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Mrs. Roosevelt to Spend ( Few Days in New York, Expected Back Friday Secretary and Mrs. Swanson to Be Assisted by Popular Hostesses of Capital. Morgenthaus Feted. MRS. ROOSEVELT left the White House last evening for New York City, where she will spend the next few days. Bhe is expected to return to Wash ington Friday. The President's wife had lunching with her yesterday the wives of the members of the cabinet who are in the city, Including Mrs. Henry Mor genthau, jr.; Mrs. James A. Farley, who came from her home in New York to spend a few days; Mrs. Claude A. Swanson. Mrs. Henry A. Wallace and Mrs. Daniel C. Roper. Mrs. Cordell Hull and Mrs. George H. Dern are absent from the city, Mrs. Hull in Pinehurst and Mrs. Dern In the Philippines with her husband. The Secretary of the Navy and Mrs. Claude A. Swanson will be assisted at the reception they will give Tues day, November 19, at the Navy Yard, for the officers of the Navy and Ma rine Corps in Washington, and their wives, by Mrs. Joseph K. Taussig, Mrs. Alfred W. Johnson, Mrs. Cary T. Grayson, Mrs. Albert P. Niblach. Mrs. Mark Bristol. Mrs. Harold R. Stark. Mrs. Louis McC. Little. Mrs. Emory S. Land. Mrs. Frank Ridgely. Mrs. George Barnett, Mrs. Edgar Woods of Annapolis and Mrs. Thomas C. Kinkaid. The Secretary of the Treasury and Mrs. Henry Morgenthau, jr.. were guest* of honor at a buffet supper 6unday evening given by the director I of Federal painting and sculpture, Edward V. Rowan, and Mrs. Rowan at their home in Falls Church. Invited to meet Secretary and Mrs. Morgen thau were many well-known artists, sculptors and muralists from other cities—Mrs. Marguerite Zorach. Mme. Conchita Scaraviglione, Mr. William Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. Reginald March and Mr. Stuyvesant Van Zeen, of New York; Mr. Boardman Robinson of Denver and Mr. and Mrs. George Biddle of Philadelphia. Mrs. Biddle is the well known portrait painter, Mme. Helene Sardeau. American Diplomat Honored at Luncheon. The United States Minister to Den mark, Mrs. Ruth Bryan Owen, who is the guest at the White House of President and Mrs. Roosevelt, was the honor guest at luncheon today of the Women's National Press Club. Mrs. Bacheo Lindsay was also an honor guest at the luncheon. The Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, Miss Josephine Roche; Mrs. Hugh S. Cumming, wife of the Sur geon General of Public Health, and Miss Mary Switzer, executive assist ant to Miss Roche, were among the guests at the luncheon today at the Shoreham Hotel, with Mrs. Roscoe R. Spencer, Mrs. Walter L. Treadway, Mrs. S. Lewis Christian and Mrs. Alan J. McLaughlin as hostesses. There were about 60 guests, mostly wives of members of the United States Public Health Service. I Miss Prochnik’s Tea For Bride Elect—Col. and Mrs. Cecil Dinner Dance. Miss Valerie Prochnik, daughter of the Minister of Austria and Mme. Prochnik. will entertain at a shower and tea this afternoon for Miss Emily Stuart Maddox, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Amory Maddox, whose marriage to Mr. Millard F. West, jr., will take place Saturday. Miss Virginia Stuart Ward, cousin of the bride-elect, of Chestnut Hills, Pa., who arrived in Washington yes terday for the wedding, will be hostess at a luncheon for the bridal party tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Henry Ward, jr.; Miss Eleanor Ward and Mr. Philip Henry Ward, 3d. will ar rive in the Capital Friday for the wedding. They will stay at the May flower Hotel. Col. and Mrs. Joseph Cecil of 2029 Connecticut avenue have issued invi tations for an informal dinner dance November 29 in the Chevy Chase Club which they will give for their daugh ter, Miss Caroline Cecil, who will be home from Ogontz School over Thanksgiving. Mrs. Emerson Howe entertained