— — — 1 1
Feminine Delegates Appar
ently Have Displaced Old
Time Ward Heeler.
eppcial Dispatch to The St nr.
CHICAGO. June 28 iN.A.N.A.V—
Judging from the people here for the
Democratic comcntion. a new type has
entered the political arena. The over
stuffed ward heeler is missing. In his
place are business men and women,
lawyers, economists, social workers.
Almost every professional group is rep
resented. all actively interested in
fhaping the policies of the party.
People are evidencing a deeper inter
est than just the selection oi a nom
inee. Men and women have come, some
at greet personal sacrifice, to formulate
party policy. "There must be a change,"
Is on every one's lips. The taximan
tells you, the elevator boy, the pan
handler. The rank and file feel it, and
when they do things happen. Every
where one meets a demand for clearly
fated policies. Vague promises are
500 Women Take Part.
Five hundred women, here in official
capacity, have reported. Who are they
and what influence have they? Women
have become a definite part of party
activity and the Democratic leaders
welcome the responsibility they are
taking The majority of these women
are either delegates or alternates. There
3s one woman member of the National
Committee from each State and one
from each of the Territories. These
women are working. They are not mere
echoes of their men colleagues.
Among familiar figures is Miss Eliz
abeth Marbury, veteran New York
committeewoman, moving from place to
place in a wheel chair, and holding
greater influence than any other wom
an on the National Committee. Mrs.
Belle Moskovitr, also of New York, is
busy behind the scenes for Gov. Smith.
Mrs. Mollie Dewson is assisting in Gov.
Roosevelt's offices, as is Mrs. Isabella
Grtenway of Arizona, recently returned
from a hurried trip to Africa.
Women interested in the Democratic
bulletin, published bv the Women's
National Democratic Club in Washing
ton. are posting Junior League volun
teers at tables in all the hotels and
the stadium.
Many Distinguished Leaders.
Florence Brewer Boeckel, writer, is
actively working for a peace plank and j
ha--; appeared before the Platform Com- I
mittee Mrs. Harve Grav, delegate '
from Missouri, is a lawyer, and was
admitted to the bar in 1926.
Representative Mary T. Norton. New
Jrrs;y, is with her State's delegation.
No woman in the National House of
Representatives has equallsd the polit
ical honors that have come to her.
Mrs. Margaret V. Fragstein of the Wis
consin delegation, is a tax expert, and :
has given much time to social science
and economic activities.
Mrs. Marv Fitzwilliarr.s Carney, a
Vassar graduate, is in the Kansas dele- f
gation She has traveled widely ar.d
lias studied conditions in foreign
countries. Mrs. Edward Pillsbury,
Louisiana, has been playground com
missioner of New Orleans. Mrs. Paul
Donnelly, who burst into print when >
she was kidnaped by bandits, is here.
She is a successful manufacturer from
Kansas City.
Miss Lavinia Enile. Baltimore, with
the Maryland delegation, is a member j
of the State Legislature. She is an ar- j
dent Ritchie supporter, and associated
with her is the dean of the University j
of Maryland, Miss Adele Stamp. An
other college official here is Dean Per
meal J. French, Idaho University.
Real Interest Political.
The Chicago Women's Committee
has arranged numerous social functions. !
teas at Lake Forest Estates, luncheons .
at the clubs and so on. But the real j
interest is political. There is work to ,
do There are distressing conditions to
alleviate. There are principles to work
Well-groomed, alert women are
•wielding a constructive influence not
attained befsre in either party. This
convention is open to all comers. The
women are as concerned and as di- !
vided as the men on policies. They
are giving their efforts and delivering
their strength as veterans in the game.
They have discovered that politics is
not a dilettante's game and that ·
organization and ability to deliver
votes count.·
(Copyright. 1932. by the North American
Newspaper Alliance, Inc.)
Convention Xotes
By the Associated Press.
CHICAGO. June 28.—Crowds that
thronged the hotel headquarters of
Alfred E. Smith refused to lefive early
today until the "happy warricr" came
from an important conference and
made an impromptu speech. They
wanted to shake the hand of the 1928
"I'd like to oblige you," Smith said
with a broad grin as he took a cam
paign cigar from his mouth, "but it's
impossible. I've got important things
to do. so look at me and let me go."
