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APARTMENTS—FURNISHED. (Continued.)_ FOR SUMMER BEAUTIFUL COOL TILDEN Gardens Apt.. laclna woods, reasonable rent. Phone Cleveland 1502.__ THE IOWA. APT. 63—FIVE ROOMS: COOL, three exposures, sixth floor; rent very rea sons ble. Decatur 4043-W._ 39*_ 581 OR TWO LADIES TO SHARE 2 ROOM8 and kitchen: cool and nicely furnished; rea sonable. 1230 New Hampshire ave. n.w. Tel Met. 3556. _ * ' " 2008 16th ST. N.W. Bright, modern, 1 to 3 room apti.; 347 50 to 177,30___ 200 E. CAPITOL. One to six rooms and bath. 1st and 2nd floors: Just remodeled; >25 to >63 Lin. 2637. * ~1429 COLUMBIA ROAD. Exceptionally furnished, living room, huge dressing room, large kit., dining apace, re frigeration; >50.00. RESIDENT MANAGER._ * THE TIFFANY. 1916 16th N W. THE RAVENEL . 1610 16th N.W. •435 BROWN ST N.W.. AT OAK. OFF 16th. 1 to 3 rms. kitchen, bath. hall, solarium, dining alcove, refrigeration; resident man ager: very attractive: t45 to 9110. AT COOL TAFT BRIDGE. 3 R.. FUR., $60: 4 R.. $75. New bldg., best location: elev.. switch board: beautiful aot., tile bath, completely furn ; convenient. Phone Pot. 5083 _ DOWNTOWN—1402 15th. One room, kitchen and bath; newly deco rated; ideal for two persons^ reasonable^ 28^ FURNISHED APARMENTS. OVERLOOKING LINCOLN MEMORIAL. ADJACENT TO POTOMAC PARK. CORCORAN COURTS, 401 23rd ST. N.W. QUIET NEIGHBORHOOD. FREE FRIGIDAIRE CURRENT. >80.00—Comfortably furnished apartment eonsisting of large living room, dressing closet with Murphy bed. kitchen and bath with built-in tub and shower. >82.50—Well furnished apartment consist ing of reception hall, large living room, dressing closet with Murphy bed, bed room, dinette and kitchen and tile bath with built-in tub and shower. _ See Manager. Nat. 6933. ’ 1448 PARK RD. N.W. THE FULTON. Two and three rooms, kit. and bath, newly decorated and furnished; most reasonable rates; Electrolux refrigerator, elevator and janitor service; building convenient to mar ket, stores, churches, theaters, street car and bus lines. Resident manager.__ NEW DOWNTOWN APT. 4 R.. FUR.. $75: 5 R.. $90. New. modern elevator bldg., near Govt, dents.; neatly furn.; refrigeration on house current; superb service. Phone Met. 2559. 1121 17th STREET N.W. Attractively furnishel. 2-room bach elor apartment. Including electric re I Xrigeration, janitor and valet service. Adjacent to Mayflower Hotel. Very low rental. I W. C. & A. N. MILLER, District 4464. * ON ROCK CREEK PARK. Large 2 rms.. kitchen and bath, screened Borch. 3 exposures; private, refined home; including gas. elec., telephone; garage. 1636 Nicholson st. n.w, _ DOWNTOW.N FUR. APTS., $50 Cool marble bldg.: elev., 2 large rms.; gave car fare. 1424 K n.w. Nat. 5437. COPLEY COURTS, 1514 17th St. N.W. Very attractive furnished and _unfurnished apts._ THE VALLEY VISTA, 2032 Belmont Rd. Beautiful Apt. 1 room, dinet, kit., bath and porch. Nicely furnished for Summer or longer. $67.50 per month. Resident Manager, Dec. 5000. ' HARVARD HALL. Completely furnished suite of one room, dinette, kitchen, bath, porch: crocs ventila tion: J60 per month, including privilege of swimming pool, gymnasium, billiard room. Coi. 5714. MAID SERVICE, LINEN AND silver, in one and two room, kitchen and bath apartments, electric refrigeration. By day, week or month. THE JEFFERSON, 16th and M Sts. N.W. POtomac 5660. DON’T MISS THIS! SUPERB FUR. APT., $35. 2 R„ $47: 3 R., $60; 4 R„ $75. Modern building, n.w.: beautifully turn.; tile bath; handy to stores, theaters, schools, cars, etc. Act fast. Phone Adams 5575. APARTMENTS—UNFURNISHED. THE BUCHANAN. COR. 13th A BUCHANAN— 2 r., k., b., porch. G. E. rel., 142.50 A 143.50. Alto Wyatt Apts., 4520 Ga. ave.. $45-153.50. 3615 16th ST. N.W (ENTRANCE 1575 Spring pi., the Carlo)—Modern 2 r.. k. and bath. Frigidaire: large lawn: 158._iy6* 1835 R ST. N.W —FIVE ROOMS. BATH, IN cloaed porch, Frigidaire. Call North 1302 after 1 pm_ THE MELROSE. 1343 CLIFTON ST. N.W — Attractive, cheerful. 4-room, kitchen and bath apts.. with porch, Frigidaire. elevator aerviee: $62 50 month. UNION STORAGE CO.. 705 Fla. ave. n.w. North 0104. 3616 NEWARK ST.. CLEVELAND PARK 3 bed rooms. 2 baths, sitting room, dining room, kitchen. Frigidaire; entire 2nd floor: private porch, very cool. Phone Cleveland 0438 for appointment_ 3 LARGE. OUT8IDE ROOMS. SCREENED porch; southern exposure; near cars, busses; gas, elec. furnished, reasonable. 1501 Lamont st. n.w._ 1900 F ST. N.W.—BACHELOR APT.. MUR phy bed. dressing closet, Frigidaire. shower; 636. See manager._30* THE MADRID. 18th AND KALORAMA RD — Airy, spacious. 4 rooms, kitchen, bath; re duced rent; electric refrigeration; $52.50. Manager or janitor._ FREE AUTO SERVICE —to show you our apartments. Day phone, Weat 3044; night and Sunday. Clev. 7971._ NEAR CAPITOL—4 OUTSIDE RMS.; FINE condition: $55: adults only. 317 Md. ave. n.e. Lin. 6505-J______ CLEVELAND PARK. '.028 PORTER. APT 302—Cool, quiet: large living room. 2 bed rooms, bath, kitchen, dlnet. Frigidaire. 4 large closets: $65, Emerson 6359._ 3563 11th ST. N.W. (CORNER 11th A- OTISi —Restricted white neighborhood; 2nd floor: 3 exposures: 3 rms . kit. A bath; gas. heat. elec. Included: 142.50 Col. 5266. __ THE CLIFTON, 1323 CLIFTON ST—FOUR Jaree rooms, hall, pantrv, locker. Kelvinator: $60; furnished If desired. See janitor. I1 2813 QUARRY RD. N.W.—5 ROOMS, BATH 2 porches; $45. Adams 10193. NEAR DUPONT CIRCLE—ALL FRONT, Frigidaire; 3 rooms, kitchen, bath; rea sonable^ 1900 S st. n,v _ THE WALLRAFF, 3025 15th 'NR COL. RD.) —Two or three large, bright rooms, kit., bath: southern expos.: $42.50 and 852.50, THE BOND. 1230 N H. AVE. N.W —1 R . B $30.50; 1 r.. k., b„ $40-146; 2 r.. k . b., $55 *66.50; 24-hr. elev. serv.; free Frigidaire Resident manager.___ 943 MASS. AVE. N.W —TWO 1st FLOOR rooms, kitchen and bath: *35 month._ 1740 18th ST. N.W—NEWLY DECORATED 3 and 4 room apt., elec, refrigeration. $5(1 and 855. 1736 18th at. n.w .__ 1762 COL. RD.