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Australian Race Problem. SYDNEY (JP).—The dominion bureau \ of statistic* says that although the | aborigine population of Australia has i been stationary for 10 years at 60.000. Intermarriage has increased the number of half castes from 12,630 to 19,014. • Chrominum Used to Line Rifles. A new use for chromium rifles. W. WAKKfcM II TALTAVULL Funeral Home 3619 14th St. N.W. Corner Spring Road r»L 1 Col. 0464 I I Ph°n,, I Adam. 10341 AMBULANCE SERVICE —the Newest —the Best ©We have an ambulance i service that is the very last word in mod- j ern construc tion. Roomy and comfortable, with all mod ern sanitary conveniences. At tendants accompanying, for either local or out-of-town services. Reasonable cost. JAMES T. RYAN Funeral Director St7 Fa. At*. 8.E. Telephone Atlantic 1700-1701 Senator Given Presents for Stand Taken Against Treaty of Trianon. Senator Borah, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, yesterday was presented with a score of presents sent to this country by the people of Hungary as expressions of appreciation of his stand against the treaty of Trianon. The presentation was made in the presence of * delegation" of 110 Hun garians assembled here from 25 prin cipal industrial centers in the United States and under the leadership of G. Drozdy, publisher of a Chicago weekly newspaper, and H. L. Kobrak of Cleve land. publisher of three of the largest j foreign language newspapers In this country. _ . Amang the presents was a hag of Hungary made of wool, sheepskin and silk by the members of the leather i trade in Budapest. Handsome,y bound albums were also presented in behalf of the cities of Budapest, Vacz and others. In responding to the presentation | speech bv Mr. Kobrak. Senator Borah told the delegation that it was over generous in ths acknowledgment for i what he has done. “I felt from the beginning Senator Borah said, "that the treaty of Trianon j is from the standpoint of righteousness impossible. Public opinion will never consent to the injustice of the treaty of Trianon. I promise to do everything possible to change the opinion of America and the world in regard to this treatv. I learned to appreciate, during the last few months the nne Hungarian spirit more than ever be °Senator Borah was referred to by Mr. Kobrak “as the great son of our country whose presence makes us think with still more pride that we are citi zens of this Republic." . - -- Tribesmen Demand Jobs. AUCKLAND. New Zealand UP.— Maori tribesmen have asked the govern ment to give them jobs, arguing that before the white men introduced cloth I ing and comforts of civilization in New 1 Zealand work was not necessary, whereas now, without employment, the natives are starving. COOL SUMMER SUITS Charge It! a Pay as «P Convenient EISEMAN’S, 7th & F DOCTORS Recommend AMBULANCES CHAMBERS Largest in the City Clean, Fresh and SANITARY Charges Lowest in City u oo ANY PLACE IN D. C. Call COL. 0432 Phone or write your address. We will send you a beautiful catalogue of How We Do It. Established 1900 f Wm. H. Sardo & Co. ? £ FUNERAL DIRECTORS $ £ Shf Jfmtrral (Chapfl ^ / Service That le Distinctive g But Not Expensive & $ I Minimum ^7C ! / / I Complete Funeral WlO | g Lincoln 0524-9244 5 41! H St. Northeaat S runeral Services Will Be Held This Afternoon at St. Alban’s Church. Dr. Louis W. Austin. 64. international luthority on radio transmission, died fate yesterday at George Washington | University Hospital following a serious iperation. Funeral sendees will be held j »t 5 o'clock this afternoon at St. Al- | Pan's Church. The place of burial is j is yet undecided. Dr. Austin only recently had been ?levated to the presidency of the In crnatlonal Scientic Radio Union, and he ratification of his election was con firmed during his illness by the various countries having membership in the irganization. From 1908 until 1923 he served as head of the Naval Radio Re learch Laboratory here. Bom in Orwell, Vt.. Dr. Austin re ceived the degree of doctor of philoso phy at the University of Strassburg (Germany) in 1893. He then served as professor of physics at the University 5f Wisconsin arid the Reichsanstalt in Berlin In 1904 he became a member of the staff