Prominent Washingtonians
Named in Annual
Vestry Vote.
Annual vestry elections in the
Episcopal churches of the Washing
ton diocese were held throughout the
District and neSTrby Maryland and Vir
ginia yesterday and last night.
The lists included the names of
many persons prominent in govern
mental, civic and social life of Wash
The results follow:
Addison Parish (Seat Pleasant, Md.)
Senior warden. George Effinger:
Junior warden, Thomas H. Chaney;
registrar. R. J. Chaney; treasurer, E.
W. Brown: vestrymen, C. Mace, H.
Maloney, Sam Collins, B. Brown, R.
Morrow, E. Staats.
All Saints’.
Senior warden, A. B. llsley; junior
warden, J. J. Hasley: registrar, George
W. D alzell, treasurer, J. Eliot Moran;
vestrymen. Thomas E. Robertson.
Clyde E. Garrett, C. P. Smith, W. T.
Bower, Daniel Walser, L. T. Wilson, H.
Dotterer and F. I. Ray: delegate to
diocesan convention, Mr. Robertson:
alternate, Mr. Garrett.
All Souls.
Senior warden, Frank S. Bright;
junior warden, Dion S. Bimey; regis
trar, Richard A. Ford; treasurer,
Arthur P. Miller; vestrymen. Dr. John
W. Burke, Charles D. Drayton, Capt.
George C. Pegram, Dr. Louis S. Greene,
John B. Hyde, W. Chapin Huntington,
C. H. Pope and Capt. H. C. White
hurst; delegate to diocesan convention,
Hugh T. Nelson; alternate. Mr. Bimey.
Ascension (Washington).
Senior warden. Fred S. Tyler: junior
warden. Bruce Baird; registrar, Jesse
C. Watts; treasurer, Robert B. Riley,
jr.; assistant treasurer, George B.
Wells; vestrymen, Mr. Tyler, Mr. Baird,
Mr. Wells, Mr. Watts, Fred H. Barclay,
Roane A. Clary. Chauncey G. Parker,
jr.; Mr. Riley, Walter T. Hurdle and
John E. Carpenter; delegate to di
ccesan convention, Mr. Tyler; alter
nate, Mr. Baird.
Ascension (Silver Spring).
Senior warden. W. E. Perry; junior
warden, Charles Leizzar; registrar.
Christ (Georgetown).
Senior warden, Fred W. Duvall;
junior warden, Maj. Wallace Etreater;
registrar, Henry S. Matthews, jr.;
treasurer. H. Owen Thompson; vestry
men. N. Worthington Dorsey, Basil D.
Boteler. L. L. Reeves, Mr. Thompson,
Roger N. Stuart, Louis Mackail, jr.;
Ernest N. Mechlin and Mr. Matthews;
delegate to diocesan convention, Ad
miral Spencer S. Wood; alternates,
Mr. Reeves and Mr. Dorsey.
Christ (Kensington, Md.).
Senior and junior wardens, treas
urer, registrar and delegates to be
elected later; vestrymen, George W.
Ashworth, Lewis T. Boynton, Alfred B.
Hastings, Robert L. Lewis, James E.
Malcolm, Welles Meriam. Henry M.
Milburn and Walter F. Pratt, Jr.
Congress Heights.
Senior warden, James W. Blaine:
. junior warden, Elmer F. Hayes; regis
* trar, Francis A. Davidson; treasurer,
A, Raymond Eno; financial secretary,
Elmer F. Hayes; vestrymen, A. Ray
mond Eno. William W. Lynch, Ernest
J. Read, Harry N. Weisbrod, Francis
A. Davidson. Charles M. Pagett,
Charles H. Selby and Robert Shep
herd: delegate to diocesan convention,
Elmer F. Hayes; alternate, William W.
Lynch: building fund treasurer, Mrs.
Henry Dledrlch.
Emmanuel (Anacostla).