—LARGE LIVING ROOM bed room, kitchen dinette, bath. $45. Oi, heat, janitor. Nat 8850 and Em. 4117._ $34.50—2_R . K . B ; QUIET. WHITE. COOL, newly dec.; nr. Sol. Horne cars, bus, park: lighted to 9 p m. 648 Newton pL_n w . Apt. 1. DES-ARTS. 5336 COLORADO AVE. N W - 3 robms and bath, elec refrigeration or bouse current: convenient, excellent exelu. n.w_Adams 37*9._ *37.50 TO $42 50 BEAUTIFUL FRONT APT of 2 rooms kitchen, bath, pantry: newl] decorated. 2515 14th n.w. Adams 1635. 919 E ST. N.E.—NEWLY DEC.. 3 ROOMS private bath: heat and elec, lncl.; larg< air.k. range, cabinet: $28 50._* THE NEW HAVEN. 3rd AND MA8S. AVE n.e—1 room and bath. ISO; furn., 137. witt ret rig , $2 extra 1 room, kitchen and bath $44 5C; furn . $53. 2 rooms, kitchen ahc bath, front. $62. furn.. $72. free refrig. 24 hour eiev.. res, mgr._Aitantic 1097. _ _ 6112 CONN AVE^—2 B RMS . 'l LIV. RM. hall, k.-d. b . porch & O Elec : $65 00 b. rm., 1 liv. rm . k.-d.. b.. porch A G. Elec. $53 00 Apply Janitor or Mr 4300._ *1625 16th 81.. QUINCY APT.-NEWLY FIN Sshed 4 rooms, hall, bath, large porch: con venient location low rent DAVID R THOMAS 907 16th Nat. 3259 or Col^4393-W HEAR-LIBRARY OF CONGRESS-3 DE81R able homelike, cool rms. kit., tile bath pdrch. heat, hot water: service; near car; but; reduced. $50. 912 Maryland ave. n.e. « TJNFURN. "ROOM WITH PRIVILEGES O kit. in bright, front. 3-room apt., with cou pie. $25. 2008 16th tl_n.w._ 1*20 CALIFORNIA ST. N.W —REDUCED T< *47.50 mo. 3 r. & b„ extra large rooms. 4 r. A b. Reduced to $55 mo N E RYON CO.. 121* N. Y Ave Ns. 790 Tom r. i ave. n.w —2 and 3 r . b. $26 u k 3443 E. Capt. st.—5 r. and b 42 u * 723 7th st. s w^-5 r and b. .. ...... . • 33 u HENRY SCHAFFERT, 330 John Marshall P 2110 19th N W —TWO ROOMS. HALL. KIT bath: cool; three exposures: Frigldetre; mod era. Shown by janitor. $50 month. 30 RENT REDUCED; FOUR LARGE. BRIGH' rooms, in first-class condition: adults; aa: elec., heat, bath; $40 mo 407 6th s.w THE NEBRASKA. 51 RANDOLPH PL N W - 4 rooms, kitchen and bath, and 5 room: kitchen and bath. Phone Nat. 133T 910 R. I AVE. N.E —TWO LARGE. BRIGH rooms, kft. and bath: elec refrlgeratlor newly decorated: $37 50 and $44.50. Appl Apt. 8. Dec. 3632-W._ 2538 17th ST. N.W. Apt. 2—3 r.. kit & b . porch, elec ice bo: Apt. 3—2 r.. kit. dr b , porch, elec. Ice bo: n'T'r'^ON CO., 1218 N. Y. Ave. N«.*»r80 „ MOON MULLINS—Homesick and Blue. —By WILLARD WITH ALL. THE FAT WIMMIM1 THERE IS IM THE N. WORLD WAIT IM' FOR THIS \ “FAMOUS FAT REOUCIM REMEDV* ) WH\ SHOULD I WASTE __-L.__ MV TIME WORVMM' THIS TOWKl? VOU MEAM yOU* RE CiOlM' TO LEAVE HERE. MOOM? TRBSSlS ._y I’LL SAY I AM! IT FROM MOW OM THE WORLD ^ IS MY TERRITORY-THIMK P1-- * OF IT- TRAVEL, FRESH Va/v-iHSMIUE A»R,R»MOlM‘ STRAMOE VOOSE L AO\ES * DOOR SELLS, kaeeyiw* mew faces, ~S',ZJrr*.< MAVMM’ MEW FRIEMOS s OR SOMETHtM’?, i Tilt >. _- —"f well, ^ I OOM'T KNiOW, 1 UNlCL-E WIL.UE. 0)0 YOU EVEt* OET HOME SICK^J 5^' W OWLV / WHEM I’M NOME, MOONSUiME. OML\ WHEM I’M HOME! WHO Y OONE THAT? / APARTMENTS—UNFURNISHED, _(Continued.)_ BEST IN TOWN FOR PRICE—COOL. AIRY: 2. 1 and- a room, kitchen, bath and porch apts ; adults only. Evanaton. 3427 13th st. n.w. REDUCED RENTS Lavenla. 618 F n.e.—3 and 4 rooms, kltch en and bath apts.: adults._ 1630 K ST. N.W. „ 1 room and bath, built-in cupboard for electric frill. 330: 1 room, kitchen and bath, bullt-ln Ice box and china cabinet. 330. 1333 BELMONT ST. N.W „ 3 rooms, kitchen and bath, reception hall, dinette, porch. 353: electric refrigeration. 1928 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE. N.W. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath, 342.50. HIGBY. RICHARDSON A FRANKLIN, INC., 816 15th St. N.W._National 2076 WOODRIDGE. D. C —CHOICE 2 TO 5 ROOM apts., some porches; 327.50 to 359.50. BURTON REALTY CO.. 2301 R. I. Ave. N.E. Dec. 0317. North 0553. THE THEARLE. 2132 P ST. N.W Between Rock Creek Park. Dupont Circle: desirable 6-room front apartment, 3 expo sures. rear porch; Frlgidalre._4* THE NORTHUMBERLAND—107—1 B.. K. & b., 340. 108—2 r . k. A b„ 345. 204—3 r.. k. A b.. 375. MISS LARKIN. North 3280. 2 ROOMS. KITCHEN A BATH. HEAT, GAS. light furnished; no objection to 1 child. Ref erence._327.50 mo. 1430 F st. n.e. 28*_ THE WESTCHESTER, 1332 15th 8T. N.W — 2 vacant apartments of 2 and 3 bed rooms, kitchen, recep. hall and bath, on second and fourth floors; moderately priced, 345 and 350 Ser month; excellent location: well kept vlldlng. See janitor or JOSEPH A. HAY DEN. Agent. 302 Woodward Building. 3008 TO 3044 R ST. N.W —5 RMS., BATH, elec., with heat and Janitor service: facing beautiful Montrose Park: 332.50 to 340.50. 2210 E ST. N.W. (UNIVERSITY APTS.) — 1 rm, kit., bath. Murphy bed, refrigeration, with heat and Janitor service: 340.00. BUCKLEY & GRINDLEY, _936 N. Y. AVE. N.W._ 210 17th ST. 8.E. New, modern apt.. 3 rooms, kitchenette and bath: desirable location. THOMAS A. JAMESON A CO.. 906 New York Ave._Nat. 5526. PARK TOWER, 2440 16th 8T. N.W., APT. No. 205—Will sublet apartment for months of July and August at sacrifice: living room, hall. 2 bed rooms, dinette, kitchen, bath and porch. 380.00; tegular rent, 395.00; now vacant. See resident manager. THE RAVENEL. 1610 16th ST. N.W. THE TIFFANY. 1925 19th ST. N.W. 3435 BROWN ST. N W.. AT OAK. OFF 16th. 1875 MINTWOOD PLACE N W. 1 room and bath to 4 rooms and 2 baths. 335 to 3110. Resident manager. Refrigeration, 314 13tn ST. 8.E. New. modem apt.. 2 rooms, kitchenette and bath: reasonable rent. THOMAS A. JAMESON & CO., 906 New York Ave.Nat. 5526. 2501 14th ST. N.W. No. 20—2 rms.. kit., dinette, bath, back porch and elec, refrig.350.50 No. 16—2 rms., kit., dinette, bath. back porch and elec, ref. 47.50 2503 14th ST. N.W. No. 2—5 rms. and bath; back porch. elec, refrigeration .357.50 2536 14th ST. N.W. No. 1—5 rms. and bath. elec, refrig eration . 60.50 P. J. WALSHE, INC.. 1107 Eye St. N.W. Nat. 2095. CONVENIENT. WELL MANAGED. THE CLYDE. 1124 10th N.W. One and two rooms, kitchenette and bath, with refrigeration, gas and lights on house meters. Resident manager. Metropolitan 5123 PARK TOWER. 