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LEGAL NOTICES. _{C*n tin aed.)__ JOSEPH L GOLDMAN. 426 3th St. N.W.. Attorney for Petitioner. 8UPREME COURT OP THE DISTRICT OP Columbia.—In re: The application of Louis Cohen for change of name.—No. 54795. Equity Doc—Louis Cohen, having Pled a pe tition praying for a decxee changing nis name to Louis Cohen Cosrlon. and having applied to the Court for an order of publica tion of the notice required by law in »uch cases. It is, by the Court, this 5tht Ay September. A. D. 1932. ordered that al. persons concerned show cause, if »ny there be. on or before the 3rd day of October. A.D. 1932. why the prayers of said petition snoulci not be granted: Provided. That a SSt lor t1k%.?rdc'orI1s^ut?vU.bll|be.'is °^|or| Hid d»y In The Washington Evening star newspaper. JENNINGS HAILE G - JStice. (Seal i A true copy. Test: FRANK E. CUN NINGHAM. Clerk. By H. B. DERTZBAUGH, Assistant Clerk. ___seA0.17.24._ ■-JOSEPH P. BAILEY, Attorney. BUPREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF Columbia, holding Probate Court.—Estate of Blanch Norman SU inker deceased —No: 43860. Administration I3ocfcet 95.—Appnea tion having been made herein for letters ot administration on said estate by Rose Sklnker wife, it Is ordered this 6th day ot September. A.D. 1932. that Robert Sklnker, 1326 Federal st., Phila.. Pa.: Harry Sklnker, address unknown: Daisy Carlos, address un known: Beatrice Williams, address unknown, Georgia Austin, address unknown; Ruth Haslm. address unknown: James Sklnker, address unknown: Richard Sklnker. address unknown: Samuel Skinker. address unknown, and an, and all other heirs which are un known to your petitioner, and all others concerned, appear in said court 9fto£Ion?aiyA the 17th day of October. A.D. 1932 at 10 o'clock a.m.. to show cause why such appli- | cation should not be granted Let notice hereof bt published in the Washington Law Reporter and Evening Star once in each oi three successive weeks before the return day herein mentioned, the first publication to be not less than thirty Clays before said return day JENNINGS BAILEY. Justice. ■ (Seal.) Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL. Register of Wills for the District of Colum bia. Clerk of the Probate Court. seio.17.24 IRVING DIENER S' JOHN H. WILSON, by IRVING DIENER. Attorney. BUPREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF Columbia, holding Probate Court—Estate of Eva A. Chase, deceased.—No. 41607. Ad ministration Docket 91.—Application having been made herein for probate of the last will and testament of said deceased, and for letters of administration c. t. a. on said estate, by Lulie S. Goldsberry. it Is ordered this 7th day of September. A.D. 1932. that William Calvin Chase, ir.. 2201 2nd st. n w Washington. D. C : Beatrice Carter. 1200 Irving st. n.w., Washington. Dj C . and all of the unknown heirs at law and next of kin of Eva A. Chase, deceased, and all others concerned, appear in raid court on Monday, the 17th day of October. A.D. 193Ih at 10 o'clock a m . to show cause why such appli cation should not be granted. Let notice hereof be publ'shed in (he Washington Law Reporter and Evening Star once in each oi three successive weeks before tbe return dpy herein mention*'* the first publication to be not ies* t.nen tn*rrv n'iV'; oe’osarn "-m-hi dav. JENNINGS FMLFV. .Tu*Hce. (SfPl.» Attest* THEODORE COGSWELL. Register of Will* for th° Di*trict of Columb^. Clerk Of the Probate Court.__ self) 17.24 I HAMILTON & HAMILTON. Attorneys. SUPREME COURT OP THE DISTRICT OF Columbia. holding Probate Court.—Estate of Marle DilBant Dill, deceased.—No. 43857. Administration Docket 95 —Aoplication hav ing been made herein for probate of the last i will and testament of said deceased, end for letters testamentary on said estate, by the Union Trust Company, it i* ordered this 8th dav of September. AD. 1932. that Richard Price Baer and Michael S. Baer. jr.. infants, residing in Baltimore. Md.. and all others con cerned. appear in said court on Monday, the 17th day of October. A D. 1932. at 10 p clock a m.. to show cause why such application should not be granted Let notice hereof be published in the Washington Law Reporter and The Evening Star once in each of three successive weeks before the return dav here in mentioned, the first nublication to be not less than thirtv days before said return dav. JENNINGS BATLEY Justice. (Seal.) Attest. VICTOR S. MERSCH. Deputy Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court._ selO.17.24 ROBERT I. RUDOLPH. Attorney for Petitioner, Woodward Building. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE Dis trict of Columbia, holding Probate Court.— In re Estate of Louis Abrahams. Deceased — Arim. No. 43825. Adm. Doc. 95.—Order Nisi for sale.—Annie Abrahams, administratrix of the estate of Louise Abrahams, deceased, on the 26th day of August. A.D. 1932. haying reported to the court that she has received a private offer to purchase the business or the decedent conducted at premises number 711 G street northwest, in the city of Wash ington, District of Columbia, including the name, good will, stock in trade, fixtures, and all goods, chattels and personal prop erty and paraphernalia belonging to, or ap pertaining to the said business, as of the 26th dav of August. 193?. at and for the sum of Forty-five Hundred Dollars ($4.500 00* m cash, it is by the court this 6th day of September. A.D. 1932. ADJUDGED. ORDER ED AND DECREED, that the said offer be accepted, and the said sale be ratified and confirmed unless cause to the contrary be shown on or before the 30th day of Sep tember. A.D. 1932. Provided a copy of this order be published in the Washington Law Reporter and The Evening Star once a week for three successive weeks prior to the last mentioned date. JENNINGS BAILEY. Justice. A true copy (Seal.) Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL. Register of Wills for the District of Columbia, Clerk of the Probate Court._ selO.17.24 | JOSEPH P. BAILEY, Attorney. SUPREME COURT OP THE DISTRICT OP Columbia, bolding Probate Court.—Estate of James E. Payne, deceased.—No. 43862. Administration Docket 95—Application hav ing been made herein for probate of the last will and testament of said deceased, and for letters testamentary on said estate, by Katherine M. Payne, it is ordered this 7th day of September A.D. 1932. that Mabel Payne. Franklin. N. Y.. and all others con cerned. appear In said court on Monday, the 17th day of October. A.D. 1932. at 10 o'clock a m., to show cause why such appli cation should not be granted. Let notice hereof be published in the Washington Law Reporter and Evening Star once in each of three successive weeks before the return day herein mentioned, the first publication to be not less than thirty davs before raid return dav. JENNINGS BAILEY Jii*ttr» ! (Seal.) Attest THEODORE COGSWELL, j Register of Wills for the District of Co!um bia. Clerk of the Probate Court. selO.17.24 V* D> miuiucj, BUPREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF Columbia. Holding Probate Court —No. 43649. Administration —This is to Rive no tice that the subscnber of the District of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia letters of administration on the estate of Paul Gray, late of the District of Columbia, deceased. ah persons Having claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to exhibit the tame, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or be fore the 25th day of July, A.D. 1933: other wise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under rrv hand this fith day of September. 