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FREEDOM OF PRESS IS SEEN AT STAKE Black Committee’s Wire Tactics Visioned as Pro found Threat. BY DAVID LAWRENCE. Irrespective of party and irrespec tive of personalities, the issue raised by a few members of the United States Senate as to whether the freedom of the press shall be maintained in America transcends in importance any other aspect of public policy to day, for if the encroachment is not repudiated then the rights of the citl ren to other constitutional guarantees Will be similarly impaired. In its simplest form the question has been raised Three publishers of newspapers in widely separated parts of the country have had their private messages seized by what is plainly an unlawful method, Judging by Supreme Court precedents. The privacy which has for so long a time attached to telegrams has been cast aside by a Senate committee. The Federal communications act and other law’s make it a Federal offense to disclose the contents of messages except “on lawful authority.” Employes of the Federal Communica tions Commission, acting on orders from members of the commission, surrendered private messages without questioning the legality of the request of a Senate committee. 12,000 Messages Copied. But even though some 12,000 tele grams were copied by Senate com mittee representatives with the co operation of the Federal Communica tions Commission, the question arises whether the Senate committee had a right to turn over any message so obtained to any person outside the Senate committee. It appears that & copy of one of these private mes sages was transmitted to a member of the House of Representatives. Elisha Hanson, general counsel for various newspaper publishers, insists In a motion filed in the District Su preme Court that the Senate commit tee violated the law and so did the Federal Communications Commission employes in turning over private messages to outside oersons. It is not a Question of what the messages contained because in one instance the telegram was a com munication between a publisher and his Washington correspondent. As subsequently disclosed, the member ot the House who was mentioned in the telegram took offense at the charges and made a speech about it, thus making the telegram public. Had this not been done, the public would not have been aware that this particular attack had been made on the mem ber. So the issue now turns on what right the Senate committee had in transmitting to an outside person a copy of a telegram it had obtained in its own inquiry. There is, moreover, the point that a judge in the District Supreme Court had a week ago ruled that the sub poena under which the Senate com mittee had obtained copies of its tele grams was unlawful. In the face of this opinion from the bench, the Senate committee went ahead with the transmission of the copy of the message to a member of th^ House. This means the beginning of con siderable litigation of importance to all the people who believe in the con stitutional guarantee of the freedom of the press. Senator Black of Ala bama, chairman of the Senate Lobby Committee, told the Senate on Friday that if injunctions were going to be granted against Senate committees, it would mean they could be enjoined against getting evidence. But that is precisely what the Supreme Court nas said again and again, that no suen unlimited right to seek evidence nas been granted. The judicial power, the right to enforce Federal statutes and conduct investigations into viola tions of existing laws, is not vested in either house of Congress but In the courts, where action is to be taken following the presentation of evidence secured in the usual way through the offices of the United States district attorneys. Usage Makes No Law. It has been contended in the Senate that the subpoena used by the Lobby Committee is virtually the same as has been used for many years. But this does not make it lawful or con stitutional. Chief Justice Taft once said, with reference to this point, that the fact that a law had not been challenged in the courta was not to be taken as a confirmation of its Validity. ire cmei oimcuuy wun me oeiiaie Lobby Committee’s subpoenas is that they have not particularized or shown how the Information sought is per tinent to an inquiry or how the pro posed legislation on which information Is sought comes within the constitu tional power of the Senate. Thus there is no power in the Senate or In the House, or in both together, to pass any laws abridging or curtailing the freedom of the press. Interfer ence in the communication between publisher and correspondent and the making public of private messages relating to the editorial conferences of newspaper men is plainly an at tempt at abridgement of the freedom of the press. The prospects are that an issue of real magnitude will come out of the seizure of the telegrams. It is ru mored that President Roosevelt is not In sympathy with what the Senate Lobby Committee has done but. on the other hand, he has not manifested any Interest so far as Is publicly known in the alleged violations of Federal law by members or employes of the Federal Communications Com mission. It would seem probable that the controversy over the right of privacy of telegraphic messages would engage the interest of citizens generally, especially when, in the face of a Federal court decision, use is made by members of the Senate of tele grams which have been obtained by means of the same subpoena that was declared by a court In another in stance to be faulty. (Copyright. 