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ENGRAVING BUREAU . PRINTER DIES AT 54 William Thompson Wade, 54, plate printer at the Bureau of Engraving and^Printing, where he had been em ployed tor 33 yean, died Monday at his home, 7708 Morningside drive. He had been seriously ill for a week. Funeral services will be held at 2:30 p.m. tomorrow at the residence. Burial will be in Glenwood Cemetery. Mr. Wade was a native Washing tonian, a member of the Plate Print* era’ Union and prominently Identified with the Masonic fraternity. He was a member of Benjamin B. French Lodge No. 15, F. A. A. M.; Lafayette Chapter No. 5, R. A. M.; Columbia Oommandery No. 2, K. T.; Albert Pike Consistory. Scottish Rite, and Kallip olis Grotto. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Myrtle S. Wade; three sisters, Mrs. Irene Biggs, Mrs. Edward Austin and Mrs. Verna Conway, and two daugh ters by a former marriage, all resid ing in this city. BERNARD W. MORRISON, TIRE MERCHANT, DIES Bitter and Three Brothers Sur vive—Bitea at St. Joseph’■ Church Friday at 9 A. M. Bernard W. Morrison, automobile tire merchant here for many years, died yesterday at his home, 408 A street northeast. Mr. Morrison was stricken about two months ago with the illness to which he succumbed. Mr. Morrison was a son of the late William R. and Frances Ebert Morri son. He was educated in the District of Columbia public schools and estab lished his business soon after leaving school. He operated store at 1409 V street. Mr. Morrison is survived by a sister. Mrs. Blanche Shipley, and three brothers, William R., Norman and Harry, all of this city. The body is at Zurhorst’s funeral home. 301 East Capitol street, from which the funeral will be held Friday morning at 8.30 o'clock, with requiem mass at St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Second and C streets north east, at 9 o'clock. FUNERAL RITES HELD FOR MRS. STRAUS Rabbi Abram Simon Officiates at Services Held at Resi dence. Funeral services for Mrs. Sidney W. Straus. 49, vice president of the R. Harris Si Co., jewelers, who died Sat urday in Bmergency Hospital, mere held yesterday at her residence in the Argonne Apartments. Rabbi Abram Simon of the Washington Hebrew Congregation officiated. Burial was in the Washington Hebrew Congrega tion Cemetery. Mrs. Straus’ late husband was presi dent of the Harris Co., which waa founded about 70 years ago by her father, the late A. D. Prince. Active in several organizations, Mrs. Straus was a member of the Council of Jewish Women and took great in terest in the Community Chest cam paigns. She was a native of this city. Surviving her are four daughters, Mrs. Victoria 8. Olstrom, Mrs. Sylvia S. Goodman, Miss Alice P. Straus and Miss Aima Fleur Straus, and a sister, Mrs. Julius I. Peyser. FELIX FEIST, PIONEER IN FILM INDUSTRY, DIES Metro - Goldwyn - Mayer General Manager Had Been 111 Since Last Summer. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, April 15—Felix F. Feist, a pioneer in the moving picture industry and for 11 years general man* ager of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, died early today in Mount Sinai Hospital where he had been a patient for 12 days. Feist, who was 52, had been in ill health since last Summer. He was Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer’s chief of the department of sales and distribution. Feist made his first connection with the movies in 1907 when he became advertising manager for the Kinema color Co. of America. FORT LINCOLN CEMETERY The Capital's Most Accessible MODERN CEMETERY Burial Lots, Vaults, Crypts Non-Sectarian Perpetual Core I-. "' = JOHN F. KELLEY, 44, BANK TELLER, IS DEAD Received Purple Heart Decoration. After Being Wounded in Action in Prance. John F. Kelley, 44, paying teller of the National Savings & Trust Co., Fifteenth street and New York ave nue, died yesterday at his home, 2X5 Emerson street. Although ailing for some time, he had been able to con tinue work until six weeks ago. Mr. Kelley, a World War veteran, served overseas with the 312th Ma chine Gun Battalion, 79th Division. He was wounded in action and given the Purple Heart decoration. Surviving him are his widow, Mrs. Margaret