of the Bureau of Standards and soon began a series of researches in wireless telegraphy that were destined ;o influence profoundly the whole course | it radio development. He subsequently i went to the Naval Radio Research Laboratory, but returned to the Bureau ! jf Standards as chief of the laboratory for special radio transmission research n 1923. During his scientific career Dr. Austin wrote extensively on his researches and n later years received wide recognition for his scientific papers on radio trans mission. He was a member of the American Physical Society and numer als scientific organizations in foreign :ountries. He received the medal of he American Institute of Radio Engi leers in 1927. Dr. Austin was a member of the Uosmos, University, Arts and Chevy i * Physicist Dies m DR. LOUIS W. AUSTIN._ Chase Clubs of this city. He made his home at 3136 Newark street. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Laura A. Austin. .-•—■ ■ IRRIGATION IS PLANNED FOR MILLION ACRES Indian State Governments Con template Project Costing $88,800,000. OOTACAMUND, India OP). —More than a million acres of barren land in the Madras Presidency would be brought under cultivation by a new ir rigation scheme now under considera tion by the governments of Madras and Hyderabad. This is claimed to be the most am bitious scheme in the world. It is esti mated to cost $88,800,000, or $35,975,000 more than the Sukkar barrage. It is known as the Tungabadra scheme, and will irrigate an area which in the past has been subject to fre quent and severe famines. WL\ HELLO everybody, Floyd Gibbons speaking. This ought to be happy vacation time. We’ll be tuning up the old bus. We’ll ramble. So will 20,000,000 other car owners. Will ours be a Joy Ride—or a Death Ride? Thirty-four thousand were killed last year in automobile accidents — nearly a million injured. You’ve seen and heard it all. The scream of brakes in a danger spot. The whine and crunch of skidding tires. Pungent stench of scorching rubber. The crash of colliding bumpers—front and rear. Remember! When we’re out there on the road, our only contact with this old earth is through the four points where our tires touch the pavement! Those few square inches of rubber transmit all that tremendous power from beneath our engine hood. When we slam on the brakes, it’s those few square inches of rubber that have to stop the car! Otherwise— BAM! Tragedy. It’s the DESIGN of those few square inches of rubber which deter mine whether we stop—or skid! That’s responsibility—responsibil ity that chills us! That’s why I’m all steamed up about Goodrich SAFETY Silvertown Tires. They often represent the difference between a Joy Ride and a Death Ride. I’ve seen Safety Silvertowns tested. And I can’t help believing what I see. I saw skid tests on wet asphalt roads. Car running 42 miles an hour around a sharp angle. She didn’t skid an inch. That’s where the DESIGN of the new Safety Silvertown—the FOOT 7That's where design— the FOOT PRINT of the tire — gets in its work. This tread grips all the way across —not only in the center but from broad shoul der to broad shoulder. It hangs on to a slick surface like a fly on a windowpane ! ” PRINT of the tire—gets in its work. They’ve increased the sharp, gripping, Bkid-fighting edges on this tread 33 %! It hangs on to a slick road surface like a fly on a windowpane! That’s the kind of tire 7 want to be riding on this vacation trip—but here’s the tragic fact: A SURVEY SHOWS THAT 57% OF THE CARS ON THE ROAD ARE RIDING ON AT LEAST ONE BALD HEADED, TREACHEROUS TIRE. A DEATH TIRE! Just one is enough to cause an accident —to turn that joy ride into a death ride! With 34,400 killed last year—al most a million injured—we’ve had PLENTY of death rides. I like that name SAFETY Sil vertown. I love to ride—but I want to get back home and not in an ambulance. Another thing—this Safety Sil vertown—with the footprint that stamps out death—doesn’t cost a cent more than any standard ! tire. That’8 a BARGAIN in safety. Special July 4th Trade-In Sale *32® a Set allowed for the Old Tires on your car on purchase of four New Goodrich Safety Silvertowns To help rut down the toll of accidents this week-end, to get “Death Tires” off thehighwsrys—weoffersensa