1932 NORMAN A. GRAY 3221 Conn. ave. r.w. (Seal.) At test: THEODORE COGSWELL. Register of Wills for the District of Columbia, Cleric of the Probate Court.selO.17.24 FRANK J. HOGAN. Attorney. BUPREME COURT OP THE DISTRICT OF Columbia. Holding Probate Court.—No. 43898. Administration—This is to give no tice that the subscriber of the District of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia ancillary letters of administration c. t. a., on the estate of Isaac F. Dortch, late of the State of Alabama, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouch ers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the 6th day of Sep tember. AD 1933: otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estat*. Given under its hand this 7th day cf September. 1932 THE RIGGS NATIONAL BANK OF WASHINGTON. D. C. By SID NEY F TALIAFERRO, Vice President and Trust Officer. (Seal.) Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL. Register of Wills for tbe Dis trict of Columbia, Clerk of the Probate Court. __selO,17.24 IVAN HEIDEMAN. Attorney. BUPREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF Columbia, holding Probate Court —Estate of Daniel Culver, deceased.—No. 43706. Ad ministration Docket 95.—Application having been made herein for letters of administra tion on said estate, by Andrew Kopzek. for said letters of administration to issue unto Ivan Heldeman. it is ordered this 1st day of, September. A.D. 1932. thet all the unknown ] heirs at law and next of kin. If anw of said j deceased, and all ethers concerned, appear I in said rnurt. on Mondav. the 10th day of ! October. A. D. 1932. at 10 o clock A M., to : rhow cause why such application should not be granted. Let notice hereof be publisr.ed In the Washington Law Reporter and The Evening Star, once In each of three succes sive weeks before the return day herein men tioned. the first publication to be not less than thirtv days before said return day. DANIEL W. O'DONOGHUE. Justice. (Seal.) Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL. Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. 5 ENOS BAY AND ARTHUR C. KEEFER. Attorneys. SUPREME COURT OP THE DISTRICT OF Columbia. Holding Probate Court.—No. 43311. Administration —This is to give no tice that the subscriber of the State of Maryland has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia letters testamentary on the estate of Rodolph Stewart, late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit j the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or be fore the 6th day of September. A.D. 1933: otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estnte. Given under my j hand this 6th day of September. 1932. J. ENOS RAY Wash. Lean & Trust Bldg.. Wash. D C. Seal ) Attest: THEODORE | COGSWELL. Register of Wills for the Dis trict of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court,_ _ selO.17,24 LEONARD MARBURY. Attorney. SUPREME COURT OP THE DISTRICT OF Columbia, bolding Probate Court.—Estate of Anne Adams, otherwise known as Annie Adams, deceased —No. 43840. Administration Docket 95.—Application having been made herein for letters of administration on the estate of Anne Adams, otherwise known as Annie Adams, deceased, by Eleanor Larsen, it Is ordered this 31st day of August. A.D 1932. that Edward Adams, and all others concerned, appear in said court on Monday, the 10th day of October. A D. 1932. at 10 o'clock a m . to show cause why such appli cation should not be granted. Let notice / hereof be published in the Washington Law Reporter and The Evening Star once In each | of three successive weeks before the return day herein mentioned, the first publication j to be not less than thirty days before said return day DANIEL W. O'DONOGHUE, Justice. (Seal.) Attest: THEODORE COGS WELL. Register of Wills for the QJjtrict of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Couet. 40(10,17 T LEGAL NOTICES._ H. W. SOHON. Attorney. SUPREME COURT OP THE DISTRICT OP Columbia. Holding Probate Court—No. 43628. Administration.—This li to glve no tice that the subscriber of the Dlstrlct of Columbia has obtained from the PTObate Court of the District of Columbia letters testamentary on the estate of Margaret Staf ford late of the District of Columbia, de ceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are herely warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or be fore the 8th day of September. A.D. 1933; otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this • 8th day of September. 1932. HELEN S. WHITTON. the Portner. (Seal.) Attest: VICTOR S. MER8CH, Deputy Reg istfr of Wills for the District of Columbit, Clerk of the -Probate Court. selO.17,24 J. JOSEPH SHEEHAN, Attorney. SUPREME COURT OP THE DISTRICT OP Columbia, Holding Probate Court.—No. 43701. Administration.—This is to give no tice that the subscriber of the District of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia letters of administration c. t. a , on the estate of John H. Beaver, late of the District of Co lumbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the 6th day of September. A.D. 1933; otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this 6th day of September, 1932. MRS DAISY H. BEAVER 1318 Belmont st. n.w. (Seal > Attest: THEODORE COGS WELL. Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. selO, 17.24__ GEORGE F. GLOVER, Attorney. SUPREME COURT OP THE DISTRICT OP Columbia, holding Probate Court.—Estate of Lillian M. Beggs. deceased—No. 43854. Administration Docket 95.—Application hav ing been made herein for probate of the last will and testament of said deceased, and for letters testamentary on said estate, by Wentworth B. Clapham and Isabel G. Clap ham, it Is ordered this 8th day of Septem ber. A.D 1932. that Harry N. Bests and Muriel Betcgs. both non-residents, and all others concenter!, appear In said court on Monday, the 17th day of October. A.D. 1932. at 10 o'clock a m., to show cause why such application should not be granted. Let no tice hereof be published in the Washington Law Reporter and The Evening Star once In each of three successive weeks before the return day herein mentioned. th« first pub- \ lication to be not less than thirtv days be- i fore said return day. JENNINGS BAILEY. Justice. »Seal.) Attest- VICTORS MEHSCH. Deoutv Register of Wills for the District of , Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. selO.17,24_I BARNARD A JOHNSON. Attorneys. i SUPREME COURT OP THE DISTRICT OP Columbia, holding a Probate Court.