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MOVE FOR STABLE CURRENCY IS SEEN Removal of Restrictions on Foreign Exchange Shows Confidence. BY DAVID LAWRENCE. Removal of restrictions on purchase Of foreign exchange is always the forerunner of an effort to stabilize Torld currencies. The action of the Treasury Depart ment in cutting out all red tape in terfering with the export of American capital to foreign lands—with the possible exception of gold and silver metal—is equivalent to an announce ment that the whole world must here after regard the American dollar as unafraid of raids from speculators or Other untoward influences. Simultaneously with the statement from Washington of a removal of ex Change restrictions came London dis patches predicting a reduction of the Bank of England's bank rate. Eng land doesn't want hoarded capital, but wants it distributed in world-wide trade. Think and Act Together. This would indicate that Great Britain and the United States are thinking and acting together—at least through their banking systems—in or der to create a stable monetary sit uation. The practical effect of America's step in removing exchange restrictions Is to enable any American to send his money abroad in unlimited quanti ties and to buy whatever he likes in other countries. This will tend to show the world that any danger of a flight of capital from America, due to inflation fears, has been averted. 1 The feeling here, of course, is that the recent elections demonstrated a united Nation behind the President and that Europe and Latin America must realize the time has come for the reopening of foreign trade by a gradual removal of the barriers which have thwarted commercial intercourse for the last year and a half. , Some hint of the administration's • desires was given in the speech of Secretary of State Cordell Hull 10 days ago before the National Foreign Trade .Convention, when he said: "Commerce has been strangled by quotas, embargoes, exchange restric tions and other oppressive trade meas ures. These trade deterrents are re eponsible for world trade, comprising exports and imports, having a value of $68,000,000,800 in 1929 having •hrunk to $24,000,000,000 in 1933. Meanwhile the share of the United - States has decreased from $10,000, 000,000 to $2,500,000,000. Urges Quotas End. "In the light of such appalling loss, how can any thinking person, desiring his own or his country's prosperity, fail to search out the causes of the disaster and seek to remove them?" Mr. Hull went on to advocate a cessation of the quota system of regu lating the amount of export or import trade. It is understood that France. Which began the quota method, is giving serious consideration to its abandonment. This may mean that the United States, by removal of ex change restrictions, is making a ges ture which will permit other coun tries to follow. It is also important to refer now to a paragraph from the speech of George N. Peek, special adviser to President Roosevelt on foreign trade, also de livered before the New York conven tion, in which he declared the most powerful factor in congesting interna tional trade is the exchange restriction Imposed by 35 nations. He said: "The effect is that such countries are using the money due exporters, without their consent and against their will, and that payment is being made Anally upon the terms of foreign gov ernments. at their discretion, often without Interest, and with charges and discounts fixed by them or at best regulated as a result of reluctant agreement. "In the case of countries exercising exchange controls against us, the satisfactory solution of the exchange problem should be made a prerequisite to the negotiation of any general trade agreement." America Begins Clean-lTp. Mr. Peek thinks the Government might be compelled to handle all ex change with selected countries at a reasonable charge. But whatever the solution may be as to particular situ ations, the fact remains that America has made a start in endeavoring to clear up exchange restrictions, and that the countries which insist on maintaining such restrictions against us may find themselves the object of special treatment in trade relations. The whole question of reciprocity and tariff barriers is being worked out slowly by the Department of State with some of the smaller countries In the hope of developing a formula that will have broad international significance. (Copyright. 