Newspaper Page Text
CIRCULARS PROHIBITED. In order to protect its advertisers from receiving circular matter, it is expressly understood and agreed that all such matter will he withheld as far as possible by The Star. Only bona fide apiwers to advertisements addressee^ to box numbers in care of The Stai" will be delivered to adver tisers on presentation of the box numfeer ticket. HELP—MEN*. bookkeeper™assistant to handle ac counts receivable, some knowledge of typinr. Αΐνν·ϋ?Γ own handwriting, κίνιη* aie. past employment, salary expected. Address Box •*13-a. Star offlce. BOOKKEEPER AND ACCOUNTANT ~ With commercial experience. Address Box 122-H, Star office, stating age. references, length of service and salary expected. * COAL CLERK, experienced preferred: rood Opening for energetic young man of good personality and unquestioned integrity s: nu* age and reference. Adtlress Box 192-H. Star office. COLLECTOR wanted, on commission basis; experience necessary. Address Box 184-H, Star office. BRIVER. Chevrolet tiump~trucK. experienced^ white; $50 month. P. O. Box 1261. INVESTMENT SALESMEN, experienced' an excellent proposition, leads furnished. W. B. Williams. 9fo Eye st. n.w. ΛΙΑΝ of ability, education and appearance; inust come well recommended for honesty. Address Box 159-H. Star office. 20· MESSENGER BOYS with motor cycles' $15 ' guaranteed. Apply 1410 Eye st η w · ROUTE BUILDER. s.e. man only. Wonder lui opportunity for a hustler, Salary nnd commission. Aoply Washington Laundry. 2 LnH 2 . n w' ®ee λίΓ· Neumann bet. ο ana ο P.m. SALESMAN with carT~iϊΐΓ leads furnished*. Bon? Bldtr B'm' * Flnn> 206 ftnd 207 SALESMAN—Local firm, established 14 years. • ÎÛ -°ADenin?T ior agressive man between 25 and o0. Call on established trade. Apply with references. Mr._01dkam._J18 Woodward Bldg. SALESMEN to sell new Chevrolet and used automobiles. Makely Motor Co., East Falls Church. Va. je· (Italian speaking)", experienced. 8P £'g«rVÎ ass "ÎP.Ç0!!110"1 l08ds furnished, w. B. Williams. 915 Eye st. n.w. j ^imCtiALTy J SALESMEN, with experience. I Initiative and self-confidence, to introduce a I high-grade service; easy seller; real commis- I aftl1 rapid promotion. Call in person, I uoB Bin st. n.w. 18* TELEPHONE SALESMEN, experienced: οηΐτ those with reference need apply; salary. 1426 , κ st. n.w.. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. TinU?F·» IHOVSR8. Fords and Dodges; $10 i and $12 per week: young white men who ' vint * future. Address Box 190-H. Star I omce S ( 4)—Good job. steady pay: ! 53 ana *5 mt day State experience and1 wa«es in full. Address Box 189-H. Star , Omce. I RELIABLE-MA X~WAMTKO. I °PfPinK for ambitious man with car I w»*"l *25 * week at start, established route supplying soaps' and groceries to farm customers. Perma nent connection. with (rood future. See Mr. ! Barth on Saturday. September 17. at 7 p.m., at George Mason Hotel. Alexandria CHAUFFEURS. ~ Experienced Reliable Taximen to Drive Washington's Smartest Taxicab. ' BLUE LIGHT CAB CORP.. I 2047 L· ST. N.W. MEN WANTING POSITIONS. The representative of one of the leading Corporations of the country will be in Wash ington Monday interviewing men of this section who are desirous of immediate em ployment and who have the necessarv quali Γαβν°»ηΛ" Men selected will be from 25 to 40 years of age. who have clean records. J ho are neat appearing willing to work' hard, long hours and follow instructions. ' rnis in return for good earnings and excel îîaVv °ΡηorÎunities for Promotion. The ordi chaser need not waste his time or >ou can meet- these requirements an<* can stand the lifting process of selec tion. write the undersigned for appointment giving name, address, ace. if own auto o'l Jloua PROFESSION. BUSINESS or TRADE* and if available at once The omrmnv USSfXA onllr ln men ' ho wani " perma nent business connection. In writinc for ™31·ΐΐη' ilve. telephone number where . he reached readily; letter treated confidentially Address Mr. J w Smifhson. care of_ Hamilton_HoteI. Washington. D Ο CHRISTMAS CARD SALESMEN FREE! FREE} FREE! TRIP TO CHICAGO WORLD F\IR —to those selling $1.500 or more bv end ot season and possibility to earn S-.? weekly with America's fastest selling- line of 85 personal Christmas | « ards and two 21-card ass'ts paving! 50c and $1 profit with MONEY RACK GUARANTEE! No expert-1 ence needed. We deliver and collect. SAMPLES FREE! Investigate now 7Λ5 „ PROCESS CORPORATION. I 1126 Natl Près» Bldg. TWO YOUNG MEN WHO ÂRF AMBITIOUS TO LEARN SALES MANSHIP; WE WILL TRAIN YOU TO EARN MORI·'. MONEY THAN YOU COULD POSSIBLY EARN SELLING ANY OTHER COM THIS IS A PERMA NENT POSITION. CALL Ν1 TIONAL 4933 BETWEEN 1 AND 4 P.M. FOR APPOINTMENT HELP—MEN AND WOMEN. MAN AND Wire, white; will give room and board for couple if wife will cook for small boarding house, white. 2300 19th st. n.w. 1 MAN AND WIFE <white, prefer Germanl couple) as butler, houseman, cook and laun dress: very moderate salary: excellent rrfs. necessary. Address Box 105-H, Star office. I 18 WANTED—SALESMEN. SALES OPPORTUNITY for a few high-type men; leads, co-operation: security experi ence will help; must have car. Apply morn ings. Paramount Packers, 8th and Main sts., I Laurel. Md. 18· SALESMEN—We have positions open in our I sales department for two salesmen, selling I new and used Ford cars and trucks: must have transportation. See Mr. Hereford. 1 Logan Motor Co , 1810 Ε st. n.w. INSTRUCTION COURSES. FRENCH. SPANISH. ENOUSH. MANU- ! scripts criticized, corrected and marketed. 1 National 6264. Branch 607. JAZZ—Popular music In 20 lessons; free les sons If you buy instruments. Christenscn School 718 11th at. n.w. Dist. 1278 Bk'lt. BE A BEAUTICIAN. LEARN GOOD BEAUTY culture the kind that pays well, the kind th-U is tailght ONLY at the MABELLE HONOUR SCHOOL 'est. 1918>. Washington's original and finest school. New finance plan to assist worthy students. $25. Kit of tools FREE with complete course this week. 818 14th st. n.w . and_1325_fT_H._ave. n_w. 1 AUTO DRIVINO LESSONS, ANY HOUR, anywhere: your car or ours; licensed white men. Adams 3489. YOUNG MAN IS DESIROUS OF 8TUDYING mechanical dentistry during the evening. Address Box 107-H. Star office. 17· j "FRENCH—PRIVATE LESSONS : TUTORING"; reduced rates. 1450 Girard st. n.w. Col. 8194-J. 1»· AUTO DRIVING LESSONS. ANY HOUR OR anywhere: your car or ours; licensed white men. Adams 3489. LEARN ΒHAUTY CULTURE. 