Newspaper Page Text
VISITORS ARE TOLD OF VOTELESS D. £ thousands Will Carry Home Appeals for Voice in Na tional Affairs. Hie movement for granting resi dents of the District a voice la their government will be spread to many new sections of the United States by thou sands of visitors who came to Washing ton to join in the Roosevelt inaugural celebration. Literature telling of Washington's pe tition for spokesmen in Congress and the right to vote in presidential elec tions, distributed to thousands of In augural visitors, will be carried back home to further expand the campaign for a "new deal" for the District resi dent. It is the hope of members of the Citizens' Joint Committee on National Representation that in this way the celebration of the Inauguration of a new President will hasten the day when the Washington resident will be granted his right of franchise. Souvenir inaugural panrohlets were distributed from headqui ters cf the committee In the Postal Telegraph Co. offices. In the Washington Building, where poster displays emphasized the plight of Washington. There were other displays at the Willard Hotel and at Jellefi's, Thirteenth and F streets. worKers stay at rosis. toyal workers of the Joint Committee stayed at their posts in the Washington Building to a late hour Friday night. Again yesterday, before and after the inaugural parade, they were busy spreading the work of local disfran chisement to visiting thro.-.go. Other workers distributed the booklets along the line of the parade. The work will be continued today and Monday. Three young women who were pupils! of Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt while she was a member of the faculty of the Todhunter School for Girls, New York, devoted a portion of their time while visiting here yesterday to assisting mem bers of the Citizens' Joint Committee on National Representation. The trio came to Washington to attend the inaugural ceremonies at the Invitation of Mrs. Roosevelt. They were Miss Jean Parker, Miss Peggy Delafleld and Miss Kath arine Bolton. The committee work was under the direction of Jesse C. Suter, a vice chair man of the central body, and under the general supervision of Theodore W. Noyes, chairman of the Citizens' Joint Committee on National Representation. Among those assisting were Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Brown and their daugh ter, Horace J. Phelps, Mrs. Edna L. Johnston, Mrs. Lyman B. Swormstedt, Mrs. William Friedman and her daugh ter, Miss Janet Richards, Mrs. Konigs berger, John B. Dickman, Edward S. Hine, A. L. Leftwlch Sinclair and F. J. Lukens. Assistance also was given by a group of students of Goucher College, Baltimore, including Misses Ethel Patz of Georgia, Harriet Miller of Chester, Pa.; Emma Wargo of Trenton. N. J., and Regina and Miriam Ottenberg of this city, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ottenberg. Proposal Explained. ■Rie souvenir pamphlets given to visi tors contained an explanation of the proposed amendment to the Constitu tion under which Washington would be given elected representation In the House and Senate, the right to vote In presidential elections and the right to sue in Federal courts. It would not re strict the control Congress has over the District nor change the form of local governmental administration. The pamphlet also carried the follow ing concise exposition of Washington's present plight: "The half million Americans of the District constitute the only community in all the expanse of the continental United States—populous, intelligent, public-spirited, of adequate resources— which is denied representation in the National Government. "In relation to national laws the sole function of the District residents is to obey. They take no part in making the laws which they must obey. "In relation to national taxes their sole function is to pay. They have nothing to say, like other taxpayers, concerning the amount and kind of taxes they shall pay and how the tax money shall be spent. "In relation to national war their sole function is to fight in obedience to command. They have no voice, like other Americans, in the councils which determine war or peace. They have no representation In the Government which requires them to fight, to bleed and perhaps to die. "Since the half million Americans of the District pay national taxes, obey national laws and go to war in the Nation's defense, they are entitled on American principles to be represented In the National Government, which taxes them, which makes all laws for them and which sends them to war." JAILED IN ARGUMENT Albany Men Engage in Fight Over Crooner's Birthplace. ALBANY, N. Y. (JP).