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DR.WILMERESTATE Foundation and Schools to Share in Sequests by , Specialist’s Will. Dr. William Holland Wilmer, world, famous eye specialist, who died March 12. left an estate valued at 1292,667, it was revealed today when his will waa admitted to probate in District Su preme Court. His widow, Mrs. Re Lewis Wilmer. and his three children are the principal beneficiaries. Among numerous specific bequests were $5,000 to the Protestant Episcopal Cathedral Foundation, and $1,000 each to the University of Virginia Medical School, the Georgetown University Medical School and the Episcopal Eye. Ear and Throat Hospital. The collection of rare old medical books and of old eyeglasses, spec tacles and other apparatus of his torical interest, which Dr. Wilmer ac cumulated over many years, were left to the Wilmer Opthalmological In stitute of Johns Hopkins University, with the proviso that they be kept in fireproof, locked display cases. Dr. Wilmer also left his modern medical books to the institute which bears his name, providing, however,! that his friend, Dr. Benjamin Rones, should have the privilege of selecting what volumes he wishes. Bequests of $1,000 were provided for each of his children, Richard Hooker Wilmer. 1815 Twenty-fourth street: Mrs. Rebekah Wilmer Sard, 1717 Nineteenth street, and William Hol land Wilmer, 2d., of New York City. The children, together with Dr. Wil mers grandson, Richard H. Wilmer, 3d. and his daughter-in-law. Mrs. Prances Arant Wilmer, also will re ceive the bulk of the estate after the death of his widow. Sums varying from $100 to $500 were left to the grandson, William Henson, and Miss Elizabeth B. Kerr, Ben Jones, Cora Hubbard, Katie Banks. Willey Brown and Wyman Williams, employes. Mrs. Wilmer. who was represented by Attorney Benjamin Minor, was ap pointed executrix of the estate. CHALLENGE OF NEW DEAL TO BE TOPIC Charles M. Hay to Speak at Fri day Banquet of William and Mary Alumni. Charles M. Hay. special assistant to the Attorney General, will speak on "The New Deal's Challenge to College Men” at a banquet of the William and Mary Alumni Club of Washington next Friday, 7:30 p.m., at the University Club. Before coming to Washington. Hay was active in politics in Missouri and ran for the United States Senate. He will be introduced by Judge Ed ward C. Johnson of the Securities and Exchange Commission, who is president of the club. Judge Johnson returned a few months ago from American Samoa, where he served as chief justice. Dr. John Stewart Bryan, president of William and Mary College, also Is expected to address the club. Among others invited to be special guests at the banquet are: Senators Harry F Byrd and Carter Glass of Vir ginia. former Gov. John Garland Pol lard of Virginia and Assistant Attorney General Harry W. Blair. More than 50 members and guests Of the club are expected to attend the banquet. Judge Johnson will be toastmaster. ' Federation (Continued From First Page.) bill Some 20 delegates discussed the subject pro and con, several of them Insisting that the Sisson bill be treated In a separate report from that dealing With other legislation. Sullivan reviewed the activities of his committee before the committees of Congress and was joined by Harry N. Stull, chairman of the federation’s j Education Committee, who asserted that Congress "is our only source of j relief in view of the attitude of the I achool board. Stull also charged that witnesses against the Sisson bill were hooted and hissed when they appeared before the Kennedy subcommittee. Sullivan also charged that the news- ! papers had been unfair in saying he had been accused of having a grudge against the school board after fail ing to sell a piece of property for a client and then failing to say he had been absolved of any blame by Henry I. Quinn, a board member. Quinn joined Wender in supporting the indorsement of the repealer, in answer to an argument that to men tion communism is dangerous because the gestures or expression of the teacher may give unwarranted sig nificance to the words they use, he •uggested: “Why not put in motion picture