Rates most reasonable. COUNTRY BOARD. SPEND DELIGHTFUL VACATION on large Colonial estate Modernized. Private golf course, no fees: Unnls. swimming, hiking. Best of Southern cooking. Private cottage for parties; >15 weekly and up Only >3 week end Two hours from city. MAJ. MARSHALL MACDONALD. Media Farm. Charles Town. W. Va. HILLCRE8T FARM-Country board reason able. 15 minutes from District Une on Colesvttle pike, at Cotegrille. Mrs. Llllia Acorn. Coleaville. Md. " FOR SUMMER QUESTS—Spacious porches, attractive grounds, re.ltied surroundings, rel erences Also two Krnlshed Ad ores* St. Hilda's n.Q. Charles Town. W. Va. ROOMS AND BOARD— SUBURBAN. «M4 BROOfcVTLLfc RO . Chary Chase. ltd — Ltrit. airy room, «tit and south, exposures: spacious ground.· home cooking hat witer any Uni; private ha·». WU 4778 · FORT STRONG VILLA. Lm Highway V» .— 15 minutes to Capitol: large house, spacioua «round*, tool roam·, city convenient» splen did. all home-cooked meals Clarendon 1848. J· APARTMENTS—FURNISHED. FACING PARK 3 RMS. HOl'SEKEEPfNO. I4S two »3s porches. unusual view 1(1· Ingieside terrace ibelow nth and Newton). • 110 «th ST N r J LARGE ROOMS, 2nd floor, ami : cheap rent: <aa. alec., turn ι S or 3 children allowed Owner. Lin 4542 25 H 13th ST Ν W. First floor: 2 room.*, kitchenette, private b«b near Central High School. 3230 WIS.—1 R Κ 4 Β.. 332 2 R . Κ. * Β . «42. 2 r.. k 4b. rec. hall. Oen. Blec , 147. Met 4300. Em 021» · CARLISLE COURT LOVELY PtVB-ROOfi furnished apt . bath, porch, a m l , cent. h. w . second floor piano, radio. Col 4817. · J4S COMPLETELY FURNISHED APART ment. Including gas. electricity, 2 rooms, kitchen, bath, first floor, with yard. (17 leth st. _ · 1400 OIRARO ST NW NICELY rvW nished private apt 2 large rooms, kit and bath, elec . sas third floor remonaol,' 442 EMERSON ST N W - 4-ROOM AMD bath apt . completely furnished heat, light and gas. telephone, moderately priced. 1646 PARK RD TWO ROOMS. KITCHEN." bath 2nd floor: electricity, gas furnished continuous hot water reasonable: adults. · NEAR WARÔMAN PARK HOTEL· 3 FINE lisht rooms bath, screened porch, closets. pant:y: entire floor, elec . g«s. phone; ta rage included: ISO: tdults. Col 685S · DOWNTOWN. REASONABLE RENT. VÉr¥ desirable, beautiful gpgrtment. I rooms, kitchen, bath; 10 windows; large yard. 334 20th at. · «8.75—WK . 2 R . Κ . B . QUIET. COOL, clean; nr. Soldiers' Home cars, bus, park. Lighted '-o > p.m. 848 Newton pi. n.w . Apt 1. REASONABLE RENT. YET UNUS DESIR — Rms and small apts. for <ailned adults, bright, airy, quiet, scrup. :lean. exception ally fur , c.h.w , serv. avail.; refs. 1826 17th. batRh^Îiwfr^M^nt1h!l;'l4SINrT· hPORCR· — ^ «mv. «Π v'ry rwonable. TrieBhon, r&c APARTMENT ONE nmu·.! Sitchen and bath Ca^PrA: ?«„ Ai£OVE., on,or ·»'μ«ομ No„1.10· p?rYtct o^3hnïNlocS,UonLY *TT*ACTIVE. MeT" 2M7. °a e '"«"Ttt «'« ^'friiul ii n » 'Ce \°.x· ί"-?5\ ^ w~TcÔK~n SSfipshït wSeSSg«sufi r&gaœms·* 1375 IRVING ST. N W DESIR art*—V«pF~ aafe.'aspfe^Sy ■"·: iteSiftwai fi».mui£i ®: oedir bfa ^Îsr^/Siisîsffiï sf'tfeélfpîp month. Phone IfaUontltlM W,ïk or A^JrrStt^ï. èVr,iri MSîS^ ΤΗΠω-^ό* ÎMe'rvth'îf'n^7· 5t0· ^àcMf/ Siiafexs^ £&S® - 1234 10th HW — PSg^iEÈ SSf^ aS?.*£». ^οοα£? SîKïr&p^ 2S«er«4C refrieert non. «M*; lîth AND IRVÏNO 8TS. Ν X —2 nnriu£ 'fre screened oorch. h -w h mmt rUW^irT eluded.· reasonable Dec.*»? «âe-j lK to mIIi,ACTIVE ..APARTMENT. Mo P*R ÏÎÎP- *î?r*e bid room, kitchenette hath UoîroFÏÏ' n.w°" *nd W* ™°. Room». KrrcHKNrrTirj5"<rrLÔM"· Fern* ^«S°od ; coW APARTMENT FOR REWT—TWO HOOMÎ °A7™Τ&Λ'™Μ· ·»■» A „*» μ»ίϊ" - _u-niilt'e<| : rent- ΙΜ ι»« ant n.w! réau ofWsflnrt'.