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Washington Wayside Random Observation? of Interesting Events and Things. GOING. WASHINGTONS old street markers—maybe you re member the wooden signs once posted on corner buildings—are vanishing rapidly. A pair of the remaining signs on Which the direction is spelled in full, will pass from the public eye if the current owners should decide to tear down the old Y. W. C. A. Building at Bixth and E streets. The old signs read like this: "6th St. West.” "E St. North.” Just across the street are the new markers, attached to a light pole, reading: “N.W. E St.” "N.W. 6 St.” The old “Y" building is now used as a stock and storage place by the Hecht Co. Its fate will be determined be tween now and Easter. The wooden signs, with numbers and letters cut into them, have never been taken down—probably because they are on the brick wallihigh above the street. * * * * QUICK. Wives of Senators sometimes have to be a« politic and quick thinking as their husbands. One newly married Senator's wife re cently let her maid take the usual I any ujj aim wan ua oe*j in inc midst of baking a cake for fiiend husband when the door bell rang. Donning an apron and cap quickly she answered the door to the caller announced that Mrs. Blank was not at home. And got away with it. * * * * RIDE. A GRAY dawn the other morning ^ revealed ohe small possum cling ing desperately to the topmost branch of an all but submerged tree on the Washington side of the Potomac about a quarter of a mile above Chain Bridge. The frightened creature clung des perately while the branch swayed in the yellow current. The men at a small hydroelectric station on the river bank below the reservoir made efforts to rescue the little animal, but without result. Then a big tree floating on the sur I face brushed the possum from bis perch. The little creature clung on and vanished down the swollen river. The men on the bank wished him bon voyage, although his chance of sur vival seemed slim, Indeed. SYMBOL. /"\UT on Wisconsin avenue In Be V thesda an air funnel or wind Indi cator, such as one sees at all airports, floats above a garage and service sta tion. A wayside operator, wondering whether the funnel flaunted a chal lnge to pilots to attempt to land on the flat roof of the building, conducted an investigation. He learned that the garage and service station was operated by the former owner of an airport, who brought his field's "trade mark" to Bethesda with him. It Is said to attract many pilots and air-minded persons to the station. * * * * FUTURE. If the stockings on display in the window of a downtown store “go over," men will have some I thing to fuss about other than the queer hats women wear. There are several pairs with elaborate em broidery up the front; others with painted scenes, but the trickiest pair has monkey fur, 3 inches long, attached to the "clocks’’ on each side. * * * * DAWN PATROL. Told by the city editor he would be called at 3 a m. In case of flood here, Phil Love, assistant city editor, stayed awake most of the night In anticipa tion of the call. Weary and tired. Love Anally went to bed, only to be awakened In whal seemed seconds later by the ringing of the alarm clock. Jumping up quickly Love, still asleep, grabbed the alarm clock, shouting, "Hello.” * * * * (")N THE way to the beauty which they purchase In beauty parlors, some women look strange, Indeed. As much is admitted by a woman patron of one of the prominent estab lishments who was one of the sheeted figures moving like ghosts through the place the other day. "Hello," said another of the white wraiths, in a friendly voice. They talked for quite a while and made out quite well considering the fact that the woman who describes the Incident admits she never recog nized the other until several days later when she met an old acquaintance on the street. It all became quite clear when the old acquaintance said: “It was nice to have seen you at So-and-So's the other afternoon.” CITY NEWS IN BRIEF. TODAY. Dance, Sergt. Jasper Poet, American Legion, Broadmoor Hotel, 9:30 p.m. Dance, Lambda Sigma Delta Soror ity, Washington Hotel, 10 pm. Bingo party, Anacoetia Association, Council No. 15, 2407 Minnesota ave nue southeast, 8:30 p.m. Meeting, Biological Society of Washington, Cosmos Club, 8 p.rn. Dance, National Press Club audi torium, 10 p.m. Dance, California State Society, Ra leigh Hotel, 9 pm. Dinner, Optometrlc Society, La Payette Hotel, 7:30 pm. Dinner, Democratic League, La Payette Hotel, 7:30 p.m. Trinity College Alumnae, Mayflower Hotel, 7 p.m. Dance, Athletic Association of Ped ■ral Bureau of Investigation, Ward* nan Park Hotel, 10 p.m. Dance, Dormitory Council, Central IT. M. C. A., Eighteenth and G streets, > p.m. Bingo party, Pride of Washington Council, No. 26, D. of A., Ms sonic remple, 523 Eighth street northeast, 5.30 p.m. Bingo party, Washington Section, Socialist Labor Party, Thomas Circle Club, 1326 Massachusetts avenue, 8 pm. TOMORROW. Meeting, Bartenders’ Union, Old Local No. 75, 725 Fifth street, 3 pm. Meeting, Town Hall, Shoreham Hotel, 8 p.m. Manchuria Exports Beans. Manchuria exports a .good deal of beans and their products, bean cake snd bean oil. LOVE SUIT DROPPED - J Emerson Dismisses 9250,000 Ac tion in “Swap” Case. LOS ANGELES, March 21 (A*).