2440 18th St. N.W. Opposite Meridian Hill Park. 1 Room and Bath to 6 Rooms. 2 Baths and Porch. 345 to 3175. Refrigeration Included. Switchboard—3 Elevators. Garage in the Building. Manager on Premises. SHANNON A LUCHS CO.. 1435 K ST. N.W. NATIONAL 2345. 2370 CHAMPLAIN ST. N.W.—2~RMS . KIT. bath. elec., with heat and janitor service, excellent condition; 342.50. 2113 N ST. N.W.—4 rms.. bath, elec., with heat and Janitor service. 137_5(L BUCKLEY & GRINDLEY, _936 N Y. AVE. N.W. _ ONLY $45.00. APT. 406. 414 SEWARD SQUARE S.E. Apartment consisting of reception hall, living room, bed room, kitchen and bath. 14th and K CAFRITZ Plat 9080 // Adjusted Rentals //THE CLEVELAND \\ // 3039 Macomb St. N.W. \\ I / Modern apartment in quiet res- 1 1 I I idential street in Cleveland Park. I I I I just west of Connecticut ave. Two I I 1 I rooms, kitchen and bath. $45; to I I I l three rooms, kitchen and bath, * f \ \ $62.50 and $65. Electric refrig- I I \ \ eration on house current. / # \\ H. L. RUST // VV 1001 15th St. N.W. // X^.^Nati. 8100 I OVERLOOKING c | LINCOLN MEMORIAL jj ADJACENT TO S POTOMAC PARK Convenient to Downtown £ Loweat Renta in Town CORCORAN COURTS | | 23rd & D St*. N.W. } Quiet Neighborhood Free Frigidaire Current $45.00—Housekeeping apart- t g ment consisting or reception t 8 hall, unusually large living i room, dressing closet with ♦ Murphy bed. kitchen, dinette, : t and bath with built-in tub | and shower. I $60.00—Beautiful apartment * consisting of reception hall, | g large living room, bed room, | 8 dinette, kitchen, tile bath | with built-in tub and shower. X g $112.50—Unusually large J :< apartment, excellently ar- X ranged, consisting of large re- I ception hall, unusually large j living room, dining room, 3 j bed rooms, large kitchen, 2 tile t baths with built-in tub and X shower and ample closet space. X Murphy beds and closets, t which are located in the liv- X lng room and dining room. 24-hour Switchboard and j j 8 Elevator Service 8 An inspection of these j apartment* will convince' j I you of the extraordinary j values which we offer at j this time. See Manager Nat. 6933 j , •mxxttatwwmrinummimwtmma ^XCLIFTON MANOR^V // 2514 14th St. \\ // Practically new building Very\\ _ I / convenient to downtown section 1 i I 1 One room kitchen and bath 1 1 11 II $40 00 and $45 00 Two rooms | | I | kitchen and bath. $50.00 to $60 00 I I 1 1 Furnished apartments available J f I \ Electric refrigeration Resident I I y\manager on premises. II ; \\ H. L. RUST CO. JJ 1001 15th St. N.W. APARTMENTS—UNFURNISHED. I RIGHT DOWNTOWN § NEAR EVERYTHING | SAVE CAR FARE MIRAMAR I I 15th & Rhode Island 8 Ave. N.W. LOW RENTS 1 x NEW FIREPROOF BLDG. § X Near Gov’t Dept*., Store* and i| Theater* X Free Radio in Every Apartment j! I Free Frigidaire Current *52.50—Beautiful, bright apartment g consisting of large living room, dress- g ing room with Murphy bed. sun room. XX kitchen with special built-in cabinets, n tile bath with built-in tub and shower, g portable dinette set with table and g chairs. g a Elevator, Bell Boy and Switch- g board Service. XX I An inspection of these apart- | ments will convince you of the XX extraordinary values which we j. offer at this time. See Manager POt. 5600 2 // Adjusted Rentals VY //rhe ambassador\\ II 1750 16th St. N.W. \\ f I Select in-town location, opposite I I I I the Scottish Rite Temple; frequent I I I 16th st. bus service. Switchboard. ■ I 1 1 2 elevators, electric refrigeration I J 1 I on house current. 1 room and bath. I I l \ 2 rooms, kitchen and bath. *30 / / \\to *67 50; some with porches./# \\ H. L. RUST // Vs. 1001 15th St. N.W. // N^^Natl. 8100 ■ ■- — !■■ ■ ■ — Newly Decorated Apartments Well kept buildings, courteous serv ice and splendid surroundings make these apartments most desirable. Very reasonable rental. Open daily until 10 p.m. 1235 RANDOLPH ST. N.W. One room, kitchen and bath... .$37.50 Two rooms, kitchen and bath.. 50 00 3125 MT. PLEASANT ST, N.W. Two rooms, kitchen and bath..$47 50 3024 WISCONSIN AVE. N.W. Opposite Cathedral Grounds. Two rooms, kitchen a id bath, electric refrigeration Included.$48 00 1306 RHODE ISLAND AVE. N.W. One room, kitchen and bath . *43.00 Two rooms, kitchen and bath, electric refrigeration . 57 50 SENATE COURTS 120 C ST. N.E. Electric Refrigeration and Incinerator. Two rooms. Inclosed porch, din ing alcove, kitchen and bath *62 50 Located within one-half square of Senate Office Bldg. 1114 F ST. N.E. Overlooking Maryland Ave Two rooms, kitchen and bath. $49.50 Electric Refrigeration Included. CHAS. D. SAGER National 0036. 924 I lth St. N.W. ^1414 V St. N.W^^ g g Modern apartments in a choice \\ // Northwest location close to A A # / schools, churches. 16th st bus A A II and 14th st cars 11 I I With Electrical Refrigeration 1 I III room, kit and bath $35 00 I I II 2 rms.. kit and bath $40 to 47.50 1 1 I 3 rms . kit and bath 62 50 I I | t\ Resident manager. II W H. L. RUST CO. // \\ 1001 15th St. N.W. // National 8100 _APARTMENTS—UNFURNISHED._I /maycroftnx // 1474 Columbia Rd. \\ # / Cor. 15th A Col. Rd. 1 \ I / Revised rates 1 room, kitchen 1 1 ; I I and bath. $40. Delightful 2 rooms. ■ I I I kitchen, with large bath, refng- I I I eratlon on house current. $55.00 I I I l Four rooms, kitchen and bath. I I 1 1 $90 One square from Meridian W I 1 \ Park and near 14th St. car line # # \ \ and 18th St. busses / / \\ H. L. RUST CO. // Vv 1001 15th St. // \\Nal^8100// I DOWNTOWN NEAR EVERYTHING SAVE CAR FARE PARK CENTRAL NEW FIREPROOF BLDG. 1900 F Street N.W. I LOW RENTS Free Frigidaire Current Free Radio in Every Apartment ■ $45.00—Housekeeping apart ment, consisting of large, bright living room, dressing room with : Murphy bed. kitchen, dinette : j. and bath with built-in tub and j | shower. X $55.00—Lovely apartment con I” sisting of large living room, dressing closet with built-in Murphy bed. sun porch, kitchen and bath with built-in tub and : shower, portable dinette set with ~ table and chairs. I $65.00—Beautiful apartment consisting of reception hall, large, bright living room with dressing room and Murphy bed. sun room with built-in Murphy bed, dining room (8x13), kitchen, tile bath with built-in tub and shower. 