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WEATHER. The only evening paper Ram tonJhtttan^prob»wy*toinorrow in Washington with the morning; continued cow, Associated Press News «ture tonight about 42 degree*; moderate , winds. Temperatures—Highest, 54. at and WirephOtO oerVICeS. 2:30 p.m. yesterday; lowest, 40, at 1 a.m. today. — --- Yesterday’s Circulation, 130,612 Closing N. Y. Markets,Pages 17,18&19 Some Return* Hot Yet Received. No. 33,218. ce swa"hinKatonmDUlc. _ WASHINGTON, D. C., FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1935—SIXTY-TWO PAGES.__<*> M™n* Ataociafd Praaa. TWO CENTS. 14 DEATHS IN SCHOOL BUS PROBED ---—- * WILLIAMSPORT PUPILS KILLED AT ROCKVILLE GRADE CROSSING __ A I I A -- Driver, Teacher and 13 Chil dren Escape Deatlj When Fast Train Rams Car. RAILROAD, I. C. C. AND COUNTY ORDER THOROUGH INQUIRIES • Driver Held on Manslaughter Charge and B. & O. Summons Crew of Express to Testify. (Two pages of pictures on the bus tragedy will be found on pages A-S-7.) BY JAMES E. CHINN. Bodies of 14 high school children, victims of a grade crossing crash between a school bus and a fast Baltimore & Ohio passenger train last night at Rockville, Md.. were to be sent today to their grief-stricken homes in Williamsport, Md. Meantime, steps were taken by the Interstate Commerce Com * mission and the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad for a thorough Investigation of the disaster—the most tragic that has shocked Washington since the Knickerbocker Theater collapse. The fast express train, bound from St. Louis to Washington, tore into the bus about 11:30 o’clock last night as it attempted to clear the dangerous railroad grade crossing on the outskirts of Rockville, crushing 11 children to instant death. Three others were so seriously injured they died a short time later. Twenty-nine Aboard Bus. Twenty-nine persons were in the bus. 27 of them happy high school boys and girls en route to their homes from a special chemistry demonstration at the University of Maryland at College park. The two others were their teacher. Miss Louise Funk, 27, and the bus driver. Percy Line, 33. All but two of those who escaped death were only slightly injured and were sent home soon after the accident. _ . .. The driver. Line, is being held by Montgomery County police on a charge of manslaughter. Bond was fixed at $1,000. His relatives in Hagerstown, Md., are reported to be on their way to j Rockville to furnish the required bail. _ , , , . Baltimore & Ohio Railroad officials were the first to take action and ordered an inquiry to begin tomorrow in the offices of Charles M. Shriver, division superintendent. Members of the train crew will be summoned. Preliminary to the official railroad investigation, C. H. Norris, division train master, made a careful check at the scene of the accident^_ County Orders Inquest. Montgomery County officials a few hours after the crash ordered an in quest to be held in the Montgomery County court house Tuesday at 10 a.m. Shortly before noon today the Interstate Commerce Commission di rected G. V. Loveling, an investigator, and T. P. Smith, an engineer, both connected with the Bureau of Safety, to determine responsibility. A short cut acrocs the Maryland roads led the bus to its doom in Rock ville. Observers point out that had it taken the longer route through Wash ington and over the Rockville Pike it would not have had to cross the dan gerous B. & O. tracks. Crash Near Intersections. The scene of the accident is barely within Rockville, not far from where the Baltimore road intersects with the Washington highway. In a driving rain, the bus. loaded with carefree children, was about half way across the railroad tracks when the train, known as the Metropolitan Special, rounded a curve and plowed Into the rear of the vehicle, tearing away about one-third of the right side. Two of the bodies of the children were caught on the cowcatcher of the lo comotive and carried several hundred yards. Another body and the top of the bus were hurled 75 feet, landing on an embankment on the grounds of the St. Mary's Catholic Church at Rockville. Bodies Strewn Along Tracks. Other bodies, horribly mangled, were strewn along the road bed for several hundred yards. Escape of the others in the bus was almost miraculous. When the train struck it the bus was carried several hundred feet, but through a strange coincidence it did not overturn. Rescuers found it rest ing against a high bank near the grounds of the church. Only four seats were left in the bus. The others had been carried away by the speeding train. The right rear dual wheels were sheared off at the hub. The train went about half a mile beyond the crossing before it stopped. The crew, after aiding in the rescue work, brought the train into Wash ington half an hour late. As soon as B. & O. officials heard of the accident, D. B Fawcett, 1213 Crittenden street, assistant foreman of engineers for the