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L-OV-E By CRAIG CARROLL THE INSIDE STORY OF RADIO BROADCAST BY A MAN WHO KNOWS The adventures of Judy Allison, a small town girl, who wins fame, 'fortune and love behind the micro phones of one of the country's lead ing broadcasting stations. This new, thrilling type of business-girl takes her readers behind the scenes in radio. Written by a radio author and producer who conceals his iden tity with a pseudonym, the story weaves the thrilling love story of a girl with courage, hope and ambi tion, who takes her fling at life. Begins Sept 19th and appears jdaily in The Α ·ψ· ,· Λ. .. i : SOCIETY Mrs. Stimson Returns to Capital Today. Secretary of Navy Adams Expected to View President's Cup Race. ι THE Secretary of State, Mr. Henry L. etimson. will be joined this afternoon by Mrs. Stlmson. who Is motoring from her home, Highhold, on Long Island, where she spent the Summer. Mrs. Stimson will remain in the Capital during the Winter season. The Secretary of the Navy, Mr. Charles Francis Adams, is expected to witness the President's Cup race this afternoon on the Potomac. The Third Assistant Postmaster Gen eral, Mr. Frederic A. Tilton. and Mrs. Tllton, will attend the regatta this aft ernoon and will be in the party of Col. and Mrs. Edward Goring.Bliss. Among others in Col. and Mrs. Bliss' party will be Col. U. S. Grary. 3d. The Minister of the Netherlands and Mme Van Royen entertainted at din ner last evening at Newport, where they are spending: the season. Representative and Mrs. James M· Beck returned to this country on the Bremen and are at their Summer home at Sea Bright, N. J. Their daughter, Mrs. S. Pinkney Tuck, and her two children returned with them. Mrs. Benjamin Royall Holcombe is at the Mayflower for a few days be fore sailing Tuesday aboard the Paris for Europe, where she will spend the Winter. Mrs. Holcombe and her chil dren have been in her Summer home at Newport through the season. Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Cornelius Van derbilt were hosts at dinner last eve ning at Newport. Mrs. Chauncey M. Depew was hostess at luncheon yesterday entertaining at Briarcliff lodge at Briarcliff Manor, N. Y„ in compliment to Mrs. William Barret Ridgley who Is there for the Autumn season. Former United States Ambassador to Italy and Mrs. Richard Washburn Child have returned to Newport after spending a short time in New York. Mrs. T. De Witt Talmadge, who has been at the Mountain View House, in Whitefleld, Ν. H., arrived in New York and is at the Plaza before coming to Washington. Conte Alfonso Villa and Contessa Villa are among those sailing today aboard the Augustus for Italy, where ! they will be through the Winter. Conte Villa formerly was attached to the Ital ian embassy in Washington and with Contessa Villa has been In their Sum mer home, on Long Iiland. Mrs. Daniel C. Stapleton is at Ward man Park Hotel lor a few days. Miss Martha Brownlee of St. Louis, Mo., is the guest of Capt and Mrs. Paul I A. Brickcy at the Shoreham. Mrs. Skirvin Adams was hostess to a group of children yesterday after noon. entertaining in her Summer home at Newport for her small daughter. Miss Adele Black, daughter of Judge and Mrs. Eugene Black, will leave today for Denton, Tex., where she will attend school this xomlng Winter. The Rev. Dr. George W. Atkinson. ! rector of St. James' Church, has re ; rently returned from a two months abroad. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Cammack are OPENING Restaurant Pierre CONN. AVE. AT QUE ST. Monday Sept. 19th Luncheon Afternoon Tea Dinner De Luxe Dinner SPECIAL attention given private Luncheon, Dinner and Bridge Parties AN ANNOUNCEMENT I DINNER 7u.c« CA Chicken or Filh Tomato Cocktail OUC Choice of Any Fruit Cocktail Beverages Desserts Two Freeh or Hot Soup Home-made Breads Vegetables 17th CAFETERIA 724 17th St. N.W. I Τ is Good Taste to Serve On Your Table Compare its Freshness and Delicious Flavor with any Butter—you be the judge of its Quality. It is because of our direct connections and tremendous output that we aïe able to sell you the Finest Butter in America such a reasonable price. Quality Controlled from Cow to Counter. Louella has won over Five Hundred Prizes. Attractive Bride MRS. JOSEPH MEYERS BOWMAN, j Before her marriage, September 3. she ι was Miss Mary Battelle, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Lewis Battelee. —Harrls-Ewlng Photo. : in New York for a few days and are at the Waldorf-Astoria. Important Weddings Today In and Out of Washington. Ssnorita Cecilia Alia^o, daughter of the Minister of Panama and Senora de Alfaro, and Mr. James O'Donnell Moran, son of Mrs. Anne Moran. will be married this afternoon at 5 o'clock in St. Matthew's Church. A reception will follow at the Panama legation. The marriage of Miss Prance Caryl O'Brian, daughter of the assistant to the Attorney General and Mrs. John Lord O'Brian. to Mr. Ames Bartlett Hettrick of Amherst. Va., will take place this evening at 8 o'clock in 8t. John's Church in Buffalo. Miss Margaret Eckels, daughter of Col. and Mrs. Charles Burd Eckels of Chevy Chase, D. C, and Lieut Howard Lvman Collins of Annapolis, son of Mrs. Ella Howard of this city, will be mar ried this evening at 8 o'clock in the Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church and a reception will follow in the home of the bride's parents, on Ir.gomar street. The first wedding to take place in ] the Great Sanctuary of the Washing ton Cathedral will be that of Miss E. Louise Sobotka and Mr. Edwin C. Stefle this afternoon. The ceremony will be performed at 4 o'clock by Canon William L. De Vries of the Cathedral and the vested choir, of which the bridegroom is baritone soloist, will sing. The bride Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Sobotka of Washington. Mrs. F. Bagley Wallace announces the engagement of her daughter, Miss Susanne Bagley Wallace, to Mr. Roger Williams Cheney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Bushnell Cheney of South Man chester, Conn. Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Davis have gone to Atlantic City for the early Au tumn and are staying the Hotel Am bassador. Announcement is made of the mar riage of Miss Selma Camen. daughter of Mrs. R. Camen of Brooklyn. Ν. Y., to Mr. Paul L. Heller, son of Mrs. Sid ney Heller of this city, Dr. Abram Simon officiating, on Friday, September 16. The couple have left on a motor trip and upon their return will live at Woodley Park Towers. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Coons and their daughter, Miss Lila Coons, are among those from Washington who are spend ing September at the Hotel Ambassador in Atlantic City. Dr. Laura A. Brennon has gone to Atlantic City and is spending several weeks at the Hotel Dennis. Mrs. John A. Butler, accompanied by Miss Sarah Sheplev. Mrs. Ernest Fen wick and Mrs. Butler's daughter. Miss Frances Butler, have completed a motor trip through New England and into Canada. They visited in Princeton, Ν J.,«motored through the Berkshires and into Maine, stopping in Quebec and LOST. CARVED IVORY PIN. Saturday. Reward. Phone Lin._2027. 17*_ CAT, black, big. short-haired, name Bust er." minus several teeth; had on harness with leash. Pearl Jones. 