C. Kelley, and four sisters, Mrs. Harry Maulding, Mrs. Helen Weissmiller, Mrs. Raymond Fitzgerald and Mrs. M. J. Pirrone, all of this city. His parents were the late James and Catherine Kelley. Funeral services will be held at 9 a m. tomorrow in St. Gabriel’s Catho lic Church, after brief services at the reiidence. Burial will be In Arling ton National Cemetery. RETIRED FARMER HERE ON VISIT SUCCUMBS Robert A. Parr, 75, Well Known in Bowling Green Section of Virginia. Robert A. Parr, 75. retired fanner of Bowling Green, Va., died early to day at the home of his daughter, Mrs. George E. Fellebaum, 837 Third street northeast. Well known in the Bowling Green section, Mr. Parr, since his retirement several years ago. had spent the Win ters with his daughter here and the Summers with a niece at Boswell, Va. His wife died 15 years ago. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is survived by one son, three daughters and nine grandchildren. His children are Aubrey D. Parr, Mrs. Fellebaum, Mrs. C. E. Wright of Bowl ing Green and Mrs. H. B. Wall of California. Funeral services will be held at the home here at 8 p.m. tomorrow, with burial the following day in Bowling Green. 5,085 Miles of Railroad. The Buenos Aires Great Southern Railway Co. has a mileage of 5,085 miles. FINAL RITES TODAY FOR JAMES M. BECK Services to Be Held at Washing ton Cathedral—Burial to Be Private. Pinal rites for James M. Beck, noted constitutional lawyer, who died Sunday at his home, 1624 Twenty-first street, were to be held at 4 p.m. today in Washington Cathedral. Burial was to be private. Honorary pallbearers were to in clude Justice Van Devanter, Justice McReynolds, Senator Hastings, Wil liam Castle, Henry N. Paul, Samuel Untermyer, Representative Snell, Prank L. Crawford and Wade H. Zllis. Other honorary pallbearers, who could not attend the funeral, were Herbert Hoover, John W. Davis, New ton D. Baker, George Wharton Pepper, John N. Garver, William Carr and Thomas McCarter. Mr. Beck is survived by his widow, Mrs. Dllla Mitchell Beck; a son, James M. Beck, jr., and a daughter, Mrs. Beatrice Beck Tuck. — - ■■■ t MRS. A. H. WOLTER DIES IN BALTIMORE Wife of Retired Battalion Chief of D. C. Fire Department Succumbs at 58. Mrs. Mary Ann Wolter, 58. of 1227 Madison street, wife of Andrew H. Wolter, retired battalion chief of the District Fire Department, died yester day at the home of her son, William W. Wolter, 520 Rock Clenn road, Bal timore. She had been visiting there for the last six weeks. Death fol lowed a long illness. Mrs. Wolter was a native of War renton, Va„ but had been a resident of this city for the last 40 years. She is survived by her husband, her son in Baltimore, who is vice presi dent of the United Clay & Supply Corp. there; another son, Andrew W. Wolter of this city, vice president of the United Brick Corp.; three sisters, Mrs. Lillian Hollway and Mrs. Charles James, both of this city, and Mrs. Preston Cockrill, Warrenton, and four brothers, H. B. and James F. Thomp son, both of this city, and Wallace R. and G. W. Thompson, both of Sumerduck. Va. She also leaves three grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow at her home here. > Burial will be In Rock Creek Ceme ! tery. . Deaths Reported. Edwin B Hahn. 65. Gallinger Hospital. I Leila L. Davis 82. 2007 O at. I Rosalie Wilkins. 81. 42 6th st. Hedley Cooke. 74. Garfield Hospital. Mary E. Herbert. 73. 815 G st. n.e Harry J. Wright. 72. 1430 North Carolina ave. n.e. , Prank P Pope. 66. 12.35 11 st. s t. I Elnora Sinclair. 65. 437 12th st. s t. Rosie E Huntt 61. Sibley Hospital ! Morris E Engel. 54. •5223 Kansas ave i Alma P Straus 47. Emergency Hospital. George Lucas. 45 Gallinger Hospital. Eldred J. Gillis. 38. 2650 Wisconsin ave. j Viola Miller. 37. 1239 1 at. n t. , Dorothy Monroe. 33. 528 6th *t. i t | Edward R Tuta 31. 23J P at. ! Edith E Hanson 21. Gallinger HosDltal. I Ella Knott 17. Gallinger Hospital. I Infant Smith. Gallinger Hospital Infant Deward Children s Hospital. ! Infant Earle. Garfield Hospital. I Helen Davis. 65. Home for Aged and In firm 1 David Brown. 51. Gallinger Hospital. Addrie C Shorter. 45 419 L st. William A. Davis. 42. Gallinger Hospital. Elizabeth Jackson. 