—No. , 43469. Administration—This is to give no- I tice that the subscriber of the District of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters Testamentary on the estate of Florence Jessie Wilson, late of the District of Colum bia. deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are herebv warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the 1st day of September. AD 1933: otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this 1st day of September. 1932. JULIUS L. r WILSON. 113*) Park Place N E . city (Seal) Attes THEODORE COGS WELL. Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. se.3.10.17.___ FRANK J. HOGAN, Attorney. SUPREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF ■ Columbia. Holding Probate Court.—No. , ajoij. Anmimsiraiioii.— xnis is r-i*c- u«- , tice that the subscriber of the District of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia letters of administration on the estate of Charles J. Larson, also known as Carl Julius Larsscn. late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the 25th dav of August. A.D. 1933: otherwise they may by law be excluded from all bene fit of said estate. Given under its hand this 7th day ol September. 1932. THE RIGGS NATIONAL BANK OP WASHINGTON. D C. By SIDNEY P TALIAFERRO. Vice President and Trust Officer (Seal.) Attest: THEO DORE COGSWELL. Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. _selO.17.24 FREDERICK SCHAFER. Attorney. SUPREME COURT OP THE DISTRICT OP Columbia. Holding Probate Court.—No. 43893. Administration.—This is to give no tice that the subscriber of the District of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court cf the District r»" Columbia letters of administration c. t a . on the estate of Rush H. Williamson, late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouch ers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the 8th day of Sep tember. A D. 1933: otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under mv hand this 8th day of September. 1932. RUTH E. WILLIAMSON. 1712 6th st. n.w. <Seal> Attest: THEO DORE COGSWELL. Register of Wills for the District of Columbia, Clerk of the Probate Court. _selO.17,24 LOVING & HAMNER. Attorneys. SUPREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF Columbia, holding Probate Court —Estate of Thomas Anderson Ross, deceased.—No. 36846. Administration Docket 81.—Applica tion having been made herein for probate of th^Jast will and testament of said de ceased and for letters of administration c. t. a. on said estate, by Marie E. Rose, to issue to Lunsford L. Hamner. it is ordered this 13th day of September A.D. 1932. that Samuel F. Ross. Louise H. Francis. Robert Darnell. Louir3 D. Dunston. Marguerite D. Booth. Ethel Darnell. Harriet Grayson. Mar tha Godfrey. Geor?e Darnell, minor; Samuel Darnell, minor: Madeline Darnel1. Dorothy Darnell, minors: Louise D. Dunston. custo dian. all non-residents and all unknown heirs nt law ar.d next of kin. and all others concerned, appear in said court on Monday, the 24th day of October. A.D. 1932. at 10 o’clock am., to show cause why such appli cation should rot be granted. Let notice hereof be published in the Washington Law Reporter and The Evening Star once in each of three successive weeks before the return day herein mentioned, the first publication to be not less than thirty days before said re turn day. JENNINGS BAILEY. Justice. <SeaI.> Attest: VICTOR S MERSCH. Deputy Reg ister of Wills for the District of CoUimbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. sel7.24.ocl DARR Si DARK. Attorneys. OUh*rtl!;MlL utiuni ur ini. lug t rviv, i <-»r Columbia. Holding Probate Court.—Estate of Herbert Huntington. Deceased—No. 43856. Administration Docket 95.—Application hav ing been made herein for probate of the last will and testament of said deceased and for inters testamentary on said estate, by Mary Huntington, it is ordered this 8th day of September. A.D. 1932. that Mrs. William A. Pew. Rockport, Massachusetts: Mary H. Huntington, miner. 69 Stevens street. Lowell. Massachusetts: Edward H. Huntington, minor. 69 Stevens street, Lowell, Massachu setts, and Mrs. Frances Huntington, custo dian. 69 Stevens street. Lowell. Massachu setts, and ail others concerned, appear in said court on Monday, the 17th day of Oc tober. A.D. 1932, at 10 o'clock am. to show cause why such application should not be granted. Let notice hereof be published in the Washington Law Reporter and The Eve ning Star, once in each of three successive weeks before the return day herein men tioned. the first publication to be not less than thirty days before said return day. JENNINGS BAILEY. Justice. iSeal.l Attest: VICTOR S MERSCH. Deputy Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court.selO.17,34 LONG. CHAMBERLIN £ NYCE. Attorneys. SUPREME COURT OP THE DISTRICT OP Columb'a. holding Probate Court. No. 43838. Administration. This is to give no tice that the subscriber, of the District of Columbia, has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia, letters of administration on the estate of Alice Richard Wilson, late of the District of Co lumbia. deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the 19th day of August, A.D, 1933: otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this 29th day of August, 1932. JOHN A. L. WILSON. 1701 16th st. n.w. fSeal.i Attest- THEODORE COGSWELL. Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court._se3,10.17 JAMES B. FITZGERALD. Attorney. Denrike Bldg. SUPREME COURT OP THE DISTRICT OP Columbia, holding Probate Court—No. 43870 Administration —This is to give no tice that the subscriber, of the District of Columbia, has obtained from the Probata of administration on the estate of Joseph O. Rock, late of the District of Columbia, de ceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the ?9tli day of August. A.D. 1933: otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this 29th day of August. 1932. JOSEPH O. ROCK 'Jr.>. 1332 Penn, ave se (Seal.) Attest: THEODORE COGSWELI, Register of Wills for the Dis trict of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court____sc3.10.17 MINOR. GATLEY a DRURY, SIMON, KOENIGSBERGER. YOUNG A BREZ, Attorneys. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE Dis trict of Columbia. Holding a Court of Equity.—Fannie R. Weinberg, et al.. Plain tiffs. vs. Ooidenberg's, Incorporated, a Cor poration. et al. Defendants.