10'. discount on all courses If enrolled on or before October 1. Start any time. MODERN SCHOOL OF BEAUTY CULTURE, 655 Earle Theater Bldg. ^ BUSINESS INSTRUCTION. MATHEMATICS—Stittsticel clerk. POLICE. FIREMAN, stenography, typewriting, speed dictation and complete secretarial course. Tuition. *5. The Civil Service Preparatory School, s.e. cor. 12th and Ρ n.w. Met. 6337. · EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. BOTHERS EXCHANGE has cooks, maids, houseworkers: day. wp»k, month; references Investigated. Dec. 3551. 1837 11th St. η w. ocia* THK GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. Men and women students available for cooking, housework, tutoring, gardening, driving, caring for children, etc.. in ex change for room and board. Phone Nat. I 6462. Ext. 38. 714 21st St. n.w, | " HELP—WOMEN. I BOOKKEEPER — Young woman to handle accounts receivable, some knowledge typing. Answer own handwriting, giving age. past •frployment. salary expected. Address Box 4ΐβ*8. Star office. j COOK, white; must be competent to take j complete charsre of Conking for 100 people per day. State experience and salary ex- i pected._Address Box 436-S. Star office. _ HIGH-SCHOOL GRADUATE to work in school office two hours daily, in exchange ior secretarial course: state aee and edu cation. Address Box 131-H. Star office. LADIES, refined, to meet the better class of people. Applv 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. See Mr. Restivo. 206 and 20T_Bond Bldg. MARCELER, experienced. Apply between 10 and 11 a.m. Greene s, 225 National Press Building MOTHER'S HELPER, white; light house Work; no washing and Ironing: one child; will not be treated as servant. Room, board and small salary. Greenwood 2366. MOTHER'S HELPER—$12 per month, room and hoard; reference required. Call 4849 Kansas ave. n.w. 18· SCftOOLOIRL. refined. Eastern or Junior High, for light duties in exchange for good home. Apply Sunday. Apt. 1. 1705 East Capitol It. !?*_ TEACHERS, resident or non-resident, for small, private school opening September Stete crades, oualiflrntions and salary ac ceptable. Child s tuition given in exchange for part-time secretarial work. Address Box 149-H. Star office. HELP—WOMEN. (Continnrd.) SEAMSTRESS wanted in a tailor shop. 2513 Pa. ave. n.w. TYPIST—State experience and salary de sired. Address Box 437-S. Star office. \VEA\ EH on burns, tears and moth holes. French Weaving Co.. 1105 G st. n.w.. Room j 301. WOMEN for solicitors: sood opportunity. For interview phone Georgia MW. YOUNG WOMAN as child's nurse, after noons, 1 to 6 except Wed. and Sun.: !3 15 and car fare: references. Address Box 142-H. Star office. AN" EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTÙXI TY FOR 5 LADIES OF REFINE MENT. THIS WORK IS OF A DIGNIFIED Ν A Τ U R Ε AND SHOULD APPEAL TO THOSE SEEKING PERMANENT EM PLOYMENT. FOR PERSONAL INTERVIEW SEE MRS. HOUGH. BETWEEN 1 AND 4:30 P.M., 1121 VT. AVE. SALES WOM EN. Only live-wire women need apply. Big" commissions and ex penses. Car helpful but not necessary. Call Miss Staton, 301 Metropolitan Rank Rldp. WANΤED—S ΕΥΕΚΛL LADIES. Full or part time work, must have references. Those who ] quality will he well remunerated for their efforts. No selling. Call ; between 10 and 12 a.m. and 2 and j 4 p.m., room 501, Washington j BMg. __ A THOROK ".IIIΛ" HXPERI ENCED CURTAIN AND DRAPERY WOMAN WITH EXECUTIVE ABILITY AND DECORATIVE TASTE TO AS-1 SIST IN OUR DRAPERY DE PARTMENT. ALL INFOR-j MATION WILL BE TREATED CONFIDENTIALLY. APPLY! IN PERSON. MR. MARKS,j THE PALAIS ROYAL, 11th! AND G STS. N.W., DRAPERY I DEPT. HELP—DOMESTIC. j HOUSEKEEPER in motherless home, family of three: must be industrious; fair salary. Address Box 89-H. Star office. · HOUSEKEEPER, white, sinVle. worker; , apartment and 2 children: $20 mo., room. ' board. Apply 10 a.m . Sunday, 121 12th st. s.c . No. 20. · YOUNG GIRL for general housework, take care of two children; German preferred. Adams 6260-J. SITUATIONS—MEN. GARDENER. Scandinavian, wants position on private estate: experienced, references. Address Box 141 -H. Star office. 18· __ MAN. married, with over 40 years' experi ence in general farming. Steele raising and fruit growing, wants position at either or all above occupations. Address Box 124-H. Star office. 18* _ PAINTING—8 hours' first-class workman ship. Î4 : can furnish references. Call Mr. Harper. North 8869 18* SHOE SALESMAN, experienced, also depart ment store experience. H. W. Colborn. Apt. 42. 1830 California at. Dec._2094-W. YOUNG MAN with some training and talent wishes chance to learn sign making or card writing. Driving permit: nominal wages. Address Box 1S7-H. Star office. 1®1_ YOUNG MAN wants work as gardener on an estate or with nursery; experienced. Jo seph Clark, telephone Cleveland 6714. 18* YOUNG MAN. experienced. 10 years as fore man in large envelope mfg. plant, traffic, shipping, pecking, receiving: executive abil itv. Address Box 144-H. Star office. 18· YOUNG MAN. 18. high-school graduate, will work fer 16 a wk.; exp. grocery clerk; will ing to work hard; best refs, Lin. 5914-J. i·· YOUNG MAN, colored, reliable, wants place as 2nd cool:. George Mahony, 1774 You st. n.w. Pot. 0955. YOUNG MAN, age 25. experienced stenogra pher, bookkeeper, clerk; graduate of Stray er s Business College. Emerson 0453. 18· SITUATIONS—WOMEN. BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly competent, flne experience; am notary public : can furnish best refs. Address Box 163-H, Star office. 18· GIRL, 'intelligent) wishes lunch room or housework with good family; good laun dress; references. Phone North 3588. HOUSEKEEPER- GOVERNESS: motherless children preferred; French. English, piano; expert in physical care of children; highest references. Phone Decatur 5909-J. *8^_ LABORATORY TECHNICIAN, experienced, desires position; knowledge of X-ray; best credentials; six years of college work. Ad dress Box 182-H. StarOffice. ·__ P. Β X; OPERATOR; can do filing or cleri cal work; will accept $12 week. Phone Wis. 3716. _ REGISTERED NURSE wants part-time work; doctor's office preferred: reasonable salary. Address Box 53-11^ Star^office^ 18* STENOGRAPHER, typist, general office work, knowledge of bookkeeping: permanent, tem porary: full or part time; good references. Lin. 8208-J. TEACHER. NURSE, refined and experienced, desires position as companion, practical nurse, care of invalid: reas. Lin. 10428. 18· TUTOR high-school or college students who desire assistance of private instructor In history. Address Box 183-H. Star office. 18· WIDOW, refined American, free to travel, desires position as companion or housekeep er (small îamlly»; is very capable and ex cellent cook; no washing; A-l reference. Addre's Box 154-H. Star Office. 