1£>34.) MELLON DISAVOWS ART GALLERY PLAN Building or Endowment in Capi tal or Elsewhere Held Not Considered. Denying reports that he Intended to build and endow an art gallery in Washington, Andrew W. Mellon, former Secretary of the Treasury, to day Issued the following statement: "The report that I have arranged to build an art gallery at Washing ton Is entirely unfounded. I have en gaged no architects, have caused no plans to be drawn and have made no commitment to build or endow a gal lery at Washington, Pittsburgh or elsewhere. "For many years I have bought paintings from time to time with the idea that eventually they would be made available to the public. Many of these paintings are museum pieces, and I have given them to an educa tional and charitable trust. This trust also owns a number of important paintings from the Russian Hermitage collection which were brought to this country several years ago. "Hie trustees have absolute discre tion to dispose of all of these paint ings for the benefit of the public by *ray of either public gift, exhibition or Bale. In case of sale the proceeds will be used for such public educational or charitable purposes as they, the trus tees, may determine. The trustees are not likely, under existing condition*, to come to any decision for some time as to what will be the eventual dis position of these pictures, and no further details or lists of the pictures will be given out. "When any decision Is made by the trustees, it will be anapunced by them, and any report fro» other sources must be taken as purely speculative." What's What Behind News In Capital Business Takes Attitude of Co-Operation to New Deal. BY PAUL MALLON. THE white shirts have changed ties. Those black crepes they wore so long In mourning for New Deal deficiencies have lately been discarded. The best dressed industrialist, you may have noticed. Is now setting a more cheerful style. election. At that time the bellwether boys sent word down the sideline advising a less critical attitude toward the New Deal. The leadership is supposed to have been undertaken by the intelli gently directed National Association of Manufacturers. At least the hand outs from that influential group lately have assumed a new co-operative tone. Every one knows the bankers fell in line, but Jew noticed that the business news dispensers have also. A month ago the latter group was telling the business world President Roosevelt was a destroyer of the Constitution: today he is its sole defender, in their opinion. From a strictly business standpoint, everyone here considers that the change of style is the best thing that could have happened for business. Turn to Co-operation. The contributing reason for the change is more important and less obvious than the election. It had its deep roots in the growing feeling that money could be made in business today if more men would go out and try to do it, instead of sitting down yelling for help. They began to realize that they could make more money by ac cepting conditions and trying to run their businesses profitably in the light of exisiting conditions, instead of de voting themselves to fighting against something they could not change anyway. The boys in Wall Street caught on to that first. They fought against regulation, but when they were licked they started trying to make money under regulation by co-operation rather than by gloomy resistance. That does not mean the industrial ists, the financiers and the bankers are for the New Deal or that they will stand it any longer than they have to. It means merely that they got wise. Business Parleys Ended. The December radio talk by Mr. Roosevelt will contain those new ideas he has been secretly cooking up in his conferences with business men and budgetary officials. He has about cleaned up the business conferences. Lately he got down to some small fry whose names did not appear in the papers and need not have. The hint has been dropped that he will break the budget and relief plans in the radio speech. This will be more encouraging news than business has been expecting on that subject. Probably included will be plans for self-help based on farm home steading, a conservative five-year building program, work relief, a promised end of the dole—and pos sibly even a flotation of recovery bonds in small denominations. The other plans for aiding the heavy industries, railroad reorganiza tion, N. R. Α., Α. Α. Α., etc., may await his message to Congress, which has been in the process of formula tion for several weeks. The New Dealers are already day dreaming about 1936. The way they figure it out, Mr. Roosevelt cannot lose. Their idea is to get to work early on Maine. They want to run their popular Democratic Governor, Braun, against Republican Senator White. If Braun defeats White they would steal the old, inaccurate Re publican slogan. "As Maine Goes, so Goes the Nation." Another good talking point they are preparing is the one that the Senate is certain to be