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CATHEDRAL PUNS ANNIVERSARY RITE Feast of St. Michael and All Angels Is Silver Jubilee of Corner Stone Laying. Plans for commemorating on the Feast of St. Michael and All Angels, September 29, the 25th anniversary of the laying of the foundation stone of Washington Cathedral, were announced today by Canon Raymond L. Wolven, who will be master of ceremonies for the festival service of thanksgiving and praise, to be held in the great choir at 4 p.m. Bishop James E. Freeman will deliver the commemoration address, and music will be rendered by the Cathedral choir of men and boys. One of the features of the musical program will be the singing of the same "Te Deum" which was sung 25 years ego when the actual building of the Cathedral fabric began on the newly acquired site, then considered remote from the center of the National Capital. The first Bishop of Washington, the late Fight Rev Henry Yates Satterlee, offi ciated at the laying of the foundation stone, which was brought from the fields of Bethlehem in the Holy Land and inscribed with the words "The Word Was Made Flesh and Dwelt Among Us." Addresses were delivered on that occa sion by President Theodore Roosevelt and Right Rev. the Right Honorable Arthur Foley Winnington-Ingram. Lord Bishop of London, who repre sented the Church of England. A con gregation including nearly 20,000 wor-1 shipers attended the service. Invitations will be issued within the ! next few days to all members of the { National Cathedral Association and j other friends of the Cathedral residing | in and near Washington to attend the commemoration service. Prayers of | thanksgiving will be offered for the re-1 markable progress which has been made j In the Cathedral enterprise during the last quarter century, and Bishop Free man's address is expected to outline some of the services the Cathedral is now prepared to render the people of the Nation because of the increased facilities for worship in the great choir end sanetuary. Michaelmas day this year also marks the ninth anniversary of the consecra tion of Dr. Freeman as the third Bishop of Washington. In accordance with his usual custom, he will conduct a service in Epiphany Church at 11 a.m. to commemorate the solemn ceremonial i by which he was admitted to the Epis- ι copate. PASTOR TO RENEW TABERNACLE WORK Return of Rev. H. L. Collier To morrow to Mark Annual Autumn Day of Full Gospel Group. With the return of the pastor. Rev. | Harry L. Collier, the Fall work of the Full Gospel Tabernacle, North Capitol and Κ streets, will begin tomorrow with the annual Autumn Tabernacle day. Communion will be observed at 11 a.m.. when the pastor will preach on "Spiritual Overcomings" and new members will be received into the church. An evangelistic rally will be held at 7:30 p.m.. when he will speak on "Refreshings From Heaven." The annual Autumn Tabernacle offering for missionary and church work will be re ceived. Special musical programs have , been arranged. The Sunday school will meet at 9:30 a.m. in furtherance of its crusade for 1.0C0 members. The Young Crusaders' Society will meet at 6:30 p.m., when plans for assisting in the Fall revival will be announced. Mrs. Edith Mae Pennington, former winner of the title of "the most beau tiful girl in the United States." now an evangelist, will lead a city-wide revival beginning September 25. PLAN ANNUAL DINNER Keller Memorial Lutheran Sunday School Workers to Meet. The annual dinner and meeting of the staff of teachers and officers of ; Keller Memorial Lutheran Sunday school will be held at the church next I Thursday evening. The principal ad dress will be delivered by Dr. William ' Allen Wilbur, provost of George Wash- ; ingtcn University, teacher of a large class in Calvary Baptist Sunday school, j There will be special musical features I and general participation by the Sun day school staff, including remarks by the pastor, Dr. S. Τ Nicholas, who teaches the Wiles Bible class of men, and by Mrs. Nicholas, who teaches the Winona Bible Class of women. This meeting is partly in preparation for the annual Fall rally September 25. The Sunday school will celebrate its forty-first anniversary in October, hav ing been organized in the latter part of 1891, REV. S. C. COALE TO TALK •'Wilderness Manners'' Is Topic at Brightwood Park M. E. "Wilderness Manners" will be Rev. S. Carroll Coale's sermon theme at the 11 o'clock scrvice tomorrow of Bright ■wood Park M. E. Church. His talk to children will be on "A Good Influ ence" "Squinting" will be the sub ject of the evening sermon. Gordon Barnes will be the speaker at the Epworth League at 6:45 p.m. The Wesley Men's Bible class will hold its annual meeting at the church Tues day evening. Officers will be elected. The Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Societies will meet at the residence of Mrs. W. L. Craig, 5300 Seventh street, Wednesday at, 1:30 p.m. The minister will lead the weekly prayer meeting Thursday evening. Evening Services to Begin. The Metropolitan Presbyterian Church will begin evening services tomorrow, with a program by young people. Charles Wise, jr.. will be