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Placing of Furnishings Will Be Started by Committee This Week. With construction work virtually completed, the Renovlze Washington Campaign Committee will proceed this week with the task of furnishing throughout the little renovized hcuse at Fourteenth street and Pennsylvania avenue, shortly to be placed on public exhibition. A central feature of the drive spon sored by the Board of Trade to en courage home modernization cork, the house has been transformed from * ramshackle, dilapidated structure to <»n up-to-date, livable dwelling, equipped In every detail. As an incentive to renovizers. the com mittee, according to Arthur B. Heaton, general chairman, will publish shortly the cost of the entire undertaking, in cluding materials and labor, breaking down the grand total to show the cost of each operation. To facilitate its moving, the house Is constructed in two sections, which may be moved away as separate units when the penod of demonstration is over and the house moved to a permanent site. The method of disposing of It has not yet been determined. The Renovize Washington Exposition, ■which closed Friday, proved such a suc cess that plans are under way to create a permanent exhibit of this kind for the Capital. Alfred L. Stern, manager of the show, accompanied by James Heaton. son of the campaign chairman, left Washington yesterday on a tour of principal cities to study methods of con ducting these continuous expositions of building materials and supplies. Marriage Licenses. Roy A. Palmer. 22. a 4th st. n.e., and Mary L. Stockman. 22. Mlddletown, Md.; Rev. William Pierpont. Oscar Stringfleld. 42. and Martha Richard son. 41, both of 480 O pi.; Rev. W. A. Morton. Byivester Graham. 29. 503 D St. s.e.. and Eugenie Burton, 19. 205 I st. s.e.; Rev. Samuel Jenifer. ' C. W. Leidner, 22. and Emma Schneider 20, both of Severna Park, Md.; Judge Robert E Mattingly. Joyce E. Aldahl. 28. Quantlco. Va., and Virsina H. Drury. 25. New York City; Judge Robert E. Mattinaly. Harry D Fadelv. 22. Edinburg. Va., and Margaret R Clem. 22. 247 10th St. s.e.; Rev. A. F Poore. Charles R. Mozie. 35. and Eva Carter. 34, both of 228 Brooks court; Rev. O. O. Bullock. Robert Mozie. 21 1421 K St.. and Pauline Braxton. 20. 228 Brooks court; Rev. W. H. Brown. John S. Washington. 21. 910 1st St. s.e., and R. A. Brooks. 18. 1224 Duncan St. n.e.; Rev R L. Lewis. Eddie Campbell. 22. and Beulah Weeks. 24. both of Manassas. Va.; Rev. H. M. Hennig. Vclley Peters. 55. and Maggie Folwell. 52. both of 501 Fairmont St.; Rev. Ralph E. Johnson. Charles D Barnette, 22. and Agnes R. Cincci. 23 both of Richmond. Va.; Rev. L. I. McDougle. Ned K. Groff. 22. 1089 35th St.. and Vera Hall. 25. Confluence. Pa.; Rev. H. E. Beatty. Jo'.in J Costello. 32. 2032 Lincoln rd.. and H-ster WnldroR. 21, 419 Oneida pi.; Rev. T. F. Sv.eency. Clayton WeddinEton. 30 and Marie E. Bond. 44. both of 1212 Linden st. n.e.; Judge Robert E. Mattingly. J. N. Wigfall. 47. and E. A. Ripley. 37. both of Orlando. Fla.; Rev. Phillip Murray. Frank C. White. 31. 24IO Newton st. n.e.. and Lilliam E Abendschein. 25, 815 C St. s.w ; Rev. M. B. MacBryde. Ho#prd Jenkins. 21. 210 D St.. and Florence Johnson. 20. 210 D St.; Rev. John W. McCoy. B Garrison. 2!>. 1721 De Sales st.. and Virginia W. Tapp. 18. 1041 F St. s.w.; Rev. M. P. German. John Bradley. 20. 1007 3rd st. s.e., and B. M. Meld. lit. 317 Virginia ave. s.e.; Rev. L. J. Brookes. Ccorse H. Braxton. 23 025 Morton St.. and Alice Woodfolk. 19. 710 Morton St.; Rev. K. W. Roy. Hsrry J. Lowe. 22. 939 R st.. and Lucy L. Thompson. 20. 119 Adams st.; Rev. John R. Page. Simon Zraunig. 40. and Cora M. Charlton. .">1. both of 209 1st St.; Judge Robert E. Mattinely. Thomas F. Ferry. 30. 2548 14th St.. and Teresa M. Dmres, 24. 049 Morris St. n.e.; Rev. Joseph Fink. _ William H. Ecisson. jr.. 22. and Mary P. McCaffrey. 23. both of 1330 Belmont St.; Rev. J. L. Kilkenny. John L. Brooks. 