At a Democratic dinner party last
night at the home of Mrs. Kellogg Fair
br.nk fhree young Rooseveits were im
partially singing "The Sidewalks of New
York," A! Smith's campaign song
Mrs. James Roosevelt played the ac
companiment and sang the verses and
James and Franklin, jr., joined in the
James said interviewing A1 was his
first assignment as a reporter in Chi
cago—and he was very nice; he is al
ways nice," he added.
Seven-vear-old Violet Susannah Al
bert of New York is "Alfalfa Bill"
Murray's youngest supporter. Having
had the rangy Oklahoman pointed out
to hsr on the street, she insisted that
her parents let her go to his head
She parked beside the door until the
Governor finished a long talk about
South America and then pushed up.
Violet Susannah received a great big
handshake and a deep rumbling:
"Hello, little girl—I'm very glad to see
you "
She went away an active cam
Ruth Hanna McCormick Simms, out
of Congress, and Ruth Bryan Owen,
outward bound, looked down from the
press box upon the arena, where sat
Representative Mary T. Norton, New
Jersey delegate, still in.
"I believe it Is much more fun writ
ing about what people are doing down
there than to be down there trying to
do something," decided Mrs. Owen. De
feated this year, she intends to quit
before her term expires to avoid being
\ a "lame duck." She will teach at a
. Florida college.
Only four years ago he was the presi
dential candidate of his party, but Al
fred Ε Smith waited patiently today in
a secret passage under the press stand
while Anton J. Cermak. mayor of
Chicago, welcomed the Democratic Na
tional Convention.
"No, I'll wait until he gets through
before I go out on the floor," said for
mer Gov. Smith.
"If I go out there now they might
etart a cheer and Interrupt him."
New Jersey had an extra chair under
the flairs In Chicago Stadium today—
and William H. Pisher, who filled It as
well as his own, claimed the title "heav
iest delegate in this convention."
"Just about even 400 pounds," he
said, smiling. "I've always been a big
fellow. But I'm wise: I'm single yet."
He's mayor of Philllpeburg, N. J.
Mrs. Carroll Miller of Pittsburgh, who
seconded the Ai Smith nomination four
years ago, today said she would «econd
Roosevelt at this convention.
"Her change of candidates," she said,
"was Just because Smith can't be
"I admire A1 Smith as much as I
ever did," ebe added.
It's "24 for Roosevelt" Now!
By the Associated Press.
CHICAGO, June 28—The voice thbt in 1924 led off each Democratic con
vention ballot with "Alabama casts 24 votes ior Underwood" is just the
same this year, but the tune is changed to "24 votes for Roosevelt."
The owner of the voice, former Gov. W. W. Brandon of Alabama, has
the lead-off place on roll calls. Brandon predicts a nomination in less
than six ballots, and he has a reason:
"I started out in New York in 1924 in a $25-a-day suite, but before that
convention ended I was eating hot dogs. And. boys, I don't like hot dogs."
' ι
Five Keynotes—Count 'Em!
But Barkley Was Pretty Smart in Reviewing Mr.
Hoover's Promises, Says Col. Godfrey G.
Gloom, Jeflersonian Democrat.
CHICAGO, June 28 (N.A.N. Α.).—
Godfrey G. Gloom, the old-fashioned
Hoofler Democrat, was detected in the ;
act of slipping out of the convention
hall before Senator Barkley's remarks
were concluded.
"What, Mr. Gloom." said the re- j
porter, "aren't you going to wait for
the end of the keynote?"
"Not this one." said Mr. Gloom.
"That is. not after waiting a couple of
hours for it already. After all, this is
the fifth keynote we've had today, if
you count Comdr. Evangeline Booth's
remarks, which, though addressed on
high, had a good deal of local appli
"Then Mr Cermak gave us a key
note, and then Mr. Raskob not only
sounded a keynote, but threw in a plat
form besides. If enough people here
agreed with him, there wouldn't have
been anything left for the convention
to do but nominate a President. Then
somebody read a keynote by Thomas
Jefferson, who seemed to me a lot bet
ter than the keynoters of nowadays.
And then they got around to Barkley.
"And that was a keynote!" said Mr.
Gloom. "People often ask what is a
keynote for, and till today I couldn't
answer them. But now I know. In
the first place, there 4»as been a lot of (
heat and excitement among us Demo
crats the last few days, and Barkley I
knew that what we needed was a seda
"Furthermore, he knew a lot of peo- ;
pie had only got here last night and
were going around and shaking hands
vention is over. They'll be pretty busy
the next few days, and it looked as if
old friends and college roommates and
war buddies would never have an op- ,
portunlty to get together and talk over
old times without running the risk of
missing something.