331 Webster n.w. Col. 8461-J. DIAMOND BAR PIN—Friday night, at the Seco Theater. Silver Spring. Md. Suitable reward. Phone Cleveland 1007. EYEGLASSES—Tortoise shell rims, in case wiih name of M. A. Leese. on Friday. Re ward. 109 Websjer njff. IS* FALSE TEETH—Lost September β. CaU Wisconsin 3097. GLASSES, white gold. bifocal, with black pin. Reward. 1318 Delafleld St. n.w. Co lumbia 5698. GOVERNMENT CREDENTIAL CARD-CASE, left in Federal American & Merchants' Bank. 20th St. and Pa. ave. n.w.. about 8:45 a m. Saturday. Reward if returned to manager Naples Apts- 713 lBth n.w. PICTURES 12). French prints; on Conn. ave.; reward. Emerson 2483. POODLE, white. Cuban, lower front teeth missing; answers to name Midge. Reward at 1301 Fairmont st. n.w. RING—Little finger ring: one large, several small diamonds. 2 sapphires: lost Saturday. Army-Navy Club. Va., or Piegly-Wiggly on S st. Reward. Wisconsin 3761. SWORD, antique silver with bone handle. Reward for immediate return. Call National 9000. 18· WATCH—Elgin wrist watch and bracelet be tween 14th and Κ sts n.w. and Takoma Park. Phone oflice Natl. 4645. branch 832: home. Shep. 2438-J evenings, after Sept. 19. Reward. Toronto and returning by way of Buffalo and Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Williams have closed their home on Thirty-sixth street and gone to Atlantic City for a portion of September and are staying at the Chalfonte-Haddon Hall. Mrs. β. C. Davis and Miss Emily C. Davis of 4707 Connecticut avenue, after spending the month of August in α tour of the principal cities of the Pa ciflc Coast, have returned to the city. They were met upon their return here by a party of friends and given a sur prise shower followed by a supper party. Diplomats Will Attend Fete at Rossdhu Castle. A number of Interesting parties have been planned for tonight's "Night in Mexico" at the Rossdhu Castle Club Among those who will entertain are: Dr. Walter Phillips, Mr. Wade T. Bar ton. who will be host to a large party, and Mr. J. C. Cosden. The first secretary of the Peruvian embassy and Senora Mendoza Almenara will be the guests of Mr. Donald Mac Donald, 3d. Also Included In this party will be Senor Jose Teceros of the Pan American Union. Rita Reyos. mezzo-soprano, and Rita Arena will be the featured artists of the evening. The midnight entertain ment will include several solos by Senorlta Reyos, while the dance se quence to be presented by Senorita Arena will include not only the modem rhumba, but old Mexican folk dances, some of them of Aztec inspiration. Miss Kathryn Crowley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Η Crowley, who make their home at the Shorcham, has just returned from Washington, N. C. Miss Helen Wright has returned to Washington after .'pending two weeks at Atlantic City. Mrs. Elizabeth Northrop, who has been at South Mllford. Nova Scotia, for the past three months, has returned to her home at the Shcreham. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Dougherty of Norfolk, Va., are the guests of Mr. John Gibbs at the Wardman Park H:tel, where the latter makes his heme. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Deckman are In Atlantic City for a short vacation and are staying at the Chalfonte-Haddon Hall. Mrs. Clara L. Street of Pittsfield. Mas*.. is at the Carlton for a stay of two months. She has with her Mrs. L. L. Pierce of San Diego. Calif., and Miss Minnie Livingston of New York City. