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HOOVER RAM CAMPCRUMBLING Dry Rot and Whims of Weather Are Destroying * Favorite Haunts. 87 th« Associated Preaa. Dry rot bu set in at the old Hoover Camp on the Rapidan in the Blue Ridge Mountains. The log on which the former Presi dent held his famous talk with Ram say MacDonald has been dragged up near an outdoor fireplace and is be ing slowly devoured by woodpeckers. A puddle of water from the last rain atands in the pine-paneled bed room used b; Mr. Hoover on bis week end trips. His indor shower bath—on the only one in the mountains—looks rusty and the hot-water heater Just off Mrs. Hoover’s bed room wont work. A canvas curtain is strung across the entrance to the “den" to keep out the field mice. Trout which were so plentifully stocked in the nearby stream have been snared by native fishermen. But several maps still adorn the walls and mutely relate the past As plain as a tourist chart they show: I. The President's cabin. 3. The owl. 3. The creel. 4. Office. 5. Town hall. 6. Prime minister’s cabin. 7. Ishbel's cabin. 8. The slums. 9. Trail’s end. 10. Mess hall. II. Five tents. 12. Philippine quarters. Although the names, most of which were originated by the former Presi dent’s intimate friends, remain on the camp charts, the gay little woodworked signs that hung over each door have been taken down. Unless It Is pointed out as such, "the prime minister's cabin" looks like a forlorn wooden house in the woods with the front porch rotted away. Ishbd’s (Mr. MacDonald’s daughter) needs another strip of tar paper on the root. “The slums” Is in pretty fair shape. No one lives in the camp, entrance to which is guarded by a stout gate. But seven Marines are stationed In barracks a half mile away. They have the keys to Hoover Camp. President Roosevelt has visited the place once, although he has never spent a night there. Mrs. Roosevelt has been there twice. Secretary Swanson camped there for a while last year. He lived in “the Slums.” The Marines are at their post the year round. They keep away sight seers and hunters and fishermen and each Spring repair the buildings. Despite their vigilance, however, some one stole a handmade wooden stool from one of the cabins last Summer. Rules set up by the Interior Depart ment stipulate that when the camp is not occupied by the President, mem bers of his cabinet may use It and invite guests. When not occupied the camp may be inspected upon written permission by the National Parks Service. It is a part of the Shenandoah National Park. The cabins were built by Marines in 1929. SCHEDULE CHANGED Washington Monument to Be Open From 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Hie approach of warm weather was signalized in a National Park Service announcement yesterday that the Washington Monument will be opened to the public for additional time, start ing at Easter. Officials said that commencing April 12—Easter Sunday—the shaft will be open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. At the present time. Winter schedules pre vail, the public being admitted from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. Thousands of visi tors, here annually for cherry blos som season. Include the Washington Monument in their sightseeing tours. Wire Inquiry Seeks Data For State Gambling Probe Samuel Becker of Coun sel for F.R.C. C. Is in Charge of Probe. One of Hoover's G-Men Sits in faking Notes on Testimony. BY LEMUEL F. PARTON. Samuel Becker ot counsel for the Federal Radio Communications Com mission, in charge of race track de tails of the commission's inquiry into telephone finance and practice, is in New York, rounding up more informa tion bearing on the supply of wires and apparatus for pool room news services. One of J. Edgar Hoover's G-men sits in the inquiry taking notes. While the commission contemplates no punitive action against the Amer ican Telephone and Telegraph Co., it is diligently furthering this detail of the broader examination, as it be lieves the testimony already in the record provides valuable data for States seeking to clarify their law enforcement programs involving race track gambling. This correspondent asked Commis sioner Paul Walker, in charge of the A. T. & T. investigation, to outline the purposes and authority of the commission in its extended probe of the company’s-leasing of wires and teletypers to race-track news serv ices. He said: "Under the Joint resolution direct ing this inquiry, which was adopted at the opening session of this Con gress. we are authorized to inquire into the trade practices of the tele phone company, as well as its rates and financial structure. "One of the primary purposes of the investigation is to provide the Staten with information to which they are entitled, but which they have been unable to obtain through their Legis latures or regulatory bodies. In our opinion, information requiring the supply of service to various race-track news bureaus became pertinent to this inquiry, as it involves effective law enforcement in States which do not legalize racing or betting. "The record of testimony already discloses specific instances to show that the trade practices involved, as bearing on matters of public policy of concern to the States, are within \ the scope of this inquiry. "It has been shown that the rev i enue from leased wires and teletype writers used by the Nation-wide News Service is about $550,000 annually, with the