A Courageous Speech.
"So Barkley makes a long speech they
don't have to listen to, and gives 'em
their chance. All over the hall people
were goln garound and shaking hands
with their friends and asking about all
the folks back home, and they never
bothered Barkley any more than Bark- j
ley bothered them.
"He could have rapped for order If
he'd wanted to when the buzz of con- j
version threatened to drown him
out. but he knew all us Democrats
wanted * chance to talk, and that un- ;
fortunately the limitations of time
wouldn't permit every one of us to get
up and give a keynote speech."
"Then you didn't hear anything of ,
what Senator Barkley said?" asked the
Not for Productive Many, but
Manipulative Few. Says Fed
eration Session Speaker.
By the Associated Press
CHICAGO, June 28 — Abraham Lef
kowitz of Corona. Ν Υ , vice president
of the American Federation of Teach
ers, speaking before the federation'»
annual convention today criticised the
present as "a racketeering age" ex
tending even to Government, which, he
said, was a racket because it function*,
"not for the productive many, but for
the manipulative few who dominate it."
"Why has America so little political
Intelligence?" he asked.
"Because of our mass education, dom
inated by big business, which seeks to
develop just hewers of wood and draw
ers of waters? Hense. a mechanistic,
lock-step type of education, which turns
ot unquestioning, uninspired, uncritical
beings dedicated to 100 per cent Ameri
canism and the status quo."
Unionism offered the American
teacher the only guarantee against
economic catastrophe such as has af
flicted the unpaid teachers of Chicago
Henry R. Linville of New York, preel- ;
dent of the federation, told the con
vention yesterday.
"Whatever the causes of the general ]
economic disaster may be," he said,
"they are but vaguely connected with
the factors that have brought Chicago
in an era of plenty to a position in
which the teachers of the children are
denied the right to live in economic
"Oh, I heard 10 or 20 thousand words
of It," said Mr. Gloom. "As a history
of the United States in modern times
it left little untold. And. of course, it
was pretty smart of Berkley to revive
all those promisee of Mr. Hoover's. The
Democrats are going to make a lot
better Impression this year by quoting
Hoover than by quoting themselves.
"And you've got to give Barkley
credit for courage, too. People won
dered what he'd say about the tarifr
In view of his record, just as they won
dered week before last what Dickinson
would say about prosperity in view of
the Republican record.
"But Barkley come right up to
scratch like Dickinson. He made as
good a low-tarifT speech as Cordell
Hull could have turned out, and none
was so ungenerous as to suggest that
when he was layin' into Joe Grundy
for boosting the cost of living to the
consumer it was a case of the coal
bucket calling the kettle black."
The Two-thirds Rule.
"But what do you think of the drop
ping of the fight against the two-thirds
rule?" asked the reporter.
"What?" said Mr. Gloom. "Have
they dropped that? Well, I never
heard of anybody dropping anything at
a national convention that he could
hold on to. That is certainly a sur
prise to me, the way the Roosevelt
people were talking yesterday. When
the Garner crowd started their parade
before the convention today I thought
it was pretty smart of them. They
better parade beforehand, because they
won't have anything to parade about
"But if this means what it seems to
mean, most anybody might have a
chance. I suppose it will still be pretty
hard to stop Roosevelt, but if they do
it will be an awful object lesson to fu
ture candidates. They better not put
their best foot hindmost. Here's a man
supported by fellows like Cordell Hull
and Tom W:alsh, and he has to go out
and let people like Senator Wlieeler
and Huney Long run his show instead.
"Well, my young friend. I'll be here
tomorrow to see if they throw Jouett
Shojise out and make Walsh permanent
chairman. There's a case of the in
gratitude of public life. Walsh was
chairman of that convention at Madi
son Square Garden eight years ago.
and you'd think a man who's lived
through that would be discharged with
the thanks of the party. To ask him
to run the risk of another ordeal like
that is about as mean as drafting the
surviving G. A. R. veterans to fight the
next war."
'Copyright. 19Î2. by the North American
New spaper Alllauce. Inc. ι
Man Arraigned at Buffalo Admits
Part in One Bank Case, but
Denies Others.
Bv the Associated Pre*»
BUFFALO, Ν. Y„ June 28.—Wliile
Canadian detectives converged on Buf
lalo last night to question Ronald L.
Hideout, arrested here Saturday night,
police wild the 23-year-old prisoner had
admitted one Canadian bank hold
up. but denied any connection with oth
ers. of which he is suspected.
