Newspaper Page Text
"Ill TIRED," SAYS AMELIA, MING —— I Completes 2,400-Mile Solo Flight From Hawaii to Oakland. (Continued From First Page.) gasoline was running low before she i reached the coast. They asked If she had been worried. "Worried?" she echoed. "Oh, I i thought I would like to have the sight j Of land a couple of times." Miss Earhart asserted she never was lost, but said she veered south of her , course and first sighted land about 80 miles south of San Francisco. Miss Earhart said commercial flights ' to span the 2.400 miles between the ] Islands and California were "entirely feasible. They are Inevitable and we'll be flying everywhere In a short time." Miss Earhart expressed belief the j lise of two-way voice radio communl-1 cation was advisable for planes making J distance flights. This type of radio ι was a part of hrr equipment. As she snuggled down into a soft ■ bed in her hotel room she sighed and | said: "I want sleep more than anything else." In a moment she was sleeping deep ly and hotel attaches said she planned to slumber two to six hours—"or may be more." Took Three Hours Longer. Miss Earhart took only 3 hours and 17 minutes more to fly solo from Hono lulu than the time required by Sir Charles Kingsford-Smith. Australian, and his navigator. Capt. P. C. Taylor. Kingsford-Bmith and Taylor made the first West-East trip. November 3 and 4, 1834. in their long journey from Australia, in 14 hours and &Θ | minutes. This was at an average of 160 miles j in hour. Miss Earhart. doing her own navi gating while handling the plane, made the flight in 18 hours, 16 minutes. Her average speed was 133 miles an hour, although she said she throttled down the last Ave hours to conserve ' iuel. I The finale of the epochal flight was short as it was swift. On reaching the coast she made a bee-line north ward for the airport. She slid straight down to the run way and drove the plane to the very doors of a hangar. The field was a bedlam of noise, cheers and action, colored with un- ■ counted bouquets of American Beauty | roses and other flowers for the woman ι who became "one up" on the male { flying fraternity. tronu is auui vu»· First one door of the hangar was slammed shut and then the other, cutting Miss Earhart und her plane off from the milling crowd. Many persons reached the side of her plane and managed to grasp her hand and say a word or two before the police closed in. j "I'm tired." was her first word. "But I had enough gasoline left to | have lasted several hours,'' she said. A police escort took her in hand and eped to an Oakland hotel. For almost three and a half hours prior to her landing the whole Cali fornia coast was on edge over her whereabouts. She was reported va riously 600 miles at sea, 50 miles from j the coast, off her course, south of San I Francisco, battling fog. and possibly j facing the prospect of dwindling fuel, tanks while still over the sea. Except for her first remark on land ing, only once on the whole grilling journey did she admit fatigue. E»cven hours out. she said: "I'm becoming quite tired." "Enjoying Scenery." Forty-five minutes later, at 10 a.m.. | Eastern standard time, she had for- j gotten the irksome feeling, however. | and reported she was "enjoying the ! ^enery." Miss Earhart was a lot less con cerned about her venture than Coast Guard and naval officers, who stood watch through the long hours and wondered why she buzzed along so blithely without ever reporting her position. Four Coast Guard cutters sped out 100 miles from San Francisco Bay at 3 a.m.. Eastern standard time, ready to speed to her aid if necessary, but they were left to their own guesses as to the position of her plane and started back to port before she landed. Exasperated by her refusal to make position reports. Lieut. Comdr. Clar ence 'Williams, who plotted her course. Etid In Burbank he did not know whether to "thumb a ride to Oak land or stay here and wait for her." Earhart Log By the Associated Press. (All time Eastern standard.) FRIDAY, JANUARY 11. 10:15 p.m.—Left Wheeler Field. Hono lulu, to attempt first solo flight from Hawaii to California. 2,408 miles. 10:21 p.m.—Two thousand feet up, headed for Diamond Head and the open Pacific. 