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Sjjjjjjjjfik* no«h"?t*t 4W»<U' ■ Associated Press News
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Delegates Solid
in Making
Delegates Wearied
by Last Night’s
f BUS Correspondent of The Star.
Philadelphia, June 27 —Roose
velt and Garner will carry the Demo
cratic standard In the coming na
tional campaign.
“Cactus Jack” Gamer, idol of
Texas, was renominated for Vice
President by acclamation by the
Democratic National Convention to
day to become the running mate
again of Franklin D. Roosevelt of
New York.
Designated as the “greatest Vice
.Vice President" by the youthful Gov.
Allred of Texas, who placed Gamer
In nomination, the Vice President was
given an ovation.
The rules of the convention were
suspended so that Allred could nomi
nate Garner without the formality of
a call of the States for vice presi
dential nominations.
There were no other nominations.
The Texas delegation, carrying ban
ners of the Lone Star State and hugh
portraits of Gamer, led the demon
Mach Diminished Crowd.
It was a much diminished conven
tion and audience, but the enthusiasm
was all there. Delegates had taken it
lor granted that Garner was to be re
Justice John Carew of New York,
Who served with Gamer in the House
before going on the bench, seconded
the nomination of the Vice Presi
(lent for the New York delegation.
For Pennsylvania, Lieut. Gov. Thom
as Kennedy, who is also secretary and
treasurer at the United Mine Workers
of America, seconded the Gamer nom
The demonstration lasted 10 min
Senator O’Mahoney of Wyoming was
recognised to make a seconding speech
lor Gamer, He praised Gamer’s
“sound judgment, loyalty and vision.”
A seconding speech followed by Sen
ator Brynes of South Carolina. He
called the Vice Proident a great pre
siding officer of the Senate, and an
able adviser of the President and his
"The people of the United States
have come to love him because of
bis character,” said Byrnes.
Garner Not In Hall.
Vice President Gamer, who came
to Philadelphia late yesterday, was not
at the hall when his name was placed
In nomination. He will be notified for
mally and will accept, at the great
open air meeting scheduled for Frank
lin Field tonight, provided it does not
In that case the notification cere
monies will be held In the convention
Gov. Allred likened Vice President
Garner to Lincoln, Franklin and Rob
ert X. Lee. "Unquestionably," he said,
“he has been the President’s right
hand man in much of the legislation
and relationships with the Congress.
His sound horse sense, the general sta
bility of his character, his service as
Bpeaker and Vice President have com
pelled the tribute of the nation. The
country is now.es proud of him ns
Texas has always been.
“The name ‘Cactus Jack’ Is as
meaningful,” Allred said, as was An
drew Jackson's title, “Old Hickory.”
He added that the Vice President is
Just as seasoned, rugged and individ
ualistic as the giant cactus of the
nu ncpi reel un (.round.
"Throughout his long career he has
kept his feet upon the ground. He
has shunned social honor and ac
claim, preferring rather to be the leg
islative work horse of this Adminis
tration. Like the great Gen. Robert
E. Lee, his name was not for sale.
Throughout it all, he has remained
modest, self-effacing, unpretentious, a
natural leader of men.”
Gov. Allred prefaced his nomination
of Garner with a tribute to President
Roosevelt and an attack upon the
“Once more the Republican Party
of privilege seeks to regain a position
of power," the Texas Governor said.
“The American people are not going
to stand for it. They are not only
satisfied, they are well pleased with
the Job done under Democratic leader
ship. They believe in the Sincerity of
purpose of the President of the United
States. They have felt and seen the
result of his efforts In their behalf.
They know now his assurance of
‘greatest good to the greatest number
(See DEMOCRATS, Page 3.)
Two Sentenced for Distributing
Defense Details.
BERLIN. June 37 VP).—Two persons
convicted on charges of distributing
defense details received penitentiary
sentences In the People’s Court today.
Guenther Hoffmann, 22. a Czech,
was sentenced to eight years for ac
cepting an offer from a news agency
to supply details of the German air
Richard Lange. 26, received a 15
year sentence for acting as agent of
a foreign power and “collecting in
formation concerning German air
forces Id East Prussia, their disposi
tion and armament with Intention to
pass such information to a foreign
I *
Delegates Slow to Gather
After Yesterday’s Two
Long Meetings.
Staff Correspondent of The Star.
curtain is about to drop on democ
racy's 1936 political extravaganza
here in Philadelphia's massive muni
cipal auditorium. The business of
the convention is about over. The
platform has been adopted. Presi
dent Roosevelt has been renominated
by thunderous acclamation. All that
remains to be done before the 3,000
delegates and alternates can turn
homeward is the selection of the
President’s running mate. And that
is expected to be & cut and dried
procedure. Vice President Gamer’s
renomination is virtually assured.
The final session of the convention
was scheduled to get under way this
morning at 10 o’clock, daylight saving
time. But the delegates as well as the
spectators have learned by this time,
at least, that a session of a political
convention never starts when it is
supposed to.
It’s now 11 o’clock. There''are only
21S delegates scattered around the
huge arena. The spectators outnum
ber them by perhaps 50 or so. One
of the convention officials has yet
arrived. A soprano hidden somewhere
from view is singing the "Indian Love
Call.” Her voice floats through the
amplifiers out into the almost deserted
auditorium. The only life in the hall
is in the presi section. The news
paper men are plucking away on noise
less portable typewriters and teleg
raphers by their side are flashing what
they write to all corners of the
Robinson, Morgan Confer.