—Equity No 54164 —Fannie R. Weinberg. Leo Baum and National Savings and Trust Company of Washington, D. C., as ancillary executors of the last will and testament and codicil of Morton H. Golderberg, deceased, having filed herein their petition for instructions in the matter of payment to the creditors of the estate of the said Morton H. Goldenberg. the purpose of which petition is to obtain the instructions of the Court as to what priority or preference, if any. creditors of said estate domiciled In the District of Co lumbia. or having filed claims in said Dis trict may have over other creditors of said estate, it is. by the Court, this 12th day of September. 1932. ordered, that the matter of said petition be. and the same is hereby set aown for hearing on the 13th day of Octo ber. 1932. at ten o’clock a.m.: provided, that a copy of this order be published at least once a week for three successive weeks in the Washington Law Reporter. The Evening Star, a newspaper published in the District of Columbia, and the Baltimore Sun, a newspaper published in the city of Balti more. State of Maryland, and that a copy of said petition and of thla order be mailed, not less than twenty days prior to the said 13th day of October, 1932. to all known creditors and persons claiming to be cred itors of'said estate, at their laat known ad dresses. JAME3 BAILEY. Justice. (Seal.) A true copy. Test: FRANK E. CUNNINQ HAM. C’erk. By GEORGE A. WATTS. Asst. Clerk. sel7,24-ccl LEGAL NOTICE._ ARTHUR PETER and W. H. BADEN. Attorney!. SUPREME COURT OP THE DISTRICT OP Columbia, holding Probate Court.—Estate of Bridget Kelly, deceased —No. 43*20. Ad mmistratlon Docket Docket 95.—Application having been made herein for probate of the last will and testament, and codicil thereto, of said deceased, and for letters testamen tary on said estate, by The Washington Loan and Trust Company. It Is ordered this 39th day of August. A D. 1932. that Mary T. Mc Henry. Bridget Becker, the uuknown hetri at law and next of kin of Bridget Kelly, de ceased. and all others concerned, appear In said court on Monday, the 10th day of Oc tober. A.D. 1932. at 10 o’clock a.m.. to show cause why such application should not be granted. Let notice hereof be published In The Washington Law Reporter *nd The Eve ning Star once In each of three successive weeks before the return day herein men tioned. the first publication to be not less than thirty days berore sa»d return day. DANIEL W. O DONOGHUE. Justice. (Seal.) Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL, Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. _«e3,10.17_ 8. J. L'HOMMEDIEII & JAS. D. FLYNN, Attorneys. _ SUPREME COURT OP THE DISTRICT OP Columbia, holding Probate Court. — No. 43837. Administration.—This is to give notice that the subscriber, of the District of Co lumbia. has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia letters of administration on the estate of Mary E. Reilly, late of the District of Columbia, de ceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber on or be fore the 19th day of August, A.D. 1933. otherwise they may by law be excluded from all bene^t cf said estate. Given under my hand this ]*th day of September. 1932. JAMES B. FLYNN. Commerce & Savings Bldg. (Seal.) Attest: THEODORE COGS WELL. Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. SCl7.34.ocl_ BRANDENBURG A BRANDENBURG. Attornews. SUPREME COURT OP THE DISTRICT OF Columbia, holding Probate Court.—Estate of Hilda Childs, deceased.—No 42192. Ad ministration Docket. 92.—Application having been made herein for probate of the last will and testament of said deceased, and for let ters of administration c. t. a on said estate | by May (also known as Mamie' O’Rear. it i is ordered this 31st day of August. A.D. 1932. I that Raymond Kelly. Maude Wilbert. James I Wilson, Edward Wilson. Harry Wilson, and all others concerned, appear in said court on Monday, the 10th clay of October. A.D. 1932. at 10 o'clock a m., to show cause why such application should not be granted. Let notice hereof be published in the Washing ton Law Reporter and The Evening Star once In each of three successive weeks be fore the return day herein mentioned, the first publication to be not less than thirty d»v« before said return dav. DANIEL W. ODONOGHUE. Justice ‘Seal.) Attest THEODORE COGSWELL. Register of Wills fo’ the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate C^urt. _ee3.10.17 ARTHUR PETER AND W. H. BADEN, Attorneys. SUPREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT OP Columbia. Holding Probate Court.—No. 43819. Administration—This is to give no tice that the subscriber of the District of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia letters testamentary on the estate of Dorothy Bor land Willson, late of the District of Colum bia. deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber on or before the 15th day of August. A D. 1933 otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this 12th day of September. 1932. THE WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRUST COM- , PANY. By CHARLES M. IRELAN Jr.. Assistant Trust Officer. <Seal > Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL. Register of Wills for the District of Columbia, Clerk of the Probate Court. se!7 24-ocl_ ARTHUR PETER AND W. H. BADEN, Attorneys. SUPREME COURT "oF THE DISTRICT OF Columbia. Holding Probate Court.—No. 43177. Administration — This is to give no tice that the subscriber of the District of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia letters testamentary on the estate of John B O'Neill, late of the District of Columbia, de ceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or be fore the 1st day of August. AD. 1933: other wise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate Given under my hand this 12th day of September 1932. THE WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRUST COM PANY. Bv CHART ES M. IRELAN Jr . Assistant Trust Officer. (Seal > Attest THEODORE COGSWELL. Register of Wills for the District of Columbia, Clerk of the Probate Court_se!7 24-ocl CHARLES W. ARTil. Attorney. SUPREME COURT OF~THE DISTRICT OF ' Columbia. Holding Probate Court.—No. 43904. Administration —This is to give no tice that the subscriber of the District of Columbia h3S obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia letters testamentary on the estate of Blond G. Seymour, late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or be fore the 9th day of September. A D 1933. otherwise they may by law b* excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under mv liand this 9th day of September. 1932. CHARLES W AP.TH Albee Building Wash ington. D. C. 'Sean Attest: THEODORE cooswell. Register of Wills for the Dis trict of Columbia. Cleric of the Probate Court.___sp17.24-ocl COLLADAY. McOARRAGHY. PETTIS A WALLACE. Attorneys. SUPREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF Columbia. Holding Probate Court—No. 43907. Administration.