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mapes of Glen Ridge, N. J., have returned to Washing ton to spend a few days and, with Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Rogers of Newark, N. J., and Miss Margaret Rogers, they have taken an apartment at Wardman Park Hotel. Mrs Maurice Fitzgerald Is spending some time In Bermuda and Is at the Hamilton Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Gwaltney cf Scars dale, Ν. Y., are at the Carlton for a few days, accompanied by Mrs. C. A. McAllister, also of Scarsdale. Women's City Club Plans Colonial Tea Tuesday. The City Planning Comimttee of the Women's City Club has arranged a colo nial tea in honor of the visiting dele gates to the Bicentennial Conference on Planning Parks and Government ίor Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Francis D. Merchant, chairman of the committee, has invited Mrs. U. S. Grant, 3d: Mrs. Horace M. Albright, Mrs. John M. Gries, Mrs. Harry K. Daugherty. Mrs. Walter R. Tuckerman and Miss Harlean James to receive with her. Others assisting will be Mrs. M. B. Berryhill, Mrs. Apple ton P. Clark, jr.; Miss Julia D. Connor. Mrs. William J. Cooper. Mrs. William Lee Corbin. Miss Jessie Dell. Mrs. Joshua Evans, jr.; Dr. A. Frances Foye, Mrs. W. W. Husband. Mrs. William J. La Varre. Miss M. Pearl MeCall. Mrs. William A. Mann. Mrs. Virgil C. Miller. Judge Mary O'Toole, Mrs. S. M. Parker. Mrs. Edward Quintard, Dean Grace Hays Riley, Mrs. William W. Spaid. Mrs. Caroline B. Stephen. Mrs. R. Y. Stuart, Mrs. Lvman B. Swormstedt and Mrs. Harvey'W. Wiley. It is especially fitting that the City Planning Committee should have a share In the entertainment of the group of visiting civic organizations since, so far as is known, this was the first Women's City Club to inaugurate such a committee. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ν. Hutchinson, with Mr. Hutchinson's sister. Mrs. Albert J. Rcohan of New York City, are at the Shoreha'm for a few days on their way back from a motor trip to Fair field Inn, N. C. Miss Nelle Wolfe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Wolfe of Capitol View, has gone to York, Pa., where she is in school. Miss Elizabeth F. Martin and Miss Laura Jessup of Peekskill, Ν. Y., arc at the Dodge for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Revness of New York City come to Waîhington the 1st of October. They will make their home at Wardman Park Hotel for the com ing season. Mrs. Henry S. Graves of New Haven. Conn., is spending a few days at the Dodge. Tito P. Jumalon, general secretary of the Independence Headquarters of the Filipino Federation of Amcrica, Inc.. will entertain his American and Filipino friends at dinner and dance at 809 Twenty-first street this evening. Th3 Filipino String Orchestra will fur nish the music for the dancing. Among those who have accepted the invitation are Mr. and Mrs. Leon Ar boliras. Mr. and Mrs. Dora to de Jesus and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jacinto Parongr. Mrs. Horn and her daughter. Miss Fay Smith, Miss Conchita Reyes, Miss Claire Gere. Mr. Nicaror Cardones, Mr. Eugene Garcia, Mr. Sinforoso Mar tines, Mr. Camilo Tado. Mr. Severiah Concepcion, Mr. Martin G. Ramos. Mr. Diokin!a and Mr. Dlosdado M. Yap. Miss Bessie Hopkins Is spending a few days at the Chalfonte-Haddon Hall in Atlantic City. Mr. De Lacy Shaw entertained a party at luncheon yesterday at the Ross dhu Castle Club. ALPINE FUNERAL RITES TO BE HELD ON MONDAY Wife of Supervising Director of TJ. S. Employment Service to Be Buried in New York. Funeral services for Mrs. John R. Al pine, wife of the supervising director of the Unitrd States Employment Service, who died Thursday, will be held at 9:30 a.m. Monday at St. Thomas' Apostle' Church. Burial will be In New York. A native of Massachusetts, Mrs. Al pine had lived here for more than a year. She came to Washington with Mr. Alpine from her home in New York City when he was selected to organize the United States Employment Service. Besides her husband, Mrs. Alpine is survived by two sons, John S. of St. Louis and Leo J. of New York City, and two daughters, Mrs. Ann Beau Champ of Springfield, Mass., and Alice Alpine of this city. CHIEF JUSTICE DIES South African Official Succumbs After Flight to London. LONDON, September 17 <JP).