11:15 p.m.—Radioed "Everything O.K." SATURDAY, JANUARY 12. 12:40 a.m.—Tremendous static Inter fered with radio communication but land stations heard "Flying 8,000. Weather overcaat outelde. Temper ature 45 degrees." 2:50 a.m.—Flying 3.000 feet through fog. 3:15 a.m.—'"Everything Ο. K." At 8.000 feet. 8.50 a.m.—"All well." Flying 6,000 feet over low. scattered clouds. 4:19 a.m.—"All Ο. K." Thanked hus band lor broadcast greeting. 4:48 a.m.—"All Ο. K." 5:17 a.m.—"I should be almost half way. Ο. K." Eight thousand feet up, 5:57 a.m.—"All Ο. K." 6:17 a.m.—Flying in scattered Clouds, visibility good. "Ο. K." 6:50 a.m.—"All Ο. K." 7:15 a.m.—"Flying at 8,000 feet; over cast: visibility fair." 7:20 a m.—Ran Into high fog at 7,000 to 8,000 feet. 7:49 a.m.—"Am still Ο. K." 8:12 a.m.—Out of the fog at β,000 feet. 8:22 a.m.—"Ο. K." 8:48 a.m.—"Ο. K." 8:15 a.m.—"I'm becoming quite tired." 10 a.m.—"All is well. Enjoying the scenery." 10:40 a.m.—"All is well." 10:50 a.m.—"Plane nosed down to 700 feet from altitude o& β,000 feet." 11:18 a.m.—"All Ο. K." 11:48 a.m.—"Everything Ο. K." 12 noon—"Flying low over fog bank. Everything Ο. K." 2 p.m.—Sighted by steamer President Pierce, 250 milea off San Francisco. 2:35 p.m.—Radio stations reported plane flying through fog and off course. 3:25 p.m.—"Am on my course: will be in any moment now." 4:15 p.m.—Sighted off Lobitoa, 20 miles south of San Francisco. 4:31 p.m.—Landed at Oakland airport, completing first solo flight ever made between Hawaii anf California. Hauptmann and "Double" ' Copyright, A. P. Wirephoto. At the left la Bruno R. Hauptmann, on trial as the Lindbergh kidnaper, and at the right ii Robert flcanlon, shown In an Auoclated Press wlrephoto taken yesterday at Flemlngton, N. J. He may be celled as a surprise witness for the defense. He Is said to have told police he was In the vicinity of the Lindbergh home at Hopewell, N. J., at the time of the kidnaping. EUH IS TENSE AS SMI) BALLOTS Threat of Disorders Mini mized by Leaders—Ger many Is Confident. (Continued From First Page.) scattered parts of the globe—Europe and Asia. Africa and the Americas— and Nazis paid the passage for most dî them. Line· Sharply Drawn. Because the vituperative* often vio lent campaign that has raged In the ire· for week* has sharply drawn the Une between Communism and Nazism, however, some observer· be lieved the anti-Nazis tomorrow might poll more votes than expected. Welded into one common front againat Hitlericm and Naziism are such sometime mutually hostile ele ments as Communists. Socialists and part of the basin's overwhelmingly Catholic population. The Communists and Socialists see In the vote their last stand against Europe's dictatorship·, and the ballot ing will provide the supreme test be tween their forces and those of Naziism. For the world, too. the vote has significance in that it will be the first time Hitler and his doctrines have been tested in the Are of an absolutely free election. Should the German cause poll SO per cent of the votes, leaders of the (.Nazi) German front have said the overwhelming indorsement given Hit* 1er In last August's Nazi-controlled German election would be strikingly vindicated. A lesser majority for the Nazis, observers believe, would indicate strong anti-Nazi sentiment in the basin, since many of the region's pre dominantly German population are expected to vote for reunion with Ger many even though they do not ap prove of Hitler. Poll» to Open Early. The polls open at 8.30 a.m. tomor row (2:30 a.m.. E. 8. T.). with the Saar's rich coal mines and all the country around blanketed In the season's first snow. A holiday spirit prevailed tonight, despite Saarlanders' taut nerves as patriotic Germans lighted up lhelr houses with candles, paper lanterns and electric lights. strung evergreen garlands everywhere, set bonfires along the German border ablate and decorated their homes with Christmas '"in' anticipation of the "legation the Nazis are certain will follow tne announcement of the plebiscite re sults Tuesday, many in the Saar today were purchasing swastika flags. All in the in y territory thought of nothing else beside the morrows section and heated arKumenU con tinued well into the night. This was true