26. Sutherland. Va.. and Mary F. Griffin. 21. Mataoca. Va.; Rev. Charles S. Biggs. James A. Middleton. 21. 243 14th St. s.e.. snd Thelma London. 20. 423 17th St. s.e.; Rev. H. F. Frabenstein. Francis Lancaster. 26. Fort Berry. Va., and Uernice M. Smith. 21, 1231 W St.; ReT. W. D. Jarvis. . James H. Yowell. 40. Etlan. Va.. and Mrs. Myrtle B Adams. 43. Charlottesville, Va.; Rev. James R. Glenn. Births Reported. Louis and Olive Beall. boy. Wesley and Jessie Clark, boy. Russell H. and Dorothy Shoop. boy. Rembert and Susare Wilson, boy. Glenn and Dorothy Ross. boy. Percy A. and Ruth Wells. Hirl. Lester R. and Estelle Crismond. girl. Thomas L. and Alice Miller, girl. Charles and Elsie King. girl. Coburn E. and Anna Louk. girl. Joseph and Nora Crampton. girl. Harold D. and Lucy Nicely, boy. Novel and Laura Lowry. boy. Joseph J. and Olive Palmer, boy Kennedy B. and Frances Cole, boy. Percy tnd Alice RufTner, boy. Louis and Vincanza Ascatigno, boy. Jacob and Minnie Salus. Kirl. Edward B. and Sadie Kelly. girl. Paul and Marie Walters, girl. Thomas and Ella Price, girl. Garfield R. and Hlldred Dawson, girl. Frederick and Mildred Campbell, boy. W.lley and Bessie Acne, girl twins. Frank and Adell Blackwell. girl. Douglas and Marie Walker, girl. James and Beatrice Edwards, boy. Gertha and Frances Williams, boy. Charles and Leanna Frazler. boy. Nathaniel and Nancy Marbury, girl. Lawrence and Gladys Garner, girl. John and Essie Bell. girl. Elton and Henrietta Dyson, girl. Walter and Cleo Foster, girl. Harry and Helen Evans, girl. Roscoe and Ellen Montague, boy. William and Mary Carr. boy. Arthur and Grace Lomax. boy. . George S. and Bortia Ware, girl. " Walter and Mary Powell, girl. Secret and Eugenia Williams, girl. Walter and Carrie Miles, girl. Guatemala exported more coffee to the United States last year than in 1931. ®®®®h 7th St., Bet. F and G Established 35 Years One GOOD Pair of Glasses Makes TWO Goood Eyes SPECIAL ONE WEEK Genuine ¥oric Glasses Far or near. Com- +g% plete with shell or ^ J • t)U metal frames . «1 Genuine Toric Kryptok Invisible Bifocal PA Lenses, best quality. J *7 fill One pair for Jiear ▼ a ,tfv and far. Reg. $ft... § Frames J? 22. $2 Registered Ogtemetrtota— Dr. Mercury—-Dr. Pearlmmn KAHN OPTICAL CO. 617 7th St. N.W., Bet. JF^G "Jocko" Goes for a Ride JOCKO" takes his daily outing atop the expansive back of "Lotus," a hip popotamus vith Hagen beck-Wallace Circus, which comes to Washington August 2 and 3 on the Union market show grounds, Fifth street and Florida avenue northeast. Deaths Reported. Sarah Virginia Donn. ftO, Sibley Hospital. Albert Frederick Fox, 87. 827 O PL Sellna E Marrman. 72. Sibley Hospital. Martha Smith, ttfi, Emergency Hospital. William Henry Murray. 47. 2423 1st st. Carroll Dorsey. 58. Oalllnter Hospital. Peter Brown. 43. Oalllnier Hospital. Ovendoly Mar Qleaves. 1. 3136 South at. Margaret Jackson, 2 months. Children's Hospital. Phone Bate Caie Set. RALEIGH, N. C„ July 29 OP).—Hie State Corporation Commission today ordered telephone companies operating In North Carolina to show cause here August 8 why rates charged for service connections, moves, miscellaneous equip ment and use of "French type" tele phones should not be reduced. IB BOYS WIN MERIT IN MING BOATS Washington Youths Prove Ability in Tests at * Camp Letts. Having demonstrated proficiency in navigating the camp's "fleet," 16 Wash ington boys have won merit as marln era at Camp Letts, the Y. M. C. A. va cation harbor for boy.? 011 the Rhodes River, near Edgewater, Md. Precautions to take when some one "rocks the beat," what to do when a boat captizes and ability to swim at least 50 feet were among requirements met by the seafaring group, it was an nounced yesterday by John Mullady, counselor in charge of boating. Those who passed the boat test* were: Kenneth Brooks, Robert Kirk, Kenneth Buker, Bob Saunders, Charles Clark, Robert Wales. Lester Schlup, Eddie Yhacker, John Maury, Don Irvine, Everett