8 $77.50—Front apartment, con- : « sisting of reception hall, large, i bright living room, bed room, sun | room (12x8), with Murphy bed, : t cozy dining room, kitchen, fully r tiled bath with built-in tub tend | shower. Elevator. Switchboard and Bell Boy Service. ♦ Carpeted Corridors. 8 8 An inspection of these apart X ments will convince you of the | extraordinary values which we X offer at this time. ♦ See Manager MEt. 0540 * OUTSTANDING APARTMENT VALUES IN DESIRABLY LOCATED BUILDINGS THE MARCHETA 1121 New Hampshire Ave. N.W. Desirable apartments of one and two rooms, kitchenette, dining alcove and bath: $42 50 to $55. 24-hour elevator service; Frigidaire on house current. Apply resident manager or phone West 0780. THE FLAGLER 736 22nd St. N.W. 1 and 2 room apartments consist ing of kitchen, dinette and bath; $42 50 to $60 24-hour elevator serv ice Frigidaire on house current. Apply resident manager or phone West 0692. THE COLTON 49 Eve St. N.W. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath. Frig idaire on house current, automatic elevator Convenient to churches, stores and within walking distance downtown Apply resident manager or phone Metropolitan 3848. 5338 COLORADO AVE. N.W. 1 large room, kitchen, dinette and bath with porch: General Electric refrigeration. Excellent Summer lo cation; reasonable rental. Apply res ident manager or phone Columbia 10014 1715 K ST. N.W. 1 laige room, kitchen and bath: excellent location, within five min utes' walk of business and theater district Apply resident manager or phone Metropolitan 2793. The Munsey Tru$t Company Real Estate Department 1725 Lanier Place N.W. Le Bourget # Friaidalre 2127 California tS. N.W. 3 rooms, din. alcove, kitchen Friaidalre ; : and bath.. | 1 room and bath.130.00 1915 Sixteenth St. N.W. 1 and bath.™?! ,kU.C.h*nS3S 00 and 33.00 Friaidaire 2 and 3 rooms, kitchen Laclede : and bath.*37.30 to $80 00 1223 Vermont Ave. N.W. Lindy 3 rooms, rec. hall, kitchen » i . and bath .157.50 4222 Fourteenth St. N.W. 2 and 5 rooms, rec. hall. Friaidaire kitchen and bath.$63 00 to 90 00 1 room. rec. hall, kitchen 2 rocms'.'kUchen and bath!!I”: frlo Amherst 1664 Columbia Road N.W. 14 S Street N.E. Electric Refrigeration General Electric Refriaeration 2 and 3 rooms, kitchen ! | 2 rooms, kitchen and bath.$47 50 and bath.$40 00 to $32.50 W. H. WALKER, 734 15th St. N.W. National 1680 APARTMENTS—UNFURNISHED._ LOW RENT—$37.50. 3214 GEORGIA AVE N.W Apartment consisting of reception hall, living room, bed room, kitchen and bath, f a&trrz. put, wo. SPECIAL BARGAIN. THE WADE. 1201 13th ST. N.W. Only 100 00. New. up-to-date: 3 rooms and hath. elec, refrigerator, porch and reception hall. Alia $40 for ona room and bath. See resident manager _ _ H. R. HO WENSTEIN CO.. 1315 H St. N.W._District 0906 BEST LOCATION IN D. C. 1 R.. $25; 4 R.. $52.50 AND $60. Completely det *hed bldg : large, bright rms. tile baths, parquet floors throughout; exclusive. Act fasL Phone North 4086-M.__ IN PET WORTH—$50.00. Overlooking Sherman Circle—Frigldal^ 640 BUCHANAN ST N.W.—FRONT APT. Beautiful apartment consisting of recep tion hall, la ge. bright living room, bed room, kitchen, dinette and bath. _14th and K._CAFRITZ. Dlst. 9080._ UN USUALLY LOW RENT, $42.50. DOWNTOWN APT.—1419 N ST. N.W. Front apartment consisting of large living room, bed room, kitchen and bath, equipped with Frigidalre; convenient to car lines. stores and theaters. _ _ __ 14th and K. CAFRITZ._Dlst. 9080._ SHOW PLACE OF CITY! COOL 16th ST., FACING PARK 2 RM. APT., $45 ; 3 R„ $62.50. New bldg.: large, bright rms.: magnificent view; tiled bath, shower; dinette, garage. Frigidalre. elev.. phone. Adams 2308._ SS PREFERRED Wf Residential Location m / Unusually Low Renlals \\ // TILDEN HALL \\ [I 3945 CONN. AVE. \\ I | One room, kitchen and bath, I I ) I $45.00. 2 rooms, kitchen and I I I I bath. $82.50. Car and bus lines I I 1 1 pass door. Near Bureau of Stand- f I 1 \ ardi. Electric refrigeration. f I ^ H. L. RUST CO. II Vs, 1001 15th St. N.W'. // Vv Nat. 8100 // WHT PAT MORET THE DETROIT. 1440 Meridian PI. N.W. 1 No. 4—4 rooms and bath. 148 50 E THE DE SOTO. 1300 Mass. Ave. N.W. S No. S—5 rooms and bath..1(7.50 jg THE LAMONT. 1627 Lamont St. N.W. ® No. 23—3 rooms and bath.$47 50 r| No 1—5 rooms and bath. 65 00 3] No. 44—4 rooms and bath. 52.50 M I THE INGLESIDE 1651 Lamont St. N.W. No. 15—4 rooms and bath.$37.50 g. THE CALIFORNIA. 1773 California St. N.W. £ No. 3—5 rooms and bath .$50.00 E No 4—5 rooms and bath. 45.00 ® THE SORRENTO. 2233 10th St. N.W. 1 No. 24—5 rooms and bath.$57.50 j£ THE BIRMINGHAM. 2611 Adams Mill Rd ~ No. 5—5 rooms and bath .167.50 g No. 4—3 rooms and bath. 45.00 g THE CARLETON. 1741 Lanier PI. N.W £ No 2—3 rooms and bath.$42 50 rz No. 23—3 rooms and bath. 37 50 3 No. 44—4 rooms and bath. 45.00 a THE CLIFFBOURNE. » 1853 Calvert St. N.W. 3 No. 23—5 rooms and bath.$50 00 E No. 43—5 rooms and bath. 60 90 E No. 51—5 rooms and bath. (7.50 2 THE ROCHESTER. | 1438 Meridian PI. N.W. g No. 35—4 rooms and bath.$50.00 g THE PARKER. 