-—This is to give no tice that the subscriber of the State of New York has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia ancillary letters I of administration on the estate of Mary S Bright, late of the State of Maryland, de ceased All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the *ubscrfb?r, on or be fore the 12th day of September. AD 1933: otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit cf said estate Given under mv hand this 12th dav of S»otember, 1932 MAT TIE SHERMAN. 222* 7th Are . New York. NY 'Seal.! Attest THEODORE COOS WELL. Register of Will*: for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. «et7.24-Ocl_ fKtutKiu A. FEEING and CHARLES S. BAKER. Attorneys. SUPREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF Columbia holding Probate Court.—No *3914. Administration—This is to give no tice that the subscriber, of the District of Columbia, has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia letters testamentary on the estate of Kate P. Mc Coy. late of the District of Columbia, de ceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are herebv warned to exhibit, the same, with the vouchers, thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber on or before the 12th day of Septembeer. A.D 1933: other wise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate.. Given under my hand this 12th day of September. 19.32. WALTER I. McCOY. care F. A. PENNING Shoreham Bldg.. Washington. D. C. (Seal.) Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL. Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. sel7.24.ocl CHARLES M. IRELAN. Jr., Attorney. SUPREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF Columbia, holding Probate Court.—No. 43906. Administration.—This is to give no tice thet the subscriber, of the District of Columbia, has obtained from the Probatp Court of the District of Columbia Iptters of administration on the estate of Milton B. Hundley, late of the District of Columbia, deceased All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber on or before the 12th day of September, A.D. 1933: other wise thev may bv law be excluded from all benefit, of said estate. Given under mv hand this 12th dav of September. 1932. JENNIE A. HUNDLEY. 326 11th st. n e. (Seal.) At test THEODORE COGSWELL Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Prebate Court. _sel7.24.ocl FRANK STETSON, Attorney. SUPREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF Columbia, holding Probate Court.—No. 43659. Administration.—This is to give no tice that the subscriber, of the District of Columbia, has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia letters testamentary on the estate of Louis W. Aus tin. late of the District of Columbia, de ceased All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber on or before the 6th day of September. A.D.. 1933: other wise they mav by law be excluded from all j benefit of said estate. Given under its hand this 9th day of September, 1932. NATIONAL SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. By FRANK STETSON. Second Vice President. ♦ Seal.) Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL. Register of Wills for the District of Colum bia. Clerk of the Probate Court. sel7.24.ocl__ CHAS. W. ARTH, Attorney. SUPREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF Columbia, holding Probate Court.—No. 43S26. Administration.— inis is to give no tice that the subscriber, of the District of Columbia, has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia letters of administration on the estate of Carl Schu man. late of the District of Columbia, de ceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber on or before the 31st day of August. A.D. 1933: otherwise they may by law be excluded from all ben efit of said estate. Given under my hand this 9th day of September. 1932. LILLIAN SCHUMAN. 426 Farragut st. n.w. (Seal.' Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL Register of Wilis for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court._sel7.24.ocl _ ARTHUR PETER and W. H. BADEN. Attorneys. SUPREME COURT OP THE DISTRICT OP Columbia, holding Probate Court. — No. 40153. Administration.—This is to give notice that the subscriber, of the District _af Co lumbia. has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia ancillary letters testamentary on the estate of William Curtis Severns. late of Waverly. New York, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber on or be fore the 21st day of July. A.D. 1933: other wise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this 12th day of September. 1932. THE WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRUST COM PANY. by CHARLES M. IRELAN, Jr.. Assist ant Trust Officer. (Seal.) Attest: THEO DORE COGSWELL. Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Pro bale Court. V Ml7.24.oel * WMAL TO CARRY ROOSEVELT TALK Speech at Mormon Taber nacle Tonight Will Be Heard Here at 9:15 O’clock. Gov. Roosevelt’s campaign speech to night in Salt Lake City will be broad cast by WMAL and a network of asso ciated Columbia stations. An N. B. C. chain also will carry the address, but WRC is not included. The speech will be picked up from the Mormon Tabernacle, and is sched uled to come into Washington from 9:15 to 10 o’clock. WMAL and the other Columbia stations canceled a previously announced address by Dr. Yuen LI Liang to broadcast Gov. Roosevelt’s speech. In addition to Gov. Roosevelt’s ad dress WMAL will carry all of Its regu lar Columbia attractions and a late program from the Howard Theater, to be presented bv Buck and Bubbles, stars of the 1932 edition of ’’The Fol lies,” and Lucky Millinder and his band. Wile Resume Included. The Columbia features include Fred erie William Wile’s weekly political resume of the political situation in Washington, an organ recital by Ann Leaf and the Syracuse Variety Hour. A program made up entirely of the representative music of Brazil, Argen tina. Colombia. Mexico and Cuba will be presented bv Erno Rapee’s Orchestra during its concert tonight over WRC and other N. B. C. stations. The solo ists on this program will be Julian Oliver, tenor, and Viola Philo, soprano. Music for the triweekly dance hour from 9 to 10 o'clock will be provided by Frankie Masted and his orchestra in Chicago and Vincent Lopez and his orchestra in Milwaukee. Walter O’Keefe also will contribute to this program his own version of "The Man in the Fly ing Trapeze,” a song which he intro duced and made popular in "The Third Little Show.” Mitchell to Speak. A Constitution day program to be broadcast by WRC at 8:30 o’clock will feature an address by Attorney General Mitchell. His topic is "Methods of Amending the Constitution.” A variety of music features will be offered tonight by WOL. Outstanding among them will be a concert by the Nordica Mandolin and Guitar Orches tra, banjo solos by Eddie Leger and