—George Rooney and William Jamison will have the next five days in jail to settle their argu ment over Rudy Vallee's birthplace. The argument began on a street corner. "He's from Maine." Jamison insisted. *1 ought to know. I'm from Maine my self " "Well, I'm from Connecticut," Rooney declared, "and he's a Connecticut Yankee. What do you know about that?" Then the fight started. Boy, 7, Who Rode Pony 811 Miles to Parade Delighted Toby Says New President Is His Friend and Job His Objective. Toby Cook, 7-year-old Chula, Go , boy who rode ponies ill miles to attend the inauguration at Presi dent Roosevelt's request, rode one in the inaugural parade and afterward told this story to the Associated Press. It was the biggest parade I ever saw. I liked it because they had lots of bands and flags, and because Mr. Roosevelt Is the new President. Mr. Roosevelt Is about the nicest man I know. He'll be a good President be cause he's got lots of brains and lots of friends. It was nice of him to invite me to the inauguration. It was a long ride and my favorite pony got killed on the way, but I'm glad I came. Mr. Roose velt was pretty busy today, but I think t can shake hands with him again to morrow. He's my friend. Washington is a pretty town, all right. I liked the Capitol best of all build ings. When I grow up I want to be & Senator and then maybe President right after that. I want to be like Mr. Roose velt. Only when I'm President I'm going to put in more subway trains under the Capitol. Georgia is a nice State. I like it best of any others, because my dad has a farm there. There were some nice men from New Jersey with me in the parade and I like people from New Jersey now. No, I'm not very anxious to go home, but I guess I'll have to go anyway. I'm pretty tired so I'm glad I don't have to ride my ponies all the wayi back to «h^ Ga, j District Vote Petition Placed Before Visitors VvW 1 * KL>» Thousands of pamphlets telling of the petition for representation in Congress for the District's half million resi dents were distributed to visiting inaugural throngs yesterday. Seen in the picture are Misses Jean Parker Peggy Dela field and Kathrlne Bolton (left to right), who formerely were pupils of Mrs. Jianklln D. Booaevelt. They assisted in the work of the Citizens' Joint Committee on National Representation. * Star Staff Photo AIR FORCES PAY ROARING IRK Planes Joined by Giant Ak ron in Review for New President. Under low-hanging clcuds and Ji the face of a cold, choppy wind, the Army, Navy and Marine Corps yesterday after noon mustered the defensive air force of the Atlantic seaboard in an impres sive, roaring tribute to their new chief, President Roosevelt. Led by Maj. Gen. Benjamin D. Fou lcls, chief of the Army Air Corp6 and first military pilot In the Nation, 105 combat planes of the Army and Marine Corps, an Army non-rlgld airship and the giant Navy dirigible U. S. S. Akron passed In review 2,500 feet above the presidential stand In front of the White House. Through the courtesy of the Air Corps, which landed an element of three bombers from the 96th Bombardment Squadron here for the purpose. The Washington Star was able to send an observer in the air review to obtain a description from the standpoint of a participant for thc«e who viewed the spectacle from the ground. Bombers Sent Ahead. The three bombers were sent ahead of the remainder of the 2nd Bombard ment Wing from Lar.gley Field and landed at Boiling Field shortly before 2 p.m. The Star's observer was assigned to Bomber 196, piloted by LJeut. T. E. Oppenheim. Full Winter flying equip ment, including fur-lined leather flying suit, boots, helmet and gloves were Issued to offset the effects of a 125-mile per hour slipstream of raw March at mosphere. When the three bombers tcok off in echelon at 2:25 p.m., there were no air craft visible in the gray sky except a lazily-moving Army airship and the photographic plane of Capt. Albert W. Stevens, Army air Corps, world famous aerial photographer who had been as signed to make the a«rlal record o< the Roosevelt inauguration. Climbing to about 2,500 feet, the bombers closed Into "V" formation and headed South over Maryland under low, dark clouds, which trailed smoky fila ments several hundred feet below them. For perhaps 10 minutes the big twin motored B-6A bombers continued down the Potomac, alone in the cloud-cell inged sky. Suddenly lines of tiny gnats against the distant clouds resolved with startling swiftness Into squadron upon squadron of great bombers and tiny, fast pursuit planes. Lieut. Oppenheim, on the left of the element, followed in a steeply banked tum to the right across the line of flight of the oncoming squadrons and within a few seconds the element slid smoothly Into its place In the 96th Squadron, with the great yellow-winged ships of the 49th and 20th Bombard ment Squadrons below and ahead In a dizzy, stair-stepped formation. Circle Near Alexandria. The bombardment group circled In the vicinity of Alexandria, Va., for a few minutes, killing time for the few minutes which remained before the time scheduled for the swing above Pennsylvania avenue. The faster pur suits milled around several miles away —36 of them—a hard