tional trade-in allowances for one or more of your old, unsafe tires on Safety Silvertowns bought before July 5. Copyright, 1932, The B. F. Goodrich Rubber Company I’m for this League, too! Bere t oometktng: The Slleertoirn Safety league. It gtrei me dnring rultt to follow—for eafety. It givee me an emblem for my ear. / /mined a,/ Any Goodrich dealer will enroll you. they tell me. Ao colt. j. I Burroughs Service Station 18th and Monroe Street* N.E. Cain and Blackburn Gulf Station 18th and Columbia Road N.W. Capital Garage 1320 New York Arenue N.W. Dome Oil Company Takomi Park, D. C. H. W. Higham, Jr. 105 B Street S.E. Johiuiey’s Service Station 19th and E Street. N.W. Lustlne Nicholson Co. Hyatt.rille, Md. Manhattan Auto and Radio Store 1706 7th street N.W. Meisel Tire Co., Inc. 1738 14th Street N.W. 900 H Street N.E. 924 8th Street S.E. 3300 M Street N.W. Northwest Garage Rear 1211 13th St. N.W. New Jersey Avenue Garage 419 New Jersey Ave. N.W. Riverview Service Station Sixth and Water Streets S.W. Standard Tire & Battery Company 14th 4b Rhode Island Ats. N.W. I Plaza Service Station 49 Ma»»achu»ett» Avenue N.W. Schwarzmann’s Service Station 13th and Penn»ylvania Ave. S.E. The Service Station of Washington Vermont Ave. and L Street. N.W. 14th & Belmont Streeti N.W. Goodrich <5^ Silvertown I _THE SAFEST^TIRE EVER BUILT , i Srathfl. AUSTIN. DR. LOUIS W. On Monday. June 27. 1932. Dr LOUIS W. AUSTIN, beloved husband of Laura A. Austin. Funeral Tuesday, . June 28, 5 p.m., St. Alban s Church. BEACH. WILLIAM T. On Monday, June 27. 1932. WILLIAM T , husband of the late Margaret J Beach. Funeral from his late residence, 931 11th st. n e. Wednesday. June 29. at 11 a m. Interment Congres sional Cemetery. 28 BENNETT, ALICE JANE. On Monday. June 27. 1932. at the home of her son. Nelson Bennett. 6044 Ridge drive. Brookmont. Md . ALICE JANE, widow of George A. Bennett, ill her 79th year. Remains resting at the Colonial funeral home of William Reuben Pumphrey. Rockville. Md. Funeral Wednesday, June 29. at 2:30 p.m.. from the Colonial funeral home. Interment Rockville Union Cemeteu. BLAND. FRANCES. Departed this life on Sunday. June 26. 1932. at 11:37 a m . at her residence. 351 H st. s.w.. FRANCES BLAND, wife of the late Corpl. Spencer Bland, veteran of the Civil War. Sha leaves to mourn their loss three grand children. Mrs Ella V. Booker. William A. and John E Bland three great-grandchil dren. Chester A . Mtlton A. and Lillian B Bland one great-great-grandchild. Milton. Jr.: daugh'er-in-law. three nieces and a host of other relatives and friends Re mains resting at the Barnes' funeral home. 814 4'i st. s w., until 5 pm. Tuesday, June 28: thereaiter at her late residence. Fu neral services will be held Wednesday. June 29 at 1 p m . at Zion Baptist Church. F st. bet. 3rd and 4'2 sis s.w.. Rev. Wil liam L. Washington, pastor, officiating Friends and relatives Invited. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery.. Servant of God. well done: Rest from thy loved employ. The battle fought, the victory won. Enter thy Master s ioy. 28 BOWLES. MARCELLENA. Entered into eter nal re-t Monday. June 27. 1932. at 3 30 am. at her residence. 2819 Dumbarton ave n w . MARCELLENA BOWLES, beloved wife ol the late Henry Bowles, mother of Henry N . Emma J. and Margaretta Bowles and Mrs. Mary H Pitt, stepmother of Mrs. Lucy Busey. She leaves a host of other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Otis F Alien's funeral home. 12t,h st end FlOTida ave. n w , until 4 p m. Tues day: thereafter at her late residence. Fu neral Thursday. June 30. at 2 pm. from Mount Zion M. E. Church. 29th st ana Dumbarton ave n w . Rev. J D. Brown of ficiating. Casket will not be opened ir. church Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemeteiy. 