3300 l(th St. N.W. g No 103—3 rooms and bath_$52.50 g No. 501—5 rooms and bath_ 02.50 3 No. 502—6 rooms and bath. 07.50 3 THE ALAMO. mi 12th St. N.W. i No. 26—3 rooms and bath. .145.00 Hnn. ave. n.w. a ns and bath_$67.50 3 ns and bath_ 45.00 E I by comparison that & s are unusually low. g [ely due to the fact E Irect from the ownera S nent house hunter lo- g not In the Pall when rs i a scarcity of desir- 3 s. As a special in- g above ants, may be E 1 period desired and E fective July 15. Pos- g ately. but no reduc- rz on may be made at 3 plying to tha Janitors. L TRIBBY’S SONS, tlonal Bank BuildlDt. District 4776. y^SOMERSET^k // 1801 16th ST. N.W. // Revised Rentals \\ I f / Exceptionally desirable apart- 1 \ \ f I ments in refined 16th St. Build- I I j I I me; 2 elevators, switchboard, re- I I I frleeration on house current. Ill 1 I room and bath, 1 room. kit. and I I | \ bath; 2 rms., kltch. and bath; I I 1 \3 rms., kitch. and bath. // \\H. L. RUST COMPANY// \\ 1001 15th St. // na. 8100 y/ In considering an apartment compare HARVARD HALL 1650 Harvard St. Large Sunny Suites 1 to 4 Rooms Swimming Pool Pool Room Gymnasium Garage Resident Manager ff 1016 16th ST. // On lower 16th st.. In one ot the \\ f / city's best residential environ- i 1 I I ments and close to business and 1 I I I financial section Three rooms | | i I kitchen and bath. <15.00 to 120 00: I : I I four rooms kitchen and bath I I t 1 $128 00 Electric refrigeration I I l \ Resident manager on premises. # f Ut H. L. RUST CO. J) y. loot isth st. n.w. yy APARTMENTS—UNFURNISHED. | _ IMPORTANT. We own the properties listed below end i h take pride In their good condition and in the satisfaction of our five hundred tenants, many of whom have been with us for more than fifteen years. MONMOUTH, 1819 O ST. N.W. Downtown—Save Car Fare 2 rooms, kitchen and bath. $52 50 to $57 50. = including gas. light and refrigeration, show ers. ivory woodwork, light oak floors. $67.50 - to $72.50 furnished. 24-hour aervice. Resi- l dent manager. , FARNSBORO. 2129 FLORIDA AVE. N.W - Exclusive residential building within walk- j ing distance of business district. 2 rooms. f kitchen and bath. $60 5 rooms, reception j hall ppntrv. bath, corner apartment. $115. i * Refrigeration; 24-hour service. See resident manager. u FONT A NET COURTS, 1400 FAIRMONT ST. N.W. I Homelike apartments, refined tenants: 2 u rooms, kitchen and ba&h. $52 50: nicely fur- <■ nished. $62.50. Refrigeration; 24-hour serv- i: ice. See resident manager. <j 3446 CONN. AYE. N.W. < CORNER ORDWAY ST c 1 room, kitchen. Murphy bed, 838.50; fur- a nished. 843.50. , . £ 2 rooms, kitchen, dining glcove. bath. 852.50. furnished. 862 50 3 rooms, kitchen and bath, two expo sures. $75. Refrigeration—Resident Manager. Moving—Mothproof Storage. - FIDELITY STORAGE CO., * 1430 You St, N.W._North- 3400. a _ _ 1 fnm CALVERT St!\ r // Overlooking Rock Creek Valley. \\ f I near Conn. Ave. Bridge. Adjacent 1 1 I I opposite New Shoreham Hotel. Two II / I I rooms, kitchen and bath. $62.50 I * I I to $75; five rooms, two baths and I I \\ inclosed porch. $150. Switch- If c ^ H. L. RUST CO. // i 1001 15th St. N.W y/ _^ ' _ i THE CONARD, < Corner 13th and Eye Sts. N.W. 1 No Lease Required. ; Cheaper then paying room rent. Down town location, overlooking beautiful Franklin Park. 24-hour elevator and switchboard aervlee. Reeldent manager. Net. 9070. „ 1 room, kitchen, bath, reception hall. , - unfurnished. 835 end 837.50. Alao attractively furnished apartments. , FRANK A. SIMON. I , Southern Bldg. Nat. 3668. j EXCELLENT LOCATION. < I860 CLYDESDALE PL. N.W—863. Near 18th and Columbia rd. n.w. and over looking Rock Creek Valley, convenient to car ; lines, stores, theaters. Apartment consisting of reception nail, large, bright living room, bed room, dinette, kitchen and tile bath with built-in tub and shower. ; 14th and K. CAFRITZ. Dlst. 9080. j 1207 PARK ROAD N.W. ! Desirably arranged; conveniently located. j 2-room kitchen, dinette, bath; 8*2 50. Electric refrigerator. Phone National 3853. • \ Near 18th and Col. Rd. N.W. 2111 18th 3T. N.W —LOW RENT. 825 50—Bachelor apartment consisting of reception hail, living room and bath. 845.00—Large apartment consisting of re ception hall, living room, 2 bed rooms, k'141h"enddK*thCAFRITZ. Dlst. 9080. 1429 COLUMBIA RD. !; $38.50. Lika new Living room, huge dressing room, Murphy bed. kitchen with dining space. Refrigeration. $50.00. Thoroughly redecorated corner; two ex posures (very light!, two rooms, kitchen and bath; refrigeration. _ RESIDENT MANAGER. _ AT 16th AND R STS. NEW LOW RENT APTS. 1 R., $30; 2 R., $35; 3 R., $55. > Finest n.w. fireproof bldg : elaborate fit tings. Frigidaire on house current: switch board, elevator; walking distance downtown; first-class service. Phone Pot. 1900._ THE MAYFAIR, 2115 C St. N.W. Frigidaire. 1 room, kitchen, bath, $37.50. 2 rooms, kitchen, bath, $57.50. Resident Manager. Metropolitan 4187. , 7N FW7\ PART M E NTS.$497507 ; 7302 GEORGIA AVE. N.W ! Frigidaire. beautiful apartments which have iust been completed and are ready for occupancy, consisting of reception hall, large living room, bed room, kitchen, dinette and tiled bath, large screened porch. Heat fur nished. 14th and K. CAFRITZ Dlst. 9080. 1725 H ST. N.W. ' Conveniently Located rear to War and Navy Buildings. ; 6 rooms, kitchen, 2 baths .$100.00 4 rooms, kitchen, bath . 75.00 3 rooms, kitchen, bath. 65 00 INTERNATIONAL FINANCE , CORPORATION, S00 Investment Bldg. __District 0568._ ! LOW RENT—$42.50. APT. 5—4312 GEORGIA AVE. N W. Apartment consisting of reception hall, living room, bed room, kitchen and bath. 14th and K. CAFRITZ. Dlst. #080._ COPLEY COURTS, 1514 17th St. CONVENIENT TO DOWNTOWN ] EVERY COMFORT AND SERVICE. ] FREE REFRIGERATION A COOKING GAS. l NEW MANAGEMENT._ LOW' RENT—$42.50. 628 8th ST. N.E. Apartment consisting of reception hall, living room, bed room, kitchen and bath 14th and K. _CAFRITZ._Plat. #060. ; 1448 PARK RD. N.W . THE FULTON. Two and three rooms, kit. and bath, newly ■ decorated; most reasonable rates: Electrolux ' refrigerator, elevator and janitor service; , ! building convenient to market, stores, i ! churches, theaters, street car and bus lines. , Resident manager. _ Large Apartment Only $47.50. 1 APT. 3. 1650 W. VA. AVE. N.E. New apartment consisting of reception < 1 hall large, bright living room. 2 bed rooms. *lle bath with built-in tub and fixtures. , i kitchen with built-in dinette set screened . bark porch, screened throughout. Bryant gas . | heiVth and K. CAFRITZ. Dlst. #06*. i COLORED—2nd FLOOR. THREE ROOMS, kitchen, bath, porch, heat: no children; $40 00._116 You st. n w. or Pot. 1878. 