—Jacob de Villiers. chief Justice of South Af rica, died today soon after an airplane had brough' him from Germany, where he had bee-i under treatment for an internal malady. His condition became worse a few days ago, |ad he expressed the wish to return to London. Arrangements for the night were made immediately. C&arfc of pankfl. ■sa» ara,pSr.TltuS-iou'i·^ Kl0M/WDËmMcciutXT AND CHIL DREN. S?alhfl. ALPINE. FmANCEe EM^T. On Thu«ft£ Hotel ^FTIANCES SsMILbe o'ved -H. of John ™Λ1Ρ.η, W. Chamber» Co. funeral « ^ Chapin ft. n.w., on Monday. 8ememoe 19, »t # » m., thence to 8t. Tnoma» Apostle Church. 2661 Woodley rd n.w. where mass will be offered at 9^30 n.m. for the repose of her soul. Relatives ai u friends Invited. Interment (private) in New York later. Bl'SH. JOSEPH. On Thursday. September 15. 1932. at his residence. Sll S st. η JOSEPH BUSH. He Is survived by a.wife· Sophie Bush 'nee ,^aiV-in^m from Sunday. September 18. at 10 a.m. from the above residence. Interment Wasnuis ton Congregation Cemetery. * ' %SoH ii°*£l'"p aREhi^l°nTh?· lod^i convene in?es«i°n ofeorrow Kfttr.rdav. September 17. 1932. lor me yui pose of paying tribute to the memor:y of our late brother. JOSEPH BUSH, who passed to the Grand Lodge of the Here alter September 15. Elk se"ic"_f »... residence. 211 S st. n.w.. at 8 p·1^· neral Sunday, September 18. at 10 a m. By order of^ OAWLER Exalted Ruler. Attest: W. S. SHELBY. Secretary. ni'TTFK Kl'LLIE. Departed thi* life Sep trmber 14 1932. NELLIE BUTLER, beloved wife of John Macl: BuUcrarid devoted mother of James and Melvio Butler, daughter-in-law of Isabel Bu!ler,..a"^ cousin of Hattle Thornton. She also leaves other relatives and friends ^I^'s resiinK at. the funeral parlo:r of A*ex. o. Pone, 315 15th st. s e . until Friday 6»P tember 16. at 5 pm: thence to her late residence. 1514 C it. se. Funeral Sund»?· September 18. at 2:30 ρ m . from Mount Horeb Baptist Church Rev. Fox omeiat i η ij. Interment Woodiawn Ceme.ery. CARTER. BESSIE. Departed this life Fri day. September 16. 1932. at Casualty Hos pital. BESSIE CARTEP. the ovin»: mother of Tolbert Hutton She also Reaves to mourn their loss, three aunts. one unrl'. a daughter-in-law. Augustine Hutton. and a host of other relatives and fiends Re mains resting at Eugene Ford s funeral home. 1300 8outh Capitol st.. until Sunday morning. September IS. thence to tne residence of her son. Tolbert Hutton. 125. Carrollburg it. s.w. Funeral Monday. September 19. at 1 Ρ m from Friendship Baptist Church. 1st and H sts. s *. 1» Do^ns and leaves 'to°mourn* their loss V number of other relatives and friends. Funeral 'j? Mount Moriah Baptist ,{^r„ch'1îrda? f 30' sts. s w. Sunday. September 18. at 1 30 p m.. Rev. J. H. Randolph officiating We shall meet him some bright mornlni MfnTfo'veS' on^, Va^oufcomln, in the upper ,.*« there . FORD. GRACE. euddenly. on Thursdsv. September oï late James ί> ÇSA^FuS".! from the Wm H Sardo Co. funeral chapel. 412 « st n.e . on Monday. September; 19. at 2 γ» m Relatives and friends Incited, in ferment at Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 1» rarruAv « Γίνις ROSS. Suddenly. on \Λ17 Web'ite'· et. n.w. Funeral services βι £3S?H at' «f. JTSSbXSff hngton National Cemetery. 18 IIFVHY JAMES. On Thursday. September jsM^Fibrfda "ave "n™ ! JAMES ' HENRY'. husband of Julia Henry.Rhode* il'aSd Vxt' zier s funeral home. 389 Rhode Island n.w Notice of funeral later. ι ru'is FRANK Suddenly, on Wednesday. heme1' 221' North* inary. Va. V.»rit 41, JOHN HENRY- On Friday. SeP MAIKALL. JUDA hl5 resl. tember 16. 