Newspaper Page Text
ENGINEER IS FED OF TRAFFIC CHARGE Presents Four Toy Automo biles, Used to Depict Crash, to Laurel Judge. By a StafT Correspondent of The Star. LAUREL. Md., June 28.—Victo: Loughead. builder of airplane engine? von his acquittal on a reckless drivini charge and presented the local brand of Police Court with four toy automo biles yesterday. Mr. I/OUghead. who gave his addres as the Conn Apartments. Washington was arrested by State Policeman Η. M 6. Pearsaul tollowtng a collision witl * car operated by Kelton Re»d Mersor cf Laurel, on Main street, here. During his trial Mr. Loughead. wh< ergued his own case, described thi speed of his automobile as so man' feet per second. When Judge J. Chev Sheriff noted his unusual terminology he explained he was accustomed t( thinking in such phrases, being ai airplane engineer. Mr. Loughead also pulled four to; automobiles from his pockets, placini them on the table to better explain tin accident. Although the court alread; had some toy machines for this pur pose, the ones produced by Mr. Loug head were rubber tired and more life like than the court's property. He lef' them for the court, after Judge Sherifl had dismissed the charge against him and a charge of driving while drunV against Merson, imposing a $5 fine or the latter for reckless driving. A R. Maish. 900 block of I street Washington who drove past two Stat,< police corporals at a traffic light ir Hyattsville, was fined S102 on charge? of driving while drunk, reckless driv ing and having no license. CHILD IS STRANGLED TO DEATH IN BEDDING Mother Finds Lifeless Body of One Year-Old Daughter Entangled in Bed Clothing. Special Dispatch to The Star. CUMBERLAND. Md.. June ?8 — Her tiny head caught between the bed cloth ing and the wall, the lifeless body ol Mildred Pauline Beal. 1-year-old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Benl of Sand Patch, 34 miles north of here, was found by her mother Sunday afternoon. The child had been put to bed several hours earlier for the usual afternoon nap*and in some manner became en tangled between the bed clothing and the wall and strangled. • _ BAMFORD FUNERAL PLANS AWAIT RETURN OF WIDOW 3irs. Bamford Expected to Reach Washington Tomorrow From Motor Trip in Canada. Bptc îal Dispatch to The Star. CHARLES TOWN. W. Va.. June 28.— Funeral arrangements for the late Brig. Gen. Franklin Ε Bamford, 69, who died suddenly at his home near Summit Point yesterday, were still in abeyance pending return of the widow from a motoring trip in Canada. Mrs. Bamford was expected to reach Wash ington tomorrow, it was said at the Bamford home today. It was indicated burial would probably be in Arlington Cemetery. Gen. Bamford. retired shortly after the World War, had been residing here for about 10 years. He returned from exercising some of his prize dogs on his estate early Monday morning ex hausted, and died within a short time. VICTIM OF PNEUMONIA X C. Colliflower of Montgomery County Dies in D. C. Hospital. Bpfcial Dispatch to The Star. ROCKVILLE. Md , June 28.—Follow ing an illness of but a few days, Lloyd C. Colliflower, 85. one of Montgomery County's best known citizens, died yes terday in a Washington hospital. He was undergoing treatment for an infec tion of the eyes when pneumonia, which was the cause of death, developed. He Is survived by a daughter. Mrs. Arte mus Griffith of Seneca, and a half sis ter. Mrs. Sarah Mcintosh of Washing ton. The funeral will take place at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning from the funeral home of W. Reuben Pumphrey, Rockville, burial to be in the cemetery adjoining Mount Carmel Methodist Church. Sunshine. Mr. Colliflower was a life-long resi dent of the county. For many years and until a few years ago lie was a Democratic election official for Lay tonsville district. Dog Guards Injured Man. As Samuel Master, seriously injured by an omnibus, lay beside the road near Liverpool. England, his faithfjl Aber deen terrier dog lay on his chest, and afterward by his side, until help came. The pet did what he could to comfort the man and keep him warrr. When Master sued the omnibus company for damages the dog attended the trial with him. M 1 1 '· -Ν m f |· ! MOUNTAIN EXCURSION JULY 2 Return Limit 6 Days Low Round Trip Fares Virginia Gordonsville ... Charlottesville Waynesboro . Staunton .. .. ι raigsville . . • lift on Forge Covington .... Hot Springs . .. $4.' . $4 .. .55 ...$5 ...$5 ... $6. . .$6, . $6 DO 50 00 (Ml 25 00 50 50 West Virginia White Sulphur S'i. Ronceverte $6 Fort Springs $7. Alderson $7 Pence Springs ?7 Hinton Thurmond S^. Montgomery ?9 Charleston $10. Get full particulars from J. B. EDMUNDS Asst. Gen'l Pass. Agent 714 14th Street N.W. Phone—National 0748 Çhesapeake and Oh,o 50 75 00 50 .75 .'5 00 .50 00 Ex-Slave Granted Desire to Reopen New Corner Stone By the Associated Press. DAYTON, Ohio. June 28—Be cause an enfeebled colored mother wishes it, part of the structure around the corner stone of a nearly completed new high school here will be torn away. A book of poems and her photograph will be placed in the corner stone. The mother, born in slavery, is Matilda J. Dunbar, mother cf Paul Lawrence Dunbar, noted colored poet, for whom the school is named. Assured that her wish would be fulfilled. Mrs. Dunbar was ! taken in an automobile around a ι block nearly covered by the school, which partial blindness kept her from seeing plainly. FILES DIVORCE PETITION By a Staff Correspondent of The Star. UPPER MARLBORO. Md.. June 28 • —Accusing his wife of deserting him in August. 