Newspaper Page Text
Conservative Requirements of U. S. Bank Plan Are Described. (Continued From Firet Page.·) outstanding. This ^2,000 loan is 40 per cent of the $5,000 appraised value of the home property wnich is the original security behind tne loan. This Is the maximum loan which the law permits a member institution to obtain from the bank. "The Home Loan Bank having made this advance of $2,000 to a member building and loan association, now holds the mortgage on which the amount outstanding is $3,333. Against this holding, following the provision in the act for $190 security behind each $100 in bonds, the Home Loan Bank System can issue not more than $1,754 ■worth of debentures. Tne relation be tween the $5,000 value or the home property and the $1,754 maximum pos sible debentures is 285 to 100. Safety of the Bonds. "This example is taken to show the safety of the bonds unaer the least favorable conditions permitted by the law. In a majority of cases the 60 per cent of the amount, outstanding on ε mortgage which the bank is per mitted to advance to a member as sociation will bo less than 40 per cent cf the value of the home, and con sequently there will be an even greater property value back of the bonds as a rule. "The provision of the law reads as I follows: " 'Any such advance shall be subject to the following limitations as to amount: " 'If secured by a home mortgage gi\en in respect of an amortized home j mortgage loan which was for an orig- j inal term of eight years or more, or in ! cases where shares of stock, which are j pledged for security for such loan, ma ture in a period of eight years or more. I the advance may be for an amount not ill excess of 60 per centum of the un- I paid principal of the home mortgage loan: in no case shall the amount of j the advance exceed 40 per centum of j the value of the real estate securing the home mortgage loan. " 'If secured by a home mortgage given in respect of any other heme mortgage loan, the advance shall net be for an amount in excess rf 50 per centum of the unpaid principal of the home mortgage loan: in no cpsc shall | the amount of such pdvance exceed 30 per centum of the value cf rho real es tate securing the home mortcpge lian. " 'No home mortgage shall be ac cepted es collateral security for ai p.d- j vance by a Federal Loan Bank if, at the time such advance is made, (1) the j home mortgage loan secured by it has more than 15 years to run to maturity j or (2) the value of the real estate with respect to which the heme mortgage is given exceeds $20,000 or (3) Is past due more than six months when pre sented.' Direct Users of Funds. "The direct users of the funds pro- ! Tided by the bonds will be the member institutions of the Home Loan Banks, I building and loan associations, insur ance companies and savings banks, j Their obligations to repay their borrow- ; ings from the Home Loan Banks is sig- j r.incant in outlining the safety of the | bends. These borrowing institutions, j in addition to pledging mortgages worth 166 2-3 per cent to 200 per cent of the , loan they obtain,, give the bank a note | on all their assets. In addition, the stock which the borrowing institution owns in the regional Home Loan Bank will revert to the bank in case of failure of the borrower to repay. Here, then, is a major obligation placed upon the first borrower of the funds. In this connec tion, it should be noted that building and loan associations have borrowed from commercial banks for many dec ades, giving as their sole security a note against the total assets. No case is on record where any bank ever lost money on such a loan. "The borrowing association in turn lends the funds to an individual home owner. It expects him to repay the mortgage in order to pay back its own borrowings from the Home Loan Bank. What are the odds that the home owner will pay? A look at the records of building and loan associations over a period of 101 years' operations is ex cellent testimony to the good faith of the home borrower. These associations have confined their operations to the financing of homes. During the past decade, for which we have exact rec ords. it is found that 99.95 per cent of the total assets of the building and loan associations