in charge and will speak on "The Attitude of Youth to Prohibition." A quartet chor will sing at both services. Children will be baptized at the morning service. The pastor, Rev. Freeley Rohrer, will speak on "A Priceless Redemption." Γ Β. Y. P. U. News Columbia Federation this afternoon and tomorrow is holding its third an nual retreat at Braddock Heights, when a program for the coming year will be prepared. The federation will hold its first monthly meeting at West Washington Baptist Church next Tuesday evening. Richard Holland will conduct the B. Y. P. U. Institute September 25. A missionary program, under the leadership of Rochester Sims, will be presented at the evening meeting to morrow at First ·Β. Y. A campflre roast will take the place of the weekly base ball games, beginning Septem ber 19. AID CHURCH OFFERS IS PASTOR'S TOPIC f Dr. W. S. Abernethy to Preach on Times Like These at Morning Hour "What Has the Church to Offer In Times Like These?" is Dr. W. S. Aber nethy's subject at Calvary Baptist Church tomorrow mornine, and in the evening "Not Happy? Why?" At 8 o'clck the services for the deaf in Baker Hall wUl be held by Rev. A. D. Bryant. There will be a circle rally In con nection with the meeting of the Wom en's Missionary Society Tuesdav eve ning in Baker Hall, with the Mary C. Carr Evening Circle as hostess. Mrs. H. M. Wharton, chairman of the De partment of Personal Service of the Women's Missionary Union, will speak on "Personal s'rvice." The devotional will be led by Miss Olive Zeph, assisted in song by Mrs. Jessie Werner. Mrs. Russell B. Smith will lead the Christian Endeavor meeting in Kendall Hall Tuesday evening. The Lucia Greene Circle will meet at the home of Mrs. Roger Fred, at Whitehall. McLean. Va., September 21, at 5:30 p.m. Supper will be served at 6:30 o'clock. Husbands are invited. The speaker will be Philip G. Murray. Tli ose requiring transportation may call Miss Virginia Wingfield, Metro politan 2102. The board of trustees meets Wednes day night in the pastor's study. At 8 o'clock Thursday night prayer service will be held. TWO TOPICS CHOSEN BY REV. JOHN C. BALL "A Pastor's Beseechment'' to Be Subject at Metropolitan Baptist. At the Metropolitan Baptist Church tomorrow morning the pastor. Rev. John Compton Ball, will preach on "A Pastor's Beseechment." In the evening he will speak on "The World's Great est Comeback." Bible -school meets at 9:30 a.m. A large class of business and professional men meets in the main au ditorium at 9:45 a.m. Ε. B. Shaver is the teacher. The training service, the Christian Endeavor and Β. -Y. P. U.'s meet at 7 p.m. The Woman's Missionary Society will meet Monday at 8 p.m. Mrs. W. J. Eckhardt, president, will be in charge of the program. Mrs. H. N. Stull will report on the Northfield Conference. The Bible School Monthly Conference is Wednesday at 8 p.m. The subject is "The Value of a Christian Education." Miss Jean Kardell and Wynson Light are the speakers. Tne teachers of the Bible school meet Thursday at 7 p.m. Subject, "Moses Honored at His Death. ' Ε. E. Harrises the leader. Prayer and praise service will follow under the leadership of the pastor. CHURCH WILL RESUME SCHEDULE FOR WINTER Bev. George E. Schnabel to Preach Tomorrow at Albright Memorial, Morning and Evening. The Pall and Winter schedule of services will be resumed at Albright Memorial Evangelical Church tomor row. Sunday school is at 9:45 a.m. and the morning service of worship at 11 a m. The evening service will begin at 8 p.m. The Sunday morning sermon by the minister. Rev. George E. Schna bel, will be the first of two on the "Last Great Journey of Jesus." In this sermon Jesus will begin his journey to Jerusalem to be crucified. Sunday night's sermon subject will be "A Prac tical Religion Meets the Twentieth Cenutry." A workers' conference and supper will be held Thursday at 6:30 o'clock. Following the conference the quarterly conference will convene with Rev. E. C. Basom presiding. DR. COPËNHAVËR TO GIVE EPWORTH M. E. SERMONS "Traveling Light"' Will Be Morn ing Topic and "The Prize Set Be fore" Is Selected for Evening. At Epworth Methodist Episcopal Church South tomorrow morning the pastor. Dr. John C. Copenhaver, will preach on "Traveling Light," and in the evening on "The Prize Set Before.'' Sunday school will meet at 9:30 a.m. The Young Peoples' Department meets at 7 p.m. and will be conducted by M'ss Mildred Bowman. Sunday will be observed as "Every Member Canvas day." Dr. Copenhaver will conduct the prayer meeting Thurs day evening. The monthly meeting of the Women's Missionary Society will be held in the church Monday evening. DR. RIDGELY TO SPEAK "The Divine Potter" will be the thsme of the sermon at the 11 o'clock service tomorrow at Calvary Methodist Church. Dr. Vernon Ridgely, minister, will preach and again at the evening service, when his subject will be "The Perils of a Busy Life." The devotional service will be Thurs day evening at 8 o'clock in Guild Hall. ■II DIVINE SCIENCE ' FIRST DIVINE SCIENCE CHURCH Stoneleigh Court, 1706 L St. N.W. GRACE LIGHTFOOT PATCH, LEADER 11 A.M.