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"Arty Family Can Afford Ryan Service” "Ryan Service is Equipped for Today" ^ j—Y-v. Our facilities afford every refinement Hi in presenting the ideal service. The [ I I efficiency with which every responsi I bility is executed is made possible by i f : our capable, courteous personnel and [pf-ii most modern equipment. jr~FT Ryan Ambulance Service ffl rr-|-ji Local Calls, $4 jfftj jS James T. Ryan Bj SvS Funeral Director 317 Pa. Ave. S.E. ATlantic 1700-1701 yj g5gZ5SZSZ5Bi5Z5ZSSZ5g5BSZ!5Z5gZ5Z5Z5gSBZ5Z5gZ5SZSgZ5BBggZ5gBgZ5ZB5BgZ5g5Bg g TWENTY-FIVE YEARS OF SERVICE*’ 0 IEy® You Can Depend f V 3 Upon What Your | Neighbor Tells You § About DEAL’S Friendly Service | A very neat crepe - covered R casket, engraved nameplate, fine A / B^ a outside case, six handles, lined ^ M j X 2 with good quality lining. Em- M X • [ balmlne bv competent men. , __ ___ , _ „ , X washing, dressing and shaving if flip T|p At Pyipp a necessary; advertising the death ,nv I r ivv X limousines, rugs chairs, scarf Fo ' a $150 Funeral | for the door, candles, candelabra — 5 removing from anv citv hospital COMPLETE FUNERALS 5 PLr?“es:5N° EXTRAS* COM' I FROM $75 to >500 AND UP X FUNERAL HOME f | E.^'«r.JM. Phone Lincoln 8200 || “ * Experienced Advertiser sPrefer T he Star — Stefansson Says Journey ' to Iceland in 795 Key to America. By the Associ.tpd Press. PITTSBURGH, April 20—Dr. Vllhjalmur Stefansson, the Arctic ex plorer. today explained his theory that America was discovered by the Irish nearly seven centuries before Colum bus' voyage in 1492. Elaborating on the statements he made In an address to the Pennsyl vania Historical Society. Stefansson said an Irish expedition braved 600 miles of open sea to reach Iceland, and added: “The discovery of Iceland was the discovery of North America because from Iceland you can see Greenland and from Greenland the next Island and so on west till you see the main land. “We don’t know the name of the discoverer, but we know he was Irish and probably a clergyman.’’ Dates Trip About 795. “In 820 A. D. an Irish monk named Dicuil wrote a book—one manuscript is at Oxford—in which he said he had spoken with clergymen who were in Iceland 25 years earlier or about 795,’’ Stefansson explained. “About the same time the Norse men conquered a large part of Ireland and learned from the Irish that they had discovered a large island to the northwest, so they went to look for it. This was about 850 A. D. and is not disputed by the Norse because they reported they saw Irish clergy and peasants when they reached Iceland. “Attention should be called to a common mistake about the matter. Many persons say the Norse found only men on the island, but that was not true since the Irish clergy was not celebate at the time as is is now’.” He recounted that Norsemen first discovered Greenland in 982. settled tt and Christianized it. The Pope sent a bishop there in 1126 and the bishopric was continued until 1528. This claim Is supported, said the explorer, by papal bulls. "Strangely enough." Stefansson said, "after the voyages of Columbus it be came to the Interest of the Spanish crown to credit Columbus with being the discoverer of America. They based their claim to the new land on his work. "It's a reasonable explanation to as sume the Pope, under the Influence of the then great Spanish nation, withdrew the bishop of Greenland in 1528 to help people forget the Irish discovery. After all, England and the north countries had broken away from Rome by that time.” IRISH DISCLAIM HONOR. Trip by St. Brendan In Sixth Cen tury Fruitless. By the Associated Press. DUBUN, Irish Free State. April 20.—As much as they would like to see some Irishman get the credit, authorities here were forced to admit today that Columbus’ claim to fame by discovering America still stands. Authorities said the nearest an Irishman got to beating Columbus was a fruitless Atlantic trip by a saint named St. Brendan In the sixth cen tury, who set out to discover "the promised land of saints," which he believed existed to the west. Legend says that during the trip the party actually landed on what they thought was a new island, but that It proved to be only a huge whale taking a nap. When he eventually returned. Bren dan reported he had seen a large land somewhere. “St. Brendan's Island" was duly entered on a map. but after years of wrangling by dubious geogra phers they decided there was no such place. -- ■ • T. J. HURNEY RITES TO BE ON TUESDAY Registrar of Georgetown Law School Died Suddenly Yes terday. Funeral services for Thomas J. 1 Hurney, 46. Georgetown Law Srhool registrar, who died suddenly early yes terday, will be held Tuesday morn ing, with burial In Mount Olivet Ceme tery. Arrangements for the funeral will be announced later. Mr. Hurney was ill only one day. He was stricken with a throat trouble Friday night and the day before had attended to his duties at the school. He was a brother of the late Francis J. Hurney, for many years pastor of the Church of the Immaculate Con ception In this city. A graduate of the Law School in 1911 he took a master's degree the following year and entered the law offices of Hamilton & Hamilton, the I senior member of which is George E. j Hamilton, dean of law' at Georgetown. : He became registrar of the school in ! 