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Π PARK TOWER S440 16th STREET N.W. New Rental Schedule 4» Af\ Opposite Meridian Hill 2)4(1 Park. 1 room and bath ^ to β rooms. 2 baths and tn porch. Refrigeration in cluded. Complete serv «17Λ ice. Oarage In building. 3pl/U Manager on premises. [Shannon & luch5] 1505 Η St. N.W. Nat. 2345 RENTS REDUCED 529 G St. S.E. 2 rooms, Kitchen and bath— $40.00 to $42.50 2 rooms, kitchen, ΦΛ7 Cfl dinette and bath... V**« ·*■'" 4 rooms, kitchen, dinette and bath— $52.50 to S55.00 Electric Refrigeration Resident Manager International Finance Corp. 800 Investment Bldg. District 0568 "St. Mihiel" 1712 16th St. N.W. 1 room and bath $30 00 1 room, kitchen and bath 4*2.50 2 rooms, kitchen and bath.$55 00 to 62.50 2 rooms, kitchen, rec. hall and bath 62.50 to 70.00 3 rooms, kitchen, rec. hall. bath.. 75 00 Electric Refrigeration Resident Manager 1758 Que St. N.W. 2 rooms, kit., dinette and bath.... $52.50 4 rooms, kit and bath 70.00 Electric Refrigeration Resident Manager 314 V St. N.E. 2 roomi, kitchen and bath $40 00 2 rodms, kit. rec. hall and bath... 45.00 Electric Refrigeration Resident Manager International Finance Corp. 800 Investment Bldg., District 0568 0£j |ùj jjijijuj [UiEj [Uj £VJ KJCiiDiJKJKJ^ WHY PAT MORE? THF DE SOTO. 1300 Mass. Ave. N.W. No. 23—3 rooms and bath $40 00 No. 42—5 rooms and bath 72.50 No. 55—5 rooms and bath 67.50 THE LAMONT, 1627 Lamont St. N.W. No. 31—5 rooms and bath $62.50 No. 34—4 rooms and bath 55.00 THE INGLESIDF. 1651 Lamont St. N.W. No. 11—3 rooms and bath $40.50 No. 15—4 rooms and bath 57.50 THE CALIFORNIA. 1775 California St. N.W. No. 23—5 rooms and bath $50 00 No 34—5 rooms and bath 45.00 THE SORRENTO. 2J33 IKth St. No. 4—5 rooms and bath THE BIRMINGHAM. 2«11 Adams Mill Kd. No. 3—3 rooms and bath No. 35—5 rooms and bath No 41—5 rooms and bath THE CARLETON. 1741 Lanier PL No. 2—3 rocms and bath No. 44—4 rooms and bath THE CLIFFBOLRNE. 185.» Calvert St. N.W. No 23—5 rooms and bath No. 42—5 rooms and bath No. 51—5 rooms and bath THE ROCHESTER. 1438 Meridian PL N.W. No. 36—2 rooms and bath\ THE PARKER. S300 lfith St. N.W. No. 101—5 rooms and bath.... No. 502—6 rooms and bath.... No. 303—3 rooms and bath.... THE ALAMO» 12T.Î lith St. N.W. NO. 36—3 rooms and bath 8618 CONN. AVE. N.W. No. 101—3 rooms and bath No. 401—4 rooms and bath No. 403—3 rooms and bath N.W. S52 50 $45.00 67.50 63 00 N.W. $42.50 45 00 J50 00 60 00 67.50 $82 50 87 50 52.50 {42.50 $55 00 60.00 45 00 You will And by comparison that the above rents are unusually low. this being largely due to the fact that you rent direct from the owners. The wise apartment house hunter lo cates now and not In October when there Is always a scarcity ci desir able apartments As a special In ducement the above apts. may be te; leased for any period desired and ρ rent will be effective Oct. 1. Pos- Ej session immediately, but no reduc tlons. Inspection may be made at £ V any time by applying to the janitors. CHAS. E. THIBET'S SONS. Β 114 District National Bank Buildlni, Γ Ι Phone District 4778. liz S Β MglSUBBB*Si^fr1i"jrorn)rarT:'taiiaTOnsfijinjjf?3.