a recital by Earl Heatwole, baritone. The Silver String Revelers. Madelyn Shep pard and Dixie Dyer also will con tribute to this station's program. TWO BOYS’ DEATHS IN ICE BOX PROBED Inquest Into May Tragedy Opened as Parent Tells of Bruises on One Body. By the Associated Press. SCHENECTADY. N. Y.. September 17. ] —The deaths last May of two little boys j who were found dead from suffocation ; in an apartment .house ice box were under investigation in Schenectady County today. At the request of the father of on? ; of the boys. Coroner William C. Treder : yesterday opened an inquest. John E. Nichoison, the father, testified he be- j lieved his C-year-old son Robert and a playmate. William Rice. jr.. of similar age, were victims of foul play. There were bruises on his son's body, said Nicholson, the parent, and he did not believe they would have been there if the two boys had climbed voluntarily into the ice box, as authorities first believed'. When the boys failed to return home for supper on May 25, their parents notified police. Late that night, search ing a vacant apartment in the build ing in which he lives, Nicholson found the boys' bodies in an unused refriger ator. One was in the ice chest, and the other was doubled up in the cramped quarters of the food compart ment. A. G. Morse to Speak. A. G Morse of the National Security League will speak over WOL at 4:30 o’clock this afternoon on “The Consti tution.” The address will be a feature of the station’s "Constitution Day" program. TODAY’S AMUSEMENTS. Gayety — Hinda Wausa and her "Hindu Belles,” burlesque, at 2:15 and 3:15 p.m. Earle — "The Purchase Price.” at 11:20 a.m, 1:55. 4:30. 7:20 and 10 p.m. Stage shows at 1, 3:35, 6:30 and 9 p.m. R-K-O Keith’s—"Bird of Paradise.” at 11:01 a.m.. 12:48, 2:35, 4:13, 6, 7:47 and 9:34 p.m. Palace—“Grand Hotel,” at 11 a.m., 1:10, 3:20, 5:30, 7:40 and 9:50 p.m. Loew's Fox—"Claudu, the Magician.” at 11:10 am.. 1:50, 4:30, 7:25 and 10:05 p.m. Stage shows, with Edmund Lowe in person, at 12:45, 3:25, 6:20 and 9 p.m. Metropolitan—“Blessed Event,” at 11:38 am., 1:36, 3:34, 5:32, 7:30 and 9:29 p.m. Columbia — “Congorilla,” at 11:30 a.m., 1:15, 3, 4:45, 6:30, 8:15 and 10 p.m. Tivoli—"Love Is a Racket,” at 2, 4, 6:05, 7:50 and 9:40 p.m. Central—“Miss Pinkerton,” from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. , Ambassador—“Tom Brown of Culver,”1 at 2, 4. 5:55, 7:45 and 9:35 p.m. LEGAL NOTICES. JOSE1H L SPILMAN, Attorney. SUPREME COURT OP THE DISTRICT OP Columbia, holding Probate Court.—Estate of Nora Furlong Jones, deceased —No. 43774, Administration Docket 95.—Application hav ing been made herein for probate of the last will and testament of said deceased, and for letters testamentary on said estate, by Eliz abeth Jones Kelly, it is ordered this 29th day of August, A.D. 1932. that Nora Anne Horne, minor, and Virginia Horne Slattery, custodian. Bayslde, Warwick. Rhode Island, and all others corcerned, appear in said court on Monday, the 10th day of October. A.D. 1932. at 10 o'clock a.m., to show cause why such application should not be granted. lngton taw Reporter and The Evening Star once In each of three successive weeks be fore the return day herein mentioned, the first publication to be not less than thirty days befor« said return day. DANIEL W. O'DONOGHUE. Justice. (Seal.) Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL. Register of Wills fot the District of Columbia, Clerk of the Probate Court. se3,10,17 PROPOSALS. OFFICE OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND Public Parks of the National Capital. Sealed bids will be received In this office until 11:00 A.M., Eastern Standard Time. September 20, 1932. and then publicly open ed in Room 1615 Navy Building, for furnish ing all labor and materials for, and finish ing the construction in whole or in part, of the partially completed steel bridge carrying the Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway over Rock Creek at L Street N.W.. Washington, D. C. The approximate quantities of ma terials for the entire structure are as fol lows: Structural steel, 168 tons; reinforced concrete. 1.030 cubic yards; reinforcing steel. 47 tons: creosoted timber. 10 MBM. Of the foregoing quantities the following are ap proximately the quantities of work already done: Structural steel, except pipe hand rail, fabricated and delivered: reinforced con crete. 357 cubic yards already in- place; re inforcing steel. 43 tons delivered and 13 tons in place; creosoted timber all in place. Further information upon application to Room 1031 Navy Building.sel6.17.19 RESORTS. MARYLAND. -. COME TO SEVEN GABLES —for your Fall vacation; special low rates. Call Great Mills 15-F-15. Today on the Radio All programs scheduled lor Eastern Standard Time and are subject to change without notice.) wrnp 315.6 Meters. " ,U^ 950 Kilocycle*. 1:30—'The Farm Forum. 2:00—Radio Troubadours. 2:30—Godfrey Ludlow, vloUnlst. 2:45—Matinee Gems. 3:30—The Lady Next Door. 4:00—Pacific Feature Hour. 4:30—“Constitution Day and the D. A. R„” by Mrs. William J. Pouch. 4:45—'“Little Journeys to the Florence Crittenton Home.” by Elwood Street. director. Community Chest. 5:00—Waldorf-Astoria Orchestra. 5:30—Opry House Tonight. 5:45—Donald Novis and Orchestra. 6:00—Amos ’n’ Andy. 6:15—Pierre Orchestra. 6:30—The Rolllckers. 6:45—The Goldbergs. 7:00—K-7 Secret Service Spy Stories. 7:30—Erno Rapee's Orchestra. 8:30—“Methods of Amending the Con stitution,” by Attorney General Mitchell. 8:00—Frankie Masters’ Orchestra and Vincent Lopez and his orchestra. 10:00—Last-Minute News. 10:02—Ralph Klrbery. 10:15—"Our Vanishing Freedom,” by Merle Thorpe. 10:30—Weather forecast. 10:31—Paul Whiteman’s Orchestra. 11:00—Pennsylvania Orchestra. 11:30—College Inn Orchestra. 12:00—Charlie Agnew's Orchestra. 12:30 to 1:00»—The Barn Dance. WM AT 475 9 Meter* ” 630 Kilocycles. 1:30—Columbia Salon Orchestra. 2:00—Boston Popular Revue. 2:30—The Round Towners. 3:00—Spanish Serenade. 3:15—Description of the Futurity and Jockey Club Gold Cup races. 3:45—Rhythm Kings. 4:00—George Hall's Orchestra. 4:30—Frank Young, pianist. 4:45—Tito Guizar, tenor. 5:00—Irene Beasley. 5:15—Freddie Martin’s Orchestra. 5:30—’"Skippy.” 8:45—Flashes from The Evening Star. 6:00—Time and program resume. 6:01—“The Political Situation. In Washington Tonight," by Fred eric William Wile. 6:15—Fleming Orem, marimba soloist, and Bernard Berry, pianist. 5:30—Keenan and Phillips, piano duo. 6:45—“How the Home Loan Bank Af gets Washington,” by Morton 7:oo—“fhcliuman Side ol the New*,” by Edwin C. Hill. 7:15—Vaughn De Leath. 7:30—Road Report. 7:35—Ous Amhelm's Orchestra. 8:00—Ruth Etting. 8:30—Ann Leaf at the organ. 8:45—Syracuse Variety Hour. 10:00—Tommy Klein's Orchestra. 10:30—Harold Stern’s Orchestra. 11:30—Meyer Davis’ Orchestra. 11:00—Lucky Millincer and his band and Buck and Bubbles. 12:00—Weather report. wtcji 228.9 Meters. W UL 1,310 Kilocycles. 