revenue from other services I bringing it to about $600,000 a year. "Up to 1924, the A. T. <t T. had re fused to lease wires or apparatus for this service. When the teletype j writer was developed, there was an increasing and urgent demand for the wires and the company began supply SAMVEL BECKER. —Underwood, Photo. tag them. From April 1, 1931, to De cember 1, 1935, their total revenue from this source, from testimony now In the Record, has been $2,841,071.34. The race track gambling services are the sixth largest toll subscribers of the telephone company. Our Interest, how ever. is in the manner in which this service has come in contact with Na tion-wide law enforcement. The rec ord already recites specific instances.” These instances, as appearing in last week’s testimony, have to do with the efforts of police officers to break up pool rooms, the seizure of teletype writers and methods used in circum venting such law enforcement. One in particular, as disclosed in a report by a Jamestown. N. Y., telephone representative, tells of the recovery of a confiscated machine, and the reopening of a book-making establish ment, through a judicious handout of cigars and small sums of money. Andrew W. Kavanaugh, director of public safety at Miami, told of having made A. T. & T. officials “party to a crime” in his battle against the book makers. While the official inquisitors have been reserved in their character ization of the racing wire services, witnesses, including police officials, have linked these enterprises with the underworld and with "major rackets” of the country. Race track gambling has been steadily on the increase in the last two years. According to records of the commission, the Nation-wide News Service operates In 34 States, three provinces in Canada, ^nd 200 cities. Examination of A. T. & T. officials, who certified memoranda subpoenaed by the commission, showed that the company had engaged In the supply of wires and teletypewriters with great hesitancy, after first seeking legal advice for withholding such service. At Thursday's hearing. C. M. Brace lln, attorney for the company, said, in reply to questions: “We deplore the use of any service in violation of the law, and if we can be put in a position of not having to furnish It as a matter of law, we will be most happy." (Copyright 1H.36. by North American Newspaper Alliance. Inc.) Dr. Evelyn Eider to Speak. Dr. Evelyn Amanda Rider, assistant admitting officer of Oallinger Hospital, will address the National Committee on Federal Legislation for Birth Con trol at a luncheon meeting on Tues day at the Women’s City Club, 72fl Jackson place. Dr. Rider will give her experiences in India, where she spent several years doing medical work. FOUND. BULL TERRIER, large, brmdle. white head with bundle ere, weara collar. Phone Poto« mac 6036. POCTCETBOOK—Party can have by calling at 1440 Rhode Ialand are, n.w.. Apt. 41._ PUPPY, female, black, tan markings. Thurs. eve., vicinity cor. Wyoming and Conn. ave. Owner please caU North 3593. Lost and Found advertisement* for the daily Star will be accepted Monday* to Fridays, inclusive, up to noon day of isme. Saturday* and legal holiday* up to 10 a m. day of issue. For The Sunday Star up to 11 p.m. Saturday. LOST. DACHSHUND—Red. male, answers nami "Brock": lost Thursday night near Ashton Md.: green collar. Liberal reward. Wrlti Dr. J. H. Janney. Annapolis, or tdaphont Annapolis 1162-J. DOG. small, resemble! cocker spaniel, tar and white curly hair; license No. 18416. Decatur 2904-R._ ENGLISH BULL, white, with three browr spots on back, and has bobbed tall: an swers to name ol "Bozo.” If seen or found notify Richard Hodge. 112 Fatrview ave. Fairmont Heights. Md. Phone Capitol Heights 52i>._ EYEGLASSES. shell-rimmed. Edmonds green leather case, vicinity 13th and G sts TTiurs. a m. Phone Emerson 8422. a * POX HOUND—Color Black, white and tan vicinity of Riggs and Metserott roads: SIC reward for information leading to recov. erv. A. D. MacDonald. Metzerott road Berwyn. Md. Phone Berwyn 41W. GLASSES, tortoise-shell rimmed, lady's Saturday afternoon, poeslbly in taxicab. Cleveland 3764.. HANDBAG, black leather, lady's, with drlv er’s license, registration card and paoers. on 14th st. Return to lost snd foundj Capital Transit Co. main office. 36th and M sts. n.w.. LOST IN nOOD—Twin-cabin Richardsot cruiser. 30 ft., white hull, orange coloi deck. No. R-4572 faintly visible on bow Reward. N. X. Rollins. 90 Kansas st.. Clar enoon. Va.23» POCKTTBOOK. woman's, black leather Saturday on R. I. ave. n.w. between 15th and 16th its: had two zipper compart ments. S6 and nose classes Inside. Reward Phone Decatur 1362. _. POCKETBOOK. black, containing a watch with name on. at 13tb and Constitutor ave. Phooe Shepherd 3074. PURSE, brown. Initials "H. B. S.” undei flap; Conn. ave. near Nebraska or on bus Cleveland 8830. _L_ SANDAL. lady’s, brown, paekage left lr text Wednesday. $2 reward. Call North lOOOO. Apt. 308. WATCH, lady’s small Balova. Friday eve ning. Reward if returned to 1822 Irvlm st. n.w. Columbia T661.___ WILL gentleman who took wrong glassei from Beaton's IRth st. barber shop Sat return there, exchange his own?* WIRE-HAIRED TERRIER—8 months, ret harness. Reward. 3616 Pulton st. n.w Phone Cleveland 2217.__ WRIST WATCH, woman’s, white gold en graved ••Jim-Tarry. 