hitting thunder bolt of man-made destruction. Above Washington could be seen a formation of three planes which, by a process of mental elimination, were proved to be those of the air marshal, Gen. Foulois, and his staff. Farther to the East, dim and tiny, hung a cloud of midges which could be nothing but the 30-plane force of the Marine Corps East Coast Expeditionary Force, half of them fresh from fighting insurrec tionists in mountainous Nicaragua. Still farther to the East a silver wraith against the clouds showed the place of the giant Akron, as yet in visible to those in Washington. Hands of the synchronized clocks on the Instrument panels of 105 airplanes were s wet ping around to 3 o'clock— zero hour—and radio orders from Col. Foulois buzzed in the ears of squadron and flight leaders. With magr.tfltaot precision of the sort which can only from perfect air discipline and long training, the scattered groups, cruising at divergent speeds, swung smoothly Into column be hind the commanding general, down ahead, at the foot of that dizzy stair case of roaring khaki and yellow bombers. A twist of the head In the icy blast showed the swift pursuiters behind and above, throttled down below cruising speed but still pulling up rapidly on the bombers. Their speeds were so calcu lated as to put the entire column Into perfect formation during just that in stant when It swung majestically above the new Commander in Chief. Auron apeeas Aneaa. The Marines In their silver and yel low planes were visible, evidently In the "blind spot" of the bombers, be neath the tall, far behind and below. The Akron still Idled along miles to the East but was now "pouring on the coal" and heading toward the Capitol dome. The Capitol now was sliding by be low and only by gaining a higher loot hold in the bomb-bay and leaning out over the side of the fuselage could the Avenue, with its marching thousands and its banks of crowded spectators, be seen at all. Tne marchers looked like nothing ao much as patches of tiny beads. Square, sharply aligned blocks of beads of a brownish hue showed where marched the Army, earth-bound comrades In arms of these leather-encased begoggled Services Today Church Programs Feature In augural With Guests of City Invited. Special services In churches through- ! out the day will be held today. All churches extend a cordial Invitation to inaugural visitors. 10 a.m.—Laying of wreath at the Tomb of the Unkown Soldier, Arling ton National Cemetery, by the Greater Boston Firemen's Legion Band and others. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.. United States Navy Yard—U. S. Destroyers Reuben James and Bainbridge, and Coast Guard Cut- j ters Sebago and Cayuga will probably leave the Navy Yard at this date. Open house at civic clubs and head quarters of national organizations. Government buildings, museums and galleries: Arlington—Gates open 7 a.m.-6 p.m. Arlington Mansion and Amphitheater —9 a.m.-5 p.m. Bureau of Fisheries—9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. (Commerce Building, Fourteenth street, main entrance). Corcoran Gallery of Art—2 p.m-5 p.m. Library of Congress—2 p.m.-10 p.m. Freer Art Gallery—9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Lincoln Memorial—9 a.m.-9:30 pjn.. West Potomac Park. Lincoln Museum—9 a.m.-4:30 pin., 511 Tenth street northwest. House where Lincoln died—9 a.m. 4:30 p.m., 516 Tenth street northwest. Mount Vernon—9 a.m.-5 p.m. Ad mission, 25 cents. National Museum and National Gal lery of Art—2 p.m.-4:30 p.m. Washington Monument—9 am.-4.00 p.m. The above places of Interest also are open every' day during the inaugural. EXHAUSTION SENDS IS TO HOSPITALS Few Injured in Minor Acci dents and Scores Are Given First Aid. Exhaustion from the long vigil at the Inaugural ceremonies and parade sent more than 125 patients to Wash ington's hospitals yesterday, while a lew were Injured in minor accidents inci dental to the celebration. Scores more received first-aid treatment at Red Cross emergency stations placed near concentration points of the vast crowd. Ambulances and doctors from all the local hospitals and nearby towns were kept busy throughout the day and early evening. Park Policeman Bernard Beckmar.. 32, 1483 Newton street, was treated at Emergency Hospital for injuries to his left hand and right knee after he was thrown from his motor cycle during the parade. Pvt. Earl Underwood, B Bat tery of the 16th Field Artillery, was slightly hurt as the horse he was riding in the lead team of an artillery caisson slipped and fell, in the 1400 block of Pennsylvania avenue. Charles Kleine, 33, a member of'the New York police force, suffered a wrenched ankle and received treatment at Casualty Hospital. James Kearney. 