1919, after service in the World War. ■ and was secretary also of the local i alumni club. He was a member of , Vincent Costello Post of the American j Legion, of the Gamma Eta Gamma I Fraternity and of Pi Gamma Mu Hon orary Society and was a member of the Knights of Columbus. Mr. Hurney was a native of Wash ington and married Miss Lorraine Wall of this city. He is survived by his widow and three children. Thomas J. jr.; Lorraine and Francis J. Hurney. Five brothers. Joseph J.. John. Alfred, Leo and Paul Hurney, all of this city, also survive him. W. WARREN TALTAVULL Funeral Home 3619 14th St. N.W. Corner Sprint Road I COl. 0464 Phone. } ADam. 10541 MANNING 1728 CONN. ME. NOrlh 00/8 MONUMENTS (Congressional j (Wad ‘nglon a ^ftisloric (Semelery. Single Sites—Family Plots Office 1801 E St. S.E. j II n-r^jn WASHINGTON | MEMORIAL PARK | Invites you to visit the most mod* '[r rrn nurial estate within Parking and Planninr Area Reautlfol. unl-Jfi form. Inexpensive bronie tablets. No monuments. Drive paved RifcaM; Rd. cross University Lane. Ca11Ky[ Adams BATO for information and Lc a distance / ^/^VERYWHERE you turn, throughout the store, you’ll find a “Golden Opportunity.” Regular prices are practically all oflf during the 50th Birthday Sale—but it is all “Furniture of Merit.” That’s what makes the occasion so tremendously inter esting to everyone. Especially to the young brides who will shortly be going to housekeeping. It’s a big time for them—and for the mature homemakers, too. Count every purchase as a saving—and everything you buy— from Suites to Occasional Pieces as a “Golden Opportunity.” The Living Room Suite Illustrated Above Tells The Bargain Story Graphically Two beautiful pieces. A wonderful adaptation of the always popular Lawson design. Splendidly made throughout —and upholstered in Llama Cloth, a new, soft, J smooth weave, very durable and very attractive.... M Remember the Golden Jubilee Gift Coupon I i r —is given with every pur chase made during the Golden Jubilee Anniversary Sale— except Shopping News first page items and Electric Re frigerators. These coupons < represent 10% of your pur- < chase—redeemable in mer chandise—which may be se lected at any time up to De- < cember 31, 1935. < You can have the benefit, too, of our convenient credit % p SEVENTH*EYE STS. 4 THE WEATHER District of Columbia—Probably light rain and slightly colder today; tomor row cloudy, preceded by rain in morn ing, moderate northeast winds. Maryland—Probably rain today and tomorrow, slightly colder in central portion today. Virginia—Probably occasional rain today and tomorrow, slightly colder In north portion today. West Virginia—Cloudy, rdln in south and cast portions today; tomorrow cloudy, probably rain in east portion in morning, not much change In temperature. Report Until It P.M. Saturday. Midnight . 57 12 noon.fi8 2 a.m. 52 2 p.m.74 4 a.m. 50 4 p.m.74 6 a.m. ...... 54 s p.m. ...... 70 8 a.m. 56 8 p.m.66 10 a.m.62 10 p.m.62 Record Until 10 P.M. Saturday. Highest, 74, 4 p.m. yesterday. Year ago. 61. Lowest, 50, 4 a.m. yesterday. Year ago, 45. Record Temperatnrea This Year. Highest, 80, on March 21. Lowest, —2, on January 28. Tide Tables. (Furnished by United States Coast and Geodetic Survey.) Today. Tomorrow. High .9:34 a.m. 10:13a.m. Low.3:51am. 4:26 a.m. High.9:57 p.m. 10:38 p.m. Low..4:40p.m. 5:21p.m. The Sun and Moon. Rises. Sets. Sun, today .... 5:25 6 49 Sun, tomorrow . 5:24 6:50 Moon, today.... 10:13p.m. 6:40a.m. Automobile lights must be turned : on one-half hour after sunset. Precipitation. Monthly precipitation In inches in the Capital (current month to date): Month. 1935. Average. Record. January .... 5.27 3 55 7 09 '82 February .... 2 37 3 27 6 84 '84 March. 3 39 3.75 8 84 '91 April . 3.24 3.27 9.13 '89 May. 3 70 10 69 '89 ' June. 4.13 10.94 ’00 July . 4 71 10.63 '86 j August . 4 01 14 41 '28 ' September . 3 24 17.45 '34 (October. 2.84 8.57 '85 November. 2 37 8 69 '89 (December. 3.32 7 56 '01 Weather in Various Cities. ^-Temperature.^ Preelpl Max. Min. tttion.x Sat- Fri Sat. pm. to .1 .„ urdav. nteht.8p in.8D.rn. Asheville. N. C ... ox 50 tin 0 14 Atlanta. Gar.. ... 70 fin 84 0 4X Atlenttc City. N. J. 04 40 so Baltimore M. . . fix 54 04 Birmingham. Ala.. nx 82 t,4 114 Bismarck. N Dak., nx :ih hh Boston. Mass. 04 4-; tin Buffalo. N Y. 50 :ix - 4x (Chicago. Ill . 