— - Walter E. Emerson, actor and writer, yesterday dismissed his $250,000 lost love suit against Barton Sewell, wealthy yachtsman. Emerson and his wife, Jane, were denied a divorce a year ago, after a trial in which Emerson accused Mrs. Emerson of misconduct with Sewell. She countered with accusations that Emerson was too friendly with Mrs. Sewell. CIRCUS Is Coining to the Shoreham Hotel For One Week, Beginning Monday, March 23d ===== WOODWARD & LOTHROP J0T“ 11™ F and G Streets Phorb DIotmct 3300 Choose a particularly flattering hat—• with the aid of Mme. Lydia ■ of Lydia Modes This well-known designer, recently re turned from Paris, will be in our Mil linery Salon, Monday and Tuesday, to show you, personally, just how to capture the most spirited angle in her eminently wearable hats. MILLINERY SALON, THIRD FLOOR. i --.. r I MissCorrine Eastwood of Barbara Gould —will be in the Toiletries Section, next week, to help you answer your beauty questions, and to tell you about the new Plastic Cream that lifts, stimulates and tightens sagging muscles. A special offering of a 75c jar of Finish ing Cream with each $1 box of Face Powder will be made. TOILETRIES, AISLE 16, FIRST FLOOR. Visit the Girl Scout Cookie Sale In the Girls' Apparel ■ Section, Fourth Floor This event (March’ 20th through March’ 28th) is being offered for the benefit of the Camp Fund, George Washington Na tional Forest. Cookies are priced at 25c ' a package. Pictorial Patterns Will Have a Representative Miss Virginia Kirk In the Pattern Section— 4 i • Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of Next Week She will be glad to help you select the patterns for your Spring outfit. PATTERNS, SECOND FLOOR. m * _ _ _ ______________ A * • Woodward 8c Lothrop 10™ 11™ F and O Streets Phone DIstrict S300 I --- m v< Four suggestions — culled from our Spring bouquet of distinctive ways to - mark your wardrobe “new . season.” | VV 1: :X-X DIVIDED WE STAND—In the fore front of fashion, with the culotte slip to wear beneath culotte frock*. Note it* “bra’’ top. In pure- QC dye satin _ T™’ Costumi Slips, Third Floo*. TIMED AND TIED for Sprlnf chic —a natural linen ’kerchief in fay d* I [ red or blue plaid-▼ ^ Handkerchiefs, Aisle 17, Fust Floor. w GALLANTLY RUFFLED, the sheer, very feminine blouse to wear with tailored suits. Lace is dyed to match its violet, citron, QC jray( navy or powder blue, Y^# Other Blouses_$2 to $29.75 Sportswear, Third Floor. THE MESH OF FASHION snares a shining prize in Gerside’s black patent leather “suit” tie, £ I L Crt with mesh inserts. Pair, Y * OeW Women's Shoes, Thus FXoos. ?> w —the calendar makes "official" that lift of the spirits. And Spring wardrobes "take off" to happy landings from such important fashions as these. For the Shorter Woman -—news of Spring is very apt to be printed. No wonder, with such refreshing editions of thoughtfully styled chic as the jacket frocks sketched at left. Sizes 16J4 to 24J^. At left—A scarf print top contrasts with navy in a sheer frock with soft revers and push-up sleeves. Tie ends echo the print's colors At far left—A meadowful of daisies on an aqua, black or navy pure silk frock that-edges -- - sleeves, jabot and collar with pleating- vj'1'1 /Sj5 — '' Women s Dresses, Third Floor. _> Blithe Young Frocks ... in these blithe young styles, garnered from our Spring crop of chic frocks for misses. At left—A bolero frock outstanding because of its use of three colors—gray-yellow-black is just one of the smart combinations. At far left—A “cravat” print in a debonair two piece frock of imported silk. Red, green or brown. Missis’ Dresses, Third Floor. Take the matter of SUITS and COATS This is a Spring for individual fashions— so many styles you can “be yourself” with a maximum of chic and flattery. Colors are a matter of prime importance with crushberry, toast, gray and a host of mixtures, bold checks and sporting plaids _and those constant favorites, black and navy, outstanding. Fabrics, too, play a gtellar role—adding their distinction to \ deft tailoring. Sketched (in misses' ? sizes): A—The chic tunic length coet in a -- •uit of Forstmann’t candlewick $ AU./D woolen- mS B—A “flare for Spring” in the pep- e-A -- lum back of a auit in Foratmann’a >> 4U./J nubby woolen, grosgrain bound C—Button*—a double row of them (7A 7C / —emphasize the trim line* of a JM*' J nubby wool eoat with gay acarf- ** Other Coats_—$16.95 to $115 *1 Other Suits--—$16.95 to $95 Coats ahd Suits, Thud FLooa. * 'j