30* COLORED 654 MORTON ST N W—1 rooms and bath aud 4 rooms and bath and screened porch: all outside rooms, newly papered and painted. Reduced rental. H. i R SMITH. 3473 14th st. n.w._Adams_3768 COLORED: 1442 CORCORAN ST N.W—3 and 4 rooms and bath: Summer prices. Jan itor. 1408. 10 Decatur 5684. COLORED—1419 QUE ST. N W —2 ROOMS. kitchen, bath; 2nd-floor front; heat fur nlahed. gas, electricity: 837.50: no children. COLORED—36 QUE ST. N.W., APT. 1. 6 Rms.. H.-w h,. Elec. Janitor Service Good Condition. LAWRENCE J. MULLS. 80S 5th St N.W.Wat. 4581 FOR COLORED. 2802 OUvg ave.. Georgetown—Apt. 1. I rooms, kitchen and bath: $32 SO. 3228 Prospect are. n w„ Georgetown—Apt. 1, 4 rooms and bath; 830 Immediate possession, rent start* July 1. CHAS E TRIBBEY k SONS. 814 Dlst. Nat Bank Bldg Dtatrlet 4T78._ COLORED. REDUCED RENTALS. If you desire a modern apartment, lust newly papered and painted, located in a quiet, convenient neighborhood, see 818 12th st. n.e. Two rooms, kitchen and bath. 118.80 and 140.58. national * ■m* st. w.w. 1 APARTMENTS—UNFURNISHED._ 2715 GEORGIA A\ E. N.W. Igh-Class Colored—Near Howard Univeratty. 1 Room. Kitchen and Bath. *31. Electric Refrigeration on House Current. NTKRNATIONAL F1 NANCE CORPORATION, 809 Investment Bldg. District 0568. APARTMENTS—FUR. & UNFUR. SAVING CITY. MU8T RENT A TTR ACTIVE I furn apt 3 rms . kit. din. and bath, 'rig. Apt. 104. 3020 Porter n.w. Em. 0530. ___29" 526 4th ST. N.W —NEW HOME; 2 ROOMS, it., bath. Electrolux, a m I ; ’2 so. to cars nd stores. Adams 8663._30" ETWORTH - FOR ADULTS. LIGHT HOU8E eeping rooms; private home; large. Inclosed orch. Columbia_9823-R._ | 117 R ST. N.W —1 ROOM. BATH. NICELY lrnished. *32.50 mo.: with kitchen, free rigldalre. *39.50 up. 2 rooms, kitchen, bath, nfur . *52.50: fur . *62.50._See res. mgr._ NE LARGE RM.. KITCHENETTE. PORCH, icl. gas. elec : closet, several large win ows. good view; *30: one block Dupont tircle Call 10 to 5. 1630 18th n.w. « NE ROOM. KITCHEN AND BATH. IN tantaneous hot water, unlimited phone; rasonable._4212 7th st._Adams 7184, • 4 ROOMS, PORCH, $55.00. 1747 Church st. n.w.. near Dupont Circle. 2006 N st. n.w.—5 rooms. 2 porches; *67 50. See Janitor or Phone Owner, Pot. 2377. iEE THESE APARTMENTS. Ready to move In. Large corner building, verlooklng Rock Creek Perk, near Milllon lollar Bridge; 2 and 3 rms., k. and b ; built t furniture thet has never been Installed efore; Westh. ref. See these apts for price nd location before deciding. The Allen. 410 20th st. n.w. Manager. .ET US DRIVE YOU FREE. See our apts. in best n.w. location, fur ished or unfurnished. Rents reduced, con ession to reliable tenant. Phone Col. 0277. APARTMENTS—SUBURBAN! .PARTMENT TO RENT IN COLONIAL ome; four minutes to city; every modern ome comfort; beautiful surroundings. Ad ress Box 424-E, Star offlce. 1* RENT—FUATS. 35-A ROCK CREEK CHURCH ROAD N W. -Entire second floor of a duplex, consisting f large living room, dining room, tiled itchen. pantry, bullt-ln refrigerator. 3 bed ooms. tiled bath room with bullt-ln tub rlth shower, screened reesr porch and ga age. all In perfect condition, at reduced ental. H. R. Smith, 3473 14th st. n.w. idams 3789. 29 DECATUR ST. N.W.—8 RMS.. 2 baths, elec.*65.00 32 You st. n.w.—4 rms.. bath, elec_ 45.50 310 L st. nil.—3 rms.. bath. elec.... 30.50 James p. shea. 643 Ind. Ave N.W WANTED—APARTMENTS. OR 3 CLEAN. FURN. L.H.K. ROOMS; 4 dults; *30 or less; prefer n.e. section. Ad- I rcss Box 130-R. Star ogee._2»» )ESIRE UNFURNISHED APARTMENT. TOP loor. two rooms, etc. Must be reasonable, lend particulars. Address Box 418-E. Star dee.28* RENT HOUSES—FURNISHED CENWOOD. CHEVY CHASE. MD—FOR 3 nonths. very reasonably; plenty of lawn, rees. privacy; 5 bed rooms. 3 baths; a.m.t.: wst type of heat Insulation; 15 min. from Jupont Circle by auto. Phone WIL LOUGHBY. Wl. 4241 Sunday and evenings; IA. 6320 In offlce hours._26* SMALL. CORNER HOUSE. NEAR DUPONT lircle—3 bed rooms, bath, living room, din ng room, upstairs kitchen, garage. Suitable or small family. Rent very reasonable. 621 19th st. n.w. Phone North 253.1-J. .! ASSACHU8ETT8 AVE. PARK—6-ROOM letached heme on Cleveland ave.. during Iilly end August Cleveland 9038._i SOMERSET. MD.—DELIGHTFULLY COOL louse: 7 rooms, bath and sleeping porch: arge living room, beautiful lawn, trees, jorches. garage, electric refrigeration: for luminer months: reasonable. Wisconsin 4405. 7HEVY CHASE—ATTRACTIVE HOME. 7 ooms. sleeping and sun porches, garage; ovelr garden. SANDOZ, INC.. Dec. 4010. I-ROOM DETACHED. COMPLETELY FUR lislied house for rent in Cleveland Park mill Sept. 15. Bullt-ln garage, continuous jot water, piano, ramo; secona-uwor emu md flrsf-floor lavatory: servant'* lavatory n basement. Cool, shady location. Rent, 80 For details telephone Cleveland 2048. DN SHADY ST. NEAR 18th AND COLUMBIA ■d.—Six rooms (3 dbl. bed rooms), sleeping jorch, garage: oil heat. Frigldaire. piano, -adio. parquet floors: year or more. >80 mo. 1824 Ontario pi. Col. 1398-M._* JHEVY CHASE — DETACHED HOME. SIX ooms. garage. Frigldaire; completely fur lished. Wisconsin 4834._29* i WESLEY HEIGHTS. English cottage, completely turn.; spacious rrounds. large trees, profusion flowers; quiet, restful, but only 10 min. to town. 4437 tlingle st. n.w. Cleveland 2242._ 732 FERN ST. N.W. Briclc bungalow. 8 rooms, bath, ami.: 1-1 condition furnished. >100: unfurnished. 85 mo. T. H LALEGER. 1410 H st. n.w. District 7819. Evenings. Georgia 2081. I ENT HOUSES—FUR. AND UNFUR. 1TTRACTIVE. PARTLY FURNISHED OR infurnished; 7 rms . 2 baths. General Elec rlc refrigerator, oil burner; reasonable, ref rences. Owner. Inspection, 10 to 8. 2923 :8th st. n w. _ HOUSES—UNFURNISHED. UNE 8-ROOM HOUSE IN BEST N.W. SEC ion. 3 bed rooms. 2 full baths, oil burner, l-ear garage. One block Connecticut ave. Immediate possession Phone Adams 9531. 1227 ADAMS MILL RD—185 7 ROOMS. 2 laths, sleeping porches; facing park; ten nis; corner alley. Available Aug. 1. Shep. 3513.___29* 1110 RHODE ISLAND AVE. N W —9 ROOMS", jantry. 