—"RELATION TO THE ALL" Monday and Friday Noon Healing Meetings, 12:30 to 1 P.M. Stoneleigh Court, 1706 L St. N.W. Monday, September 19—"Spiritual Healing." Friday, September 23—"Our Right to Health." Wednesday, September 21—Study Hour. 3303 13th Streét N.W. ? Adams 821 β - I Hamline Church Pastor Con tinues Bicentennial Program at Morning Hour. "The Constitution—Then and Now" will be the sermon subject at Hamline Methodist Episcopal Church tomorrow morning In recognition of the one hun dred and forty-fifth anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution οΓ the United States, and is a part of Ham line's George Washington bicentennial program. The sermon will be preached by the pastor, Dr. H. W. Burgan. At 8 p.m. his theme will be "A Society of Friends." Church school is at 9:45 a.m. The Epworth League meets for tea from 6 to 7 p.m. and a discussional meeting from 7 to 8 o'clock. Earl O. Kernahan, president of the league, will lead the discussion, the topic being, "How I May Know I Am a Christian." The midweek service will be held Thursday night, with Dr. Burgan in charge. The Boy Scouts troop met last night and the Girl Scouts begin their work I next Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. A number of the members of the church are at tending today. "Methodist day," at the Strawbridge Home for Boys in Carroll County, Md. REV. HASKELL DEAL WILL GIVE SERMON j "Spiritual Dividends" Will Be Topic at Mount Vernon Place Methodist. At Mount Vernon Place Methodiit Episcopal Church South tomorrow morning Rev. Haskell R Deal will preach on "Spiritual Dividends," and "The Way of Life" in the evening. The choir will render two anthems and the quartet will render selections. An all-day meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society will be held Tues day at 11 o'clock. The devotional and missionary program will be in charge of Mrs. Anna Johnson's Circle. The Busi ness Woman's Missionary Societv will meet Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. The Work ers' Council will meet at 7 p.m. Thurs day. The prayer meeting service will be Thursday at 8 o'clock. Edward Stell ing of the Christian Youth Fellowship will speak at the morning service of the senior department. There will be a church night program Wednesday, when the various interests of the church will be discussed. Mrs. Gerald Ρ Flood. Mrs. LaVergne Sims Fairchild and John W. Rodkey will en tertain. This social is sponsored by the OfScial Board. REV. R. P. SCHEARRER ANNOUNCES THEME Evening Services to Be Resumed in October at Takoma Park Presbyterian. Rev. R. Paul Schearrer, pastor of the Takoma Park Presbyterian Church, will preach tomorrow morning on "Panaceas and Penitence." The evening services will be resumed in October. The church school and the Welcome class and the Mother Gordon class will assemble at 9:30 o'clock. The Senior C. E. Society will meet at 7 o'clock, with Miss Anne Wallace as leader. The topic will be "Some Other Gods To day." The Women's Missionary Socety will meet in the church Wednesday at 11 o'clock. Mrs. J. Claude Keiper will make the address. Mrs. John M. Syl vester will lead the devotions. Luncheon will be served. The Ladies' Aid So ciety will meet following the" luncheon, j The Brotherhood Club will meet Thursday at 8 o'clock. Dr. D. G. Bvers of the Bureau of Chemistry, Depart- | ment of Agriculture, will deliver an ad- i dress on "Science and History." Troop 33. Boy Scouts, will meet Fri- ' day evening, under the leadership of Henry E. Allanson. scoutmaster. TOPIC IS ANNOUNCED Rev. C. B. Austin, pastor of the West ι Washington Baptist Church, will preach at both services Sunday. At 8 p.m. his subject will be "How to Live a Useful Life." The Columbia B. Y. P. U. Federation will meet Tuesday evening. The Ladies' ι Aid Society will meet at the home of I Mrs. John W. Bean. 1506 Corcoran street, Colonial Heights, Va., Wednes day evening. The pastor will lead the praver meeting Thursday evening. Rev. George E. Truett will be the guest preacher Sunday morning, Sep tember 25. M'KENDREE SUBJECTS The pastor of McKendree Methodist ! Episcopal Church, Rev, William Pier- j point, will preach tomorrow morning ; on "God's Promises for God's People" ' and in the evening on "Uncut Wages." The quarterly conference of the j church will be held on Tuesday evening and will be in charge of Dr. B. W. j Meeks, superintendent of the Wash- ; ington district. The midweek service j Thursday evening will be given over to the Woman's Home Missionary Society | and will be presided over by Mrs. Wil- ! liam M. Leonard. ilMuiùiût Edwin Holt Huglic Benjamin W. Meeks, Ε WESLEY Connecticut Ace. and Jocelvn St. CHEVY CHASE. D. C. J. Phelps Hand. D. D.. Minister 9:45 a.m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship. BRIGHTWOOD PARK Eighth St. at JelTrrson N.W. 8. CARROLL COALE. Minister. 1100—Morning Worship. 8:00—Evening Worship. FOUNDRY Sixteenth St. Near Ρ St. Frederick Brown Harris, D.D. Minister REV. EDDÏ LUCIUS FORD Director Relirions Education. 9:30—Church School 11:00—"The Letter and the Spirit." 8:00—"Where Is the Blot?" · Music under direction of Justin^Lawrie. Metropolitan Memorial Nebraska ard New Mexico Ave·. N.W. James Sfaera Montgomery, D.D. Minister 9:30 a.m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—Sermon by Dr. Montgom ery. Subject. "AFRAID OF THAT WHICH IS HIGH." Music: Chorni Choir. 