' HOFFMAN DASHES NEW TRIAL HOPES But Some Lawyers Hold Governor Misunderstood I Trenchard. B> the Associated Press. TRENTON. N. J.. March 28.—A •tatrment attributed to Supreme Court Justice Thomas W. Trenchard by Gov. Harold G. Hoffman today that the Justice could not now legally grant a new trial to Bruno Richard , Hauptmann or stay his execution, re gardless of new evidence, projected new legal speculation into the case tonight. Justice Trenchard could not be reached for comment, but other high legal sources took an opposite view and expressed the belief the Governor had misunderstood the presiding jus tice at Hauptmann’s Flemington trial. Such a ruling would virtually close , the courts to Hauptmann regardless of developments. The Governor said Justice Trench ard expressed this view to him in response to an inquiry, and said the Court of Pardons was still open in the event of an important develop ment. The justice’s purported attitude was said to be based on an old ruling that new trials could not be granted after expiration of a six-months’ per iod following conviction, except where it was shown the trial court lacked jurisdiction or there was fraud in obtaining the conviction. This, together with Hauptmann's new clemency plea to be heard by the Pardons Court Monday, raised the question fonight as to what new evi dence the defense—or Gov. Hoffman —have discovered in the last 11 weeks. Until a week ago. C. Lloyd Fisher, Hauptmann's chief counsel, said he would ask Supreme Court Justice Trenchard for a new trial before ask ing for mercy. Instead, he went di rect to the Pardons Court, a move Interpreted as meaning he did not have enough evidence to warrant a new trial. Since filing the new clem ency appeal, however, he has stated he had sufficient evidence for a new trial request. If the Court of Pardons, basing its decision on the new evidence before * It, denied Hauptmann's application, it is considered doubtful that Trenchard would act. * That would leave the case squarely up to the Governor, who has said he has no legal powers of reprieve, but may be advised otlierwise before the time of execution—Tuesday night— arrives. -•-— ’ Fares < Continued From First Paget the reductions, argued roads else where had found similar cuts bene ficial. Aligned against the fare reduc tions were such lines as the New York Central. Pennsylvania and the New York, New Haven & Hartford. After the B. greater than the fact, but is mild in comparison with the obstacle which 1 such conditions present to the street cleaners. Flushing Not Total Cure. "Flushes." trucks with high-pressure sprays that swish dirt off the street, are able to accomplish only so much. The dirt is washed into curbings and the task of cleaning the street thor- I oughly then becomes a question of worming under the parked cars and scooping out the debris that has been driven there by the flushes. The problem is driving cleaning foremen and their men almost to dis traction. their degree of frustration increasing in direct proportion to the Increase in automobiles here. The parked-car enigma Is com paratively new. Fifteen years ago street cleaners found it possible to "scrub up" from curb to curb with j a speed almost dazzling contrasted I with the laborious process of today. The difference in the number of auto mobile registrations then and now ex plains the growth of this serious hin drance to a clean city. In 1920, there were 34.161 registrations; in 1925. 103.092; at the end of 1935, 211.158 more than six times the 1920 total, more than twice the total 10 years ago. -• Newcomb Professor Dies. NEW ORLEANS. March 28 >i tians for over .’ifl years. Phone for booklet. 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