from Saarbruecken, the capital, to the tiniest village. · Wild Rumors Afloat The wildest blood-and-thunder rumors were circulated, meanwhile, « both sides put In the final licks in their campaigns of propaganda. Newspapers, which for weeks have oeen little more than party propa ganda, sheets, appeared with burning Headlines. e—„« The Freiheit. of which Max Braun, Socialist leader and head of the anti Nazi common front, is editor, coldly innounced that Nazis were preparing ο kill every Saarlander who votes [or the status quo. Earlier Jewish residents of the aasin, who make up only one-half of I per cent of the population, said ■hey had been "advised" to go to Ger many tonight and return next week ifter the voting, having their pass ports stamped ttf show they did not '°The "advice," the Jews charged, came from the Nazie, who intimated hat they might escape reprisals after the plebiscite if they took the advice. Arguments of the contending fac tions were well summed up in tne statements of two party leaders. Opposed to Hitler. "Those few persons who have not been persuaded to join the German iront." said Jacob Plrro, Nazileader "are men of our own blood· influ enced by false prophets not to prevent but only to postpone a return of the Saar territory to Germany." "We are all Germans and we want eventually to return to Germany, said the Socialist Braun. But we are determined that the Saar shallnot go to Hitler. There la a difference between Germany and Hitler. In huge red headlinea the Social ist organ Volkstimme, which Braun also edits, today announced that Hit ler had been in a sanitarium since January 1. with the exception of a brief visit to Berlin a week ago for the meeting of Nazi leaders. "Hitler," the newspaper said, "through his envoy. Joachim von Rib bertrop, has agreed to let the tern torv go 'status quo* rather than P€*> mit the League to divide the basin. (Under the interpretation placed on the treaty articles Providing for the plebiscite, the League of Nations Council is empowered to divide the territory at its discretion if any pert or parts of it vote against Germany.) "That is why," the Socialist news paper said. "Hitler haa not sent a single message to the Saarlanders since the campaign opened. Natis Make Lart Apeal. Nazis, meanwhile. thelr„1^I minute guns through their organ, the Abendblatt. . "The French aA'ready to greet emigrant* with concentration camps," the newspaper asserted. "Two are al ready prepared." Other Nazi editors contented them selves with giving the entire first pages to pictures of Der Peuhrer. The newspapers published their last editions tonight, the Plebiscite Com mission having forbidden all publica tions tomorrow. Unwittingly the Council played a joke on the League Council sitting at Geneva. The coun cil had drafted an appeal to Saar landers to carry out the plebiscite In an orderly manner. But the com mission has suspended the newspapers before the appeal arrived, and so the voters will not know about it when they go to the polls. Plebiscite officials, determined to make the first League-supervised commission an entire success, worked anxiously tonight to plug all possible holes and prevent ballot box stuffing. Nine hundred "dictators for a day" —the foreigners selected to supervise the voting and given wide powers to refuse the ballots to persons indicat ing how they Intend to vote—appeared to hold the key to the smooth operat ing of the balloting. Although they were given absolute authority to throw out any vote, they were carefully instructed to use leniency. Fraud Precaution* Taken. The election has been so prepared that the possibilities of fraud, experts say, are reduced to the minimum. The voting will be alphabetical, so that a voter living on one side of Saarbruecken may vote on the other side of the city, rather than in his home precinct. Tills measure is in tended to prevent either side's dis covering how any given precinct voted. The League's international army tonight was discreetly prepared for any eventuality. Radio cars will cruise the territory, maintaining con stant contact with barracks, so that troops can be quickly called out. Armored cars and tanks are held in reserve to put down riots, while all