railroad, ordered the train crew sent to Camden Sta tion in Baltimore for the railroad Investigation. Firemen Rush to Scene. -Within a few minutes after the •rash fire trucks from Rockville, Bethesda and Kensington hurried to .Aid in the rescue work. Ambulances Vnd every available physician for miles •round were pressed Into service. Children suffering mainly from shock were taken to the Rockville home of Albert M. Bouic, lawyer and a former State’s attorney. Nine of the lifeless bodies were taken to the undertaking establish ment of Reuben Pumphrey in Rock ville. One was brought to Mont gomery County General Hospital in Sandy Spring, and two more taken to Georgetown University Hospital Two of four seriously Injured chil dren rushed to Georgetown subse quently died. As the train crashed into the bus Line was wedged against the steering wheel. Miss Punk, who was sitting behind him, was only slightly Injured, but children in the rear were badly mangled. Screams and moans of the dying children could be heard for sev eral hundred yards. Miss Funk was daaed temporarily ► when her head hit the top of the bus. Immediately, however, she regained command of herself and aided in the rescue work. Although railroad officials said the crossing was guarded by a bell and red light. Line told newspaper men he did not see the train until he was on the track. "I heard the whistle just as it hit us," he sobbed afterward. "I didn't see the train until I heard the bell of the engine as I started over the track.” The official report of John A. Berry, Montgomery County policeman, who investigated, quoted the bus driver as saying he did not hear the whistle of the train nor the ringing of the cross ing bell. Berry also reported that the driver said the children were making practically no noise, and that when the bus crossed the tracks it was running between 17 and 20 miles an hour. Eye Witness Tells of Crash. As the express thundered toward Washington, Edward L. Stevens, 807 Maple avenue, Rockville, assistant golf professional at the Manor Club, driving from the opposite direction with his wife, crossed the tracks. His graphic story is an eye-witness picture of the disaster: “I saw the train coming, but I crossed anyway. I passed the bus, just as It came on the track. I grabbed my brake, and just as I stopped I heard the Impact. "I jumped out of the car. There was a young fellow there on a laundry truck. I told him to run to the corner and blow the fire siren. By that time Wilson Carr of Rockville had appeared and we started taking the girls out of the ditch. We had scarcely begun when the Rockville firemen arrived. "We saw arms and legs and a girl's head. There were bodies all over. We found one girl 60 feet away in the cemetery. Bodies were strewn all along the track for 200 yards. Found Many Dated. “(As I ran up to the bus, one of the boys came up to me and said: “ Hold me up. I am going to fall’ “He didn’t appear to be hurt, so I sat him down on the roadside and went to the bus. Most of the injured children were dazed.” Within a few minutes after the ac cident Father Cecil J. McNeal, Catho lic University priest, visiting Father Charles R. O’Hara, pastor of St. Mary’s Church, administered condi tional absolution to the dead and (Continued on Page 6, Column 1.) REPORT OF DAMAGE TO GRAF DENIED Business Agent for Zeppelin An nounces Start for Europe Will Be Made Tonight. By the Associated Press. RIO DE JANEIRO, April 12.—The civil aeronautics department of the Brazilian ministry of communications, answering queries today as to whether reports from Pernambuco that the Graf Zeppelin had been damaged, re plied: "The Graf Zeppelin was moored at 8:10 a.m. without mishap.” The Condor Syndicate, business agents for the Graf Zeppelin, said the report of an accident waa "absolutely false’ and announced: "The Graf will start for Europe from Pernam buco at approximately 8 pa." I The Bus Driver - I PERCY LINE. —Star Staff Photo. Crash Casualties List of Dead and Seriously Injured in Tragedy at Rockville. The list of dead and seriously injured in the Rockville bus crash (their ages ranging between 15 and 18 years) follows; The dead; Carl Brindle. Bertha Castle. Mary Louise Downs. Norris Downs. Pearl Emerson. James Flurie. Phoebe Kelly. Leroy Kendle. Elva Harsh. Paul McElroy. Claude Myers. Virginia Myers. Lois Winters. Margaret Eva Zimmerman. The injured; Margaret Kreps, internally hurt, condition critiral. Jane Staley, fractured arm. Both of the injured are at Georgetown Hospital. - - -»■■■■■ ■ — SCHOOL SUGGESTED FOR GROUP FUNERAL Williamsport Parents of Bus Vic tims Confer on Plans for Services. By a Staff Correspondent of The Star. WILLIAMSPORT, Md.. April 12. The Board of Education here late to day suggested that the Williamsport High School auditorium be used for a group funeral service for the victims of the bus accident at Rockville. Md. Members of the board pointed out that no church In the community would be large enough for