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I ■ ■ “From Press to Home Within an Hour” The Star'* Carrier system covers every city block and the regular edi tion is delivered to Washington homes as fast as the papers are printed. ■ Yesterday’s Circulation. 118,883 Closiag N. Y. Markets, Pages 14 aad 15 —• 1 * . "" 1 .— - UP) Mean* Associated Press. O CENTS. XT_ on oni Entered as second class matter --- - 11 - 1 ^t O* post offlct Washington, D. C. " COMMITTEE ADOPTS WET REPEAL PLANK SUBMISSION PLAN BEATEN, 35-18, BY IMMEDIATE MODIFICATION ISTS EARLY NOMINATION NOW FORECAST Smith Delegate To Head Wet Forces. NO DECLARATION MADE ON BONUS Committee Rejects Outright Pledge by 6 to 3. CHICAGO, June 29 <*>).—.After five hours of wrangling over the next Democratic campaign document, the Democratic Resolutions Committee today adopted a prohibition plank committing the party in favor of repeal of the eighteenth amendment and immediate modification of the Volstead act. This declaration was put into the platform by the Resolutions Committee after the majority report of the subcommittee for a submission plank, which did not commit the party, was re jected, 35 to 18. The surprised advocates of submission were undecided mo mentarily whether to carry the cause to the convention floor, but it was predicted they would make a minority report tonight. The plank says in its first paragraph: “We favor the re peal of the eighteenth amend ment.” BY WILL P. KENNEDY, Stall Correspondent ol The 8t»r. CHICAGO, June 29—Whether or not the Democratic platform will declare for repeal of the eighteenth amendment and im stead act is to be decided on the floor of the convention late today. The Resolutions Committee was still unable to report when the convention reconvened following all-night conferences. . It is a platform of record brevity, con taining only 1,320 words, In com parison with the Republican plat form of 8,000 words. The six Roosevelt men on the subcommittee agreed late last night on the wording of their submission plank—A. Mitchell Palmer, District of Columbia; William G. McAdoo, California; J Senator Cordell Hull, Tennessee; j Senator Burton K. Wheeler, Mon- j tana; former Senator Gilbert N. ] Hitchcock, Nebraska, and Joseph C. O’Mahoney, Wyoming. It was adopted ty the full Resolutions Committee and made a part of me majority icpuu. Rejected 33 to 21. The minority of the subcommittee, j consisting of Senator David I. Walsh of j Massachusetts Senator Carter Glass of j Virginia and William A. Comstock of Michigan, presented their plank de claring in favor of repeal and demand ing immediate modification of the Volstead law, and were defeated by a 6-to-3 vote. The minority presented it to the full committee and it was re jected by a vote of 33 to 21. Senator Walsh and Maj. E. Brooke Lee of Maryland, secretary of the Resolutions Committee, claim, besides the 21 States pledged to support the repeal plank with a voting strength of 596 in the convention, there are five other States which have unofficially recorded themselves in favor of repeal. Unless there is some shift before the vote is cast the minority report will come on to the floor with at least 596 votes or a majority of 38. .. _ , . Senator Walsh will lead the fight in the convention, offering the repeal plank as a substitute for the resub mission plank reported by the com mittee. He expressed confidence last night that it will be approved by the convention. Supported by du Pont. It carries the support of the United Repeal Council, of which Pierre S. du Pont is chairman, and which claims to represent the anti-prohibition views of 3.000,000 voters. . The agricultural plank is described as broad enough to include equalization, debentures and crop acieage control. Two hearings were granted by the committee last night—one to represent atives of agricultural interests and the other a delegation seeking pronounce ment in favor of immediate cash pay ment of the so-called soldiers' bonus or adjusted service certificates. Agricultural Provisions. The platform will criticize practices of the Federal Farm Board, not propos ing to abolish it., but rather to amend the law so as to provide for members recommended by the farm organizations. It will charge that the board has been engaged in wasteful extravagance. It will provide for refinancing of farm in debtedness on a long-time amoritization basis and a very low rate of interest. It Is proposed to give tariff protection to agricultural products on a parity with Industry and to evolve some intelligent method for disposing of surplus farm ^ It is proposed to reduce tariff rates on industrial products more nearly to equalize them with rates on agricultural products—this would not be a hori zontal cut, but to promote competition. Another plank provides for inflation ol the currency, to increase commodity prices and eventually to stabilize them on a pre-war basis. Representative William P. Connery ^Jr„ of Massachusetts, accompanied by — Jt (Continued on Page 3, Column 4.j Convention Bulletins I - CHICAGO, June 29 (4») —James A. Farley said today Gov. Franklin Roosevelt has no prohibition plank to offer the Democratic Convention and prefers the delegates settle the issue in their own way. CHICAGO. June 29 (*»).