troops not assigned to guarding the voting urns or to other duties - will be kept in barracks. Despite tenseness during the last week, election officials were hopeful (here would be no major disturbances tomorrow. They expected, however, that minor Incidents almost inevit ably would be brought about by the stringent voting rules. Demonstration* Banned. Strengthening the belief that the plebiscite might be held without grave consequence was the strict ob servance of the governing commis sion's ban on demonstrations In'con nection with the arrival of the Saar landers from Germany, and the fact that last Sunday both Nazis and anti Nazis held mammoth demonstrations in comparative order. Churches announced special serv ices tonight for the convenience of those who plan to go to the polls. Λ novelty to the Saar tonight was the prohibition on the sale of liquor imposed by the Plebiscite Commission, effective last midnight. For four days only wine and beer may be pur chased. « WIFE FINDS BRUNO IN "GOOD SPIRITS" Defendant Appears to Have Suf fered Little From Experi ences at Trial. By the Associated Pre·». FLEMINGTON. N. J., January 12. —Mrs. Bruno Richard Hauptmann. visiting the Lindbergh kldnap-murder defendant in his cell today, said he was In good health and good spirits. After eight days of the trial. Haupt mann appeared to have suffered little from hie experiences In the court room, where he was charged by Ave State witnesses with being the kid naper. The slight effect was noticeable in increased nervousness and less In terest in hie meals. Mrs. Hauptmann spent the cus tomary half hour allowed with her husband and returned, in apparently cheerful mood, to her residence near the court house. Meanwhile the Hauptmann trial jury went for a bus ride over Hunt erdon County's rolling highways. Shut in from the criap Wlntery air and carefully guarded by sheriff's deputies, the Jurors rode over a route outlined for them yesterday before the court recessed by Justice Thomas W. Trenchard. One-Word Book Popular. Declared to be the shortest book in the world, "Who Rules the World" has been published in Yugoslavia. The author la Radivoj S. Momirski. Inside the tome is one word, "Money." The volume has been so successful that a third edition has just been issued. BRUNO WILL STAKE ' LIFE ON SIX "NOT: Last Question to Defend ant Will Place Blame on Fisch. (Continued From Plr»t Page.) studied the note·, and indicated that the experts believed the note· were written not by Hauptmann a· con tended, but by Iiador Fisch. No announcement concerning their findings at the end of today'· exam ination was made, R«llly stating that because members of the prosecution ι staff had been present, the "Jury of j experts" would not make known "their , finding· and belief." One flurry of interest which de veloped last night had subsided to day when It was announced that the banknote found in œuyaburg, P»., and which was said to have been part of the ransom money, had been dis covered to have no connection with it. The State, through a member of the prosecution staff, said that Its case had reached "the half way mark." The number of witnesses yet to testify has been reduced, according to Attor ney Oeneral David T. Wilentz. from about 70 to 45 or SO. Wilentz said he may conclude his case by the end of next week. State Satisfied. In reviewing the eight days of the trial, Judge Oeorge K. Large of the proeecution staff .said: "Our witnesses have withstood effectively the cross examination by the defense, and their evidence stands unlmpeached." The State is ready to refute any effort by the -defense to show that other persons than Hauptmann perpe trated the crime. The State, Large pointed out. has presented five independent identifica tions of Hauptmann—by Col. Lind bergh, by Dr. John F. Condon the ransom Intermediary, by the cab driver Joseph Perrone, who told of carrying a ransom note from Haupt mann to Condon, by Amandus Hoch muth. who said he saw Hauptmann in the vicinity of the Lindbergh home on the murder day. and by Albert 8. Osborn. handwriting expert, who tes tified Hauptmann wrote all the notes. Attorney Large said Hauptmann has established himself "as a principal by his own handwriting," "and