28 MRS. LEWIS S. ROSE DIES AT HOME HERE Mrs. Lewis Sims Rose. 67. widow of Dr. Joseph N. Rose, former associate curator of botany at the Smithsonian Institution, died yesterday at her home, 1812 Calvert street, following a heart attack. Mrs. Rose, who had been a resident of Washington since 1888, was born in Delphi, Ind.. in 1865. She was a mem ber of the Church of the Covenant, the i Twentieth Century Club and the Sey mour Club. She is survived by two sons. Joseph, of Detroit, and George G. Rose, Wash ington attorney; two daughters, Re becca and Martha Rose of this city, and four grandchildren, Joseph, Dolly, Walter D. and George Rose. Funeral services will be held tomor row at 3 p.m. at the home, in charge , of Rev. John D. Gregory, Utica, N. Y., j former pastor of the Church of the j Covenant. Burial will be in Ro<3c | Creek Cemetery. ADMIRAL COFFMAN DIES AT AGE OF 78 Vice Admiral De Witt Coffman, U. ! S. Navy, retired, second in command ! of the United States Atlantic Fleet dur- 1 ing the World War. died yesterday at ( his home in Jamestown. R. I. Funeral arrangements have not been completed. Burial will be in the Naval Cemetery at Annapolis. He is survived by his widow. Mrs j Eulalie Coffman, and a son. Comer. Kichard Boush Coffman, commanding • officer of the U. S. S. Cuyama of the : Pacific Fleet. Mrs. Coffman is a sister of Rear Admiral Clifford J. Boush of Cocoanut Grove. Fla., end also a sister of Mrs. Thomas P. Magruder, wife of the'admiral. Admiral Coffman was bom in Shen andoah County. Va., November 28. 1854 He graduated from the Naval Academy in 1878 and attained the rank of vice admiral in June. 1916. A veteran of the Spanish-Ameriean War. he served with the Atlantic Fleet during th#. World War as aide to Admiral Hear T. Mays, and as com mandant of the fifth naval district, with headquarters at Hampton Roads. He was retired on November 28, 1918. He was a member of the Naval Board of Awards and Honors. FOUND. _ BINGS <21. in public building. Address Box 129-R. Star ogee___ 3° LOST. ____ BRACELET, while gold, with 3 sapphires, lost Saturday. Reward to finder. Please Arfomi 94fl*? ___ BOSTON BAG^ black Mount Pleasant car; reward. Cali Ashton 26-R._ 30_ CAT. Persian: white.: answers to name if Jerrv 2630 16th st. n w Col IIH_ CHAIN, diamond and plaunum. with lor gnette. Lost Friday. June 24 somewhere in Mt. Pleasant, bet Soldiers' Home and 18th it. n w. Very liberal reward. Call Col 2190. DOG—Wire-haired fox terrier: baby’s pet inswers to name of Jerry. Reward. Call Clev. 9094.__. HAT Lady's panama hat. Woodward & Lo hroo label; reward. Adams 0862 after J p.ra.__ KBYS, in leather container, name J. T. Kerr. Washington. D C.." on metal tag. Finder please communicate with J. T. Kerr, 4orth 4134 Reward 3OCKETBOOK and eyeglasses, between 13th and 14th on Eye n.w , near park, today. Bewarci. Potomac 0)67._ BURSE, lady s. black, containing registration •ard. permit, keys and money 7th and D I- n.w.; liberal reward offered. Potomac 4631. WRIST WATCH, lady's, white gold. Bulova: lowntown, Monday; reward. Call Columbia , 1324. _] Our 23 Years' Experience Leads Us to Believe That We Are WASHINGTON’S LEADING FUNERAL DIRECTOR —A Bold Statement— | We have lived up to this j statement since 1909 when we originated our complete funeral for a modest price, we intend to maintain this lead by our high standard J of service and quality. FUNERAL FACTS $75 For a Complete Funeral Casket any color, plate en graved with name, No. X outside pine case, embalming by com petent men, washing, dressing and shaving If necessary, ad vertising of notices, hearse, two Cadillac limousines, rugs, chairs, j scarf for the door, removing from j ! hospitals or home and all neces sary services that are so well known at the DEAL FUNERAL HOME. NO EXTRAS. DEAL does any funeral for leas. Visit our show rooms before you make any decision. A word to the wise is sufficient. DEAL FUNERAL HOME INC. Us. 8200-8201 Fee Befera*. Ask Nelthbe* Jj j— Sfatha. BROWN. HAROLD. Departed this life Mon- * day. June 27. 1932, at Providence Hospital. | HAROLD BROWN, loving son of Irene and Charles Brown, and brother of Carroll and James Brown. He also leave* tc mourn their loss a grandmother, three aunts, one uncle and a host of other rel atives and friends Remains resting at Eugene Ford's funeral parlors until Thurs day. June 30. at 4 p m . thence to his late residence. 211 Eye st. s e. Funeral Friday. July 1. at 1 pm. from the residence Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. BUCKET. CORA RUSSELL. On Monday June 27. 1932 at 1753 Park rd . CORA RUSSELL BUCKEY. wife of the late Phil lip M. Buckey Funeral Wednesday. June 29. at 2 p.m.. from her late residence. In terment Congressional Cemetery. 