1833." Reward. Phont Emerson Wit -- MARRIAGE IS TOPIC Jewish Women’s Council Group to Hear Dr. Conn. Dr. Jacob Conn of the Phipps Psy chiatric Clinic at Johns Hopkins’ Hos pital will be the guest speaker at a meeting of the Mother’s Club, Council of Jewish Women, Tuesday night at the Hebrew Home for the Aged, on Spring road. His topic will be "Hus band-Wife Relationship.” Husbands of members of the council have been invited to attend the meet ing. scheduled to start at 8:15 o’clock. Mrs. William Chase, chairman of the Mothers* Club, will preside. (Earfcfl of ftitattfa. JACKSON. CARET BISHOP. The family of the late CAREY BISHOP JACKSON with to thank their many friends for the beautiful floral tribute* and other ex pression* of sympathy during the recent illness and at the death of their beloved husband, father and brother. MRS. BETTIS JACKSON. WASHINGTON. GREENWOOD. The family of the late GREENWOOD WASHINGTON wish to express their gratitude to the pastor, officers and members of the Mount Carmel Baptist Church. Union Station hack stand. Oceola Lodge. House hold and Juvenile of the O. U. O. of O. F„ Revs. E. L. Harrison. J. L. S. Hollo man. S. G. Lamnkins. P. J. Jemagln. B. H Whiting, faithful relatives and friends for their kind expressions of sympathy and beautiful floral pieces during the illness and at the death of our loved one. THE WASHINGTON FAMILY. 437 O st. n.w. Stall!* ADAMS. WILLIAM 8. On Friday. March 20. 1036. at his residence. 22 Bryant st. n.w.. WILLIAM 8. ADAMS, beloved husband of Laura P. Adams and father of William W. Adams. Funeral from the above residence on Monday. March 23. at 3 p.m. Interment Cedar H1U Cemetery. ARMSTRONG. PLOT 8. On Friday. March 20. 1938. at her residence In Vienna. Va.. FLOY S. ARMSTRONG, beloved wife of Edward J Armstrong and mother of Richard 8. Armstrong. Remains Testing at the W. W. Chambers Co. funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w. Interment at Woodburn. N. Y. 22 BAKER. ETHEL MAY. On Friday. March 30. 1938. at her residence. 2980 Carlton ave. n.e.. ETHEL MAY, beloved wife of Guy M Baker. Remains resting at the Gasch Sons funeral home. 48 Mary land ave.. Hyattsville. Md. Services at the above funeral home on Monday. Marcn 33. at u.tu p.m. interment Fori Lincoln Cemetery. 22 BASTRESS, DAVID W. On Tuesday, March 17. 1936. at Providence Hospital. DAVIS W. BASTRESS. Remains resting at the Lee funeral home. 4th st. and Mass ave n.e.. where services will be held on Mon day. March 23. at 11 a m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Glen wood Cemetery. 23 CAME. HENRIETTA (ETTA). On Satur day. March 2). 1936. at Washington Sanitarium. Takoma Park. Md.. HEN RIETTA (ETTA) CAME, beloved mother ol Carlton L. and George H Came Re mains resting at the 8 H. Hines Co fu neral home. 2901 14th st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. CHISM. THOMAS A. On Friday. March 20. 1936. at Mount Alto Hospital. THOMAS A CHISM, beloved husband ol Mildred Chism (nee Englei and father of Albert M. and Louise Chism. Late reiidence. Herndon. Va. Funeral from the W W. Chambers Co. funeral home. 1400 ChaDln st. n.w.. on Monday. March 23 at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends in vited Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 22 COLEMAN. BLANCHE. On Monday. March Hi. 1936. at Gallinger Hospital BLANCHE COLEMAN, ihe loving daughter o£ Ad dison and Susie Coieman. devoted sister of Mark H.. Ethel. Evelyn and Olativs Coleman and Mrs. Missouri Jackson. She also leaves other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the John T. Rhmes funeral chapel. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w.. until noon Saturday. March 21; thereafter at her late residence. 319 Mc Lean ave. s.w. Funeral Sunday. March 22 at 1:30 p.m.. from Rehoboth Baptist Church 1st st. between N and O sts. s.w. Relatives and friends are invited. Interment in Lincoln Memorial Ceme tery. 19.21.22 CORMICK. LIF.LIA Columbia Temple. No. 422. I. B P. O E of W. held a session of sorrow Saturday. March 21. 1936. at the Elks' Home to arrange for the funeral of Daughter LCELLA COR MICK. Funeral Tuesday. March 24. at 1:30 p.m.. from Goodwill Baptist Church. 16th and You sts. n.w. FRANCIS DUNCAN. Daughter Ruler. MAMOMI E. WASHINGTON. Secy. DENT. WARREN GILBERT On Friday. March 20. 1936. at 12 o'clock noon, at his residence. 1409 Corcoran st. n.w.. WARREN GILBERT DENT, beloved hus band of Sarah J. Dent, father of Mrs. Cordelia D Bowser. Mrs. Riviera D. Fultz and Sherman T. Dent, and grand father of Marlery and Charles Bowser and Rita Dent. Remains resting at the McGuire funeral home. 1820 9th st. n.w Funeral from the above establishment to St. Augustine's Catholic Church, where mass will bo celebrated at 9 o’clock. 23 EDMONDSON. MARGARET S. On Thurs day. March 19. 193B. at Garfield Hos pital. MARGARET S. EDMONDSON, wife of the late Rev. J. B. Edmondson and mother of the late Jessie B. Edmondson and one surviving daughter. Beth L. Edmondson. Funeral services at the 8 H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w . on Sunday March 22. at 2:30 p.m. Interment at Oshawa, Ontario. Canada. 22 EDWARDS. ELLEN LISTON. On Thursday. March 19. 1936. at her residence. 1728 W st. S.e, ELLEN LISTON EDW ARDS, beloved wife of the late William Ed wards. Funeral from the above resi dence on Monday. March 03. at 8:30 a m.: thence to St. Theresa’s Church 13th and V sts. s.e.. where mass will be said at 9 a.m. for the reocse of her soul. Relatives and friends Invited. Inter ment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 22 EDWARDS. ELLEN LISTON. The Ladies’ Benevolent Society of St. Theresa s Church will meet at the late residence of ELLEN LISTON EDWARDS. 