3:00—Walter Reed pregram. 3:30—Sports program. 4:00—Songs by Betty Thompson. 4:15—Hilo Melody Boys. 4:30—"The Constitution,” by A. G. Morse. 4:45—Agnes Chamstrom, contralto. 5:00—Something for Every One. 5:30—Dorothy Reddish, soprano. 5:45—Program by Walter T. Holt. 6:00—Dinner Concert. 6:15—Mandolin and Guitar Orchestra. 6:45—Musical program. 7:00—Earl Heatwole, baritone. 7:20—News Plashes. 7:30—Today in Sports. 7:45— Madelyn Sheppard. 3:00—Eddie Legcr. ban joist. 8:15—Viennese Nights. 8:30—Silver String Revelers. 8:45 to 9:00—Sengs by Dixie Dyer. NAVY ORDERS Bureau of Navigation, September 15. 1932. Orders Issued to officers under date of September 13. 1932: Ensign Douglas T. Hammond, de tached Naval Air Service from Pensa cola, Fla., about September 12; to U. S. S. Tennessee. Dental Corps. Lieut. Comdr. Henry" C. Lowery, orders July 29 to instruction Dental School, University of Maryland, Balti more, Md., revoked: continue duty Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. Warrant Officers. Chief Boatswain William E. Benson, detached Receiving Station. Philadel phia. Pa. about September 30; to U. S. S. Vireo. Chief Boatswain George B. Llewellyn, detached Naval Operations Base. Nor folk. Va.. about September 30; to U. S. S. Whitney. Asiatic Dispatch, Orders September 1?. Lieut. C. H. Thompson, detached U. S. S. Palos: to treatment Naval Hospital, Mare Island. Calif. Lieut. (Junior Grade) W. M. Sweet - ser, detached U. S. S. Panay; to 16th Naval District. Lieut. R. H. Gillett (M. C.). orders to U. S. modified; to Naval Torpedo Station from Keyport. Wash. Lieut. (Junior Grade) O. H. Alex ander (M. C.i. detached U. S. S. Isabel; to U. S. S. Rochester. Chief Carpenter A. J. Ray; to U. S S Houston. Deaths. Rear Admiral George Partridge Col vocoresses, U. S. N, retired, died Sep tember 10. 1932, at Litchfield, Conn. ----• RECEIVERSHIP REQUESTED FOR APARTMENTS HERE Foreclosure of Potomac Park Prop erty Also Urged by Petitioners in Court Action. Application for the appointment of a receiver for the Potomac Park Apart ments, Twenty-first and C streets, owned by Frederic J. Haskin and his wife, Olive G. Haskin, was made yes terday in District Supreme Court by holders of notes secured by a second deed of trust on the property. Fore closure of the trust also is requested. The petitioners are the National Mort gage & Investment Corporation, the International Bank, the Mount Vernon Savings Bank. Weaver Bros., Inc., and Isidore Freund. They tell the court that the second trust is for $253,965.32 and is subject to a first trust for $346. 879. Interest and other payments are in arreas. it is claimed. The charge also is made that one of Mr. Haskins organizations has become in arrears of rent to the extent of $11,000. KENSINGTON RESIDENT, 81, SUCCUMBS AT HOME Jason P. Warthen, Native of Da mascus District, Was 111 Several Months. Special Dispatch to The Star. KENSINGTON, Md., September 17.— Following aib illness of several months, Jason P. Warthen, 81, died Wednesday i afternoon at his home here. He is sur- j vived by the following children: Carroll Warthen of Washington, Reed N. War then of New York, Miss Jesta Warthen of Los Angeles, Calif, and Miss Irene Warthen of Kensington. He also leaves the following sisters and brothers: Mrs. Edward Wyvill of Etchison, Mrs. Joseph ; Dugan and Mrs. Emma Souder of Da mascus, Nathan B. Warthen of Balti more. William E. Warthen of Damascus and Alfred C. and Augustus Warthen of Kensington. Mr. Warthen was a native of Damas cus district. He had lived in Kensing ton about 30 years. FETES CLERICAL FORCE Rockville Attorney Is Host to Court Clerk's Office Workers. Special Dispatch to The Star. CHEVY CHASE, Md., September 17. —James H. Pugh, one of the younger members of the Rockville bar, was din ner host to members of the clerical force of the office of the clerk of the Circuit Court at the home of his mother, Mrs. E. L. Pugh, here Wednesday eve ning. His guests included Miss Margaret Scherrer, deputy clerk of the Circuit Court; Miss Elizabeth Virts, Mrs. War ner E. Pumphrey, Miss Margaret Tyler, Mrs. Lester Bogley, Miss Linda War field, Miss Pauline Counselman and Miss Maude Wilson. Every great nation Includes men of different racial stocks. Don't Let Constipation Run On You will And onr L.-A. PSYLLIUM SEED CONCENTRATE a bleasant an* efficient mean, far oyereomlnr Constipation. Onr preparation la superior because In pul verizinr the very hlrhest rrade of psyl lium seed we eliminate most of the useless shell. It takes TWO pounds of seed to make ONE pound of L*-A. CON CENTRATE—that Is why it la cheapest 60c par pound Sent direct from tha laboratory to any local address. Nat. Vaccina ft Antitoxin Inat. ISIS You St. A, North #089 t Major Radio Features SPEECHES Frederic William Wile. WMAL. 6:00; Attorney General Mitchell, WRC, 8:30; Gov. Roosevelt, WMAL, 9:15. DRAMA. The Goldbergs, WRC, 6:45; K-7, WRC, 7:00. VARIETY. Keenan and Phillips, WMAL, 6:30; Vaughn de Leath, WMAL. 7:15.; Ruth Etting and Nat Shilkrets Orchestra. WMAL, 8:00; Ralph Kir bery WRC, 10:02. DANCE MUSIC. Frankie Masters’ Orchestra and Vincent Lopez and his Orchestra, WRC. 9:00; Paul Whiteman's Orchestra, WRC. 10:30; Meyer Davis’ Orchestra. WMAL. 11:30; Charlie Agnews Or chestra, WRC. 12:00. CLASSICAL. Emo Rapee's Orchestra, WRC, 7:30. HIGH LIGHTS ELSEWHERE. 6:30—"Cuckoo” program with Ray mond Knight—WJZ. WBAL, WBZ. WHAM and KDKA. 7:00—"Whoopee,” featuring Gene Aus tin, Ruth Lyon, quartet and orchestra—WJZ, WBZ, KDKA, WHAM and WLS. 8:00—Week End Revue, with Gus Van and the Pickens Sisters—WJZ. WBAL. WHAM and KDKA. 8:30—"Helena’s Boys,”dramatic sketch —WJZ. WBAL. WHAM. KDKA. WBZ and WLW. 9:15—Campaign address by Gov. Roosevelt—WJZ, WBAL, WHAM and KDKA. 10:15—Cesare Sodaro’s Orchestra— WJZ, WBAL. WJR and WLW. 11:00—Jack Denny's Orchestra: dance music—WJZ, WBAL, WHAM and WREN, _I _, EDUCATIONAL._ ACCOUNTANCY Pace Courses; B. C. S. and M. C. S. degrees; Day and Evening Classes; C. P. A. preparation; Co-educational. Send for 2fitb Year Book Benjamin Franklin University 502 Transpriatton Bide. Met. 2515 WOOD’S Secretarial SCHOOL Founded 1885 311 East Capitol—Lincoln 0038 Individual Instruction Day, Four Weeks, $16.00 Evening, $6.60 Court F, Wood. L.L. M„ Principal National University Fall Term Begins September 2fi. 1932 SCHOOL OF LAW School of Economics and Government Registrar's Office Open for Registration 9 a m. to 7 p.m. 818 13th STREET N.W. Tel. Na. 6617 The National Drafting School Day and evening classes resume Mondav. . Sept. 19th. New and enlarged course in 1 Architectural Drafting. Special short courses in Blueprint Reading and Estimating. Math ematics—all branches. Send for new descrip* tive folder. 