1936.) % m PLANS I. V. N. S. MEETING Special Committee Named to Ar range for Annual Session. Mrs. Harlan Fiske Stone, president ef the Instructive Visiting Nurses’ Society, has appointed the following special committee on arrangements for the annual meeting of the society; Miss Janet B. Houtz, chairman; Mrs. John W. Davidge, Mrs. Emory Scott Land, Mrs. R. M. Kauffmann and Mrs. Charles F. Wilson. The tentative date for this affair Is April 1. This will mark the re sumption of these large meetings, to which friends of the organization gen erally are Invited, after a lapse of several years. I What’s What Behind News in Return of Peter Grimm Marks Blow-up of Federal Housing. BY PAUL MALLON. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT said he had high hopes that his housing advisers would have a plan ready when he returned from his trip to Florida. This was merely a polite cover-up for the fact, which will be evident shortly, that the housing plan has blown up. What Mr. Roosevelt would have said, if he had spoken his mind, is something like this: The inability of any two of his housing experts to agree on anything has convinced him that nothing important can be attempted along that line. Futhermore, he has wasted so much time on the subject that he hopes that no one will mention it to him soon again. And as for the experts-. It is generally understood within the White House coterie that the President will play a new game, called ■'housing-expert,” on his Florida fish ing trip. He will name each hooked sailfish after one of his experts and club It lustily on the head as it is hauled into the boat. Suspicions Soar. The experts cannot even agree on why they cannot agree. They seem to think it is a matter of personalities. Each one suspects all the others of working for subversive Influences. That is, they suspect each other of working for mortgage bankers trying to block the program, or for certain building groups with political influ ence trying to promote certain phases of it selfishly. The basic reason for the futility of the idea, although they will deny it, seems to be this: All schemes which have been analyzed and considered contain such, rank discriminations against ■property holders that they are economically hazardous. The foremost effect of any kind of housing, public or private, is the shifting of real estate values. These cannot be avoided. If you build homes, you take tenants away from localities where they are now paying rent. You deprive property owners and mortgage holders there of their values. By your choice of a new housing locality, you may boost the value of property owners there. It is all right for private realtors to do such things constantly, but when the Government starts doing it on a national scale, a constitutional as well as an economic question arises. There is also some question whether the cheaply - constructed low - cost homes would last as long as their mortgages. Likewise, some doubt whether persons attracted to such homes would be good long-term risks. Program Good Ballyhoo. At least these were the whispered considerations which dominated Mr. Roosevelt's recent series of ineffec tive housing conferences. They ex plain why the New Dealers cannot have & program, although they con sider one highly desirable as campaign ballyhoo. What they will probably do now is this: Continue the existing law with reference to renovations for six months with some liberalization. Con tinue the Government guaranteed mortgage system indefinitely without any further liberalization. Some renewed effort may be made in reference to low cost housing and slum clearance, but the jig has been up, as far as they are concerned, since Mr. Mor genthau's real estate mortgage ally, Peter Grimm, tossed his hand in the air and returned to New York last week. How the railroad Issue is going to break is not yet clear. The man who started Mr. Roosevelt writing letters to rail executives was the so-called rail co-ordinator, Eastman. He be came excited because of the Wheeler Crosser bill In Congress, proposing strict restrictions agalnsi. rail econ omies. Eastman is trying to work out a voluntary agreement po the bill will not be passed. Unless he does, it