1932. at i-^u p.m. HENRY dcnce. 841 Howard rd. s e JOHN HLW κ MACK ALL beloved husband of tatt.e ?om?up"he^o»C^o brothers Closes | A*cfune Davis ^i ^el Bmlth ar.d a host of other relatives and friends, ιτι &τλτ&:'Λ jk ; se. Rev. Scott officiating « lozs tro sisters. Remains reswi:ηε at J. T. Stewarts funeral home. 30 Hst J^er^after n'^la^VeTldenc'e6· f»î Ç^nia^nV Funeral Sunday. September 18. at 1 Ρ m - from the above address. Mtr.n ni'K CLARENCE. Departed this life nftpr a brief Illness on Wednesday. Sep tember 14 *9327 CLARENCE MAORUDKR. beloved son of the late Ferdinand and Minerva Maprudcr. Funeral from hls iate daSyfP September 18.Cftat 1 V&S Rev. Moore, pastor I saw you fading like a flower. But could not make stay. ^ 1 s?;;dc'S vxri." vived by her Rl6i"' „ n er a 1 from her nieces f"·* "cS£e£|wton ave . Clarendon. Monday? September" 19. and mass, at œ. Interment WB5 SOMI^cIwW WBIMJ;in°Jn.»g^: September 16. 1832 in wasnma^ NOR ris Funeral services will De ne." home of his son. James C^orrisJlT^tn §'?0e ρ m. Interment in Congressional Cemetery. Sraîhfl. PARKER. EDNA H. Suddenly. oil Friday. September 16. 1932. at 7:35 p.m.. EDNA H. PARKER ' nee Baierl. beloved wife ο t William H. Parker. Funeral from her lat· residence. 2410 North Capitol st.. on Mon day. September 1». at 2 ρ m. Relative» and fiienda Invited to attend. Interment at· Prospect Hill Cemetery. _ ' 8* POSEY. WILLIAM F. Departed this life Tuesday night. September 13. 1932. WIL LIAM F POSEY, the devoted husband of Myrtle B. Posey, loving brother of Noble I. and Alexander Pos«*y. He also leaves to mourn their los < 24 nieces and nephew» and a host οί other relatives and friends. Remains will lie in state at Mount Moriati Baptist Church. 3d and I, sts. s.w . Satur day. Septerabrr 17, irom 12 noon to 8 ρ m. Funeral. 8 p.m.. Rev J H Randolph offi ciating Remains will be taken to Chai lea County. Md., to rest In Mount Hope Bap tist Church Cemetery. Sunday at 9 a m. 18 Pt'GIf. I« JENNIE. On Friday. September 16. 1932. at her re-idenre. 604 Alexandria ave . Lyon Park. Va .. L JENNIE PUOH. a^ed 68 Funeral irom her late resi dence. Sunday. September 18. at 2 30 p.m. ι Interment Columbia Gardens Cemetery» Lyon Park. Va. Friends invited. RATCLIFFF. R. II. Departed this life Sep tember 16. 1932 at the residence of hie daughter, Mrs James A. Robinson, on Lee Highway rear Bull Run. Va . R H. RAT CLIFFE of 2016 2nd st. n.w . beloved hus band of Viiglnia Pearson Ratclifle. iath?r of John. Oeome. Richard. Charles and Sidney Ratclifle. Edna Robinson. Haiti* Whiting. Loren Robinson. Vlrsima Farr. Rachel Berry and E'ta Coats. Funeral Monday. September 19. at ChanMliy. Va. at 1 o'clock p.m. Interment Chantilly. 18· RICKETTS. ROSE V. On Thursday, Sep tember 15. 1932. a: her residence. 160S Wisconsin ave. n.v. . ROSE V RICKET1S. In her 82nd year. Services Saturday. Sep tember IT. at 2:0 p.m.. from Potomac Methodist Church. Potomac, Md. Inter ment Church Cemetery. 17 EYDFR. JOHN F. Suddenly, on Friday. September 16. 1932. JOHN F. beloved husband of the late Mary Κ Ryder. He mains resting at the \V. W. Chambers I luneral home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w Fu neral from the W W. Chambers Co iu neral home. 1400 Chapin it. n.w., on Mon day. September 19. at 8:30 a m : thence to Sacred Heart Church, where mass will b·; ottered at 9 a.m. tor the repose of h:s soul. Relatives and lriends invited. Interment In Mount Olivet Cemetery 18 SE1.BICKY. VINCENT. On Friday. Septem ber 16. 1032. at the United States Naval Hospital. VINCENT 3ELBICKY. musician, first class. United States Marine Band. Services Monday. September 19. followed by interment in Arlington National Ceme tery Services and interment private. 