machines, spotters, peep-holes and recording machines to be sure no teacher is violating her oath. We are discussing absurdities. District an Exception. "No place but in the District has any such ban been placed on teachers. No State has any such thing sad dled on them. Legislators are afraid to try any such restrictions where teachers have a right to vote.” Later he asserted that “the kids are laughing up their sleeves at us. They are beginning to think we are a bunch of nit-wits.” James G. Yaden, former federation president, supported the Sullivan re - =• i port, but expressed regret that the character education experiment had become a political foot ball in the agitation of the subject. “The chief sufferers of this agita tion, however, are the children," he said. Yaden defended the character edu cation experiment and paid a tribute to the ability and patriotism of Miss Bertie Backus, assistant superin tendent in charge of the expriment. Sullivan pointed out that the whole red rider fight had been started when Yaden offered a resolution which had been amended by Jesse C. Suter to prevent the "advocating" of com munism. He paused and indicated Suter when he read the statement. "That was entirely different from your monkey business,” Suter put in. At the outset Suter attempted to block consideration of the report. Then a motion to table it was de feated by a vote of 36 to 18 There followed a series of heated exchanges between members. Quinn read a part of Sullivan's testimony and challenged his right to speak for the red rider as the representative of the federation. He was also charged with failing to report back several resolutions from member or ganizations supporting the Sisson bill. Denies Hearing Fair. Later when Sullivan asserted that Dr. Frank W. Ballou, superintendent of schools, had been given “a fair hearing,” Quinn shouted: "I challenge any 10 members of this federation to read this report of the hearings and say it was a fair hear ing. If you will do that, I promise you I'll never open my mouth again on the subject of communism.” When a vote finally was forced on the Wender substitute to indorse the Sisson bill, a roll call of the delegates also was forced and a call of the member organizations was made when the absence of a quorum was sug gested. The substitute lost 34 to 19. with four delegates not voting. With 38 organizations represented. Presi dent Thomas E. Lodge declared It a quorum, The same tactics were followed on the Sullivan report, whfch passed 36 to 16. When Wender changed his vote from no to yes for the purpose of moving reconsideration, Stull beat him to it and Yaden moved to table the motion to reconsider. It carried by a viva voce vote, and while several delegates were on their feet shouting at the chair, a motion to adjourn was put and passed with the entire dele gation in confusion. Earlier the federation voted to oppose the Public Utilities Commis sion's plan to permit from 50 to 60 per cent of the seating capacity of Capital Transit Co. busses to be car ried as standing passengers after all seats are filled. William McK. Clayton moved to limit the number of standing passen gers to five persons per bus. regard less of the seating capacity of the vehicle. An attempt to fix the limit at 25 per cent of the seating ca pacity was defeated and Clayton was instructed to present the demand for a limit of five "standees" to the com mission. Bamboo Paper Pulp Planned. Paper pulp may be manufactured from bamboo in the Philippines. - I Discount Rate Raised to 5% as Franc Faces Inter national Fire. *?! the Associated Press. PARIS. March 28 —With the French franc and other gold currencies under international financial fire, the Bank of France acted today to protect Us gold supply. The bank regents. In extraordinary session, raised the discount rate to 5 per cent from 3’; per cent, the first increase since last November 23. Uneasiness over the German situa- J tion and fears the French government might decide on inflation of the franc I were regarded as contributory causes to the raise. Investors and speculators were dis posing of their francs in great quanti ties in the world's foreign exchange