regardless of our one-man theory of the crime, he can be convicted of first-degree murder under New Jersey law." Large expressed the conviction that the defense could not show that Isador Fisch wrote the notes. Assistant Attorney Oeneral Joseph Lanigan. who has prosecuted the handwriting phase of the Sûte s case, was present when Rellly's chlro graphers looked over the exhibits at Trenton today. Reilly said that he addressed the handwriting experts as follows: "You were brought together by the defense because of your desire, after having examined such material as was published In the newspaper, to exam I ine the originals." German Expert· la lira. He «aid the experta are being aaked to visualize the handwriting In the ransom note· without microscopes. German experts, two of whom were present today, have examined the specimens for Teutonic Influences, said Rellly. "We do not Intend to solve this crime." Rellly remarked at the close of the examination. "We are here to prove Hauptmann not guilty." Reilly reiterated his contention that the money being spent on Haupt mann's defense comes "out of our own pockets." "No German societies," he declared, "are contributing." "I wish they would, though," he added. The State will continue during the coming week to present Its case In the sequence of facts that arose after the kidnaping of the baby. Judge Large said. "I expect that most of the coming week will be devoted to handwriting testimony. It is so Important to the State that we cannot afford to pes« It over lightly." "Following that we shall probably go on to the preparation of the ran som money, and from there to the finding of the baby's body." Asked if it would be necessary to recall to the stand Betty Gow, the Lindbergh nursemaid, during the phase of the case dealing with the finding of the body. Large replied: "Miss Gow has proven a good wit ness. and her reappearance would certainly do the etate's case no harm." Witness*· Coming. The Ile De Prance will dock in New York Tuesday, bringing three Ger mans in the company of Detective Arthur Johnson of New York. The identity of the three has not been disclosed. It is believed one or more may be relatives of Fiech, who died in Germany last year, and it is con sidered likely that one or more may be a handwriting expert. If the defense names Fisch as the ransom note author, the State will call relatives of the furrier as re buttal witnesses, said one of the prosecuting attorneys. Reilly conceded again today the State had produced "evidence of ex tortion against Hauptmann," but said he will'prove definitely that Flach collected the $50,000 ransom. There may be seven defense hand writing experts called to the witness stand. Those called to Trenton at today's conference were J. M. Trend ley of East St. Louis. C. P. Goodspeed, New York; Mrs. Charles Foster, New York; Arthur P. Myers, Baltimore and Washington: Miss Julia Parr, Brook lyn; Prau Eraunlich, Wuriburg. Ger many. president of the Handwriting Experts of Europe, and Rudolph Thlelen, Berlin. 8. C. Malone of, Baltimore, an asso ciate of Myers, also offered his serv ices to the defense, Reilly announced. Malone said he has testified in 2,000 cases in 38 years and lost only seven. He said he had opposed and beaten Osborn in several cases. "This," said Reilly. "Is not the trial of the century, but of centenarians," and added he wouldn't use Malone. Night Final Delivery The "Pink Edition" of The 8tar, known ta the Night Final, printed at β p.m., is delivered throughout the city at 55c per month or, together with The 8unday Star, at 70c per month. This is a special service that many people desire for the very latest and complete news of the day. Call National 5000 and say that you want the "Night Final" delivered regularly to your home, and delivery will start immediately. i, i W. & J. S 1 ο a η e 711 Twelfth Street N. W. Chaplerj CE GOES ON This Semi-Annual Event takes on double importance at this time, for in addition to the small lots which» the inventory has disclosed, there are extensive interior im provements already begun — requiring the quick movement of many Suites, Occasional Pieces, Rugs, etc. The dramatic réductions in priccs tell how sincere is the purpose as