|piltjit7] 1921 Kalorama Road Northeast Corner ÎOth Street N.W. Modern, New Building Mantxed and Serviced to Appeal to Substantial Tenants Secretarial Telephone Service Two Rooms. Dinlnr Alcov*. Kitchen and Bath and Three Rooms, Dining Alcove, Kitchen and Bath $65 to $85 Refrigeration Included Resident Manager You Really Can Live Economically at THE CHASTLETON 16th St. at R If you've never known the added pleasure of having an apartment home in an Apartment Hotel, see what pleasures we have in store for you . . . and our prices you will notice are moderately low. 2 rooms, with kitchen ' and bath, unfurn- $C^.50 ished Ο J 3 rooms with kitchen and bath. unfurn- —> 50 ished room, and bath, unfum- $ffeA.OO 4 rooms, with kitchen and bath, unfum- 4aa Ished yU COMPLETE HOTEL SERVICE IttBÙptt Conn. Ave. & Kalorama Road Enjoy residence in this fine old building, surrounded by an air of refinement. The building generally has been renovated and available vacancies are being completely done over. Twenty-four-hour switchboard and elevator service, under resident management, General Electric re frigeration and attractively decorated lobby in complement to the atmosphere, are a few of the features of this building. Suites ranging from 3 rooms, kitchen and bath to 7 rooms, kitchen and 3 baths available, at prices of $70.00 to $173.00 per month. For your convenience several apart ments have been lighted in order that evening inspection mav be made. B. F. SAUL CO. 925 15th St. N.W. t lVat'l 2100 THE MOZART 1630 Fuller St.* at Mozart Place One Block West of 16th 2 rooms, kitchen and bath 557.50 2 rooms, kitchen and bath, with inclosed sleeping porch; south west exposure 60 00 2 rooms, kitchen and bath, with large dinette, also Inclosed sleeping porch 65 00 4 rooms, kitchen and bath. .... 70.00 Electric Refrigeration. Etevator. Resident Manager. CHATEAU THIERRY 1920 S St.. at iOth N.W. 1 and 2 rooms, kitchen and bath, porches. 540 to $62.50. Elevator. Elec tric refrigeration. Resident manager. SIX APARTMENT BUILDINGS 1133 to 1413 Spring Rd. N.W. 1 and 2 rooms, kitchen and bath; Murphy beds, dinette, 542 50 to $60. Electric refrigeration. Resident man ager. Adams 5598. Apt. 103. 1437 Spring rd. THE NEW BERNE 1115 13th St. N.W. 2 and 4 rooms, with kitchen and bath. Elevator, r.edecorated. Rents reduced. Resident manager. THE ELYVOOD 1421 11th St. 2. 3 and 4 rooms, kitchen and bath. Electric refrigeration. S45, $57.50 and $65. Resident manager. 1841 COLUMBIA RD. AT MINTWOOD PL. 1. 2 and 3 rooms, kitchen and bath; porches; continuous elevator and switchboard service. Resident man ager. Adams 9047. WOODLEY PARK TOWERS Î7S7 Devonshire PI. West of Conn. Ave. at the Klingle Bridge Apartments of various sizes, fur nished and unfurnished Hotel serv ice; Raraee; shops. Resident manager, Col. 2737. THE GUTHRIDGE 2115 F St. N.W. 1 room and bath. $30: 2 rooms, kitchen and bath, $53.50 to $61.50. Switchboard and elevator service. Electric refrigeration. Resident man ager. THE LOMBARDY Î0I» Eye St. N.W . 1 room, kitchen and bath to 3 rooms, kitchen and bath, $44 to $80. Refrig eration. Elevator service. Resident manager. WISTERIA MANSIONS 1101 L St. N.W., at Mass. Ave. 1 and 2 rooms, kitchen and bath, $47.50 to $75. Switchboard and ele vator service. Electric refrigeration. Resident manager. THE BELVEDERE 1301 Mass. Ave. 1 and 2 rooms, kitchen and bath. Refrigeration Elevator. Resident manager. 2829 28th ST. N.W. Near Wardman Fark. 3 rooms, kitchen, bath and foyer. $70. Electric refrigeration. Resident manager. 1721_21st ST. 1 and 2 rooms and bath, $35 to 137.50. 1454-1456 EUCLID ST. N.W. 6 rooms and bath, porches, refrig eration; $55. 