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PRESIDENT TO SEE ,10,000 to Be in March on April 6—High Officials Are Invited. ( • Ninety-six military units and scores U bands and drum corps, with more units expected to enter the lists, 10,000 men In all, will parade through Washington the afternoon of Monday, April 6, as the high point of the annual Army Day celebration, the Military Order of the World War announced yesterday. In the gay reviewing stand are to be the President, members of his family, cabinet officials and other high-ranking officers. Maj. Gen. Albert J. Bowley, com mander of the 3d Corps Area, has agreed to act as-grand marshal of the parade. Assistant grand marshals heading the four main divisions in elude Brig. Gen. Perry L. Miles, Col. John W., Lieut. Col. R. O. Barton and Brig Gen. Nathaniel F. McClure. Brown Heads Escort. Supt. of Police Ernest W. Brown apd attachments of police in motor cycle cavalcade will head the escort of honor. Col. LeRoy W. Herron will command the large unit of Reserve officers of the 20 organized Reserve units in the Washington area in addition to those officers who are unassigned. Col. West A. Hamilton will be in Immediate com mand of the Reserve officers of the colored units. Maj. John Coswell, jr., <Will head the R. O. A. contingent. iiiucu|i ivr f aiattr. The first division of the parade Will be composed of the United States Army Band, 12th Infanthy from Fort Washington, Md.; the 34th Infantry and Tanks from Fort Meade, Md.; the Mounted 3d Cavalry Band, the 16th Field Artillery and the 3d Cavalry from Port Myer; Field Ambulance group from Walter Reed, the United States Marine Band, battalion of Ma rines. battalion of Blue Jackets, a de tail of the U. S. Coast Guard and a battalion of Naval Reserves and air planes, on wheels, from Bolling Field The second division will consist oi the National Guard and Organized Reserve units, consisting of the 121st Engineer Band, Headquarters Troops, 29th M. P. Co., 121st Engineers, 372d Infantry, 260th Coast Artillery with it? Drum and Bugle Corps and its latest mobile equipment, and the Organized Reserve units, commanded by Col Herron. The third division will comprise various R. O. T. C. units from George town University, Maryland University 6t. John’s College and Howard Uni versity. This division will also include units from the two brigades of High Bchool Cadet Regiments and theii bands, as well as mounted and dis mounted detachments of C. M. T. C, Under Lieut. Col. Demonet. The fourth division, headed by Brig Gen. Nathaniel F. McClure, will be composed of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion and the othei various veteran and patriotic unite with their bands and drum corps A mobile ambulance, with nurses in uniform, etc., will be a distinctive unit making its first parade appearance. SPEAKERS ANNOUNCED FOR TEMPLE FORUM Dr. D. de Sola Pool and Dr. Louis Wolsey Will Discuss “Orthodox or Reformed Judaism?” Dr. D. de Sola Pool, rabbi of the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue in New York City, the oldest synagogue in the United States, and Rev. Dr, Louis Wolsey of Philadelphia, will dis cuss the subject “Orthodox or Reform ed Judaism?” in the National Temple Forum Sunday at 8:30 p.m. at the Washington Hebrew Congregation. The forum is sponsored by the Young People's League of the temple and is open to the public. Rabbi Pool is a champion of tradi tional Judaism, while Rabbi Wolsey, who is minister at the Congregation Rodeph Shalom in Philadelphia, is a •tanch advocate of reformed judaism. There