19· WIDOW. 33 unencumbered, wishes position, housekeeper, hostesss; willing assist ell du ties; club, bachelor apt . small hotel, etc.; best ref : 10 years' practical experience For aopcijitment call Decatur 5909-J 13" WOMAN" white, wants place as mother s helper or any kind part-time work. Atlan tlr. 2471-1 _ 1»*_ YOUNG LADY, experienced stenographer and typist, desires position; also typing at horn*. Adams 2894. 18' SITUATIONS—MEN AND WOMEN. GERMAN "MAN AND WIFE wish positions", man as chauffeur or butler, wile as cook; country preferred: first-class reference». Address Box 88-H. Star office. 18· SITUATIONS—DOMESTIC. AMERICAN WIDOW Wishes permanent posi- | tion. parlor and chamber maid: willing as sist butler: best ref. Call Dcc. 59Q9-J. 18· COOK, best references, perfectly reliable, j thoroughly honest: have had entire charge of household. 1824 Florida IW. H.t. COOK, good- whole or part time. Address Box 91-H.Sfr.r_ effiee. 17· I OERHAN GIRL, refined, wants any kind work. 25c hour. 8 hours day: no cooking: go Itomc nights. Address Box 85-H. Star office. It* GENERAL HOUSEWORK and day's work done by womnn with reference; curtains also done. North 4481. GIRL, colored, reliable, wants day's work or generel housework; good fast worker. Call Adams 8521-J. » GIRL. Virginian, wants place as general houseworker; references. Adams 0699 ?629 Sherman ave. n.w. GIRL colored, neat, desires work as gen eral houseworker or nurse. Call N. 8602. GIRL, colored, desires day's work or part time: good reference. Call Columbia 25ββ or 755 Hobart pi. n.w. GIRL, colored, neat, wishes place a* cham bermaid or general houseworker in small family^ goodreference. Phone Col. 5β»5. GIRL, colored, wants 8 hours work; maid, pantry, chambermaid or hotel work of any kind. Phone Dec. 3317. 22* GIRL, colored, neat, wants place as maid or mother's helper: stay nights. 34 R st. I n.w. Pnone North 9419. GIRL, colo-ed. neat. desires 7work" as maid rr gen'-il housework; good Ht» ref». Call Put. 4365. aitu/iiiuna—uunibsiiu (Continued.) __ OIRL, colored. experienced, Intelligent, re liable. as maid, waitress, leneral houaework er, plain coo!:; full or part time. Ad. β7β9. _17?_ HOUSEKEEPER · COMPANION to tmployed lady in exchange for room, board, small compensation: experienced. Address Box 150-H._8tar offlce._ » LADY, white, widow, unencumbered, wlahea work of any kind: food cook, housekeeper, practical nurse: experienced: city references. Apply M. F Gardner. 451S Rock Creek Ch. rd. η e Adams 3029-R. H* WOMAN, colored, wishes Job as cook: 20 years reference. Potomac 6187. 173« 13th st. n.w WOMAN. Virginian, wants a Job as cham bermaid. waitress or g. h. w.; city ref. Phone No 6139 811 R at. n.w. WOMAN, colored, neat, wants place as gen eral houseworker; first-clasa references. Phone Ga. 9830. PERSONAL. The rate under heading of Personal Is 3 cents per line additional to th· regular line rate. MONEY ADVANCED ON VfATCHES DIA monds, Jewelry, antiques, gold, «liver, pa*n tickets. Livingston. 601 13th n.w Nat. 5649. IDEAL VIRGINIA HOME SCHOOL FOR children 3 to 10 years; 17 years' experience; playgrounds: scientific feeding. Number lim ited. Reasonable. For information address Home School 4522 15th st. η w. Phone Col. 1847^afte^é ρ m. · NURSE IN NEW. MODERN HOUSE. WILL care for convalscents or elderly persons, special diet. Clev 2885. KINDERGARTEN. Ρ R I MARY GRADES: TERM SEPT. 19: FRENCH MUSIC DANC ING. 16th ESTATE. TRANSP. COL. 1848. 22· WHEN DEATH STRIKES A FAMILY THERE is no need to feel that they must accept In terior funeral services, due to inability to pay a high price The Greater W W Chambers Co offers a complete funeral, ears and all. for as little as *75. World'» finest waterproof, airtight, guaranteed, steel burial vault may be had from Chambers for $85. In case of death call the Greater W W. Cham bers Co.. 14th. cor. Chaoin n.w Col 0432 Phone or write your address. We will send ▼ou a beautiful catalogue of how we do tt HEMORRHOIDS (PILES) ERADICATED BY my own method; results for life or money back. Write for booklet Dr. SOMMER WERCK. 1383 Colurnbia rd. Adams 0383. REFINED MOTHER AND TWO CHILDREN" ares 4 end 8. want home with private fam ily. Northwest section, near school. AddreiS Box 211-H. Star office. _____ WANT TRANSPORTATION DAILY l*ROM 13th and Girard to Rise* rd. pnd Blair rd. at 8 a.m.: white driver. Col. 9320-J. A GOOD DINNER EVERY DAY. 4 30 TO 8 30 . 50 cents: fried chicken Sunday. Tues day and Thursday; «ιχ or eight vegetables. MISS SUDDERTH. 1401 L st η w I WILL SELL MY BEAUTIFUL CHRYSLER Royal Syrian, cost $1.875. for less than $400: Clev. 2937. 4421 Pemenden st.n.w. EXCLUSIVE CONVALESCENT REST-HOME: ideal surrounding* food scientifically p-<* pared: newly furnished and decorated, radio. phove 1-ns* Kennedy n.w. 17· FRENCH GIRL. 18. SPEAKINO ENGLISH, high-school graduate, desires position caring for and teaching children in good family: excellent references. Address Box 164-H, Star office. 19^ EVERY CARE GIVEN INVALIDS. CONVA le^cents and agpd by nurse in her own home. Adams 7363. 1833 Kalorama rd. FLOORS CLEANED AND WAXED—9 BY 12 rooms. 75c. Reference. Col. 3718-J MOTOR TRAVEL. PASSENGER WANTED FOR MIAMI. FLA . very reasonable; leaving soon. 19 Evarts st. n e. * CARS MEMPHIS CHICAGO. DETROIT. Louisville. West Coast. Universal Travel Bureau. 996 Nat. Press Bldg . 531 14th. Nat. 7073. · CARS NEW ORLEANS. MIAMI. ATLANTA. Tulsa. Dallas, Los Angeles. Memphis U. S. Travel Bureau. "*221 Penna Met. 7411 · WANT TRANSPORTATION TO ST LOUIS. Call Mr. Willard. Lincoln 0844. 611 Ε n e. !8· U N C STUDENTS —Three seats in 1332 Chevrolet serten leaving Sunday morning for Chapel Hill. Room 430. Dodze Hotel. · RHU.TIMt.TiUtU M.KVlL't. The following business concerns guarantee satisfaction to Star read ers. Any complaint found necessary to be made to The Star wi:i receive prompt attention. For admission to Recommended Service Column call National 5000. Branch 215. ACME UPHOLSTERING CO. REUPHOLSTERINO and SLIP COVERS: expert work at LOWEST PRICES Estimates free, ila PA. AVg. W.W. WET 1U3. 17» BEDDING. MATTRESSES, box springs and pillows reno.; best prices and prompt del Wash Mattresa Co . 319 L St. s.w. Nat. 8679 BUILDING & REMODELING by competent builder. Plumbing. heating, tinning, carpenter work. etc. High-class work. H. Berenter. 4927 9th n.w. Adanis 8855. se26» CARPENTER—Contracting. building. general repair work of all kinds: guaranteed J. E. Peek, Atl. 1146-W. 1513 Trinidad ave. n e. 18· CARPENTER, builder, parages, porches in closed. painting, general repairs, floors: go anywhwe: reasonable. Hart. Lin. 5433-W. · CARPENTER, general repairing, all-metal weather stripping, fences built, concrete work. Brinlng._Adami_1624. 