Democratic after 1936. Not enough Senator» are up for re-election in '36 to de prive the Democrats of control. They can tell the country that the election of a Republican President would only botch things up. But those are merely extraneous visions. The real one is based on the possibilities of establishing a Roosevelt Democratic dynasty as self-perpetuating aa the old Repub lican machine. The Dçpiocrats now have control of patronage down to the dog catcher in most States. In two years they can make every rural free delivery man Into a vote deliv erer, as the Republicans did. McCormack Dark Horae. An excellent dark horse bet for Democratic floor leadership Is Mas sachusetts' Representative McCor mack. The Democratic bosses may decide the speakership. Tammany, con troled by Farley, Illinois by Igoe, Pennsylvania by Guffey, New Jersey by Moore, will get their heads to gether on it shortly. Neither Senator La Follette nor Mr. Roosevelt will ever admit it, but one of the things they are supposed to have talked about at the White House is the possibility of appointing some members of La Follette's new Progres sive party to those various Govern ment commissions. The law will per mit it. Washington mourns some excellent Republican Representatives cut down In the Roosevelt sweep, Including Clyde Kelley of Pennsylvania and Fred Britten of Illinois. A Republican authority has figured out that the election showed a de crease» of 7.547,000 in the Democratic vote since 1932, while the Republican poll decreased only 3,300,000. This was probably due to many Southern Democrats not bothering to vote. The December Roosevelt radio speech is the one Upton Sinclair has been waiting for, eut it will not go far enough to pleafif him. (Copyright. 1331J BORAH TO PREPARE RESTORATION BILL Senator Will Push Move to Return U. S. Salary on January 1. The movement for restoration of the last 5 per cent of the Government pay cut as of January 1 was given impetus by the statement of Senator Borah, Republican, of Idaho, yesterday after noon that he will prepare such a bill If no one else does. "According to reports on the in creased cost of living the Government employes ought to have the cut back by January 1," the Idaho Senator said. Although Congress does not meet until January 3, the last session set a precedent for retroactive action on the salary question by voting late in March to restore the first 5 per cent of the 15 per cent jcut, as of February 1. May Vote for Bonus. Although he has opposed the sol diers' bonus in the past, Senator Borah said yesterday he would vote for payment now if the administra tion's new relief program proves in adequate. "If I thought I really was support ing a relief proposition, I would favor it." he continued. "My vote will be governed by the Roosevelt policy on relief. The Government has made the pledge to pay and the question now is only when it is to be paid." Borah, who announced last week he favored cancellation of the more than $200,000,000 in Interest owed the Gov ernment by the veterans on bonus loans, said yesterday he would intro duce a bill to do this if no one else lid. He also plans to reoffer his bill to restore operation of the anti-trust laws, suspended to permit industries to co-operate with the Government in controlling wages, hours, produc tion and prices under N. R. A. Farmers Opposed. The Idahoan asserted many small business men interviewed by him in recent months were opposed to the recovery act and many farmers had told him they disliked the crop re duction phases of the agriculture pro gram. He said he would like to see acreage curtailment policies scrapped. Evidence which Borah claims beprs out, in part at least, his assertion that administration of relief to the needy is attended by "shameful waste" will be placed before F. E. R. A. officials today. The Senator arrahged yesterday for a conference with Harry L. Hopkins' chief investigator. Since he made his charges Saturday, Borah said he had received many telegrams and letters indorsing his stand and offering evi dence to substantiate his statements. Asked if he had received any re ports of graft as well as waste, Borah said: "I haven't discovered anything as yet that could be called graft in the sense we usually use that word." ARIZONA RUSHES FORCES 10 FRONT National Guardsmen Near Isolated Sector to Protect State Sovereignty. By the Associated Près». PHOENIX, Ariz., November 13 — Arizona's armed forces in the Colo rado River "war" sped to the iront today to "protect the sovereignty" oi their State from construction crews seeking to proceed with the building of Parker Dam. One hundred and one National Guardsmen, including machine gun ners as well as riflemen, neared