28 » COLLIFLOWER. LLOYD CLINTON. On Monday. June 27 1932. at the Episcopal Eve. Ear and Throat Hospital. LLOYD CLINTON COLLIFLOWER. the beloved fa ther of Mrs. Artumas R. Griffith of Sen eca. Md. Remains resting at the Colonial funeral home of William Reuben Pum phrry. Ro:kville. Md Funeral Wednesday. June 29. at 10 a m . from the Colonial funeral home. Rockville, Md. Interment at 11 am. at Patuxent Cemetery, Mount Carmel, Md. COTTER. MICH AEL. On Monday. June 27 1932. MICHAEL COTTER, beloved husband of Mary R. Cotter and father of Mrs. J V. Jackson, and grandson of Edward P Hawke* Funeral from his late residence. 402 15th st. s e . on W’ednesday. Jun*1 29. at 2 pm. Relatives and friends are in vited. Interment Arlington National Ceme tery. CRAVENS. MARGARITE MAY. On Sunday June 26. 1932. at her residence. 2230 Cali fornia st. n.w . MARGARITE MAY. be loved wife of Col. Riehard K. Craven* i Remains resting at the Tabler funeral home. 928 M st. nw. until Wednesday. June 29, when servitfs and interment will be in Arlington National Cemetery at 10 30 a m. * CROWELL. DAVID CARLTON. On June 26 1932. at Naval Hospital. Washington. D C. DAVID CARLTON CROWELL, captain Supply Corps. U S. N. Funeral from his late residence. 2258 Cathedral ave . Wed nesday. June 29. at 11 a m. Interment at Arlington. 28 EDMONDS. DICY. On Sunday. June 26 1932. at 9 30 a m . after a brief illness at Garfle4d Hospital. DICY EDMONDS of 4224 Foote st. n.e. beloved wile oi the late James Edmonds. She leaves to mourn their loss six sons, seven daughters, five sisters, seven grandchildren and other rela tives and friends Remains resting at Henry 8 Washington's funeral home. 467 N st. n.w.. until 12 noon. Tuesday. June 28. after which time remains will rest at her late residence Funeral W’ednesday June 29. at 1 p m., from the First Bap‘ist ■ Church of Deanwood. Whittington pi. near ! Lane pi. n.e. Interment in Lincoln Memo rial Cemetery. 28* FINNEY. MARY BOTELER. On Tuesday June 28. 1932. at Halifax. Va.. MARY BOTELER. wife of R Gordon Finney and sister of Basil D. Boteler of Washington. D. C. Interment at. Halifax, June 29. • FITTER. JOHN N. On Monday. June 27, 1932. at 4 55 p.m.. at the residence of his daughter. Mrs. John Morrison. 1128 4'.: st. s.w.. JOHN N., beloved husband of the late Mollie Fitter Remains resting at the chapel of Frank Geler s Sons Co.. 1113 7th st. n.w.. until Wednesday. June 29 at 11 a m. Services at Romoth Baptist Church. Stafford County. Va., at 2 p m. Relatives and friends invited. GILL. ALICE V. On Sunday. June 26. 1932. at her residence. 1132 Morse st n.e.. ALICE V.. In her 81st year, beloved wife of the late Charles H. Gill. Funeral from the William H Sardo Co. funeral chapel 412 H st. n.e . on Wednesdav. June 29 at 10 a m Relatives and friends Invited. In terment Arlington National Cemetery. 28 GRAVES. ROSELEA (MAMMY). On Satur day. June 25. 1932. at the Home for In curables, Mrs ROSELEA GRAVES (Mam my i. in her 93rd year, for fifty years a faithful servant in the home of Mrs, Archibald Hopkins. 1826 Mass ave n.w Body resting at McGuire's undertaking parlors. Funeral services Wednesday. June 29. at St Ann's Church, at 9 a m. In terment Mount Olivet Cemetery. GREENWELL, MARY E. On Monday. June 27. 1931. at 11:55 a m., at her residence. 330 Tennessee ave. n.e.. MARY E GREEN WELL. beloved wife of the late Robert Greenwell. Funeral from her late resi dence on Wednesday. June 29. at 8:30 a m. Reoulem mass at Holy Comfortei Church. 14th and East Capitol sts . at 9 a m. Rel atives and friends invited to attend. In terment Congressional Cemetery. HOLLIN. ELLIS. On Tuesday. June 28. 1932. at his residence. 415 South Alfred st.. Alexandria. Va . ELLIS HOLLIN Notice of funeral hereafter. Remains resting at John T. Rhines Co funeral home. 221 North Patrick st,. Alexandria. Va. Ht RI-EY. JOHN AMBROSE. Suddenly, on Monday. June 27. 1932. at 10:45 a m., at his residence. 3412 P st. n.w . JOHN AM BROSE HURLEY, beloved husband of Alice M. Hurley Funeral from the above resi dence Wednesday. June 29. at 8:30 a m : thence to Holy Trinity Church. 38th and O sts. n.w . at 9 a m., where mass will be said for the repose of his sou!. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. HURLEY. JOHN A. The members of General • Nelson A. Miles Camp. No. 1. United Spanish War Veterans, are recuested to assemble at the late residence. 3412 P st. n.w.. at 8:15 a m Wednesday. June 29. 1932. to assist in the interment of our late romradr. JOHN A. HURLEY, in Arlington National Cemetery. Services at Holy Trinity Church, 36th and O sts., Georgetown at 9 a m. A. EUGENE PIERCE. Commander. PRINT E. SHOMETTE, Adlutant. JACKSON, HATTIE A. Departed this life Tuesday. June 28. 1932. at the residence of her daughter. Mrs. Gertrude Miller. Gray ave . Arlington. Va.. HATTIE A. JACK SON. She leaves to mourn her departure ten children. Issac. Henry. Louis. Morris and Hattie Jackson. Mrs. Eva Robinson. Gertrude Miiler. Lucy Powell. Bertha Lyons and Catherine Brown. She also leaves twenty grandchildren and fourteen great grandchildren. {Remains resting at the John T. Rhines funeral home, 221 North Patrick st.. Alexandria, Va. Notice of funeral later. JOHNSON, WILLIE. Departed this life on Monday. June 27. 1932. at Freedmen's Hospital. WILLIE JOHNSON, beloved son of Ada Johnson, loving brother of Dorothy Ware and Essie Childs. He also leaves other relatives and friends to mourn his departure. Remains resting at the John T. Rhines funeral chapel. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w Notice of funeral later. KENNY. STANLEY A. On Monday, June 27. 1932. a* the residence of his sister. Mrs. Wilham M Miller. 4608 West Vir ginia ave . Bethesda. Md.. STANLEY A KENNY, in his 43rd year. Remains rest ing at the funeral parlors of Warner E. Pumphrey. Rockville. Md. Services Wed nesday. June 29. at 11 am. at St. Peter's Catholic Church. Westernport. Md. Inter ment church cemetery. MARK. MARY ELLEN. On Tuesday. June 28. 1932. MARY ELLEN, daughter of the late Conrad and Rebecca Mark Funeral from the residence of her niece. Mrs. George G. Jones. 436 15th st. n.e . Thurs day, June 30. at 10 a m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 29 MARTIN. NANCY ANDERSON. On Monday. June 27. 1932. at Sibley Hospital. NANCY ANDERSON MARTIN, aged 68 years, be loved wife of S. S Martin. 32 Seaton place n.w. Funeral services at Hysong s parlors. 1300 N ft n.w . Wednesday. June 29, at 2 P.m. Interment Middlebury, Ind. MATILL. HENRY. On Monday. June 27. 1932. at his residence. Shelly road. Arling ton, Va . HENRY MATILL. Remains rest ing at the Ives funeral home. 310 Wilson blvd , Clarendon. Va Funeral Wednesday. June 29. at 10:30 a m . from Ives’ chapel, at the above address. Kindly omit flowers. PARKER. FRANK. On Monday. June 27. 1932. at his residence. 1341 Delaware ave. aw.. FRANK PARKER, devoted husband of Elizabeth Parker, beloved son of Wil liam and Susie Parker He also leaves to mourn his passing three brothers, one sister and many other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the John T. Rhines funeral chapel. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w. Notice of funeral later. PRICE. LYDIA J. On Monday. June 27. 1932, LYDIA J.. widow of Bradley C. Price. Re mains resting at the W. W Chambers Co. funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w. Notice of funeral hereafter. REED. MARGARET. On Monday. June 27. 1932 at her residence 815 T st n.w.. MARGARET REED, daughter of the late John W. and Josephine Reed. She also leaves to mourn their loss two sisters, Jo- ! sephine Cole and Lottie Johnson: tivo ) nephews. Edward T. and John Johnson, and a heart-broken niece Maude Wil liamson. Funeral Thursday. June 30. at 1 p m„ from her late residence. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church 1432 You st n.w.. until 10 a m Wednesday; thereafter at the above resi dence. 29 RISTON. FRANK A. On Sunday. June 26, 1932. at his residence. 22 Edgar ave . Cap itol Heights. Md . FRANK A . beloved hus band of Irene Riston Funeral from the above residence on Wednesday. June 29. at 2 p m. Relatives and friends invited In vited. Interment in Prospect Hill Ceme tery. 28 ROBINSON. M. LUGVIMA. Entered eternal rest Sunday. June 26. 