were absolutely safe. First Obligation. "The first obligation securing the bonds is that of the borrowing institu tions. Before this institution can de fault on its obligation its total assets, plus its capital stock in the bank, would have to be less than the amount of its_ borrowings. Even if such an incon-' ceivable condition should occur, then the Home Loan Bank still has recourse to the home owner, because it holds his mortgage. If the home owner falls down on the bargain, there is property worth nearly 3 to 1 of the outstanding debentures on which the regional bank has a first lien. And there is a yet fur ther bulwark back of these bonds. All of the assets of the 12 Home Loan Banks are liable for the repayment of money invested in the securities issued by the system. In short, all 12 of the banks would have to fail, a great ma jority of the home owners in the coun try would have to default and the building and loan associations would have to change their 101-year record of safety before a bondholder in the Fed eral Home Loan Bank system would lose a cent." Tennessee collected $27,000 in a sin gle month this year from her 15 toll bridges. HOME LOAN DIRECTOR ONCE HEADED REALTORS Harry S. Kissell of Springfield, Ohio, Appointed to Federal Bank Board. Harry S. Kissell, Springfield, Ohio, who has been appointed to be one of the directors of the new Federal Home Loan Bank, at Cincinnati, is a former president of the National Asscciation of Real Estate Boards. He was named as one of the two directors to be chosen specifically as representing the public interest. The remaining nine must be engaged in the heme-finaneing business, according to requirements of the act» creating the system. Their successors are to be chosen from a.nong officers or directors of institutions which own stock in the bank. Mr. Kissell last year served as chair man of a special committee of the National Realtor Association on the home loan banking system. Pennsylvania has been added to the list of States in whicn new legislation has been enacted to permit eligible in stitutions of the State to avail them selves of membîrsh.ip in the new Re serve Bank System. Brick Flat Building. The Washington Sanitary Improve ment Co.. as owners, and the Mutual Construction Co., as builders, have planned to erect a two-story brick fiat building at 130 Q street, according to specifications filed with the District government. The cost is estimated at $10,000. PROPERTY LEASED BY FLORIDA FIRM $48,000 Total Rental Paid for Quarters at 937-39 F Street. Business quarters at S37-.939 F street, formerly occupied by Mangels, has been leased for a possible term of five years by Louis Domb, Inc., of Jacksonville, Fla., for a total rental consideration amounting to $40.000. it was pnnounced today by the office of Shannon & Luchs Co., which handled the transaction. The property was leased from Rev. Cornelius F. Thomas, pastor of St. Patrick's Church, who was represented by James B. Flynn, attorney. The property is to be the home of a spe cialty shop. Robert C. Cogan of Baltimore, op erator of e women's clothing establish ment, has leased property at 712 Sev enth street from Emma Heller for a term of two years, for a rental amount ing to about $450 a month, Shannon & Luchs announce. Other leases reported i by this firm included the following: Property at· 1113 G street, leased by ! James E. Hughes from the Brownley trust for a term of approximately two years, for usa as a millinery store, for a guaranteed rental and percentage. Property at 937-939 F street, leased by Fay Raphael and Helen M. Swan son from Louis Domb for use for a hos iery and costume jewelry department, for an undisclosed rental. The entire upper floor of the build THIS BEAUTIFUL COLONIAL HOME —Has a larpe livinr room with oprn fiicplace. dininsr room, kitchen and pantry on 1st floor, and three cheerful bed rooms with tile bath on ?nd floor, hardwood floors, hot-water heat, larce basement with laundry trays, deep lot with irarapp on alley, fine location, one blork to school, stores and cars. Price. Γ8.?