102· MONROE ST. N.W. 2 and 3 rooms, kitchen and bath. $55 and $65 Electric refrigeration. Resident manager. 1909 19th ST. N.W. 1 room, kitchen and hath to 3 rooms, kitchen and bath. Elevator service. Refrigeration. Rates reduced. THE LOUISIANA 2123 18th St. N.W., at Wyoming Ave. 5 rooms, kitchen, bath and porch, $60 and $65. 25D0 Κ ST. N.W. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath: electric refrigeration $37.50 to $47.50. Resi dent manager. 738 15th St. District 6830 «ÎfiC!ï:iiiiiiii(!isi£iÎi:i3::iiS!i!i:isiii:is»iiiiiiiii3iiiiiiiiiiiii(iiiiiiar DESIRABLE APARTMENTS ALL SECTIONS OF THE CITY ALBAN TOWERS, 8700 Massachusetts Arc. N.W. 2 rooms, dinette, kitchenette, bath and porch to 6 rooms and i baths and porch. $65 to $160. Cafe—Hotel Rooms. Furn. Apts.· Drug Store. Karage. Resident Manager. THE ALTAMOXT. 1901 Wromlnc Ave. (At îlith St.) 1 room and bath. <42.50. to β rooms and 3 baths. $200. THE PONCE DE LEON, 4511 Connecticut Ave. 4 rooms and bath to 6 room» and 2 baths. $85 to $135. Resident Manager. 2000 MASS. AVE. N.W. 11 rooms and 3 baths. $500. 2116 KALORAMA RD. 4 rooms, kit. bath and porch to 5 rooms, kit., and 2 baths, $87.50 to $115. WENDELL MANSIONS, 233» Ma« Are. N.W. 11 rooms and 4 baths. $350. 1316 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE. 4 rooms and bath to 5 room· •nd bath. $75.00 to $97 50. Resident Manager THE WINDERMERE. 1RS New Hamn.hire Ave. N.W. 1 room and bath to 4 room· •nd bath. J35.00 to $82.50. Resident Manager. THE HARROWGATE. 1Λ33 New Hampshire Ave. N.W. 1 room and bath to λ rooms and bath. $32 50 to $77.50. Resident Manager. THE SHELBURNE, N.F. Corner I7»h St. at β 1 room and bath to 4 rooms and bath. «27*0 to $fi9 «0. Resident Manacer. THE ASHTOV, use R St. N.W. 2 rooms and bath. $30 00. 4 rooms, bath and Dorch. f55.00 THE WINSTON. 3145 Mt. Pleasant St. 5 rmi. and bath, front apt.. $60 to $65. THE STRATHMORE, S.-WU 1'th St. N.W. - 2 rooms, kit. and bath. >45.00 to $55.00. Resident Manager. THE ROCKINGHAM, 1X17 R. L Ave. N.W. 3 rooms, kit . bath. '50 to $00 to 5 rooms and bath. $72.50. Resident Manager. THE BAYHEAD, 7Î4 3rd St N.W. 1 room. kit. and bath, and J rooms, kit. and bath, $35.00 to $52.50. 3314 MT. PLE4SANT ST. N.W. 1 room. kit. and bath to 2 rooms, kitchen and bath. $32.50 to $52.50. Resident Manager. THE WALRAFF. 30Î5 1Mb St. N.W 2 rooms, kit. and bath to S rooms, kitchen and bath. $42.50 to $55.00. Resident Manager. STUDIO APARTMENTS. Near Dupont Circle. Large living room with open flreolace bed room, kitchen and bath. Retsqpable rent. 2310 ASHMEAD PL. N.W. 2 rooms and bath to 4 rooms and bath. *50 to *70. 2 rooms, kit. and bath, furnish ed. $60 1 room. kit. and bath turn.. $50. Resident Manager. 2222 QUE ST. N.W. λ rooms, kit. and bath to S rooms, kitchen and 2 baths. $70 to $110 Resident Manager. 2721 ADAltft MILL RD. N.W. 1 room, kit., d. *. and b.. fur., 150.00. 2531 QUE ST. N.W. 1 room. kit., dinette and bath and 2 room;, dinette, kitchen and bath, 135 to (50. 1303 RANDOLPH ST. N.W. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath. «46.00. 4700 CONNECTICUT AVE. 4 rooms, hath, porch to 7 rooms. 2 baths, porch, 170 to «135. Resident Manager. 4701 CONN. AVE. 4 rooms and bath to 5 roomi and bath. $100 to <120. Resident Manaeer. KEW GARDENS, Î700 One St. Κ W. 1 room. kit. and bath to I rooms, kit. «nd bath. 137.50 to SM0. Resident Manaeer. 