—Some advocates of the presidential candi dacy of former Senator James A. Reed conceded today that the Mis souri delegation would break after the first ballot. CHICAGO, June 29 (JP).—Amon G. Carter. Fort Worth, told a meeting of fellow Texans and California delegates today that John N. Gar ner had turned deaf ears to all overtures for “trades" on the presi dential nomination. CHICAGO, June 29 UP).—Because ok the delay in presenting the re port of the Resolutions Committee it appeared that a session of the Democratic convention will be held tonight to hear nominating speeches. ALBANY. N. Y., June 29 (^P).—A tri-motor airplane, fueled and with two crack pilots standing by. waited at the Albany Airport today to fly Gov. Franklin D. Roosevelt to the Chicago Democratic National Con vention. _,_ D. t VOTE PLANK Draft Fails to Make Mention of National Representa tion Issuj. By a Staff Correspondent of The Star. CHICAGO, June 29.—The national representation plank for the District of Columbia is conspicuously absent from the Democratic platform as drafted. It was presented by Col. Arthur O'Brien, national treasurer of the party and a District delegate, by Representa tive Mary T. Norton, chairman of the House District Committee and a dele gate at large from New Jersey, and by John B. Colpoys, chairman of the Dis trict delegation to the convention and chairman of the State Central Com mittee. It was ascertained today that there had been no discussion of the District plank during the deliberations of either the subcommittee which drafted the platform or of the full committee which approved the draft. D. C. APPROPRIATION MEASURE IS SIGNED President Hoover Passes on Bill Providing $41,245,622 for Local Government Expenses. President Hoover today signed the District of Columbia appropriation bill, providing for $41,245,622, to be made available July 1, for the expenses of operating the local Government for the ensuing fiscal year. By attaching his signature to this bill. President Hoover today disposed of the fourth governmental appropria tion bill to come before him so far this year While the District's appropriation for the next fiscal year is a reduction of more than *4,000,000 under the appro priation for the present fiscal year, a concession to the urgent demands for economy, the appropriation for the next year carries $1,351,812 above the sum originally voted in the House. Of the total amount in the bill, *7,755,000 is included as the amount of the Federal Government's lump sum contribution toward the support of the local government and $350,000 for un employment relief. During the morning hours, the Presi dent signed more than 30 other bills. v/1iii/rro ■ nnliiP IMIirXLLO LCMl/mu NATS, 3-1, IN THIRD Sewell's Two Homers and Chap man's Trinle With Kuth On Give Gothamites Edge. BY JOHN B. KELLER. NEW YORK. June 29—The New York Yankees were leading the Na tionals here today in the final game ol a series In the third inning. The score was 3 to 1. FIRST INNING. WASHINGTON — Lazzeri threw out Judge. Myer fanned. Lazzeri threw out Manush. No runs. NEW YORK—Combs flied to Reyn olds. Sewell hit a home run into th< right-field bleachers. Ruth walked Gehrig was called out on strikes Chapman tripled to left center, scor ing Ruth. Cronin threw out Dickey Two runs. SECOND INNING. WASHINGTON—Lary threw ou | Cronin. Larry threw out Reynolds West fanned. No runs. NEW YORK—Lazzeri walked Lar; flied to Reynolds Gomez flied ti Manush Combs flied to West. Ni , runs. THIRD INNING. WASHINGTON—Bluege singled t< left. Spencer singled to left, Blueg< ! going to third. Crowder popped t< ! Lary. Judge flied to Ruth and Bluegi scored after the catch. Myer popped U I Lary. One run. NEW YORK—Sewell hit anothe: homer into the right field bleachers Ruth lined to Cronin. Gehrig single) against the right field stand. Gehrii was out stealing, Spencer to Cronin Chapman dropped a single in center Chapman stole second, and continue) to third as Spencer threw wild to sec ond. West came in for Dickey’s higl one. One run. ■ - ■ —... • ■ » ■' ■■ - Akron Make* Cruiie. LAKEHURST. N. J , June 29 t/P) - The Navy dirigible Akron today wen aloft for