1359 Taylor n.w. CARPENTER — Lowest prices possible on porch work, partitions, shelving, general re pairs. remodeling: neat work: satisfaction. Atlantic 8059-W any time. 20· CHAIR CANËING 7P»:S stertng. Armstrong. 1235 10th n.w. Met. 2082. CHIMNEY and furnaces vacuum cleaned. $3: roof repairing, painting floors; work all kind». Day Capitol Height» «2. 17* ELECTRIC WIRING. FIXTURES AND REPAIRS. β rooms, 2 halls, bath, complete with fix tures. $35: workmanship guaranteed Regal Electric Co . 819 Upshur n.w. Col. 8391. Electrical House Wiring —by experts. Best for less. 8tar Electric Co., 4927 9th n.w. Adams 8855. se26* ~ ELECTRIC WIRING. β rooms, bath complete with fixtures, $35; also alterations and repairs. GAMBRELL ELEC. CO. 2441 18th St. N.W. Col. 7855. 24· FLOOR WORK every description, reason able. guaranteed: also sanding machines rented. L. T._Folk. Cleveland 0628. FLOOR WORK, expert: old floors made like new: prices reasonable; work guaranteed. W. C. Deaton. 4227 8th St. n.w. Col. 7682. FLOOR SURFACING, reflnishlng. waxing" polishing, carpentering, house cleaning, de mothlng. Estimates given. Phone Adpms 9570-W. 19* FI (*ORS Sewed or sanded and refln· Ished. sanding machlnea rent ed Earle Jordan. Lin 5785 HEATING AND PLUMBING, new and repair ing; oil burners included; terms. 227 9th it. n.e. Lincoln 0272. Home Repairs & Improvements. Have one reliable firm do all your needed repairs and Improvements now. Take ad vantage of present low prices. No' Down Payment Required. First payment in November, then pay as little as $5.00 Monthly. Call us for free estimate on papering, painting, plastering, cementing, roofing, car pentering. plumbing, heating, garages, addi tions. inclosing porches, etc. General Contracting Co., Inc. 923 NEW YORK AVE. N.W. Plat. 5882. DistMWi KEYS MADE: locks, trunks, suit cases, door checKs repaired: day and night service. American Locksmith Co.. 2824 14th n.w. Cot. 4588. PAINTING. PAPERING—I Co my own work: you get better quality; rooms. S5 up Call Met» any time. Col. 0896. PAINTING, floors, carpentering, tinning, plastering by skilled mechanics. Paul Se rene._23 Ν. Y. are, n.w. Tel. Nat. 3866. PAPERING. S4 PKR ROOM. Painting, plastering. Blue Ridge Decorat ing Co.. Columbia 0674. 17* PAPERING—S rooms and 2-story hall. »45; latest papers, clean work. Quick service: »l*o painting. Will call evenings. Adam» MM PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING—No job too small. I aim to please. Lin. 743*. Col. 3930-W. PAPERHANGING. PAINTING—Good work, written guarantee, at 15 up; latest samples, estimates free. Spigel. Col. 0043. 1» PAPERHANGING—Plrst-clasi paperhanring done at once, »4 a room. Including paper, and up; work «uaranteed. Pot. 4217-J. 20* ΒΕ·νι/ιηιηΐιηυκυ m.nt ινχ. (Continued.) * ΡΑΡϋΠΗΑΝΟΙΝα. Dalntln» and floor scrap ing. For better work, les* money, service and ouality. Open day and night. Work guaranteed and ber.t materials Estimates flven cheerfully. Kevstone Decorating Co.. nc . 3541 14th et. η w._ Adams 1344. ___ PAPERHANOINO. painting, plastering, neat, clean work; low prices: by responsible local ; mechanic. Baits. 601 Irving st. ti ». Col. { 1889 ΓΑPEKING AND PAINTING. Rooms papered or painted. $4 up: Interior and exterior painting. Earle Jordan. Lin. 5765. PAPERHANOINO—Rooms papered, S4 and up; estimate fur.; work guaranteed A. T. George, 2129 18th at. η v.. Apt.2. Dee. «149. PAPERHANGING-AV„°r" p,Ô?er" Denny's Book. #39 N. Y. ave. n.w. Nat. 0835. PIANO TlTNiNG, $2.50. William Woolley. 913 10th st η e. Lin- j coin 8166-J. Estimates free. Repairs rea- ! soη able. _ work gua rant °ed. ocl· PLUMBING. FRrE ESTIMATES— WE BAVE ! you money. Small monthly payments. City and suburbs Call CARL. Met 9087. or ' Berwyn 89. _11JÏ 9 h St N.W. · PLUMBING—Special low prices on all plumb- j lng; estimates free; small monthly payments. Phone Metropolitan 0854. M. J. Clement. Nights. Georgia 671®. RELIABLE UPHOLSTERING CO. UPHOLSTERING, Repairing. Cabinet Work Reflnishlng 'work guaranteed» Lowest prices. 2402 14th st. j n.w. Col. 2132. SALE—AUTOMOBILES. ! AUBURN 1931 COUPE, custom-built model: 6 wire wheels, numerous extras; marvelous condition; >560: terms _ 1437 Monroe st._ · AUBURN. 1932 CUSTOM 12 SEDAN -Brand new . β wire wheels, dual pear ratio. Terms and trade considered: 11,195. Mott Motors. Inc . 1530 14th_st. η w. ! BUICK CLUB SEDAN. 1929 SERIES 121 Perfect in every detail. Appearance lust like new upholstery spotless. Special. $345: easy terms. Triangle Motor Co., 2 New York ave. n.w. BUICX 1928 SEDANS—Master and standard; both cars in excellent condition. This was Bulck's most popular model. Come in and make us offer on either rar. Callan Motor Co.. Inc., Franklin Distributors, 1527-29 M st. η w. Dlst. 3458. BUICK SEDAN. 1928: motor, paint, tires, upholstery and general appearance A-l. price right. 2819 M st North 2018 CADILLAC-Rebuilt, new paint, new b. t t*ry. 7-pass. sedan One of the best buys in town. Apply 1307 Kenron st. n.w. 18· CHEVROLET COACH. 1932: bargain for quick sale. S495: trade, terms. Barry-Pate Motor Co 1360 Park rd Adams 10202 CHEVROLET 1932 SPORT COUPE, $495, act fiwickly._ Adams 10202. CHEVROLET COUPE 1928—Very food con dition. Will se'.l for *75. Georgia 0725. CHEVROLET 1931 CABRIOLET—5 000 miles. like a new car; 5385. owner private party. Call Mr. Nelson. Lincoln 9125 CHEVROLET SEDAN. 1928 pood top paint, tires and engine; $55 down, balance month ly. Bary-Pate Motor Co . 1360 Park rd. Adam* 10:202. CHEVROLET COACH. 1930 dark "maroon finish, new tires; looks like a new car $385; terms. Barry-Pate Motor Co., 1360 Park rd. Adams 10202. CHEVROLET SEDAN. 1930— Excellent con dition: 4 new tires, beautiful Duco paint, motor in perfect running order. Will sacri fice «his car for «295. Can arrange easy terms. Call Col. 5960 CHEVROLET " 1929 4-DOOR " SEDAN—Good condition. At a real price and easy terms. Lincoln 9185. CHEVROLET 1931 LANDAU PHAETON Most exoenslve car made by Chevrolet: 9.000 miles: cannot trade but can get It financed: *375. Call between 6 and 8. De cp.tur 2938-W. CHEVROLET SPORT ROADSTER. 1930 new tan top. new paint Job. new tires: worth $25 more than asking price of $245 terms aud trade. Harry-Pate Motor Co., 1350 Park rd. A^am* 10202. CHEVROLET COACH. 1930; perfect in every detail; see this one before you buy, $285. Barrr-Pate Motor Co., 1360 Park rd. Adams 10202. ! CHEVROLET SPORT COUPE. 1929- Rumble .^eat; A-l condition, sacrifice. $175. 