1728 W at. s t. Sunday evening. March 22. 1936. at 7 o'clock for prayers and attend mass a; St. Theresa's Church Monday. March 23. at 9 a.m. FLORENCE TUCKER. Pres. ANNIE GARVEY. R. 8. FARLEY. JANE On Saturday. March 21. 1936. JANE FARLEY, beloved mother of James H. Parley and Irene Pralther. She also leaves to mourn her departure seven grandchildren, two great-grand children and many other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the John T. Rhines funeral chapel. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w. Notice of funeral later. FOSTER. WALTER. On Friday. March 20, 1936. at his residence. 611 P st. n.w.. WALTER FOSTER, beloved husband ol Olive Foster, father of Cathleen Foster, brother of Charles Davis and Bertha Johnson. Funeral from Wesley Wash ington's funeral parlor on March 23. Relatives and friends invited to attend. ■ GEIER. ELIZABETH A. On Thursday March 19. 193ti ELIZABETH A., beloved wife of John B Geier and daughter ol the late William and Rose Reith. Fu neral from her late residence. 4708 13th at. n.w, on Monday. March 23. at 9:IB a.m. Solemn high reauiem mass at St Mary's Church at 10 o'clock. Relatives and friends invited. Interment St Mary’s Cemetery. 22 GEIER. ELIZABETH. The Ladies’ So dality of St. Mary's Church will meet ai the late residence of Mrs. ELIZABETH GEIER. 4708 13th st. n.w.. on Sunday March 22. 1936. at- 3:30 p.m. to recltt the Rosary. JRS. EMMA MALEY. Prefect. MISS ADELE WASSMAN. Secty. 22 GIBBS. ALONZO. On Saturday. March 21. 1936. at Gallinger Hospital. ALONZO urinDo. ot-iovea nusoana oi renri ujuws. devoted father of Ida. James. Ullian. Alonzo. Jr.: Eloise. Otl«. Willie and De lolse’ Gibbs; brother of John Howard. Remains resting at the John T. Rhlnes funeral chapel. 3rd and Eye sts. *.w. Notice of funeral later. HAZZARD. SUSAN SEABROOK. On March 21. 193H. at 433 Avenue Haig, Shanghai. China. SUSAN SEABROOK HAZZARD. beloved wife of Elliott W. Hazzard. She also is survived by her slater. Mrs. Ed ward B. Pox of Arlington. Va., and her two sons. Elliott W.. jr.. and Michael Seabrook Hazzard of Shanghai. China. , HENDERSON, CECELIA. Departed this life on Friday. March 20. 1036. after a ahort illness. CECELIA HENDERSON. She leaves to mourn their loss a son. Earle Easton, and a host of friends Remains resting at Barnes Jt Matthews funeral home. 614 4th at. s.w. Notice of funeral later. 1 HERRMANN. J. PHILIP. On Friday. March 20. 1936. J. PHILIP HERRMANN, be loved husband of Margaret T. Herrmann Body resting at Joseph Gawler s Sons Chanel. 1760 Pa. ave. n.w.. until Mon day morning. March 23. Services at hli late residence. 3100 Woodland drlvt n.w., on Monday. March 23. at 2:30 p.m. Interment iprivate 1 Rock Creek Cem etery. Please omit flowers. 22 HOLBROOK. CALVIN. On Friday. March 20. 1936. at the home of his son. Lind ley W. Holbrook. 6908 Olenbrook rd. Edgemoor. Bethesda. Md.. CALVIN HOL BROOK. Body resting at Warner E Pumphrey’s funeral home, Rockville. Md Notice of services later. 22 HOLT. WILLIAM EDWARD. On Saturday, March 21. 1930. at Providence Hospital, WILLIAM EDWARD HOLT, aged 7 years, beloved son of Edward and Della Pat terson Holt of 1708 D at. a.e. Notice oi funeral later. HUNTER. MART A. On Saturday March 21. 1930. at Alexandria Hospital. Alex andria. Va.. MARY A. HUNTER, aged 8fl Sears, wife of the late Benjamin P, iunter. Remains resting at Cunning ham’s funeral home. Alexandria. Va Notice of funeral later. JACKSON. MOSES F. On Thursday. March - 19. 1936. MOSES F. JACKSON, husband of Alice Jackson and son of the late Fan nie Jackson. Remains resting at th( John T. Rhines funeral chapel. 3rd ant Eye sts. s.w.. where funeral services will be held at 1:30 n.m. Sunday. March 22 Rev. J. W. McCoy officiating. Relatlvei and friends invited to attend. Inter ment In Woodlawn Cemetery. 23 JACKSON. MOSES F. The officers ant members of Pythagoras Lodge. No. 8 P. A. A. M.. are called to a special com munication at the Scottish Rite Temple 1033 11th st. n.w.. Sunday. March 22 1936, at 12 noon, to attend the funera of P. M. MOSES P. JACKSON. Service to be held atRhlne’g funeral home. 801 8rd st. a.w.. at 1:30 PJJh Attest: J. W.ISEWELL. Secretary. V. Bfattfa JOHNSON. WILLIAM J. On Tuesday. Marcn 17. 1936. at Mount Alto Hosoltal. alter a brtet illness. WILLIAM J. JOHN SON. 101 4th st. s.w. He leaves to mourn their loss two brothers, James Benjamin Johnson and Henry C. John son: live sisters. Lucy McCoy. Eva Thomas. Grace Johnson. Bessie Johnson and Margaret Johnson: two mints. Mag gie Jackson and Marla Dlsts. and a host of other .-datives and friends. Remains resting at Frazier's funeral home. 389 R. I. ave. n.w„ until 10:30 a.m. Sun day, March 32: thenca to the residence of ills sitter. 205 M st. s.w Funeral Monday. March 23. 1 p.m.. from John Stewart’s Methodist Church. Interment Arlington National Cemetery, Rev. Charles Tolson officiating. 22 KAHN. LEO. On Saturday. March 21, 1936. LEO KAHN, aged 81 year*, beloved husband of Malvina Kahn and devoted father of Mrs. Henry I. Coleman Fu neral from the chapel of Bernard Dan zaniky. 3501 14th at. B.w.. Monday. March 23. at 1 p.m. KEISER. LEWIS. On Saturday. March 21. 1938. at 12:20 a.m.. at Garfield Hos pltaL LEWIS KEISER of 4850 Watkins ave.. Bethesda. Md.. the beloved husband of Lois Hill Keiser. Funeral services at the above residence Monday. March 23. at 2:30 p.m Interment Mount Zion Cemetery. Bethesda. Md. 22 LEE. MARTHA. Suddenly, on March 19. 