the serv ices. At a late hour today the parents of tlye 14 boys and girls who met death were conferring on the funeral plans. The lcfcal unit of emergency relief has offered to provide grave diggers. This offer, it was explained, was more in the spirit of courtesy than from any lack of funds on the part of the parents The 14 students will be buried In three or four cemeteries in this vicin ity. There was a possibility that some services would be held before Monday. BUDGET OF DEFENSE ADOPTED IN BELGIUM Minister Expresses Satisfaction With France’s Frontier Fortification. By the Associated Press. BRUSSELS. April 12 —The Cham ber of Deputies adopted the national defense budget for 1935-38 today after an all-night session in which the de fense minister expressed satisfaction with France’s fortification of the frontier. Minister Albert Deveze. replying to the questions of Flemish extremists, emphatically denied that Belgium was any nation’s vassal or had contractual obligations toward any nation. He said there was no question as yet of Increasing the term of com pulsory military service, but the gov ernment would consider the question should a period of serious interna tional disquiet eventuate. French Air Crash Kills Three. BORDEAUX, France, April 12 UP).— Three persons were killed and two Injured today in the crash of a mili tary airplane near Lesparre. Australia Feels Qnake. BRISBANE, Australia, April 12 (JP). —Severe earth tremors caused build ings to sway dangerously today, but no serious damaae occurred. t Schools Close in Bereaved Community. BODIES STREWN ALONG RAILWAY Young Survivors Still Numbed by Shock. BY W. H. SHIPPEN, JR., Staff Correspondent of The Star. WILLIAMSPORT. Md., April 12—Grief struck into virtually every home in this bereaved community today with the re turn of the bodies of 14 high school students who rode away so gayly with their comrades yesterday afternoon, singing as their bus rolled along. It had been a fair afternoon after inclement weather and the students were in high spirits. They sang and pranked while the bus bore them to the Uni versity of Maryland, where they visited a chemistry exhibit. Returning home last night, tired after their outing and a little sleepy, the bus load of students had become quiet. Some were dozing when a sudden crash occurred. The shock was numbing in its power. Few outcries were made as the students were strewn along the road bed by the impact. Some of the boys began Immediately to extricate their friends from the wreckage. Shock Numb* Their Tongue*. Few of the survivors were willing to describe the crash. Many of the boys and girls were still suffering from nervous shock. A few boys hobbled downtown on crutches this morning and were quickly surrounded by fel low townsmen. All school children were dismissed for the day and Dusiness in the town itself was at a virtual standstill. A tolling of bells was heard as ambulance after ambulance pulled into town, freighted with the bodies of the young victims. School children dismissed from their classes this morning and townspeople were gathered around the undertak ing establishment to which the bodies were brought. Every one in the crowd had a brother, a sister, or a friend among the victims. The town was thrown into the ut most confusion last night with the ar rival of first reports of the disaster. The news spread with incredible speed and soon a large crowd of distracted parents waited for the arrival of the first automobile coming from the scene of the accident. List of Survivors Jumbled. In some unexplained manner, the list of survivors became confused with the names of the fatally injured. Par ents, forewarned of the deaths of their children, were thrown into hysteria when the children they thought were killed stepped from the first automo bile. Another side of the picture was pre sented by parents who hurried to Rockville, hoping their children had been spared. One small group of white faced men and women presented a list of four names to the desk sergeant at Rockville. “These are our children, sergeant,” said the spokesman. ‘‘Can you tell us if they are all right?" The sergeant took the list from the (Continued on Page 4. Column 2.) FIRE AT HAVERHILL LAID TO INCENDIARY Leather Plant Building Destroyed at $75,000 Loss and Three Firemen Hurt. By the Associated Press. ■ HAVERHILL. Mass., April 12.