711 Η ι st._n.w. _ · ! CHEVROLET CABRIOLET COUPE, late l.°8; rumble seat; flrst-ciass condition; $35, la 4y. ! Upstilrg, 1107 ISth st. n.w. CHEVROLET 1930 ROADSTER Γ rumble r" it ; S26.*>: terms: low mileage: like new paint, upholstery, motor. 1437 Monroe st.. today. · CHRYSLER 70 ROADSTER 3 new tires, paint and engine good; $75. Call Adams 10202. ! CHRYSLER 1931 ΕΙΟΗΤ-CYLINDËR SPORT 1 Coupe—Complete equipment includes rumble ι seat, well fenders and six wire wheels. ΑΡ I pearance and performance like n*w $895 I Warfleld Motor Company. 1130 Conn. ave. 4 1 n.w., Dist. 4350. Open evenings and Sun- 1 day. 1 DE SOTO SEDAN. 1930: looks like new, lias had wonder ul care: any investigation; cash or terms. Clev. 6180. | DODGE VICTORY SIX — Good condition: I private owner. Dec. 4740-W for appointment. 1»« ! bODOE SEDAN, 1927—Leather upholstery, one of the old falthfulj. very good con- I dltion. Special. 173. Triangle Motor Co. . 2 New York ave, n.w. I ESSEX COACH, late 1928; nice appearing car for only $65; open evenln»». Loeffler Mo tor Co.^li Pa. ave. se ESSEX COACH. 1930—Brand-new black j Duco finish. Motor has been carefully checked and tuned. An attractive car and readv to Rive many miles of satisfactory service. Only $225; easy terms. Pohanka Service. 1126 20th st. n.w.. Nat. 0070. ESSEX SUPER SIX" COACH-—Clean car. rood ' tires: runs fine: sell for storage bill, only <39. , NolanMotor Co . 1111JEighteenth st. n.w. FORD 1931TOWN SEDAN—Privately owned: ! perfect condition: any demonstration; $235 or best cash offer. Adams 10319. rORD VICTORIA. 1931—First-class con dition: run 7.000 miles: $350. Address Box 200-H. Star office 23· FORD 1929 TUDOR—Your family and friends will admira Its excellent appear ance and performance: economical too. at <119: easy terms. Triangle Motor Co., 2 [ New York ave._n.w. FORD TUDOR SEDAN. 1929—Fine appearing car: price, only S115: terms: cpen evenings. Loeffler Motor Co.. 215 Pa. ave. i.e. FORD COUPE. 1930. de luxe convertible: new tires and battery: well fenders: excel lent condition throughout Clev. 1842. Ar.k for John Reevw. garage manaaer. FORD '31 COUPE, de luxe, standard: almost new: special upholstering. cowl lights, etc.; sacrifice. «275. _ West 0648. FORD 1930 Tolttl SEDAN—Mechanical per formance equal to new. and tires excellent: upholstery spotless. Special. s279: eary terms Triangle Motor Co.. 2 New York aye, n.w. FORD TUDOR SEDAN, 193S. model A: equipped with good tiras: only $85: open eve nings. Loeffler Motor Co.. 215 Pa. ave. s.e. FORD TOWN SEDAN. LATE 1931— Excellent condition. Must see to appreciate, Owner will sacrifice. HOP. Ctll Worth 47M-J eves. FORD 1930 TUDOR—Dark blue finish like brand-new. new rubber all around: mechan ical condition perfect. Special. $24V easy terms. Others as low as 1219. Triangle Motar Co 2 New York ave. n.w. FORD 1929 STANDARD COUPE—Fine con dition; sell for unpaid notes, only $159. on terms. Nolan Motor Co.. 1111 Eighteenth st.n.w. FORD VICTORIA, late 1931—Actual mileage. 4 612: heavy duty tires: positively looks lust like new: the cleanest car you ever saw; special. $379: easy terms. Triangle Motor Co . 2 Ν. Y. ave.· n.w. FORD 1931 DE LUXE ROADSTER—One ) owner's car. thows r.ew-car appearance: low mileage: mechanically pcrfcct. Special. *315; easy terms. Triangle Motor Co.. 2 New York ave n.w. FORK 1930 TOWN SEDAN—Fine condition. The unpaid notes amount to $269: can re finance. legal dept. Nolan Motor Co., 1111 Eighteenth st. n.w. FORD lfll STANDARD COUPE—Beautiful, same as new; has many extras. Only $310. on terms. Dist. 4100. Nolan Motor Co.. 1111 Eighteenth at. n.w. FORD 1930 ROADSTER—Consider economy, appearance and condition, then buy this fine car for orly «193: easy terms. Tri angle Motor Co.. 2 New York are, n.w. FORD COUPÉ. 1930—Repossessed and to be sold for unpaid balance: excellent condition throughout. Don't miss · this bargain United Finance. 943 Ν. Y. ave. n.w. ι FORD FORDOR SEDAN. 1931—We offer this real bargain for S2SS: easy terms: open eve nlngs. Lotfller Motor Co.. 215 Pa. ave. s.e. FORD COUPE. Ï929—»Splendid mechanical condition; tlrei. paint and upholstery in fine shape: owner has no further need for It; will sacrifice for $125; If you haven't all cash pay what you can and the balance monthly. 2753 Woodley pi. n.w. Col. 1245. FORD 1931 STANDARD COUPE—For busi reas or pleasure. Çondi'ion of motor, paint, tires and uphohtedLls ideal. Special, $315: easy terms. TrUKle Motor C0„ I New York ave. n.w. SALE—Al .'TU.VUUIULS. ι Continued.) FORD 1831 Dï LUXE SPORT ROADflTtR^ Taken from owner in perfect condition, who could not par. Resell (cr 1388. on term·. Nolan Motor Co.. 1111 Eighteenth st._n.w._ FORD CABRIOLET. 1850— The all-wtather car: condition like new; rumble seat and all txtras: only 1339. Mr. Roper, Nolan Motor Co . 1111 Eighteen!h ut. n.w. FORD 1839 TOWN SEDAN—Let your family rnloy the comfort and dependability of this splendidly conditioned car. Superior In every detail. Special. »230: easy terms. Triangle Motor Co.. 3 New York ave. n.w. FORD SPORT roadster; 1838: rumble seat; car very carefully used: splendid road ster: private owner: am selling so can pay insurance policy: f 115 Columbia 10304. 18' FORD TUDOR SEDAN. 1930: overhauled by Hill Λ Tlbbttts: car absolutely same condi tion as when bought; extremely necessary have some money quickly; J2J6. Adams 2033. 1β·_ FORD 1931 SPORT COUPE. SIM: exception ally fine condition throughout; one owner; see this today. Eynon Motors, 1437 Irving. • PORD DB LUXE VICTORIA, latest 1931: lust lik* new. owner forced to sell, needs money at once; can refinance, on easy terms; only *369. Dist. 4100 Nolan Motor Co., 1111 Eighteenth 5f n.w. FORD COUPE. 1H0; metal top: new paint job. new tires, mechanically Ο. K.: 9225. Barry-Pate Motor Co., 1360 Park rd. Adams 10202. FORD 1930 SPORT COUPt-Smart and eco nomical. Pni.*h. tires, upholstery the best you'll And. motor excellent 2 spares in aide mountings trunk rack Special, 1265. easy terms. Triangle Motor Co.. 2 New York ave. n.w. FORD COUPE. 1930—Rumble seat, excellant condition, will take $85 lor equity: balance due. *21 mo for 7 mo. North 1760. 1340 7th^ st. n.w. _17· FORD DE LUXE TOWN SEDAN, ltll—Just like new; about 3 month» old. owner could not pay. Sacrifice. 1379. on terms. Nolan Motor Co.. 1111 Eighteenth st. n.w^ FORD 1929 SPORT ROADffTEH-Fllt ind powerful, paint and tires fine, motor excel lent. Note the economical price of 1115: easy ferms Triangle Motor Co.. 2 New York ave η w __ FRANKLIN SEDAN 1930 SEVEN-PAS8BN ger- Spare tire mounted forward folding trunk rack on rear. J875. Warfleld Motor Company. 