52 44 4rt ... I Cincinnati, Ohio... nx .-,11 «» i Cheyenne Wvo.. . . 82 lift so .. Cleveland Ohio... 5X 4ti 58 Davenport. Iowa... titi 42 «'• .Denver Colo .. 114 44 tin Des Moines. Iowa.. 7u 4n Mil ", I Detroit. Mich. 04 :tx r,x j Duluth. Minn. 50 :S2 44 : El Paso. Tex .78 48 74 .Halve .ton Tex.... 74 ti4 7n oj • Helena Mom ... fix ::s 54 ,, ,, Indianapolis. Ind.. 82 44 fix Jacksonville. Fla... xx ,14 7h Kansas City. Mo., tix ;tx ti4 Little Rock. Ark . 5X 67 .VI on Los Angeles. Calif.. 74 5H 04 Louisville. Ky..... «x 52 114 Marquette. Mich... 4n no 411 Memphis. Tenn- 02 50 5h no Miami. Fla .... 84 70 78 Minneapolis. Minn, on 41 58 Mobile. Ala.7n ox 70 j'7 New Orleans. La.. 7 0 00 74 •> 0 New York. N. Y . fix 4X 50 North Platte Nebr. 74 40 72 Omaha Nebr ... 7ft 4X 74 Philadelphia. Pa... 72 52 On Phoenix. A.riz. on 5x xo FitUOurgh. Pa.... 711 44 02 ". Portlaid. Me. On 42 54 . Portland Oreg . on 4X 5R Salt Lake City. Utah 70 5n 70 St. Louis. Mo .04 40 on San Antonio Tex. .70 02 72 San Diego Calif... fix 50 fin ! San Francisco .... 04 52 58 ' Santa Fe. N Mex.. fin no 5° Savannah. Ga. xo 04 74 Seattle. Wash. 58 4fi 52 0 0 Springfield. Ill. HO 42 fin Tamna. Fla. . xx 04 70 Vicksburg Mtss.. . . «o 04 02 00. WASH GTON. D. C. 74 50 80 P.-T. A. SHOWS GROWTH The parent-teacher membership throughout the country has jumped 261.817 during the past year, brlng 1 ing the total to 1.727,727. Mrs. B. P. j Langworthy, president of the National 1 Congress of Parents and Teachers, an | nounced yesterday. The District's share In the Increase has been nearly a quarter of its mem bership, with 12,035 members now as against 9,930 last year. California led the country in point of members with 196.959. a gain of almost 12,000 over last year. Palmisano to Be Honored. A banquet and dance in honor of Representatives Palmisano. Cheviccia and Marcantonio will be given by the Lido Civic Club May 15. it was an nounced following the regular monthly meeting of the group at the May flower Hotel recently. • (edar Hill (emetery AS DRY AS BEAUTIFUL TWO NAVY CAPTAINS TO RETIRE APRIL 30 Jeffers, Native of Scotland, Served Here—Landenberger Was Governor of Samoa. Capt. William N. Jeffers and Capt. George B. Landenberger, both of whom have had about 30 years’ service In the Navy, were directed yesterday to proceed to their homer, and be re lieved of all active duty. This will be effective April 30. Capt. Jeffers, a native of Scotland, served In Washington a number of times. He was In the Office of Naval Intelligence in 1910 and again In 1915, and after the World War came here to serve In the Office of Naval Operations and as a member of the Board of Inspection and Survey. In 1930 he was captain of the yard at the Norfolk Navy Yard and hia last assignment has been officer In charge of the Branch Hydrographic Office at Norfolk. Service as Governor of American Samoa and as commandant of the Naval Station at Tutuila. Samoa, is prominent on the record of Capt. Landenberger. He was chief of staff of the 15th Naval District In the Canal Zone from June, 1931, until recently. He is now at the Navy Yard at Philadelphia. (Carha of Shanks. ANDERSON. GEORGIANA. We desire to express out sincere thanks and gratitude for the beautiful floral tributes, friendly deeds done and other expressions of sympathy offered at the passing of our beloved daughter and sister. GEOR GIANA ANDERSON. THE FAMILY. BIRWELL. ARTHUR ALPHONSO. We wish to express our sincere thanks and profound appreciation to our relative*, friends and coworkers for their kind thoughts and sympathy expressed, and to the church and ministers lor their interest and prayers for our invalid mother and aged fatlier. and to the doc tors and nurses for the splendid serv ices rendered at the passing of our loved one. ARTHUR ALPHONSO BURWELL. MR AND MRS VIRGIL H. FRANKLIN AND FAMILY. HAWTHORNE. ANGIE The family of the late ANGIE HAWTHORNE wishes to ex press sincere thanks and gratitude to relatives and friends for their many ex pressions of sympathy and beautiful foral tributes during our sad bereave ment at the death of our devoted daughter and sister. THE FAMILY. • ROBINSON. LUCINDA. The family of the late LUCINDA ROBINSON wisher; to thank the neighbors and many friends for their kindness during the illness, cards of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes at the death of our dear moth er. LUCINDA ROBINSON. FAMILY. firatha. BIH.FFU.DT. VIRNIE L. On Frida*. April i;» 1035. at her residence. *2728 Roth place n.w. VEPNIE L. widow of Herman Bielefelrit. Services mt Joseph Oawler Sons' chapel. 1756 Pa ave n w . on Monday. April 22. at 2 p m Please omit flowers. Interment private. 21 BOWMAN. BELLE. On Tuesday. April 16. 