'c LUTHER LEAGUE The eleventh annual convention of the Luther League of the Evangelical Synod of Maryland was held at Hagers town. Forty members of the league oï the District were registered and oth er* attended various sessions thereof. The Washington District League will be represented on the 1932-33 staff of Maryland Synodical League officers by Miss A. Barbara Wlegand as missionary secretary; C. Bertram Gelston, treas urer; Gilbert De M. Major, president, Washington district, and Fred L. Schickler, chairman, Convention Music. At a recent business meeting of St. John's, East Riverd&le, League, the fol lowing officers were elected: President, Stafford Howard; vice president, James A. Weller; secretary. Miss Gertrude Glading; treasurer, Adrian Howard; ed ucational secretary, James A. Weller; missionary secretary, Miss Mary Glad ing; life service secretary. El wood Birch. St. Paul's League met Monday eve ning at the home of Louis Hoover, 1337 Vermont avenue. Zion's League elected the following officers: President, Philip Krautwurst; vice president. Miss Christine Lurig; recording, secretary. Miss Gladys Broe ker; corresponding secretary. Miss Catherine Marques; treasurer. Miss Clara Schicklcr. This league will re sume its activities tomorrow with a fellowship meeting at 6:30 p.m., fol lowed by α devotional service to be conducted by Mrs. Edward Goetz. A meeting of the Executive Commit tee will be held this evening at the home of the district president, Fred L. Schickler. 1300 Emerson street, for the purpose of planning the annual meet ing in October, when the following of ficers will be installed: President, Gil bert DeM. Major, Zion's; first vict pres ident. Roland Renkel. St. Paul's; sec ond vice president. Ralph Keister. Lu ther Place; corresponding secretary, Miss Grace Harlee, St. John's, Wash ington; recording secretary. Miss Marie Trede, St. Mark's: treasurer, C. Ber tram Gelston, Reformation. · DR. PERKINS' TOPIC WILL BE "RENEWAL" Universalist Program for Tomor row Includes Sunday School Meeting. "Renewal" is the sermon theme of Dr. Frederic W. Perkins tomorrow morning at the Universalist National Memorial Church. The church school will open at 10:15 a.m. tomorrow. The regular classes of last year are continued until October 2, when the promotions and such changes in the staff as are necessary will be made. An all-Mendelssohn program will be offered as the musical portion of the morning church service. Dr. Harned. organist, will play, and there will be the choral selections. The Mission Circle will meet Tues day. with luncheon at noon, followed by the business session and program. NEW CHURCH FINISHED Avalon Heights Building to Be j Opened Tomorrow. The Fourteenth Street Church of Christ has completed a new building in Avalon Heights, at Twenty-eighth and Douglas streets northeast, near Bladensburg road. This new congrega tion will be known as the Avalon Heights Church of Christ. A series of gospel meetings, beginning tomorrow at 11 a.m., will mark the opening of the new building. Services each evening at 7:30 o'clock. Rev. James H. McBrocm. minister of th·.· Fourteenth Street Church of Christ, will do the preaching, and Edwin 11 Snzor, song director of this church, will direct the congregational singing. Th" public is invited. The subject Sundav at 11 a.m. will be "A New Church." The subject for 7:30 p.m. will be "Au thority in a New Church." CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH OUTLINES ITS ACTIVITIES "Is It True That Christ Never Disappoints?" Subject of Tomorrow's Sermon. Rev. J. Frederic Wenchel, pastor of Christ Lutheran Church, will preach tomorrow morning on "Is It True Thaj Christ Never Disappoints?" Next Sun day morning the feast of St. Michael anil All Angels will be celebrated. On September 24. beginning at 10 a.m., the Sunday school will hold its annual picnic in Rock Creel: Park, at Sixteenth and Kennedy streets, near the Reservoir. In the place of George Lautz. superintendent, who is con valescing. Emil Kryz will be in charge. The children of the primary department will be under the supervision of Mm. Altert Grupe. The congregation will commemorate on October 9 the first anniversary of the dedication of its new church. A special service is being planned. ûrtlîoîïiflî iprnîMîattî Rhode Island Ave. First and Rhode Island Ave. N.W. Rev. R. Y. Nicholson. D. D. Minister 11a.m.—"The Life for the Day." 8 p.m.—"Happy Though Poor." 9:40 a.m.—Sunday School. 7:00 p.m.—Christian Endeavor Societies. Thursday, 8 p.m., Prayer Meeting. ΐν^νί /#vii ΐΕμχΒαφαΙ . Resident Bishop istrict Superintendent Calbarp Columbia Road Near Fifteenth VERNON N. BIDGELY. D D,. Minister At Eleven O'Clock "The Divine Potter" At Eight O'Clcck "The Perils of a Busy Life" Devotional Service, Thursday at 8. Th? Church With the Lighted Cross. TRINITY DAN L. ENN1S. D. D . Mlniiter. 8:30 a m—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—"The Kingdom." 8:00 p.m.—"The Heritage of Tooth." McKendree 921 Massachusetts Ave. N.W. WILLIAM PIERPOINT. PASTOR. 