the isolated sector to augment the six man detachment which has main tained a Summer-long watch on ac tivities of workmen. The troops are under orders to arrest and court martial any "Invaders" until Arizona is assured it will receive half of the hydroelectric power generated by the new dam. Workers Retreat. In the face of Gov. Β. B. Moeur's proclamation of .martial law on a 3-square-mile area at the site, work er* retreated with their pile-driving derrick to the California side of the stream. The troops are expected to reach Parker at noon. There they will board the Julia B., a river steamboat, for the last leg of the trip. Parker is only 18 miles below the dam site by river, but 84 miles over mountainous country by land. Ignoring the promise of Harold L. Ickes, Secretary of the Interior, that "the whole matter would be settled to Arizona's satisfaction" Gov. Moeur ordered out the Guardsmen yester day. 8ix Companies Enter State. Construction crews of Six Com panies, Inc., already have "invaded" Arizona, he said, in preliminary work for the dam which will supply water to Los Angeles. "W· have waited now until we have almoet been backed off the map," the Governor said, "we want to know what we are going to receive in return for the money we have spent through the years trying to develop our interests in the Colorado." manIîfôÛndîead AT PIMLICO TRACK Bank Book Issued to Gottlieb W. Dietz Discovered in Pocket by Officials. Br the Associated Press. BALTIMORE, November 13.—The body of an unidentified middle-aged man was found early today in a hedge at the Pimlico race track. A col ored stable employe stumbled over the man's legs and immediately called the police. He was pronounced dead at a hospital. In a pocket of his clothing was found a bank book issued In Phila delphia to Gottlieb W. Dietz. He also had a pair of spectacles and $22.30 In money and was poorly dressed. Now We Know. A kiss Is "an a»tomical juxtaposi tion of two orbicularis oris muscles in a state or contraction." * Fugitive Caught INDICTED BANKER LIVED AS HERMIT. Γ NICHOLAS Λ. SCHWALL, Indicted for the embezzlement of $56,000 from the First National Bank, of Willmette, 111., of which he was an officiai, was recently ar rested near Conover. Wis. For over two years he had been living the life of a modern "Robinson Crusoe," subsisting on food he was able to procure for himself In the deep woods surrounding a small cabin hideaway he built for himself. Schwall Is married and Is the father of three children. —A. P. Photo. ΗΠ OFFICIALS HIT SPEED LIMIT BANS Hazen, Van Duzer, Brown Oppose Abolition Talk by Garnett. (Continued From First Page.) am shown by the experience» of other jurisdictions." Garnett began his attack last night on the traffic regulations as a means of illustrating the demoralizing effect of too many laws and of laws which cannot be strictly obeyed. "Why, it makes a fellow want to say 'to hell with all laws,' " said the prosecutor. Speed Law Held Ridiculous. The official described the District's speed laws as "ridiculous" and "im possible to enforce." "Each time I was arrested I thought it was without justification," he de clared. "One morning I was driving through the park about 40 miles an hour and not an automobile was in sight. It was during the Cannon trial and I was thinking of that and not noticing how fast I was going, when an officer stopped me. "He said, 'Don't you know you were malting 40?" " 'What if I was?' I responded. 'Haven't you got anything better to do than follow me around?' "I don't know which of us was the more embarrassed,'" he later added nrif Vi ο lenrrVi Careful Driving Main Need. Every one breaks the speed laws, Garnett asserted. "I'd like to see the fellow who doesn't go 25 when he is supposed to go 22," he said. "And what difference does it make whether a man driving along a street like Connecticut avenue is going 22 mile» an hour or 30, just co long as he is driving carefully. Take the town of Norfolk as an example. They have no speed limit there, but it goes awfully hard with the fellow who gets caught for reckless driving." One of the reasons Washington has so much crime is because it has so much law. the prosecutor said, telling the trade body members that "putting impossible laws on the statute books breeds disrespect for law." He repeated the attack on the Dis trict's Indeterminate sentence and parole law that he first voiced at the mass meeting in the Mayflower Hotel recently, sponsored by the bar asso ciation in its war against crime. Raps One-Fifth Terms. "There is no reason why a criminal In the District should be eligible for parole after serving but one-fifth of his sentence, while the man who commits the same offense in Hyatts ville