19. also of New York, was taken seri ously ill in the Capitol Grounds and re moved to Emergency Hospital. Mayetta Carter, 61. who gave her address as the Hay-Adams House, sus tained shoulder injuries when crushed in the crowd. Louis Selsel, 64, 2000 block Columbia road, tripped over a rope and fractured his left elbow. He was treated at Emergency Hospital. George King, 49, of New York, also was given aid at that hospital after he fell over a wire, injured his hand and face and collapsed. The majority of hospital cases re sulted from fatigue and attacks of minor Illness. Only a small percentage of those treated remained at the insti tutions. soldiers of the sky, hunched In quiver ing cockpits. Square blocks of blue beads threaded on the silver wires of the street car rails probably were the brothers of those flying Marines In the rear. As the hands of the clock on Lieut. Oppenheim's instrument panel ticked an exact 3 o'clock, Gen. Foulois passed above and at an easy eye-angle to the north of the reviewing stand. The pur suiters, above and behind, precisely in place, now began to overhaul the bombers and by the time Georgetown was below had drawn abreast and were beginning to forge ahead. The head of the marching column below was just beginning to break col umn and disperse as the air column also broke formation. The three bomb ers of the 90th swung out of the squad ron, which headed for Langley Field. After only 55 minutes In the air, the three ships landed and rolled up to the line at Boiling, as the last of the Army and Marine squadrons disappeared Into the dUtance, leaving the sky to the Akron and its little Army sister. An other page turned in military aviation history. Gen. Ftulois, through his successful leadership of yesterday's air review, added to the luster of a leadership which won him the coveted Mackey Trophy, presented only a few days ago in recognition of his achievement in massing and commanding the 672 planes of the lot Air Division two years ago through two weeks of record-break ing maneuvers without ft single serious accident. 4. •* WOMEN COLORFUL DURING INAUGURAL Mrs. Roosevelt, Mrs. Hoover and Others Play Promi nent Part. By the Associated Pregi. The feminine figures of the old Re publican regime gracefully stepped aside yesterday. The women of the Demo cratic "new deal" smilingly took their places. It was a day-long shift of scene, bril liant and colorful, beginning with the motor parade up Capitol Hill; continu ing with the significant ceremonies in Senate chamber and on Capitol facade, bursting into real rejoicing with the band-playing of the parade; to a purely feminine White House tea; rising to its most formal, trumpet - and - fanfare heights in the Inaugural ball. For that taklng-the-oath moment when the change actually came. Mrs. Herbert Hoover. In beige-and-brown, and Mrs. Franklin Roosevelt, in Eleanor blue and darker blue, wearing white orchids and carrying purple violets, walked smilingly together. Friendly Attitude. They didn't say much to each other, but their faces were truly friendly. With Mrs. Roosevelt to First Lady ship went all the liveliness and color and charm of a huge family gathered together—grandmother, children, grand children, a fairy-pretty great-grand child. And her "official family" was there too, Mrs. Garner smartly, becomingly gowned in black and white; a well dressed array of "cabinet wife." The most gazed-at figure in the cabinet Itself also was a woman, Frances Perkins, first feminine member, cynosure of all eyes as she sat on the Senate floor in black tallleur and trlcom hat, ob served of all who could see her on the stand. Mrs. Gamer's "greatest moment" came before Mrs. Roosevelt's did, when, in the closest possible President's gal lery seat to the dias to be taken here after by her husband, she watched him "sworn In"—Her son, Tully, and his wife, and her granddaughter, Genevieve, clo66 beside her. Mrs. Wilson Watches Ceremonies. Watching another Democratic Presi dent take the oath, Mrs. Woodrow Wil son, widow of the last one, sat in the second row of the spectators' stand, quietly welcoming the return of her husband's party to power. She wore a close-fitting black cloth hat, a black nose veil, a black fur coat with brown fur collar and cuffs, white gloves and a gardenia corsage. All through the day's events the ac tive young Roosevelts, just as at the Chicago convention that nominated their father, appeared to be everywhere at the same time. Daughter Anna Dall's fair face was framed by a dark blue brimmed hat, she wore a blue coat and dress, her corsage was white violets. Mrs. James Roosevelt wore a grayish dress and hat, a black top coat to which was pinned an orchid; Mrs. Elliott Roosevelt's cos tume was dark blue with small, smart hat. neatly contrived was her crossed white pique collar, held to her gown by three matching pins at either shoulder and center front. RECEIVER NAMED FOR TECHNOCRAT Howard Soott Tells Court He Owes $3,000 to $4,000 and Has Been Living on Friends. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, March 4.