a training cruise, expecting t return to the station here by nightfal Comdr. A. H. Diesel was in charge. i ATTEMPT TO BRIBE TRAYLOR MANAGER Scofield Declares $10,000 Was Offered Him to With draw Candidate. Bjr the Associated Press. CHICAGO, June 29—Frank Scofield, the Traylor campaign manager, charged In a statement he dictated to newspa per men today that an unidentified man whom he said described himself as a Roosevelt worker had offered him $10,000 to sign a statement withdraw ing Ttaylor's name. Roosevelt headquarters promptly dis avowed any connection today with the purported deal. Explains Alleged Deal. Scofield called a group of newspaper men Into his office and dictated the following. “Last night about midnight a man I never saw before approached me and said, ‘Are you Scofield?' I told him I was and he said can 't ftave a instate ! conference with you. We went Into a | comer of my office. He held up a statement for me to sign. When I asked him to let me take It he said. 'No. Just read it.’ The statement bore my name as manager of the Traylor cam ; paign and read as follows: “ ‘I have just received a wire from Melvin A. Traylor thanking me for my ' activities In his behalf and requesting me to withdraw his name from the I race.’ Refuses to Sign. “I denied that the statement was i true and refused to sign it. He replied, I ‘Don’t be foolish. The anti-Roosevelt I machine Is going to crack. You might | as well be the beneficiary.’ “I told him I had nothing to do with the Illinois delegation and could not release them If I wanted to. He said, ‘Listen, I’m serious. This means $10, 000 to you and a million votes for Roosevelt if he goes over on the first ballot and this statement from you will j do the job.' "I promptly told him I would not b« I a party to any such transaction. He | said he was sorry if he had offended l me. I told him to take it anyway h: wanted to. He got up and said ‘think it over. I’ll be back.’ I told him in forceful language not to come back be 1 cause I would not see him. He said he : was doing publicity work for the Roose | him anywhere before.’*7 Scofield said he did not ask the man ; his name.. Roosevelt Statement. Immediately after Scofield had dic tated his statement to newspaper men, I. B. Dunlap, Gov. Roosevelt's personal representative, issued the following statement: "No one has any authority in any j manner, shape or form to make any | such un-Rooseveltian suggestion. That Is not the Roosevelt way of doing busi ness. Mr Melvin Traylor would not accept an insult such as suggested.” James A. Parley, Roosevelt cam paign manager, called it a "ridiculous story.” He said no one doing publicity work for the Governor has any au thority “to do anything like this” and no one connected with the Roosevelt staff has done any such thing. Parley said that many delegates who I favor other candidates had been talk j ing to Roosevelt leaders, but denied there was any truth in the report that there was a deal between the Roosevelt i people and any other candidate by any ! authorized person. "We have not commissioned any one S to negotiate with any of the other i camps and no one has the authority I to do so," Parley said. Asked if he was seeking to stop the | exchanges between the camps, Farley ; replied with a question: "How can we stop them when we ! don't know who they are?” Traylor Not to Withdraw. When reached at his office at the ! First National Bank. Traylor raid: "I ! never knew of the thing until news ' j paper men called me early this morn ! Ing. Then I verified it from Mr. Sco | field. I have the highest regard for ’ j Mr. Scofield and have known him for ’ many years. This will in no way ’ change the relationship between us In i his effort In my behalf. I have been : too busy in the banking business the 1 last few days to pay much attention : to the campaign.” > j Col. R. G. Dunham, retired Chicago ! businessman and Traylor's “floor man • ager.” said his only Information on the subject came from Scofield. The Chicago banker said he had no j (Continued on Page 2. Column 4.) MEXICANS FLEE QUAKE i! -- MEXICO CITY, June 28 OP).—Dis i patches from Colima today said furthei earthquake shocks and loud subter ranean roars in the vicinity of the Colima volcano had frightened the in habitants on its slopes, and they were moving out of the danger zone, t Tidal waves continued to sweep > Cuyutlan. the dispatch said, adding tt i.1 the destruction caused by the tida wave that wrecked the city last wee! Roosevelt Men See Victory on First Poll. FAVORITE SONS STILL HOLD KEY Tammany Anxious to Get Behind Winner. BY G. GOULD LINCOLN, Stall Correspondent of The Star. CHICAGO, June 29.