cannot get out until he has served one-third of his sentence. X in sist upon m return to the Federal parole system." Virginia, where he once was prose cutor, was cited by Garnett as an example of law enforcement through adequate punishment. "There is no racketeering and no parole board in Virginia and its crime record will comparé favorably with that of any State," said the speaker. Commercialized gambling is the basis of most racketeering here, he told the Board of Trade members. He prefaced his references to gam bling by saying that he did not want to be placed in the role of a re former and that he, himself, some times went to the races. "I do not think risking a little money on a game of pitch and toss Is the worst crime in the world, but I do believe that commercialized gambling provides the money behind most of this city's racketeering," he declared. Would Pas* uammg nui. He urged strongly the Board of Trade to support the stringent gam ing bill which has been drawn up by Corporation Counsel E. Barrett Prettyman for presentation to Con gress. The "numbers" game goes Into every high school in the city and even the courts are not free of it, Gamett disclosed. He said that a runner makes a daily collection of bets from attaches of one of the local courts. "There is nothing we can do about It," he added, "because there Is no law that can touch It." Oarnett's address was the last of a series of talks by civic leaders, in cluding Odell S. Smith, chairman of the Public Order Committee; George W. Offutt, chairman of the Alco hol Beverage Control Board: Robert V. Fleming, president of the Board of Trade; Claude Owen, past president; Maj. Ernest W. Brown, superintendent of police, and Prank Morrison, secre tary of the American Federation of Labor. Reporting for a subcommittee which he headed, Offutt recommended crea tion of three groups. One would seek more policemen and better police equipment; the second would fight for reform of the penal code, and the third would' foster co-operation be tween citizens and law enforcement agencies. Maj. Brawn said evasion of jury service by^ubstantial citizens pre vents proper law enforcement, - CORCORAN EXHIBIT JURY APPOINTED Jonas Lie of New York Heads Five Who Will Judge Paintings. A jury of Ave of Amerioa'e outstand ing artiste has been appointed to se lect paintings and ma>ce awards for the Fourteenth Biennial Exhibition of Contemporary American Oil Paint ings, to be held at the Corcoran Gal lery of Art March 24 to May 5, 1935, inclusive. Trustees of the gallery have an nounced that the following painters have consented to serve on the jury: Jonas Lie of New York City, chair.· man; George Harding of Philadelphia, Victor Higgins of Taos, N. Mex.; Henry Lee McPee of Woodstock, Ν. Y., and Richard E. Miller of Province town, M«ss. The Jury will pick from thousands of paintings submitted foi the show the works which they believe are wor thy of Inclusion in the forthcoming national art display and will choose the pictures which are to win for their creators the coveted William A. Clark Prize Awards. The awards, established through 1 the late Senator William A. Clark's endowment of $100,000, are: First •prize, $2,000 and the Corcoran Gold Medal: second, $1,500 and the Corcoran Silver Medal; third, $1,000' and the Corcoran Bronie Medal, and fourth, $500 and the Corcoran honor able mention certificates. Lie Recently Honored. Chairman Lie recently was elected president of the National Academy of Design, the oldest and largest organi zation of artists in America. He is one of the country's foremost paint ers of landscape and marine subjecls. One of his works, "The Storm," is In the permanent collection of the Cor coran Gallery. A native of Norway. Mr. Lie came to the United States when a small boy. He studied at night at the National Academy of Design and the Arts Stu dents' League of New York while working in a cotton factory as a designer and exhibited lh annual shows when scarcely 20. He has re ceived many awards, and his paintings are in many public and private collec tions throughout the country. At the time of the building of the Panama Canal he made a series of paintings vividly depicting this project. These paintings later were presented to the United States Military Academy at West Point as a memorial to Gen. «jueinais. Mr. Harding is a leading Philadel phia artist and a member of the facul ty oi the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Born in Philadelphia, he studied at the Pennsylvania Acad emy, with Howard Pyle, and abroad. He is well known for his murals in hotels, theaters and banks. During the World War he was one of the offi cial artists of the American Expe ditionary Force, with rank of