1932. at 10 pm. in Philadelphia, Pa . Mrs M. LUGVIMA ROBINSON, daughter of the late Rev. Dr. D. P. Seaton. D D . devoted sister of Mrs L. Seaton Rumford of Philadelphia. Pa Rev F A Seaton of Norfolk. Va.. and Mrs. Francenia Thompson of 1836 11th st n.w. Interment Philadelphia. Pa. ROSE. LEWIS SIMS. On Monday. June 27, 1932. at her residence, 1812 Calvert st. 11.W , LEWIS SIMS, wife of the late Jo seph Nelson Rose. Services at her late residence on Wednesday. June 29. at 3 p.m. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. SKINKER. BLANCH NORMAN. Friday. June 24. 1932. at Eagie Harbor. Md.. BLANCH NORMAN SKINKER loving brother of Robert Edward and Harry Sklnker. uncle of Daisy Carlos. Beatrice W'illlams. Oeorgiu Austin Ruth Haslm. Sadie Tolbert. Janie*. Richard and Samuel Sklnker. Remains resting nt the John T. Rhines funeral chapel. 3d and Eye sts. s w. Funeral Wed nesday. June 29. at 1 p m . from Mount Olive Baptist Church. 6th at. between M and N sts. n e. Interment Lincoln Me morial Cemeteiy. 28 SKINKER. BLANCH N. Members of Morn ing Star Lodge. No 40. I. B P O E. of W., are notified to attend a session of sorrow at our Home. 15th and Que ats n.w.. Tuesday. June 28. 1932. at 8 p.m . to arrange for the funeral of our late broth er. BLANCH N SKINKER Funeral Wed nesday. June 29. at 1 p.m . from Mount Olive Baptist Church. 6;h it. between L and M sts. n.e Sister lodges and temples are cordially and fraternally invited to at tend. JOHN T. RHINES. E. R. CORTEZ W PETERS. Sec TAI.M/.N. JOHN THURSTON, on Monday. June 27 1932. at Lynn. Mass.. JOHN THURSTON TALMAN. beloved husband | of Eleanor Marshall Talman. Notice of I funeral later. THOMAS. CYRUS D. Suddenly, on Sunday. June 28. 1932. Dear Sandy Spring. Md. I CYRUS D. THOMAS. In his 27th year. Remains resting at the funeral parlors of W'arner K. Pumphrey. Rockville. Md Services on Thursday. June 30, at 11 a m., at Liabon, N. Dak. Bratljfl. THOMAS. BETTY. On Eundky. June 3C 1932. kt 1*06 A Half st. S.W.. BETTT THOMAS, beloved mother of Herman Thomas, motner-in-law of Mary 'Alexan der* Thomas, and grandmother of Cor nelia Elisabeth Thomas Remains may he seen at the John T. Rhlnes funeral chapel. 3rd and Eye sts. s m . where the funeral will take place on Wednesday. June 29. at 12 o'clock noon. Relatives and friends In vited. Irterment at Rosemont Cemetery. • TRAIL. ELIZABETH. On Monday. June 27, 193'2. at_her residence. Rockville. Md . ELIZABETH, ‘he widow of the late Heae klah Trail. Services Wednesday. June 39. at 2 pm., at the above residence. In terment Rockville Union Cemetery. WADDELL, I,I CY A On Monday. June 27, 1932. at the residence of her daughter. Mrs Annie P Norfolk. 910 10th st s e . LUCY A . widow of James R. Waddell and beloved mother of Mrs Annie P. Norfolk. Samuel T. Beavers. Mrs Grace Williams and Bud Beavers Fun-ral from the above residence, on Wednesday, June 29. at 2 P m. Relatives and 'riends are invited. Interment in Mrthodis' Episcopal Church South Cemetery. Alexandria, Va. WHALEN. HELEN B. On Sunday. June 26. 1922. at L!0 p n . at Providence Hospital. HELEN B WHALEN of Beltsville. Md Funeral from St. Josephs Church. Am mendale, Md.. on Wednesday. June 29. at 10 a m. WHITE. FRANCIS E. Suddenly, on Men day-June 27. 1932. at 9 30 a -n FRANCIS E WHITF. beloved son of Doyle C and {*!* late Addle B White and brother of 2?r *. 9k Funeral Thursday June 7kk-at. '9 30 8 m- from his late residence, 1902 Jackson st. n.e. Interment Fort Lin coln Cemetery. 29 WILKINS. JAMES E. On Mondav June 57 1932. JAMES E WILKINS, behoved husband of Dora Wilkins. Notice of funeral later • WILKINSON. RACHEL A. BEI L. On Mon day. June 27. 1932. at her residence 901 f “• W RACHEL A. BELL.V'dowSf Si J&hl* Francis N Wilkinson and mo,her of John. Marcellus. Rosette Wil kinson and Mrs Genevieve Cannon Trusty FYineral Thursday. June 30. at 2 n m from lsr.el c M E. Church. N J ’ and Morgan st n w.. Rev E S Howard rTsC|cSt‘**ii and felativf invited. £■«***{? not b? opened tn church In terment Harmony Cemetery. 29* W?8°,??i3AN:?,l?.EL,ZA- °n Tuesday. June ^8. 1S32. at her residence, 722 Queher ni ANNIE ELIZA WOODS wUe of tSe*.lHlar.rer.BUrd'tt Woods' offt? in iBrnmrtam BOBYS. SARAH. In sad but loving remem pH" °f our dear moth-r. SARAH BOBYS. who departed this life one rear ago today. June 28. 1931 year HER DEVOTED SONS. • CHIPMAN. GEORGE F. In remem br*h£* of our dear husband and father h£°f£'irt£ CHIPMAN. who departed this 1‘f?. fourteen years aso today. June 28. 