28. Preedmen's Hos pital. Alberta Fletcher. 25. Gallinger Hospital. Infant Carl Brown. Gallinger Hospital. Infant John Dyer. 613 Navy dL s.a. Infant Gladden. Gallinger Hospital. Infant Brown. GalUnaer Hospital. Infant Jones. Gallinger Hospital Lott and Found advertisements for the daily Star will be accepted Monday* to Friday*, Inclusive, up to noon day of issue. Saturdays and legal holidays up to 10 a.m. day of issue. For The Sunday Star up to 11 p.m. Saturday. jLOST. AIREDALE, gnd black »nd brown puopy: near Wheaton. Md. Reward. Phone Ken tlntion 187._ • BEAGLE PUPS two black and white, near District Line. Anacostia. Reward. Phone Atlantic 14h8._l«*__ BOSTON BULL. male, white under chin, breast: tiD of left ear drooped: answers to "BunkReward. Clarendon 2472._ DIAMOND RING. 10*2 carats, oval shape: iost Saturday Return to Lost and Pound Dept., Mayflower Hotel. Liberal reward. _ DOG. white poodle, answers name Moses": lost April 14 Reward for his return. 3518 Newark st. n.w. Emerson 3206. LETTERS. PERSONAL AND CONFIDEN tial. letters of endorsement. April 14. Re ward. Return Capt. W. C. Taylor. 745 Siiao are.. Bllvzr Spring, Md. Shep 2538. MAN’S yellow gold ring. ChlneM design, dragon holding red earnellan In mouth: vicinity of Occidental and Willard Hotel and National Theater Friday. April 3: sentimental value: liberal reward. Call Plaza 1744. Baltimore, Md., or address Box 48-S. Sttr office._ MONEY POUCH, gray suede, sum of money and rosary, name Jane E Downs. Return to Black stone Hotel. Reward._* PAIR OXFORD GLASSES, on F st. between Woodward & Lothroo and Woolworth’s. Saturday afternoon. Call North 9754. 15* PENDANT amethyst and told with pearls on chain (heirloom), lost Tuesday on F st. bet. 13th and 14th sts.. or Motor Vehicle Bureau. Reward. Georgia 4157._ POLICE DOG—8mall male, wearing leather collar: answers to name Jerry; lost April .3. Call Wisconsini 42P3-M._ PURSE, small, brown leather, containing New York driving permit of Helen L. Pea body. Finder please phone North 8884. Reward. REVOLVER— 38-caliber Colt Police Posi tive. No. 320172. Tuesday. Reward. Pvt. F. R. Que. 1419 Chapin st. n.w.. Apt. 42 17* 8C0TTIE. male, black, with Md. tag: lost Irom 716 Kennedy at. n w. Call Georgia 4985. Reward._ SPITZ puppy, black and white, Saturday, from Euclid near 13th. Reward for re turn to 1327 Euclid at. n.w. 6OTT CASE, containing underclothes and papers of value only to owner, in Post Office on Penna. ave.. near 18th. Reward if seturned to Mra. Hamilton. The Pentllly Apt, 1812 K st n.w._17* TORTOISE-SHELL ETEGLASSES in City Cab. between Dresden Apt. and Constitu tlon Hall. April 8. Reward. NatL 9800. * WATCH. 15-Jewel Elgin, white gold, store or front of 1009 H st. n.e.. Friday night. Reward. Phbne Atlantic 5383-W. (Barb of 2tyanka. JACKSON. HATTIE W. The family of the late HATTIE W. JACKSON wish to tnank their many relatives and friends, lodges and Zion Wesley A M. E. Church for their kind expressions of sympathy and floral tributes at the death of my devoted wife. WILLIAM JACKSON. Sratba. AKERS. ARTHUR WILLIAM. On Tuesday April 14. lSi.lti, at Sibley Hospital, AR THUR WILLIAM AKKR8. beloved hus band of Anne M. Akers and father of John H. Akers. Mrs. Charles C. Clacett. Mrs. Maynard Southard and William A. Akers. Funeral services at the W W. Chambers Co. funeral home. 1400 Cuapin at. n.w.. on Thursday. April 16. at 2:30 p.m. Relatives end friends are Invited. Interment Cedar Hill Ceme tery ASHFORD. JOSEPH F. On Tuesday Aoril 14. 1936. at his residence. 260 Ethan Allen ave . Takomt Park Md.. JOSEPH F ASHFORD, beloved husband of Geor gia A. Ashford and father of Bertha M. Bromwell. J. V. Raymond E. Charles R and James E Ashford. Services at the 8. H. Hines Co funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w. on Thursday. April 16. at 2:15 p.m. Interment Gienwood Ceme tery. BOSWELL. ANNIE REBECCA. On Tues day. April 14. 1936. at her residence. 1229 K st s.e.. ANNIE REBECCA BOS WELL. beloved mother of Lulls W Hooper And grandmother of Charles. Arthur and Louise Cornwell. Remains resting at the W W. Chambers Co. Southeast funeral home. 517 11th st. i f. Funeral services at the above funeral home on Thursday. April 16. at 10:30 • m Rtl»tives *nd friend* »re inyited to attend. Interment at Smithvllle. Md 15 BROWN'. MARTIN T. On Monday. April 13. 