—A revital ized Roosevelt band-wagon was rolling again today. When the delegates to the Dem ocratic National Convention as sembled at noon today, the Reso lutions Committee, struggling over the liquor plank, was not ready to report. After the convention had been called to order by Chairman Thomas J. Walsh, a recess was ordered until 2 p.m., so as to give the Resolutions Committee time to appear with the platform. At 2:20 p.m. the convention took a recess until 7 p.m. Chairman Walsh announced he had been in j formed by the Resolutions Com ! mittee it would not be ready to finish its work before 4 o’clock. He suggested that the convention come back into session at 1 o’clock. Real Fight Expected. The platform, when It Is presented t< the convention, is expected to pre cipitate a real fight between the grout headed by Smith, Ritchie and othei .ifgtreme wjfU, who wl*b (a hwe. Uw ' party go on record as tawing repea i aiahlapnlh omArtHmpnt nnr modifying the Volstead act, pending re- j peal, so that light wines and beer may be manufactured and sold, and the Roosevelt group which, generally speak ing, desires to propose submission of an amendment to repeal the eighteenth j amendment, without having the party pledge itself to support repeal. In the subcommittee of the Resolu tions Committee, dominated by Roose- : velt people, the Smith proposal was \ turned down. The extreme wet plank i is likely to be brought before the con- t vention as a minority report from the Resolutions Committee. It can be de feated by a majority vote of the I convention. The Roosevelt forces, having organ I ized the convention to suit themselves, ! are anxious to get to the actual Job of nominating the party's candidate for Chief Executive. They were vastly confident tcday. Yesterday, with a series of blunders to their credit over the proposed abandonment of the cen- | tury-old two-thirds rule, they were ! anxious. They met the first test yes | terday with flying colors, however, j electing Senator Walsh permanent chairman of the convention and seat ing the Roosevelt delegates from Minne ■ sota and Louisiana. Yesterday’s Ballots. Their high mark in the balloting ! yesterday came on seating the Roose I velt delegation from Minnesota which I they accomplished bv a vote of 658 Vi | to 492%. The Walsh election over i Jouett Shouse, Democratic executive j chairman and candidate of the anti [ Roosevelt Democrats, was won by 626 to 528, while Senator Huey Long of Louisiana, the ‘Kingfish,” and his delegation were seated by a vote of 638% to 514',4. The goal of the Roosevelt leaders Is 770 votes for their presidential candi date, a two-thirds vote of the conven tion. James A. Farley, Roosevelt field marshal, insisted again today that his ' candidate would be nominated "on the I first ballot ” That is the story to which ! "Big Jim” has stuck for weeks and I months. He stuck to it on Monday night after Gov. Roosevelt had re pudiated the _contest which Farley was 1 (Continued on Page 3, Column 2.) MANY HURT IN RIOTS '! BOMBAY. India. June 29 (fP).—One , man was killed and 30 were seriously r injured today in a series of vicious riots j between Hindus and Moslems. Three uTere wounded wheri police fired ; i on a mob which had defied an order tc | disperse. Oil Parley Postponed. PARIS, June 29 (A3).—An interna tional oil conference which was to have ; begun here today was postponed until 1 tomorrow to permit informal talks ■ j among the delegates. ; CONGRESS MAY SPEND 4TH OF JULY ; WORKING, SNELL TELLS HOOVER ? _ -___ 1 3 Republicans to Insist on Staying Until Appropriations and e Acceptable Relief Bills Are Passed. ' The possibility that the House and Senate may celebrate the July Fourth holiday by working in their respective chambers was pointed out to President - Hoover today by Representative Snell, r Republican leader of the House. The New York Representative ln e formed Mr. Hoover that unless the - pending appropriation bills and the dt e rect relief measure are out of the way by Saturday he and many of his col p leagues will Insist that both branches of o Congress remain In session until the job il Is completed. ik. In visioning tbe possibility of work* i. ing on the holiday, Snell expressed doubt as to the possibility of adjourn ment before Saturday. He alio said that In the event the relief bill is vetoed by the President when it reaches him, the Republican leadership in the House will insist that Congress remain in ses sion until relief legislation that will meet with the approval of the President is enacted. Representative Snell told newspaper men after his cal! at the White House that he felt certain the pending supply bills would be out of the way today or tomorrow, but he could not say with (Continued on Page 2, Column 4.) LINDY TRIED TO SWIM SEA TO GET BABY, WITNESS SAYS Others Had to Hold Him Back When Storm Prevented Contact With Boat, Curtis Told Newspaper Man. FLEMINGTON, N. J.. June 29 (A1).