11*35. at Gallmger Hospital. BELLE BOWMAN. belo\ed wife of Robert Bow - , man. devoted daughter of Cordelia Dor- 1 sey. mother of Mrs. Margaret Jonrs. sister of Mrn Agnes Thomas and Mrs. Martha Harris. She also leaves many other relatives and friends Remains resting at the John T. Rhines funeral chapel 3rd anti Eye sts. s.w. Funeral Sunday. April 21. at 2 pm. from tiie Metropolitan M. E. Church. Pomonkey. Md. 11 BRYANT. JOHN. Suddenly, on Saturday. April 2o. 1935. at his residence. 526 60th st. n e JOHN, the beloved hus band of Ella Bryant. He leaves, besides his wife, one daughter and other rela tives and friends to mourn their loss.1 Remains resting at Henry S. Washing ton A Sons' funeral home 4025 Deane ave. n.e. Funeral Tuesday. Aoril 23. at 1 p m.. from the above-named fu neral home. Interment in Payne s Cem etery. Bl RROl C.H8. H. BRI’CE. On Friday. April 19. 1935. at his residence T B Md. H BRUCE BURROUGHS, husband ot Laura Hiintt Burroughs. Funeral services at Church of the Incarnation. Brandywine Md Monday April 22. at : 11 a m. Interment Mattawoman Cem etery. 21 CAMBRON. LETTIE DUNCAN. Mr. and Mrs R Todd Duncan announce the death of their mother. Mrs. LETTIE DUNCAN CAMBRON on Saturday. April 20. 1935. at 1:30 a m . at her residence. 2345 Martindale ave.. In dianapolis. Ind. Funeral Monday April ~ D m • from St. John's Baptist Church. Interment Indianapolis. Ind. • CARROLL. DONALD. On Friday. April JO- 1935. at Freedniens Hospital. DON ALD CARROLL beloved son of John H. Carroll of Franconia. Va. He also leaves nine sisters, four brothers and many other relatives and a host of fnenos Remains resting at the John T. Rhines funeral home. 221 North Patrick st.. Alexandria. Va. Notice of funeral later. 21 CAYELLE. CAROLINE. On Fridpy. April 1,9. 1935. at Freeamen’s Hospital. CAROLINE cAvELLE. the beloved moth er of Mrs. Nellie Watts. Phanshon Ca- : velle anti Oliver Poster and grandmother ?f John Potee Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 \ou st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. 21 CHAMBERS. ELIZABETH. On Friday. Aitr**!****™ al Gallmger Hospital. ELIZABETH CHAMBERS She leaves a mother, three sisters and one nephew Remains resting at Richardson A Rob inson's funeral home. i?no Vermont ■»**• n.w. Funeral services Monday, April 12. at 2 p.m., at the above fu neral home. Rev. J. L Henry officiating. Interment Rosemont Cemetery. CREATH. WILLIAM A. On Saturday, iy;{5 at Garfield Hospital. WILLIAM A. CREATH. beloved father of Clara F. and Mead P. Creath. Remains r* ting at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st n.w. Funeral serv ices at the S. H. Hines funeral home, 19«»1 14th st. n.w., on Monday. April 22, at 3 p.m. 11 Ct’RRIN. ELIZABETH. On Fridav. April 19. 1935. ELIZABETH CURRIN. Re quiem mass will be offered at St. Roses Technical School Chapel on Monday. April 22. at 9 am Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. i/i uiiLi.i.i, runini. un Baiuruav. April 20. l!»3.->. at Garfield Hospital. ANTHONY, beloved husband of Emma Di Giulian and father of Leonard. Romeo. Charlie and Albert Di Giulian. Funeral from his late residence. 325 G st. n.e . on Tuesday. April 23. at K:30 a.m ; thence the the Holy Rosary Church, where high mass will be sung at 0 a.m. Relatives and friends in vited. Interment at St Mary s Ceme tery. Please omit flowers. 22 DOUGHERTY. MARION T. On Thursday. April 18. 1035. at 1 a m., at her resi dence. 2512 Clifbourne place n.w.. MARION T. beloved daughter of the lat« Cornelius A. and Susanna B. Dougherty and sister of Mrs. Cornelia D. Yerby. Funeral from her late residence (in Monday. April 22. at P:30 a.m.: then to St. Pauls Church. 15th and V sts. n.w. Requiem mass at in a.m. Inter ment (private' Mount Olivet Cemetery. Please omit flowers 21 POUND. FOR LOST OR WANTED ANIMALS apply Animal Rescue League. 71 O st. n.w. Phone North 5730. _ LOST. Lost and Found advertisements for the daily Star tea be accepted Mondays to Fridays, inclusive, up to noon day of issue. Saturdays and legal holidays up to 10 a.m. day of issue. For the Sunday Star up to 11 p.m. Saturday. BOSTON BULL “TERRIER, male, brindle and white: name Doc "; no tag. Reward. Cleveland 8348.__ DOG—Boston bull terrier, female, brindle with white face and no tall. Lincoln 0041. Reward._ __ EYEGLASSES in leather case marked "Sime. Optician.” on Saturday. Reward. Telephone Mr. Eisenhart. Columbia 7952-J. • FOX TERRIER with harness; one black, one white eye. body white, one black spot leg. near 14th and Fairmont. Re ward. Phone Col. 7400. Apt. 804. 21» GLASSES, mans, red case. Huffer & Shinn. _ Reward._Emeraon 3430.__ LADYB PURSE, lost in vicinity 20th and S sts. n.w Finder keen money and please return purse and contents. 1911 S st. n w_ __ POCKETBOOK. dark blue, contents, blue (loves, keys. S24 to 12a. on Kith st. be tween Taylor and Webater. Reward. Georgia 31193. POCKET BOOK, black. In Diamond cab Thursday p.m. Keep money, return glasses and beads. Mrs. C. Frank Keane. Mar jorle Webster School. 