will. With that bill hanging over them, you would suspect that the roads would be willing to enter a voluntary agreement, but that is by no means certain. A. T. A T. Grand Fishing. One good campaign ballyhoo which did not fail is the A. T. & T. in vestigation. The smattering of news which you have heard from it so far is only the beginning. Investigators are arranging with feature writers to play it up and hit it hard. The idea behind the inquiry Is only to expose the ramifications of the gigantic monopoly in control of tele phones. Investigators do not tell their friends that A. T. & T. has done anything scandalous. Neither do they have any concrete intention of trying to cut off the octopus’ ten tacles in the end. Their job is to fish and expose the results of their fishing in order to promote public sentiment against big ness. That, of course, will please every one except the A. T. dt T. One of the investigators dropped a hint to a pal the other day that a million dollars more would be needed to complete the inquiry as soon as the existing (750,000 runs out. (Copyright. 1930.) \a/iiu dmt uuniu’T naioc ii ill mw ■ if wii a wnnwiM Students Lift 78-Tear Ban, but Interest Lags. BALDWIN, Kins., March 21 OP).— Students at Baker University finally won a long fight to permit school dances, banned since the university was founded in 1858. But it was necessary to call off the inaugural dance because of the student’s lack of interest. Advance sales were not sufficient to hire fen irchestra. noun paid Receipts in First Twenty Days Are 28 Per Cent Above Last Year. BACKGROUND— President Roosevelt hat sug gested that tS20,000,000 additional revenue be provided to finance new farm program, and added cost of prepayment of bonus; his sugges tion was for tax on undistributed corporation profits, with accom panying levy on individual income from corporation dividends. At the same time, he proposed repeal of taxes on corporate income, capital stock and excess profits. By the Associated Press. Income tax collections of $389,694, 381 for the first 20 days of March were reported by the Treasury today, representing an Increase of 28 per cent over the comparable period of last year. “Receipts are conforming very closely with the department's esti mates,” was the only comment from Treasury officials. The statistics were telegraphed from collectors in various districts. All the money in the total has not yet been paid into Treasury vaults. Collections for the calendar year 1936, through March 20, have amounted to $469,365,339, an in crease of 30 per cent over the same period of last year. The Treasury comment that collec tions were holding close to estimates was considered by some observers a notice that President Roosevelt's $792, 000.000 tax program should not be curtailed. M I UK cv:uji urtirs v/j/jnmru, There have been expressions of op position in congressional quarters to levying processing taxes in an election year. Mr. Roosevelt proposed increasing revenue by $620,000,000 through tax ing undivided corporate income and dividends. He also suggested process ing taxes and a "windfall” tax to re gain unpaid and impounded A. A. A. processing taxes. The revenue was requested to meet costs of the new farm program and payment of the bonus. Discovery of a joker in Treasury calculations for the new tax on undis tributed profits of corporations mean while forced the House Ways and Means Subcommittee considering the legislation to start again from scratch. The joker is the circumstance that reserves held back by corporations for use in actually paying the new tax would themselves be taxed; in other words, a tax would be assessed against a tax. Opposition to the whole proposal came yesterday from the United States Chamber of Commerce on the grounds that no new taxes should be enacted until plans are developed to cut Gov ernment spending. Spending Gains in Year. | The daily Treasury statement as 1 of March 18 disclosed yesterday that the Government had spent $5,082,000. 000 since July 1, as compared with ■ $4,905,000,000 in the comparable period a year ago. GEORGE U. ROSE, 93, CLAIMED BY DEATH George Ullshoeffer Rose, Civil War veteran and retired Government em ploye, who served as secretary to James A. Garfield prior to the latter’s election to the presidency, died in Sol diers’ Home yesterday at 93. Mr. Rose enlisted as a hospital orderly during the Civil War and later was assigned as record cleric on the staff of Gen. Otis at Washington. For 13 years preceding Mr. Garfield’s election as President, Mr. Rose served as his secretary. Mr. Rose later became assistant ap pointment cleric at the Treasury, and filled this office until his retirement. He was a member of Burnside Post, G. A. R„ and Lafayette Lodge, No. 19, Masonic Order. Funeral services will be held at 5 p.m. Monday from Tabler funeral home. 4217 Ninth street. Interment will be in Rock Creek Cemetery. ■ ■ » RAILROAD CONDUCTOR KILLED BY AUTOMOBILE William W. Thrift, 50, veteran con ductor on the Pennsylvania Railroad, was killed yesterday when struck by an automobile as he was crossing the road to a lunch stand near Kearny, N. J., it was learned today at his home, 615 G street southeast. Details of the accident were not known here. Two daughters, Mrs. Violet Reed and Mrs. Burdell Reed, left Immedi ately for Kearny. Mr. Thrift had been in the service of the railroad for nearly 30 years, relatives said. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Nora Thrift, and two other children, Em ilee, 13, and Marion, 7. Funeral ar rangements have not been completed. i ~ ii . THE WEATHER District of Columbia—Pair and cold er, with lowest temperature tonight about 34 degrees; tomorrow fair and slightly warmer In afternoon; mod erate to fresh northwest winds, dimin ishing late tonight. Maryland—Generally fair and cold er in east, snow flurries and colder in west portion tonight; tomorrow fair and slightly warmer in afternoon. Virginia—Snow flurries in extreme west and fair and colder in east and central portions tonight; tomorrow fair and slightly warmer in afternoon. West Virginia—Generally fair to night and tomorrow, except snow flurries in east portion tonight; warm er tomorrow. Tide Table*. (Furnished by United States Coast and Geodetic Survey.) Today. Tomorrow High -_6:18 a.m. 7:00 a m. Low _ 2:30 a.m. 1:28 a.m. High__. 6:48 p.m. 7:40 p.m. Low ._ 1:04 p.m. 1:57 p.m. Tbt tan and Mean. Rises. Sets. Sun. today_... 0:11 6:21 Sun. tomorrow_... 6:00 6:22 Moon, today_4:55 a.m. 4:52 p.m. Automobile light! must be turned on one-ball hour altar sunset. Precipitation. Monthly precipitation In inches in the Capital (current month to date): Month. 1936. Average. Record. January_ 6.87 3.55 7.09 '82 February_ 3.83 3.27 6.84 '84 March_ 3.54 3.75 8.84 .01 April_ ... 3.27 9.13 89 May ___ 3.70 10.69 ’89 June___ 4.13 10.94 00 July _._ 4.71 10.63 ,86 ::: :|| October ....... ... 2.84 8.57 85 ESSiS .:™ =; Ifi W * ‘ - ■ .—.—..' - - Flo%od Stiuts Off Gas at Richmond The 200,000 inhabitants of Richmond, Va., were left without gas when this plant on the banks of the James River was flooded by rapidly rising waters. —A. P. Photo. Relief (Continued From First Page.) trades, thus accelerating their return to a self-supporting status. Necessary furniture, clothing and other essential articles will be given the flood victims to enable them to rehabilitate themselves. Emergency shelter was provided in two boys’ clubs and a colored church here. Red Cross headquarters reported prompt response to the President's ap peal for contributions to a national fund, and said the money was being received at 3,700 local chapters In greater amounts than usual for most national disasters. The first report yesterday came from Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Itself a victim of the roaring Susquehanna, where the local chapter said It expected to raise a total of $25,000 by tonight. Officials will not be able to tabulate the national total for another week, but meanwhile they will advance what ever funds are needed immediately In the distressed areas. Residents of Jersey Shores. Pa., late yesterday sent a request for typhoid vaccine and a motor boat to be used in rounding up marooned families. They also reported that there was only about one day’s food supplies left In the town. Assistance was being sent them last night and this morning. Workers reached Williamsport, Pa., for the first time yesterday. They reported that between 4,000 and 5,000 families would need help there. Six medical units were sent from New York City and other points In Pennsylvania In addition. 200 cots and 500 blankets were sent from Philadelphia. Supplies are being furnished flood vic tims in Sunbury, Pa., from Shamokin, where sufficient stores are on hand. Reports from Sunbury indicated the scarlet fever ' epidemic” was well under controL Great Need in Cumberland. Mrs. Margaret Lewis, director of Red Cross work In Maryland, reported relief i plans were working smoothly in Cum berland. Approximately 1,500 families would need help, she said. Mrs. Dorothy Johnston, supervising relief in Southern New York State, reported yesterday from Binghamton that 1,000 persons were being fed uany. Approximately 1,500 families had' applied for Red Cross assistance in Maine, the families for the most part residing in Rumford. Saco, Water ville, Hollywell, Brunswick and other small towns and villages. Reports received late yesterday said that Can ton, Dixfield and Mexico were iso lated. The Red Cross says nobody in the flood areas of Johnstown and Pitts burgh needs truckloads of bonbons and ginger ale. Rear Admiral Cary T. Grayson, chairman, issued an appeal to the public to refrain from sending sup plies into the stricken areas unless they are secifically requested. He ex pressed appreciation of motives be hind the shipments but said money is what Is most needed. Shipments of unnecessary supplies, the Red Cross said, hamper the move ment of much-needed goods along the few open highways. The District of Columbia Chapter announced a number of larger dona tions, as follows: Navy Cafeteria Association, $100; Mrs. S. W. Van Slyke, $100; Mrs. B. H. Buckingham, f 100; Mrs. Charles Isham, $100; anonymous, $200; Mrs. Louise C. Ely, $115, and Insurance Division, Veterans’ Administration, $154. HAS 33D TRANSFUSION Man Has Lived on Borrowed Blood for Two Years. ST. LOUIS. March 21 (&).