1938. at East Falls Church. Va.. MAR THA LEE. devoted wife of Charles Lee. mother of Charles. Jr.: Catherine, Rachel. Rosie. Marjorie. Carl and Clarence Lee: Joving daughter of Mrs. Rosie Davis. She also leaves three aunts, other rela tives and many friends to mourn her de parture Remains resting at the John T. Rhlnes funeral chapel, 3rd and Eye ats. s.w until 5:30 p.m. Saturday; there after at her late residence. 1211 South 7th At.. Arlington. Va. Funeral at 1:30 P.m. on Sunday. March 22. from the Mount Olivet Baptist Church. Arlington. Va.. Rev. A. H. Holmes officiating. In terment in Odd Fellows' cemetery. 22 LEWIS. JONATHAN. JR. (JACK). On Thun day, March 19. 1936. at St. Petersburg, Fla.. JONATHAN LEWIS, JR. (JACK), husband of the late Mary Oreer Lewis and beloved brother-in-law ol Sarah J. Uiihn of New York City. Funeral from the chapel of Jonn R. Wright. 1337 10th st n.w on Monday. March 23. at 2 p.m. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. 22 LEWIS. PRISCILLA. Departed this life Wednesday. March 18. 1936. after a brief illness. PRISCILLA LEWIS. She was the devoted wife of Joshua Lewis, mother of Robert. Beatrice. Rosie. Eva. Charles and Fannie Lewis. She also leaves to mourn their loss one brother. William Grimes: one Sister. AaulUa Grimes, and a host of other relatives and friends. Funeral from Barnes A Matthews’ funeral home. 614 4tb st. s.w.. Monday March 23. at 1 p.m.. Rev. J. Green officiating. Interment Rose mont Cemetery. LEYBURN. LIZZIE Cl’MMINGS. On iuui«uaj< waivu a u . j.hju, at ucui*' town University Hospital. LIZZIE CUM MINGS LEYBURN. beloved wile of the late Walter H. Leybum and mother of Allred and Nellie liyburn. Mrs. R. C Douglas and Mrs. Alex Haight. Remains resting at her late residence. 828 North Stafford st., Ballston. Va.. where fu neral services will be held Sunday March 22. at 3 p.m. Interment Columbia Gardens Cemetery. Clarendon. Va. 22 MAXEY. JOHNETTA. Departed this life on Friday. March 20. 1030. at 10:30 pm., at Freedmen's Hospital, in lull triumph of Christian faith. JOHNETTA MAXEY. She was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Grant Howell and sister ot the late Grant Howell. Funeral Monday. March 23. at 1 o'clock p.m.. from Vermont Avenue Baptist Church Remains temporarily resting at Bentley & Malloy’s funeral home. 12th st. and Florida ave. n.w.. Rev. C. G. Murray officiating. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. Friends invited to attend. Serving a devoted friend. Mr. Edward Harris, and others. 22 McGINNES. ALICE. On Saturday. March 21. 11*30. at Providence Hospital. ALICE McGINNES. the beloved daughter of the late Peter and Maria McGinnes. Fu neral notice later. MIDDLETON. MINNIE DEWEY. On March 1U. 1936. at Westfield. Mass.. MINNIE DEWEY MIDDLETON, beloved wife of the late Robert L. Middleton of George town. D. C. Interment at Westfield. Mass., March 22. MOOSE. MACK. Departed this life on Friday March 2o 1930. at Gallinger Hospital. MACK MOORE He leaves to mourn their loss a devoted friend. Eliza beth Minor; one daughter. Alice Scar borough: two sons. Mack, jr . and Mar cellus Moore, and also other relatives and friends Remains resling at Eugene Ford's funeral home. 13*><* South Capitol at., where funeral services will be held on Monday. March 23. at 1 p.m.. Rev. J H. Jernagin officiating. MORGAN. MORGAN D On Saturday. March 21. l!*3o. MORGAN D. MORGAN, beloved husband of Beatrice M. Morgan. Remains resting at the Lee funeral home. 4th si and Mass. ave. n.e. Notice of funeral later. MUNBELL. GRACIE. Departed this life suddenly, on Saturday morning. March 21. 1936. at the residence of her son. William Munbell. 1404 Montello ave. < n.e . GRACIE MUNBELL. She leaves to mourn their loss two daughters. Mrs. Mattie M Brown of Atlantic City and Mrs. Letttc Young, and one son, William Munbell of this city, and other relatives and friends. Remains may be seen at the above residence on Monday at noon. Funeral Tuesday. March 24. at 2 p.m.. from Smith's Chapel A. M. E. Church. Tisgah. Md. 23 NICKENS. MARY E. On Friday. March 20. 1936. at 9 a.m.. at Georgetown Uni versity Hospital. MARY E. NICKENS. beloved wife of Rev. James Nickens. lov ing mother of Charles Gray. Clarence. Raymond. Norwood. Dafien and James XwicKCus. jr.. air 5. aiuuc aihjiiim. jvaio. Helen Grimes and Mrs. Mary Cooke. Surviving her also are one brother, one sister and other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Frazier's funeral home. 380 R. I ave. n.w., until 4 p m. Sunday. March 22; thereafter at her late residence 2396 Chain Bridge road. D. C. Funeral Tuesday. March 24. at 2 p.m.. from St. Philip's Baptist Church, St. Philips Hills. D. C. 23 . PIEKCE. MARY. On Friday. March 20. 1036 MARY PIERCE, the beloved sister of Ada White. Nettie William and Wil liam Pierce. She also leaves four nieces and two nenhews Funeral Monday. March 23. at 1:30 p.m.. from the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 14.32 You st. n.w. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. on PINKNEY WILLIE MASONVILLE HUNTER. On Wednescay. March 18. 1936. at 8:50 p.m.. at her residence. 1430 T st. n.w.. WILLIE MASONVILLE HUNTER PINK NEY, the beloved daughter of Josie and the late Albert Hunter, sr.; loving wife of the late Robert A. Pinkney and de voted sister of the late Albert Hunter Jr. Funeral Sunday. March 22. at 3 pm. from the McGuire funeral home. 1820 9th st. n.w. Relatives and friends invited. Interment at Harmony Ceme tery. 22 PRESTON. ALBERT. On Friday. March 20. 