—A receiver was appointed today for the property of Howard Scott, exponent of tech nocracy, after he testified that he had "about a dozen creditors to whom I owe from $3,000 to $4,000," that he had been living on the generosity of friends and owned nothing except wearing apparel and some bed clothes. Scott was examined by counsel for Carl V. Burger, who was awarded a $1,640 judgment against the tech nocracy leader In 1923. He testified he received $300 for five lectures which he had spent. Questioned as to con tributions from friends, he said: "I believe some one gave me $5 the other night. I have never received any thing from the relief fund, although I should like to have had some aid." Me said he was not a college graduate. Belgium Guards Border. BRUSSELS, March 4 (/P).—Frontier guards along the German border were reinforced by police today to check any invasion of Belgian territory by dis orders which might arise in connection with tomorrow's German election. Fraternity Selects Cincinnati. DURHAM, N. C., March 4 VP).— Omlcron Delta Kappa, hononary lead ership fraternity, today accepted the Invitation of the University of Cincin nati to hold Its next national conven tion there March 1-3, 1939. 4 A Diesel electric locomotive being tested in England has a speed of 70 miles an hour, and running costs ar» said to be one-sixth of those for other types. WELT MOVES SWIFTLY IN MS Hew Cabinet Meets—Wood in Summons Bank and Business Leaders. (Continued Prom First Page.) deposits In effect under such a p'an would become trust funds and held entirely separate from the other funds Df the bank. The controller of the currency. It Is held, would have au thority to Issue an order covering the banks in the District of Columbia, and Lf the plan were generally adopted he might be granted authority by Congress to put such a plan Into effect through out the Nation. It Is not believed that Congress would indertake to enact a general law guar anteeing all bank deposits. The President's address was widely reclaimed, although variously Inter preted. It was regarded as a definite statement that drastic action, if neces sary, would soon be taken to relieve conditions. Senator Hiram Johnson of California, one of the Republicans who supported Mr. Roosevelt in the last campaign, expressed the sentiments of many Progressives, when he said: "President Roosevelt's Inaugural address had In it hope and more than that, real courage. We have a new era, and lf we can Judge from today we have the new man." Senator Huey Long of Louisiana, an apostle of the redistribution of wealth, read into the Roosevelt speech support for his own pet theory. "It looks to me," said Senator Long, "like he said in plain words that wealth must be decentralized, and with that, by Ood, I thoroughly agree." Democrat* Hail Address. The Democratic leaden In Congress hailed the Roo6evelt address as a great public document. They expressed the conviction that he would follow It up! with a message to the new Congress clearly defining the steps which must be taken, and that be would have bills prepared to put his program Into effect. President Roosevelt's assertion that there must be a strict supervision of all banking and credits and investments was taken as a becking for the passage of the Glass bank reform bill by the new Congress, although he made no mention of that measure by name. The Glass bill passed the Senate at the ses sion just closed, but was pigeonholed in the Banking and Currency Committee of the House. So serious Is the banking situation and the problem which It raises that Democratic congressional leaders pre dicted last night the President would at the opening of the new Congress call upon the legislators to deal with it to the exclusion of all other business. However, it was pointed out, that when the President calls Congress Into legis lative seslon it Is impossible to limit the subjects which are to be considered. Undoubtedly, It is said, when the bank ing legislation has been disposed of, the new Congress will turn its attention to other problems, among them farm re lief, and unemployment relief, on which President Roosevelt has set his heart. Urges Jobless Relief. The Roosevelt Inaugural address, while it dealt primarily with the pres ent financial situation, also emphasized the need of employment relief, and of the adoption of measures to raise the value of agricultural products. President Roosevelt also entered briefly into the field of international rela tions. He said. "I would dedicate this Nation to the policy of the good neigh bor—the neighbor who resolutely re spects himself and, because he does so, respects the rights of others—the neigh bor who respects his obligations and re spects the sanctity of his agreements in and with a world of neighbors." Into this part of his speech will be read a demand that all nations respect international treaties and also that the better nations give due weight to their obligation to pay. The inaugural address of President Roosevelt was