cap tain, and portrayed many dramatic incidents of the great conflict. His sketches made on the battlefields are now in the War Department. Student at Chicago. Mr. Higgins Is a native of Indiana. He studied at the Art Institute of Chicago and the Academy of Fine Arts in Chicago, with Rene Menard and Lucien Simon In Paris and with Hans von Hyeck in Munich. Some years ago he went to Taos and has become widely known for his paint ings of the picturesque Southwest. One of his typical Indian subjects, "Apaches," is a part of the,Corcoran Gallery's permanent collection. He will afford excellent representation on the Jury for the painters In Tao· and Santa Fp. where there has grown up an art colony which reflects the environment of the natives and their adobe houses. Mr. McFee, a native of St. Louis, Mo., did preliminary studying in Pitts burgh and then went to the League School of Landscape Painting at Woodstock, Ν. Y. He became a per manent member and one of the lead ers of the Woodstock colony. In Winter he comes to Virginia. He is best known for his still life paintings, although he also does landscapes and figures. In 1928, at the Eleventh Cor coran Biennial, he was awarded the fourth Clark prize for his painting, "Landscape." The gallery has In Its permanent collection his painting, "The Window" and other examples of his work are owned by the Phillips Memorial Gallery here. Mr. Miller, also a native of St. Louts, began his studies at the St. Louis School of Fine Arte, later enrolling under Benjamin Constant and Jean Paul Laurens at Paris, where he re sided for a number of years. He re turned to this country sane years ago. His paintings have won many prises In this country and abroad and are on exhibition in public and private collections on both sides of the At lantic. He has specialized in figure paintings of women, an example of which is "The Boudoir." in the Cor coran Gallery's collection. A depar ture from his usual style was his "Cape Cod," a painting of two fisher folk, which received favorable com ment in the last biennial exhibition. BAND CONCERTS. By the United States Soldiers' Home Band Orchestra in Stanley Hall this evening at 5:30 o'clock. John S. M. Zimmermann, bandmaster. Anton Polntner. associate leader. March, "For Freedom's Flag" Baron Overture, "Festival" Loutnor Three country sketches Howgill 1. "Pastorale." 2. "Darinee." 3. "Little Villagers Dance." Mosaic, "Viennese Folk Songs." Komzak Serenade Espagnole, "Ye to Amo," Mueller Waltz on familiar folk songs, "Old Kentucky Home" Tobanl Finale, "The Gallant aeth,".. .Fulton "The Star Spangled Banner." By the United States Navy Band Symphony Orchestra this evening at 8 o'clock In the navy yard sail loft. Lieut. Charles Benter, leader. Alex Morris, assistant leader. Overture, "The Bartered Bride" Smetana "A Night on Bald Mountain," Moussorgsky A suite of two dances Berlioz "Dance of the 8ylphee" "Dance of the Sprites." "Klingsor's Enchanted Garden and the Flower Maidens," from "Parsi fal" Wagner Legend, "The Swan of Tuonela," Sibelius Valse de concert, "Voice· of Spring," Strauss Prelude, "Hansel and GreteV Humperdlnck Orchestral suite, "Circus Days," Deems Taylor Street parade. The big top. Bare-back riders. Lion's cage, monkey circus, ele phants. Tight-rope walker. Jugglers. Clowns. Fines, · · "The National Anthem." <· » Awaits Daughter's Kidnapers Left: Recent photograph of Dorothy Ann Distelhurst, 6, daugh ter of A. E. Distelhurat, Nashville. Tenn., who was kidnaped from her home September 19. The father admitted yesterday that he was staying: in a New York hotel and trying to establish contact with the kidnapers through classified advertisements. —A. P. Photos. DISTELHURST GIRL j SOUGNIIN GOIHAI Father, With $5,000 Ran som, Seeks Kidnapers in New York. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. November 13.—The whereabouts of 6-year-old Dorothy Ann Distelhurst Is still a mystery today, but her father cling* to his belief that the child is somewhere In New York. Ready td pay *5.000 ransom, the father, Alfred E. Distelhurst, Is wait ing to hear from the suppoeed kid napers who, he believe·, stole the girl away while she was on her way to kindergarten in Nashville, Tenn., on September 19. Since he arrived In New York last Wednesday. Dlstelhurst has followed carefully the Instructions given In a letter he received a month ago, the last of three communications from the supposed kidnapers. He dis closed last night that the second letter he received had instructed him to come to New York to await con tact with the kidnapers. Instead he sent a friend, but nothing was heard from the senders of the letter. He said he received the third letter October 12, but postponed coming