Police said Rideout admitted hold
ing up a branch of the Bank of Mon
treal in Ste. Anne De Bellevue. Que
bec. in August, 1930, and stealing
$8,000. He is suspected also of an
$8.000-banlc hold-up in Winnipeg,
Manitoba, and a smaller bank robbery
in London. Ontario. A reward of $5,000
had been offered for his arrest.
Rideout was arraigned yesterday
afternoon and was remanded without
bail pendirg receipts of extradition pa
pers from Canada.
Famous Bandmaster's Widow Gives
Them to Marine Organization.
The United States Marine Band was
presented with a set of chimes this
morning, the gift of Mrs. John Philip
Sousa. The chimes were used by the
late Comdr. Sousa in concerts by his
band. They will be known in the United
States Marine Band as the "S^usa me
morial chimes."
Col. C. B. Taylor, commanding officer
of the Marine Barracks, presented the
chimes to Capt. Taylor Branson. leader
of the Marine Band, on behalf of Mrs.
Sousa. *
&old Axes Unearthed
ALEXANDRIA, Egypt (JP). — Three
gold axes and several saws with gold
handles were among Phoenician relios
found by excavations of a temple site
at Jebil in Syria. The antiques date
back 3,000 years.
Salesmen and peddlers are not per
mitted to show their wares to or use
high-powered sales talk on employes lit
I t.h* Mrintjina «nltnl.
, μ» ^ .j-.—
Mrs. John C. Greenway of
Arizona to Be Presented
for Vice President.
CHICAGO. June 28 (NANA.).—
Into the flurry of feminine excitement
over the Democratic convention a bit
of news grew to crescendo proportions.
A woman—and she Is one of the most
handsome of Democrats—is to be pro
posed for the vice presidency!
Franklin D. Roosevelt and Mrs. John
C. Greenway of Arizona will be run
ning mates this Fall if plans already
launched mature. They are old friends.
Mrs. Greenway. who was Isabella
Selmes of Kentucky, and Mrs. Roose
velt made their debuts, together. When
the Roosevelts were* married Mrs.
Greenway was a bridesmaid. For the
last week she has been constantly in
the Roosevelt headquarters.
A Magnetic Personality.
This potential candidate has a mag
netic personality. She is rather tall,
usually shades her dark eyes with wide
brimmed brown hats, and dresses sim
ply and smartly. She was married
first to Robert Ferguson, who died
many years ago. She is again a widow,
beloved for her generosity In Arizona,
where her mine-owning husband made
a fortune. During the l^t two years,
her friends say, she has spent thou
sands of dollars helping disabled vet
Mrs. Nellie T. Bush of the Arizona
delegation of nine men and three
women, unanimously for Mrs. Green
way, is to place her committee woman's
name in nomination.
"She is the best loved woman in Ari- !
zona." she said, "and she knows and ;
is at home in the East as well as the
That Arizona Is determined to make '
a real effort to win the nomination for
this charming woman is sure. They
have worked far into the night lining
up delegates for her. And while Mrs. j
Bush admits that the outcome is dubi
ous, she believes the move will help
woman's position in politics. The men j
apparently are taking it seriously.
iprmdK nwrucu.
Mayor Anton J. Cermalc of Chicago. '
who stole the show when he appeared
at the women's breakfast, looked a bit
startled when he heard of the plan,
but declared "It would be a wonderful
idea and would help the ticket."
Mrs. Nellie Tayloe Ross, vice chair
man of the National Committee, who
says she must not champion any can
didate. nevertheless believes that Mrs.
Greenway "is qualified by her ability
and personality for any honor or re
sponsibility the country chooses to give
Mrs. Kellogg Pairbank of Illinois
thinks it would be grand, and Mrs.
William H. Murray, the only candi
date's wife who will talk freely and
with disarmingly frank friendliness to
any one who approaches her. thinks it j
"would be wonderful." But she quali- 1
fled her statement by saying that if j
she had a vote she would give It to the
person, man or woman, whose prin
ciples she approved.
For 2.800 women enthusiasm for the
social prerogatives of their position
temporarily eclipsed their political j
duties as they got up to breakfast to
gether in the Stevens Hotel. From ;
there they scattered through the sta- ,
dium. some near the conspicuous seats ,
of the leaders, some among the voting
delegations on the floor, and others in
the galleries.
Breakfast the Big Event.