17th h Kalmia rd. PURSE, black leather, son block 10th st. Finder return keys, driver's permit to Mrs. L. R. Thompson. 17 Virglila st.. Chevy Chase. Md.‘ PURSE, lady's blue leather, lost Wednes day night. Reward. North 7850. PURSE, blue, on 7th floor. Woodward & Lothrop. Wednesday morning, about 11:3n. containing lady’s Waltham watch in scribed ”L. E. to Iva.” Reward. Phone Shepherd 2541-M_ SPECTACLES, horn bows and rim. Satur day morning near 14th and N. Y. ave.. black case: name “Silver” on them. Re ward. Adame 5067,___ SPRINGER SPANIEL PUPPY, about 8 months old. clipped tell, black and white. .3720' Jocelyn at., Ch. Ch.. D. C. Cleveland 5825. SUIT CASE, from Bulck sedan. Contents of value only to owner. Reward. 1842 30th st. n.w,_ LOST—Two laundry package! containing draperies; vicinity 15th and V ats. n.w.: $6 reward. Pali Colombia 5714, Apt. 703. » WESTON RADIO TEST KIT. aerial num ber ean be supplied. Reward. Phone Berwyn 17-W.* WRIST WATCH, man’s, told, marked ”J. f } Deaths. EARLEY. SARAH A. On Saturday. April 20, lOllft. at her reaidencf. IOIH K at Tig.. SARAH A EARLEY, beloved wife of James A. Earley. Remains resting at the above residence until 7 pm. Sunday. April 21. Interment Phila delphia. Pa. FALK. ARCHIBALD L. On Wednesday. April 17. 10.-15. at Winter Haver. Fla.. ARCHIBALD L FALK, beloved husband of Mabel O. Falk. Funeral services at Hysong'i parlors, I3nn N at. n.w.. Mon day. April 22. at 2:30 p.m. Interment Congressional Cemetery. 21 FURLKIGH. KATHERINE K. On Friday. April 10. 103ft. at Atlantic City Hos Sltal. Atlantic City. N J . KATHERINE FURLKIGH. Body resting at Joseph Gawler Sons' chape! 17ftfl Pa. ave. n.w. Notice of services later. GIBBES. JESSE. On Friday. April 10. 103ft. at Freedman's Hotpl'al. JESSE GIBBES. the devoted husband of Ven- 1 del Otbbea and brother of Dr 8 G. Olbbes of Clifton Force V» Remains 1 resting at the W Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. GUNTER. CHARLES A. On Friday April I IS*. in.'ift. at Providence Hospital, i CHARLES A. GUNTER, beloved son of Charles and the 'ate Sadie C. Gunter fnee Rowan 1 of 1 ft 14 Trinidad ave. n.e. Remains resting at the above residence until noon Monday April 22. Inter ment Cumberland. Md. 31 HIBBLE. EVELYN ELIZABETH. On Thurs day. April 18 10.15. EVELYN ELIZA BETH HIBBLE. aged 2i> years, wife of George E. Hibble. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Thrift. Remains resting at 726 Upshur st n w. until Monday a m. Service* at the 8. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2001 14th st, n.w . on Monday. April 22. at 2 p.m. Interment Cedar HUl Cemetery. 21 HILL. JESSE. Departed this life Thurs day. April 18. 1035. at 4:30 pm., at Walter Reed Hospital. JESSE HILL He leaves to mourn their loss one devoted sister, three brothers, one aunt one uncle and a host of other relatives and friends Funeral services will be held Monday. April 22. at 1 pm at Frazier'* funeral home. .380 Florida ave. n.w. HOLDEN, JOHN T. On Thursday. April lb. 1 f.t Providence Hospital. JOHN J- HOLDEN, husband of the late Mary C. Holden (nee Colbert*. Funeral from the chapel of P A Taltavull. 4:;f) 7th a w on Mondav. April at am; thence to S? Peter's Church, where requiem ma s will be .«aid at in am. I°r the repose of his soul. Relatives and friends are invited. Interment ! Mount Olivet Cemetery 21 HOWARD MARY ELLEN. On Friday. V.W 1 al Providence Hospital. ! MARY ELLEN HOWARD *nep Smith*. Moved W'ife of William Edgar Howard. ! She is survived bv her husband and one daughter. Mrs. Ida Cooley, and one son. Arthur W Howaro Funeral from her late residence. 1417 G st. n.e on Mon day. April 22. ar 2 p.m Relatives and Irir-nds invited Interment Forestviile Episcopal Cemetery. Forestvilie. Md. 21 HUNTER. JOHN H. On Thursday. April 1*. 1 JMo. JOHN H HUNTER beloved husband of Madeline Hunter, father of Joseph and Francis Hunter, son of Mrs S55WL9* Pett*fprd. brother of James Pettiford. jr He also leaves a step father. James Pettiford. sr ; on#* adopted sister. Mamie Wilson; one aunt. Annie Saunders of McKeesport. Pa . and one uncle. Perry Youne. Remains will be at the residence of his mother. 422 B «» 1 1 o'clock Sunday Funeral April 22 from Mount Hnreb Baptist Church. Rev. c H Fox. pastor, interment Woodlawn Cemetery. KURNEV. THOMAS JOHN. Suddenly, on —-- • • "hi *» i.'.t.i, h i ni*» rc*i 3' '■ s',u,h Carolina ave. s p THOMAS JOHN- HURNEY. beloved hus band of Lorraine Wall Hurnev 8erv .*“* ,at„the "hove re«idence on Tuesday April 2.1 at n am thenre to the Church of the Immaculate Conception. *tn and N sts n w . where solemn requiem mass will be offered at 9 :;•» : am. Relatives and Iriends invited interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 22 JOHNSON MATTIE T. On JPr;day. April MATTIE T. aced 77 years widow of Joseph M Johnson Funeral liom her late residence 921 L st ne on Monday. April 22. at 11 am Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 21 JOHNSTON. CECIL F. Or. Friday April I.