1130 Conn, ave n.w., Dist. 4350. Open evening and Srnday. 3RAHAM β SED\N, 1931-Perfect con.: pri vate owner' consider trade. S395: terms. 4611 !>e Rusaev Pkwv . Chevy Chase. Wi* 2562 18· ORAHAM BLUE STREAK SEDAN, latest model, de luxe equipment very little mile *pe; ue^d bv executive of company: substan tial reduction in price. Callan Motor Car Co . 1527 M st. r. w Di«tr:ct 345β. HUPMOBILE CENTURY 8 SEDAN. 1931 — Brand-new black Duco. green wood wheels interior clean: practically new tires motor perfect. A real buy at only S595: easy terms Pohanka Service, 1126 20th st. η w , Nat 0070. _ : LA SALLE 1930 CONV. COUP*—Rumble seat and new top Special paint: 11.075. Warfleld Motor Company. 1130 Conn, ave η w . Dist. 4350 Open evenings and Bun day. LA SALLE; perfect condition: 6 wire wheels, pew tires must be sold no reasonable offer refused. 5121 Conn. ave. LINCOLN 4-FA3SENUEK »χ»υκΐ atUAn. with trunk on rear. Beautiful tan finish like new. New tires. Oripinal cost $4.700. Now onîv jeas. Warfleld Motor Company. 1130 Conn. ave. n.w. D:st. 4350 Open eve nings and Sunday. HARMON 1929 SMALL CONV. COUPE—Six aire wheels; locks and runs good, sacrifice, J250. 1740 Lanier pi. Col 5461 NASH DEMONSTRATOR SPORT COUPE. 1932—Driven less than 1.000 miles, free wheeling end ride control, new-car guaran tee: cost $1.159 new; 1975. terms and trade. 1365 II st. nr. Lin 745?. NASH SPORT COUPE. 1930—Runs and looka likf new: ςοοά tire*, rumble seat; $275; terms and trade. _136S H st. ne. Lin. 7452. NASH 1931 8-CYLINDER SEDAN—Eauipped with 6 wire wheels and trunk. We are sacrificing for owner Looks like new. Callan Motor Co., 1527-29 M it. n.w. Dis trict 3458 NASH COACH, late type car in fine condi tion; $75: open evenings. Loeffler Motor Co., 215 P*. ave. se NASH SPECIAL β COUPE. 1927—Oood tlrea and paint, motor runs fine; Î65, terms. 1365 H st. n e Lin. 7452. NASH STANDARD 6 SEDAN. 192»—Runt Ilk· new: good paint and tires; $275. terms and rrade._ 1365 H st. ne. Li η. 7452. ΝΛ8Η SEDAN. 1930—Eouipped with new Croslcy radio: runs and looks like new; $375. Terms and trade. 1365 H st. n.e. Lin. 7452. OAKLAND «DAK. 1928—Beautiful tan with brown fenders; upholstery spotless; excel lent mechanical condition. Special. $98; easy terms. Triangle Motor Co., 2 New York ave.n.w. OLDSMOBILE DE LUXE CONVERTIBLE Roadster. 1931—Six black wire wheels and trunk rark Beautiful two-tone cream and black Duco. Here Is a car that Is really almost ner. Not a scratch or bump on Its body or fenders; tires new. Only «845. Also a 1939 Conv. Roadster, 0 wheels, a! $295; easy terms. Pohanka Service. 1126 20th st. n.w , ^Jat. 0070. OLDSMOBILE DEMONSTRATORS—One alx de luxe Patrician sedan. 1 light de luxe Pa trician sedan: very low mileage, with a new car guarantee, at a substantial reduction. Also wide selection of used 1931 Oldimobilei. Wisconsin Motor Co.. 10(3 Wli. ave. West 2973. OLDSMOBTLSS—6ee our «election! * 1(38 Coach, brand new black Duco, SIM); a 1938 Sedan perfect. 1325. a 1929 Sport Coupe. *295: a 1931 De Luxe Sedan, like new. J585; several 1932 Six and Eight Demonstrators at liberal discounts Pohanka Service. 1118 20th st. n.w. Nat. 0070 Open evenings and Sunday. PLYMOUTH SEDAN. LATEST 1932—Best buy today, need cash. sell. J5S5: low mlle age:_perfect condltlon._ 608 Ε st. n e. 18* PONTIAC LATE 1928 STANDARD COUP*— Beautiful cr.r; owner out of work and turned bcck car for cnly $149 balance; can re finance. Only small dôwn payment needed. Nolan Motor Co . 1111 Eighteenth St. n.w.. PONTIAC "6" 4-DOOR SEDAN. 1932—Dem onstrator; bargain for aulck aale. North 2531. 18* PONTIAC TAXIS. 10: 2 Graham-Paiges, all 31 models: 1350 each: S50 down and small monthly payments._Phone_Met 6107 19* PONTIAC SPORT ROAD6TER. 1»28— fftunble -eat: see this for only «65. Pohanka 8erv ice. 1126 iOthst.n.w.. N*t 0070. REO COUPE—Just the car to take a trip or use about the rlty. No. 312187. Sell for storage. only *63 Nolan Motor Co.. 1111 Eighteenth 3TUDEBAKKR COACH. 165: old model, but in perfect mechanical condition; 4 new tires: 1 good .«pare: don't Judge this car by price asked: In running condition to go most any where; will accept (30 cash and 110 monthly. For further Information call Mr. Herfurth, Col. 1706 ; after 5. Col. 114». WHIPPET COACH. 192»—Mechanically per fect. at a sacrifice to close an estate; 150. Mil Shpnherd st. n.w.* Columbia 1309. WILLYS-KNIGHT 66 SEDAN—Loot· and runs verv good. For quick sale. *44 eaih. 1471 Irving st.. Apt. 11. Ad. 7449-R. PARTS—PARTS —for all cars and trucks Used care and truck» for *»lf. Op?n 8und»y« Robert Htr aon's A'ifo Exchange. 72 Pla. ave. n.e. 953-959 Fla. ave. n.w. Worth 1040» 1931 STUDEBAKHR COMMANDER 8 BROUGHAM REGAL SEDAN. Broadcloth upholstery, trunk, two well fende- . free wheeling; low mileage; new rubber all around. A real value In a high grade < r at a price you would not expect. $750. S' EUART MOTOR CO.. SL 'TH AND NEW YORK AVI. N.W. _ I —,1 TARZAN THE UNTAMED. I 1 ' I l.L 1 I I ■ I I .1 I I . , 11 ■ By EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS ■ · η Copyright. 1932 by Bei»r m» BurougCà. lue DU tribu led by Uaiud mtur· «ynilcâU, lue. 3 After the next shot, Tarzan moved with panther like stealth down the steep hillside. From the edge of a low cliff, he saw upon a ledge 15 feet below him. a Red soldier lying concealed from the British. The Red sniper ley well back of his own lines, firing t over the heads of his fellows. As the ape-man discovered him, he had laid aside his binoculars and was preparing to fire again. That shot was never fired. Suddenly a brown body «prang forward from the cliff above. Probably the Red never knew what alighted on hi» back, for Tar Tan's steel fingers circled his throat. There waa a moment of futile struggling and— —the sniper was done for. Tarzan now watched the Red·' trenches below. He saw a well hidden machine gun striking at the British, who evidently failed to locate It. Using the dead sniper's rifle Tarzan took careful aim. SAU-AUlUmUDILlB. AUTOMOBILES it WeacMer» auto auction 92» H it. o.w.. every Wednesday and Batur day. II) a.m. Usually a «ood ayortment. SPECIAL SALE 1931 FORD SEDANS r from «275·°° *360°° NOLAN'S 1111 Eifhteenth St. N.W. Never Closed ONLY <25 DOWN On Any Car Listed Balance Easy Terms Arranged NO PROPERTY ENDORSERS 1931 Ford Coach Condition Like New 1930 Ford Cabriolet Same as New 1930 Chevrolet Coach In Beautiful Condition 193· De Solo Coach A Real Buy 1939 De Soto Roadster Slightly Used 1910 Ford Coach A-l Condition 192!