the briefest and perhaps the most important since the second in augural address of Abraham Lincoln in 1865. It was regarded last night as a state paper of the utmost significance. BITTER CAMPAIGN IN* GERMANY ENDS IN ELECTION TODAY (Continued From Flrgt Page.) tomorrow's balloting was clearly formu lated by Ernst Oberfohren, the Reichs tag floor leader of the German Na tionalists, who said: "This election will not decide whether the national government remains. It will continue in any case. "If the government obtains the nec essary 51 per cent this percentage rate will be used to adjourn the Reichstag after It has empowered the government to work undisturbed for several years." (Herr Oberfohren was referring to a 51 per cent majority in the Reichstag, members of which will be chosen in to morrow's voting. The German consti tution drawn up incident with the founding of the republic specifies that any government to survive must have the confidence of the Reichstag. Rep resentation in the Reichstag is based upon one member for each 60,000 voters.) Majority I* Expected. "If the 51 iter cent is not attained." the floor leader continued, "then it must be recognized that these are fate ful days In the life of the people, which Justify a proclamation of a national state of emergency." From outward appearances, nothing but an upset can prevent the Govern ment party from obtaining a clear ma jority. The Communist party, which in the last election obtained 100 out of 584 seats, has been wiped out as an organi zation through the heavy hand or the government descending upon it throughout the nation after the fire, which badly damaged the Reichstag Building last Monday. (Government authorities blamed Communists for the fire.) Leaving out of the reckoning the Communists, because they are opposed to the present state and the constitu tion, the two parties which consituted the backbone of President Von Hinden burg's constituency In both of the 1932 presidential ballots, were interfered with during the campaign. They are the Centrists and the Socialists. The Centrists were frequent objects of Inter ference, while the Socialists consistently were affected. Two examples Illustrate how vigorous ly the government has supervised the opposition meetings. Former Chancellor Heinrich Bruen lng, the Centrist leader, speaking at Gelsenkirchen last Sunday, said: "The government is trying to entrench itseli for a four-year term in a position of power. If you have any imagination and consider how many officials have been removed • * •" He got no further. Police Inter rupted him and said he must moderate his language. Hans Stampfer, speaking at a dem onstration in the Sportpalast last Tues day, excited laughter by saying, "To be a real Marxist one must know tremen dously much. To be an anti-Marxist one need not know anything." Police thereupon closed the meeting. Daily raids on Socialist headquarters and many Centrist newspapers were paralleled by scattered raids on the State's Party Peace Society and the League for Human Rights headquarter: and temporary suspensions of two met ropolitan democratic dallies. Emergency decrees setting aside con stitutional provisions regarding free dom of ppeech. thai press and assembly and the privacy ot the boom iurthex CAPITOL THRONG KEEPS HUNDREDS FROM SEATS TO HEAR ROOSEVELT Ticket-Holders Indignant Over Police Refusal to Force Lane Through Milling Crowds for Them. Indignation ran high on Capitol Hill yesterday afternoon as hundreds of friends of Senators, and at least one of them the wife of a Senator, through some oversight in the police arrange ments were unable to get to the seats before the stand on which the new President was sworn in. All of them held tickets, but the solid mass of spectators between the Senate Office Building acd the east front of the Capitol formed an im penetrable barrier and In hundreds of cases they turned away, disappointed. The complaints finally became so nu merous that by special radio contact with the local police at the Capitol police headquarters ordered that a way be cleared for the few who still strove to break through the crowds, but the stands to whcih Senators' friends were assigned were only about 75 per cent filled although the demand for tickets was far greater than the Senators could supply. The situation was outlined last night by William L. Hill, secretary to Sen ator Duncan U. Fletcher of Florida, who6e complaints finally brought po lice action in clearing a way for spec tators holding tickets to get from the Senate Office Building, but not before hundreds who had been trying to get to their seats had left in disgust. ■Mr. Hill explained that he learned later that Mrs. William L. King, wife of the Senator from Utah, was one of the ticket holders who, with a party cf friends, was among those who turned away after trying vainly to get through the crowds. Mr. Hill said the subway from the Senate Office Building to