1918. HIS WIFE AND CHILDREN. • D„CO?A ,M- In loving memory of the nlwonderful mother In the world to her >d""‘ UORA M DAVIS, who departed this life one year ago today, June 28. 1931 She had a mother s ‘ love” for every one she met. So you know her devoted children can h^'er. n^vpr forget. Oh. how we mis* you. mother, dear, we nave no one now to wipe away our tear* SON. RAYMOND T. DAVI8. • B' a of love and devotion to the memory of our dear wife r!30t*,i^r* ROBNA B WHALEN, who de 1930 thiS 1 fC tW0 years ag0- June 28, A happy home we once enjoyed. How sweet the memory still; But death has left a vacancy This world can never All. I mourn for you. dear wife. But not with outward show. For the heart that mourns sincerely Mourns silently and low 8ome think you are forgotten. And t^^vound is nearly healed; But little do they know the sorrow That lies in my heart concealed. I often sit and think of you When I am all alone. For memory is the only friend Thif Brief ran rail r...„ HER LOVING HUSBAND AND DAUGH i^EUJ^LNERL BLANCHE IMLAY. ANNIE E. In levins memory of our mother. ANNIE E IMLAY. who pasted away one year ago today. June 28. 1931. HER CHILDREN. PARKER. AUGUSTINE. A tribute of love and devotion to the sacred memory of our dear husband and father. AUGUSTINE PARKER, who departed this life one year ago today. June 28. 1931. Our hearts cannot tell how we miss you. Our lips know not what to sasu For only God knows how we need you In our home that is so sad and lonely today YOUR DEVOTED WIFE AND CHILDREN. MARGUERITE, AUGUSTINE, JR., AND EMMA. • PLUMMER. FANNIE HARRIS AND N. SAUN DERS. In loving memory of our devoted mother and father, slst.-r and brother. Mrs FANNIE HARRIS PLUMMER, who fell asleep in Jesus one year ago today. June 28. 1931. and Mr N SAUNDERS PLUMMER, twenty-one years ago, July 28, 1911. Rest spirits rest. HER DAUGHTERS. SADIE. IDA AND MA RIE. AND BROTHER AND SISTER-IN LAW. MR. AND MRS. JAMES Z. HAR RIS. • SMITH. WILLIAM AND CLARA; JOHNSON. ALBERTA. In sad but loving remem brance of my loved ones, father. WILLIAM SMITH, died July 19. 1921: mother. CLARA SMITH, died April 6. 1923: devoted daugh ter, ALBERTA JOHNSON, who entered into eternal rest one year ago, June 28, 1931. Each June “brings memories, fond and true. Dear father, mother and daughter of you. In our home they are fondly remembered. Sweet memories cling to their name. Those who loved them in life sincerely Still love them in death tuit the same. LOVING DAUGHTER. AUNT, MAMA,” HATTIE. WILLIAMS. HANNAH. In loving remem brance of our dear mother, HANNAH WILLIAMS, who died twenty-three years ago. June 28. 1909. God never closes a door That He does not open a window HER CHILDREN. YODER. BESSIE LEE. In loving memory of our dear friend. BESSIE LEE YODER, who passed mway one year ago today, June 28, 1931. MRS GREENWOOD AND GERTRUDE « FUNERAL DIRECTORS. LAV GAWLER CO ~ Funeral Director# * LEONARD M. GAWLER 184< M St. N.W._Pat. 4178. 4111. . W. W. DEAL & CO. 818 H BT N E LINCOLN 8200 GEO. W. WISE CO. (W. F. TAYLOR) 2S00 M ST. N.W. _Writ 0138 V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither the successors to nor connected with th# original W. R Speare establuh ment. inno H St N W Fhona National 2892 1WUV n _Formerly 9t0 F St. N.W._ Established 1878 JOHN R. WRIGHT CO. _1337_10th_8t. N.W. Phene North 8847 ALFRED B. GAWLER WALTER A. GAWLER WILLIAM A. GAWLER G JOSEPH AWLER SONS Established 1858 Chapel Cremation* Lady attendant 1750-2-4 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W. Phones: 551Z-551S NO BRANCH OFFICE WILLIAM RSCOTT 409 8th ST. S K _LINCOLN 0530 _ J. WILLIAM LEE’S SONS, FUNERAL DIRECTORS CREMATORIUM 312 PA. AVK. N W NATIONAL 1384. 1388. Frank Geier's Sons Co. HU SEVENTH ST N.W National ?A7\ Modern Chapel. Telephone l>«Llonai 6^/0 AlmusR Speare Succeeding the Original W. R. Speare C» 1823 Connecticut Ave._Decatur 824t_ CHAS. S. ZURHORST 881 EAST CAPITOL ST. _Phene Lincoln 8378. ____ Joseph F. Birch's Sons (ISAAC BIRCH) 3014 M St N W Phon» west wt -it -l. -N.tV. Established 1441. _FUNERAL DESIGNS._ Glide Bros. Co., 1212 F St* Prompt Auto Deliver* Service. Artistic—expreaMve—inexpensive GEO. C SHAFFER EXPRESSIVE FLORAL EMBLEMS AT MODERATE PRICES- PHONE NAT. 81SS. ‘ZjEZST 14th & Eye CEMETERIES.