— Col. Charles A. Lindbergh was described In testimony today as having at one time tried to leap into a stormy sea to swim to a boat on which he believed 1 his kidnaped baby was held lor ran i som As this statement was made. Col. Uadbergh, seated at the prcaecutifttt ’table, smiled broadly and turned to make a laughing remark to some one seated near him. W. E. Haskell, a newspaper executive, was on the stand at the third day’s session of the trial of John Hughes Curtis for hindering capture of the kid napers when this testimoney came out. “What did Curtis say of Col. Lind bergh’s efforts to swim to the alleged kidnap ship?” Prosecutor Anthony M. Hauck asked Haskell. “He said they sighted a boat, but high seas prevented getting close,” Haskell replied. “He said they had to restrain Col. Lindbergh from jumping overboard to swim to the other ship." Haskell told of Curtis' offer to sell his story of alleged negotiations with the kidnapers and said he was with him in New Jersey the day the baby's body was found. After this news was hint to telephone r home in Wor , er no matter what she reads in the next few days I am all right,” Haskell quoted him as saying. Under cross-examination by Lloyd Fisher, chief defense counsel, Haskell said he had visited Curtis in jail after he had confessed that all his negotia tions were a hoax, and Curtis at that time emphatically reaffirmed that he (Continued on Page 2, Column 5.) RAICHLE IS FREED By JUDGE LEITS Directed Verdict of Acquittal Ordered for Former Pitts Attorney. Frank G. Raichle. law partner of former Assistant Attorney General Wil , l.'am J. Donovan, was given a directed verdict of acquittal in District Supreme Court this afternoon on charges of subornation of perjury and obstruction of justice. Justice F. D. Letts announced after the luncheon recess that in his opinion ! the evidence was not sufficient to sup port the essential elements of the ! offenses charged: He called in the jurors and instructed them to return a verdict of not guilty on both counts in favor of the defendant. The charges were based upon docu mentary evidence Introduced at the j trial of G. Bryan Pitts and two asso ; ciates on conspiracy - embezzlement | charges a year and a half ago. The i particular evidence upon which the charges against Raichle were based con sisted of a number of authorizations and promissory notes purporting to show Pitts was entitled to money he was accused of embezzling from the F. H. Smith Co., which he controlled. Justice Bans Testimony. In announcing his decision to give the defendant a directed verdict, Jus | tlce Letts said: "I think the word ‘procure,’ used in 1 the subornation of perjury charge, is very definite. It means to initiate pro ceedings or cause a thing to be done, and does not mean the mere passive I permitting of an act. It mean* some thing more than standing by and per mitting some wTongful thing to be done. : even when the person accused knows it ! is to be done. In this case, sufficient evidence that Mr. Raichle initiated the j commission of perjury 1s lacking. "As to this count, and also as to the count charging obstruction of justice, the witnesses for the Government have been discredited and there is no evi | dence of a corroborative nature in the I record. The rule of evidence does not i require corroboration, but here the two essential witnesses are so utterly dis : credited that the court will assume the responsibility involved and strike the testimony of Pitts and John H. Edwards, Jr., and sustain the motion by the de fense for a directed verdict of not guilty.” The Government evidence against Raichle had begun to crumble as the prosecution rested after impeaching one of its principal witnesses. This development followed a tele phone conversation yesterday between Assistant Attorney General Nugent Dodds, in charge of the prosecution, and his superior. Attorney General Mitchell, which resulted in an abrupt adjourn ment of the case. Neil Burkinshaw. who assisted Dodds in the prosecution, announced the i Continued on Page 2, Column 8.) TO PEACE PARLEY Conference’s Immediate Aim Is Selection of Liberal Pres idential Candidate. By the Associated Press. TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras, June 29. —Gen. Augustino Sandino, Nicaraguan ! insurgent leadeh who has kept up a | constant warfare against the Nica raguan government and American Ma l rines for five years, has agreed to a peace conference, it was privately an J nounced here today. The plans for the conference, which j is