well as how tempting the opportunities. Lmii# Room Pieces $155 Wing Chair $105 Of Colonial design, covered in figured brocade. $100 Easy Chair $75 Graceful model, upholstered in brown damask. $90 Black Enamel Side Chair. . $65 Handsomely decorated in hand-painted gold design : gold damask upholstery. $62 Easy Chair $50 Covered in brown damask, edged with brown moss and finished with pleated flounce. $30 Ladder Back Side Chair, $17*50 Black decoration; rush seat. Bedroom Suites $365 Twin Bed Suite $275 Construction is fruitwood and maple; with black and gold decorations. Com-. plete with 8 picces. $315 Queen Anne Suite ' $240 Genuine Mahogany; with one twin bed. $625 Corsican Walnut Suite $350 A beautiful design, of 8 pieces, in cluding twin beds. Chaise Longues Boudoir Chairs Original prices from Original prices from S60 to S105 $21 to $55 Now $50 to $70 Now $15 to $45 Occasional Pieces $220 Mahogany High Boy $165 Interesting copy of an original antique. $90 Queen Anne Secretary.... $70 Burl walnut construction with interior finished in old white. $80 Empire Secretary $60 Black and gold; with decorated grilled doors. $65 Occasional Table $50 Of the Chippendale School ; with in teresting carvings. $45 Wig Stand $34 Burl walnut; with pie-crust edge. $29*50 Cocktail Table $22 Walnut construction; copper mirrored. Dining Room Suites $595 Queen Anne Dining Suite, $395 Burl walnut; 10 pieces, including two upholstered armchairs. $375 Sheraton Suite $280 Genuine Mahogany, typical Sheraton design. 10 pieces. $400 Mahogany Suite ... $300 It's a full suite of 9 pieces—without server. $275 Neo-Classic Suite $165 Natural finish mahogany, decorated in white enamel. 10 pieces. Lamps Small lots of from one to five pairs. Distinctive de signs, both decorative and practical. Four pairs of Boudoir Lamps, etched crystal, parchment shades. Reg ular price $5.90 a pair, reduced to, each .,..$2 One pair White Boudoir Lamps, with gold star decorations; parchment shades. Regular price $12 a pair, reduced to, each ^4 Two pairs Boudoir Lamps with blue base and shades. Gold and blue decorations. Regular price $5.90 a pair, reduced to, each ... $2 One pair Chinese Tea Canister Lamps of brown metal : with metal shades. Regular price $7 a pair, reduced to. each $2 Five pairs White Glass Boudoir Lamps ; with hand-painted decorations. Regular price $5.90 a pair, reduced* to. each .... $2 One pair Green Pottery Lamps, with green and white fabric shades. Reg ular price $7 a pair, re duced to, each .. $2.50 One pair of Green Glass Boudoir Candlesticks; at tractively decorated ; parchment shades. Reg ular price $19 a pair, re duced to, each $5 Domestic Rugs Those superior makes for which Sloane's is so well known— including Axminsters, Wiltons, Hooked Rugs, American Orientals. Sixty-six in all, designs and colorings, mostly reproductions of Oriental rugs. 14 Axminster Rugs, size 9x12. Were $36 to $45, reduced to $29 12 Axminster Rugs, size 9x12. Were $43.50 to $49, reduced to $J7.50 9 Special Weave Rugs, size 9x12. Were $32.50, reduced to $27 3 Heavy Axminster Rugs. Size Qxl2. Were S49.50, reduced to $39 3 Heavy Axminster Rugs, size 9x12. Were $57.50, reduced <° $47-50 4 Two-tone Broadloom Axmin ster Rugs, size 9x12 Were $63. reduced to .... $47-50 7 Two-tone Damask Wilton Rugs, size 9x12. Were $65. reduced to ... $47.50 "4 Knotted American Oriental Rugs, size 9x12. Were $159, reduced to ... $M5 6 Hand-made Hooked Rugs, size 9x12. Were $79.50. re duced to .... $65 2 Hand-made Cotton Hooked Rugs, size 9x12. Were $79.50, reduced to .., $57.50 2 Imported Hooked Rugs, size 9x12. \Vere $169, reduced to $135 6 Axminster Rugs, size 8.3x 10.6. Were $39 to $48. reduced to ~ $32 2 Axminster Rugs, size 8.3x 106. Were $30, reduced to $25 13 Axminster Rups. size 27x54. Were $4.95. reduced to $3·95 5 Axminster Rugs, size 27x54. Were $4.10, reduced to $3-35 Group of Rag Rugs, sizes 27x54, 36x72, 4x7, 6x9. Were S2 to S11.50 How, $1.50 to $7.50 All bath mats, hooked rugs and novelty vugs are included in the Sale at special prices. W&J SLOANE 711 Twelfth Street N.W. , District 7262 We have provided free parking »pace for our customers opposite the store on 12th Street. The House With the Green Shutters; ■ J i f ——=t