3701 MASS. AVE. N.W. 2 rooms, dinette, kitchenette, hath and porch to 4 rooms, kitch en. bath and porch. Rentals re duced. Resident Manager. ΤΠΕ McREYNOLDS. Cerner IStb and G Sts. N.W. 1 room, kitchen and bath. . r.50 to S4S 00. 2 rooms, kitchen and bath. 150 00 to *62.53. Resident Manager. isis 1818 RIGGS PL. N.W. 1 room, dinette and bith. $37.00. Resident Manager. THE CECIL. 15th and 1. N.W. 1 room and bath to 5 rooma and bath. «35 to «77.50 Resident Manager. 1114 F ST. N.E. 2 rooms. kit. and bath. $40.50 to $45.50. Resident Manager. THE ARDfcN. mo R St. N.W. 3 rooms and bath. «30 00 3 rooms, bath and porch. «42 50. 34(9-11 29th ST. N.W. 3 roojps and bath. «53. 4 rooms and bath. «63 00 Frigidaire on house current. Resident Manager Telephone Emerson 5091. THE MARNF. •4(H) 1.1th St. N.W. 3 rooms aid bath to 4 rooma and batK «43 00 to «60 50. Resident Manager. THE KLINGLE. Conn. Ave. and Macomb St. 2 rooms, fining alcove. Kitchen and bath. «50 00 to «62 50. Resident Manager. 2124 EVE ST. N.W. 1 room and bath to S rooms, kitchen >rd bath. *32.50 to «67.50 Resident Manager. 1811 H ST. N.W. 3 rooms and bath. «52.50. THE ALABAMA. 1015 Ν St. N.W. 5 rooms «η* bath rooma and bath, « to «82.50. Resident Manager. THE EVERETT. 2137 Ρ St N.W. 1 room. rt. kit. and bath to 3 room', rtinlne alcov. kitchen and bath. «40 00 to «60.00. Resident Manager 1665 LAMONT ST. N.W. 1 room. d. kit,, hath *o S rooms, d. a., kit. and bath, «395)0 to «60 00 THE EMERSON. 1921 Belmont Rrt N.W. 2 rooms, kitchen and ba'h, «60. to 3 rooms, rec. hall. kit. and bath. «75 CARLISLE COURT. 1401 Columbia Rd. 3 rooms and hath to 4 rooms and bath. <30 00 to «59 50. Resident Manager. A number or largm apartment a ranging in prtcm from $115.00 to $1,250.00 per month Kandall H.Hagxer & Company Mortgage. Lour CorbbβΜΜίιητ 1321 Connecticut Ave. Phone Decatur 3600 jj Night» and Holiday* Call Clev. 470S S kiiiHiimiiiHiiiiimiuiiimmiiiiimiiiHiiiiiRiMiinimiiinniini Be Sure to See These Beautiful Apartments THE NEW HAMPSHIRE tad THE QUINCY Corner Ν. H.* Ave. and Qulnry St. N.W. There are now several extremely de sirable apartments available In these modern apartment houses. The bulldlnts are In an excellent loca tion and are convenient to street ctr, bus line, stores, churches and schools. «Near the new Roosevelt Hleh School.) Only an Inspection will convince you of their many advantages. 1 .room, kitchen and bath $42.5· 2 moms, kit., bath and porch.>62.50 Electrical Refrigeration—Elevator Resident Manager. Apt. 105 The Allison Corner 14th and Allison Sts. N.W. You will find a real value when you inspect these well located and homelike apartments. , 2 room*, kitchen and bath ...$52.SO 3 rooms, kitchen and bath.., .$60.08 Electrical Refrigeration Resident Manager. Apt. 21 L. E. Brueninger & Sons, Inc. 211 Investment Bids. Natl. »U0 LA SALLE APARTMENTS 1028 Conn. Ave. N.W. Walking Distance Government Departments, Stores and Theaters Apartments ranging in size from one room and bath to four rooms, kitchen and two baths. Also studio apartments on the eleventh floor with porcbet. Desirable apartments equipped for doctors or dentists. Also attractively furnished one, two room, kitchen and bath apartments. Rents reasonable. Shell's dining room in building. Resident Manager Metropolitan 2161 THREE ROOMS Free Electric Refriger ation, Built-in Bath, Shower 24-Hour 'Phone and Elevator Service $57.50 Devonshire Courts ! Apartments 4115 WISCONSIN AVENUE CHATEAU THIERRY 1920 S St. Corner 20th N.W. Apartments now available for rent. 1 room and bath . . $32.50 1 and 2 room· and bath $40 to $60 \ Porche* Tw· Elevator· Electric Refrigeration Resident Manager 15th St N.W. District 6830 1616 16th Street N.W. APARTMENTS in till* attractive corner building now available at re duced rental*. Front driveway, switchboard, elevator, resident mana ger, electric refrigeration on house current. 