—James Hedley, 23, who has lived on borrowed blood for two years, received his thirty third transfusion yesterday, this time from a volunteer donor. Attending physicians said a score of persons offered blood today after an appeal was made publicly. NEW NAVAL PACT IS READY TO SIGN « _ IT. S. Reserves Right to Reject Large Cruiser Holiday Conditions. By the Assodited Press. LONDON, March 21.—The London Naval Conference approved the final draft of a new six-year treaty and announced the document would be signed by the United States, Great Britain and France next Wednesday. Norman H. Davis, chief of the American delegation, registered an official reservation that the United States would consider herself released from the large-cruiser holiday stipu lation if Great Britain should build more than 70 cruisers. The treaty provides that no 10,000 ton cruisers shall be constructed during the six-year period. The three nations which will sign the treaty are the only remaining members of the original Big Five powers which Joined in the 1922 agree ment at Washington. Japan ieft the conference during its early stages when her demands for equality were refused and Italy has declined to par ticipate in the treaty because of ex isting sanctions for her aggression in East Africa. The American delegation will sail for home on Thursday after four months of negotiations. National (Continued From First PRge) section of the city resembled Venice, with row boats floating through the streets." The threatened milk shortage In Boston was averted when 30 trucks arrived early this morning from the New York dairy area. Others were nearing the metropolitan area. To help relieve the suffering In Massachusetts the State Senate passed a bill providing for an appropriation of $750,000 for flood relief purposes. The money will be spent for food, clothing and shelter. Haverhill Cut Off. Haverhill, one of the hardest hit of the Massachusetts industrial cities in the rampage of the Merrimack, was cut off today. The town was in undated by the river as Its crest neared the sea and more than 1,000 persons were homeless. With rivers on the seaboard pour ing their flood torrents into the At lantic, the Weather Bureau hoisted storm warnings from Nantucket to Eastport, Me. A survey showed the following death list for the affected States: Pennsylvania, 113; West Virginia, 17; Massachusetts, 8; Maine, 5; Ver mont, 5; Maryland, 4; Virginia, 4; Connecticut, 3; New York. 2; North Carolina, 2; Georgia, 2; New Hamp shire, 1; Ohio, 1. In Maine many communities were wholly or partially isolated. Rum ford, under martial law after being marooned for two days, sent word that food supplies were limited and there was no drinking water. Northampton, Mass., reported the Connecticut receding. Electric power was resumed. Mayor Charles L. Dunn asked the National Guard to continue on patrol. Paul G. Kirk, Massachusetts com missioner of public safety, said a food shortage threatened. Springfield, in darkness last night, also reported the Connecticut falling. The city’s main business section was impassable, however. Mayor Henry Martens said it was probable all refu gees would be inoculated to prevent typhoid. All Maine streams except the Peliobscot were declining. Gov. Louis J. Brann said damage would reach at least $15,000,000. Maine counted 10,000 homeless, with 16 communities wholly or partially iso lated. The National Guard patrolled nine municipalities. Emergency relief agencies sheltered refugees In ar mories, town halls and lodge rooms. Nine of the State's major bridges and scores of smaller spans fell before the surging rivers. Horst Calamity. Gov. H. styles Bridges of New Hampshire called upon citizens to limit their use of highways, curtail consumption of gasoline and save food. "We are Just emerging from the worst calamity which has befallen New Hampshire in its history,” he said. Manchester was isolated as the Merrimac streamed through its streets. One-third of Concord was under water, but reported the Merrimac fall ing. Electricity and gas services were disrupted. National Guardsmen patrolled the city. Franklin and Hooksett were without electric lights. The Connecticut receded from the Cheshire County farm, at Westmore land, where 200 inmates, some insane, were isolated for many hours. In