Senior warden. Janies Marbury:
Junior warden, James A. Larsen: reg
istrar, A. M. Stone; treasurer, Virgil
Costello: vestrymen, James Marbury,
C. B. Wallace, Virgil Costello. Lee
Wolfe. James A. Larsen, A. M. Stone,
Quentin Clark and Paul Green; dele
gate to diocesan convention. Charles
Roberts; alternate, Quentin Clark.
Senior warden. Dr. A. R. Shands:
Junior warden, Charles F. Wilson:
legistrar, Richard E. Shands; treas
urer. H. Rozler Dulany. Jr.; vestrymen,
R. W. Hynson, Dr. Harry Hurt, Dr.
John Minor, William L. Miller, Sidney
S. Taliaferro, Richard H. Wilmer,
Frederick de C. Faust and Willis Ray
Gregg. No delegates were named.
Epiphany (Forestville, Md.) and
Christ (Clinton, Md.).
Senior warden, Pinckney King:
Junior warden, Warren Mulllkin;
registrar. George W. Bunch: vestry
men, William B. Suit, Henry Walter,
Edward L. Allen, C. Norris Hartman,
Axel Peter Lund, Guy Schultz, J.
Frank Dent and Frank Small; dele
gate to diocesan convention, Mrs. Clara
C. Vallandingham; alternate. Miss
Rubie E. Farr; delegates to Southern
Maryland convocation, Mrs. Albert
Randall and Miss Rebekah Denison.
Grace (Southwest).
Senior warden. James B. Price;
junior warden, William W. Carney;
registrar, George S. Stephens, jr.;
treasurer, M. R. Latimer; vestrymen,
Frank E. Walker, G. Frank Herring,
Samuel C. Wise. Carl A. Cheseldine,
Paul C. Allen, William H. Mattoon,
Francis W. Hart and Harry E. Kend
rick; delegate to diocesan convention,
Frank Walker; alternate, James Pnce.
Grace (Georgetown).
Senior warden. Fulton Lewis, sr.;
junior warden, Carl Baumann; regis
trar, William A. Mattice; treasurer,
Miss Sara S. Wheatley; mission treas
urer, Miss Phebe A. Ross; vestrymen,
Mrs. Rose Mitchell, Arthur Bromley.
Miss Ross, Mr. Mattice. Miss Wheatley,
Francis Rackey, Charles F. Hunting
ton and Arthur Miller; delegate to di
ocesan convention, Mr. Lewis; alter
nate, Mr. Mattice.
Grace (Silver Spring, Md.).
Senior warden, Frank J. Fidler;
junior warden, George G. Getty; reg
istrar, Henry H. Waples; treasurer.
Charles T. Barber; vestrymen. Blair
Lee. Enos C. Keys, Francis A. Blundon,
Will L. Graves, Frank S. Pohanka,
Charles T. Barber. Henry H. Waples,
Hugh L. Buckingham; delegate to
diocesan convention, Henry H. Waples;
alternate, Frank S. Pohanka.
Our Saviour.
Senior warden, L. W. Plowman:
Junior warden, R. L. Ferguson: reg
istrar, W. J. Hales: treasurer. O. F.
Ellis; assistant treasurer. T. H. Muf
ford. Jr.; vestrymen, Mr. Hales, George
A. Gaither, J. W. De Grange, F. R.
Speake, R. R. Molster, Paul O. Davis.
A. S. Boswell and Mr. Ellis; delegate
to diocesan convention, Mr. De
Grange; alternate, W. P. Foley.
Pinkney Memorial (HyattavUle).
Wardens, treasurer, registrar and
delegates to be named in May; vestry
men, Harry Boswell, Charles G. Lan
hardt. Noble L. Owlngs, Dr. Paul S.
Herring, S. Marvin Peach, Harry Hall,
Ernest Gasch and C. Hodges Carr.
Prince Georges Parish (Christ Church,
Rockville, Md., and Ascension
Church, Gaithersburg, Md.)
Senior warden, Washington W. Hicks;
Junior warden, Thomas M. Anderson;
registrar, Walter A. Williams; treas
urer, William H. Baden; vestrymen, F.