11:00 a.m.—"God'· Promises for God'· People." 8:00 p.m.—"Uncut Ware*." ELDBROOKE Wisconsin Ave. at River Road N.W. WALTER M. MICHAEL. Minister. 11 00 a.m.—"The Business ·( Re ligion." 1:00 p.m.—"Earthen Vessels." "CHRISTIAN SEME BASIS" IS THEME Dr. H. H. Harmon Will Preach Tomorrow at National City Christian. At the National City Christian Church tomorrow morning. Dr. H. H. Harmon will preach on "The Basis ior Christian Service." The full chorus choir, under the directldh of W. E. Braithwaite, will resume its work fol lowing the Summer vacation. Mrs. Helen M. Turlev, contralto, will sing. Dr. Harmon's sermon topic for the eve ning service will be "With Unstopped Ears." There will be a musical pro gram. The church will observe next week Religious Education week and Youth week, culminating with a Youth day service next Sunday morning. The annual meeting of the church school will be held Tuesday evening. Election and Installation ol church school offi cers and teachers, and a $tunt period will constitute the program, following a dinner at 5:30 o'clock. Miss Ida McWllliam, superintendent, will pre side. Rally and promotion day will be held September 25 In the church school.- A service entitled "The Christ of the Mountain Top" will be presented un 3er the direction of Mrs. Helen M. Tur ley, director of programs. Dr. Harmon Mil preach. Plans are being completed for the second annual leaders' retreat, to be held at Kamp Kahlert, September 30 uid October 1, when the church pro- i ?ram for the year will be presented to the leaders of the various departments DÎ work. § DR. JAMES H. TAYLOR WILL GIVE SERMON Topic at Central Presbyterian Is "Spiritual Bemedy for Material Ills." At the Central Presbyterian Church the pastor, Dr. James H. Taylor, will preach tomorrow morning on "A Spirit ual Remedy for Material Ills." The Presbytery of Potomac will con vene at the Presbyterian Church in Rockville Monday evening. In the afternoon there will be a meeting of the Home Mission Committee of the Presbytery to consider the report of the superintendent of home missions. Dr. W. J. McMillan of Baltimore. The rep resentatives to this meeting of Pres bytery of the Central Presbyterian Church will be Dr James H. Taylor and Elder R. P. Clarke as principals and Prof. Addison Hogue as alternate. At a meeting of the trustees of the Central Presbyterian church last week the death of Maj. J. Altheus Johnson, for more than 14 years a member of the board of trustees and more than 50 years a member of the church, was recorded, and Prof. Selden M. Ely was appointed to draw up thç resolutions for the board of trustees. PASTOR TO BEGIN SERIES Dr. Rasmussen's First Sermon Theme to Be on "God's Promise." Rev. Carl C. Rajmussen. pastor of Luther Place Memorial Church, will begin his Fall series of sermons at the 11 o'clock service tomorrow morning His general subject is "The Church." Tomorrow morning he will preach on "The Church and God's ijromfce to the Chosen People." The Christian Endeavor Society will be led tomorrcw at 6:45 p.m. by Dr. Man,· E. Markley of the student di vision of the Board of Education of the United Lutheran Church in America. The subject is "Some Other Gods' roday." Sunday school convenes at 9:45 a.m. DR. PHILLIPS RETURNS Epiphany Hector Had Spent Six Weeks in British Isles. Dr. Ζ. Β Phillips, rector of the Church of the Epiphany and chaplain of the United States Senate, arrived in New York yesterday after a fix-week sojourn in the British Isles. He will come to Washington this afternoon and will occupy his pulpit at the 11 o'clock service tomorrcw morning. Rev. Alvin Lamar Wills will be the preacher at the 8 o'clock service Sunday evening. r. » BAP' Rev H. W. O. MilUngton, I FIFTH E Nsa{v;th 11 a.m.. Dr. John E. Briggs will preach on "The Conquest of Fear." Solo by Mr. J. Httmbird Duffy. 7:45 p.m., Installation of Β Y. P. U. offi cers Address by Hon. Robert H. McNeill. S. S.. 9:30: Mr. Oliver will teach the Berea Class, and Mr. Sdndrldse the Baracas. B. Y. P. U.. 6:30. Rally Day, September 25th. Welcome. ΤΓΜΡΙ 17 Tenth and Ν St§. N.W. ItlYlrLil!· Thos. E. Boorde. Minister Bible School 9:30 A.M. j Gospel Services:— "Giants: Then and Now".. .11:00 A.M. "Pray It Throoch"..· 8:00PM. B. Y. P. U. Pre pram 7:00 P.M. Thursday. Prayer Service.... 8:00 P.M. NINETIETH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION. Oct. 6. 7, S WEST WASHINGTON Cor. Slst & Ν St s. N.W. CHARLES B. AUSTIN. Pastor Worship—11:00 and 8:00. Sunday School—9:45. Β. Υ. P. U—7:00. Baptist Bible School of Washington 715 8th St. N.W. B. P. ROBERTSON. Principal Next Session Opens September IS. 8 p.m , with Special Exercises at Temple Church. 10th and Ν 8ts. N.W. School offers 18 Courses of Training. Classes are open for all Christians. For further information address the principal. HIGHLANDS CHURCH Fourteenth Street at Jefferson Newton Mercer Slramonds. Pastor 9:30—Church School. 11:00—"A Simple Philosophy." 8:00—"Spiritual Eclipse." F I D Q Τ Sixteenth 1 **· *5 I or. SAMUEL 11 A.M.—"SLITS WHFRF G1 8 P.M.—"THE PRIVILEGE OF LIVI! Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. National JÊap 16th and Columbia Road N.W. ι 9:30 A.M.