markets. They were selling their francs and buying United States dol lars and British pounds. United States dollars, apparently, were the preferred medium of rein vestment, for the dollar quotation gained \ cent to the pound in the London foreign exchange market, while both pounds and dollars advanced in relation to the franc. Despite the manipulations of the official exchange control fund on the London market, the franc fell off from 75.03 to 75.04 to the pound. The action of the bank regents was most unusual, inasmuch as any change in the bank rate ordinarily is announced on Thursdays and the regents rarely assemble on Saturdays. They decided to increase not only the discount rate, but to maice a simi lar increase in the rates for 30-day loans and to increase the rate for loans on stocks from 5 to 6 per cent. The prices on rentes, government securities, slipped slightly throughout the short day’s trading, but it was believed the bank action would bol ster up the market over the week end. -» .. ■ ■ — Rice Tax Looms. The Philippines may have a process ing tax on rice to raise* a fund for benefit of the rice industry. Ihot-waterheatI W AMERICAN RADIATOR PLANT | m COMPLETELY ! INSTALLED IN 6 ROOMS Written Guarantee NO MONEY DOWN t» to S Year* t# Par P. H. A. Rate* Firat Payment In Mat Free Estimates Pay or Night Above price includes 18-ip. Red Jacket Boiler 8 Radiators. 800 ft4 Radiation. Larger Plants Proportionately Priced. Immediate installation. No Inter ference with present heating plant '< while onr installation Is made. i Complete line of oil burners and hot-water attachments. ROYAL HEATING CO. i Graduate Heatinr Engineer# j 907 15th St. N.W. Natl. 3803 Nifht and Sun., AD. 8529 4 a (Like watches — diamonds — gold I teeth and old. discarded jewelry. j For over 50 years we have been I buying old gold and paying SPOT I CASH. I I The Homer L. Kitf Co. is now Representative for the Distinguished I Fully Automatic Combinations The Finest in Music—Plus Radio Entertainment Combining the world'* finest music of all types —recordings of famous trtists—with unexcelled radio reception, th« Capehart is considered the iadispensable musical ia strument in homes every* where. The Capehart automatically plays 20 recordings, large and small intermixed—40 se lections—in correct se quence. Visit our store for a perfotmance of your favorite music. You will never hear any thing finer, for Cape hart it an experience ia music, itself. Ingres Masterpiece Sold Announcement was made yesterday of the sale for an un named sum. said to be in the neighborhood of $200,000, of the famous Ingres portrait. “Madame Moitessierby Jacques Seligmann & Co., Inc., New York and Paris art dealers, to the National Gallery. London. This Ingres portrait of a famous beauty of her day teas started in 1844, but not actually com pleted until 1856. —A. P. Photo. Civil SERVICE GAIN BY WOMEN IS TOLD Mrs. Lucille McMillin Is Pan Hellenic Speaker at An nual Luncheon. Women today enjoy greater equality of opportunity In Oovernment service than ever before, Mre. Lucille Poster McMillan, member of the Civil Serv ice Commission, said in an address yesterday at the annual luncheon of the Pan-Hellenic Aasoclatlon at the Mayflower Hotel. Pointing to the strides that have been made since 1854, when the ap pointment of Clara Barton to a clerk ship in the Patent Office was greeted with eyebrow lifting. Mrs. McMillan declared that "women eliglbles are now found on almost all professional and scientific registers maintained by the Civil Service Commission,” “With the broadening of women's activities,” she continued, "there are now found in the service women chemists, physicists, doctors and den tists. economic analysts, lawyers ex amining claims, and in addition nu merous women engaged in those fields in which they have been experts for long periods of time, such as in library and educational work. Equally Im pressive is the fact that a much larger percentage of women are receiving salaries in the higher brackets.” Mrs. McMillan ascribed the changed status of women in part to the suf frage amendment, saying that con trary to popular belief the World War did not mark