Bache Abert, William H. Baden, Albert
M. Bouie, Howard S. Larcombe, Frank
D. Leizear, F. M. McGraw, Julian W.
Whiting and Walter A. Williams; dele
gates to diocesasi convention, E. E.
Stock and Howard S. Larcombe.
St. Agnes'.
Senior warden, Ira G. Blumer, Junior
warden, Dr. Ralph D. Lillie: registrar,
Harry L. Hauser; treasurer, Ira G.
Blumer; vestrymen, Ira G. Blumer,
Charles F. Mullen, Benjamin S. Elliott,
David W. Martin, Elmer Guy Donald
son, Charles R. Van Horn, Ralph D.
Lillie. David G. Fletcher; delegate to
diocesan convention, Byron S. Adams;
alternate, Harry L. Poynton.
Senior warden. P. W. Bisset; Junior
warden, Peyton B. Fletcher; registrar,
John Brewer; treasurer, William M.
Dougak; vestrymen, C. A. Ammann,
William L. Browning, Dr. William L.
Clark. G. B. Craighill, V. B. Deyber,
James E. Eckloff, E. M. Weeks and
Lloyd B. Wilson; delegates to diocesan
convention. Dr. W. S. Bowen, (Sen.
Andrew Hero and J. A. Grimes; alter
rates. Col. John Marston. Thomas E.
Ferguson and W. N. Dougak
St. Andrews.
Senior warden. H. H. Clement;
Junior warden, Capt, A. G. L. Toombs;
vestryman, Godfried Roemer. Arthur
B. Mesny, G. Lemon, Comdr. J. Bryan,
Col. Henry Parsons Erwin, Fred L.
Johrson, Harry T. Morningstar, Elmer
S. Coe.
St. Columba’s.
| Senior warden, Arthur Flint; junior
! waiden, A. F. E. Horn; registrar,
Warren Shoemaker; treasurer, Fred
Parks; vestrymen, Reginald Looker,
Spencer Fitzgerald. John Cherry. Hil
ary Smith, Joseph McElvaln, Warren
Dyson, William Tyler Page and Mr.
St James'.
Senior warden, W. Curtla Draper;
Junior warden, Paul G. Burton:
regUtrar, Capt. Merlyn O. Cook;
treasurer, CurtU F. Prangley: vestry
men, Reverdy J. Clagett, Dr. Giles E.
Dawson, Archie W. Dye, Henry A.
Wallace, Roger L. Flather and William
A. Groves: delegate to diocesan con
vention, Mr. Burton; alternate, Capt.
St.John’s (Georgetown).
Senior warden, George L. Nlcolson;
junior warden, Henry W. Offutt; reg
Utrar, William M. Beall; treasurer,
Godwin Ordway; vestrymen, George
L. Nicolson, Henry W. Offutt, Edmond
M. Talcott, James Berrall, J. Bernard
Wyckoff, John Wesley Chambers,
Clarence Phelps Dodge and William
M. Beall; delegate to diocesan con
vention, Godwin Ordway; alternate.
John Wesley Chambers.
St. John's (Sixteenth and H).
Senior warden, Col. George B. Mc
Clellan; Junior warden, J. Harry Cov
ington: regUtrar, Admiral Horatio G.
Gilmor; treasurer, American Security
& Trust Co.; vestrymen, Admiral Cary
T. Grayson, Alanson B. Houghton,
Charles S. Hamlin, Admiral GUmor,
Edward S. Hull, David E. Finley, Jus
tice Owen J. Roberts and Marcy L.
Sperry; delegates to diocesan conven
tion, Donald C. Bingham and Monell
Sayre; alternates, William S. Conant
and Horace W. Peaslee.
St. John's (Mount Rainier),
Registrar, P. T. Russell; treasurer,
Perry Boswell; assistant treasurer,
Wilbur Burch; Parish Committee.