* Plymouth Sedan In Beautiful Condition 1931 Chevrolet Roadster Looks Like New 191· Chevrolet Sedan A Perfect Buy ALL CARS LOOK AND RUN LIKE NEW Open Evce. and Sunday Century Motors 1805 14th St. N.W. PHONE NORTH 9232 Buick '30 Buick Std. β Sedan—Beautiful blue dnco finish; S wire wheels and trunk rack; excellent me chanical condition; rerj ®£PA rood tire·: low mileage... φυ,)υ '31 Buick Small 8 Sedan—Beautiful due· maroon finish; β wire wheels and trunk rack; excellent throughout * 1930 Ford Sport Roadster—Fine con dition throufhout; food tires; excellent motor; low £22^ •2» Chevrolet Coach—Practically new Urea; paint and upholstery per fect; excellent mechanical ΦΙΠΓ condition 19Î8 Olds Sedan—This low-priced car is in very good condition throufhout; low mileage »iq» and careful handling ΦΑ-Ό Stanley H. Horner, Inc. 101S 14th St. N.W. NAt. S800 1111 14th St. N.W. NAt. 7651 Barry-Pate TREMENDOUS STOCK REDUCING SALE PRICES SLASHED 1931 Ford Tudor $275 1931 Ford Spt. Coup·.... 295 1931 Chevrolet Coach.... 395 1930 Chevrolet Coach.... 265 1930 Chevrolet Sedan.... 295 1930 Chevrolet Coupe.... 295 1930 Chevrolet Roadster. . 225 1939 Ford Spt. Coup·. . . . 225 1930 Ford Tudor 225 1929 Oldsmobil· Spt. Rd... 265 1929 Oakland Coupe 275 1929 Chevrolet Sedan.... 265 1929 Chevrolet Coach.... 225 1928 Hupmobile Coupe. . . . 245 1928 Essex Sedan 125 1928 Nash Sedan 225 1928 Chevrolet Cabriolet. . 125 1928 Chevrolet Sedan.... 165 75 Others, $35 Up Barry-Pate Motor Co. 2525 Sherman Ave. Adams 6000 1360 Park Road Adam* 10202 SAL,K—AlllUPIUBILES. I ■ 11 - · 1 -— · — Compare Thèse Prices Callan Motora, Inc. Franklin Distributors. j Drastic Reductions 1931 Franklin Sedan, was SI.*95. now $1.385 lit· Model 130 Franklin Sedan. was $545. now $075 1938 Buick Matter Sedan, was $305, now $315 1928 Whippet Coach, wis $125, now $85 1938 Xaih Sedan. was $215. now ...$195 1927 Franklin Coupe, was 1345. now $265 1936 Franklin late type Sedan, was |! $335. now $185 1939-30 Model 1*5 Franklin Sedan. «I· $985, now 1765 Real Bargains Dist. 3458. Open Evenings and Sundays. 1527-29 M St. N.W. OWENS Buy Here and Obtain a Better Used Car 1932 Chevrolet Sport Coupe ....$545 1932 Chevrolet Sport Sedan 660 1931 Chevrolet Sport Roadster.. 350 1931 Ford Tudor 290 1931 Ford Sport Coupe 3Î5 1931 Ford Fordor Sedan 350 1931 Chevrolet Sport Coupe 435 1930 Chevrolet Coach 295 1930 Ford Tudor 245 1930 Chevrolet Sedan 300 1930 Chevrolet Sport Coupe 325 1930 Ford Sport Roadster 250 1929 Tcrd Cabriolet 225 1929 Chevrolet Coupe 225 1929 Chevrolet Sedan 265 1929 Chevrolet Ccarh 175 1928 Chevrolet Coach 100 1927 Nash Coupe 145 TRUCKS 1928 Chevrolet 1-Ton Pane) 175 193J Chevrolet Sedan Deliverv.. 500 1932 Chevrolet lU-Ton Panel,. 575 1927 Ford Delivery 45 Tour Car In Trade. Liberal G. M. A. C. Terms. Owens Motor Co. 6323 Ga. At·. Ga. 0100 Open Until 9:30 P.M. ft MeuartMoIorÇ 'SI Studebaker Broucbam *75© 'SI Ford Twin Sedan *3*9 Ml Ford Tudor Sedan $289 'SI Ford Spt. Coupe <revers. seat), M1f> 'M Ford standard Coupe 12X9 :w Ford Sport Roadster $219 'SO. Ford Town Sedan WW '3© Ford Cabriolet *2*9 '29 Chevrolet Coach *2S9 *29 Chevrolet Sed*n $249 '29 Ford Sedan (Trunk) "i* Essex Coupe (rumble seat) *199 '·»?» Ford Sport Coupe *149 '2» Ford Standard Coupe $129 Terms—Trade Open Sundays and Evenings 6th and Ν. Y. Ave. N.W. STOHLMAN'S REAL USED CAR BARGAINS '27 Chevrolet Coach $39 '27 Chevrolet Cabriolet 39 '27 Chevrolet Sedan 69 "28 F.rskine Sedan 79 '28 Essex Sport Coupe 79 *28 Whippet Cabriolet 89 '28 Hudson Sedan 99 '28 Chevrolet Coupe 119 •28 Chevrolet Cab 139 '28 Chev. Landau Sedan 149 '28 Olds Coach 189 '29 Pontiac Cabriolet 209 '29 Chevrolet Coach 229 '30 Ford Sport Coupe 259 '29 Chevrolet Sport Coupe 259 '31 Ford Tudor 319 '30 Chevrolet Sedan 369 '29 Nash Special Sedan 389 '31 Chevrolet Sport Sedan 469 SO Others to Choose From STOHLMAN CHEVROLET 3307 M St., Georgetown Open Evenings Till 9:30 SALE Used Cars at practically Auction Prices Low prie·· will prevail until 10 p.m., Monday, Sept. 19th The Trew Motor Co. HOME OF TREW VALLES 1509 14th St. De Soto Used Car Department Guaranteed Used Car· '32 De Soto Sedan 1595; ;*31 De Soto De Luxe Coupe... 495 '31 Ford Town Sedan 345 '31 Ford Sport Roadster 245 '30 Chrysler Sedan. · w.w 475; '30 Ford De Luxe Coupe 245 '29 Olds Coach 250 '29 Plymouth Sedan 245 Chrysler Coupe 135 Ύ* Ford Sport Coupe 125 50 Other* Liberal Term·—Trade DISTRICT MOTOR CO. 1539 14th St. N.W. POtomae 1W« Selling Automobilem Since 1910 Η. Β. LEARY, JR., & BROS. "Guaranteed Cars" Today*s Outstanding Value . . . 1930 Pierce Arrow Sport Coupe, model ^ C. 6 wire wheels, like new, cost new ψΐ&νΐ over $3,009 1931 Da Sot· 8 Sport Sedan.$495 1932 Plymouth Coach $4S5 192S Hudson Sad·· 245 1929 Ford Coupe 135 1929 Chrysler 75 Coup·.... 450 1928 Buick Sedan 285 1928 LaSall· Cobt. Coup·. .. 485 1931 Oakland 8 Coach 395 1929 Nash Adr. β Sedan 395 1927 Packard Sedan 195 1929 Chrysler 65 Coupe.... 350 1930 Ford Coach 265 1932 Plymouth Ceup· 485 1931 Chrysler 6 Sedan 650 1931 Studebaker Sedan 395 1931 Cherrolet Spt. Rd 295 MANY OTHERS CHRYSLER DISTRIBUTOR 1321-23 14th St. N.W. Open Ereeinfs and Sundays NOrth 6826 I——di—a—i^— SALE—AUTOMOBILES. I I I will par unpaid not· * and live you balance. Callan Motor Co.._1527 M Ji w. [ CONSIGNMENTS SOLIcnTn for our aal· by auction on Wednesday or Saturday. 1· a.m. Weschler's. 915 Ε st. n.w National ' 1281. Quick, satisfactory method. I WILL PAY CASH for late model Chtrrolet I or Ford closed car In good condition Ad I Rms WW. CASH for your '29. '30. '31 Chevrolet or Ford. Will pay oil your note and give you balance jn casn^See Mr. Huiet. 1835 14th. CASH IMMEDIATELY —for late model cars. Get our prie· list. Auto Mart. 1333 14th st. n.w CASH IN 5 MINUTES. I pay the highest prices. If car is not paid for, will pay your undue bal ance and give you the difference in cash. Ko delay. See Mr. Barnes. 1729 14th n.w. Dec. 2390. Open till 9 p.m. RENT—GARAGE. __ DOWNTOWN LOCATION—REPAIR SHOP wtrh loft above; grease traps, h.-w.h., elec tric lights; corner of alley rear 1310 L st. n.w.: rent. J55 Key HOWENSTEI.N BROS , 7th and H sts. n e Lin. 0897 SALE—AUTO TRUCKS. RBFRIGERATTV* TRUCKS <2ι". 1 ',-Lon. 6-cy] . full floating rear driven 10.000 miles: must sacrifice, will sell for less than original cost of body. Call Atlantic_2996. _Mr._Piers. DODGE 1927 PANEL »,-TON—Excellent tires: rfefntW repainted: Ideal for grocer, baker, laundry, etc. Special. $135; easy term*. Triangle Motor Co.. 2 New Yorlc ave. n.w. RIO TRUCK. 1031. equipped with exprès» body: very finest condition; genuine bargain; terms. Eynon Motors. 