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PROGRAM READY FOR DOG SNOW D. C. Kok, Famous Fancier, Will Open Judging Fri r day Morning. The complete program for the larg est dog show ever held in Washington is announced today by Joseph O’Hare, president of the National Capital Ken nel Club, for the sixth annual dog show sponsored by the club in the Washington Auditorium, next Friday and Saturday. D. C. Kok, San Jose, Calif., famous dog fancier, will open the show Fri day at 10 am. in ring 1 with the judg ing of pointers, griffons, retrievers, Chesapeake Bays and Irish setters. An unusually large list of entries for this group has been received, O’Hare says. At 10:30 a.m. Friday, Alva Rosen berg, Brooklyn, N. Y.. will judge the following: Great Danes, samoyedes, Airedale terriers, Bedlington terriers, border terriers, bull terriers, cairn terriers, Kerry blue terriers. Lakeland terriers, Manchester terriers. Setters In Ring Friday. In ring 1 Friday at 2 p.m. Mr. Kok will judge the English setters, Gordon setters, Brittany spaniels, Clumber spaniels, English springer spaniels, field spaniels. Irish water spaniels. Sussex spaniels, Welsh springer span iels. beagles. In ring 2 Friday at 2 p.m. Mrs. , Alfred Zittel, Buffalo, N. Y., will judge chihuahuas. English toy spaniels, griffons, Italian greyhounds, Japanese spaniels, Maltese spaniels. Mexican’ hairless, papillons, miniature pin schers, pomeranians. pugs, toy Man chester terriers, toy poodles, York •hire terriers. In ring 3 Friday at 2 p.m. Julian N. Platz, New York City, will begin Judging the Boston terriers. In ring 4 Friday at 2 p.m. David Wagstaff, Tuxedo Park, N. Y., will judge the chow chows. T *11VWJ VI l/V^il *V Wliwni G. V. Gleve, Bryn Athyn. Pa., will judge the largest variety of dogs in the show Friday at 8 p.m. Those dogs which will compete for the many prizes offered are: Afghan hounds, bassethounds. bloodhounds. deer hounds (Scottish), foxhounds (Amer ican). foxhounds (English), grey hounds, harriers, Norwegian elk hounds, otterhounds, salukis, whippets, wolfhounds (Irish), wolfhounds (Rus sian). Belgian sheepdogs, bouviers de flandre. briads, bull-mastiffs. Eskimos, great Danes, great pyreenes, kuvasz, mastiffs. Newfoundlands, old English sheepdogs. Rottweilers, schnauzers, Siberian huskies, St. Bernards, Welsh Corgis (cardigan), Welsh Corgis (Pembroke), boxers and miscellan eous. »In ring 2 Friday at 8 p.m. Mr. Rosenberg will judge miniature achnauzera, Skye terriers. Welsh ter riers. West Highland white terriers, Dalmatians, French bulldogs. Kee chonden, poodles and schipperkes. The judging Saturday will open at 10 a.m„ with the cocker spaniels in ring 1 judged by Mrs. A. R. MoflBt, Poughkeepsie. N. Y. In ring 2 will be the dachshunds Judged by W. R. Moore, jr.. Middle town, N. Y. In ring 3 will be the collies. Shet land sheep dogs to be judged by Samuel J. Sloan, Glenolden, Pa. To Judge Bulldogs. In ring 4 the bulldogs will be judged by George T. Elgey, Toronto, On tario. Canada. At 1:30 p.m. Saturday W. R. Moore, Jr., Middletown, N. Y., will judge the Doberman pinschers. Ring 1 at 2 p.m. will show the Dandie Dinmont terriers fox terriers (smooth) and Irish terriers. James W. Spring, Boston, Mass., will judge them. Ring 2 will show Scottish terriers and Sealyham terriers. Ring 3 will show a continuation of the judging of the bulldogs by Elgey. German sheep dogs will be judged at 3:30 p.m. by Allen G. Taylor. Rich mond. Va. At 4 p.m. the children's classes will be judged by Charles Davis, Elbridge, N. Y. A parade of all the champions en tered at the show will take place at 7:30 p.m. At 8 p.m. the following variety groups will be judged: 1— Sporting breeds by Kok. 2— Sporting breeds (hounds) by Kok. 3— Working breeds, Rosenberg. 4— Terrier breeds. Rosenberg. 5— Toy breeds, Mrs. Zittel. 6— Non-sporting breeds Rosenberg. Spring will close the judging when he presents the best in show. Arrangements are being made for the seating facilities for several hun dred people around the judging rings. MORE BOYS THAN GIRLS KILLED IN AUTO CRASHES Insurance Firm Says Adult Death Rate Increasing as Acci dents Mount. More boys than girls fall victijn to automobiles because of the greater venturesomeness of the male sex, sta tisticians of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. reported in announcing that the automobile accident death rate for boys between the ages of 1 and 14 Is two and a half times as Rreat as for girls of the same age class. The bright side of the picture for the youth of the country as shown in the report is the fact that the death rate for boys is decreasing, but the decrease U offset by an increase in the death rate for adults The death