2 baths, hot-water heat; excellent condition: >70.29* lTTRACTIVE 8-R. A BRICK: BATH. PORCH, mtomatlc furnace controller, full-length screens. garage, large shade: 4 blocks n.w. Western High; available now; >80. Clev. i537._ _ POR RENT—NEAR BALTO BLVD.. MD.: 5 ■ms., ba., >37.50; also corner, same locality, nade-over-new. 8 rms.. ba., gar.. >80: also Palls Church. Va., 9 rms.. ba. gar . corner, ihade. hedge, fruit, >85. FULTON R. GOR DON. 1427 Eye st. n.w. Dis. 5231. Even., Ulev. 4733.__ POR RENT—CHEVY CHASE. D. C.. BRICK esldence, 6 rms., ba., gar.: to be vacated >y naval olllctr July I; >85 mo. WU. 2973 JEW. NEVER OCCUPIED CHEVY CHASE icme: attractive, convenient: low rent: six ooms. bath, garage. Adams 10258._• rOR RENT—CHEVY CHASE. D. C.. 10 m.. 2-ba. residence, made-over-new. equlp >ed for two congenial families; >110 mo. Jlev. 4733._ "OR RENT—CHEVY CHASE. D. C.. SPAN sh type, made-over-new. 8 rms.. ba., veran la. gar . >85; also 5-bed room, 2-bath rest ience <1 bed room & ba. 1st fl.>. beautiful st-fl plan. >125. PULTON R. GORDON. 427 Eye st n.w. Dis. 5231. Even., Clev. 1733. VOODRIDGE. 2811 CENTRAL AVE. N.E— i rooms and bath, convenient to school: arge lot. fruit trees, garage; >55 mo. Dec. 1277-W.___ 825 GOOD HOPE RD. S.S.—7 ROOMS AND lath, newly decorated, elec., gas. 2 porches, arge yard to alley; >40 mo DAVTD R. l-HOMAS. 907 15th st. n.w. Nat. 3259 or Jol. 4393-W._ !• 324 11th ST. N.W.—8 R . 3 B.. H -W H . lec.: reduced to >70.75. JOHN T KNOTT, 118 F at n.w_2* 136 P ST. N.W.—9 RM8,. 2 B.. ELEC. . t8=,"n'i 102 7th st. n.e.—8 rms.. bath, elec. 40 00 | .375 N. C. ave. n.e.—8 rms . bath. elec. 38.50 ! 10S N st. n.w — 6 rms., bath, elec. 32 50 113 P st. n.w.—5 rms., elec , water_ 25 00 180 H st. s.w.—6 rms.. water, gas. 22 SO 1302 41* st. s.w—6 rms.. bath, gas_ 18 50 JAMES P. SHEA _843 Indiana Ave. N.W. '18 VA. AVE STW—7 RMS. BATH. ELEC.. H.-W.H . GARAGE. EXCEL LENT CONDITION . S80 00 311 B ST SB—8 RMS.. BATH. ELEC., H.-W.H. 45.00 BUCKLEY A GRINDLEY. _938 N. Y. AVE. N.W._ BEAUTIFUL HOME. 1445 PARKWOOD PL. N W—>75. This home is convenient to stores, thea ers and car lines, and consists of recep ion hall, living room, dining room. 3 bed ooms tile bath with built-in tube and ihower. large screened porches, kitchen, aundry trays, toilet In basement, built-in [arage. 14th and K _CAFRITZ. Dist. 9080 ATTRACTIVE HOM E. 1438 PARKWOOD PL. N.W.—>90. Beautiful home just north of 14th and Park rd .n.w.. convenient to car line, stores md theaters, which consists of larse. bright iving room, dining room. 4 bed rooms, fully died bath with built-in tub and shower, ex ra tiled lavatory juat oil master bed room, t-car built-in garage, large front porch, itrdwood floors, hot-water heat and elec ;ricHv: laundry trays and extra lavatory in tasement. 14th and K. CAFRITZ. Dist. 9088. HOUSES—UNFURNISHED. __I Continaed.)_ BEAUTIFUL MOME. 1404 VARNUM ST N W 190 Conveniently located, ouly 1 block from 14th st. car line.- consisting of large, bright living room, dining room, kitchen and 4 bed rooms, tile bath with built-in tub and shower and extra lavatory off of master bed room, built-in garage and Frigidaire. !4th_and K _CAFRITZ Dist 9080 OPEN 7 TO 9 P.M. 1300 Geranium st n»*ar Walter Reed—T rooms, bath, extra lavatory, garage; detach ed corner. _THOS E JARRELL CO. Nat 0765. BEAUTIFUL HOME." 437 DECATUR ST. N W 170 Lovely home consisting of six unusually large, bright rooms, bath, hot-water beat, electricity, garage large rear yard. 14th and K _CAFRITZ DLst 9080 COLORED FTVE-ROOM BUNGALOW. IN KOJd condition. )!6 50 oer month. Call Na tional 4359._ __ __ COLORED 617 PICKFORD N E. «NEAR 8th and F»—6 rooms, bath, gas: rent. $35 H. HAYNES. 402 Woodward Bldg Dist. 8444 _ COLORED- -$47.50 MODERN. NEAR 22nd and Pa. ave ; 6 looms, bath, hot-water heat, plectric lights: good condition. L. E F. PRINCE. 1327 Conn ave COLORED. 212 P st. n.w —7 rms . bath, elec.$61 00 201 O st. n.w.—9 rms . bath, gas. 50 50 528 21st st. n.w.—6 rins. bath. elec... 50 50 1345 1st st nw —8 rms.. bath <“lec . . 45 50 1908 N H ave. n.w 6 r. bath. elec.. 40 00 1013 21st st n.w.—6 rms. bath. gas... 35 50 645 Florence n e -6 rms . bath gas .. 35 00 2CG6 E st. n w\—7 rms. bath. gas. .... 28 50 508 24th st. n.w.—6 rms . bath, gas_ 27 85 2143 D st n.w.—9 rms . bath, gas. 27 50 607 N. H Ave. nw 5 r.. gas. water.. 10 50 747 Morton n.w—5 rms. bath. gas,... 24 50 1338 B st. n.e.—5 rms . elec . water.... 22 50 50 Fenton st. n.e.—6 lms . water . 22 50 51512 23rd st. n w —5 rms . water. 20 50 2521 F st n.w—5 rms. water. 17 50 1104 3rd st. c e.—7 rms , bath. gas.... 40 50 414 21st st. n.w—5 rms.. gas. water... 26 00 127 H st. s.e.—6 rms . water. 16 50 2101 D st. n.w.—5 rms . water. 16 50 141 N st. s e -6 rms . water. 17 50 1609 4th st. n.w.—5 rms.. water. 27 50 12C3 6'a st. n.w—5 rms. water. 16.00 JAMES F SHEA. _643 Indiana Ave N W._ FOR COLORED—$25.90. 1229 NEW JERSEY AVE S.E. House consisting of six large rooms and bath. 14th and K CAFRITZ _ Dist 9080 COLORED 500 T st. n.w.—8 rms. bath, elec.$75 00 1924 L st. nw—6 rms.. bath. elec. . 45 50 108 Mass. ave. n.w—6 rms.. bath. elec. 40.50 238 Bryant st. n.w.—6 rms.. bath. 38 50 405 E st. n.e —6 rms.. bath, elec ...... 38 50 150 Heckman st. s e.—6 rms . bath- 32 50 BUCKLEY & GRINDLEY. _936 N Y. AVE N.W._ COLORED KINGMAN PARK. Modern home: Ore rooms and bath. h.-w. heat, elec . front and double rear Dorches. deep yards. Reasonable rent to responsible party. CHA8. D. SAGER. National 0036._934 14th Bt N.W. FOR COLOR ED—$55.00. 2010 12th ST. N.W. House consisting of 6 large rooms, bath; rear yard, electricity. 14th and K, CAFRITZ. Dlst. 9080. WANTED TO ft ENT—HOUSES. WANTED—PURNISHED HOUSE IN BRIGHT wood or vicinity, by July 2; must be reason able. Col. 0619._29* FOR RENTAL SERVICE. L. V THACKER. "Realtor” 208 Atlas Bldg.. 527 9th St. N.W. Nat 4238. 2726 nth St V F. . Rrnnklanri Pot 2317 SALE-HOUSES. 18.950—NEWEST PAST OP KANSAS AVE. Almost new. brick row. 18 ft. wide. * rooms, hwd. floors, front and 2 rear porches, ga rage. The architecture Is most pleasing. Neighboring houses selling for $9,000. Ph. Nat. 1438 until 9 p m.