Beardsley, William Beardsley, Arthur Rounds, Roy Towers, Richard Goldman and Don Thomas. Several of the counselors have been awarded senior life-saving emblems of the American Red Crocs as a result of tests held at the camp recently. To be an approved Red Cross life saver the counselors had to demonstrate ex pertness In swimming, adeptness in rescue work and ability in adminis tering artificial respiration to persons rescued from drowning. Those receiving the Red Cross awards were: John Sidney Shaw, associate dl- , rector of the camp; Charles Wenrich, j Orover Huppel and Warren Moore. 5-10 and 7b mil STORE PRICED PRACTICALLY y AT COST TO INTRODUCE " OUR COMPLETE NEW 5» 10 and 25c STORE Reg. 50c Cedariied ODORA GARMENT BAGS, SPECIAL Size 36x15x6 inches—sturdy brown cardboard, with famous ODORA CEDARIZER that keeps moths out! Fold things away and for get them! They'll be SAFE! IVORY SOAP Medium Size Cake, Special 5e An economical size for gen eral household uses—con venient for the bath. And ESPECIALLY convenient for your purse. Buy a goodly supply at 5c cake! . P. c. TOILET TISSUE Regularly 10c each Specially Priced 10c 650 sheets to a roll. Clear white, free from Injurious chem icals. A SPLENDID VALUE! jjllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllicilllll £■£ IMPORTANT TO WASHINGTON HOME OWNERS S MONDAY (31) IS THE LAST DAY of our SPECIAL OFFER on a First Quality, Fully Guaranteed Williams Oil O-Matk Oil Burner ... At Its PRESENT LOW PRICE —ENDS AUGUST 1st! Remember—Just 1 Day Longer—MONDAY— and then a substantial Increase in price takes place. ACT NOW! SAVE those dollars! If you are a home owner, you want Auto matic Oil Heat. And if you are going to buy it In plenty time for this coming Winter, THERE IS NO EARTHLY REASON WHY YOU SHOULDN'T MAKE YOUR PURCHASE NOW—in time to avoid the inevitable price rise! Williams Oil-O-Matic heats more homes than any other oil burner in the world! The model 1.5 is a genuine first qual ity Williams Oil-O-Matlc, made expressly for the small home, and sold under full guar antee and service by Barber & Ross, Inc. A small down payment NOW...then nothing until Fall when you resume with minimnm monthly amounts. COME IN TOMORROW (Monday), or phone NAtlonal 8206 lor further important details. 3rd Floor Advantages of Buying NOW! Shrewd SAVING of dollars. Avoidance of Price Increase. Early Installation to avoid seasonal incon venience. Only a Small Amount Required to secure your burner. Absolute assurance of' dependable, economi cal heating next win ter. Extortion Letters Believed Copied by Children for Prizes Suspect Held After Child Says He Had Notes Written. . Br the Associated Prets. PHILADELPHIA. July 29 —Extortion letters, supposedly written by school children for prizes, were under investi gation by police today with a man* held i under bail charged with sending the missives. Police said Stephen Crispin o, 45, un der $5,000 bond for a further hearing, gave school children the prizes for mak ing the best copies of the letters, which were sent to South Philadelphia store keepers demanding money under threat of death or injury. Meanwhile, police endeavored to ob tain threatening letters received by John M. Disilveetro, supreme venerable of the Sons of Italy In this country, whose home was bombed last January, in order to check the handwriting with those received by the South Philadel phia storekeepers. Mrs. Disllvestro was killed and four children were injured. Disllvestro now is in Italy. Crlspino denied sending any extortion notes, but detectives said they have found a little girl who told them she wrote such a letter under his dictation. Anchor Bar Teeth 2?WI Natural Natural TEETH EXTKACTED Si TEETH WITHOUT PLATES *5 000000 *5 Per Too til Per Teeth PLATES MP AIRED IUW while roe wait DR. LEHMAN DeaUl Sp«*l»Urt fer » Tjm : 437 7TH ST. N. W. STerilne M<7 Acro« from Laaeborgh's SILVER STAR HOME GOES ON DISPLAY Model House in Meadowbrook to