—Fire believed by Chief Rufus A. Crittenden to have been of incendiary origin, de stroyed the Lennox & Briggs Leather Co. building and damaged other struc tures in Haverhill’s leather district. Crittenden estimated the loss at $75,000. Exploding barrels of lacquer, crumbling walls and embers and sparks that rode on a brisk wind for a time threatened the entire district. Local apparatus responding to a gen eral alarm was unable to check the flames, and aid had to be summoned from 10 surrounding communities. The comparatively small loss was explained by the fact that the build ings which previously housed valuable shoe machinery had recently been converted Into storage places and con tained only Inexpensive chemicals. Three firemen were injured, none seriously. CHINESE REDS CRUSHED 2,000 Reported Slain, Including Leaders, in Fighting. HONGKONG. April 13. UP)—Relia ble sources here confirmed reports to day that Gen. Chiang Kai-Shek had Inflicted a crushing defeat cm the Communist forces after two days of fighting 10 miles south of Kwelyang. The government claims that 2,000 Reds were slain, including many no torious leaders. g V (1 USED TO HEAR THE tuc^£iv\ I WORD, ECONOMY LOST IN THE EARLY j 1 FREQUENTLY IN THE NEW DEAL DAYS ) Vj93Z CAMPAIGN ■"■ ) SAYS TREADWAY G. 0. P. Spokesman Charges Democratic Attempt to Delude Court. By th* Associated Press. In an assault on the social secur ity bill a Republican spokesman to day accused Democrats of attempting to “delude” the Supreme Court and told the House that a vote for the measure would be a "vote to prolong the depression indefinitely.” The O. O. P. spokesman was Rep resentative Treadway of Massachu setts. first Republican to debate the security bill in the House. As he talked the so-called “liberal” bloc was summoned to a meeting late today to determine Its attitude toward the measure. Bill Called “ Lemon.” Treadway called the administra tion's bill a ‘‘lemon" and said the com mittee report presented by the Demo crats failed to show any connection between the old-age annuity taxes and old-age annuity benefits because the Democrats “know that the Supreme Court is eventually going to look at that report to see what the Intention of Congress was in setting up these titles.” “They purposely omitted any ref erence to the connection between the two because they wanted to try to de lude the Supreme Court.” he continued. “Personally, I think this attempt to delude the Supreme Court is rather childish.” Treadway and other Representatives —Including a number of Democrats— hope that, when the amendment stage Is reached next week, it will be possible to strike from the bill the section levy ing taxes on employers and employes for old-age annuities. Minority Report View. In their minority report on the bill A1__U... _s 4k. Ways and Means Committee said: "On account of the deplorable con dition In which the employer finds his business at this time: the tragic condition in which the employe finds himself due to the ever-mounting cost of the necessaries of life and the failure of wages to keep pace with these costs: and the fact that the number of unemployed Is constantly increasing, there is doubt in our minds that the legislation • * • will result In a general national benefit at this time.” Meanwhile an avenue appeared open through which advocates of the Townsend old age pension and Lun deen social security plans could get a vote on at least the essence of their proposals. They contended that un der House rules their complete bills cculd not be offered as amendments to the administration's bill. But today they found that they could, for example, propose to in crease from $15 to $100 a month the maximum Federal contribution to ward a pension paid under a State law. They could even offer an amend ment to make the Federal Govern ment bear the full burden of a pen sion of $200 a month. Transactions Tax. There was a possibility, too. that they would suggest an amendment under which the money to finance pensions would be raised by a 2 per (Continued on Page 5, Column 3.) CUTTER CANCELS CALL WHEN FIRE IS PUT OUT Vessels in Vicinity Asked to Stand By When Blase En dangers Champlain. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, April 12.—The Coast Guard cutter Champlain wirelessed early today that It was afire and asked all ships in the vicinity to stand by. Fifteen minutes later it reported: "Fire Is out” No details were given other than the ship’s position, 26 miles west of Nantucket. The Champlain Is a 250-foot cutter operating out of the Staten Island Coast Guard base. It carries a com* pleasant of • officers and 90 men uato Lieut Comdr. Gordon Mar Lean, 25 Operations Make Baby Champion in Better Baby Show By the Associated Pres*. GAINESVILLE. Tex.. April 12. —A 26-month-old baby, who has had 25 operation*, today had won first prize in a better babies con test at Stephenville. Tex. The baby is Margibeth Carter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Carter of Gainesville. The op erations have ranged from a rib resection to brain fluid from a lung after pneumonia to punct uring an ear drum. STUDENT ‘STRIKE’ Counter-Demonstration' Greets Peace Move at One University. Less than 500 Washington college and high school students took part today in the students strike against war and Fascism, and approximately half that number staged a somewhat hilarious counter strike at one uni versity. At George Washington University, where perhaps the largest demonstra tion was staged. Representative Mav erick of Texas, scheduled to make the