____ $10.500—BEAUTIFUL ENGLISH COTTAGE. Chevy Chase. D C. Detached, brick. 8 rooms. 2 baths (2 bed rooms and bath on 1st floor!. Brand new; at a sacrifice. Lot 80 by 135 ft. Ph. Nat. 1438 until 9 p.m. _ $8.950—SPLENDID N W. LOCATION. BRAND new detached home, brick and frame con struction. 81x rooms and bath, attic, de tached sarage. Do not fail to see this house, it is a real buy. Call Nat. 5903 until 9 p.m.__ $9.950—ADJACENT TO BEAUTIFUL EDGE more. Md. Attractive English architecture, brick and stucco. Six rooms. 2 baths, center hall, open fireplace: being out In new con dition. Brick garage, large lot. well planted. Nat. 1438 until 9 p.m__ 3734 NINTH STREET N W —WILL SELL $2,500.00 equity for $350.00. Me. 4300. Em. 0218._ * FOR SALE—CHEVY CHASE. D. C.—NEW detached brick, built for owner, exceptional design; 8 rms., 2 Da.. 2-ear built-in garage; priced low for quick sale; no trades. Clev. 4733. NEW BRICK HOMES JUST COMPLETED. 8. 7 and 8 rooms. 3 covered porches, recrea tion rooms. 2 colored tiled baths, big IPtch ens. equipped with the largest si*e electric refrigerator; built-in bookcases in living rooms. Built-In garages, many new fea tures. Ideal location in beautiful Glover Park, adjoining Mass. ave. Heights. Low cash payments; easy terms. B H. GRUVER, builder. Investment Bldg. Nat. 1737; eve nings phone Clev. 7849. __ CAPITOL HILL: CORNER: $7,250. $500 cash or $6,500 with *2.570 cash above trust: 6 rms.. concrete cellar, front porch, nice yard: neor Md ave. and D n.e. Adamg 4798. OLIVER STREET. MARYLAND: HALF block from Chevy Chase Circle: beautiful center-hall, detached house: lot 60x125: will sell or exchange at sacrifice price. W. H. WALKER, 734 15th St N.W._Natl. 1680. NEAR WARDMAN PARK HOTEL Beautiful home containing 10 rooms <8 bed rooms!. 2 baths: new-house condition; gas heat: 2-car garage: a real bargain at $12.500: terms. Cleve. 6400. Apt. 115. _ OWNER _of home on Rlagden ave. is offering houso at sacrifice price and will consider as part payment a smaller house in good location that is clear of encumbrance. Call Columbia trttq. - SOUTHEAST! SACRIFICE! • rooms. S bed rooms. 2-story brick; hot water heat, electric lights, garage, wide alley: conveniently located near 11th and Pa. ave. Priced to sell this week at $6,950. Terms like rent To see it phone WAPLE & JAMES, INC . 1226 l«th St. N W._ DUt. 3346. 633 INGRAHAM ST. N.W. t6.950—Open evenings Irom 7 to 9 A wonderful opportunity to secure a desirable 6-room modern home, in perfect condition, with large rear yard and garage. Can be purchased at this low price on easy terms. Your inspection invited. DONNELLY & PLANT. INC . 1374 Park Rd. N W._Col. 0836. CLEVELAND PARK. $10.956—Completely detached home. Just west of Conn. ave.. near every home re quirement. Big lot. 56x125 feet. Six rooms, hot-water heat, hardwood floors. 2-car garage. shajjNOjj 4 LUCHS CO . 1435 K St. N.W.Nat. 2346. 18th ST. HEIGHTS, SHEPHERD PARK . „ , A new brick, center-hall-plan house having six rooms. 2 baths, breakfast room, open fireplace, slate roof, etc . on a large lot having several big trees. Originally priced at $16,950 Now owned bv the mortgage company and priced at $11,750; terms. CHEVY CHASE. D C. , „ . _ ... A detached home of the Dutch colonial design, having six rooms and garage on a beautifully wooded lot. Can be had for $59.50 per month on a small down payment. Price. $8,950. WM H. SAUNDERS CO.. INC.. 1519 K 8t. N.W._DUt, 1015. MODERN SEMI-DETACHED BRICK. In a beautiful northwest community clos* to the downtown and near all types of schools. Six rooms, tile hath, INCLOSED SLEEPING PORCH garage. additional maid's room and bath, artistic English ar chitecture Owner an Army officer, ordered from me clt.', nas reaucea me price wj uuu $9,150. SHANNON A LOCHS CO.. 1435 K ST. N.W. _ NAT, 5845. AN OPPORTUNITY! If you knew this house as I do and want ed a modern 20-ft. house that has ^ been reduced $3,000 for quick sale. It has hard wood floors, up and down; built-in bath* garage, nice yard, paved streets and alley; About 5 years old Near 14th and Allison and west of Georgia ave. _M.B WEAVER—GLEV. 4944._ ITALIAN VILLA, 3842 Cathedral Ave. N.W. Reasonable Price. Ten rooms, two baths, detached residence, located near Intersection of Mass and Wis. aves., near St. Alban's Cathedral; highest, most desirable high-class residential com munity; a residence of unusual desirable ness radically .educed in price; an unsur passed oppoitunity for one requiring a real excellent residence conveniently located: but 10 minutes by auto from the downtown business center. Open and lighted all day Sunday. CHAS. D. SAGER. National 0038. 924 14th St. N.W. 182f MASS. AVE. 5STL Jamison-built 7-room house, heated garage; >7.>00: terms._Owner._* $10,500—WOODLEY RD. In Front of Wardman Park. A highly restricted community and handy to every convenience. Thia modern six-room home is weil underpriced for Immediate sale, is vacant and now being completely refln ished like new; has every modern appoint ment and is in a location where a home is seldom offered at near this price. SEX IT TODAY. R. M. HOOKER, Metropolitan 2883. Evening!. 5 to 9. Call Columbia 0718. DETACHED HOME IN CHEVY CHASE bTC ARRANGED FOR TWO FAMILIE8. 110.950—Two homes In one! Four rooms, kit. and bath on the first floor; three rooms, kit. and bath on the second. All modern improvements. Being put in first-class con dition. Bit lot. 70x110 feet. Built-in ga rage. Cool location, near public school. SHANNON A LUCHS CO.. 1485 K St. N.W. Nat. 2345 NEW COLONIAL BUNGALOW. 8800 6th at n w.—Corner; living room llx 11 ft., real open fireplace, kitchen includes Inlaid linoleum, electric refrigerator, clec .ric clock, electric ventilating fan, Sanitas covered walls: two beautiful bed rooms, built-in tub. combination shower, colored tile bath, recreation room 15x19 ft., large attic, built-in garage. Price only S7.950. Call National 2920 __ (CeatlaaeA ea Next rH . ^ - A-——