1437 Irving at. ♦ CHEVROLET ',-TOS panel. 1928; its ap pearance and performance are of the best available: special. 1135: easy terms. Trlan ele Motor Co.. 2 New York ave_ n.w. FORD 11 a-TON PANEL. 1931 : only run a few miles and looks iust like new: trade your old truck in on this one: special. 1495 easy terms Triangle Motor Co.. 2 New York ave. n.w. PORD 1931 PANEL DELIVERY, d· lure; re possessed and to be sold for unpaid balance: excellent cordition throughout: don't miss this bargain United Finance. 943 Ν. Y. ave. District 9283. S. O. S. GOOD USED TRUCKS. AU makes, model» and typea: lowest prie—. STERRETT OPERA TIN Ο SERVICE. IP M ST. w.g. MET. 0606. TRUCKS, TRUCKS. TRUCKS. All Years and Types. Panel Deliveries. $125 up. STKUART MOTOR CO., 6th and New York Ave. N.W. Open Evenings and Sundays. WANTED—AUTO TRUCES. WILL PAY CABH for good bargain In 1 at IS ton open express body used Ford or Chevrolet truck. Box 195. Pennsylvania A»·. Station. IS· Real Bargains la Slightly Used Reconditioned Cars Consisting of Bnleks, Cadillacs, HuptnobOe· Marquettes, Whippet·, Willys-Knights Chevrolet· and Ford· Term· as Low aa $20 Down, $3 Weekly Manhattan Auto and Radio Co. 170· 7th St. N.W. ιίι urn aaaa 1932 Plymouth Sedan This la the latest model, driven only a short time by an offlcl&l ot this Arm. This car. of course, car ries the usual guarantee of a new car. Can be purchased at a great saving. TERMS AND TRADE Call North 4!9β for a Demonstration or Apply at 1618 Ton St. N.W. Open Evenings WANTED—AUTOMOBILES. CASH FOR LATE MODEL USED CARS—I BUSINESS OfrPORTUNmiS. OPPORTUNITY to acquire lease of 1558-βί Florida ave. n.e.: fireproof: 15.000 aq. ft . suitable for garage. auto dealer, repair shop, express business, storage. etc. Call or phone Atlantic 4303 , 31* EXCELLENT LOCATION for any Un· of business. See store 324 Cedar st.. Takoma Park.__D._C. Ga. 48JS. GASOLINE STA. and road stand for sale or rent cheap : very small capital needed. Clar. 8U-F-2 Address Box 67-8. Star office MONEY AVAILABLE TO ASSIST SMALL business with successful proflt record. Sub mit full Information as preliminary to in terview. Address Box 449-S. Star offlc·. DELICATESSEN and lunch, doing good busi ness in heart of automobile district, very reasonable Address Box 110-H, Star office. 17· WELL ESTABLISHED PET SHOP Doing nice business, fully equipped; will sell choap. due to ill health of owner. Ga. 412S 5429 Ga. ave. GROCERY STORES, white and colored neighborhoods: lone established and paying propositions ; >800 to $8.000. Also lunch rooms and delicatessen. For Information. Col. 880S. _ 18* STORE FOR RENT in apt. house section; good for drug store, restaurant or tailor. AdpIt 2102 New York ave _n.w_Mfft. 47eo OPPORTUNITY SELDOM OFFERED—Pirst class grocery and meat market, equipped with the best of fixtures and stock estab lished 15 years; doing a good business. Will take part cash, balance equity in some income - producing property. Address Box 462-S. Star office. _ 1257 22nd ST. N.W.— Exceptional location for tailor or grocery. Large store. 8 r. and b . h -w.h.. elec.: low rent. Nat. 1408. FOR RENT—Completely furnished tea room and tourist home, cider and apple stand, το a live wire who is financially responsible Will m η Ice attractive proposition. Addres» Box 207-H. Star office. FCR SALE—Gas station, accessories, battery and brake business, four electric pumps Reduced rent. Long established. Address Box. 440-S. Star office. WILL RENT to cabinetmaker suitable, con venient space, heart of business district,' »30 month: guaranteed work to pay rent. Ad dress Box 174-H, Star office. · _ GASOLINE, accessories, corner: mixed sta tion: fully equippsd; going business: price. $2.000. terms. Addiess Box 178-H. Star offlc». ÎHAVE one OF THE BEST suburban lunch room with adjoining drug store locations near Washington, on main highway and at very low rental. Call Nat. 9257.. 18· WELL FINANCED BUSINESS. In flill and successful operation, offers S500 commission lor a <4.500 loan for a desired Addition. Loan secured by collateral. S10.000 worth of stock paying 7^. or lO^r sharp in the busi ness during term of loan. Inspection ln vlted. Address Box 126-H. Star office. * VARIETY STORE on mam business street in Washington, same block with large chain stores and movies. Address Box 427-S. Star office. PARTY WITH *2.000 TO $5 000. with serv ices of an official capacity: business now very active. Address Box 123-H. Star office. 18· STANDS lor rent. NEW MARKET. 5th and Κ st",. n.w. Apply Penn Realty Corporation. 474 Κ st. n.w. Met. 1283 WILL BUY outright or half lntereat In smell, go-jd-paying business direct from owner; must stand strict investigation or trial. Address Box 139-H, Star office. 18* IF INTERESTED in forming commercial dis count company or discounting commercial paper direct adrtms Box iS-H. Star ο flic». ' OAS STATION AND CHAIN LAUNDRY Most ccmp'ete and modern In every re spect. Wonderful location on very busy thoroughfare Business Increasing gteadilv. Partners disagreement compels sacrifice. Must act quickly. Five thorsand dollara cash required. Address Box 94-H. Star office. »« WE have purchaser for growing grocery and soda business In a good, suburban, residential area of Washington. Will par c?sh. See Mr. Camp. ROBERT L. McKEEVER CO.. INC., 201 ahoreham Bid».· Nat. «750. * BALTIMORE BOULEVARD —outstanding business location) ββ-ft. front by 150 deep, improved by large dwelling, suitable for tourists: excellent spot for hotel and chicken dinners. Possession now. For rent, sal® or exchange. Investigate at once. Key at 3625 ltth «t. n e. or call Ndrth «176. !*· SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. ADDING MACHINES—Dalton. »24: Bur roughs J?5: other real bargains United Typ. Co.. 1283 Ν. Y. ave. Nat. MO». ADDaESSOOR APHS. multlaraphl. mimeo graphs: a complete rebuilt line at astound ingly low prices Supplies, service. United Typ. Co.. 1823 Ν. Y. aye. Nat. >80». BABY BED. «10: "bathtub. Jl; single bed. II; end table, rocker, other articles; reasonable. 837 Decatur. COI. 3414-W. BABY CARRIAGE. English pram. Mil lfor rlson at. n.w. Clev. 5718. BCD DAVENPORT. 8M; bed room suite com plete. s 30: Stewart-Warner radio, walnut cabinet. SIS: 75-lb. all metal refrigerator, rugs. dresaerobC. tables, chairs, etc.. cheap. Call Bhep 2449-J. BICYCLES. Ro:!tasi and οtner high-grade wheels. Hazclton Bicycle & Sporting Goods Co.. 424 9t.h st. n.w. mCYOfct. man's, good condition. S6 trt cycle,'.'»: Ttlddit ens, Me; beds. -I1 W; tables, yc: crutches. SM Înd s e, àl* r I (Continued on Next Page.)