193H. at 4 p.m.. at his home "n West Dewey ave . Youngstown. Ohio MARTIN V. BROWN, aged 67 years. He Is survived by his wife. Mary Bohan, and six sons. Dr. Harvey Brown of De troit. Raymond Brown of Washington. D. C.: Carl. Dr. Edward. Wilbur and Leo Brown of Youngstown, and two brothers, Clem and Harry of Alliance. Ohio Fu neral Thursday at 9 am. from St. Patrick's Church. Youngstown. Bunai in Calvary Cemetery. CHRISTIAN. MARY ANN. On Tuesday April 14. 1936. at 4:20 a m. at chil dren’s Hospital MARY ANN CHRISTIAN, aged 5 years and 5 months beloved daughter of William V. and Hilda M. Christian inee Waters* of 4120 Illinois ave. n.w Funeral Friday April IT. at 10 a m . from late residence Relatives and friends irvited. Interment Mount COX. KATE C. Sudden)? on Monday April 13, 1936. at her home Waldorf. Md. KATE C. COX Funeral from Huntt A: Ryon funeral parlor. Thur&dav April 16. at 11 a m Services at Christ Church. La Plata. Md. Interment at Mount Rest Cemetery. 15 CRAIG. AMELIA Departed this life on Tuesday. April 14. 1936. at 10:4o am. at her residence. 104*; Sumner rd a.e. AMELIA CRAIG the daughter of the late Abraham and Mar; Elliott. She leaves to mourn their loss one brother Abra ham Elliott. 1r.: one sister Martha Har rison: one niece. Elsie Butler. Funeral from the funeral home of W Earl Better. 1203 Walter ft. s.e.. on Friday. April 17. at 8:30 am.: thence to the Church of Our Ladv of Perpetual Help at 9 am Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery 16* DEAN. JOEL K. Suddenly, on Monday April 13. 1936 at his residence. 515 4th »t. a.e. JOEL R DEAN, the beloved father of Margaret D. Housen and Mrs. Earl Krhr Funeral services at the W W. Chambers Co Southeast funeral home. 517 11th at. s e.. on Wednesday April 15. at 1 p m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Ceme tery. 15 DTSON, JOHN. On Monday April 13. 1936. at his residence. 1222 C st. s.e . JOHN DYSON, the beloved husband of Nettie Dyson He also leaves other rela tives and friends Remains resting at the W Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st n.w. Funeral Friday. April 17. at 1 p.m. from the above funeral church Interment Arlington National Cemetery. Remains cannot be viewed. 16 HEINRICH. CAROLINE. On Monday. April 13. 1936 at her residence. 1114 E st. a.e.. CAROLINE HEINRICH, widow of Otto Heinrich and the beloved mother of Mrs Anna G. Cardon and Richard O A Heinrich. Remains resting at the W W Chambers Co. Southeast fu neral home. 517 11th st. s.e. until Wednesday. April 15. at 12 noon Fu neral services at her late residence on Thursday. Aaril 16. at 8:30 a m : thence to Holy Comforter Church. 14th and East Capitol sjs.. where mass will be offered at 9 a m for the rennse nf hsr soul Relatives and friends are invited. Interment Congressional Cemetery 15 JOHNSON. DOROTHY. Departed this life Tuesday. April 14 l!»:u: DOROTHY JOHNSON of 442 M st. n w. She leaves to mourn their loss a devoted mother Mrs Kate Sheppard one sister. Annie Sheppard two brothers. Bernard and James Sheppard and many other rela tives and friends. Remain* resting at the Melvan A: Schey funeral home New Jersey ave. and R st. n.w. Notice of fu neral later. KFILEY. JOHN F On Tuesday April 14 1930. at hi* residence 215 Emerson *t. n w JOHN F KELLEY beloved husband of Margaret C. Kelley (nee Smith» and beloved son of the late James and Cath erine Kelley. Funeral will be held from the above residence on Thursday April 16 at 8:30 a m High reauiem mas* at St. Gabriels Church at 9 a m. Inter ment Arlington National Cemetery. Rel atives and friends invited 15 Italian Composer 111. ROME, April 15 OP).