*. 1 at i2:30 p.m at his resi dence l*oo Kilbourne place n w CECIL F beloved son of Cecelia M and the ^ Johnston and brother of Edith M Johnston Funeral from the above residence on Monday. April i thence to the Church 01 tnc Sacred Heart, where retr-iem mass ! will be offered at 0 a m Relative? and iriends invited Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 2L KARNES. JSMIS EDWARD. On Filday Anri! in l!».‘t5. at his residence. 141 s Ix>nefellow m, n w . JAMES EDWARD beiOved husband of Stella M. K..rnes »npe Carberry > and father of James C and Paul F Karnes Funeral from the above residence on Monday April 22. at 9 io a m thence to the Church of the Nativity 6900 Ga avc nw. where requiem mass will be offered at 19 am. Relatives and friends invited. Inter ment Mount Olivet Cemeterv 21 KARNES. JAMES E. Members of Washing ton Council. No 224. Kniehis of Columbus, are advised of the death on Friday April 19. 19:;5. at his residence 1 us Lonafellow st. n w of Brother JAMES F. KARNES and are requested to attend hi* fu neral services at the Church of the Nativity on Monday. April 22. at 19 a in. The members will m*et at the late residence oi Brother Karnes on Sun day April 21. at 8 n m.. for recitation of prayers for the deceased HAROLD F JONES. G. K. DR A. D WILKINSON F. 8. 21 KARNES. JAMES EDWARD. A special meeMna of the Washington Printing Pressmen's Union. No. 1. will be held on Monday. April 22. 1935. at 8 39 a m . in Typographical Temple. 423 G st. nw.. for the purpose of attending the funeral of our late brother JAMES EDWARD KARNES Fraternally. EDWIN A ECKELS. Pres. ! HARRY C WEBB. Secy. | KEAN. JOHN W. On Saturday. April 29. 1935. JOHN W KEAN of 3*09 14th St. n w\. beloved husband of Edith R K^an and father of Estelle Kean Remains resting at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n w. Notice of fu neral later. LANGLEY. EMMA. On Saturday. April 29. 1935. at Homeopathic Hospital. EMMA LANGLEY, beloved niece of ihe late Susie Langley. Funeral from Wil liam H. Scott funeral home. 499 8th st s.e.. Monday. April 22. at 2 pm. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 21 ■ LEE. JOHN E. Departed this life Friday. ! April 19. 1935. at his residence 1343 C M. ne. JOHN E LEE. son of the late Alexander and Sarah A Lee He leaves two sisters Mrs Mattie Taylor and Mrs. Mumniie W'aters, and many other rela tives and friends. Remains may be viewed at the funeral parlor of Alex ander 8 Pope. 315 15th st. s.e . where Juneral services will take place Tues day. April 2.T. at in am The family can be seen at 558 23rd pi. ne. Inter ment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 22* LEWIS. JAR AH. On Thursday April 18. I JAKAH. tne beloved wire of Robert Lewis. She also leaves three sisters and two brothers. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w. Funeral Monday. ADrii 22. at 2 p.m.. from the Vermont Avenue Baptist Church 21 LOVELESS. EMMA KATHERINE On Sat urday April 20. 1933. at Georgetown University Hospital EMMA KATHERINE LOVELESS, beloved wife of George R Loveless and beloved mother of William F Polley, Robert and Charles Colbert, j Mrs. May Devine and Joseph Hamel. | Funeral from the George W. Wise Co. funeral home, upon M st. n.w., on Tuesday. April 23. at 2 p.m. Relatives I and friends invited. Interment Glen wood Cemetery 22 MaeKAHAN, JAMES E. Suddenly, on Fri day. April 19. 1935. at Sibley Hospital, in his Toth year JAMES E. MaeKAHAN of Hollywood. Calif, father of Alan Hale. Hollywood. Calif., and Mrs. John F Maury. Washington. D C Services at Joseph Gawler Sons' chapel. 1T5H Pa. ave. n.w.. on Monday. April 22. at II a.m. Interment private. 21 MACKLIN. DAVID B. Departed this life suddenly on Thursday. April 18. 1936. at 901 13th st n.w.. DAVID B. MACK LIN. He leaves to mourn their loss two daughters. Mrs. Jessie V. Farrar and Mrs. Ruby E Granderson: four grand children. Alma B Farrar. Vernard. Rob nette and Gwendolyn Granderson. and a host of friends. Remains resting at Smith's funeral home. 1126 19th st. n.w. Funeral Monday. April 22. at II a.m.. from Vermont ave. Baptist Church. Interment Woodland Cemetery, Rich mond. Va. 21 MAYBEW. MARY' ELIZABETH. On Sat urday. April 20. 1935. at Sibley Hos pital. MARY ELIZABETH beloved wile of Edwin T. Mayhew and mother of Edwin E Boyd. Charles. Emory. Amos, Mrs. H. F. Cudmore and Mrs Jean Dil lard. She also is survived by a sister. Mrs John Richter, and a brother. James Rowe. Remains resting at Gasch's fu neral home. 4ti Maryland ave. Hyatts ville. Md. Funeral from the above fu neral home on Tuesday. April 33. at 2 P.m. Relatives and friends Invited Interment Evergreen Cemetery, near Bladensburg. Md. 22 McGUIGAN. JAMES H. On Thursday. April 18. 