principal address, acted on a sug gestion from Dr. Cloyd Heck Marvin, president, and failed to show up. Maverick said he withdrew when the college head asserted the strikers were violating discipline and cutting classes. Respect for Authority. “I respect Dr. Marvin’s administra tive powers," the Texan said. “I am willing to speak to the students any Hmp ot inv nlorp hnt. T rin nnt. U’ftnt to oppose the university's constituted authority.” As a substitute, Chester Williams, former executive secretary of the Student Federation of America, had ! difficulty in drowning the cat-calls and noisy, good-natured jeers that ! greeted his remarks or cut them off in the middle of sentences. Plea for U. S. Flag. Williams, nevertheless, braved the noise and the rain and pleaded for the American flag to “stand for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Instead of death, destruction and tyranny.” At American University, approxi mately 200 students heard Mbs Jean nette Rankin, first woman member of Congress, plead for the outlawry of war. The students adopted a resolu tion expressing alarm at "the wave (Continued on Page 3. Column 2.) ROIDERER ACQUITTED IN ESPIONAGE TRIAL Nazi Judges Rule Arms Notes Not Necessarily Sent Out of Country. Br the Associated Press. BERLIN, April 12.—Richard Rold erer, pale, nervous naturalised Amer ican linguist, shouted his opposition to war and dictatorships, and was ac quitted today of espionage charges by five stern-faced Nazi judges of the Peoples’ Court. The session, open to the public, lasted 5 hours and 20 minutes, and the judges deliberated for another 45 minutes. The warrant against the former Cleveland and Chicago man was quashed and the state was ordered to bear the costs of the proceedings. Rolderer smiled when the verdict was read. The language teacher had been specifically charged with taking notes on Nad military matters, damaging to the Reich. The judges held that the prosecutor had not proved that Rold erer sent the damaging material out of the country, but that they still en tertained strong susplc^m against Ala. H f 1 Sloan Tells Senate Quiz Manufacturers Favor Two Year Extension. Bt the Assoeleted Prwi. Manufacturers of consumers goods, such as food and clothing, today strongly supported an extension of N R A. with the warning that Its abandonment would lead to "finan cial chaos." George A. Sloan, chairman of the Consumers Goods Industries Com mittee and of the cotton textile code authority, presented the Sen ate Finance Committee with a reso lution adopted by the consumer group urging continuation of N. R. A. “for a further trial period of two years.” The resolution warned that to "abolish the codes now would check recovery, destroy confidence and prob ably create another downward spiral of bottomless deflation and financial chaos.” Before Sloan took the stand. John E. Edgerton. Nashville woolen textile manufacturer and president of the Southern States Industrial Council, testified the majority of Southern business men wanted N. R. A. ex tended. Gives du Pont’s Views. Sloan said Lamont du Pont, a mem ber of his committee, did not approve the resolution, but had authorised him to say he would not object to one more year for winding up N. R. A. However, the chemical manufac turer, Sloan said, opposed authority to impose codes on industries in which the majority of members did not want them. McCarran Drafts Substitute. A substitute for the administration's N. R. A. bill was being drafted mean while by Senator McCarran. Democrat, of Nevada, recovery law critic, to per mit only voluntary codes. The measure was expected to prove a rallying point for many of the con gressional oponents of N. R. A. who have contended it was crushing the little man and fostering monopoly. McCarran, one of the authors of the resolution under which the current Senate inquiry into N. R. A. is being conducted, was the first member of Congress to attempt to draft a substi tute for the recovery law. While his measure was still in a tentative shape, he said it would leave the whole business on a voluntary’ oasis. Industries which wished would oe permitted to get together and draft agreements for certain specified pur ooses The Government regulatory agency would be set up only for those industries which wanted codes. Will Continue Section 7-A. Under the McCarran proposal, there would be no distinction between in trastate and interstate commerce. With the whole arrangement volun tary, there could be no issue about the constitutionality of regulating businesses entirely within State lines. McCarran said he would continue Section 7-a. the collective bargain ing section, though he did not con sider it very effective, and would attempt to tighten up the enforcement of the anti-trust laws. “I think we can enforce the anti trust laws and yet permit voluntary association of business for certain stated purposes," he said. "But I think the anti-trust laws are more important than N. R. A." Before