But long before Comdr. Evangeline
Booth of the Salvation Army, first !
woman to pronounce the invocation for
a political convention, bowed her black
bonnetted head In prayer, feminine j
Democracy in gala attire was hobnob- ι
bing over its coffee. The breakfast
was the big social event of the conven- !
tion week. So eager were women to
attend that the huge ball room was
tilled to overflowing and tables had to
be squeezed Into corridors.
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Conkey, chairman
of the Illinois Democratic Women's
Convention Committee, which gave the j
breakfast, presided. The committee
woman delegates and alternates were
the honored guests.
Soft Southern accents, which pre
dominate among these Democratic
women, hummed harmoniously as they
agreed upon one thing—they must elect
the Democratic nominee as President,
regardless of who is chosen. Nellie
Tayloe Ease, present vice chairman of
the National Committee, and Emily
Newell Blair, who formerly served in
that capacity, voiced this apparently
unanimous sentiment.
Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, the "great
lady" of the convention crowd, is hold
ing herself aloof from the mass of
(Copyright, 1SS2, by the North American :
Newspaper Alliance, Inc.)
Democratic Ex-Service Men Or
ganize and Elect Kalph T.
O'Neill as President.
By the Associated Press.
CHICAGO. June 28 —A newly born I
National Democratic War Veterans Or
ganization was ready today to fight
for the cash bonus payment· and other |
platform demands of ex-soldiers in the
Democratic National Convention.
It was formed last night by repre- |
sentatives of 28 States, among them
many well known war veterans who \
have served or serve in Congress. As
president they elected Ralph T. O'Neill
of Kansas, past national commander
of the American Legion.
A Resolution Committee consisting
of Representative Connery of Massa
chusetts. Rankin of Mississippi. Patman
of Texas and Rev. Joseph Barnett of
Wisconsin was appointed to present the
following veterans' plank to the Résolu- j
tions Committee of the convention.
"We favor generous appropriations,
honest management and sympathetic
eare and assistance in the hospltaliza- ι
tion, rehabilitation and compensation
of the veterans and their dependents.
We favor allowances to widows and
orphans of World War veterans and the
Immediate payment in full in cash of
the adjusted service certificates."
Naval Aviator Average# Nine
Hours a Day During Trip.
A flight of 5.500 miles, in which an
average flying schedule of nine hours a
day was maintained, has Just been com
pleted. the Navy Department announced
yesterday, by Lieut. William V. Saun
ders, United States Navy, in charge of
the air navigation section of the Hydro
graphic Office, during a check of the I
Navy's aviation charts of the Atlantic
and Gulf Coasts.
Saunders left Washington June 10 for
Pensacola, Fla., where the Initial part j
of his program was carried out. I
Cartographic Engineer B. J. McGuire, j
Navy Department hydrographlo expert, i
IMBCcyenlfd Sua. '
Maryland's Governor in the Midst of It
THE "Ritchie wave" has become a characteristic gesture among Democrats convened in Chicago. Veteran of other
such gatherings, he has learned how to keep on his Î eet among a milling throng. This picture of Gov. Albert C.
Ritchie oi Maryland, presidential possibility, was flown from Chicago to Newark, N. J., In 3 hour» 33 minutes by
Russell Boardman, noted flyer, and thence rushed to The Star. —A. P. Photo.
Nomination Fairly Certain
After Battle ''to Put Him
in His Place."
CHICAGO, June 28 (N AN A.).—The
click of Chairman Raskob's gavel had
hardly ceased echoing in the great barn
of the hall where the Democratic Na
tional Convention met before evidence
began to pile up that the delegates are
a wild, free people who have just come
down from the trees and out οI the
Evangeline Booth In her Invocation
prayer practically stole the keynoter's
speech, and Mayor Cermak of Chicago
in welcoming the delegates proclaimed
the slogan of the repealers and started
the prohibition fight 48 hours in ad
vance of schedule. Then along came
Temporary Chairman Barkley with the
keynote speech, which declared that
the Democratic party Is not for Iree
Things were moving fast—fast but
free. No one seemed to have edited
the prayers or the speech of the key
noter of this convention.
Sunday night the delegates went to
bed feeling that It was all Roosevelt
and that the Rooeevelt program would
prevail. Before the first session of the
convention had adjourned it was evi
dent that Ropsevelt scarcely could be
stopped for the nomination, but that
his managers already had abandoned
the fight for the full abrogation of the
two-thirds rule; that he would have to
take a conservative running mate, and
probably could not get a liberal state
ment of the Roosevelt lan position on
power and the public utilities without
a fight—possibly a seriou-s fight —which
may be led by former Senator Jim Reed
on the floor of the canvention.