will be two more debates in the present series of the National Temple Forum—one April 12. at which time Elio Weil, of Pittsburgh, and Rab bi Edward Israel, of. Baltimore, will debate the subject "Should Economics be Preached From the Pulpit?” and the other May 10, when Rabbis James C. Heller, of Cincinnati and Louis D. Mendoza, of Norfolk will debate the Issue “Shall We Reform Judaism?” ULUd WILL rnEbENT “EVENING IN CHINA” - ■ —H— W. Boyd Carpenter to De liver Lecture After Pro gram Tonight. The Traveler’s Club of Catholic University will present an ‘’Evening In China.” tonight at 8:15 o’clock, in the Knights o.' Columbus Club audi torium. Dr. J. DeS. Coutinho, the University’s professor of economics, is moderator of the club. Chinese music, played by native actors and musicians, will be fea tured. Miss Ida Hoyt Chamberlain, composer of "The Never Ending Wrong” tone pictures after the ancient Chinese classics, will sing a number of Chinese songs to the accompani ment of a group of Chinese musicians. Prof. W. Boyd Carpenter of George town University will deliver a lecture on Chinese culture. Sing Lee. teacher in the Chinese School of Washington, and the Chung Sing Club, will present a number of •elections. Modern Eve BEAUTY CONTESTANT SPOETS NOVEL SUIT. MARCELLA MEYERS, Entrant in beauty contest at the California International Exposition at San Diego, hopes to win a special award for her novel bathing suit made of leavesFormerly of Toledo, she won three beauty contests in Ohio.—A. P. Photo. WOMAN’S BAR UNIT TO HEAR MISS HOEY Saturday Event Also to Include Addresses by Miss White and W. M. Bastian. Miss Jane M. Hoey. director of the Public Assistance Bureau of the Social Security Board and a member of the I New York Crime Commission, will be ! one of the principal speakers at the annual dinner of the Woman's Bar Association, to be held at the May flower Hotel Saturday. Other speakers will include Miss Earlene White, vice president of the National Organization of Business and Professional Women, and Walter M Bastian, president of the District Bar Aassociation. Among guests expected to attend are justices of the Courts of Appeal of the District. District Supreme Court justices. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Grattan Doyle, and officials of the legal di visions of the Federal Government. Miss Marguerite Rawalt is chairman of the committee In charge of arrange ments for the dinner, and Miss Bea trice Clephane, president of the Wom en's Bar Association, will preside. WALLACE TO BE GUEST - « Secretary Invited to Iowa State College Anniversary Dinner. Secretary of Agriculture Wallace has been invited to attend the dinner | celebrating the 78th anniversary of ; the founding of Iowa State College, ; which will be held at 7 p.m. next Fri j day at the Broadmoor. Lccal alumni in charge also expect | guests to include Dr. R. A. Pearson, a former president of the college, now an official in the Resettlement Ad ministration. and the Iowa Congres j sional delegation. j *★*-**★**★★*★***★**★*★★★★ * See Marc Mensh * 4- at the J : MID-CITY AUTO CO. I 4- 1711 Mth St. N.W. Dec. 5050 S )4 (Washington's Oldest De Soto- w. 4. Plymouth Dealers) 4- For the best deal in town on new 4. DE SOTOS and l * PLYMOUTHS i X and used cars itwwir'trwirww'wwwwwwiiriritw'witwwm “ WITH THIS COUPON ■" WATCH REPAIRING ANY MAKE WATCH Repaired ! As Low as Guaranteed One Year The Upatairi Jewelry Store ‘ I i Iy".”812 F st nw-| All Watches Carefully Taken Apart by I Expert! and Cleaned Thorsuxhly 1 by Band. Ne Machines Used. X ^^^CUPTHlSCOtJPOJC^^I " ~ ^ . . > X . ) ' Hand tome Red and Black Model Gold-Plated! II Gillette Razor pi A handsome razor that Ik* handles just the way you ^R^^k I 1 want It ... complete with /B lil* P^l live Oillette keen, double- ■■ ^F w p§P edged blades. ™ Gillette blue " BLADES These super-keen, dou ble-edged blades will whisk off the beard like magic. Pock of 10 1.. | Formerly 10c! LA PALIN A | EXCELLENTE CIGARS ! 