their immediate ad vancement to better-paying positions, although appointment In large num bers did pave the way for later prog ress. The speaker emphasized that "wom en almost always realize that they must perform outstanding service in justice to themselves and women to follow, because as relative newcomers in the field they are watched closely.” KAUFMAN REAPPOINTED CHEST PUBLICITY HEAD "Radio Joe” Selects Seven to Work With Him in Cam paign This Year. Joseph D. (Radio Joe) Kaufman has been reappointed chairman of the Community Chest Publicity Unit, Coleman Jennings, campaign chair man, announced yesterday. Mr. Kaufman selected the follow ing to work with him this year: Her luf Prcrvensen, chairman of the Com mittee on Radio; T. Carlisle Crump, chairman of the Committee on Spe cial Features: Harry Lyles, display advertising; H. Donald Sonnemann, trindow exhibits; John Shoemaker, outdoor advertising: Robert Dougan, transportation advertising, and W. W. Wheeler, unit vice chairman. LECTURE TO BE GIVEN Mechanical Engineers to Hear Charles A. McCune April 9. Charles A. McCune, secretary of the Magnaflux Corp , and former president of the American Welding Society, will give an illustrated lecture on "Finding Defects Magnetically" at a meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers on April 9. The meeting will be held in the auditorium of the Potomac Electric Power Co. Prior to the meeting, McCune will be feted at an informal dinner at 6:30 p.m. at the Raleigh Hotel. Maurice E. Weschler is in charge of arrange ments^ McDevitt's MADE A ORDER CHAIR (CUSHION >7? pn-gft.pi.3ai Honored SECRET SERVICE CHIEF GREETED ON BIRTHDAY. W. H. MORAN, Chief of the United States Secret Service, was showered with congratulations yester day on the occasion of his 72nd birthday anniversary, which he observed by work ing as usual from 8:30 a.m, until after the rest of his staff went home. President Roosevelt twice has extended Moran’s term of office beyond the retirement age. Silver haired, Moran looks as young and seems as vigorous, to his associates as he did more than a decade ago. His staff Sresented him with a huge ouquet of birthday flowers. —Harris-Ewing Photo. Joy-Rides in Locomotive. SPOKANE. Wash. </P).—George Rogers, an Indian who said he was from Minnesota, was sentenced to 30 days for trying to take a locomotive for a Joy-ride. Knocked from the cab by a fireman, he climbed into another and had it going when an officer over powered him. SUMMED CUSSES EXPANDEDAT G.W. 93 Courses in 19 Depart ments Announced in Cata logue Just Issued. A wide field of courses for Summei study will be offered this year at th< George Washington University Sum mer sessions. The curriculum hat been considerably enlarged to meel Increased demands. The catalogue just issued announce! a full program of academic and pro fessional courses, and. in addition, spe cial curricula in the social science! and education. 9S Courses Offered. There will be 93 courses in 19 de partments of instruction. Fifty mem bers of the resident faculty will con duct classes. Nine-week courses will run fron June 15 to August 15 and six-weel courses from July 6 to August 15. Th< Summer session of the Law School 1; divided into two terms, the first frorr June 15 to July 29 and the seconc from July 30 to September 12. Registration days will be as fol lews: For the nine-week courses and the first term in the Law School June 15; for the six-week courses. July 8, for the second term in the Law School, July 28-29. Special Period for Students. For the convenience of students enrolled in the university during the regular session who Intend to pursue Summer study a special pre-registra tion period has been set aside, from May 18 to May 28, in order that these students may complete registration In advance of the more crowded regular registration days. The sessions are under the direc tion of Dean Robert W. Bolwell. Industrial Job* Fewer. Industrial employment In Germany Is lower than a year ago. ***' I ■■ Army Leaves University. HAVANA, March 28 The Cu ban army moved out of Havana Uni versity yesterday after more than a year of occupation. Soldier* *eized the university in March, 1938, after they found arms, ammunition and anti-government literature in th« buildings. ANNOUNCEMENT Mrs. Charles G. Burton Wishes to announce that this busi ness is now under her personal management. The same efficient organization Is ready to serve you as In the past. FRESH CUT FLOWERS EXPERT LANDSCAPE PLANTING Phone for Free Estimates AT. 0162 Hyatts. 