Now. all this exploding dynamite has
not been depth-bombs laid carefully by
Roosevelt's enemies. Ai a matter of
fact, the Roosevelt opposition, which
controls at least one-third of the con
vention under the unit rule, has not
met or formed any sort of alliance at
these words are written.
Smith Making Fijfht.
Smith has been making a lone fight.
So has Reed. Garner forces, under the
leadership of McAdoo. have been obvi
ously juggling for position. The signs
they make In the convention, inter
preted. seem to be an invitation for a
horse trade from the Roosevelt people.
Tammany is a sphinx. Jim Reed is
holding the Missouri delegation to the
last ditch for himself. He is entering
into no entangling alliance, not even
with Smith, who is the only openly
fighting force In the convention.
The Lewis boom in Illinois and the
White boom in Ohio have cracked open,
and Roosevelt seems to be the gainer
in the explosion. But the explosion
cairie as the result of inner pressure,
not through any fine work from the
Roosevelt managers. Murray early
passed outward With the tide, waving
his supporters a weary good-by at the
end of a reception in his headquarters
and smiled as lie exclaimed:
"Well, I'll be with you in death as
I was In life, as the bluejay «aid to the
tomcat." and turning he trudged wear
ily from the hall into his bedroom, and
so into oblivion.
This list of casualties set forth above
Is printed to show "tlie change and
decay in all around we see" here on
Michigan avenue after the first day of
the convention.
These candidatorlal exits have not
been forced by Roosevelt—they came
as the result of no Rooseveltian pres
sure. Nature merely is taking her
course. Curiously, the same course of
nature which forced these candidates
out of the combat is beginning in ex
actly the same way to resurge, forcing
the fight on Roosevelt in the matter of
the two-thirds rule and a liberal plat
This repercussion has not come out
of political acumen, nor is it the result
of conscious combination of inner in
trigue. The delegates are tied to Roose
velt. They are loyal enough to him?
but they chafe under restraint. Which
means that they are Democrats un
terrified. who are going to have their
own way and exert their own royal
American right to dominate the con
vention even after the people at home,
voting in primaries and caucuses, have
chosen the Prp.Mdent for them to name
here in Chicago.
"Orders Are Not Orders."
However similar may be the creeds
set forth In the platform now taking
shape to those of the Republican plat
form. the method of expressing these
identical creeds, the procedure of the
convention and the way of the Demo
crats are vastly different. They don't
take a set program here this week.
"Orders are not orders"
The externals of the two crowds
differ. The Democratic crowd is more
smartly dressed than the Republican
crowd. It is ten or a dozen days later
in the Summer, but three or four times
as many white suits and light-gray
flannels and coffee-cream browns are
seen on men, and much more spiffy
toggery Is seen on the women who
flutter up and down Michigan avenue.
The Republicans In t1* upper bracke
I were given to three-button iifternoon
i coats and gray trousers, with here and
j there a light suit, here and there a i
.smartly tailored woman, here and there
a delegate's wife a little overdressed. ,
But these Democrats are waving the ι
rainbow and flashing the aurora bore- 1
ails along Michigan avenue with gaudy
clothes and giddy badges, gorgeous
banners and fluttering flags, so bright
and festive that it looks like
some great municipal fair. Bands sud
denly come oozing out of the cracks of
floors in the hotel lobbies and begin :
blaring. Along come gangs singing. !
Choruses chortle and quartets howl j
through the days and make the nights
uneasy. Yet it is a sober crowd. Both j
conventions were sober conventions, In
that there were few souses.
Compared with the conventions of 30
or 40 years ago. this Democratic con
vention. and naturally the eminently
respectable Republican convention, look
like gatherings of the Christian En- j
deavor. There is casual drinking in j
the rooms. Two of the hotels are said ;
to have official bootleggers who tap
from door to door In the morning,
soliciting trade.
"Buns" Are Rare.
It Is not hard to get a drink. Liquor
prices are moderate. The lubrication |
is fairly pure, but the drunk, the i
ί sloppy, noisy, weeping statesman stag- j
gering under a bun Is rare. The times
have improved. Liquor does not mean
so much as it meant to the generation
that nominated Grover Cleveland and
Benjamin Harrison. Probably more men
talk more about booze and drink less
ι than their fathers.
At any rate these two conventions
have been sober conventions as na
tional political conventions go.