18* SMITH. WILLIAM WALKER. On Friday. September 16. 1932. at Atlantic City. N. J . WILLIAM WALKER SMITH beloved hus band ot Blanche Crawford Smith ι nee Poguei. Funeral services and interment at Cincinnati. Ohio. SPRIGGS. REBECCA. On Wednesday. Sep tember 14. 1933, at her residence. 1323 Montelio ave. η e . REBECCA SPRIGGS. loving wile of Rev. Jemer. A. Sprigfis. de voted mother of Is?.bel Nell. Pearl Bur roughs. William A Alvln. Mary. Sarah. Retina. Cneda and Eielyn Sprigs?. 8he also leaves to mourn 1er ieparlure four sisters, one brother end many other rela tives and friends. Remains temporarily resting at the John T. Rhines funeral chapel. 3rd and Eye sts s w. Funeral Sunday. September 18. at 1 30 pm. from Mount Horeb Baptist Church. 16th st. be tween B ard C sts. n e. Interment Lin coln Memorial Cemetery. 18 WEBB. ELIZABETH YEATMAN'. On Fri day. September 16. 1932. at 12.30 a m . at Sibley Hospital. ELIZABETH YEATMAN WEBB, beloved wife of William Lansins Webb Funeral services at the residence of her brother. Dr Henry L. Yeatman. 1729 F st. n.w . on Monday. September 19. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited to attend Interment *t Oak Hill Ceme tery 18 WEISS. CONRAD H. On Friday. September 16. 1932. at Sibley Hospital. CONRAD H. WEISS, beloved father of Louise Weiss Burke. Funeral from the family resi dence. 812 East Capitol ft., on Monday. September 19. at 10 a.m. Interment Pros pect Hill Cemetery. 18 WEISS. CONRAD H. A special communi cation of Anacostia Lodge, No 21. F A A M . is called Monday, September 19. 1932. ot 9 a.m. lor the purpose of at tending the laît rites of our departed brother. CONRAD II WEISS. By order of the worshipful master S. R. CAMPBELL. Secretary. 18 WEST. WILLIAM W. On Friday. Septem ber 16. 18.12. at his tesidence. 81 South Cherry Valley road. Clarendon. Va . WIL LIAM W WEST, beloved husband of An nie A. "West <nee Cranfordi and father of John \V. West. Funeral from his late residence Monday. B»ptember 19. it 2 pm Interment Columbia Gardens Cemetery. 1Ï In fUmoriam CAMPBELL. DOUGLAS. In loving memory of my husband. DOUGLAS CÀMPBELL. who passed away two yeara ago today, September 17. 1933. Just a little tohen. sweet and tender. Just to show I still remember HIS WIFE. FREDRICK A H. CAMPBELL. · PEREY. ETHEL WILLIAMS. In loving memory of r.iy dear daughter. ETHEL WILLIAMS PERRY, who departed this Ufe two years a:o today. September 17. 1930. They say time heals a broken heart. But. oh. it seems untrue. For two years my heart has ached. Deer Ethel, jrst for you. LOVING MOTHER. SUSAN GASKINS. · STAPLES. PETER. In loving memory of our son and brother PETTR STAPLES, who left us two years aro today. Septem ber 17. 1930. Sweet memories will linger forever. Titr,e ar.m change them, 'tis true. Nothing sounds sweeter than Sunny Boy THE FAMILY. · WRIGHT. Ε ABLE A. A tribute of love to the memory of my dear son. EARLE A. WRIGHT, who departed this life three years ego lodaf. September 17. 19:9. There is one who still will linger At the spot where you are laid Who will come and bring ycu flowers On the grtve that death has made. It is only a step that divides us From glory no mortal has seen. I shall find you when death s grim fingera Have lifted the veil between LOVING MOTHER. MRS. MAUDE ED WARDS Γ~ Qudt >PUW()NI —and all kinds of ice cream, now delivered— qt 90c at Our Store 1777 Columbia ltd. 5612 Conn. Ave. Col. n:m CltTe. 