—Bible School, Georgi 11:00 AM.—"KNOWING THINC for school opening. 8:00 P.M.—"THE MESSAGE 0 TODAY—GENESIS, NINGS." Thursday, 8 P.M.—"THE Dû Caltiarp Rev. 11 A.M.—"WHAT HAS THE CI LIKE THESE?" * P.M.—"NOT HAPPY? WHY 9:30—SundayjSchools. 6:45 8 m.—Thursday fom»»:;»n»imnniimnmmnmmm< "I WAS AFRAID" IS TOPIC Eev. Kenneth B. Carson to Preach at Garden Memorial. "I Was Afraid" la the subject of Rev. Kenneth B. Carson tomorrow morning in the Gorden Memorial Presbyterlau Church and at the 8 o'clock service "I Am With You." A series of meet ings with the officers, heads of de partments and chairmen of committees of the church will be held by Rev. Mr. Carson during the next two weeks to organize for an evangelistic campaign during the Fall and Winter. These meetings will be held Thursday evenings at 7:30 o'clock. The Willing Workers' Society, with Mrs. Annie Swindells as president, will meet Tuesday at 8 p.m. to plan a supper for the benefit of the church and to stert a campaign of systematic visiting among the church members. The children's graded school meets at 9:30 a.m. and the Berean Mixed Bible Class at 10 a.m. DR. BERNARD BELL TALKS TOMORROW % New York Minister to Preach in Absence of Bishop James E. Freeman. Dr. Bernard Iddings Bell, warden of St. Stephen's College at Annandale-on the-Hudson and professor of religion on the Columbia University faculty, will be the special preacher at both the 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. services in the great choir of Washington Cathedral tomor row. He occupies the pulpit in the afternoon in the absence of Bishop James E. Freeman, who will be preach ing at St. John's Church, Locust Val ley, Long Island. Bishop Freeman will also address a meeting in behalf of the National Women's Committee for Wash ington Cathedral, at the home of Mrs. Henry P. Davidson, in Locust Valley, Monday afternoon. Music for the 11 a m. and 4 p.m services will be furnished by the Ca thedral choir of men and boys, under the direction of Edgar Priest, and the evensong service will be broadcast over Radio Station WMAL. Other .«ervices at the Cathedral include the celebra tion of the holy communion at 7:30 a.m. and the reading of morning prayer and the litany at 10 a.m. in the Bethle hem Chapel. Pilgrimages through the Cathedral and to points of special interest within the grounds will be held immediately following the two services in the great j choir at 12;30 p.m. and 5 p.m. Mrs. Izetta J. Miller to Speak. Mrs Izetta Jewel Miller of Schenec- ! tady. Ν. Y„ will speak at the services of the Fellowship of the Universal De sign cf Life. Washington Branch 1. to morrow at 11 o'clock on "Law—Moral and Spiritual." Services are held at j Stoneleigh Court, Connecitcut avenue j and I street. I iilrllîoiitst fcptaropal SOrTH. Mount Vernon Place Southern Methodism's Representative Church Massachusetts Ave. at Ninth St. N.W. W. A. Shelton, D.D., Pastor Rev. H. R. Deal, Asst. Pastor Church School, η : 30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. "SPIRITUAL DIVIDENDS." 8:00 P.M. "THE WAY OF LIFE." REV. H. R. DEAL. Special Music by the Large Vented Choir, Under the Direc tion of R. Dcane Shure. w' ·v-v*ywv· --v FRANCIS ASBURY 16th near Lamont St N.W. J. J. RIVES, D. D., Pastor. 11:00 a.m.—"Freedom." 8:00 p.m.—"The Spiritual Sword." 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School. Thursday, 8:00 ρ m.—Prayer Service. Music—Francis Asfcurv Quartet. riST » xec. Sec., 115 8th St. N.W. METROPOLITAN fith and Λ Sts. N.E. REV. JOHN COMPTON BALL. Pastor. Morning at Eleven "A PASTOR S BESEECHMENT." Evening at Eiaht -THE WORLDS GREATEST COMEBACK.'* 9:30 Bible School. 7 ρ m . Six So cieties of Young People. 8 00. Stirring Sonqs and Sermon Attend the Church that GLOWS. GOES and GROWS. ΓΌ AfV 9th and S. Car. Ave. S E. υΐν/\\Έι PASTOR. F. W. JOHNSON 9:30—Bible School. Classes lor all. 11:00—"Life's Partings." 8:00—"A Mad King." 6:45—Young People. Prayer Meeting Thursday at 8:00. ALL WELCOME. Tfle Friendliest Church retwortn in Washington 7th and Randolph Streets. REV. HENRY J. SMITH, Pastor 11 a.m - Sermon by Pastor. • SELF-DIRECTED LIBERTY." 8—Sermon and Song Service. "THE POCKETS OF GOD " Sunday School. 9:30. Classes for all. Thursday—Inspirational Service. CENTENNIAL 7th & Eye N.E: E. Hez Swem on the top of a nole!"—β ο.m Free, eiis» chairs (men like them). Prayers for bpalinii and secret, prayer makers. 11 a.m.—"A Jesus Expression!" ΥΕΝΠΛΙ I n'i> near β s w. ntnUALL M. P. GERMAN.. Minister 9 30 a.m.—S S : Β. Υ. Ρ Ο .*7 ρ m 11:00 a.m.—"The Church In Oar Gener ation." 1:00 pm.—"God Speaks Through the Sunsets." 7:30 p.m. Thursday—Prayer service. WELCOME and Ο Streets Northwest JIIDSON PORTER. Pastor. .ORT SHINES THROUGH." iG" 'The Youns Peopie's Service). B. Y P. U.. 6:45 p.m. ttôt Jltemorial jove G. Johnson, D. D., Pastor S. Newcombe, Superintendent. S THAT ARE SO." A message F THE BIBLE FOR MEN OF THE BOOK OF BEGIN FICULTIES OF PRAYER." 