2 and 3 room·, kitchen, dinette·, tile baths with shower·, oak floors. All rooms have outside exposures. We invite your inspection of this apartment home which la in walking distance of all Government depart ments. BOSS & PHELPS 1417 Κ Street Ν A. 930· ROCKSBORO 1717 R St. N.W. Reduces Rents Tw· rMaif, rte. hall, kit., bath. Corner apartment. Southern eipo««re. ~ $50.00 Free one One τ—m. kit., bath. Free FrUid :7ew°iS $31.50 to $38.50 Kealdent Manager 2700 CONN. AVE. Attractive. spacious apartments of 1. 3 and 1 rooms, kitchen and bath— at most attractive prices. All modern conveniences. Including electric refrigeration. 24-hour eleva tor and switchboard service. Busses and street cars at the door. ■esUeat Manager ea premise· will be ghi to shew in these desirable apartments at »nr time. FREE ELECTRICITY Call Col. 8106 SULGRAVE MANOR 513Φ Connecticut Avenue Mela· r—m, dreeainc room, dlnlat «I nt. kit., bath id roll-a-way bed IM •oat. reeeatiaa hall, kitchen, dlnln* alcove, tarer and bath S ream», ferer. din In « aleare. kitchen aad bath MS » A Tellable with «pea ar «no porch. 24-Hour Switchboard and Elevator Service * Resident Manager LOW RENTS THE LOUDOUN / 314 East Capitol St. Near Union Station, Capitol and Library; right on car line, convenient to downtown. Modem building, elevator^ Bar helor Apt.—2 room· and bath S31.M 4 rooms, kit. and bath.... 156.·· 5 rooms, kit. and bath $66.·· Elcctric Refrigeration ROBT. LEE O'BRIEN 1710 Eye St. N.W. Met. 5385 WukiifWi Ntwttl atd Mm) Madera HaUl Apartaaat Conn «c tient at Dapent Cirtla Ara. Wlthl· Valklif Dlatanrr of lievrrnmrat Drpta. Rental reduced for duration of Government fur lough plan—No charge for ELECTRICITY. No TELEPHONE Service Charge. 1 Room and Bath $35.00 up 2 Rooms and Bath 55.00 up 3 Rooms and 2 Baths 98.00 up 2 Rooms and Bath with Service Pantry 58.00 up 3 Rooms and 2 Baths with Service Pantry.. .100.00 up || Hotel Desk 24-Hour Service Maid Service Available Hourly or by Month Room Service Available (Meals) Brilliant, Sun-penetrated Rooms Suites with wood-burning fireplaces Full tiled baths with tub and shower and running ice water Westinghouse Automatic Refrigerators in Service Pantries Drawing room, stateroom and bath on upper deck Delightful Roof Lounge Concealed Radiation Hotel Accommodations Open for inspection 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Owner Management Tel. Decatur 6201 Under Management of H. L. Rust Company lMft COIIMBIA RD. N.W. Electrical R*'nK*rationi,sn nn 4 rms. kit. and 2 baths.... $150.00 5 rms. kit. 2 bath^Porc^ ^ 6 rms.. kit.. 2 baths, porch.. 175 00 •101 CONN. AVE. N.W. Electrical Refrigeration. 6 rooms, kit.. 3 baths. Inc. porch. 8 rooms, kit. 3 baths. Inc. porch. 130· 1st h ST. N.W. 6 rooms, ki-chtn. 3 baths and reception hall Ilisoo WJil CONN. AVE. N.W. Electrical R»frip.eratlon. 7 room«. k.t. and 3 baths 11 rooms, kit. and 5 baths. WAKEFIELD HALL. Î101 New Hampshire Av«. >.W. Electrical Rcfri/eravion. 