1036 ALBERT PRESTON, husband of Marv Preston He also leaves three sisters and other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You at. n.w. Fu neral Tuesday. March 24, at 2 P.m.. from the Church of Our Redeemer. 8th st. between Barry and W sts. n.w.. Rev. Wiseman officiating. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 23 RENFRO. JAMES G. On Friday. March 20. 1036 at Gallinger Hospital. JAMES G. RENFRO. He is survived by his de voted nephew. Dr. D. I. Renfro: a grand nephew. H P Renfro, and also other relatives and friends Remains may be seen at Malvan A Schey s funeral home. N. J. ave. and R st. n.w. Notice of fu neral later. REPETTI. HENRY. On Tuesday. March 17. 1036. at St. Petersburg Fla. HENRV REPETTI. beloved husband of Elizabeth Collinge Repetti. Funeral services nl his late residence. 527 6th st. s.e.. or Monday. March 23. at 10:30 a.m. In terment Arlington National Cemetery. 22 EIFFEL. THOMAS M. On Saturday. March *21. IP.'lfi. at his daughter's residence. Cleveland Ohio. THOMAS M.. aged 77 rears. beloved husband of Lula Rinel. father of Alice Hubbard. Burial at Westchester. Ohio, on Monday. March 23. ROBINSON. MINNIE J. On Friday. March ,U. Ml uci jcamciiuc. st. n.e . MINNIE J. ROBINSON, beloved daughter of the late W. A. and Eliza Robinson. Services at the chapel of Joseph Gawler Sons, 1758 Pa. ave. n.w.. on Tuesday. March 24. at 2 n.m. 23 ROSE. GEORGE U. On Friday. March 20 '93b at Soldiers’ Home Hospital, aftei a brief illness. GEORGE U. ROSE, be loved husband of the late Emily D Rose and father of Crete. Emily. Joseph Edwin. Fred. Herbert and the lat< George u.. ir.. and Irwin Rose. Serv ices at the Tabler funeral home. 4211 9th >t. n.w., on Monday. March 33. »1 2 p.m. followed by interment in Rock Creek Cemetery. 23 SINDELL. WILBUR G. Suddenly, on Fri day. March 20. 1030. WILBUR G. SIN DELL of 5465 Nebraska ave. n.w . hus band of Florence Sindell. Funeral serv ices and interment at Reading. Pa., on Tuesday. March 24. SMITH. IGNATIUS WILLIAM. On Friday March 20. 1036. at the residence of hi! nephew. James Irving Smith. Uppei Marlboro. Md.. IGNATIUS WILLIAM SMITH, brother of Mrs Susans Smitsor of Upper Marlboro. Md Funeral from the above residence on Monday. March 23. at 8:30 a m.: thence to St. Mary ! Church. Upper Marlboro. Md.. where mass will be aald for the repoie of hie soul. Relatives and friends Invited Interment Mount Carmel Cemetery, Upper Marlboro. Md. 22 SMITH. MATILDA. On Friday. Marel 20. 1036. at 124 Thomas st. n.w.. MA TILDA SMITH. She is survived by hei husband. Percy Smith: two devoted daughters, Mary Ellen and Ruth Smith two sisters. Mrs. Rachel Calvert of An napolis. Md.. and Miss Emma J. Millei of 1407 Belmont st. n.w.: a brother Richard "I. Miller of Cleveland. Ohio and other telatlves and friends. . Re mains may be seen at Malvan A Schey I funeral home. New Jersey ave. and R st n.w. Notice of funeral later. 22 SPRIGGS. MART ELLA. Departed thli life on Thursday. March 10. 1036. at 11 noon, at Freedmen’s Hospital, after e brief illness. MARY ELLA SPRIGGS. th< beloved daughter of F. W. and Florenci A. Spriggs and beloved sister of Arthui H_ Trank W.. William B. Spriggs. Addli Simms Spriggs and Thomasine Bingham Scricgs. Ruth A. and Gloria Spriggs She also leaves a boat of other relative! and friends. Funeral Sunday. Marel 22. at 1 P.m.. from Galbraith A. M. E Zion Church 6th st. between L and M sts. n.w. Remains resting at the W Ernest Jarvis funeral chapel until 4 D.m Saturday: thereafter at 1538 6th st n.w Interment Harmony Cemetery. 22 TABLER. VIOLA. Suddenly, on Thursday March 10. 1936. at her home, the Mar cheta Aots.. 112i N. H. ave. n.w.. VIOLA wife of CUrenoe W. Tabler. Bodv rest lna at Warner E. Pumphrey's funera home. 8424 Georgia ave.. Stiver Spring Md. Services and Interment private. S: Spatlja THOMAS. JOHN. Departed this life Pri. day March 20. 1836. at his residence. st_s.e_. after a brief Illness. JOHN THOMAS. He leaves to mourn their loaa a loving wile. Virgmia Thomas, and a host of friends. Remains resting at Barnes Sc Matthews’ funeral home. 614 4th it. i.w. Notice of funeral later. THOMAS, MARY. Columbia Tsmple. No. 4JJ. I. B. P. O. 1. o! W„ he'd a session of sorrow Saturday. March 21. 1836. at the Elks’ Home to arrange tor the fu neral of Daughter MARY THOMAS Pu neral Monday. March 23. at 2:30 p.m.* from Jarvis’ funeral home. You at. be tween 14th and 15th sts. n.w. TRANCIS DUNCAN Daughter Ruler. MAMOMI E. WASHINGTON. Secy. THRIFT. WILLIAM W. Suddenly, op Prl day. March 20. 10.36, at Harrison. N. J.. WILLIAM W.. beloved husband of Nora L. Thrift of 615 G at. s,e. Puneral from the James T. Ryan funeral home. 317 Pa. ave. s.e . on Monday, March 23. at 1 p.m. Relatives and friends Invited. Interment at Oibeon Baptist Church, Village. Va.. on Tuesday. March 24. at 3 p.m. 23 MARY E. Departed this life on Thursday. March 18. 1936. at her resi dence. 2906 11th at. n.w.. MARY E. TURNER 'MAMIE >. beloved daughter of the late Susan Thompson and sister of the late Mildred Barnes. She leaves to mourn their loss a devoted and beloved daughter. Qriselda W. Turner: two nieces. Keturah and Mildred Barnes; and nephews. Philip. Joseph. Tavlor. Turner and Joe Barnes. Funeral Mon day, March 23. at 1 p.m.. from the resi dence. 1244 Girard st. n.w. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You it. n.w.. until 6 p.m. Saturday: thereafter at the above resi dence. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. 23 TURNER. MARY E. The Brilliant 8tar Benevolent Association announce* the death of Mrs. MARY E. TURNER. Pu neral Monday. March 23. 1936. at l p m.. from her late residence. 1244 Girard et. n.w JENNIE BROWN LEE. Pres. INEZ CLOMAX. Secy. TURNER. MARY E. Officers and members of the Young Ladies' Protective League aie rcuuesieu 10 auena me lunerai oi Mrs. MARY E. TURNER. Monday. March 23. 1930. at 1 D.m.. from 1244 Girard st. n.w. MRS. LILLIE V BUNDY. Pres. MISS MAMIE L. STEWART. Rec. Secy. TYLER. ROBERT. Departed this life on Thursday. March 19. 1930. at his resi dence, 2124 P st n.w.. ROBERT TYLER, loving son of Mrs Betty Mays, beloted husband of Lillian Tyler, brother of William Russell. Mrs. Hattie Mosley. Mrs. Geortia Robinson. Mrs. Daisy Alex ander and Miss Julia Tyler; brother-in law of Rev. John Mosley and uncle of Nancy Robinson, He also leaves other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the John T. Rhines funeral chapel. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w.. until o p m. Sun day. thereafter at his late residence. 2124 F st. n.w Funeral at 1 o m. Mon day. March from the Gethsemane Baptist Church. 23rd st. and Virginia ave. n.w Interment in Lincoln Memo rial Cemetery. Relatives and friend* invited. 22 VA\ ALLEY. HATTIE VIOLA. On 8atur day. March 21. 1930. HATTIE VIOLA, beloved wife ol Louis Joseph Van Alien, mother of Helen. Louis. Viola and Ruth Van Alien. She also is survived by her mother. Mrs. Mary Jenkins, and lister. Mrs. Jessi# Penn. Notice of Xunerai later. WALKER. JOHN E. On Thursday. March 19. 1936 JOHN E. WALKER the be loved husband of Mary E. Walker. Re mains resting at H. M. Padgett's funeral home. Funeral from H. M. Padgett s funeral home. 131 11th st. s.e.. on Mon day. March 23. at 2 p.m Interment Congressional Cemetery. Relative* and friends invited. 22 " i'S¥u-S.' Hhh'S. On Friday. March 20. 1930. at his residence. Seat Pleas ant. Md.. JULIUS WIESSNER. Funeral services at the W. w. Chambers Co. Southeast funeral home. 517 11th it. a.e.. on Monday. March 23. at 11 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Addison Chapel. Seat Pleasant, Md. 22 WILKERSON. LILLY. On Thursday. March 19. 1936. at her residence, is Florida ave n.e.. LILLY WILKERSON. mother of Elizabeth Carter. Blanche Jenkins. Flossie Wlldy. Agnes Brannum and Lu cille Wilkerson. She also leaves two sons. Thomas and Raymond Wilkerson. and a host of other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w. Fu neral Sunday. March 22. at 1:3U D.m.. from the Union Wesley A. M. E. Churcn. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 22 YORK. AUCE W. On Friday. March 20 1936. at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Eugene Graves. Merrifield. Va., ALICE W. YORK, widow of the late John L. York, beloved mother of Mrs. E. u Graves. Mrs L. H. Ristlg and John H York. Remains resting at the Lee fu neral home. 4th st. and Mass. ave. n.e. where services will be held on Monday. March 23. at 2 D.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Port Lin coln Cemetery. 22 YOUNG. DR. CLAUDIUS J. On Saturday. March 21. 1930. at Carson's Hospital. Dr CLAUDIUS J. YOUNG of North Caro lina. Remains will rest at the McGuire funeral home. 1820 9th st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. 23 In UUmnrtam. BETTES. IDA M. In gad but loving re membrance of my dear mother. IDA M. BETTER, who left me three years ago today. March 22. 1933. Surrounded by friends I am lonesome. In the midst of all I am blue: A smile on my face and a heartache. Longing, dear mother, lor you. LOVTNO SON. ELMER T. BETTER. CORSON. GEORGE. In sad but loving re membrance of our dear son and brother. GEORGE OOR8ON who left us so sud denly one year ago today, March 22. 1933. Loved in life, remembered in death. MOTHER AND NAOMI. * FLEISHMAN. ANNIE P. In loving memoir of my dear wife. ANNIE P. FLEISHMAN, who passed away one year ago today, March 22. 1035. No one knows how I miss you. Annie, dear; No one knows the bitter pain I have suffered since I lost you. Life will never be the same HER DEVOTED HUSBAND, CHARLES FLEISHMAN. FLEISHMAN. ANNIE P. In sad and loving memory of our wonderful mother. AN NIE P FLEISHMAN, who passed away one year ago today. March 22. 1935. Gone is the one we loved so dear. Silenced the voice we loved to hear: The blow was heavy, the shock severe. We little thought death so near: Only those who have lost can tell The pain of parting without farewell. HER LOVING DAUGHTER AND SONS. • GOODRICH. HARRY A. Sacred to tha memory of my dear husband and our de voted father. HARRY A. GOODRICH, who left us one year ago today. March 22. 1935. Gone, but will never be forgotten. He is just away. WIFE AND DAUGHTERS. • HARRIS. ELLA R. In sad but loving re membrance of our dear wife, sister and aunt. ELLA R HARRIS, who departed this life one year ago today, March 22, 1935. We must be consoled at God's own will. We love you. dear Ella, and always will. We know His will must be done, so sleen on until we meet. HUSBAND. SISTER AND NIECE. • KEYES. C. SNOWDEN. In sad but loving memory of our devoted husband and fa ther. C. SNOWDEN KEYES, who de parted this life one year ago today, March 22. 1935. HIS WIFE AND SON8. • | LEE. HATTIE. In sad but loving remem brance of my dear mother. HATTIE LEE. who departed this life one year ago to dav March 22. 