1923, Elijah Dixi Morey of Ber yesterday filed suit for an abso lute divorce from Martha J. Harmon Snow Morey. whose address is given as ι J East Rochester, Ν. H. , J The couple were married at Clinton, Mass., February 3, 1920, and have no children, according to the husband's ; bill, filed through Attorney Bird H. : I Dolby. TOWN'S EXPENSES " MO AT m 5 Estimate for Official Budget Is Submitted to Hyatts ville Council. : Special Dispatch to The Star. ι HYATT'S VILLE. Md . June 28 —It ι will cost $24.945 to run the town of Hyattsville during the year beginning Friday, it is estimated in the official budget submitted by Councilman C. D. Anderson, chairman rf the Finance Committee. Estimated receipts are $27.345, leaving an estimated balance of $2.400, Expenditure"; will include $7.000 for street lighting, including traffic lights; $2,775. Police Department; $3.000, Fire Department; $2,750. garbage and trash ; removal: $2.250. payment to bond fund; $2,000. treasurer's commissions: $1.500, j library; $1.000, parks and playgrounds; $865, salaries ι clerk. $300; attorney, i $240; assessors. $150; auditor, $100; ! health officer. $75): tax records and : assessment rolls. $200: election ex penses. $275: office expenses, postage, etc., $250; Municipal Building. $515 (fuel, $150; light and pewer, $215; re pairs and furniture. #150): legal work and legal printing, $315; miscellaneous, $250. Receipts will include taxes at 55 cents per $100. $23.900: fines. $300; building permits. $150; miscellaneous, $10: bank tax. $.200: franchise tax, $110: unobligated balance on hand June 1, 1932, $2,675. Dope Fiendi Dread Woman. Did you know that the person the drug traffickers of the world fear most Is a woman? She is Dame Rachel Crowdy, who. for 11 years, waged a re lentless war on these pests as an of ficial of the League of Nations. Gov ernments have consulted her, policemen and special investigators in all parts ; of the world have sent their reports to ι her, and more than once her life has j been threatened by the criminals she I was fighting, MASSANETTA SPRINGS SESSIONS UNDER WAY First of Eight Conferences Opened Last Night—80th Division to At tend Program on August 4. Special Dispatch to Th« Star. STAUNTON, Va.. June 28. — The Massanetta Springs conferences for the season of 1932 opened last night, and according to the manager of the con ferences, Dr. William E. Hudson, there is prospect of good attendance at the eight conferences. The annual assembly of the Baltimore Conference Epworth League, which started yesterday, will be in session for one week A sacred music festival will be held August S and 4 The veterans of the 80th Division of the Α. Ε F . holding their annual convention in Harrison burg August 4-7 will attend the after noon and night program on August 4, making this program their own. In the afternoon a Bicentennial pageant will be given, and in the evening a choir of 2.000 voices, under the leadership of Dr. John Finley Williamson, will sing. In addition, a number of Army digni taries will make brief speeches of wel come to the veterans. Φ GEM FOUND IN DUMP A gold anl amethyst seal, valued at $500, found by a teamster on a Ports mouth. England, refuse dump, has been restored to its owner. Mrs. Mar garet Carey of London, who recog nized it as having been stolen 30 years ago. ASKS WOMEN TO WIRE DEMOCRATS FOR REPEAL Chairman of Richmond end Henri co Organizations Urges Mem bers to Telegraph Stand. Special Dispatch to The Star. RICHMOND. Va.f June 28.—Rich mond and Henrico members of the Woman's Organization for National Prohibition Reform have been urged by Miss Julia Sully, chairman of the Jocal branch, to wire their repeal stand to the members of the Resolutions Com mittee at the Democratic National Convention now in session in Chicago • We would be greatly disappointed." said Miss Sully, "if any attempt to evade this important issue should be made. And to the end that the com mit tee mav know our attitude. I tin greatly In hopes that all of our mem bers and friends wlU not. lose this op portunity to join in this telegram cam paign." "It is well," she said, "for the con vention to realize in time that the members of this organisation thorough ly appreciate the gravity of the situa tion. and that more than a million voters, pledged for the repeal of the eighteenth amendment, constitute a factor of great Importance in the de mand for a repeal plank." YES, WE HAVE NO SHEEP When organizers of the Leicester, England, pageant planned to show some of the brerd of Leicester sheep. created 200 years ago by Robert Bake well, they