—Ottorino Res pighi, 56. widely known Italian com poser. is gravely 111 of blood poisoning, physicians announced last night, and has lost consciousness. His wife is at his bedside. The composer, author of the opera “Lo Fiamma,” which has been pre sented in New York and Chicago, been ill for weeks. -» ■ — Births Reported. Domenico and Giuseppina Tropea. twin boy». Julian and Kathleen Cown. boy. Geofrey and Mary Daniel, boy. John and Elizabeth Crossin. boy. Mathew and hena Praas. clrl. William and Mary Troll. Kiri. Noel and Sarah Barbot. boy. Ployd and Josephine French, boy. Morris and Gladys Berstler. girl. John and Grave Dincell. girl. John and Edith Ali boy William and Alfreda Jones, boy. Robert and Estella Montague, boy. Maurice and Doris Francis, girl. John and Anna Thomas girl. William and Rose Smith, girl. James and Della Shields, boy. James and Edith Johnson, boy. Bennie and Augusta Stewart, girl. James and Mary Carter girl Charles and Marian Butler, clrl. Marriage Licenses. Paul P. Rhine. 26 1ROO c st.. and Agnes B Sean. 22. 2120 G st.; Rev. H. W. Sank. James A. Williams. 20. 1914 3rd st. and Arlena Barrier. 19 5943 Chapel road; Rev. Arthur Leukett. Paul Von Hohenschleyer 51 2135 Ban croft place, and Louise M. Roth. 51. 2311 Connecticut avenue; Judge R. E. Mattingly. Harold M. Freese 23. and Jeanette H. Sigafoose. 21. both of Thurmont. Md.; Rev. A. F. Poore. Michael H. Petrella. 23. 200 Webster st., and Bernadine B Jack. 25. 130 Web ster st.: Rev. L. W. Albert. Ralph H. Murtaush. 41, 1034 Quebec place and Mary L. Baker. 40, lboO Harvard street. Rev. J. S. Spence. William O. Brown 36. 1913 Sixteenth st.. and Ida Lonstein. 34. 1402 15th st.; Judge R. E. Mattingly. Edward Ross. 25. 9 P st northeast; and Edna West. lb. 16!i P at., n.e.; Rev. J. J. Albert. J. J. Albert. Lawrence M. Stevens. 21. Roanoke. Va.. and Amy L. Cowherd. 21, Long. Md.; Rev. D. G. B. Pierce. Alton L. Burkholder. 27. 1214 Evarts st. n.e.. and Rachel M. Gregory. 26, 3114 J5th st. n.e.: Rev. A. H. Mihm. Roy H. Allin. 48. 205 D st. n.e. and Lotta P. Harbottle. 45. 1217 Morse st. n.e.; Rev. W. S. Abernathy. Deaths KING. NETTIE B. On Tuesday. April 14, !22!L at her residence. l"2!t B st. s.e.. NETTIE B KING, beloved wile ot Wil liam E Kin* and sister of Mrs. Hattie B. May of Cambridac Springs. Pa., and Mr. Claude Burllneeme of Washington. D. C. Funeral from her late residence Thurs day. April HI. at p.m. Relatives and friends lnv'ted. Interment Congre.s atonal Cemetery. <Rochester. N Y . and Annapolis, Md.. papers please copy > 15 KOOP. META I. On Tuesday April 14. 1936. META L KOOP. beloved daughter of Louis B .and the late Anna M Kooo. Funeral services will be held at her late home. 2031 East 31st st . Baltimore. Md on Friday April 17. at 2 p.m. In terment Loudon Park Cemetery. 16 UDSTONE. EM. On Wednesday. April 15. 1936, at his residence 309 Allison st. n.w.. ELI LID6TONE beloved husband of Margaret Logan Lid stone Funeral from the above residence on Saturday. April 18. at 10 am Relatives and friends invited. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 17 MALBERY. ALBERT. On Wednesday, April 15. 1936. ALBERT MALBERY. the beloved son of Albert and Cora Malbery. He also leaves one brother and an aunt Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church 1432 You st. n.w. No tice of funeral later. MORRISON, BERNARD W. On Tuesday. April 14. 1936 at his residence 408 A st n.e.. BERNARD W. MORRISON, be loved son of the late William R and Frances Ebert Morrison and brother of Norman. Will4am and Harry Morrison and Mrs Blanche Shipley. Funeral will be neld from Zurhorst’s funeral parlois. 301 East Capitol st.. on Friday. April 17. «t 8:30 a m : thence to St Josephs Church, where mass will be said at 9 for the repose of his soui. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment in Mount Olivet Cemetery. 16 MURPHY. LEONARD. On Sunday. Aoril 1 I!,.!,;, at Walter Reed Hospital. LEONARD MURPHY, devoted husband of Marion Murphy Remains resting at Frazier's funeral home. :i»9 R. I. ave. n.w. Funeral Thursday. April 16. at I pm., from the above parlors- Elder Walker officiating. Interment Arlington National Cemetery 15 PARR. ROBERT ALEXANDER. On Wed nesday. April 15. lit.iti ROBERT ALEX ANDER PARR beloved father of Mrs. George W. Fellafcauin. Mrs H B Wall of California. Mrs C E W?right of Bowling Green Va . and Aubrey D. Parr. Serv ices at his lrte residence. 837 3rd st. n.e.. on Thmsday. Apnl 16 at 8 n m. Interment Bowling Green. Va.. on Fri day, Apnl 17. at 1 p m. 16 ROSS. SARAH. On Tuesday April 14. 