785 4000 Baltimore Boulevard SaAt J Chalfonte-Haddon Hall j Don't bo fooled by the first of April this year. Here beside the sea it is marked by the advent oi Spring j j j and by preparations for a happy Easter. | \\ Already many smart people are here, {or the ||1 I Vi Fashion Parade has started along the Boardwalk at ft j \\A our door. Throughout Palm Sunday and Easter it will | continue unabated, like the numerous holiday attrac- | | 1 tions at these beachfront hotels ... flowers bloom- : | | 5 ing in the lounges . . . festive food ... sunshine, j f;| salty and spring-scented, basking on our Ocean fit ■ I f Decks . . . game rooms, squash courts, health f tg baths, music, and special amusements to gild the lyj I ■ Easter lily. f| .•II Sport is also having its inning, so don't forget your | ■Is golf clubs and riding clothes. | III S7.50 up at Chalfonte. $8 up at Haddon Hall, single, Jl | American Plan. $5 up at Haddon Hall, single. Euro- JB tljf pean Plan. Special weekly rates. f \ LEEDS AND LIPPINCOTT COMPANY |f ^ ATLANTIC CITY Jjj DRESS WELL-BtPaf SPECIAL—For Limited Time Men’s and Women’s Garments Beautifully Cleaned and Pressed ^^B £ Heavy Coats—Fur Trimmed—Two-Piece and Fancy vl Garments Slightly More _ KASH AND KARRY ONLY . . . * BACHELORS’ LAUNDRY SERVICE Aa Average 5-Pound Boodle J _ JV \ Li»t Prica I Felt Hats 1 6 Man’* Shirt*.90 _ . . I 3 Pair* Shorts.30 f **"* * M3 Undershirt* ....... .30 Me M 6 Handkarehiaf..18 7 Pair* Sock*.35 2.03 L HOWARD'S PRICE *1‘00 814 14th Street N.W. 1631 17th Street N.W. 1416 Park Road N.W. 7708 Georgia Ave. N.W. 4‘-20 H Street N.E. \ 1731 Columbia Road 3500 Georgia Ave. N.W. "3211 Washington Blvd.. Clarendon. Va. 2303 4th Street N.E. 2002 Georgia Ave. N.W. 320 Kennedy Street N.W. 2014 Nichols Ave. S.E. 308 Carroll 8t..Takoma Pk. Ml!*" CMorcia Ave. N W. 1123 Vermont Ave. N.W. 5H02 Connecticut Avenue R22 7th Street 6.W. 242» Minnesota Ave. S.E. 1500 Wisconsin Ave. N.W. 4405 Bowen Rt*. S.E. 1913 14th St. N.W. wmmmmmmmmmmmam 522 King St.. Alexandria 1020 North Capitol Street Montgomery Avenue aOd ' Frederick Road. Rock ville. Md. 125 15th Street N.E. 1.J4 7 South Capitol Street ■■■■■■■Hail.: ■ ,111 Don’t forget our new store at 104 ' Washington-Baltimore Blvd., Hyattsville .; ■ "i1 BERLITZ ANNOUNCES 60 NEW CLASSES in FRENCH—SPANISH GERMAN, etc. Martini this renting week In Baltimore, Baltimore Life Bldi., and in Waihlnilon. Please aee our ad in Newt Section at The Sunday Star. A Mark of Distinction ... which you can well afford with this GENERAL ELECTRIC I T| WASHER The ACTIVATOR washes \ them GENTLY but THOR > OUGHLY ... The SPIN BASSET damp-dries them without any possibility of harming the finest grade of lace curtains. Ask to see the SIX MAJOR FEATURES. 1 . TSK? $14Q-50 Capacity * *«/ t.C.GRAHAM.A/* ELECTRICAL nan Inynn/jJ/Jl, KAIIanal New York Are. \A/IIU/WUf u80# -- -- -iss^i-'j:>: .'.¥> s¥ ..: :-y' 3:i ' <*''''\ '.. .. -A -.A , AAAyly-, wAfort 5 $s;>\v. . <• h buys you tho baautiful naw 1936 Studabakar shown in photograph „ /$ d 't a MONTH / |§f m»y ,♦ :» W a iHf 1 It An Officially Proved | GAS ECONOMY fj CHAMPION I 24.27 miles per gallon i;l H ■ ■ - m ' ) f 53 Only 1936 car with Automatic Hill Holder * World’s largest one-piece steel top * 58S/S inches of elbow room { 1 LEE D. BUTLER, INC. : 1138 Conn. Ave. N.W. Distributers Phase District 0110 ;v.: -:-> i I. II. CASHELL. INC. ALBER l McNEIL. In(. Reebvllle. Md. 1118 I St N.W. PARtS ACTO SERVICE. INC. JOHN T PARRAN Qusntiro. Va. . Indian Head. Md. DELLINGER BROS. Rnvn.f 4RI IN Winchester. Va. “flfcfcVcV* GORDON'S GARAGE Alexandria. Vs. < Timbervllle. Va. POTTER MOTOR CO. COLLEGE PARK ACTO PLACE Sliver Sprlm. Md. * Cellese Park. Md. SHENANDOAH MOTOR 5 ALBEMARLE MOTOR CO., INC. SALES CO. :.? Charletteaville. Va. SUunUa. Vs. | | . f. vjmip. ruvsr.v ..— * A