the Capitol was closed and guarded by Marines before the formal lneugural ceremony at the Capitol, and the only way for the people from the Senate Office Building to get to the ceremonies was to cross the streets packed to the last square foot with spectators. No effort had been made by police to open a lane to the Capitol stands, and, Mr. Hill said, requests that a lane be opened were refused by police. After trying vainly with scores from the Senate Office Building to break through the crowds. Hill said, he gave up, and returned to his office and ex plained the situation to police head quarters. He was promised action, and when he returned to the scene police finally were forcing a lane through the crowd, and a few of the more patient Senate Office Building employes and friends of Senators were making their way through. But so many had turned away after striving vainly to break through the crowds that hundreds of coveted seats went unoccupied. Problems Confronting New Administration Is Topic in Radio Forum. Senator Joseph T. Robinson of Ar kansas. Democratic leader of the Sen ate, will discuss the problems which confront the Incoming Congress and administration in the National Radio Forum. Monday, March 6, at 10:30 p.m. The National Radio Forum is arranged by The Washington Star and broadcast over the network of National Broad casting Co. Senator Robinson has been Demo cratic leader of the Senate for many years. He is thoroughly conversant with the problems and the legislative proposals of the Democrats. He Is slated to be the party leader in the next Congress. In 1928 he was the Democratic nominee for Vice President. SOVIET 'LIQUIDATES' 70 FOR SABOTAGE Group Described by Preii ai Being of "Burgeois and Land-Owner Origin." By the Associated Press. MOSCOW. March 4.—The "liquida tion" by the Soviet secret service of a counter-revolutionary group involving more than 70 persons employed In the commissariat of agriculture and the commissariat of state and collective farms was announced today by Tass (Russian) News Agency. The group was charged with sabotage and activities seeking "to bring famine to the country." Although the names of 40 of those arrested were listed in an official bul letin of information, their positions were not announced, except that they were connected with different organs and commissariats In the Ukraine, North Caucasas and White Russia. It was learned that one of those ar rested was Molsei Mlchaelovltch Wolf, listed in the 1931 Moscow city directory as a member of the collegium commis sariat for agriculture, the highest ad ministrative arm of this department. Another was Feodor Mlchaelovltch Conar. listed as the head of the plan ning and financial section of the same commissariat. The entire group was described as being of "bourgeois and land-owner origin." Specifically, they were charged with damaging tractors and agricultural Im plements, responsibility for reductions in crops, setting lire to state tractor sta tions. disorganizing sowing and harvest ing. and killing horse* and live stock. EIGHT SEIZED IN RIOT SAN BERNARDINO. Calif., March 4 (/Pi.—Rioting halted a demonstration of workers of the "United Front Com mittee" and the Communist party here late today, as a group of war veterans and police charged a meeting at Meadowbrook Park. Police held Lawrence Toss, candidate for mayor of Los Angeles; John Atkins, candidate for the city council of San Bernardino, and six others for investi gation. Banners displayed at the park meet lng were burned by citizens. served to Impress upoA the opposition that the government intends to re i shape Germany according to the will of i "an awakened national Germany." j Reports from scattered cities con , tinued to tell of the arrest of numerous Dersons. namely Communists. One hundred and ten were arrested in Ber lin, forty in Bremen, eighty in Bres lau. and seventy in Duesseldorf. Thuringaln Socialist newspapers were compelled to print a campaign speech of Chancellor Hitler against Marxism. The Metal Workers' Building and the building of the newspaper Voerwaerts were searched. Meanwhile Bileslan police reported the distribution of forged Nazi mem bership books among Communists. According to the personal assurances of Chancellor Hitler, all repressive measures will cease as soon as Commu nism has been stamped out In Germany. To hasten this proce-s, It has been pounded in upon the voters morning, noon and night that the cabinet of na tional concentration considers the 14 years since the revolution to have been the most disgraceful in German his tory. During that time, theae sources contend, all respect for Germany abroad was lost, while at home corruption reigned supreme. Fire Important lane. Permlsison to use the radio, over which the government carried its pleas, was denied to the opposition, even to Herr Bruenlng. The country has reverberated alnce January 30 with columns of march In* brown-shlrted Nazis