at a luncheon today in her apartment at 2101 Connecticut avenue. Mrs. Walter Lann entertained at dinner Friday evening in her home, at 1911 S street, in honor of Mrs. j James Henry Dodge, whose marriage took place recently. Mrs. F. Wilkinson Bunker will be hostess at a cocktail party this after noon In her home, on Twenty-fourth street, in honor of Mrs. Martin Hutch inson, jr., of Toronto. Mrs. Hutchin son is the former Miss Hallie Davis, daughter of Mrs. Armstead Davis, and is visiting her mother and her uncle, Col. Harry Armstead in their home, on Kalorama road. Mrs. Robert Darby Wilson enter tained at breakfast Sunday morning at Brooke Farm Tea House, Chevy Chase. Md., in honor of Miss Frances Henry, daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Bosley Henry, whose engagement to j Mr. James M. Dykes, son of Mrs. Lee | Brock of Nashville, Tenn.. was an nounced at a tea given by Mrs. Henry ' Sunday, November 3. Guests were J Mrs. Elizabeth Bosley Henry, Mrs. Ellis Manning, Mrs. Galt Bowen and j Miss Adelaide Buchholz, Miss Amelia Hoeke, Miss Margaret Mayes, Miss Anne Fox and Mrs. Stephan Forester. Mrs. Wilson will be Miss Henry's matron of honor in her wedding, i which will take place November 23 j in St. Paul's. Rock Creek, at 4 o'clock j In the afternoon._j The ladies of Christ Protestant Episcopal Church. Washington parish, entertained at luncheon at the Shore ham today in honor of Mrs. Julianna Gabler, mother of Rev. Edward Gab ler, the rector. Miss Mary I. E. Hart ley. who sponsored the luncheon, was assisted in arrangements by Miss Laura Perrie and Miss Nellie Pumph rey. The company numbered 35. -• Hungarian Minister Host at Legation The Minister of Hungary and Mme. Pelenyi will entertain at a musicale Monday evening. November 25. when Edith Lorand and her Hungarian Or Daughters of Army Air Corps Officer Left to right: Miss Audrey Robertson, Miss Betsy Robertson and Miss Gladys Robertson, daughters of Capt. William A. R. Robertson, U. S. A., Air Corps, and Mrs. Robertson, who make their home at Bolling Field. —Underwood & Underwood Photo. chestra will play. This is the first of a series of evening soirees at which the Minister and Mme. Pelenyi will be hosts. - ■ ..— % Engagement and January Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Leslie T. Mahurln of Chevy Chase, Md.. announce the en gagement of their daughter Virginia to Mr. Geoffrey Creyke, jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Creyke of Washing ton. D. C. The wedding will take place in January. ------ Magna Gharta Baltimore Lunch Attending the Magna Charta Dames luncheon at the Hotel Belvedere in Baltimore today, celebrating barons’ day, in observance of the barons who Old Paintings Relmed and Restored The Chorm of Age Retained Veerhoff (EsUblished 1871) 1512 Connecticut Avenue SERVING WASHINGTON OVER FIFTY YEARS HENDERSON'S FINE FURNITURE Represents the Utmost in Value ONLY choice woods are used by croftsmen long experienced in the construction of Fine Furniture. Because of its authentic design and choice quality, you will grow to love and cherish each piece os the years go by. PRICES ARE VERY REASONABLE May We Show You? James B. Henderson FINE FURNITURE INTERIOR DECORATING 1108 G Street N.W. District 7676, 7677 We've scored the buying alligator 'smart, medium 'worth at laast $2.00 I on them. CHARGE ACCOUNTS INVITED 1222 FN.W. were sureties for the Magna Charta ' wrested from King John in 1215, the foundation of constitutional liberty, are Mrs. John K. Prelot and Mrs. M. E. Woodward of Washington, lineal descendants of the Runnemede barons, of whom only 17 of the original 25 chosen to defend the Charta now have living descendants. Belgium’s premier has announced that there will be no further burden added to the government budget. Arts Club Dinner And Concert Tonight Miss Minna Nlemon. pianist, and j Miss Helen Howison, soprano, will be the guest artists at the Arts Club this j evening following the club dinner, j Miss Howison will sing Dvorak’s noted "Ziegeuner Lieder,” their first per formance in Washington, with Mr. | George Wilson as accompanist. Miss j Camille Allensworth and Mr. Lynch j Luquer will be hosts. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE GARBER GALLERIES 1210 18th St.—at Conn. Ave. Valuable Antique and Modern Furnishings ART OBJECTS SILVER PAINTINGS PORCELAINS, Etc. 150 Oriental Rugs and Carpets, in All Sizes from the Modest Hearth Rugs to Carpets in Sizes to 18x23 From several well-known estates, with additions from • Garber Galleries Exhibition Monday ond Tuesday, November 11th and 12th, from 10:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. Sale Starts Tomorrow, Thursdoy ond Friday, November 13th, 14th end 15th, Beginning at 2:00 P.M. Auction Sale of Oriental Rugs and Carpets Friday Evening, November 15th, Beginning at 8:00 PAUL G. GARBER Auctioneer Pliilipl crn II* Street I Bitwiih F 6r0 Vov^\oundations designed by Irene Castle New Frocks demand New foundations Irene Castle has designed these Pormflt girdles so that they mould the figure into the desired curves, suppress the unwanted bulges ... all without any boning. GIRDLEIERE of silk batiste and Lastex, lace top, $5 THRILL, a lace uplift with plush lining. GIRDLE of silk ba tiste with Lastex back, slide fastener. $3.50 y Girdles, $2 to )5 Girdleieres, $3.50 to $7.50 Bandeaus, 59c to $2 Street Floor. * Dr. and Mrs. Marlatt To Present Daughter Dr. and Mrs. Charles Lester Marlatt will entertain at a reception Saturday, December 7, when they will present their daughter, Miss Constance Mar latt, one of the season’s debutantes, to society. Miss Marlatt is a student at Smith College. Miss Dorothy Marlatt, who is a stu dent at Vassar College, will arrive in Washington Wednesday. November 27, to spend the Thanksgiving holidays with her parents. Polish Luncheon For Bishop Ryan The charge d'affaires of Poland, Mr. Wladyslaw Sokolowskl, entertained at luncheon yesterday In honor of the Most Rev. James H. Ryan, Bishop-elect of Omaha and retiring president of Catholic University. DANCING EVERY NIGHT fexrept Hun. and Mon.) Cheerful open fireplace. An atmosphere of re fined informality. Music by Lor Cabin j Inn Orchestra Minimum Ch.r.r, *5e. Sat.. SI.OO No Cover Charge at Any Time -— i Miles Beyond Silver Spring on Georgia Ave. Extended Our most popular slip! "Miss Deb" with KANT-RIP seams h. Check these points: All pure silk. Adjustable suspender ette shoulder straps. Seams that CANT pull out. Shrink proof, rip-proof! In all sizes from 32 to 52 . . . each size correctly proportioned. A marvelous slip for \ 1 From 4 O Clock On For those convivial hours that get under way late afternoons we have an admirable collection of signifi cant new frocks—formal fabrics, day length. Selected lames, beaded crepes, lovely vel vets, provocative touches of distinction. We have indulged our characteristic re straint and taste toward the styles and ^ fabrics. You may select from the teens, upw ard to sixty and seventy dollars, know whatever you pay you are getting substantial value from a house that respects your patronage and de sires to keep it constant. RIZIK BROTHERS 1213 F Street 1108 Conn. Ave. NEW 5.00 # i Tiui1 l/*J STYLE SHOES | TYLES that sum up what will be NEW this Winter. . . We've high- . lighted our Anniversary with this | host of glorious, new Dynamic Style Shoes . . . Featuring high-throated Co lonials . . . Stubbies . . . Brevi-Toes . . . ties, wide-straps, step-ins and other mod els for every hour of the day ... in kid, calf, tic-tac-toe and suedes! i *3212 14th / ’Open tvenings if Dynamic ARCH Show an 5.00 I -v. OPEN A HAHN FAMILY BUDGET ACCOUNT—Save Now! } l r • * in