5 ^ 23* I !r»*2**8 « Made from an § even hither Ss a r a d e tobacco S than the Esicel SS lente that sold is for ]Oc. Mild. f r a a r ant and ^ enjoyable. WmWSmrnmMmmmxM $1.20 Pound Tins of Smoking Tobaccos 1 79c Choice of: I • SIR WALTER I RALEIGH I • HALF and HALF I • PRINCE ALBERT | • VELVET I Greatly Improved | TENNIS RACQUETS | Peoples 0&|l Price_ | Everythin* it racauet should be! SS: Weautifully balanced . . . taat as a KS .hip . . . correctly proportioned . . inches hi*h 'the standtrd S& hetchti . . . skillfully strum with good auallty catsut. PUp : For a Lively Came, Vie ^ PENNSYLVANIA '§? Prttture Packtd V^T TENNIS BALLS ^ I 35c 3(<>r»i.oo f % These peppy balls are uniform In p ' . 5ss bounce, liveliness, resilience, weiaht 7TWT and size—because they are her- MSIaif metically sealed in pressure-backed AflUSM I*—— 1 72 Single Sheett and SO Envelopet of Distinctive Stationery. Royol Courier Stationery | 49c SJ You may choose from gg Unen. Ripple, or Vellum Sg: finishes. Lovely quality ^ and tasteful. i—- - muumJt 1 1 I s s __ Box of SOO Shoot0 BARNARDS CLEANSING TISSUES Peoples You simply cannot beat them for softness, size and absorbency. They won't Irritate the most tender skin. They re | move creams quickly and thoroughly. | 25c -T 50c 50c E DR. LYONS 3 PEBECO PHILLIPS E TOOTH 3 TOOTH MILK OF B POWDER 3 PASTE _ MAGNESIA E I 21c I i 25c 55c 30c i SQUIBB PONDS MILES f TALCUM FACE ALKA POWDER CREAMS SELTZER I lie [_ j TOILETRIES... | 55c Ponds Skin Freshener_42c | 60c Hoppers Vanishing Cream_49c | 60c Angelus Rouge Incarnat_49c | 50c Forhans Tooth Paste_39c | 30c Spiro Deodorant Powder_23c | 55c Lady Esther Face Powder_48c | 50c Marchand Golden Hair Wash—.34c 50c Conti Castile Shampoo_39c | $1.10 Tangee Lipstick_74c | 50c Hinds Honey and Almond Cream, 39c | 10c Cashmere Bouquet Soap...3 for 25c | 35c Ingrams Shaving Cream_29c | 25c Merck Zinc Stearate Powder.._ 19c | 50c Woodbury Cleansing Cream_35c | 50c Melba Skin Cleanser Cream_39c | 55c Princess Pat Rouge_43c | 65c Pyrozide Tooth Powder_59c | 75c Evans Depilatory Powder_60c | $1.10 Princess Pat Face Powder_87c 50c Glostora Hair Dressing_37c 1 10c Jergens Bath Tablets_6 for 29c 25c Packers Pine Tar Soap_19c | 50c Williams Shaving Cream, giant..36c | 25c J & J Baby Powder_19c | 60c Phillips Magnesia Creams_53c $ 50c Dew Liquid Deodorant_38c I 55c Houbigant Face Powder-49c | $1.00 Jer'is Hair Tonic._69c | 40c Bost Tooth Powder_32c | 50c X-Bazin Depilatory_43c | 25c Phillips Magnesia Tooth Paste.. 19c I _ 1 i LUX TOILET SOAP iaU. ..6c, 5for 29c The soap the movie Smal stars use to remove Lux flakes make-up and preserve « ** heir lovely complexions. * **** Full Pound Roll I Absorbent I COTTON I Peoples ^ AC I Price_*7 I In • continuous wrapper—which ■; keeps it clean and sanitary down | to the very last inch. K ■ ■■■■■■ Actually Contains Oxygen Dioxogen Cream ® Large $ f .00 Size Jar- Jl Blackheads and whiteheads pre vented . . . open pores ouickiy ; refined . . . lines made less no — ticeablo. DR. SCHOLLS DE LUXE ZINO PADS 35* b°x Removes shoe pressure that causes pain. Flesh-colored . . . water-proof . . . vron’t adhere to the hose. I KOTEX WONDERSOFT Sanitary Napkins Box of 12 i 20c 1 S Boxes I 95* I The soft, safe com fortsbl*. Tncon 1 spicuous unitary 1 p r o t • c tlon that modern women de ■ mand. I Tonlac Tonic I $1.25 I Size i Bottle I If you are tired, nervous, | or suffer from indiges I tion and loss of sleep— I THEN YOU NEED i TANLAC. REMEDIES... 