John Martin (chairman), Mrs. Julia
Stansbury, Samuel Forte, Mr. Russell,
Mrs. Edith Ford, Mrs. Pearl Miller,
Mrs. Emma B. Hammond, Mr. Burch
and Mr. Boswell; delegate to diocesan
convention, Mr. Boswell; alternate,
Mrs. Helen Skinner.
St. John's (Bethesda, Md.l.
Only vestrymen elected. Vestry
men, E. Windsor Offutt, R. H. Weight
man, Thomas E. Lewis. J. C. Benzine,
Edwin Ballinger, F. Eliot Middleton,
Harry B. Amiss. Howard de Walden
St. Luke’s (Bladensburgl.
8enior warden. William J. Fierstein;
junior warden, George M. Harris; reg
istrar. M. E. Poole; treasurer. A. R.
Lee; vestrymen, J. B. Alsop, Alfred D.
Bailey, S. M. Clarke. G. M. Harris,
A. R. Lee, M. E. Poole, James L. L.
Rea and Harry J. Wolfe, Jr.; delegate
to diocesan convention, Mr. Bailey;
alternate. Mr. Lee.
St. Luke's P. E.
Senior warden, Col. West A. Ham
ilton; junior warden, Henry L. Dixon;
registrar, Mrs. Maude D. Rycraw;
treasurer, James P. Bourke, Jr.;
vestrymen, Mr. Bourke, Clarence T.
Brooke, Ralph Qualls, Mrs. Rycraw,
Mrs. Virginia R. Washington, Mrs.
Isadore A. Letcher, Z. F. Ramaaur
and William A. Lee, Jr.; delegate to
Diocesan Convention, Col. Hamilton;
alternate, Mr. Lee.
St. Margaret's.
Senior warden, Leroy Tuttle; junior
warden, Capt. E. G. Dorn; registrar,
Dr. Edmund Barry; treasurer, Harry
K. Boss; vestrymen, Carl Kelersteln,
Dr. Hugh S. Cummings. Charles H.
Le Fevre. William R. Benham and
Lincoln Green; delegate to diocesan
convention, Mr. Le Fevre; alternate.
Dr. Barry.
St. Mark's.
Senior warden, Maj. Joseph H.
Wheat; junior warden, David W. Gall;
registrar. Earl G. Jonscher; treasurer,
Henry P. Blair; vestrymen, Mr. Blair,
Mr. Jonscher. Hull Estabrook, Morris
E. Marlow, E. Taylor Papson, David
McCoy, John N. Robertson and Sher
man W. Frazier.
St. Mary’s.
Senior warden, F. E. Compton, Junior
warden, Edmund Brown; registrar,
Leon S. Turner; treasurer, Miss Julia
Davis; vestrymen, William A. Tinney,
Estes Scott. Mrs. Rosetta Dutch, Dr.
W. R. Pinkard, Robert Mattingly and
John Latimer; delegate to diocesan
convention, Miss Edna Gray; alternate,
Michael Thompson.
St. Pauls (MOCK creeaj.
Senior warden, C. W. Miller; junior
warden, I. Jones Parker; registrar. J.
Fred Parsons; treasurer. C. L. Pickens;
vestrymen, S. P. Simpson, Mr. Par
sons, G. L. Evans. William F. Gude,
Lewis T. Miller, Mrs. Mary L. White,
James K. Kerr and C. F. Brown; dele
gates to diocesan convention, Mr.
Parker, Mr. Evans and Mr. Miller; al
ternates. Mr. Simpson, Mr. Kerr and
Mr. Brown.
St. Philip’s (Laurel, Md.).
Senior warden. William B. Boswell;
Junior warden. Eugene Sagle; treas
urer, Wilbur Sagle; vestrymen, W. E.
Beall. Maj. J. Biggar, John Stanley.
John Howard Hopkins. G. W. S. Mus
grave, August Millard, P. G. Mel
bourne and C. E. Little; delegate to
diocesan convention, Mr. Melbourne;
alternate, Edward Merchant.
St. Stephen and Incarnation.