1 room. kit. and l>ath $43 50 3 rooms, kit., din., bath $6?.50 to 69 50 4 rooms.' kitchen and bath «9.80 to 93 50 4 rooms, kit. and 2 baths... 97.80 THE AMBASSADOR. lVVI ieth St. N.W. Elfetrical Relneeratlon 1 rm. and bath *???!} F ?- 12 1 rm . kit.· bath.... 4 50 iO 4^50 2 rm* . kit., bath .. .65 0° & «So 5 rms.. kit. and 2 baths 85.00 T1LDFN HAI L. 3945 Connrcticnt Αν». N.W. Playgrounds for Children. Electrical Refrigeration. 1 rm . kit,, hath..J" no * !" 00 3 rms,. kit., bath.. £0 00 A- *350 3 rms., kit., tath.. 70 00 & 75 00 THE AT. WW. 1M2 Columbia Bd. N.W. Electrical Reiteration. J rooms. kHcher. and bath. .«*00 3 rooms, kit,. bath..$i3.00 to J3 00 4 rooms, kit,, bath 95 00 CLIFTON MANOR. ÎS14 14th St. N.W. Electrical Refrigeration. 1 rm . kit and bath, $37 50 A: $40 00 2 rms. kit., bath.... 45.00 to 55.00 CLEVELAND. SOSfl Macomb 81. N.W. Electrical Refrigeration 2 rooms, kit. and bath . $50 00 3 rooms, kit., bath..«2.50 to 65.00 THE AVALON. W?7 Adams Mill Rd. N.W. Electrical Refrigeration. 5 rooms, kit and bath 157.50 4 rooms, kit., bath..$62.50 to 70.00 RICARDO. S<KS 1Rth St. N.W. Electrical Refrigeration. 3 rms,. kit . b«th and porch.$77.50 4 rms.. kit., bath an* porch. $95.00 & 100.00 OLTMPÏA, UM Enclld St. N.W. Electrical Refriireration. 4 rooms, kit and bafh 165.00 6 rooms, kit.t bath..$85.00 & 90 00 CAPITOL TOWERS. 20* Mû«arhi'*'tt8 Ave. N.E. Electrical Refriepration 1 room. kit., bath .«40 00 to $45.50 2 rooms, kit., dinet. bath and porch 157 *0 to $62.50 5 rooms, kitchen, bath and porch 65.50 to 70.00 STANTON MANOR. A41 Massachusetts Ave. N.E. Electrical Refrigeration. 1 room. kit . dinet and bath..$42.50 2 rooms, kit., bath. .$55.00 to SO00 3 rooms, kit. and bath 70.00 GOODWIN. 1117 Park Rd. N.W. 4 rooms, kitchen and bath..$50.00 «447 ΓΗΑΡΓΝ ST. N.W. Electrical Refrigeration. 2 rms.. kit. and b. $45.00 & $50.00 PASADENA. . __ ΫSS Adams Mill Rd. N.W. Electrical Refrigeration. U rooms, kit. »nd bath '222$ 4 rooms, kit., bath 65.00 THE HADDON. „ „ 1930 New Hampshire Ave. N.W. 5 rooms, kitchen, larg» recep tion hall and bath. $50 00 to $00 00 THE MONTCLAIR. 1*31 Belmont St. N.W. Frigidaire . S rooms, ki».. dinet. rec. hall. large porch «00 EYE ST. N.W. Electrical Refrigeration 3 rms. and bath (no kitchen) .$50.00 2 rooms, kitchen and bath 65 00 3020 WISCONSIN AVE N.W. Electrical Refrigeration, a rooms, kit. and bath $45.00 3 rooms, kit. and bath «3.00 4 rooms, kit. and bath 68 00 1435 CHAPIN ST. N.W. 1 rooms, kit., bath and Inc. nntch «9 ι « "V 4 rooms, kit., bath. .$60.00 & 62.50 10H G ST Ν W 2 rooms, kit., bath..$45.00 to $52.50 MOUNT VERNON. iHh and New Tork Are. N.W. 2 rooms and bath..... $30 00 2 rooms, kit. and bath 35 00 S701 13th ST. N.W. Electrical Refrigeration. 1 room. kit., bath..$42.50 to $47.50 2 rooms, kit., bath and In closed porch . /■■■■ 1 rooms, kit. ^nd bath 50.00 1414 V ST. N.W. Electrical Refrigeration. 2 rooms, kit., bath .540 00 to $45.00 3 rooms, kit., beth 57.50 COMFORT. (Ml 7th St. N.W. Electrical Refrigeration. 2 rooms, kit. and b $42.50 SOMERSET HOC SE. 1*01 Kith St. N.W. Electrical Refrigeration. 1 room and bath.. 137.50 it $*0 00 1 room. kit. and bath...... 47.oO 2 rooms, kit., bath . . S65 00 A 67.50 3 rooms, kit., bath.. $82.50 to 4 rooms, kit. and 2 baths.. 145.00 2401 CALVERT ST. N.W. Electrical Reiriceration. 1 room, kit . bath....... ... JJJ.OO 2 rooms, kit., bath. $5*.50 to 67 ^0 3 rms . kit . bath. enc. porch. 