1936. SARAH ROSS, beloved wife of Phillip Ross, devoted mother of Mrs. ■ Sarah Dickenr, Mary and PhilliD Russ. I ir : sister of Mrs. Mary E Peyton. Isiahf other relatives and many friends Re-l mains resting at the John T Rhines fu- I ! neral chapel 3rd and Eve sts. s.w. No-I i tice of funeral later. SANDERS. GIS. On Sunday April 1C. Ift.'ld. at Gallinger Hospital. GUS SANDERS son of the late Daniel and Daphney Sanders of Greenwood. S C. He is survived by three brothers John Sanders of Anderson. S. C.. Robert San ders of Greenwood. S C.. and Clifton Sanders of Washington: one sister. Mrs. Annie E Jackson of Greenwood. S. C : tnree nieces Mrs Meta Johnston of An derson. S. C Mrs. Bessie Crestweli Speaks of Washington and Mrs. Meta E. Carter: one nephew. Harrison C Hicks of Washington, and other relatives ar.d friends. Remains resting at Stewart's funeral homr 3n H st n e. Funeral Thursday. Aoril Id. at 2 p in from th® above funeral home Rev W D Speight officiating Interment Harmony Ceme tery. (Greenwood papers please copy.) SHIRLAND. ELIZABETH C. On Tuesday. Anril 14. lft.'td. at her residence 5Id 8th st. s w . ELIZABETH C SHURLAND beloved wife of George C Shurland. Fu neral from her late residence on Friday. April 17. at s :;n a m. Requiem mass at St Dominic's Church at ft a m. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery Members of Third Order of £t. Dominic s please take notice. 13 SMITH. ELIZABETH^_On Tuesday April 14. lft.i*:. ELIZABETH SMITH the be i loved mother of Loretta Watkins. Ellen A Talbert John J. Cropper and Georee Traver She also leave? a mother-in law. two dauehters-in-law. two aons-in law. two grandchildren one great Kir.ndchild and other relatives mnd I friends Funeral Friday. April 17. at 2:30 p.m from the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n w . Rev Ralph Austin officiating. Interment Harmony Cemetery. 13 SMITH. WILLIAM OLIVER On Sunday. April 12. lft:id at 4 in pm WILLIAM OLIVER SMITH beloved husband of Ellen C Smi’h devoted father of Ellen Elizabetn Smith Funeral services will be held at his late residence 540ft Illi nois ave n w Washington. D. C at 7:45 P.m Wednesday Anril 15. Serv ices on Thursday. April Jd. at 755 Edee «t Rptrimnrp Md Tr. tprrr>pr.t. Greenmount Cemetery. Baltimore. Md. Relatives and friends are invited. 16 i SUMAN WINIFRED. On Tuesday. April 14 1936. at Children s Hospital. WINI FRED SUMAN aged 11 years belo\*d daughter of Charles and Winifred EUia Suman of Lar.ham. Md Funeral serv ices Thursday April 16. at p m at Hysong s parlors. 1300 N st n.w. In terment Congressional Cemetery. TAYLOR RAYMOND L. On Sur.dar. April r.* 1036 at Gallinger Hospital RAY MOND L TAYLOR of 111T ‘2nd St He leaves to mourn their loss his wife. Lillian C Taylor, and many other rela tives and fnends Funeral from the McGuire funeral home. 18C0 9th st. n.w Thursday April 16 at II a m. Interment Wocdltwn Cemetery 15 • TIMBERLAKE. CHARLES H Departed this life Monday. April 13. 1036 at his residence 3308 Sherman ave. h w CHARLES H TIMBERLAKE He leaves to mourn a beloved wife. Emma E Timber lake « Henson >: two sister* four brothers and a host of other relatives and friends Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church 1430 You st. n.w Body may be viewed after 1 p m Wednesday Funeral will be h*ld on Thursday April 16. from Holv Re deemer Catholic Church. New York and New Jersey tves. n.w . where solemn high requiem mass will be sung at 9 a m fo» the repose of his aoul. Burial in Mount CMHet Cemetery. • VIDETTO FRED HALL. On Tuesday. April 14 1936 FRED HALL VIDETTO. beloved son of Alvin and Lillian Videtto. Funeral services at his parents' resi fence L514 East Capitol at., on Thurs ay. April 16. at 10:30 a m. Relatives and friends are invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery 15 WADE. WILLIAM THOMPSON On Mon day April 13 1936. WILLIAM THOMP SON WADE beloved husband of Myrtle Saunders Wad*' and brother of Mrs. Irene Biggs. Mrs Edward Austin and Mrs Verna Conwny Funeral services at his late re*idence. 7708 Morningside drive n w.. on TTuirsday April 16. a'. ‘2:30 WARE. ALONZO MURRAY Suddenly ©n April 14. 1938. at Emergency Hospital. ALONZO MURRAY WARE- beloved son of Alonzo and Josephine Ware. devoted brother of Alice T and George E. Ware and grandson of Laura P. Wire Re mnns temporarily resting at the Me Guire funeral horn'*. 