The presence of women probably has
ί helped. There seem to be more women
in the Democratic delegations on the
floor than tike Republicans had. But
possibly this is because the Democratic
call provided that at least half of the
delegates at large must be women.
Tlieir influence is civilizing. Whether
they affect the choice of candidates or
the formation of the platform makes
little difference. They brighten up the
: crowds and give men something to
think about besides their sorrows, and
keep men's feet in a fairly narrow path.
Now, it Is as necessary to convey
some idea of the color and tone of this
convention as it is to report the pre
liminary Intrigues already tangling up
the delegates. Probably some sort of a
caucus of opposition leaders will as
semble before these words find their
way into type. It seems hard to rally
around any leader. Smith, who refused
! to pledge allegiance in advance to
Roosevelt, is a belled cat. The others
are afraid of him. He can't take the
ι leadership and no one else has the
j brains or power.
But the managers of the presidential
candidates, the local bosses of State
and city politics In the great States like
Massachusetts, New Jersey. New York,
! Missouri, Ohio, Michigan. Indiana, Cal
ifornia and Texas will ^ardly let the
opportunity pass without forming some
i kind of a line against the conquering
j Roosevelt army.
The spontaneous, devastating ορρο
ί sitlon to the abrogation of the two
j thirds rule that was manifest when the
delegates met for the first time has
given the opposition some hope—a hope
nut to defeat Roosevelt, but a hope to
put him in his place; a hope to restore
the untrammeled freedom of the un
shackled Democracy of Jefferson and
j The first fight now looms. So far It
- has looked like a parade. The parade
ί ground seems to be fairly bumpy and
mined in places at the start—but now
j the shooting will begin.
Clock Loies Second in 200 Tears.
The old grandfather's clock at Ken
more. Va . home of Washington's sister,
; has been one second slow in J00 years.
— ·
Mice Propel Toy Machinery.
Mice running in cylinder· lined with
corrugated paper furnish motor power
t for a toy factory recently contrive*.
Kingish of Louisiana Also Throws Down
Gauntlet to His Feminine Arch
Foe, Mrs. Stella Hamlin.
Associated Fiess Staff Writer.
CHICAGO, June 28.—Huey bong in
person gestured to Democratic women
en masse—and flung the gauntlet to one
woman in particular—oil the eve of the
show down expected today on the Klng
; fish issue.
It looked like a response to a vigorous j
campaign among women against the
Long delegation to the convention, j
This has been run by Louisiana ladies
headed by young Mrs. Stella Hamlin,
the Kingflsh's unfriendly comrade on j
the Democratic National 'Committee.
He breezed into official headquarters
of Democratic women, vehemently de
nied any feeling against "skirts" and |
announced that when he gets back to
Bayou territory he's "going to settle j
this and a few other things with her, j
so that when Stella Hamlin gets home 1
she's done."^ j
About the same time Mrs. Edward
Pilsbury. Long delegate, appeared on
the convention scene and pronounced
her leader "the master mind of Amer
ica." The stalwart, white-haired club- j
woman, president of her State feder
ation, compared her own woman's or- ;
ganization in New Orleans to a Tam
many club—in power, at least.
Women cast more than half the votes
Against Long when the National Com
mittee decided to favor seating his
delegation. Then Mrs. Hamlin took
the feud to a women's breakfast de
claring Huey Is opposed to non-rubber
btamp women in politics. The result
was a lot of pictures of the pretty
opponent in the papers.
That was how Long brought the
FUbject up in the women's headquar
ters. He couldn't understand women's j
pronouncements on her youth and |
beauty and vigor. Several spoke upon
the point and the Senator shook his
"I guess women are no judge of
looks." he ruminated; "they've passed
me up all my life."
Somebody demurred. The Kingflsh
thoughtfully commented, "Well, I never
had much time for dancing and that
sort of thing; I'm working all the time."
Blames Mrs. Hamlin.
It was a casual call from the Sen
ator. He wanted to use a telephone,
he said. But when that was done he
ambled over to a group of women and
edged into a chair. Finally a reporter
asked him how about "all that fem
inine opposition you're getting." Then
he was off.
"It was Stella Hamlin cost me those
votes. She went around telling people
I said I was against the subcommittee
ι of the National Committee) because
there were skirts on it. That's a lie."
Swinging along naturally, conversa
tionally. the Kingfish added he was re
sponsible for Mrs. Hamiin's being here.
"I put her there." he said. "I wrote
her name down with a pencil."