rate among boys during 1934 was 19.4 per 100,000 and among girls 7.5 per 100,000. Approximately three-fourths of the deaths in each classification resulted from automobiles striking pedestrians, the report says. The automobile accident death rate among adult males for the same pe riod was 46.0 per 100,000. This was more than three and a half times the rate of 13.0 per 100.000 for adult fe males. More than 40 per cent of these deaths were caused by automo biles striking pedestrians. $2,300 THEFT REPORTED Colored Man Who Lost Savings in 1933 Again Victim. Clifford Thomas, colored, of 126 Sixteenth street northeast has a hard time keeping his money in safety. Police were searching last night for a colored man whom Thomas alleges stole $2,300 In cash from a second story closet of his home. Only two persons knew of the whereabouts of thf money, hidden in a wooden box, Thomas said, adding it was an inher itance received with the death of a relative some months ago. Thomas lost most of his life savings in the March, 1933, bank closings. t • Joseph O'Hare, president of the National Capital Kennel Club, la shown with one of the most famous Boston terrier families in the country— Champion Million Dollar Kid Boots; Honey Boots and Honey Girl, owned by Mrs. Jesse Thornton of Baltimore. Several of Mrs. Thornton's dogs will be in the sixth annual show, sponsored by the Kennel Club, April 26 and 27. —Harris-Ewing Photo. : Deaf Poet Last To Learn Jury's Murder Verdict Skinner Shouts “Unfair Trial” on Reading Note on Paper. By the Associated Press. DIXON, 111., April 20.—Last person in the crowded court room to learn the verdict, Charles Skinner, the deaf, eccentric poet of Amboy, was con victed apd sentenced to life impris onment today for the “love murder” of 17-year-old Olive Derwent. Unable to hear the foreman's words as he read the jury's decision, Skinner leaned back in his chair and grinned. But the grin faded, the poet wept and cried aloud when the court clerk scribbled the verdict on a slip of paper and handed it to him. He leaped to his feet, shouting: “It was an unfair trial!” The overflow crowd of spectators looked on in silence as a dozen armed deputies surrounded the 43-year-old defendant. Skinner burst into tears when the escort started him to the county Jail a block away. Judge Harry Edwards will pronounce sentence Thursday. State’s Attorney Everett Jones had demanded a death penalty. Miss Derwent, the “little white snow flake” of Skinner’s poems, was j shot last January 30 as she sat in a car with John Scott. Skinner was ' motivated, the State contended, by unrequited love. Olive, the prosecu tion maintained, had spurned the re cluse. POLICIES STUDIED BYU.S.TRADEBODY Criticism of New Deal Held Almost Certain at Meeting Here. By the Associated Press. Formulation of a business plan to overcome “obstacles standing in the way of complete economic recovery” has become a major purpose of the April 29 Convention of the United States Chamber of Commerce. Its development was regarded as certain to include criticism of some Roosevelt policies, especially those viewed as Government intrusion Into business. The four-day meeting was expected to list these among the “ob stacles.” The background of business condi tions for the convention presented, in the chamber’s opinion, a mixed pic ture. In its publication, the "Wash ington Review,” the chamber noted that the annual meeting "comes at a time when there are evidences of progress toward recovery, as well as evidences of adverse influences." Output Is Lower. The business background was por trayed similarly in the Commerce Department’s weekly review of con ditions, which noted that “industrial output during the first half of April t was below the March level, which in' turn was slightly lower than for Feb ruary.” Retail trade, it added, made a “rel atively good showing.” In announcing the convention, Henry I. Harriman, chamber presi dent, said that the gathering would “mark a further important step in formulating a national business posi tion on outstanding economic policies.” Harriman, who has served three terms, will .not seek the chamber's presidency again. Harper Sibley, banker and large-scale -farmer of Rochester, N. Y., is a leading candi date to succeed him. Legislative Proposals. The chamber said much of the con vention discussion “will center around legislative proposals effecting busi ness now pending in Congress.” Despite declining production in the first half of April, the Commerce De partment report notad that produc tion so far in 1035 was above the same period last year. There were declines in the first half of April In cotton textile, steel and bituminous production, but an increase in steel production for the week ended April 20 halted a reces ; sion of about two months. STATE SOCIETY TO MEET Wisconsin Group to Hold Lut Session of Season. The Wisconsin State Society will hold its last meeting of the season Saturday. May 4, at the Shoreham Hotel, Dr. D. O. Kinsman, president, announced yesterday. Miss Pearl Thurber, member of the board of directors, will be in charge of the program, which will consist of a prelude of music and group singing, followed by dancing and contract bridge. 