Be on Exhibition for Month. The Star today extends an Invitation to all home-Interest residents of the greater metropolitan area of Washing ton to visit a new Silver fetar Model Home, at 7106 Chatham road. Meadow brook, opening today for a month of public display under the sponsorship of this newspaper. , Selected for exhibition by The Star's [ MMimm ^TxmHTT rsnri 95 MINUTES i TO NEW YORK Information & reservations for all airline destination* EASTERN AIR TRANSPORT SYSTEM *« IMh Slntil. N.W (Xuliuunl»»2Z J iVaftliinjrlxii Airport fSatluital WASHINGTON-NEW YORK EVERY HOUR ON THE HOUR Special Aiutouncement WATCH REPAIRING BY EXPERTS The repair of your watch does not complete the transaction be tween tit, but establishes our obligation to fulfill our guarantee of service. Gold, Silver and Platinum Purchased for Manufacturing Use Maximum Price Paid SINCE 1866 BURNSTINE'S 931 C St N.W. committee of expert! In an fields of home designing end building, this borne was built by Mesdowbrook, Inc., from plans drawn by Harvey P. Baxter and Harry L. Kdwards, architects. It fol lows the New Jersey Colonial farm house style of architecture, attractively executed alone graceful lines, with simple details. In the medium-price class, the home contains seven rooms and two baths and Is of brick construction, with the exterior painted white. The first-floor plan Includes a large living room, din In Frroom, kitchen and den, with ad joining lavatory, while the second floor includes a muter bed room with pri vate bath and twp ether bed rooms with bath. The house Is located between Con necticut avenue and Wisconsin ave nue, just south at the East-West High way, and may be reached from down town Washington by way at Connecti cut avenue north to the last-West Highway, turning left two blocks to Chatham road and left again one block to the house. The house has been furnished for the period of the display by Hutchinson's, Inc. It will be open dally from XO a.m. to 10 pjn. WRECKING Five City Blocks For - Enlargement of Capitol and Library Grounds • Winston Hotel, Driscoll Hotel, Ventosa Apt., Bliss Bldg. * Old Census Building, Large Church, 75 Houses, Etc. Partial List of the Many Bargains: Marble Paneling Iron Railing EUc. Fixture* Marble Stairways Saih and Door* Window* Complete Dutch Room and Paneling Job Office 1st & B N.W. Foot of Capitol C round* At red brick Old Cen*u* Bldg. Parquet Floor* Revolving Door French Door* Heating Plant* Lumber and Brick Bath Outfits Elevator* Hotel Ranges Fire Escapes Gas Stoves Hotel Ice Boxes Pip. York Refrigerating Machine * I fF°UNDAT10NTOROOF^ /^ROCKBOTTOM PRICES 7 Housewrecking Dept. SALESMEN AT JOB OFFICE No Down Payment on the Meter-ator Plan A Genuine, Standard Kelvinator This beautiful model is a standard Kelvinator— full-sized—full-powered—with Kelvinator quality all the way through. Larger models may be had as low as 20 and 25 cents a day. Sizes and types for every home and budget. No down payment. NOTE—The Meter-Ator can be placed In your pantry, cab inet, or any other convenient iocatloo In your kitchen. On the left Is illustrated the new meter which makes possible this remarkable offer of only 15 cents a day. On the new METER-ATOR Plan, you can now buy a Kelvinator for an amount so small that it is actually • less than the money a Kelvinator will save through the elimination of food spoilage and through quantity buying of your food supplies. Only 15 cents a day afid this beautiful, big, roomy Kelvinator, with its many outstanding features, is yours. There is no down payment; you pay for it—out of savings—at the rate of 15 cents a day. 4k If unforseen conditions arise, the Kelvinator factory reserves the right to raise prices before September 1st, without notice. STBUT AND SIXTH FbOOE 2 Hours FREE PARKING Come in Tomorrow . . . Investigate This Sensational New Meter-Ator Plan ... Park Your Car in Our Customers' 8th St. Garage. DMNCCnOM WITN AH* OTHKft WASHINGTON STORK a