"And Is that all you have to do
down there?" a woman delegate asked.
"Sure." Long replied. "I wrote my
own name, too. I wrote nine names in.
And they were all elected. Nine out of
nine—how's that?"
Then he left with a smile and another
genial wisecrack.
Diress Parade Is Stag# at
Convention Hall Despite
Hot Weather.
By the Associated Press.
CHICAGO, June 28 —The Roosevelt
girls, Democrat and Republican, were
cool and comfy, but the rest of femin
inity made a somewhat stiffly stylish
dress parade of the opening day of the
Democratic convention.
Silk prints shimmered in the huge,
smoky convention hall made hotter at
intervals by blinding lights of camera
men. Pelt hats put in a premature ap
pearance. and even the straws were
heavy and shiny. Sleeves were fancy
and puffed. Hands were gloved. And
there were Summer furs.
The handsome, dark-eyed Mr*. Wood
row Wilson was distinguished looking in
a white-bordered gown of black silk,
sparsely white-dotted, and a black hat
touched with white. Decorative white
ball buttons, crochet-covered, dangled
in double-breaitsed effect.
"Be sure and give me a good-looking
gown." she laughingly said to the girls
With badges marked "active press."
Mrs. Longworth Keeps Cool.
Across the hall from her rat a wcman
who was married in the White House,
Alice Roosevelt Longworth. all alone,
and revelling in a beck-to-glrlhood
"Oyster Bay, 1890." was her own
characterization of the sleeveless, pale
ly-purple cotton frock she wore, white
frilled at the neck with little linen
strips cleverly put together with fag
goting. Her soft knitted hat, purple,
too. had plenty of openwork for cool
ness sake, as did her white sport shoes.
She had told friends her aim was to
be comfortable, and she looked It. She
laughed. She applauded the parades.
She sat on one loot. She lifted her
lorgnette for closer scrutiny of ban
Of a different branch of the Roose
velt family, Anna Roosevelt Dall, daugh
ter of the man wRo claims the nomi
nation. started the day in a frock which
she irankly called "all wrong here—too
much like tennis." Her straightline yel
low dress was of porous weave, very
cool: her hat was light and blue and
she wore blue, red and white ivory
Mrs. Smith Wears Brown.
White mesh gloves -with perforated
brown suede flare cuffs that matched a
brown suede bag was the etyle novelty
contribution of brown-clad Mrs. Alfred
Smith. She wore a many-tailed fox fur
across her shoulders. Through the
glove mesh showed a green-set ring that
matched green necklace, earrings and
Brown also was the choice of tall,
slim and aristocratic-looking Mrs. Mel
vin Traylor. who wore a wet-vote but
ton. A white-sprigged brown blouse
with puffed sleeves was combined with
plain brown jacquette. Her broad
brimmed brown hat was of lacy straw.
Invisible stripes zig-zagged across the
white silken Summer suit of Mrs. J.
Hamilton Lewis.
Blue turquoise matching her eyes In
ear-drops, bracelet and ring was the
distinctive touch offered by white
hatted, white-suited, white-haired Mrs.
James Reed.
Her black hat well back on her high
forehead. Mrs. Alfalfa Bill Murray, in
black silk, had a platform scat.
Ball Game, Golf Tournament,
Swimming and Horse-Shoe
Pitching: to Be Features.
A stag outing of members of the
Washington Optimist Club will be held
at Annapolis Road Club Thursday, with
a motor caravan leaving Washington at
10 o'clock behind a motor cycle police
A base ball game between members
or the club, with Judge James W. Peters
officiating as umpire emeritus, will b·
a feature of the day's program, while a
golf tournament Is being planned, with
Pred W. Bayer and T. O. Nichols a«
captains of the respective teams.
Other features include swimming. In
charge of J. W. Burch: moving pictures,
directed by Herbert Eichner, and horse
shoe pitching. In charge of William
Duke and William McCeney.
Candy Sales Maintained.
Candy eating is found to be un
checked by the slump. United States
figures for 1931 are equal to those of
boom years.
Λ Bank — doing SMALL thing* BIG
"On Time" Loans
It is not difficult,to obtain
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a loan on The Morris Plan
ItTis notidiflkultlto-,repay
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a loan onThe.Morris Plan.
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"at their.word" and we give
them an orderly and organ
ized method of paying back
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what they.borrow.
Morris Plan Bank
Under Supervision U. S. Treasury
Loaning Hundreds to Thousand»
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