10th Floor The Earle Bldg. Na. 4480 .18* SIDWELLS’ FRIENDS SCHOOL For Boys and Girls 50th Year Begins September 19 City School, 1809-1819 I St. N.W. All Grades and High School Suburban School, 3901 Wise. Ave. Kindergarten and Grades I. II. Ill, IV. V Country Club, Athletic Field. Gymnasium. Swimming. Bus Service Tho*. W. Sidwell, A. M. Principal Phone National 0284 “devitt school for Boys A fully accredited boarding and day school specializing In training for College Entrance Exams. Preparation for West Pclnt. Naval Academy and the Coast Guard. Supervised athletic training. Grammar and High 8chool Grades. Bchool opens Sept. 21st. Catalog on request. Junior Department for Young Boys In separate building. 2961 Upton St. N.W., Clnv. 1911. I ★★★★★★ Felix Mahony’s National Art School Onr Eight-Month Professional Cenrsee Fit Yen to Accept n Position In Celer, Interior Decoration, Cestnme Design. Commercial Art. Posters. Children's Saturday Class. See Our Exhibition. New Classes Now Forming. 1747 R. I. Ave. Nat. 2656 AMUSEMENTS. SaMfisaiKSHUfiBaund IS OPEN For Your Fun A LX. AMUSEMENTS SWIMMING #iW A. St. to 11:9ft P. St DANCING 0:80 to 11 :M T. M. - 100-Mile Sunday Cruise 75c Adults—25c Children Lv. Wash. 10 A.M.—Return 5:30 P.M. Regular Moonlight Tonite 8:45 P.M. Admission, 75c-Dancing WILSON LINE NA. 2440 7th St. Wharye* 0*r EVERYBODY I# READY TO ■k Supply Blank Booki l\ _ when you »ay th* • word. Star* Hoars. S A.M. to 8:3# P M. E. Morrison Paper Co. 1009 Pa. Ave. FRIED CHICKEN Prompt Delivery You’ll Enjoy Our dH Special Box Which Includes Whole Fried Chicken Toasted Finger Rolls Y ■ French Fried B Potatoes », Sweet Mixed Pickles ULRIC’S __GE. S.W I'Jtl Ingraham New Tee Cu Rave BAKED SWISS STEAK 4 Steaks for 4 People, Hot Gravy or Fried Spring CHICKEN DINNER 14 Individual Pieces •r 12 Fried OYSTERS DELIVERED 7Ka HOT IOC 7 A. M. to « I*. M. Choice of Salads. Fnrnch Fried Potatoes. Tickles and Hot Holla 5e or more l)eliv Cliff. Come by or t Phones: NOrtli 9G63 or Mirth M74 SERVICE COFFEE SHOP 1719 14th Si. X. W. Bigger and Better Funerals ; At Half tha Usual Cost Are Dene by CHAMBERS Largest in the City A Whole Funeral for as CCC low as . Phone or write your Address. We w;ll send you a beautiful catalogue of How We Do It. MAYNARD’S SPECIAL CHICKEN BOX Enough for Four Persons Consisting of One Whole Fried Chicken. Southern Style: *.-£ Dot. Homemade Tea Cup Inn Rolls, choice Salad or Pickles. Crisp French Fried Potatoes, Four Cup Cakes. Everything Fresh Chiekeni Killed Daily Call by. < Deliver it A M. to 11 r.M. Maynard’s Restaurant Phone 1410 Eye Street NorthwestNat. 8908 - —I-— -- - . . Make Your Home at the tBlackstone Hotel § 1016 17tk St. Diet. 3510 i —this coming season and an si joy the special rates which we = are -quoting. = Attractively furnished room S and luxurious appointed bath, 5 with the service of this new, = modern hotel—two in a room, = each, by the week— | With With With s Breakfast Dinner Breakfast | and Dinner 1 *8 2# *10 4S $1275 i The rates are quoted on a s monthly basis. S You will find this “real liv s mg”—for every effort is exer s cised to make our guests com S fortable; and the cafe Is famous = for the quality of its cuisine. 'k Harry Wood, Manager / SUNDAY DINNER > A Choice of V ^ Fresh Vegetable Soup y \ Fruit Cup or Tomato Juice / A Choice of L f Baked Filets ot Flounders \ \ Florentine- t / A Prime Rib ot N. Y. Btefuuius / M Fried Spring Chicken, X Cream Gravy T ^ Roast Spring Lamb, mint Sauce / f Escolloppine ot Veal, with rice ^k X Sirloin Steak, a la minute ▼ \ Choice ot / A Two Fresh Vegetables ^ w Choice ot y X Salad and Dessert / A Colfee, Tea or Milk A' f Hot Biscuits and Butter ^ COCKROACHES RATS-MICE OIK Aim KATINO STEARNS’Electric PASTE uied successfully by million* during the peat 54 yeers. . All deafen — 35c and $1.50 KONEV' BACK IF IT FAILS > AMUSEMENTS. « MOW THE SMASH LOWDOWN 1 »ON AMERICA'S MOST 1 SUCCESSFUL GOSSIPER I Me/rimMon _ BflHB - 1 BlRDofS PARADISE I DOLORES DEL RIO JOEL MCCREA Coming RICHARD DIX J “HELL’S HIGHWAY" GAYETY-BURLESK NOW PLAYING KIND A I WAUSAU 1 ■rW'Y'Y'^Is; k T- JgWWIfW I IS pe/iW/f| BElfl LUGOSI" mEnEUiiliilj (SBj .fatBPfeid i I , GBRBO-/0wBBRRymOR£ ><w/CftRLUFORD J Wallace BEERY A /tcKcLMminiQPiJi _M-C M *iCTU«E^^^P^2g ST<ft*?nWiar"iS^ H tgPHVHal ASHTON CLARENDON. VA JOE E. BROWN, "TENDERFOOT Adven _tures in Africa. Comedy. News.__ CAROLINA • soN,<h or*' Oklahoma," with BOB STEELE. Perfect Sound /'■DPI 17 SIM Pa. Are.. Ph. W. 0!i:>3 LIIXvLL Home of the Mirror Screen. TIM MCCOY. SHIRLEY GREY. ■ CORNER ED" "AIR MAIL MYSTERY." Fablc__ rUIMDADTHN ISM Wisconsin Avc. UUIWdAK 1 UN TIM MoCOv in TEXAS CYCLONE " Comedy. THE CHUMP " PilDI AWN anacostia. d. c rAlKLAWIl HAROLD LLOYD in _"FEET FIRST "__ 1 VOIP GAITHER SB PRO. MD LI KIL WHEELER A WOOLSEY in "HOLD ’EM. JAIL."_Mickey MOW. PRINCESS 1,,0,,nHosC.ooNE ' BOB STEELE in "THE LAV. OF THE WEST." One Hour of Comedies So; ml. CTANTHN Mb «"a C Sts. N.E. ulAIllUil Finest Sonnd Eonipmert VICTOR McLAGI.EN in WHILE PARIS SLEEPS” Mat. Only—Final Episode, "LIGHTNING WARRIOR."__ CTATC BETHESDA. MD. jlnlL Home of Western-EIectrie Sound MARIAN NIXON and RALPH BELLAMY n "REBECCA OF SUNNYBROOK FARM Comedy. Serial. Matinee. 1:30._ TlPAIIt 4th and Butternut Sts I AAUlflA Vo Parkinc Troubles EDMUND LOWE In “ATTORNEY FOR THE DEFENSE” “FAST COMPANIONS” % HIPPODROME Double Feature g Jack Holt in “Dangerous Affair Tom Keene in “Beyond the Rockies.* ^ rAllCfl MT. RAINIER. MD f LAIYILU Today Bill Boyd in ‘Biu_Gamble." £ ARCADE Richard Arlen in "Sky Bride” I AMBASSADOR corRYnN w tn “BROWN OF CCIATR’’ £ APOLLO K4 H N E W “MADAM RACKETEER” ^ AVAirkN Conn. Are. and AVALUIl McKinley St. D. C . TOM MIX. "RIDER CF DEATH VAL u LEY ” Onr Gang Comedy._’_ x AVENUE GRAND a*4s E*-. □ “MISS PINKERTON” . CENTRAL 9,8 VvH,n< E CO “MISS PIXKKKTOX” Q COLONY Um‘ Av*' A F*rr*,,,, *'■ P</ CLAUDETTE COLBERT. EDMUND T? LOWE. "MISLEADING LADY." m HOME “*•c 8‘ N E ^ “LOVE IS A RACKET” y SAVOY 14tb su * CoL Rd vw' 2 “ATTORNEY FOR DEFENSE,' ED MUND LOWE Pltls-Todd Corned' _ Qm JJVOLI 14tb st' * F*rk Rd' N W ^ “LOVE IS A RACKET" > YORK Gm. Ave. A Quebec St. N.W. BUCK JONES. -RIDIN' FOR JUS _TICE." Tryon Comedy.__ JESSE THEATER ^We."” R. C. A. Photonhone. _ OS ALEXANDER KIRKLAND and VIOLET Mu HEMMING In ALMOST MARRIED 5 TIM McCOY. "CORNERED."_ KS CV| VAN l»t * *• > Ave. N.W ©W jILYAIt RICARDO CORTEZ In US "IS MY FACE RED?” HOOT GIB M SON In “LOCAL BAD MAN " Serial. Ee8* QFfn SILVER SPRING MD. _ ►W JLtU MARIAN NIXON In ' RE IS BECCA OF SUNNYBROOK FARM TOM KEENE in 'BEYOND THE ROCKIES" "dancing. PROP. * MBS. ACKER— Hi; 10th St. N.W. Clasa and dancing Mon. A Frl.. * to 11:M p.m., with orchestra. Private lesson* by appointment. Met. 4IK0. Established ISO*. 10* PEYTON PENN STUDIO. 1745 F ST. N.W. Met. 3050—Instruction In modern ball room dancing, private or data: latest dancea. CATHERINE BALLE Berlnniac Friday. 8 P.M.. Ball Room Clasa Dincino—directed peraonally by Miss Balle. Also all atylea of Stare Dancinr. For ap polntment call NORTH 7713._17* PHIL HAYDEN • DUPONT CIRCLE. NORTH 2551.