8th & H Sts. N.W. W. S. Abernethy, Minister ICRCH TO OFFER IN TIMES f* —Young People's Meeting·. -Prayer Meeting. CONFERENCE SET I Federation Invites Pastor and Members to Attend Parley October 4. A "spiirtual advance" conference Is being planned for October 4 by the Committee on Evangelism of the Federa tion of Churches. It will be inter denominational in character, pastors and members of all churches being In vited to participate. The occasion is made possible through co-operation with the Federal Council of Churches, which has arranged for a team of speakers to visit various Eastern cities that month. The leader in the enterprise is Dr. Jesse M. Bader. field secretary of the Commission on Evangelism. Bishop Hughes to Speak. Bishop Edwin H. Hughes of the Methodist Episcopal Church, who re cently came to the city as the successor of Bishop McDowell, will be one of the speakers. The other visitors, in addi tion to Dr. Bader, are: Dr. George P. Beers of the First Baptist Church, Pafcerson. N. J.: Rev. Roy C. Helfenstein of the Congregational Church, Dover. Del.; Dr. F W. Burnham of ihe Seventh Street Christian Church, Richmond, Va.: Dr. William H. Foulkes of the First Presbyterian Church, Newark. N. J., and R°v. Malcolm C. Taylor, director of Evangelism nf the PrrWestant Episcopal Church. Justin Lawrie, direc tor of music in Foundry Methodist Church, will lead the singing and render a solo. Day Session at Calvary. The day session will be held in Wood ward H#ll, Calvary Baptist Church, commencing at 9:30 o'clock. Lunchcon will be served at 12:30 o'clock, with an hour's program following. There will be four night meetings; that for youth will be in the main auditorium of Calvary, those for adults in Mount Vernon Place Methodist. Congress Street Methodist Protestant. Georgetown, and a third in a place not yet determined. Rev. Homer A. Kent's Topic. Rev. Homer A. Kent, pastor of the First Brethren Church, will preach at 11 o'clock tomorrow on "The Message From Mars Hill," and at 8 p.m. ' Has the Song Gone Out of Your Heart?" Sunday school will meet at 9:30 am. Young People's Christian Endeavor will meet at 7 p.m. &piri!uali0î RONALD A Messages Meetings Tues . Fri , Sun.. 8 p.m.: Wed. afternoon. 2 pm. Read by appointment only. Doc. 4355 1447 You st n.w. LONGLEY MEMORIAL SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Sunday, September 18. at 8 P.M. Dedication Service of New Church Building REV. Γ. H. MANDREI.L. Minister 3423 Holmead Place N.W., Corner Newton Street Special Music Mrs. Marshall. Mrs. Ne ale. Mr. Leonard Pianist, Mr.-. Leonard Midweek Service Thursday Sepremb%r 22. at_8 Ρ M. The First Spiritualist Church Lecture by the Pastor— Rev. Alfred H. Terry "INVISIBLE HELPERS" , Followed by Spiii* Messages. Sunday. 8 p.m.. at Pythian Temple. 10^2 9ih St. Ν W . second floor All welcome Readings by the Mediums r. om 4 to 8 ρ *n. the following med time v:!I give readme-· Mr?. Roth. Mrs. Eldon :i Mr. Frederick. Light supper served •otr 5 to 7 ρ m. · SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF PSYCHIC SCIENCE 4909 14th ST N.W. Rot CAROL E. McKINSTRY. Minister Lecture. 8 P.M.. bv the Pastor Si: bject : The Psvchic Visions of Georce Fox, Founder of Quakerism Psvchic Sase o^ Ancient Persia. Follovfd by Spirit Grrctings Assisting Mediums. Edward C. Spengerm^n Elisabeth McDonald and Mrs. Margaret Mandis MID-WEEK MESSAGE SERVICE. Wednesday Eve.. 8 P.M. All services in tent on the lawn, weather permitting. · ι MADAM CARTHE. Reading Tuesday and Thursday after noons at 2 o'clock. Wednesday and Friday nights at 8 o'clock. Private readings by ap pointment. S3I Eye St. N.W. District fits. · SPIRITUAL SCIENCE CHURCH Rev. E. White Spiritual Message meeting Wed. and Sun. ! evening*. 8 o'clock. 700 6th st SI. Consul tation oy appointment. Lincoln 3055. * ; Spiritual Science Cnurch of Christ Will re-open Sunday. Sept.. 23. at the White Cross Center, 1173 Meridian PI. N.W.. at 8 p.m. RFV. JANE B. COATES. Pastor. Message. Healmç and Prosperity Circle every Wednesday. 6 15 p.m. Dr. Coates gives Private Interviews by Ap pointment. Call Col. 6227. ^+++++++-1-++-Η-ί''-1--Η-++-1-++-Η izpiBi I ^>aint fflarb's 4- Third and A Streets Southeast. A Hulbert A. Woolfall. Rector. ■£* 7:30 a.m.—Holy Communion. •J· 11:00 a.m.—Morning: Prayer and Ser mon by the Rector. Topic: ^ "Finding God." Τ 8:00 p.m.—Evening Prayer and Sermon i by the Rector. Topic: τ "Finding Life." ■r 11:00 a.m., Thursday—Holy Communion. I ROCK CREEK PARISH 4· REV. F J. ΒΟΗΛΝΛΝ. D D. 4* *· ST. PAUL'S CHURCH Ί* Rock Creek Churrh Rd. and Webster St. r* The Coiirtry Chtirch in the City. 4« 8:30, 9:30. 11 a.m.: 7.00 p.m. £ HOLY COMFORTER CHAPEL Τ Georgia Ave. and Madison St. J 7:30. 9:30. H am: 7:30 P.m. : ST. STEPHEN AND : THE INCARNATION ' leth and Nf*(en SI». N.W. 1 Bff. George Fiske Dudley, D. D.. Rector. • HOLY COMMUNION^ 7:30 A.M. ' CHURCH SCHOOL, opening I of Winter session 9:30 A.M. , MORNING PRAYER 11:00 A.M. EVENING PRAYER 8 00 Ρ M REV. H. ALLEN GRIFFITH. ' Tup1 'UN HEALING SERVICE 8:00 Ρ M. ι REV. CLYDE EROYVN. , Thursday— . HOLY COMMUNION 9:30 A.M. : «Τ THOMAS""55'" . ϋλ· 111ν1Τ1/1ϋ Dupont Circle I REV. C. ERNEST SMITH. D. C. L. 1 Recto'r. • REV. WM. S. BISHOP. D. D., Vicar. ! SERVICES—-ÏÏ and 11 A.M. » At 11 A.M. "THE COST OF BEING A FOOL." » Sermon by Rector. » Church School. 9:30 a.m. , Thursday. 11 a.m.—Holy Eucharist. ;ÏHE NATIVITY M^;A1^ Ι· Church School. 