to be held at San Lorenzo, a Hon | duran port, was brought about through ! the negotiation of Gen. Manuel Bal laaares, a prominent Sandino follower, : who recently talked with American ; officials from Nicaragua and with Gen. Sandino, the private advices said. There is a possibility, it was said, that an American observer may be asked to join in the parleys, at which powerful Nicaraguan political leaders, I probably the lour liberal candidates for president, will also sit in. together with Gen. Horacio Porto-Carrero, Gen. | Sandino's candidate. The four liberal candidates are Dr. ! Rodolfo Espinoza. Dr. Juan Bautista | Sacasa. Dr. Enoch Aguado and Dr. | Rosendo Arguello. Dr. Espinoza has I telegraphed from Managua accepting i the invitation and the acceptances of ! the others are expected soon. The immediate object of the con ference is the nomination of a single Liberal candidate from among these five. The obstacles are the difficulty of finding a man acceptable to Sandino, President Moncada and the Nicaraguan people, as well as Sandino's demand for the removal of supervision of the elec tions by American Marines. PAY CUT MEASURE Department Heads Uncertain on Furlough Feature. Rulings Needed. With the enforced payless furlough plan lacking only the expected signa ture of President Hoover to become law July I, the Government establishment today had turned its entire attention to charting operations for the forthcoming 12 months under the rigorous retrench ment involved not only by the furlough scheme, but also in some cases, its twin economy measure the flat 10 per cent slash in appropriations ordered by the Senate. The general economy bill was passed by the Senate last night, 35 to 11. In general, there was an uncertainty in the departments as to methods to be employed in administration of the leave without-pay feature, and a feeling that regulations would have to be promul gated by the controller general before any definite decisions could be reached. Thus far, it was said at the office of Controller General McCarl, there has been nothing devised because the econ omy measure has just gotten through the legislative mill. It was added, however, that action is expected. The deliberations of department heads also was slowed up by the in definite status of their appropriation bills. Three of these have gone to the White House and half a dozen others still are in conference. The last of these, the billion-dollar Treasury-Post Office measure, went through the Sen ate last night. The Senate's 10 per cent slash hit Interior, State, Commerce, Justice and Labor Departments. The last four are in one bill, the conference report on which is now in the House | after Senate passage. In this connection, it was made known today at the Commerce Depart ment that between the two economj moves the department employes face the prospect of a payless furlough ol two months—one compulsory, and the other, to keep within its appropriation and at the same time avoid any dis missals. This situation will apply throughout the department, it was said, but it wa* emphasized that no dismissals will be necessary. At the Commerce Department, too 1 there is an intention to await a ruling from the President to get uniformity lr requiring furloughs instead of dismissal* (Continued on Page 6, Column 1.) WHOLE COMMITTEE REJECTED PLATFORM Full Platform Group Objected t( Several Planks in Origi nal Draft. By th# Associated Press. CHICAGO, June 29.—The full Demo cratic Platform Committee bore dowr so heavily upon the draft brought In bj its subcommittee today that the con vention was forced to idle for severs: hours until the disputes raging ovei prohibition, tariff, silver and several other subjects could be ironed out. The first argument arose over whethei the tariff declaration should contain th< assertion that such levies would be "foi revenue only.” This proposal was pui forward by Senator Hull of Tennessee a low-tariff advocate and a Roosevelt supporter, and was finally adopted bj the full committee. A bitter contest impended on whethei the prohibition plank should declare simply for submission of a repeal reso lution to the people, or should record the party in favor both of repeal and immediate modification of the Volstead act. On sliver, the committee also accepted the subcommittee’s proposal pledging the party in favor of an Internationa: monetary conference “to rehabilitate silver.” Various substitutes for the sil ver plank were rejected. The continued debate caused leaden to abandon hope for a report by 2 o'clock and some predicted it would b< 4 o’clock before the platform would be ready for the convention. } . 