Γ,«. Easy term-. Other modern suburban homes In ex cellent condition. Γ», β and * rooms: priced frori Γ3.5Γ0 to $β·'»Γ>0. Some real bar eains that must be sold. Small cash pa>mer.t; balance, like rent. R. D. FOSTER 2 Barney St., Cottage City Greenwood 2131 Ir.g at 1210 Ο street, leased by the Qypey Tea Co., Inc., from William JtlofT, for an undisclosed tîrm and :onslderat!on. Martin Mclnerney Is erecting a store juildlng at 7313 Georgia avenue, which has been leased to the Atlantic & Pa rtie Tea Co {or a term of approxi mately 10 years. Garfield I. Kass is constructing a store )uilding at Tenth street and Rhode [siaiid avenue north?ast. which is tin ier lease to the Atlantic & Pacific rea Co. for a term of approximately 10 years. Business property at 2121 Eighteenth street has been leased from F. V. Kil iian for a short term by Tnotnas Gon sales, formerly associates with the Duban embassy, who will establish an intique shop there. Police Ankles Win Prize. Masquerading as a girl, Thomas Miern, Newry, England, policcman, won the prize for the prettiest ankles at a ;own hall dance. $8,000 Brick Residence. A two-story brick residence is to be erected at 5521 Nebraska avenue for Mrs. Marie W. Schwarz, by Paul T. Stone, Inc., buildrr, according to plans filed with the District government. The construction cost is estimated at $8,000. Owner Will Sacrifice 3821 Veazey St. N.W. (Near Bureau of Standards) Six large rcoms, two baths. Oil hrat. p!ec, refrig., hdw. floor?, double rear porrhrs (screcrcd), nice yard front an1 rear, tiro-ear detarhed garage. Hrlf square East of Wisconsin Ave. $12,250 R?jsoraMe Terir* Open Saturday 6c Sunday Now Vacant New Washington Residence Dwelling at 6804 Pinev Branch road, which was purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Keene from Orville Rice, builder, through the agency of Phillips & Canby, Inc. The house has six main rooms and bath and attic and a detachable garage. \M I C H I G A Ν MANOR/ The NEW C. H. SMALL HOMES ARE HERE OurAutumnShow ingof Beautiful New Semi-Detached Brick Homes Inspect these lovely homes Sunday You'll fall In love with these delinhtful new homes ... six bis rooms . . . two colorful baths . . . fireplaces . . . new type recreation rooms . . . garage and a big. 189-foot lot . . . and the other bis features we'll leave for your Inspection. BeitvvH & Horniηd .1.. imc. i. . > See NOW 4420 14th St. NORTIIFAS Γ ι II TOWER BLDG. Wis. U853 left on 14th. I !· 11 /WASHINGTON'S GARDEN SPOt\ Out North Cavitol __ ΛΟ__ right on Michigan, Dis. 0853 left on Hth. The ELLSWORTH HOME of the Week No. 4 Built Complete on Your Lot for as Little as £40 per month for further information write your name and address on this ad and mail to: HOME CONSTRUCTION DIVISION r r λ D C Roebuck and co LL/~\l>wj^l06 Conn. Ave., Dl 3900 ENTIRELY NEW PLAN HOME I . ♦ Semi-Detached — All Brick — Garage Large Lot Beautifully Landscaped ON ENTERING you find a large hall with stairway and cloak closet—to your left you pass through an archway to the living room (12' 9'2"χΠ' 2") with real open fireplace. Radio outlet with built-in antenna. THROUGH another wide archway to the dining room (12'4Vs"xl5') with FRENCH DOORS lading to the studio <7'6"xl2'), five windows and lavatory. SECOND FLOOR— Master bed room, across full width of houie, with private lavatory. Three other g od size rooms, beautifully tiled bath, cedar closet, plenty of other Urge closets. RECREATION ROOM —in basement (14' 9"x20' i'i"). SPACIOUS KITCHEN —plenty of light and air. In laid linoleum; Sanitas on the walls. Built-in cabinet; pantry; electric refrigeration. BUILT TO ENDURE THROUGH THE YEARS 1341 Shepherd St. N.E. AT LESS THAN ROW HOUSE PRICES. MONTHLY PAYMENTS LOWER THAN THE ACTl'AL RENTAL VALUE. CHARLES M. WALLINGSFORD Owner & Builder 1010 Vermont Ave. N.W. National 2990 r. !| 5345 Chevy Chase Parkway (1 Sq. E. Conn. Ave., corner Kanawha St. and near Military Road) $10,990 Unquestionably the greatest value in Chevy Chase, 1). C. Detached English Colonial, renter hall, of brick, slate roof, 6 large rooms, 2 beautiful baths, 2-car garage, privât? vrranda, let 93.36 ft. front, 3,145.87 sq. ft. Reduced from $12,500 to $10,990. Open and lighted. LESLIE D. MEASELL, Cleveland 4733 A New House of Superlative Merit This offering is one of true superiority, notable as an example of fine construction, distinguished for its beauty and charm. Built of brick and stone, with all walls scientifically insulated. 