0:00: Sr. Dept.. 9:43. The Resurrection, 4:00 (S. S. 3:15). • St. Agnes' Church ' 46 One St. N.W. I (Fis. At*, or N. Capitol St. Car.) Services Sunday. 7 and II a.m. Dally Mass. 7 a.m. Evensona and In 1 tercesslon Friday. 8 p.m. ; 620 G St. S.E. Founded 1795 , Her. EDWARD GABLES. S. T. B.. Rector L· Sunday Services. 7:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. Christ Church t ST. JOHN'S GEORGETOWN £ K'O O Street Ν W. REV. r. BLAND TCCKLR, RECTOS. £ , J 7:30 aftd 11:00 a.m. ρ Wednesday iSt^atthew s day). 10 a.m. tëtljrr &trvittÉ HALL MISSÎTTR 622 «th St. N.W. For the Promotion of Bcrlptur»! Holinea·. Service· evrry Sunday at 2 *Λ p.m. ALL WELCOME Society of Washington, D. C. 1326 Eye Street Northweit Phone Metropolitan 1889 DEAN FRANKLIN, Leader Sundays: Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Morning Service .....11:00 a.m. Good Words Club 6 45 p.m. Evening Service 8:00p.m. Monday: "Lessons In Truth*' 8 00 p.m. Tuesdays: _ _ "Lessons ln#Truth 2:30 pm. Christian Healing 8:00 p.m. Wednesdays: _ , Lecture and Healing 8ervice... 8:00p.m. Fridays: . „ Healing Clinic 5:00 pm. Unity Literature for Sale. ALL WELCOME (Tfyrosnphg Thorsday. 8:15 Ρ M . September «. "Secret Doctrine" •JUrary Open Saturday!. 2 to 5 P.M. United Lodge of Theosophists Hill Bldg.. 17th A Eye Sts. N.W. No dues, fees or collections (Christian CHURCH OF CHRIST 3460 11th St. N.W., at Meridian Plae·. Jas. If. McBroom, Minister. Congregational sinking only. ι jar=^=i CHRISTIAN □ àrinth &tr*rt 9th & D St·. N.E. CLIFFORD H. JOPE. Minister. 9:30—Graded Church School. 11:00—Sermon subject: "Increaa inc the Prorainenee of Christ." 8:45—Christian Endeavor. Lead er. Joseph Harrison. 7.45—This service is for the chil dren of the church and will be conducted by them, with a short sermon by the pastor, subject. "Tbe Church and the School." êhe National Ciîg Thomas Circle. Dr. H. H. Harmon. Minister. Dr. Earle Hilfler. Minister Emeritus. 9:45 a m.—Church School. 10 50 a m.—"The Ea«i* for Chris tian Service," Dr. Har mon. 6 45 ρ m —Young People's Meet in?·?. 7:45 ρ m—"With l'natoppet Ears," Dr. Harmon. COLUMBIA HEIGHTS Park Road West or 14th fit. N.W. Harvey Baker Smith. Pastor. 9 30 a.m.—Bible School. li.00 a.m.—Sermon "Livinr Bread." 7 00 p.m —Christian Endeavor. 8 00 ρ m —Pavreant. "The White Man's Book of Heaven Comes to the Red Man." 31 IDE (Christian £>rirnre Christian Science CHLRCHF.S OF CHRIST SCIENTIST Branches of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ Scientist, Boston, .Mass. First Church of Christ Scientist Columbia Road and Euclid St. Second Church of* Christ Scientist 111 C Si NE Third Church of Christ Scientist 13th and L Sts. Ν W Fourth Church of Christ Scientist 16:h and Meridan N.W. SUBJECT: "MATTER" SERVICES— Sunday, 11 AM and 8 P.M. Sunday School—11 A.M. WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING— 8 Ο Clock. REAÔING ROOMS FIRST CHI RCH-730 17th St. N.W. —Hours, 9 to 9 (except Wednes day, 9 to 7, and Sundays and holi davs. 2:30 to 5 :301. SECOND CHI RCH-111 C St. N.E. —Hour?. 1:50 to 5:30 p.m. week davs. Closed Sundavs and holidays. THIRD CHL RCH—Colorado B!dg, 14th and G Sts. Hours, 9 :.V) to 9 (Wednesdays, 9:30 to 7:30, and Sundavs and tiolidavs, 2:30 to 5 :30). FOURTH CHURCH—Tivoli Bldg, 3313 14th St.—9:30 to 9 week days (except Wednesdays, 9:30 to 7:30), Sundays & holidays, 2 :30 to 5 p.m. All are welcome to attend our church services and use our reading rooms. +H-+i+-i-i-:+++!h:-++++++++++, if + + + Eptpltatu} ; 1317 G St. N.W. REV. Ζ. B. PHILLIPS. D. D.. LL. D. + REV. ALTIN LAMAR WILLS. M. A. + if 8 Ml a m.—Holy Communion. X 9:45 a.m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m—Morning Prayer and Ser- * mon. the rector. ·*■ 6:30 p.m.—Young People s Society. «$· 8:00 p.m.—Evensong. Rev. Mr. Wills. «f WASHINGTON CATHEDRAL"+ Wisconsin Ave. N.W near Woodier Rd. ^ HOLY COMMUNION 7:30 A.M. ti· MORNING PRAYER AND «I» LITANY 10:00 A.M. Τ HOLY COMMUNION AND SERMON 11:00 A.M. Τ PEOPLES EVENSONG AND ·· SERMON 4:00 P.M. «r THE REV DR BERNARD IDDINGS BELL OP ANNANDALE. Ν. Y.. WILL I PREACH AT THE 11 A.M. AND 4 ~ Ρ M SERVICES IN THE GREAT CKCIP. AND SANCTUARY. i AU Souls' Memorial Church t Cathedral and Conn. Ave*. N.W. j. Rfi. B. H. D. Sterrett. Rector. ψ 8:00 a m.—Hcly Communion. 4· 1100 a m.—Morning Prayer and Ser- + mon. ή. + + St. John's Church Lafayette Square J 8:00 a m—Holy Communion. J 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer and + Sermon. + The REV. LEON A SHEARER + Will Preacfi. Τ ST. MARGARETS ■+ + + + Connecticut Ave. and Bancroft PI. REV. HERBERT SCOTT SMITH. D. D. ! REV. ROBERT SHORES REV. G. BERKELEY GRIFFITH. * 7:30 a m—Holy Communion. 11:00 a.m.—Morning prayer and aermon * by thf rector. » Thursday. Holy Communion. 11:0# a.m. + Charlotte Klein. P. A. Q. O.. oraaniat j. and choir director ST. JAMES' CHURCH! Eighth Street Northeast bet. Β A C Sta. + Rct. GEORGE W. ATKINSON. D. D. + Rector. + 7:30 a.m.—Low Mass. Λ. 10:30 a.m.—Matins. X 11:00 a.m.—Sun* Masj and Sermon. ; Daily Mass. 7 a.m. Take 13th and D or Florida A*#. Τ ears to ith and C Streets Northeaat. + The Rev. Calvert E. Buck | will be the preacher at the 11 o'clock service. WHWWHH I 11 I IHttfH