^rt P^RK MOTEL AND Βϋ f or standards; 3-room aDt and h«th heater rî'ïlVniî°r;iinst<enUneo"s hot-water j »r - reened sleeping porch' cur»»* adult». 2630 Oarfleld st. Adams 6168 28· 914 22nd ST NW apt ΐ Γ ολλ»#· 9Jpmn?£k dîlh: ni£Jly furn· Call 4:30 to g_j> m. week days or 8unday 2§* wy place Yov ywa »''. Dnfurn. Apt*.. »nd Houses :5„ ^^xc^-oci%rr,A^ev^r;fT.T& fur. rms.. spacious dress, r . din . kit bath· 3-room apt. suitable for 2 couple"; |« te »7S: al»o weekly bxto. Ad. SJ83 ,. r,'î?.K^?..iN W · I445' THE ALTO!»—1 room. niïîlrt mi î..roo:n.,nd b,th· HI: unfur nished. Ml. Elee. refrit. M extra, l'<4 room. kitcnen, nireue «πα Dain ijï w; uniur nUhed 142 SO 2 rooms, kitchen, dinette, bath. 2 large closets. >70; unfurnished, >57 50. Resident manager. 24-hour elevator, free Frigidaire. Adams 3451. FOR SUMMER. 2 RM3 . KITCHEN A TO bath, completely furnished. J4IS per mo . cas and elec always cool, l»th and Κ n w Met. 3742. BASEMENT APT. LG. LIV. RM . Κ.. ». 2712 Ontario rd. Newly reilnlshed and fur nished: light, cool. airy, clean; near ltfh and Col rd.: 130 incl. ras, elec . heat. 2#· 3445 14th ST. I COR MERIDIAN !—FRONT apt . bed-living tm , dinette, kit.. Frigidaire, ?.m 1 :_redueed to >45. Adam* 8M3 3·* 1320 HARVARD Ν W—2 FRONT ROOMS, semi-bath, >35 1 room. kit., porch, semi bath. >35 mo. Adams 3SOO. See janitor. PETWORTH—2 LAROE ROOMS. KITCHEN, bath, siik range, a.m.l. 739 Princeton pi. n.w $37.50. Block cars and busses. 1353 IRVING ST. Ν W SECOND-FLOOR bed room, kitchen, bath ai.d porch, com pletely turn, for h.k : conveniently located. 3453 HOLMEAD PL. Ν W.—2 ROOMS. 8EC ond floor, beautifully furnished phone, gas, etec . cont. hot water: 2 entrance»: >32 50. 515 DECATUR ST N.W —LAROE. BEAUTI fully turn, front rm.. kitchen, bath, a m i.: *ood location: αϊ and alec : >32 50 adults. A BARGAIN—2 RMS . KITCHEN AND BATH. ««0. until Oct 1st <1 pay >73. unfurnished ι ; nicelv turn . linen: Frigidaire, elec. and gat. Coi. jBJOti. 1364 HARVARD ST. N.W.—2nd-FLOOR APT. Cont. hot water, semi-private bath, porch. Also l.h.k. room: very reasonable. 312 Κ ST Ν Ε — 2nd-PLOOR APT . LARGÉI bright living room, bed room, private bath, large_kitchen. a.m.l.: no children. 1·Μ IRVING N.W—COOL. CLEAN. AT tractlvely fur. 2 rooms, bath, porch. 2nd 11.: cont. hot water: >40 Including elec. ONE ROOM. KITCHENETTE A BATH; COM pletely furnished; Murphy bed. Frigidaire: ' 10» F at. n.w.. Apt. 401. M' 902 QUINCT NW—2 RMS. KIT, SEMI bath com ρ furn. (4150. inc gag. Ucht, phone: adulta: garage available Ad MM. 21* 1833 lgt h N.W—2 ROOMS. BATH. PRI vate entrance; attractive; S exposuraa; furn. ; meals. REFINED GIRL to ahare one-room, kitchen ind bath apt. with another. Call Pot 1M0. *pt. 134. ΓΗΕ LA 8ALLE. APT. 20·—NICEL» FtJR nlshed room and bath, with maid ..ervice; ijltable for 1 or a gentlemen. Met 4045 ONE-ROOM APT.—NICELY FURNISHED room and bath with service Suitable for 5r.e or two men. Met. 4045. Met. 2161 COLORADO AVE NEAR MADISON. ÂT tractive two-room and kitchen apt., all convenience? Bright and airy (7 windows); julet neighborhood: >45. Georgia 770$ 30» r'OCNO COUPLE WISH TO SHAM THEIR Furnished 5-rrn. and kit. apt. with another roupie. >27 50 month. The Princeton. 221S I4tfi_g« nw Apt. 1. 30* 1540 MA88 AVE.—5 ROOMS AND BATH, well furnished; garage, until Oct. 1 or rearly leaae. Apply aupt.. Pytomac 5540. JO· TOMPLKTELir FURNISHED 2-ROOM. KIT â >ath. July 1 to Sept. 10. 300 Maas. ara. c w., U>t. 414. Nat 3483: >50: Inferences I ROOMS. KnCHHKTTT*. BÂTH. CCIif. lot water, elec. pr.ofte. electric réfrigéra* ion . 150* Part rd _ η w. (Continued en Next rag·.) -