completing his final draft, McCarran will confer with Senator Nye, Republican, of North Dakota, who jointly proposed the Senate Inquiry with him, and with others who oppose extending N. R. A. in its present form. Members of the Senate Committee hoped to complete the inquiry within another week or so, but they still had hundreds of applications to be heard from small and big business. The wind-up-will come with Hugh S. John son, former administrator, and prob ably other_witnesses_to_answer_the (Continued on Page 4, Column 1.) Ten Greek Officen Degraded. ATHENS, April 13 Ten officers who took part in the recent Greek rebellion, and were convicted by a court martial, were degraded today in the court yard of the military school. Tha public m GERMANY READY TO ENTER PACT OF NON-AGGRESSION, STRESA REPORTS Communique Says Hitler Will Join Eastern European Agreement in Spite of Other Powers’Stipulations DELEGATES AT PARLEY CONCUR ON GENEVA PLAN Willing to Pursue Course of Har mony in Program to Be Worked Out at League of Nations Council Next Week, Laval Says. (Copyriiht. 1935. by the Associated Press i STRESA, April 12.—An official communique stated today that Ger many had informed Great Britain. Prance and Italy she is ready to enter an Eastern European pact of non-aggression even if some other signatories “stipulate among them selves accords of reciprocal assist ance." many was conveyed to the conference this afternoon by Sir John Simon. British foreign secretary. He announced that this offer was made today in Berlin by Foreign Min ister Konatantin von Neurath to the British Ambassador there. An agreement among the repre sentatives of France, Great Britain and Italy as to the program they shall follow In next week's League of Na tions' Council session at Geneva was reached today. Pierre Laval foreign minister of France, Informed the Asso ciated Press. Premier Mussolini of Italy and Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald of Great Britain were represented as be ing in complete agreement with Laval on the procedure of action to be taken at the Council, which was called into session on representations by France that Germany, by rearmament had violated the military clauses of the Versailles treaty. France Drops Protest. Previous to the announced agree ment. France had agreed to refrain from asking the Council to condemn Germany, in return for a British blessing on the French idea of regional European pacts within the framework ' of the League. A French spokesman said the agree ment had been reached on ‘‘measures" to be applied against Germany or any other power which violates treaties in the future. The spokesman further said that Great Britain and Italy also had agreed to support France’s protest to the League against such treaty repudi ation as had been made by Reichs fuehrer Hitler thus far. He added, however, that any motion eventually i to be adopted would be left to the i League Council. Before the agreement with England was announced, France already had prepared a resolution of condemnation ! of Germany's rearmament as in viola tion of the military clauses of the Versailles treaty, and this was t» be submitted to the extraordinary Coun | cil session. But Premier Flandin of France and Laval during the second day of their 1 conferences here decided not to sub mit the resolution to Geneva. Authoritative British sources Mid | Great Britain does not plan to engage in a general European security pact, despite previous indications that such would be the British program. In stead. Great Britain was described as giving her approval to the French idea of regional pacts—such as the pro posed Franco-Russian treaty—operat ing under the League covenant, Overture to Germany. It was indicated that efforts would be made to get Germany into the peace system and back into the League of Nations. The assembled statesmen discussed today what measures might be taken against nations which scrap treaties. A British spokesman summarised ! the session as devoted “to a detailed discussion of the general questions of the unilateral repudiation of treaties.” He added: “Following that, there was a discussion of such measures as might be taken if treaty repudiations occur in the future, having due re gard to the main question, which is the maintenance of peace in Europe.” The official said the exchange of views naturally was caused by Germany’s repudiation of the Versailles treaty, but that “the measures" referred to (Continued on Page 3, Column 6.) Bandits Get $4,438 Fay Boil. MEMPHIS. Tenn., April 12 OP).— Three bandits obtained <4,438.25 In a daring pay. roll hold-up today. Two messengers for the American Finishing Co., textile finishing company, were robbed In the heart of the city. Guide for Readers Page. Amusements . C-6 Comics .. D-5 Finance .A-17-18-19 Lost and Found .A-ll Radio .C-5 Serial Story . C-8 .. Short $tory ....... —:. C-2 Society .B-2-3 Sports . D-l-2-3-4 Women’s Fea^irea .... D-8-7