50c Vicks Va-tro-nol Nose Drops_39c 60c Tyrees Antiseptic Powder_40c 60c Pertussin for Coughs_49c 60c Peoples Aspirin, bottle of 100_49c $1.00 Norforms Suppositories_89c 75c McElroys Eye Lotion_48c 35c Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, 24c 60c Hexasol Saline Laxative_49c 50c Groves Emulsified Nose Drops—45c 50c Graham Laxative Cold Capsules, 45c 30c Fleets Phospho-Soda_21c $1.25 Eskay Neuro-Phosphates_95c 25c Carters Little Liver Pills_17c 50c Butlers Rheumatic Remedy-45c $1.25 Absorbine Junior_94c 60c Zemo Antiseptic Lotion_47c 75c Sharpe & Dohme Syrup Sedatola, 59c 75c Squibb Liquid Petrolatum, pint—59c 25c Peoples Seidlttz Powders——19c $1.00 Ironized Yeast Tablets_71c 60c Graham Compound Sulphur Salve_-49c 60c Father Johns Medicine-45c 35c Astring-O-Sol Mouth Wash-32c 75c Doans Kidney Pills, vial of 40—50c 75c Graham Analgesic Balm, tube—49c 65c Keys Hygienic Powder-50c 85c Moones Emerald Oil_74c $1.50 Thompsons Diuretic Elixir—98c 75c Unguentine Rectal Cones-69c $1.00 Watorbury Compound, pint—_ 83c 25c Anacin Tablets, tin of 12-.17c 50c De Witts Antacid Powder-42c A A Keyed to the Color of Your Eyet P| Hudnut Marvelous MAKE-UP KITS | Completely Matched • Face Powder mg • Rouge f* • Lipstick • Mascara • Eye Shadow Nature has given every woman a personality ^ color . . . the color of her eyes . . . and that ^ color is the base of these sets. Parisian, for brown eyes; Dresden, for blue eyes; Patrician, « for gray eyes; Continental, for hazel eyes. I SPECIAL COMBINATION? 60c Italian Balm Lotion | and 65c Dispenser $1.25 Value_99 ^ This non-sticky lotion will ^ keep your hands smooth, ^ white, and young-looking in spite of the weather or kitchen work. The dispenser Is handy to use and eliminates waste. Lets out just a drop at a time. .Js YOUR PET I . . . deserves the best of 1 care. Tend to his little ill nesses . . . keep his fur clean . . . keep him happy and healthy, with Glovers famous preparations. GLOVERS REMEDIES 60c Flea and Insect Powder. _45c 1 65c Nerve Sedative-49c i| 75c Mange Medicine_55c ^ 65c Condition Pills_49c ^ 65c Tape Worm Capsules_49c | 30c Medicated Soap_24c ^ 65c Tetrachlorethylene_49c ^ 65c Compound Sulphur Tablets_49c 65c Round Worm Vermifuge.49c 1 I I .. i ■■■H ^ Reliable Timekeepers! % - CHEERIO ALARM I CLOCKS 98c | These accurate time- §5 keepers will wake you ^ up on time. Round or '-5: souare . . . choice of , colors. Kct* TUMBLERS || 39c )ozen | | 3 Dozen for $1.00 | Jl Sparklin*. crystal -dear | glasses, in the 9-ounce size. I ■ The Safedee is guaranteed not Rgl to chip. ■' xl Enjoy Iti Sooth• inf, Beneficial Ray. m Therapeutic I LAMPS | sl-98 | The Infra-red rays ^ which radiate from Ss these lamps are i$ss soothlna to m a n y §§ every - day Illnesses. Ss With cord. ^ ' l. ' 1 ' -(V ^ vxxxxx' An Easy and Pleasant Way to Treat Colds . • . KWIKWAY ELECTRIC Vaporizers Only Sf-89 The steam passes through cotton saturated with medicine recom mended by your physician. No corrosion or stickiness forms this way—a fault of most other va orizers Cord 10c extra. USSi I AGFA Cameras | 1 (CADET) | 1 *149 1 1 * I 9 Take picture! ... SS 9 It's loads of fun. §S 9 and rou’U enjoy ssj » them later. These ■ handsome c a m- I I K9 eras take clear. clean-cut pictures |<.a » InthepoDUlar ■$» J V\ by 3 V* inch R|S 1