Vermont the Connecticut and other streams were receding slowly. The main line of the Central Ver mont Railway was reopened between St. Johns, Quebec and White River Junction. Restricted temporary pas senger service was inaugurated from Montreal through Vermont. Proctorville. an Ohio village of 1.000. was Isolated when the waters covered its streets. Seven Coast Guard cutters at Huntington, W. Va.. were ready to give quick aid if conditions be came worse. Thousands of residents fled before the onrushing waters, and relief work ers believed others would have to be removed before the peak was reached. An unidentified man drowned at Powhatan, Ohio. Steel mills, pottery plants and coal mines in the upper valley were damaged. Many com- ! munities reported shortages of food , and drinking water. As many persons ' «» Hwwiwic wwc uiui.Uifticu a^diUdl ' disease. A 3-mile river wall plus a layer of sandbags protected Portsmouth, Ohio, where a 58-foot flood peak was ex pected Sunday noon. A Kentucky ! National Ouard unit moved into Au- : 1 gusta after the river overflowed into portions of the city. The waters had receded at Wheel ing. W. Va.. but 10.000 persons re mained in emergency quarters. Only a few hundred were permitted to go back to the island—center of the city—which had been swept by the flood. Food centers were established and utilities were operating once more. Families which had returned to the island, however, were not permitted to use gas because of fire danger. Pennsylvania: Danger of epidemics combined with shortages of food and water to bring new anxiety to many flood-belea guered cities in Pennsylvania. Relief forces were working at top speed to give aid to 80.00 homeless in the face of weather reports forcasting snow for the wek end. The situation in Pittsburgh and Its suburbs showed considerable improve ment, with adequate food and medical supplies and partial restoration of public utility service. Threats of a water famine increased, although en gineers hoped to start a key pumping station Sunday. Thousands of workmen cleared away flood debris from the business district, and some stores announced they would operate today. Rehabilitation went forward at Johntown, where 16 were dead and 1.000 were still homeless. Mayor Daniel Shields sought $10,000,000 from the Federal Government to restore buildings and aid merchants in set ting up new stocks. D. C. Flood (Continued From First Page.) cottages, houseboats and yachts, evi dently found temporary homes with friends, for Gen. Keefer reported only six families sought admission to the Red Cross relief headquarters for white persons at the Georgetown Boys' Club, and only 20 colored families at the Baptist Church on Nichols avenue southeast. Commissioner George E. Allen called the emergency flood relief ques tion "a very serious problem.” He planned to discuss its solution today with other District officials. The greatest volume in water In Potomac River history poured past Washington Thursday and Friday as the flood rolled down the swollen stream from the mountains of Penn sylvania, Maryland, West Virginia and Virginia. C. C. C. Workers Patrol Dike. Thirty C. C. C. boys from a camp near Theodore Roosevelt Island and six building guards today patrolled the half-mile length of the sandbag dike from the Monument to Twenty-third street behind the Navy and Munitions Buildings to protect it from souvenir hunters. The levee, licked by the Potomac Thursday and early Friday when the waters rolled up Seventeenth street, is to stand until Monday, when the dirt in the 80,000 bags used to build the wall will be heaped in mounds to raise the general level of the area around the reflecting pools. Col. Sultan has suggested later erection of a perma nent dike. Overflow from Roaches Run still blocked Memorial Highway to traffic this morning, but Alexandria was easily accessible by River road. All routes from other points into the Dis trict were open. The Washington Airport was still doied to pluai, ' A LOOMS ON WIRES Right of Lobby Committee to Use Private Messages Is Pivotal Point. BACKGROUND— Senatorial investigation of lobby ing has run into unprecedented legal opposition as interests under suspicion have sought protection through courts. Issue raised on revelation that probers had reviewed telegraph files, with aid of Communications Com mission, of groups opposed to con troversial utility holding company legislation. Chicago law firm and Publisher Hearst have been leaders to court fight, but other publishers also have threatened proceedings. Br the Associated Press. A finish fight which probably will end in the United States Supreme Court appeared likely today over the issue of a congressional committee's legal right to delve Into operations of private Industry through confiscation of records. Revolving around the Senate Lobby Committee and Publisher W. R. Hearst's efforts to block the commit tee's use of telegrams of editorial in struction, two major developments oc curred yesterday. In the Senate approval was given a request of Senator Black, Democrat, of Alabama, for $10,000 counsel fees by which the committee might carry on its legal defense. In District Supreme Court Hearst counsel filed a motion for a preliminary injunction to keep the committee from making any use of the publisher's telegrams while the question is in litigation. Black Assails “Interests.’