1936. at his residence. 1400 A at s.e., JAMES H. McGUIGAN. husband of the late Evelyn McGulgan and be loved son of Marie and the late James H. McGulgan pharmacist. U. S. N. Fu neral from the above residence on Mon day. April 22. at 8:30 a.m.; thence to Holy Comforter Catholic Church. 14th and Bast CaDltol sis., where mass will be offered at 9 a.m. for the repose of his soul. Relatives and friends are in vited. Interment Mount Olivet Ceme tery. 21 MORELAND. ROSA F. On Friday. April IP. 1936. RG6A F MORELAND inee Darceyi. beloved wife of the late Nehe miah Moreland, of 1030 D st. n.e. Fu neral will be held from the above resi dence on Monday. April 22. a> 8:30 a.m. High reoutem mass at St. Joseph's Church at P a.m. Interment Holy Rood Cemetery. Relatives and friends are in vited. 21 NALLEY. JOHN HENRY. On Friday. April IP. 1936. at his residence 1323 D st. n.e. JOHN HENRY, beloved husband . of Laura Virginia Nalley (nee Mneru der). and father of Mrs. H. R Walsh, Miss Ida M. Nalley Mrs H. Riedel ana Bernard Nalley: brother of Mrs. Lula Cropley and Mrs. Charles Winter. Funeral services from the above resi dence on Monday. April 22. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 21 PHILLIPS. CATHERINE ROSA. Very sud deniy. on Saturday. April 20 1936. CATHERINE ROSA PHILLIPS, daughter of tbe late Thomas J. and Mary Fallon Phillips. She is survived by two sla ters. Mary Mathilda Phillips and Mrs. William L. Boleau. Notice of funeral hereafter. 1 Sratbs. PRICE. LEVI. On Satgrdgy. April 20, 1935. »t his home. Clarksburg. Md.. LEVI PRICE, aged 54 years, beloved husband ol Mary Cecil Price. Funeral services on Monday. Anrtl 22. at 2 cm, it his late home. Clarksburg. Md. 21 Dt'EEN. MARGARET. Or Saturday, April 20. 1935. at her residence. 143? Que st. n.w., Mrs. MARGARET QUEEN, devoted mother of Mrs Edith Credttt. Mrs. Mary Perkins. Mrs. Maggie Gantt and William. Ambrose. John and How ard Queen. Remains resting temporarily at the McGuire funeral home, 1S20 9th st. n.w. Notice of funeral here after. 22* ROBERTS. LOCIAE. On (Saturday Anrtl 1935. at Emergency Hospital. LOUISE ROBERTS, helmed wife of Chester A Roberts of Government Printing Office Post. No. 33. American Legion Funeral services at the W W. Chambers Co funeral home 1499 Chapin st. n.w- on Monday April 22. at 1:30 pm Frienda invited. Inter ment private. ROBINSON. MARGARET. On Thursday. April is, iit.35 at Garfield Hospital. MARGARET ROBINSON, daughter of the late Rev William A and Emma Lee sister of Mary W. John S. and Robert C. Lee: niece of Mrs. E. W Pin ner. She also leaves other relatives and friends to mourn their loss. Re mains resting at Stewart's funeral home. 39 H st. n.e. Funeral Monday. April 22. at 1 p m from Vermont Ave nue Baptist Church. Rev. Murray offi ciating. ROGERS. WALTER G. Early Saturday morning. April 20 1935. at hla resi dence 325 Braddock rd.. Alexandria. Va.. WALTER G. ROGERS, beloved hus band of Matilda Agnew Rogers and lather of Robert. Bruce and John Carr Rogers. Funeral services Monday, Aprill 22. at 3 p m . at his late resi dence. Interment .Presbyterian Ceme tery. Alexandria. Va. 21 SAYLOR. GLADYS. On Saturday. April 29. 1935. at George Washington Uni versity Hospital GLADYS SAYLOR inee Wilson), beloved wife of Donald Himes Saylor, sister of Mrs. W O Moger Kel ..e, Jane. Edward and George Wilson. Funeral services at her lafe residence. 1599 Trinidad ave. ne. on Monday. April 22. at 2 p m. Relatives and friends are invited. Interment Cedar Hill C^m^tery STINE. FRANCE* f FANNIE) RFRFCCA. On Wednesday. April 17. ai Georgetown University Hospral. FRAN CES > FANNIE • REBECCA STINE .nee Carewi o: 743 Hamilton st n.w., be loved wife of William F Stvne and mother of Mrs. Helen M. Vaeih. Re quiem mass at the Church of the Na tivity Monday. April *33. at i* a m. In terment Pock Creek Cemetery. TROLL, REGINA. On Friday. April 10. 11)35. REGINA TROLL daughter of the late Frederick and Repina Melchior Troll Funeral services will be held at William J. Tickner A Sons. North and Pennsylvania aves . Baltimore Md . on Monday. April 22. at 2 p m. Interment in Loudon Park Cemetery. 21 WEBSTER. M \RTHA. On Saturday. April *30. 1MARTHA WEBSTER, the be loved mother of Josie Da via. Louis Reed and Nellie Colter of Glasshoro. N. J. She also lea\es three brothers and one grandson. Remains resting at the W\ Ernest Jarvis funeral church 1432 You st. n.w Notice of funeral later. WFITZMAK. BENJAMIN. On Fridav April 1!». 11)35. at his residence. Park Place n.w . BENJAMIN WEITZMAN. acred Bit years beloved husband of Lena Wcitzman and devoted father of Mrs. Henry Sheres. Mrs Abe Kolodne Dr. Harry Weitrman Miss Dorothy Weit? man and Mrs Myer Rubin. Funeral from his late residence on Sunday. April 21. at 21 a m. gl JtM IWIIa FERGUSON. MARGARET A. In loving remembrance of onr dear mother. MAR GARET A FERGUSON, who departed this life seven years ago today. April 21. ]H2R _ HER DEVOTED DAUGHTER AND SON. • FLAHARTY', MARY’ C. In sad remem brance of our dear mother and grand mother MARY C. FLAHARTY who fell asleep in the arms of Jesus one year ago today. April 21. 