10 REVISE TREATY MADE AT LAUSANNE Statement Answers MacDon ald’s Question of Conces sions Reich Could Give. MEETING IS EXPECTED TO END PARLEY TODAY Further Attempt to Reach Agree ment Will Be Made at Renewed Conference in Fall. By the Associated Press. LAUSANNE. Switzerland, June 29.— Franz von Papen, German chancellor, laid before the powers at the War Debts and Reparations Conference to day a demand for revision of the Ver sailles Treaty as a necessary prelim inary for German participation in the economic reconstruction of the world. In a statement to the press. Chan cellor Von Papen demanded that all : discrimination against Germany be re vised out of the treaty His statement was a reply to a question proposed by Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald of Great Britain yesterday asking what concessions Germany was ready to make. Can’t Re-establish Confidence. “World confidence cannot be es tablished,” the chancellor said, “if the powers which emerged victors from the World War do not decide to eliminate the discrimination created by the treaty of Versailles. “If, by revision of the treaty. Ger man equality and security is re-es tablished, then will the chancellor es teem it possible for Germany, In a common effort to reconstruct world economy, to pay her share in the form of a contribution which would have the natural result of re-establishing Ger man economic and business equilibrium as well as that of the world.” The conference approached what was expected last nght to be Its final meeting today under the shadow of prospective failure. Last minute efforts of Prime Minister MacDonald last night to bridge the gap between the German and French delegations came to naught. This momieg there- was another formal Interview between Chancellor von Papen and Premier Herrlot of France. When It was over M. Herrlot accompanied the chancellor to the door of the French headquarters, but there was none of that arm-in-arm cordiality which the two displayed last week. Demands Corridor Revision. { Later on It was learned, on good I authority, that the chancellor had told M. Herriot that Germsny demands re vision of the Polish Corridor and of the eastern frontiers and redistribution cf the world's gold supply. He explained that the new German attitude does not preclude discussion of reparations simultaneously with the consideration of treaty revision. This afternoon the British delegates were still trying to dig up a compro mise, but the French were packing their bags for Paris. Nevertheless the six principal powers I met again this evening. After less 1 than an hour Chancellor von Papen I emerged with Prime Minister MacDon > aid. • Well.’’ said the chancellor, ‘‘we’re not leaving Lausanne yet.” "No," said Mr. MacDonald, ‘‘we’re going to work on into the night.” In the Fall another attempt will be made, at another confei t nce, to smooth out the diljerences between Germany and Prance on reparations payments. Both the French and Germans ad mitted last night it was impossible for them to agree. The Germans continued (Continued on Page 2, Column 1.) $40,000 IS VOTED FOR MONEY PARLEY Senate Approves Fund Rejecting President's Plan for World Economic Conference. By the Associated Press. The Senate today voted *40.000 for the United States to take part in a world monetary conference, rejecting a recommendation of President Hoover that the fund be granted for an Inter national economic conference. This action, 45 to 8, came after Chair man Borah of the Foreign Relations Committee had asserted It would be use less to hold the world economic con ference since the Lausanne parley had apparently failed. Borah and other members of the Senate said that so far as they knew no monetary conference was planned for this year. The Senate, however, voted the fund on the insistence of silver advocates. As presented originally by Senator Oddie. Republican. Nevada, the meas ure asked *40.000 for United States attendance at an economic conference expected to be called by Great Britain and held In London this year. It was recommended by the President in a message to the Senate. HUNDREDS DROWNED IN YANGTZE FLOODS Thousands More Made Homeless as Chinese River Continues to Rise. By the Associated Press. NANKING, China, June 29—Hun dreds of farmers in the valley of the Kan River have been drowned and thousands are homeless as a result of floods which are continuing in the Yangtze district. The city of Nanchang was threatened and the people were working as hard as they could to strengthen the dikes. Word from Hunan Province said flood conditions were getting worse and that in some places the water is over the roots of the cottages. Cholera is adding to the misery of the people and in many towns there are serious epidemics. >