2368 DOCTORS j Recommend. AMBULANCES By Clean, Fresh and SANITARY Charges Lowest in City $4.90 ANY PLACE IN D. C. Call COl. 0432 BROTHERS ACCUSED OF SLAYING FATHER 18-Year-Old West Virginia Youth Confesses Robbery as Motive, Police Declare. By the Associated Press. UNIONTOWN, Pa.. September 17 — State police announced last night that George Tate, 18. confessed slaying and robbing his father. Hey, 75, Bruceton Springs, W. Va., cattle dealer. The father's body was found yesterday con cealed In bushes near Haydcntown. The troopers eaid young Tate impli cated his brother Samuel, 17. Officers quoted the youths, held in the county jail hefe, as explaining they accom panied their father Wednesday when he started on a business trip with about $200 in his pocket. George, the confession states, obtained a shoteun ahd advanced along the road while nis father and brother waited to examine some property. Samuel, ac cording to George's story, urged his father to go cn as he waited behind. The confession quotes George that he shot his father above the heart when her reached the point of his conceal ment. After dividing the money, offi cers said, the boys returned home, later aiding in the search for their father. Leading officers to the spot in the road where Tate was slain, the sons said, "This Is where we left him." Po lice found the body in the bushes near the roadside. CONGRESS CRITICIZED ON DRAINAGE STAND Representative Driver Cites Failure to Provide Federal Belief for Taxpayers. By the Associated^Press. MEMPHIS. Tenn., September 17 — Representative W. J. Driver of Osceola, Ark., yesterday criticized Congress for falling to provide Federal relief for tax payers in drainage districts, in an ad dress before the annual meeting of the National Drainage Association. "The Federal Government," he said, "has given relief to every other phase of our existence, but not one dollar has been advanced to the farmer who Is struggling to pay his drainage taxes." Five million persons are directly af fected by drainage taxes, W. H. Dick, president, said, adding that in the drainage districts 60 per cent of the levies are for that purpose. ΤΊΛ association re-elected all State vice presidents and Executive Commit tee members. C. H. Scott of Little Rock succeeded W. R. Satterfleld of Memphis as chairman of the Execu tive Committee. Emil Sehram of Hill view. Ill, was named vice president to succeed James A. Finch of New Ma drid, MO. FUNERAL ^DIRECTORS. GEO. W. WISE CO. I^V. Γ TAYLOR I SX» M. ST. N.W. West 013* V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither, the succc?sors to nor connected with the original W. R. Speare establish Phone National 2882 1009 H St. N.W. WILLIAM H. SCOTT «01 8th ST. SE. LINCOLN^ 0530 J. WILLIAM LEE'S SONS, FINERAL DIRECTORS CREMATORIUM IH PA. AVE W W. NATIONAL 1»»4. 1H> CHAMBERS Frank Geier's Sons Co. Ills SEVENTH ST. N.W. Vat;nr,nl ?A71 Modern Chapel. Telephone ^atiOIiai L^i ο ALFRED B. GAWLER WALTER A. GAWLBR WILLIAM A. GAWU1 JOSEPH CjAWLER SONS Established 1850 Chapel Cremations Lady attendait 1750-2-4 Peaniylvania Avenue N.W. Phone·: NAtional 5512-551S I. NO BRANCH OFFICE AlmusR. Speare Feccfdinf the Oririnal W. B. Spratr C·. Iff!! Connecticut Ave. Dfeatur ·Ϊ4Ι_ CHAS. S. ZURHORST SOI EAST CAPITOL ST. Phone Lincoln 03??. W. W. DEAL & CO. >18 H ST. N.B. LINCOLN >3» Joseph F. Birch's Sons (ISAAC BIRCH) 3034 M St. N.W. ?»% LAG AW LEE CQ * Funeral Directors * LEONARD M. GAWLER 1H0I M St. N.W. Νatl ÎKXO-ÎMi JOHN R. WRIGHT CO. 1337 10th St. N.W. Phone North M47 E.tabllshed 1378 FUNERAL DESIGNS. Gude Bros. Co., 12X2 F St« Prompt Ant· Delivery Servie· Arttitic—expa-e—lve—mexpenti vo GEO. C SHAFTFER EXPRESSIVE FLORAL EMBLEMS AT MODERATE PRICES PHONE NAT. ·1Μ °£Γ£35Γ 14th & Eye MONUMENTS. THE LARGEST SELECTION IN D. C. .-MONUMENTS AND STATUARY Do. not bas· the selection of the family monument on photocraahs shown *>J ped dlers, or atenti. as you may b· deceived Reduced prices for 30 days. J AS. R. Dl'RITT . Bbieitlin U, 0p>. Scsri-lMkaek. .