1934. What as home without a mother: Ail things this world may send. But when we lost our dear mother We lost our dearest friend. God gave us a wonderful mother. She was one who never grew old; God made her smile as the sunshine. He made her heart of pure gold HER LOVING SON AND DAUGHTER IN-LAW. GEORGE AND MARY FLA HARTY. AND GRANDDAUGHTER. MARYANNA FLAHARTY. GILL. VICTOR F. A token of love to the memory of my dear husband. VICTOR, who passed on three years aeo today. Apitl '.’l. i 932. HIS DEVOTED AND LONELY WIFE. MABEL C GILL * MARKWARD. FRANK O. In sad but lov ing remembrance of my husband and our father. FRANK O MARKWARD who passed away one year aco today. Anrll 21. 1934. WIFE AND CHILDREN. • McIntosh, augusta and mary a. in fond remembrance of our dear parents. MARY A. MrINTOSH Who passed away Anril 21 1932. and AUGUSTA MCIN TOSH. who left us October 9. 1934. We inscribe these words with love: The rolling stream of life rolls on. But still the vacant chairs Recall the love, the voice, the smile Of them who once sat there. THEIR BELOVED CHILDREN LU CINDA. CARRIE. CATTIE AND PAUL. • MORTON. ISAAC. Sacred to the memory of our husband and father. ISAAC MORTON, who departed this life four years aeo today. April 21. 1931. Four years hsve gone, but we cant forget. His words of love we hear them yet; Whene'er tve think of him. so dear. We feel his aneel spirit near. HIS DEVOTED FAMILY. ROBERTS. ALBERT TAYLOR. In lowing remembrance of my dear husband. AL BERT TAYLOR ROBERTS, who de parted this life one year ago today. April 21. 1934. HIS DEVOTED WIFE. ELAINE ROB ERTS. ROBINSON. NEWTON. In loving remem brance of my dear husband. NEWTON ROBINSON, who departed this life three years ago today. April 21. 1932. Just a line of sweet remembrance. Just a memory, fond and true; Just a token of loves devotion That my heart still longs for you. LONELY WIFE. JANET ROBINSON. • ROY STER. JESSIE. In loving memory of our sister and aunt. JESSIE ROYSTER, who departed this life one year ago to day. April 21. 1934. HER SISTER, NIECES AND NEPHEW • TURNER. BETSY' In sad but loving re membrance ol my dear, devoted mother. BETSY TURNER who departed this life two years ago today. April 21. 1933. Two sad and lonely years have passed, mother dear, since God called you home to dwell with Him. In life I loved you dearly. In death I do the same. YOUR LONELY DAUGHTER. MARGIE LEE WARD. MINNIE. In loving remembrance of my dear mother. MINNIE WARD, who departed this life ten years ago today. April 21. 1925. Gone but not forgotten. HER LOVING DAUGHTER. NAOMI STEPNEY. _ FUNERAL DIRECTORS V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither the successor »• nor connected with the original W R Speare establishment NAtlonal 1009 H St. N.W. J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Crematorium 4th and Mass Ave. N E Lincoln 6300 WILLIAM H. SCOTT _400 8th at- 8.E,_Lincoln 0530. Frank Geir’s Sons Co. Ill* Seventh at NW NAtinnnl 2171 Modern Chapel. Tel. IwAMOniU Joseph F. Birch’s Sons (A L. HAYCOCK. Mfr.» «i^sdt?S2?3034lr§t. N.W. CHAS. S. ZURHORST CO. 301 EAST CAPITOL ST. _Phone Lincoln 0372._ JOHN R. WRIGHT 13.17 10th St. N.W. Phone North (NH7 CEMETERY LOTS. CEDAR HILL CEMETERY LOT FOR SALE at large reduction or exchange for build ing_!ot n.w Phone Cleveland 4HH.V LOT 164. SECTION C. FORT LINCOLN Cemetery—ft sites very reasonable. In quire 1344 Evarts st. n.e. MONUMENTS. MONUMENTS and STATUARY Reduced prices for 30 days. Do not base the selection on photographs shown by agents or peddlers, as you might be deceived JAS. R. DURITY Biadensburg Rd.. Opp. Seara-Roebuch _FUNERALS DESIGNS GUDE BROS. CO. Floral Piacee Hit F at. N.W_National tttg GEO. C. SHAFFER EXPRESMVE FLORAL EMBLEMS AT ADDER ATE PRICES. PRONE NAT. OMNI. >pen Evenings ^ Lf.c and Sundays Cor. 14th (9 Eye GEO. A. COMLEY Artiatle Floral Designs by Experts Haht Phenes: Clar. 13U-J-I er 2BI-J-I V&WTRIBUTES • delivered. NORTH 7000 By ChantLirk One of the Largest Undertakers in the World FOUR HUNDRED *P0UNDS OF SOLID STEEL BURIAL VAULT This Vault Is Used in Place One of the Best of the Old Time Pine Case. That’s Made For thoge who want the begt you will find Only this affords the finest burial vault you can ob- J tain in metal protection. We do the largest undertaking business in Washington and one of a mtf the largest in the world. It’s easy to see we’re . d equipped to serve any funeral at small cost. Wa Have • Chapels, 12 Parlors, np UW 20 Cars, Hearses and Ambulances. 2he Greater Chnmberi Co. MAIN OFFICE SOUTHEAST BRANCH 1400 Chapin St. N.W. 517 11th St S.E. Columbia 0432 Lincoln 4477 A "