1820 Pth et. n w. Notice of fxmeral later. 18 WOLTFR. MARY ANN. On Tuesday. April 14. 1938 at the residence of her Ron. 520 Rock Glen road. Baltimore Md . MARY ANN WOLTER beloved wife of Andrew H. Wolter and mother of Wil liam W and Andrew W. Wolter. Fu neral services at 1227 Madison st. nw . on Thursday April 18. at 2 p m Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. 15 In fflemortam. BIRTH. LILLIAM VENDETTA. In memory of mv dear daughter and our sister. LIL LIAM VENDETTA BIRCH, who passed away flve years ago today, April 15. 1931. Deep In our hearts you are fondly re membered 8weet. hiDpy memories din* to your name: True hearts that loved you with deepest affection Always will love you in death lust the same. THE FAMILY BRADFORD. ROBERT S. In sad but lov in* remembrance of our dear brother. ROBERT 8 BRADFORD who left US two years ago today. April 15. 1934. Shall we meet beyond the river. Where the ages ceased to roll? HIS SISTERS AND BROTHERS. • LAMBATH. R. EDWARD (EDI. In loving memory ot our dear brother. R ED WARD (EDI LAMBATH who passed away three years ago today. April 15. 1933. Treasured thoughts of one to dear Often bring a silent tear; Thoughts return to scenes long past. Time rolls on but memory lasts BROTHER AND SISTERS. • LAMBATH. R. TOWARD. In loving re mtmbrance of my dear husband. R. ED WARD LAMBATH. who left me so sud denly three years ago today. April 15. 1933. My heart cannot tell how I miss you. My lins do not know what to say; Only God knows how I miss you In mv lonely home todav LILLIE. • McGLUE. MAE LOUISE. In sad but lov ing remembrance of my dear wife. MAE LOUISE McGLUE. who departed this Ufa one year ago today. April 15. 1935. HER DEVOTED HUSBAND. JAMES WILLIAM McGLUE. • McGLUE. MAE LOUISE. In lqvlnc mem ory of my dear mother. MAE LOUISE McGLUE. who departed this life one year ago today. April 15. 1935. HER DAUGHTER. ALVA MAE McGLUE. • ROBINSON. JACOB C. A tribute of lovs and affection to the memory of my de voted husband. JACOB C. ROBINSON, whom I loved In life and his memory I cherish In death. Departed this life two years aco today. April 15. 1934. HIS WIFE AND DAUGHTER. KATE B. ROBINSON ELIZABETH J. ROBIN SON. • THOMAS. LILLIAN PALMER. In sad and loving remembrance of my wife. LILLIAN PALMER THOMAS, who departed thil life flve years ago today. April 15. 1931. She had a smile for every one. A heart as pure as gold: To those who knew and loved her Her memory will never grow old HER DEVOTED HUSBAND. ALEXANDER GEORGE THOMAS. * WILKINS. MARY E. A tribute of love and devotion to the memory of our beloved wife and devoted mother. MARY E. WILKINS, who entered into the haven of rest six years ago today. April 15. 1930. You tenderly cared for your loved ones. To your friends you were ever true; So when God laid His hands on our heartstrings He left fondest memories of yoo. HER LONELY HUSBAND. SHEDRICH H. WILKINS AND DAUGHTER. LILLIAN O. WHITAKER. * 1 V'"' THURSDAY ONLY! One Day Sale! Croup of $7 to $8 FLEXLIFE SHOES SLIP nto o pair of Flexlifo Shoes at this sale price— do your feet a good turn and keep your budget in smiles! No breaking-in discomfort with Flexlifes; their innersoles will never crack or curl. Black or tan Calfskins. Scotch Grains or brown Suedes. Brood or norrow toes. Sizes 5 to 12, AA to E. Also included, 38 pairs Hand-lasted shoes that were S8.50. Black and tan. Special! Extraordinary Values at this Price! RALEIGH FELT HATS • 2-Ounce Lightweights • From a famous maker T"E cind of value that be ( ' longs on the front page. Soft, supple, high-quality Felts that retain their shape whether you roll 'em, fold 'em or squeeze 'em! Made with welt brim. Put one on and head into Spring in style! Ecru, squirrel, homer and bison. Sizes 67s to 7'i. \ • CHARGE ACCOUNTS INVITED • Parking Service at Our Curb . • . Private Chauffeare vRALEIGH HABERDASHER/ vY^Tl / Llmjtc-H i JXud jl Lx > 1 Uat Sint 1310 F STREET (cdcxr Hill (femclcry When Beauty i> Permanent Time Only Adda to it» Charm iZurfiorst MORTICIANS ESTAB. 