10 rooms, 4 baths. The location is really wonderful, on an eminence in a grove of oaks directly facing Rock Creek Park. The views from the broad brick terraces are lovely. Please give yourself the pleasure of seeing it. Open Saturday Afternoon and All Day Sunday To reach, go out 16th St. a short distance beyond Walter Reed and Alaska Ave., then turn west on Holly. REALTY ASSOCIATES, Inc. Realtors 1427 Eye St. N.W. JUST COMPLETED See These Homes Before You Buy Open for Inspection Daily 9til 9 P.M. Priced to Sell Terms to Suit 5421 to 5427 4th Street N.W. OTHING left undone in this most beautiful of all row houses. 6 and 7 rooms, 2 complete baths with shower. Beautiful kitchen with its colored range, electric refrigerator and de luxe cabinets. Large recreation room in basement, automatic water heater, concrete porches, double rear porches, large yard and garage. An inspection will convince you that they are all any one could wish for. To Reach—Drive out Ga. Ave., 14th or lôth St. to Jefferson St., turn east to 4tk St., thence north to houses, or call us for auto service. District 8600 Metzler—Realtor 1106 Vermont Ave. f" Sunday and Nights, ADams 0620 SaaatfaaaaaaaaBaaaB^^ \ ...·< ........ NEW HOUSES AT A STARTLING PRICE 411-19 Hamilton St. N.W. Six and Seven Rooms Two Baths, Recreation Room Latest kitchen equipment, ecreen*, porches, detached garages, southern exposure, large yard to thirty-foot alley. CHAS. W. MORRIS & SON Builders Xagy Terms Evan» Bldg. Open Until 9 P.M. Met. 5869 We Offer as exclusive agents A GROUP OF NEW DE TACHED HOMES, EACH HOUSE REPLETE WITH FEATURES OF AN UN USU A L CHARACTER AND BUILT IN THAT BEAUTIFULLY WOOD ED AND RAPIDLY DE VELOPING SECTION KNOWN AS American University Park 4822 47th St. N.W.—$8,800 —Colonial brick and frame—recreation room—2 fireplaces. 4811. 47th St. N.W. $>9,750—Center ball with living room 14x22. 4630 Davenport St. N.W.—$10.950— All brick—2 baths—recreation room. OPEN SATURDAY P.M.—AU. HAY SUNDAY BOSS & PHELPS TO R~ACH—1rom Matscchuzcltt Art., nirtii on *C!h St. to Dattnvort Zi. ar.d turn Irtt. .J 7^9 Room Homes At the Price of a 6-Room House 4th and EMERSON STS. N.W. Highest Point in Petworth EXHIBIT HOME—340 EMERSON ST. CASH >9,250 * COMPARE THESE FEATURES EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS Pleasing Colonial Architecture All-Brick Construction Homes 35 and 45 ft. Deep Tapestry Brick—Mansard Roofs Steel Casement Windows Covered Concrete Front Porch 1 and 2 Screened Rear Porches Prettily Terraced Lawns Detached and Built-in Garages With "Over-the-Top" Doors Bone-Dry Concrete Cellar Double Laundry Trays—Toilet Instantaneous Water Heater Red Jacket Heating Plant Artistic Decoration Modern Lighting Fixtures Hardwood Floors Throughout Double Floor Construction Radio, Convenience Outlets Newest Concealed Radiators Bronze Screens Throughout Metal Weatherstripping 7 and 9 Well-Planned Rooms Step-down Living Room Bright Dining Room Many with Breakfast Room Cozy Reception Hall Coat Closet—Mirror Door Finished Recreation Room With Ornamental Fireplace Gorgeous Modern Kitchen Silver-Green Color Scheme 8-ft. Colored Porcelain Sink With Double Drainboard Latest Model Frigidaire Built-in Kitchen Cabinet* New Console Gas Range Inlaid Linoleum Cemented Down 3 and 4 Spacious Bed Room· Roomy Wardrobe Closets Linen ar.d Cedar Closets 2 Smart Colored Tile Baths Built-in Tub and Shower Venetian Mirror Cabinet Chromium Plated Fixtures OPEN AND LIGHTED UNTIL 9 P.M. OWNERS BUILDERS • OVER 3,000 CAFRITZ LIFETIME HOMES BUILT AND SOLD · ' 6311 Oa kridge Ave. Ck"" Chase, Mi. • Open Saturday S to 8 P. Ma y in a®" s"nday 10 A. M,s P m • T«rJSttlNspECT: I?7* L*ne 2 shrfrt *ve·. thmSQUare9 TRADE \Λ/*% — * f ■ J*BH s, N i^^SîÙÇ^ this distinguished ^k'ng '* »n on tbat we be/ieve fo ht" res,dence desirable new Κ °Πθ of the ?r es i„ Chevy ri USe proP· Pr'>e class. /t^-f' Md-« to nT'ng Wo°ded sectlô ^ in a hail Î,eVy ?hase Sub" a^3Cent , _ P'an, three ■■ * Center j-")™»,,. ,wo ba"tru""iiy hrtc KTS .nd diJI" n"rch· . rst floor lava^- u,n-*^ rooms ,n.« Porch, WesS SCree"ed liv.' at'«n, storie constrn ?*USe refri<ei. red, walls, metal ?n with fUr. pnd greened. T^athers dipped ^A. 2345