* The Senate’s action followed a two hour speech by Chairman Black in which he charged an effort by special interests to hamper Congressional in vestigating committees, forecast an effort to tie up the coming activities of the Campaign Funds Committee with injunctions and predicted the Hearst suit would ultimately go to the Supreme Court. His address followed a speech by Senator Steiwer, Republican, of Ore gon, assailing the committee for is suing what he termed unconstitutional blanket subpoenas for telegrams, and asserting that the courts “had almost universally’’ condemned “fishing ex peditions" in the private affairs and efforts of citizens as illegal. Black's resolution authorizing the employment of counsel was so drawn that it must have the approval of the House and the signature of the Presi dent before it can become effective. This was done because of an existing law limiting committee counsel fees to $300 a month. Freedom of Press Urged. Hearst first asked an injunction re straining the Western Union from de livering a particular telegram sub poenaed by the committee, claiming an infringement of the right of free dom of the press was involved. Al ready equipped with a copy of that message, the committee sidestepped the suit by withdrawing the subpoena. Meanwhile, a second Hearst suit, that involved in yesterday’s court move, had been filed, asking an in junction requiring the committee to return all Hearst telegrams in its possession to the publisher, to make no use of them and to refrain from further efforts to obtain such messages. The motion gave the committee and the Federal Communications Commis sion, also named as a defendant, five days in which to reply to Hearst’s allegations. Fund (Continued From First Page ) May, E. S.__.. 5.00 Ada. B. S_ 1.00 Sophie H. Clark_._ 5.00 Robert H. Turner_ 5 00 B. L. W. 5.00 Fannie A. MacAllister_ 5.00 Cash... i.oo Mr. Louis T. Miller, jr..._ 1.00 Cash- 2.00 F. C. Stuhmann_ 5.00 H. G. Barber.. 5.00 Oliver E. Sweet__ 5.00 Mrs. Thomas____ 1.00 Hugh Brewster__ 1.00 A friend. 5.00 Anonymous. 10.OO V. A. M.. 1.00 Mrs. E. M. Hyam_ 5.00 F. F. Woods..... 10.00 Harriette L. Mohun_ 3.00 Anonymous _ 10.00 Florence Preterre Murray.... 5.00 E. J. J.. 1.00 Anonymous_..... 2.00 Mrs. R. J. Mickey__ 2.00 A friend_ .50 Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Steffens.. 10.00 N. G. L__ 1.00 Miss Alice Grimes_ 1,00 R. L. Jones_ 5.00 M. A. Dillow_..._ 10.00 H. T. Brinker_ 5.00 F. W. Atkinson_ 10.00 Minnie J. Richards_ 75.00 Jennie Cooper Calnet.. 5.00 Benson B. Moore_ 2.00 Annie W. Chieves___ 5 00 Homer J. Brown_ 2.00 Janice F. Oppenhelmer__ 5.00 A. B. G- 1.00 Anonymous_ 5.00 Elizabeth M. Knee.. 5.00 Miss Laura Osterhout__ 1.00 Miss E. Cuningham_ 1.00 Cash_ 1.50 Cash __ 2.00 Cash_....... .... 2.00 Miss A. Richter___ 5.00 Little Jean Gross_ 1.00 Total .$304.50 TODAY. Senate: In recess. Commerce Committee investigates air disasters. Honse: In recess. Appropriations Committee meets on deficiency bill. Ways and Means Subcommittee meets on tax legislation. MONDAY. Senate: Resumes debate on War Depart ment appropriation bill. . Subcommittee starts executive hear ings on District appropriation bill, 10:30 a m. Interstate Commerce Committee con tinues hearing at 10:30 a.m. on anti basing point bill. Honse: Considers District legislation. C. C. C. IS PRAISED! Men Saved Industrial Area of Richmond, Commander Is Informed. By the Associated Pres*. BALTIMORE. March 21.—MaJ. Gen. A. J. Bowley, commander of the 3d Corps Army Area, was Informed yes terday that the ‘‘fine work by the C. C. C. men saved the industrial area” of Richmond, Va. The message was received from Ss. William E. Persons, who is in charge of the Civilian Conservation Corps work there in turning back the flood waters from overflowing into the city. The report came after Gov. George « C. Peery of Virginia and Gov. George H. Earle of Pennsylvania had tele graphed Gen. Bowley their apprecia tions of the work done by the C. C. C. men during the recent floods. "I am deeply grateful to you for your offer to help in connection with the floods which has been brought to * me by Col. Persons,” Gov. Peery wired. “Your men are rendering fine service now in Richmond.” Col. Persons reported that 1,200 en rollees from eight C. C. C. companies yesterday strengthened a recently con structed 700-yard dike, "which in my opinion saved about 35 acres of wholesale and industrial property from inundation and serious property loss.” List of Dead Many Unidentified Among Flood Victims in Several States. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, March 20 —The tabu lation of dead by towns and States: West Virginia (17). Follansbee—Charles Campain, un identified man. Wheeling—John Harris, Mrs. John Harris, Buddy Harris, 2; Mrs. Benja min Little, 62: Mrs. Little’s grandchild, identified as “Hackathom”: man iden tified only as “David,” Mrs. W. F. Reed, Mr. - Dailey. South Wheeling—One unidentified. Wellsburg—Elmer Leonard, Mr. Deneen, three unidentified. Keyser—Unidentified elderly man. Vermont (5). Hancock—Donald Rattee, 5; Eliza beth Rattee, 7. Newport—Byron Herrick, 24, W. P, A. surveyor. Williamstown — Mrs. Hiram S. Drury. Windham—Harold L. Smith, 42. Massachusetts (8). Farley—J. L. Moylan. Hadley—William McGrath. Leominster—Harry R. Willard, rail way freight agent. Boston—Lawrence McCarthy. Lowell—Bernard Grant. North Adams—Mrs. Jessie L. Smi! 75; two unidentified. Connecticut. Stamford—One unidentified. Hartford—John Vritis, one unidu.t ■ fied. New York (2). Elmira—Robert Michalke, 44. Salem—Nancy McMorris, 3. Maine (S). Waterville—Harry H. Neal. 73. Searsport—Unidentified man. Brunswick—Robert Coolen, Donald McCabe,-Bradford. Virgina (4). Lynchburg—Kenith Patterson. Richmond—C. M. Boston. Saltville—Edward Worley. Stanton—Lewis Wells (Negro). Maryland (2). Cumberland—A. M. Lickenstein. Williamsport—Samuel S. Caddik, 65. North Carolina (2). Hot Springs—William B. Paris. Winston-Salem—Leon Hunter, 8 (Negro). Georgia (2). St. Marys—C. H. Monroe, Mrs. C. H. Monroe. mw mmpsmrt U). Unidentified man. Ohio (1). Powhatan—Unidentified. Pennsylvania (97). Pittsburgh (.metropolitan areal— Jane Shriba, 11, McKees Rocks; John Kuse, 45, McKees Rocks; Wil liam Lang, 22, found drowned in office; Christian Braun, farmer, West Elizabeth; Albert Fallen, 21; Infanta Sherrard, Neville Island; Mrs. Lydia Fogel. 66, Northside, burns; Edward Broadbeck, Northside: Florence Wis lowski, Northside; John Beck, 45, Northside; Lawrence Lacey, 36, Negro, Lawrenceville; Joseph Korytkowski, 30, Sharpsburg; Violet Varovic, 6, Etna; Rose Marie Metzer, 3, Etna; Charles Metzer, 6, Etna; Catherine Metzer, 9, Etna; Barbara Metzer, 14, Etna; Mary Ann Verlokovic, 3, Etna; Mrs. Catherine Verlokovic, 26, Etna: five unidentified, drowned at McKees Rocks; six others, unidentified; Albert Gill, 45; Mrs. Jane Conn, 64; Frank Strothers, 56; colored person; Walter Janowskl, 20. Johnstown—Walter Bilenti, 18, Beaverdale; Faber Eckenrode, Loretto; Louis S. Ansman, Loretto; Daniel Gallagher, S. W. Buchanuon, Peter Kostof, James-, S. W. Buchannon, Peter Kostof, James Langham, aged 10; Mrs. Cecelia Wehn; an unidenti fied man of Patton, Pa.; Mrs. Murray Engleheart, 59; Mrs. Anna KrLstof, 44; an unidentified woman believed to be Mrs. Laura Clark: Anthony Galardo, 5; Joseph Yemovich, 19; Samuel Isaacson, 58. Bellefonte—Charles Emenhizer, 51. Bristol—James Moock, 32. East Freedom—Shayes Crltchfleld. 42. Clearfield—Edward Leitzinger; one unidentified. Connellsville—Harry Landymore, 28. Corapolis—Ralph Keefer. Cresson—Faber Eckenrode, 43; LouU Anaman, 43. McKeesport—John Fellman, 38. Milton—Charles Haupt, 52. Petersburg—George Bell and Floyd Haun. Plainsville—Stanley Karboski, 36. Pottsville—Joseph Hagerty. Freeport—An unidentified man. Granville—Roy Scoyoc, Wilbur Rees, James Miller. Greensburg—C. H. Beborek, 56. Herndon—Donald Smith, 18. Huntingdon—D. C. Johnson. Leechburg—Charles W. Bedgnt of Milton, Ky. Rossiter—Russell Sayre, 35; Mrs. Russell Sayre, their two children. Stuibury—George Wagner, 25; boy named McCarthy; three unidentified. Towanda—Five unidentified. Tyrone—Two men unidentified; June Bell. Vandergrlft—Edward Renwick, 26; Mrs. Effle Lauer, 60. Wilkes-Barre—John Kulowski, Vis Smetro. Williamsport—Jay Undauer, I. _ A A The National Scene BY ALICE ROOSEVELT LONGWORTH THE President had a lot of fun in his relief message. He took another jab at the Supreme Court, this time it is to blame for unemployment. That, of course, is Quite absurd. N. R. A. had a two-year run, was on the rocks before the court killed it. had made hardlv a dent in linem I ployment, and even if it had been upheld the budget would have been juat aa much out of balance. He put a clothespin on the nose of the gasping and nearly forgotten “breathing spell,” tossing the unemployment problem into the lap of business. Business will employ all it can. Just as it Swill sell all it can. To lecture it on its duty to use shorter hours and so to employ additional workers is a silly way of trying to slide out of SPt Kffl all responsibility for the new relief billions, and Alice Lonewerth. ought not to tool anybody. He also hinted at the policy of again relaxing the anti-trust laws. A juicy sop to make big corporations happy and open-handed for the campaign. (Copyright, 1836J I A