Senior warden, J. C. Williams; junior
warden, Edward F. Riggs; registrar,
Lynch Luquer; treasurer, A. C. Hough
ton; vestrymen. A. C. Houghton. John
L. McGrew, William E. Richardson. G.
A. Lewis, E. S. Dawson, S. J. McCath
ran, J. Elvans Mayfield, Lynch Luquer:
delegates to diocesan convention, A. C.
Houghton, J. Elvans Mayfield; alter
nates, Lynch Luquer, John L. McGrew.
St. Thomas’.
Senior warden. Justice Alfred A.
Wheat; Junior warden Comdr. Need
ham L. Jones; registrar, Comdr. Jones;
treasurer, Leslie McCrea; vestrymen,
Theodore W. Noyes. Comdr. Jones,
Walter E. Edge, Justfce Wheat. Wil
liam L. Beale. Comdr. Norman C. Hall,
John Davison and Norman Eustace
Towson; delegate to diocesan con
vention, Gilbert Ritter; alternate, Wil
liam R. Ellis.
Senior warden, Norman E. Ryon;
junior warden. Ulysses Butler; regis
trar, Roland N. JefTerson; treasurer,
Matthew L. Rue; vestrymen, Ernest T.
Walker, Herman J. Gallowa}, Reuben
Ford, William C. Bowman, Jr.; John G.
Etaack, Roland N. Jefferson, Matthew
L. Rue, Mrs. James C. Neale; delegate
to diocesan convention, Herman J.
Galloway; alternate, Ulysses Butler.
Trinity (Takoms Park).
Senior warden, Herbert D. Lawson;
junior warden, Carl A. Hoglund; regis
trar. Josiah Ellis; treasurer, Edward J.
Waterfield; vestrymen, John E. Water
field, Edward J. Waterfield, J. Dann
Faber, James H. Lightfoot, Tremaine
K. Burrows, Mr. Lawson, Mr. Hoglund
end Mr. Ellis; delegate to diocesan
convention, Mr. Ellis; alternate, Mr.
Soviet Paper Favors Fortification
of Dardanelles.
MOSCOW, April 14 UP).—Unquali
fied approval of Turkey's request for
permission to fortify the Dardanelles
was expressed yesterday in the official
Soviet organ, Izvestla.
The Soviet viewpoint, the news
paper stated, has not changed sine#
the Russian delegation at the Lau
sanne Conference in 1922 suggested
that Turkey be given complete sover
eignty of the straits.
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C 1936. Liocrrr ft Bins - .mocdQIi
Georg! Wanner; treasurer. Lloyd
Clark: vestrymen. Clement Evans.
Hal Hodgson. G. E. Keefer. William
Nixon, Wilbur Wiley and W. B. Wil
kinson; delegates to diocesan conven
tion, to be named by the rector at
next vestry meeting.
Senior warden, E. G. Emack; junior
warden. Richard Breaden; registrar,
Mr. Emack: treasurer, Mr. Breaden;
vestrymen, Edgar Conley, Willard Mar
low, William McCeney, E. E. Emerson,
Joseph A. Cheney and J. S. Jones:
delegates to diocesan convention, Mr.
Breaden; alternate, Mr, Conley.
Chapel of the Redeemer
(Glen Echo, Md.).
Chairman, Edward Fagan; treasurer,
Henry T. McCuen; executive commit
teemen, Thomas Dennell. sr.; William
Meeks, George Lowe, Mr. McCuen,
Stephen Pratt, Alexander H. Sands,
Leonard Shoemaker and John Shoe
maker; delegate to diocesan conven
tion, Thomas G. Spence; alternate,
Leonard Shoemaker.
Christ (Washington.)
Senior warden, Charles O. Millar;
junior warden, H. Edwards Riecks;
registrar, Thomas B. Wilson; treas
urer, J. Frank Scott; vestrymen,
Charles Wood, Miss Bessie T. Wood,
Charles H. Evans, William Guy Evans,
Mr. Millar, Mr. Riecks, Mr. Wilson
and Mr. Scott; delegate to diocesan
convention. William G. Evans; alter
nate, Mr. Scott.