Citizens’ Group Hears Plan
to Give Adults Seats on
Newer Vehicles.
A request that some of the older
busses owned by the Capital Transit
Co. be used as school busses for chil
dren paying the 3-cent fare so that
the more, modern busses could serve
full-far^ passengers was made last
night at the meeting of the Congress
Heights Citizens’ Association.
C. J. Benner, first vice president of
the association, said adults living in
the Congress Heights and Anacostia
areas have difficulty finding seats or
even standing room in the morning
because of the large number of school
children using the busses. “I admit
that supplying special school busses is
a difficult thing to do with the present
bus shortage, but I think that some
way can be found,” he said.
Passenger pact suggested.
Breiyier also suggested a program
of co-operation among bus passengers
so that persons living. in Anacostia
would take the Anacostia bus coining
from downtown, leaving space on the
Congress Heights bus for persons liv
ing in that area.
A general program to improve
streets, alleys and sidewalks in Con
gress Heights was indorsed. As sug
gested by J. Louis Gelbman. the as
sociation will seek to have petitions
for improvements signed by 50 per
cent of aSected property owners and
then have the Streets and Alleys Com
mittee of the association see that the
work is done. “Other areas have done
this with excellent results; we can do
It also," Gelbman declared.
Indorses Sisson Bill.
The association favored passage of
the Sisson bill to repeal the red rider,
although it was pointed out that the
Federation of Citizens’ Associations
has already gone on record as opposed
to that bill.
A sidewalk on the east side of Esther
place, north of Nichols avenue, w-as
requested, and the association’s sec
retary was instructed to forward a
petition requesting the sidewalk to
the Engineering Department.
Will Tout Acta at Children's
Festival Circus.
Arthur Godfrey, radio broadcaster,
will be the barker in the 1936 Chil
dren’s Festival Circus to be held May
22 in Central High School Stadium,
under auspices of the Community
Center Department. He will announce
the various “circus” to be performed
by boys and girls from community
centers throughout the city.
The affair will feature a circus
parade around the cinder track at
the stadium, a program of circus
acts and dances and presentation,
“Pioneer Days,” with Indians, settlers
and soldiers enacting a Wild West
sc¥ne of covered wagon days.
Beet Acreage Is 8,000.
Sugar beet acreage near Garden
City, Kans., exceeds 8,000.
_ •
Effort Made to Heal Breach Be
tween Republicans.
Special Dispatch to The Star.
WINCHESTER, Va., April 14.—
Efforts were being made today to
harmonize differences existing be
tween two factions of the Republican
party In Frederick County In order
that a unified organization may be
Two sets of delegates attended the
seventh congressional district meet
ing a few days ago at Waynesboro,
which resulted in each faction being
allowed V/2 votes. Orville Willey
heads one faction and Eugene An
derson is chairman of the other con
tingent, both of which have claimed
to be "regular.” District leaders told
the two factions to get together, if
possible, and elect a new county com
Brickley to Be Guest.
Charles Brickley, one-time Harvard
foot ball star, will be guest of honor
at the District of Columbia Clemson
College Alumni Association dinner
meeting tonight at 7 at the Unlter
sity Club.
Hugh E. Phillips Is president of
the alumni association.
Even today in the great
transatlantic liners of Cunard
White Star the sailmaker
works in canvas. He shapes
a hatch cover or sews a wind
shelter... but his tools and
his skill have not changed.
In himself he suggests much
of the British tradition...the
tradition which embraces
service as well as seaman
ship ... uniting all depart
ments in a* common desire
to make your crossing a
memorably pleasant one.
In the "Queen Mary", arriving in
New York June 1st, the British
tradition will find its supreme
expression. She will be every •
inch a real ship...worthy of the
nation of builders and mariners
whose descendants will man her.
First to Cherbourg, then to
Southampton. You may go Cabin
Class for as little as $208.
Also 17 other Cabin liners, led
by the famous motor ships
Georgic and Britannic. Cabin
Class $146 up, Tourist Class
$111.50 up. To Scotland, Ireland
and England: Samaria...April 17.
To Ireland, France and England:
Georgic ... April 20. To Ireland
and England: Scythia... April 25.
For full details of sailing dates,
cruises or the Cunard White Star
Deferred Payment Plan, consult
your Local Agent or Cunard
White Star, 1504 K Street
N. W-, Washington, D. C.
SO lours lo choose irom, escorted by
famous college coaches ... 17 to S9
days . . . rates from $33S. Send for
36-page OLYMPIC TOURS booklet.
— - --—--—
Boulder Dam, In tho Black Canyon of Colo
rado River, it the largest structure of Its
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wide, 650 foot thick at tho base. It will
generate 1,BOO,000 horsepower; supply do
mestic water to all Southern California and
irrigate 2,100,000 acres of land. Impounded
water will form a lako 115 miles long.
By concentrating on only one motor
fuel, economies are effected in refin
eries, warehouses, delivery trucks and
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and tfiat a/iade gived unfailing*
top petfolmance... at ^tegula/t gad ptice