88 NAVY DOCTORS President Approves List of Lieutenant Commanders to Be Commanders. President Roosevelt has approved the selection of 88 officers of the Navy Medical Corps for promotion from the rank of lieutenant com mander to that of commander. The promotions will become effec tive as vacancies occur. The com plete list follows: Earl Curtis Carr, Rolland Raymond Gasser. Frederick Leonard McDaniel, Brython Parry Davis, John Howard Chambers. Joel Jesse White, Lyle Jay Roberts, Morton Douglas Wlllcutts, Frederick Raymond Hook, Orville Ro6coe Goss, Percy Whilt Dreifus, Albin Lothard Lindall, Harry Sweek Harding. Edwards Murray Riley. Paul Tracy Crosby. Ladislaus Louis Adam kiewicz, William Taylor Lineberry, Robert Henry Snowden, Thomas Lacy Morrow, William Henry Hart Tur ville. Clarence John Brown. Ely Locke Whitehead, Benjamin Franklin Nor wood, Arthur Herbert Dearing, Eben Elliott Smith. Paul Morris Al bright, Edwin Davis McMorries, James William Ellis, Charles Henry Savage, Walter Abram Fort, Lewis Wells Johnson, Felix Patrick Keaney, James Russell Thomas. Walter John son Pennell. Frank Winkler Ryan, Robert Bruce Team, Walter Marion Anderson. Leslie Bert Marshall, John Willard Vann. Robert Perclval Par sons, John Clausel Adams, Guy B. McArthur, Sterling Smith Cook, John Grigfith Powell, Bertram Groesbeck, jr„ Earl Richison, Travis Stansell Moring. Raymond Bernard Storch, Louise Eugene Mueller, Lynn Newton Hart, Otto Woodson Grlsier, Robert Hugh Collins, Otis Wildman, Martin Luther Marquette, Carl Ashton Broaddus, Charles Lawrence Oliphant, James Frank Hooker, John Eugene Porter. George Dennis Thompson, Claude Raymond Riney, Horace Rat- j cliffe Boone, Robert Edward Stack Kelley. Fenimore Stratton Johnson. Wilbur Oscar Manning, David Ferguson. jr„ Lewis Gounod Jordan, Stephen Roy Mills, Jack Stanford Terry, James Andrew Brown, Rollo Wilson Hutch inson. Carlton Leverett Andrus. John Lipscomb Frazer, jr., Millard Fillmore Hudson. Edwin Charles Ebert, John Thomas Stringer, George Arthur Eckert, Harold Eugene Ragle, John Harry Robbins, Edwin Peterson, How ard Howlett Montgomery, Joseph Leon Schwartz, Oscar Davis, William Peter Mull, William Drew Small, Francis Whipple Carll, Roger Alexan der Nolan, Norman Roberts, David Oberon Bowman and Edward Leo McDermott. FETE TO PRESENT PLAY BY STUDENT Wilson Teachers’ College Will Of-1 fer “Tidewater," by Anne Morrison. The annual May day festival of Wilson Teachers’ College will be in the form of a play, “Tidewater,” writ ten by Anne Alden Morrison, junior student at the college, to be presented May 15 at the Sylvan Theater. The play has for its setting an old Southern estate near Fredericksburg. Va. One of the outstanding features of this year's production, as presented by the Wilson Women’s Athletic As sociation, will be the participation in the play of the May queen, chosen from the senior class, and her court, consisting of two women from each class. The queen, Anne Chambers, will take the leading role. Other leads have not been revealed as yet. Also incorporated in the program will be the crowning of Miss Chambers by the president of the senior class. ♦ * * SAVE MONEY ON*' V :: STORAGE and MOVING | All Furniture Carefully Crated ! and Packed by Experte .. " 0 ., < > .. ” .. " ;; Long Distance Movers '' > Fine Fur Coats Fumigated ' [ and Stored in Moth-Proof ,, ,, Rooms. Oriental Rugs Sham ' pooed or Cleaned bj Ar '' menian Experts. < > 1 1313 U St. Phone No. 3343 ‘ ♦ tlMMttttttttlllftttti ' '. f NM BILL TO GIVE EMPLOYES LEAVE New Measure to Protect Accrued Days Off, Official Says. Promise that the pending N. R. A. extension bill will guarantee to recov ery agency employes use of leave ac cumulated before June 10. the date the present N. R. A. set-up is to die, was given yesterday by James O’Neill, the administration’s control officer. O’Neill told Miss Jessica Buck, sec retary of N. R. A. Local 91, American Federation of Government Employes, that Chairman Doughton, Democrat, of North Carolina, of the House Ways and Means Committee, had declared he would sponsor an amendment mak ing legal the vacations, endangered by the present form of the legislation. The control officer's statement fol lowed a union protest meeting on the anomalous situation after Controller General McCarl had given his opinion that under the existing form of the bill employes would be classified as “new,” and thus would be wiped off the slate any accrued benefits. 