discovered that not a speci men remained in the district. All were being bred in a rival county. Clothes That Are Cool At Prices That A re Comfortable Τ ropîcal satisfaction is light - weight weave — plus expert tailor ing—and it is that expert tailoring which we control for Washing ton —F a s h i ο η Park and Mode — that makes our Feather weights i η - comparable* Plan for the holiday — there are things you'll need — and you'll find them better right here. 1 Ill ! Imported Linen Suits $H75 The weave is of a quality that responds to the technique of master craftsmanship—making for superiority. Single and double breasted models. Imported Calcutta Seersucker Suits no You'll like the comfort of this genuine Calcutta Seersucker—and the class that has been tailored into these single and double breasted suits. Fashion Park Tropical Worsted Suits $35 and $40 Grades $24·75 They are three-piece suits—of this famous fashioning—and of the exclusive F.-P. weaves. Mode Tropical Worsted Suits Reduced to $17-75 Coat and Trouser Suits in the fashionable light colors. Flannel or Ser£e Trousers $7.50 Plain white flannel a; 1 smartly striped serge. Don't buy price when choosing Flannel Trousers. These have that bod\ and that shapeli ness to give you the service you expect. Flan-L-Tex—that's the new long trousers for sports wear; in striped patterns—and they $0.25 wash New Summer Robes $1 .95 Lightweight cheviot, smart black and white checks—just the thing for beach, locker room and home wear. Mode Union Suits Regular $1 Value 69c 3 for $2.00 Modeled in patterns that give room for free action—real comfort. < The Mode—F at Eleventh <£/i W/z. fURHITURe , . at Mayer &. Co. now A GREAT CLEARANCE of Odd Ρ ieces and Qroups and ONE-OF-A-KIND DINING and BED ROOM SUITES % at wonderfully LOW PRICES Most of these pieces and suites are specially arranged on one floor. These are mostly odd pieces and suites, which are 'way underpriced for immediate clear ance. This is your chance to pick up that furniture you have been needing at a greatly lowered price. Only 1 of a kind in most instances. So come early and not be disappointed. Savings are unusual. $58*50 ♦ ·. α Bed Room Suite Just one of these Tudor Oak Suites, consisting of 5 pieces with Dresser, Toilet Table, Full Size Bed, Chair and Bench ... an attractive suite way underpriced. $89'75 for 4 Pieces These pieces would be wonderful to furnish an attractive Bed Room. Grand Rapids made Dresser, Full Size Bed and Chair with harmonizing Chest of Drawers; walnut and gumwood. $H9 *'5... a Bed Room Suite A remarkable value with 5 lovely pieces, including Full Size Bed, Chest of Drawers, Large Vanity Dresser, Bench and Night Table, in walnut and gumwood; a splendid design; one only. $ 124 '^ ... a Bed Room Suite This is an Early English design, consisting of 5 pieces, with « Dresser, Full Size Bed, Large Vanity, Bench and Chair, Tudor Oak. This suite will make an attractive Bed Room inexpensively. Grand Rapids made. A Partial List of the Many Fine Bed Room Pieces and Groups Specially Priced If you need only an Odd Dresser, Chest of Drawers, Bed, Vanity, Chair, Bench or some other piece, you will likely find it here at a wonderfully low price. Only a sugges tive few of the many items are listed here. Vanity Dresser, in walnut chiefly with four drawers and swinging mirror; regularly $45. Reduced to $29-75 Chest of Drawers, in walnut and gumwood. quaint Early American style; formerly $42. $£)Q 75 Now ^ One Twin Size Poster Bed, left from a good suite; pineapple tips walnut and gumwood; $1Q.75 formerly $46. Now A*' One Beautiful Chest of Drawers, in walnut principally, with six roomy drawers; for- $'2Q.75 merly $55. Now One Queen Anne type highboy with seven drawers in walnut and gumwood. Reduced $"5Q.73 now to One Attractive Night Table, with drawer, in walnut and gumwood. Formerly marked $16.00. λ Now AU Dressing Table and Bench to match, in walnut and gumwood; formerly 2 pieces, $00 95 $57.50, Now 4 Bed Room Chairs, in walnut and gumwood, with.tap estry seat; formerly 5Q $11.50. Now *7' $9.25 Several Odd Bed Room Chaire, with upholstered seats; formerly sold at much $Λ 95 more Maple Dressing Table, with 3 small drawers on table top and 3 drawers below; formerly J-ji $90. Clearance price Maple Finish Dressing Table Base only; for merly $18.50 Hanging Mirror, suitable for dressing table or lowboy; maple finish; formerl. $Q,75 $17. Now Genuine Walnut Dressing Table and Bench to match; fine con struction; good taste; $^0.75 formerly $81. Now Chest of Drawers, beautified with crotch,walnut ; a taste ful design; formerly 50 $49. No* Large Vanity Dresser and Bench to match, in walnut chiefly; formerly $111.75, 2 $(££ pieces **** Grand Rapids Made Dressing Table, in walnut and gumwood, with 3 draw- *39·™ One Berkey & Gay Dressing Table, with jewel boxes, in wal nut and hand-painted floral decoration; sold formerly Jîa at $150. Clearance price.. Many Wonderful Values in Dining and Living Room Suites Come Early as Possible—Mostiy Only One of a Kind MAYER & CO. Seventh Street Between D and Ε 8 «31