1933. DEVOTED SON. WILLIAM A. LEE. * MAORI DER. DR. WILLIAM FRANCIS. In loving remembrance of my husband. Dr. WILLIAM FRANCIS MAGRUDER. who left us ten years ago today, March 22. 1926. Love and remembrance last always. HIS DEVOTED WIFE AND SON. • SCHNEIDER. HARRY MAl’RICE. In lov ing memory of my dear son, HARRY MAURICE SCHNEIDER, who departed this life one year ago today. March 22. 1935. HIS MOTHER. BROTHER AND SISTER. • TIPPETT. LOUISE PINKEY. In sad but loving remembrance of our dear daugh ter and sister. LOUISE PINKEY TIP PETT. who departed this life six years ago today. March 22. 1Q30. HSR FATHER. BROTHER AND SISTER. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Joseph F. Birch’s Sons SsaiS1 ^fso^Vst.'N.w. Frank Geier's Sons Co. NAUonai 2473 WILLIAM H. SCOTT 408 8th St. 8J8Lincoln 0580. V. L SPEARE CO. ■either the successor to nor connected with the original W R Speare estabtshment. WAtlonaf 8WR8 1009 H St. N.W. RITCHIE BROTHERS. Piter Marlboro. Md. Phone Mari. 81a _ J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Crematorium 4th ana Maas Are. W.R. Lincoln 0200 FUNERAL DESIGNS GEO. A. COMLEY ®moi% Artistic Floral Deal in i b» Exnerta NUht Phone Olareunon 8B1-J-1 GUDE BROS. CO. Fiord Pi.«. 1213 F St. N.W NAtlonal 4378 _ GEO. C. SHAFFER ..55K5S7.iSS"Wl^ "m ?Z\V„"T Cot. 14 th 8Eyi CEMETERY LOTS. i CEMETERY LOT. MOflTrasxRAfeLafnS . tlon Cedar HU1; 12 sites. Discount for cash. ! Call Adams 1710-R alter 0 p.m 1 SARDO SERVICE Means SUPERIOR SERVICE SARDO SERVICE is not the ordinary kind. There is none finer in Washington. The same "matchless" service given with the lowest priced funeral as with the most ex pensive. Above all, IT MEANS the highest quality merchandise at PRICES as low as those of ANY Funeral Director in Washington. The Price Is Your Choice WM. H. SARDO & CO. 412 H St. N.E. Funeral Directors Lincoln 0524 I I "" “Any Family Can Afford Ryan Servicen “Glowing Tributes Have Been Paid Ryan Service” III We have received letter after letter from Ip S ft bereaved families thanking us for the kindly, ® H l| sympathetic and dignified manner in which f§ g f 5 we assisted during bereavement. Years of ex- A F perience have taught us many ways to provide '",a f ■■ comfort and help—and to do so in a courteous, g * ^ understanding manner that fulfills every need. M ft f? Remember to Call Ryan. t y Ryan De Luxe Ambulance Service ' t’ is available for local or distance calls at rea- || $ |§ sonable rates. || M jfl James T. Ryan III Funeral Director ^ 317 Pa. Ave. S£. ATlantic 1700-1701. TEARS OF SERVICE Your Neighbor Tells the Truth J Right now or ... at an M hour of sorrow, your neigh* gP t bor is your friend. Ask him M ^ W whatever you want to know 8 abont the Funeral Home of . , -rir Deal, Its complete service or IS trlB ULAL pTICB its low prices. Select your iQr _ rirn Funeral I funeral director upon your >UT “ 1 UTiergU X neighbor's recommendation; For information that is honost, I he'll not tell you wrong. reference that is real ... V And after that . . . Deal is Just ask your neighbor what 0 at your service! you want to know about the § Funeral Homo of Deal. I 1#A n I COMPLETE FUNERALS I ( __ Mm | PROM >75 to <500 AND UP [ U FUNERAL HOME/ Owing to the Death of Mr. J. Philip Herrmann President of Our Company , Our Stores Will Be Closed Saturday March 21st and Monday March 23rd House & Herrmann 7th & Eye Streets 8433-35 Georgia Avenue __ - ■ - P W. WARREN TALTAVULL jjl The Finest FUNERAL SERVICE Regardless of the amount you j can afford to spend you get the beat » In every W WARREN TALTAVULL ll Funeral Service Years of experi ence have taught us how to provide P1 : comfort and convenience and to j do so In a courteous understanding I; manner that fulfills every need jji Under perxnal management of ,» Francis J. Collins. W. WARREN ? TALTAVULL J FUNERAL HOME 3619 14th St. N.W. Col. 0464 (§dcxr Hill WatkinfMtmoiitBeMtyd (femetery Where Perpetual Owe Is More Than a Promise Chamberj Is One of the Largest Undertakers in the World A $500 SERVICE For Only $265 • • • • In Case of Death Call MAIN OFFICE 1400 CHAPIN N.W. COInmbla 0432 SOUTHEAST BRANCH 517 11th ST. S.E. ATlantic 8700 ifZuriinrfitj |l MORTICIANS I ESTAB. 1SS7 t B For four generations the quality J l 5] and aervice that the name Zurhorat B 3 has meant to Washington families ■ ■ has remained constant. Dignified, ■ B sympathetic management of all 3 funeral details has ever been our 9 g aim when called on . . . and offered 5 H at the minimum cost consistent with g 3 our service We have rec:ntly com- fc S Dined entire renovation of our S S establishment and are now able to d S offer Washington a more complete 1 3 undertaker service than at any time t S in our history. We stand ready af 3 ■ all times to help you is yoar hoar fl 3 of need. I CHAS. S. ZURHORST CO. f (C. 8. ZIKHORST. JR.) 301 East Capitol St. I Lin. 8468 Lin. 8372 | EISEMAN’S Seventh ond F Sts. Newest All-Wool Spring SUITS TOPCOATS *21 Charge It Just Pay $7 in April $7 in May $7 in June Oven 1,500 Suits and Topcoats on display . . . fine All-Wool fabrics in the latest Spring styles and colors. All sizes. Our Finest Suits $30 $35 Oaen a Charts Aeeoaat FOR I LINCOLN CEMETERY The Capitol's Most Accessible MODERN CEMETERY Burial Lots, Vaults, Crypts Noit-Sectorios Perpetsol Con .Frazier’s —service, quality and rever ence in conducting beautiful funerals unexcelled anywhere. Complete in every detail. Un dertakers for colored U. S. War Veterans. Porlort ami Chapels Free Call NOrth ms-1196 389 R. I. Aye. N.W.