100.00 4 rooms, kit . 2 baths and in closed porch... $100.00 St 12d 00 5 rooms, kit.. 2 baths and Inclosed porch 140.00 3 imperial. „ _ 1763 Columbia Rd. N.W. Electrical Refrigeration. rooms, kit. and bath.... 157 50 3 rooms, kit., bath, porch. 72 50 4 T.. k.. b. A porch$90 00 ft M 50 5 rms . kit., bath and porch. 100 00 ldlR 16th ST. N.W. Electrical Refrigeration. 5 rooms, kit., dressing room J#0 ^ 3 roooii *kl t.. be t h ·. VU. 50 t ô 65 00 4 rooms, kit. and bath 125 00 CI.IFTON TERRACE. EAST. 14th and Clifton Ms. N.W. Electrical Rifri?eration. 1 r<x>^"[t " «M.OO to «43 00 2 rooms, kit., bath H S5 3 rooms, kit., bath. 7jJ.oo 4 rooms, kit. and bath 83 00 CLIFTON TERRACE. βΟΓΤΗ. 14th and CI'ft on SU. N.W. Electrieal Refrigeration. 3 rooms, ^kit., bath.*.*63.00 to 66.00 CLIFTON TERRACE. WEST. 14th and Clifton Sts. N.W. Electrical RflriltrtHon. 2 rooms and bath..........·$Μ.ΟΟ 2 rms kit and b.. .$52.50 A 53.00 J rooms, kit* bath. .170.00 4 75 00 ROCKSBORO. 1717 R St. N.W. Electrical Refrigeration... .« 1 room and bath.. *25.00 A *26.50 1 room. kit., bath . 31.50 to 38.50 2 rooms., kit.· rec. _. ha'1 and bath. ... 48.50 to 50 03 THE MAYCROFT. 1474 Colombia Rd. N.W. Electrical Refrigeration. 3 rms . kit . bath. *55 00 to *62 50 4 rooms, kit., bath.. 85.00 A 90.00 3K00 14th ST. N.W. Electrical Refrigeration. 3 rooms, kit., bath „ „ and inc. porch ... $SO 00 A $83 00 3 rooms, kit., bath. 70.00 to 75 00 4 rooms, kit., reception hall. 2 baths and porch 103.00 BEVERLY COURT. 1736 Columbia Rd. N.W. Electrical Refrigeration. 1 rooms, kit., bath.... $47. jW 3 rooms, kit. and bath...... 7800 4 rooms, kit., bath porch.. 77 50 6 rooms, kit and 2 baths.... 123.50 7 rooms, kit and 2 baths.... 143.50 IROQI OIS. _ 1410 M St. N.W. Electrical Refrigeration. 2 rooms, kit.. b"th ; ■ {J2 jjS 3 rms.. kit. and b..*60 00 to *66 00 4 rooms, kit., bath 78 00 1173 IRVING ST. N.W. Electrical Refrigeration. 2 rooms, kit., bath..*45.00 to 147.50 ^CAPITOL VISTA. *11 Delaware Ave. 8.W. Electrical Refrigeration. 1 room, kit., bath..$J7.50 & 140 00 2 rooms, kit,, bath.. 50.00 to 55.00 1Γ.1 WEBSTER ST. N.W. Electrical Refrigeration. 2 rooms, kit.. b?th and inclosed porch. . .*47 00 to *53.00 3 r. kit., b and Inc. porch.. 86.00 JEFFERSON. SU H St. N.W, 4 rooms, kit. and bath *50.00 2S.·» PIT ST. N.W. Electrical Refrigeration. 5 rooms, kit., bath..$57.00 to $60.00 MrKINLEY. 1631 2nd St. N.E. Electrical Refrigeration. 2 rooms, kit., bath $50.00 DRAKE. Î11» H St. N.W. Electrical Refrigeration. 1 room. kit., bath *27.50 IRIS. 14W Harvard St. N.W. Electrical Refrigeration. 2 rooms, kit. and bath...... .I4J.00 2 rms.. kit. r. h.. b. porch... 52.50 3 rooms, kit., bath......... 57.50 3 r„ k.. b. ft lncl p. *52.50 ft *62.50 •106 Ν ST. N.W. Electrical Refrigeration. S rooms, kit., bath $52.50 ALBERT. 1623 F St. N.W. ... 4 rooms, kit. and bath $75.00 124 WEBSTER ST. N.W. 2 rooms, kit., bath and inc. porch. .$45.00 to $57.00 m WFHST^R ST. N.W. Electrical Refrigeration 5 rms., kit., bath. inc. porch. $56.00 1017 1Mb 8T. N-W. S rooms, kit., bath..$35.00 it $60.00 FLATS 14M CHAPIN ST. N.W. 4 rooms, kit. and bath $40.00 COLORED APARTMENTS CAMERON. _ lMt Vermont Ave. N.W. 4 rooms, kit. and bath.. — .*32.50 734 PARK RD. N.W. Electrical Refrigeration. 3 rooms, kit., bath..$40.00 k $42.50 ROSELAWN. 