1157 I Por four (mentions the duality B and service that the name Zurhorat s has meant to Washington families IS has remained constant Dignified £ sympathetic management of all (1 funeral details has ever been our £ aim aha called on and offered £ I at the minimum cost consistent with % our service. We have recently com- E pleted entire renovation of our IS establishment and are no* able to £ offer Washington a more complete jg I undertaker service than at any time ■ in our history. We stand ready at a 4 all timet to help goa in your hour g jj 0/ need. CHAS. S. ZURHORST CO. | (C. S. ZURHORST. JK.) 301 East Capitol St. j Lin. 0468 Lin. 0372 | ‘ i®aaBJB3eHB^^araraajaar5®E Any family tan Anorri ityan funeral service; What Funeral Director Should I Call? r¥1Hl'0 major questions confront the man or woman ■* upon whom the burden of responsibility falls when death occurs. First, What funeral director to call; second. Flow much should be spent. Both should be chosen wisely and after thoughtful consideration. In answer to the fiist we offer these qualifications: .4 lone and honorable record of service; an intelli gent, courteous, capable personnel; complete equip ment ami honorable, straightforward business prin ciples. In answer to the second; Always remember that ANY FAMILY CAN AFFORD RYAN SERVICE. J .. ' ^ Ryan’s De Luxe Ambulance Service Reasonable Rates for Local and Distant Calls James T. Ryan FUNERAL DIRECTOR 317 Pa. Ave. S.E. 'k'k'k'k’k’k ickickick'k'k++++★★★★★★ Our eleventh successive ' season as sole agent for Lamgora TOPCOATS % LIGHT as a song m your heart WARM as the glow of sunshine • SHOWERPROOF as a duck’s back WINDPROOF as a storm cellar WRINKLEPROOF as a rubber ball $35 ANT a topcoat that has real style and the rare substance to make that style last? Then you want a LAMGORA! Its fabric is a scientifically balanced blend of finest ANGORA FLEECE (for silky-softness and lustre) ... and the very best quality WOOL (for strength). The result is a remarkably soft and supple fabric with a rich look . . . yet it's marvelously rugged and durable! Beautifully hand-tailored and styled accord ing to the most authentic English and Amer ican traditions. It's an all-weather coat— windproof, showerproof, wrinkleproof! Made expressly for Washington's changeable cli mate ... gives warmth without weight. Wear it day or night—for business or dress. Blue, grey or tan. -Jt ■» ^ £ Hinkel s Matchless £ ? M £ Cleaning Service £ T . . . restores SOILED Rugs and Carpets to ^ v their original beauty, without destructive ^ C rubbing! ^ J ★ Hinkel RESPONSIBILITY and RELI ^ ABILITY protects you against all loss or M damage to your Floor Coverings, while M in our care! -K Spring House-cleaning Time has Arrived J* *Phont Us to Send for Your Rugs and Carpets ^ X LOWEST PRICES FOR FINEST WORK X T* ESTIMATES ON REQUEST p k k r Runi and Carpett STORED for the Summer in STEEL T yC STORAGE RACKS, at moderate cott. y* k ,-, Our Special Services Without Extra Charge -ft • All Domestic Rugs Shampooed by Us Are Glue-Sized. -if • All Rugs, Carpets and Draperies INSURED FOR FULL ^ VALUE against fire, theft or damage, while in our care. T* E. P. HINKEL & CO. i Rug and Carpet Cleaning . . . Fine Floor Coverings -^C 600 Rhode Island Avenue N.E. ^ Phones: POtomac 1172-1173-1174-1176. -fC ★★★★★★★★ A ltcfTht largtH Undertaken in the World A $500 SERVICE For Only $265 • • • • In Cim of Death Call ChamlM ■AIM OVTICB 1400 CHAPIN N.W. Colombia Ml SOUTHEAST BEANCH 512 11TH ST. S.E. ATlaotl* S78S S» fUNLKAL UlKtL'IUKh. Joseph F. Birch’s Sons (A. L. HAYCOCK, Phone Wist 0096 onos M St N W Established 1841 Ju,w m • " • V. L SPE ARE CO. Neither the successor to nor connected with the original W. R Sneare establishment. NAtlroal°eg893 1000 H St. N.W. WILLIAM H. SCOTT 408 8th *. 8JBLincoln 0630. Chamber\ One ot the Largest Undertakers in the World 1400 Chapin St. N.W. Col. 0432 517 11th St. S.E. Atlantic 6700 J. William Lee’s Sons Co. ITNUAL DIRECTORS. Crematorium 4th snd Mass. Are. NJt. Lincoln 8200 Frank Geier's Sons Co. ms serenthst-Hw. NAtional 2473 Modern Chanel. Tel. Rhtiunai a.-aiu FUNERAL DESIGNS. GEO. C. SHAFFER ^^"Cor. 14 th H Eye CUBE BROS. CO. Floral Pieces 1212 P St. N.W NAtional 4276 GEO. A. COMLEY V49 Artistic Floral Deslsna by Experts Night Phone Clarandon 261-J-l j Charge Accounts Invited • PARKING SERVICE . . . PRIVATE CHAUFFEURS AT OUR CURB • ,RALEIGH HABERDASHER/ * > k (