39-Hoar Week Sought. Meanwhile, a delegation of the union made plans to call on Bradish Carroll, N. R. A. executive officer, to morrow to reach agreement on a 39-hour week for the recovery admin istration workers. O’Neil] sent this memorandum to all division heads of the bureau: "A notice has been circulated to all employes calling attention to the fact that the present draft of the proposed new recovery act contains no provision for continuance in office of N. R. A. employes. The notice further refers to the possible loss of annual leave which may have accrued to the credit of N. R. A. employes up to June 16. “Please be advised that the present draft of the new N. R. A. bill Is merely a skeleton of the bill as It will ultimately be presented to the House and Senate. I this morning talked with Representative Doughton and am authorised to assure employes that the interest of all concerned will be pro tected when the new bill is finally drawn. Service to Be Continuous. "Assuming that the N. R. A. is con tinued, the service of employes will be considered continuous, and all rights and privileges which are now enjoyed by the employes will carry forward into the new term of service. "All of the foregoing has been passed along to the secretary of the N. R. A. union, under whose auspices the cir cular referred to was issued, but It seems advisable to make this infor mation available to all employes who may be disturbed in regard to this sit uation." VIOLETT DIVORCED RENO. Nev.. April 20 (fl5).—Quentell Violett of New York City and Calcutta. India, was divorced on grounds of extreme cruelty here today by Mrs. Ursula M. Violett, New York social registerite. They were married May 4, 1927, In Madura, South India, and have a 4-year-old daughter, Judith. SCHOOL PLANNING CONFERENCE AIM Population Auociation Will Hold Sessioni in Capital, May 2 to 4. • The Population Association of America Is arranging a conference on population In relation to social plan ning. to be held here May 2 to 4, inclusive. The purpose of this conference Is to focus attention on the significance of population research for sound na tional planning, to define research studies and to discuss the place of population studies In the university. Sessions will be held at the Willard Hotel. Henry P. Fairchild Is president of the association and will make his presidential address at a dinner meet ing the opening night of the confer ence. Delegates will include social scientists, biologists and public of flcials Interested in population prob lems. The lint morning session of the conference will consist of a meeting with census officials in the office of the director of the Bureau of the Census. Among the conference speakers will be rtbyd W. Reeves, personnel director, Tennessee Valley Authority. f BURNS fatal to man Jesse Gibbs. 28. colored, died in Preedmen’s Hospital Saturday night of burns received last week when flames from a small oil stove ignited his clothing. Gibbs had been doing some laundry In the basement of 1611 Tenth street when the stove flared up. His cloth ing caught fire as he attempted to extinguish the blaze. Mattresses Remade ^p The Stein Bedding Co. 1004 Ey. St. N.W. ME. 9490 I JtJTIUS LANSBURCH FURNITURE CO. . . . 909 F ST. N.W. I If of rRX beauty The exquisite charm of the beautiful suite will please the most discriminate shopper. All pieces are distinctly carved and carefully grained. Note the rounded corners... the large mirrors ...the massiveness of each piece. Built of genuine burl walnut veneers and richly fin ished. A suite you’ll be proud to own. Comprises a panel bed, large dresser, beautiful vanity and chest of drawers. • OPEN A J. L. BUDGET ACCOUNT • PAT IN CONVENIENT AMOUNTS • NOTHING ADDED FOR CREDIT Tamm - i Coil-Spring Glider Covered in colorful waterproof duck, a well built, all steel spring glider. Specially priced at Open a J. L. Budget Account Nothing Added for Credit MAPLE Porch Rocker $3‘65 Tight woven seat and back... made of solid maple, well braced. Open • J. L. Budget Account HARDWOOD • Steamer Chair 89c A strong, well-built, comfort able chair with striped canvas back. Open m J. L. Budget Account Neo-Classic 7-pc. Dinette Suite *98 A magnificent suite finished in mahog any and trimmed in the new bone white. Consists of an extension table, combina tion china cabinet and server, buffet and four upholstered seat chairs to match. Open a J. L. Budget Account. Nothing Added for Credit. * (N T ^ ^