11S 16th St. N.B. 2 rooms, kit. and bath $35.00 H. L Rust Company 1001 Fifteenth Street National 8100 , Established 1889 _à SETTLE once and for all—where you are going to live—where you can find most value for the apartment rental you pay—where surroundings and room arrangement will offer livability con ducive to permanent happiness and com fort. The Kennedy-Warren offers all this and more . . . and at rentals that you will be surprised to find are so reasonable. Drive out today and inspect the avail able suites. Two room*, kitchen, dining alcove and bath $80.00 up ') Living room, two bedrooms, bath, extra lavatory, j dining alcove, kitchen $100.00 π ρ Living room, foyer, two bedroom·, two baths, dining room, kitchen $160.00 ap Living room, three bedroom·, three bath·, dining room, kitchen $167.50 ap Living room 27 (t. long, 2 bedrooms, 2 bath·, library, dining room and kitchen $170.00 up I Electricity, Refrigeration and Gas Included The KENNEDY -WAR REN Washington's First Air-Cooled Apartment 3133 Connecticut Avenue Adams 9600 •I DOWNTOWN APTS. AT LOW RENTS Modern, Fireproof Save Car Fare PARK CENTRAL Cor. 19th and F Sti. N.W. Radio in Every Apt. Carpeted Corridors Bell Boy Service Parquet Floor* $52.50—Lovely apartment, con sisting of large living room, dressing closet with built in Murphy bed, sun porch, kitch en and bath with built-in tub and shower, portable dinette aet with «table and chairs. $62.50—Front apartment, con s is ting of reception hall, large living room, dressing closet with Murphy bed, sun porch with Murphy bed, dinette (8x13), kitchen and tiled bath with built-in tub and shower. $75.00—Apartment consisting of reception hall, large, bright living room, bed room, sun room (12x8), with Murphy bed. cozy dining room, kitchen, fully tiled belli with bullt-ln tub and shower. Near Gov't Depts. V Everything Free Frigidaire Current MIRAMAR Cor. 15th and R. I. Ave. N.W. Radio in Every Apt. Carpeted Corridors Bell Boy Service Parquet Floort |50.0^—Housekeeping apartment confis ting of large liv ing room, dressing room with Murphy bed. sun room, kitchen with special bullt-ln cabinets, bath with built-in tub and shower, portable dinette set with table and chairs. $52.50—B e a u 11 f u 1, bright apartment, consisting of large living room, dressing room with Murphy bed. sun room, kitchen with special built-in cab inets, bath with built-in tub and shower, portable dinette set with table and chairs. S72.50- ront apartment, con sisting of large living room, sun room, bed room, kitch en and tiled bath with built-in tub and shower. Open. U|hM, 1· P.M. See Manager ·■ Premises CORCORAN COURTS Cor. 23rd and D Sti. N.W. Fer y Quiet Neighborhood Overlooking Lincoln Memorial and Potomac Park $36.00_Bichelor """ment, eon * «latins ot large. bright living room, dressing closet with Murphr bed. tiled bath «1th bullt-ln tub and shower. $42.50—Hou5ekepDlni apartment, " consisting of unusually larse living room, dressing closet with Murphr bed. kitchen and bath with built-in tub and thower. $57.50—Beautlful apartment, eon· slsting ot reception hall, large 11 vine room, bed room, dinette, kitchen, tiled bath with bullt-ln tub and shower. 472 Kft—Corner apartment, con ▼ ' listing ot reception haU. llvlnc room, closet with Murphy bed. bed room, dining room, kitchen and tiled bath with built-in tub and shower. Open, Lighted Until 10 P.M.—-Retident Mgr. on Premise» Built, Owned and Managed by Cafritz ι -