and members of the steel helmet organisation as em blems of the new Germany. On Sec tion day many thousands of these uni formed organisations are expected to make Berlin's streets colorful. Storm troopers, marching through the capital Saturday shouted, "Out with the Jews." That the Reichstag fire will play an Important role In tomorrow's vote has been taken for granted. Nothing in recent German history has stirred the entire nation more deeply. No matter what the government's proportion of the votes from the ballot ing will be. one question on which prob ably all Germans are united is the hope that this sixth major election within the year, coupled with the fol lowing Sunday's municipal elections, may prove to be the last for some time. I Forum Speaker SENATOR JOSEPH T. ROBINSON. COLD MASKS "KITTY" Boy, 5, Resurrects Polecat Killed Under Pile of Logs. CHARLEROI, Pa. UP).—A cold In the head got Bobbie Underwood, 5, in bad odor at home. Three boys accidentally lulled a "kitty" under a pile of logs, and two of them fled, but not Bobbie. He tugged at the logs until he reached the body, then carried it away, probably to bury it. Shortly afterward, sitting in a hot bath while his clothes were hung in the back yard. Bobble wept: "I had a told id my head, baba. I didn'n doe id was a polecat." TSeioangTQib Shop 1319-1321 F STREET BOSTON IAN SHOES STETSON HATS Hurry!—It's a Bargain! 2 "day SALE Monday and Tuesday ★ 2'Trouser * SUITS Mostly Crayg and Bluet/ Weight* for Now and Spring Wear! Sizes 33 Regulars 8 12 10 15! 3 Shorts 12 16 6 Longs 12 23 10 Stouts No C. O. D.'t; No Charges; No Alterations ALL SALES FINAL NAVY UNITS INK PLEASE ROOSEVELT New President's Nautical Service Recalled by In augural Showing. President Franklin D. Roosevelt was reminded vividly yesterday, during the inaugural parade, of the days he spent as Assistant Secretary of the Navy. Overhead were Marine Corps planes, veterans of the jungle fighting In Nica ragua, with the bandits of Sandino, and the naval dirigible Akron. In the line of inarch were Bluejackets and Marines galore and the Chief Executive must have been plessed when the State of Georgia had the crack Naval Reserve battalion from Atlanta in the spectacle, for It betokened his cwn interest in re serve affairs and paid him a tribute a Georgian. The famed Marine Band and other musical groups played "Anchors Aweigh." to bring back the new Chief Executive's nautical days. Navy Yard Visitors.. At the Washington Navy Yard, four ships—the Navy's destroyers U. 6. S. Reuben James and Bain bridge and the Coast Guard cutters Sebago and Cayuga —drew thousands of visitors. While no official count was kept of the number of sightseers aboard, officials placed it well up In the thousands. The Reserv ists from Atlanta were given shore lib erty after the parade, following which they visited the Lincoln Memorial and other points of interest in the National Capital. The Reuben James and Bain bridge are scheduled to sail at 7 o'clock this morning, with the Atlanta Reserv ists. They expect to reach Charleston, S. C , Tuesday and will be back home Wednesday morning. None of the At lanta Reservists suffered casualties in yesterday's parade, officials asserted, and everything went according to schedule. Officers on the Sebago said last night that the vessel would be open to the public today from 9 a.m. to noon and again from 1 to 4:30 p.m. The ship is scheduled to sail at noon Monday for New York. The Cayuga is slated to leave the local yard Tuesday morning, to return to her regular patrol dutias and thence to Boston, Mass. Visitors will be allowed aboard that ship all day today and tomorrow. Coast Guardsmen from both vessels marched in the in augural parade. Commands Mvu i nits. Capt. Prank D. Berrien, U. S. N., cap tain of the yard at the Washington Navy Yard, commanded the naval, units that marched In the parade. Lieut. Harry P. Dobbs. United States Naval Reserve, commanded the Reservists Irom Atlanta. District Naval Reservists marched with their colleagues from Georgia in the parade and Marines from Quantico Joined those stationed in the National Capital, to give representa tion to that arm of the national de fense forces. The Atlantans were enabled to raise train fare to take them from their home to the destroyers, at Charleston, S. C., through popular subscription. A Sun day movie was held especially, permis sion being secured, to raise funds to send the Atlanta contingent to Wash ington to honor Mr. Roosevelt. This was the only Naval Reserve unit, apart from the local men, appearing in the parade. Poet Dislikes Name Kiki. BRESCIA, Italy UP).—Girls named Kiki never will achieve glory, says Gabriele D'Annunzio. Italy's poet-warrior. He has arbitrarily renamed Kiki Palmer, pretty Italian actress. She received a telegram from him just before a performance here say ing he would call her Palma. "It is po etic and significant," he said, "and goea well with Palmer."