to New York for reasons he did not make known. Last Wednesday he came here from Nashville, registered at a hotel and Inserted an adver tisement In a newspaper, which read: "Dorothy, come home; father In New York at same place, room 1736. Please write." Although he has heard nothing, he is convinced, he said, the child is In New York and he Intends to remain here "until something hap pens one way or another." Last night he Issued the following statement: "To whom It may concern: I have followed instructions Implicitly and am waiting contact. If further In structions are necessary I can be reached safely at designated place." New York police have not been called Into the case, but Department of Justice authorities In Washington said they are investigating. "Prop" Fail» Flyer Over Sea. ATHEN8, Greece, November 13 (*>). —John H. Wright. American flyer, arrived In Athens today after a nar row escape from being forced down In the Mediterranean Sea. McCarl Decides Former Dry Agents Must Pass Civil Service. (Continued From First Page ) Senate Democrat*, but several hun dred other employes who were trans ferred. This brought an appeal from Mor genthau for reconsideration, and the Attorney General held that all em ployes who had been transferred with out a break in service would not have to take the examinations. Morgenthau then went to McCarl for an opinion, seeking to clarify the pay status of everybody involved. To day's decision was the answer. In that section of his decision which has application to the investigative positions, McCarl said: Held Employes Out In 1933. "Based on the definitions continued In · · · (the presidential reorganiza tion order) It is clear that the Bu reau of Prohibition, Department of Justice, all functions of which were dlspoeed of · · · by the same order, was an abolished agency, and that * · · all personnel employed in con nection with the work of an abolished agency · · · were automatically separated from the service of the United States · · · August β. 1933." Consequently, he added, it made no difference when they were hired over —they had once been out of service. As for the clerical and mechanical employes whom Cummings had held were also subject to new tests, Mc Carl said the law did not intend to include them. McCarl also held that about 200 Democratic patronage appointees put in the liquor unit of the division of investigation, In the first shift of function*, would not be affected In any way by the new legislation. How ever, when they were transferred over to the Treasury they were required to take examinations by presidential order and the mortality among these was about like that of their asso ciates, it was said. When the McCarl decision *u made public today Gen. Samuel T. Ansell, who has been representing the erstwhile Investigative agent», Challenged Its conclusions and said he contemplated legal action in oppo sition. He was not ready, however, to say what his course would be. Life's Like That BY FRED NEHEB. k kf M Bév) If THB ELKVATOR'S OUT Of ORDKR, OKAR." λ tCopjriihl, 1934.) CHEST CAMPAIGN ' TALLIES SKffi Nearly Quarter of Goal of % $1,675,000 Raised by Second Day. (Continued From Plrst Page.) Waterways Commlseon, Ouy Bartley, keyman. Judiciary, United 8tates Court of Customs and Patent Appeals, Joseph O. Gauges, keyman; Bureau of Prisons, . Dr. F. Lovell Bixby, keyman; Crim- * inal Division, Judge W. E. Fort, key man; Taxes and Penalties Division, Harry B. De Atley, keyman; Employ ment Service, Labor Department, { John H. Zabell, keyman; Woman'· Bureau, Anne Larrabee, keyman ; Na tional Advisory Commission Aeron autics, John F. Victory, keyman; N. R. Α., Division 2, H. Crosby, key man; N. R. A. Public Utilities Divis- . ion, Marvin Shirley, keyman : N. R. A, Insignia, Walker M. Duvall, keyman; N. R. Α., Press Intelligence, Katherine C. Blackburn, keyman; N. R. Α., In dustrial Advisory Board, Walter White, keyman; Navy Department, Bureau of Yards and Docks. Capt. Walter H. Al len, keyman ; Washington City Post Office. Postal Cashier Division, John W. Quick, keyman; R. F. C., office of Mr. Talley, S. K. Barnes, keyman; R. F. C., Railroad Division, R. A. Hofner, keyman; Securities and Ex change Commission, Joseph R. Shee han, keyman. Commissioner Accounts and Deposits Office William T. Heftelflnger, key man; Bookkeeping and Warranta Dl- t vision, A. M. Smith, keyman; Internal * Revenue, Alcohol Tax Unit, Edward L. Springer, keyman; Internal Revenue, Technical Staff, W. E. Marshall, key man; Procurement Division, Architect Division No. 2, Arthur L. Blakeslee, keyihan; Legal Divison, Treasury. Wil liam K. Laws, keyman; Mechanical and Electric Engineering, Treasury, E. W. Goodwin, keyman; Office Manage ment Division, Treasury, John H. Schaefer, keyman; Treasury Account* and Audit, George C. Denny, keyman; Office of Commissioner of Public Debt, Treasury. Sara O. C. Doollttle. key man ; Register of Treasury, Byrd Lea veil, keyman; Division 3, Public Health Service. Dr. L. R. Thompson, keyman; Division 4, Public Health Service, Dr. W. L. Treadway, keyman; « 4 Division 6, Public Health Service, Dr. C. E. Waller, keyman; Redemption Di vision, Treasury, W. D. Beatty, key man; United States Railroad Adminis tration. R. C. Dunlap, keyman; United States Tariff Commission, Administra tion Division. Serge Benson, keyman; Veterans' Administration, Classifica tion Committee, J. H. Webb, keyman; Chief of Coast Artillery, War Depart- *' ment, Mrs. Ida M. Elmquist, keyman; Chief of Finance, Miss M. L. Blanch ard, keyman. and Chief oi Infantry, Maj. F. E. Uhl, keyman. V. S. Unit Heads. The Governmental Unit, under the leadership oi Maj. Gen. Frederick W. Coleman, chief oi finance oi the Army, who was assigned by President Roosevelt to take charge of the Com munity Chest volunteer work among the ranks of Government employee, took the lead at the opening gun of » the campaign yesterday by reporting the subscription of 22.68 per cent of its quota. Gen. Coleman explained, however, that the total actually raised by his unit is greater than the sum of $129, 432 reported at yesterday's meeting. His unit is composed of more than Q00 division*, he said, and It has been a physical impossibility to obtain re ports on all of their contributions. The Si 29,432 reported by the unit yesterday represents the gifts of 15,055 contributors in the Federal and Dis trict Governments. The quota of Gen. Coleman's unit is $570.500, the largest quota set for any of the Chest cam paign groups this year. Group Goes Over Top. Gen. Coleman's own office personnel was reported as the first governmental group to go over the top in the Chest campaign. It was one of a score of Federal and District offices able to report more than 100 per cent of its quota raised at the opening report meeting yesterday. There was hearty applause for the Federal Emergency Relief Administra tion when it was announced the em ployes of this office had exceeded their quota to the tune of 225 per cent. The Bureau of Yards and Docks, Navy De partment, reported "over the top" with 153 per cent of Its quota In hand on the opening day. The Special Gifts Unit, headed by Charles Carroll Morgan, was second, with 14.9 per cent of its quota in hand on the opening day. Morgan reported that 71 contributors had turned in a ·· total of (74,772, many without solici tation, prior to the official opening of the drive. The unit's quota is $501, 000, second in amount only to that of the Governmental Unit. The Metropolitan Unit, with a quota of $257,100, reported 7 per cent of Its allotment In hand, or a total of $18. 012.20, as the drive opened. Joseph D. Kaufman is chairman of the unit. The Group Solicitation Unit, headed by Walter B. Clarkson, reported $15, 537.66 received from 661 contributors, for a toel of 4.5 per cent of its quota oi $342,100. First Day Encouraging. Cheet leaden were greatly en couraged by the results of the first day's "report" meeting. The total oi 11.91 per cent in hand is unusually high for the first day oi the annual drive. Last year the opening meeting ·* * found 9 9 per cent in hand. The campaign laate officially for 10 days, and the total yesterday, exceeding the average percentage required for each day of the drive, is regarded as ex ceptional in Chest campaign experi ence. Cloak room attendants at the Wll- , lard were applauded when it was an nounced that, as a part of their con tribution to the Chest, they wished to forego the privilege of receiving tips from Chest workers. The first report meeting brought out an overflow meeting of volunteer workers and. although 100 seats ία excess of the anticipated total had been provided, it va» found there were not enough to go around Those unable to find seats in the big ball room were sent down M the coffee shop for luncheon, joining the main * group in time for the reporta. The invocation at yetterday's meet ing was delivered by Re*. W. Angle Smith, pastor of the Mount Vernon Methodist Episcopal Church. H. L. Rust, Jr„ campaign chairman, pre sided. Air Mechanics Strike. LK BOURQET AIRPORT. France, November 13 0P>.—Mechanics of Air France, huge aviation line, struck today in protest against "family" management. Seven hundred tech nical employes here, at Toulouse an^ Marseille, walked off the fields afteY charging they were no longer able to ^work with the technical administra fltion. which it called ignorant oU Ivnechanics and packed "with brothers" cousins and nephews."