Fifteen minutes pass. At last Sen
ator Robinson of Arkansas, convention
chairman, comes cm the platform and
goes Into a huddle with Forbes Mor
gan, convention secretary. A few
more delegates arrive carrying photo
graphs of Gamer. It begins to look
now like the Philadelphia police will
have to be sent out to round up enough
delegates to make a quorum. That
long session last night, coupled with
(See-SESSION, Page 2.)
Pennsylvania Republican Leader
Calls National Chairman's
Visit of No Significance.
By the Associated Press.
D. M. Hamilton, Republican national
chairman, left for Washington today
after an overnight visit which his
host said had no political significance.
Hamilton was the guest of N. Pew,
a Republican leader, at suburban
Ardmore. It was said at the Pew
home that Hamilton will be in the
Capital until Tuesday and then ex
pects to go to Columbus. Ohio.
Pew, who Is Pennsylvania treasurer
of the Republican national organiza
tion’s Finance Committee, said that
when Hamilton returns for party con
ferences they will be "wide open.”
> -
Chief Executive
Speeds Work
on Speech.
. * '
Presidential Party
to Leave Late in
Without coat or tie and with his
shirt open at the neck. President
Roosevelt was laboring today with the
finishing touches of the acceptance
speech he will deliver at Philadelphia
The President is completing this
task in the seclusion of his private
study and will not go to his desk at
the executive ofltce or receive any
callers until he has completed his Job.
Mr. Roosevelt's principal problem in
this task has been carrying out his
original intention of making the ad
dress as brief as possible. He an
nounced yesterday he hoped to keep
the speech within 2,000 words. Short
ly before noon today, after he had
completed the rough draft, he person
ally counted what he had written and
announced with keen satisfaction that
he had consumed exactly 1.998 words.
Will Leave on Special Train.
Before the day i£ over and advance
copies of the speech given out, It may
run a little longer. Inasmuch as the
President confessed after his word
count that there were a lot more
things he would like to say.
The President, with Mrs. Roosevelt
and a group of associates, will leave
Washington on a special Baltimore &
Ohio train late this afternoon. In
time to put him on the platform at
Franklin Field, where the notification
ceremones will be held, just about 10
minutes before the time scheduled to
begin the great show.
Mr. Roosevelt has succeeded In
doing away with preliminary plans for
his reception of party celebrities on
his train when he arrives at Phila
delphia. This would only have de
layed matters, the President reminded
those in Philadelphia who were making
the arrangements. The way matters
stand now, the only ones who are
aboard the President’s train when it
arrives wUl be Vice President Garner.
James Roosevelt, the President’s eldest
son, who Is a delegate to the conven
tion from Massachusetts, and Chair
man Farley of the Democratic Na
tional Committee.
Preliminaries to Be Brief.
With a view to getting the Presi
dent’s speech on the air at the time
set, the preliminaries will be brief.
According to the arrangements now.
Immediately after arrival of the
President and his party on the plat
form, Vice President Gamer will be
officially notified of his nomination.
This notification speech Is not ex
pected to consume more than two
minutes, and Gamer’s reply has been
allotted three or four minutes.
Following this, Senator Robinson,
permanent chairman of the conven
tion, will notify the President of his
nomination in a three-minute speech.
Then Mr. Roosevelt will begin the
speech which is expected to be the
starting spark of the campaign. A
cosist-to-coast hook-up will carry it
to millions throughout the country.
Established Precedent.
The precedent of making the ac
ceptance speech before the convention
Itself, Instead of waiting for the later
notification ceremonies, was estab
lished by Mr. Roosevelt four years ago.
As New York’s Governor, he flew from
Albany to Chicago July 2, 1932. with
Mrs. Roosevelt, two sons, secretaries
and State troopers, to receive the ova
tion of the delegates.
Whether the Chief Executive re
mained up late last night to hear the
acclaim his name received on renom
mation was not made known at the
White House, but Mr. Roosevelt has
followed all convention proceedings
Besides Mrs Roosevelt, those in the
party will be Senator Harrison of
Mississippi; Stephen Early, one of the
President's secretaries; Col. Edwin M.
Watson, military aide; Capt. Paul
Bastedo, naval aide; Capt. Ross T.
Mclntire, White House physician;
Miss Marguerite LeHand, the Presi
(See ROOSEVELT~Page 2.)
Throng to Hear President
On Stadium Radio Tonight
Roosevelt Nominators to Hold Torch
light Parade as Part of National Dem
onstration—$1,000,000 Likely Raised.
ruiy inousano persons are expected
to parade to Orlffth Stadium tonight
to hold an outdoor celebration with
the reception by radio of President
Roosevelt accepting, at Franklin Field,
Philadelphia, the Democratic presi
dential renomination as the chief at
The parade and the broadcast
listening will be one of dozens of
similar carnivals arranged all over
the country by the Roosevelt nomina
tors in an effort to find funds to
finance the reelection campaign, by
charging a dollar per pertton. The
Democratic National Committee,
which is 'generally supervising the
demonstrations, hopes to make $1,
000,000 from the shows, $135,000
With a sound truck to set the
tempo of the applause and cheers, the
torcmight parade will begin at Tenth
street and Constitution avenue at 7
pjn. Ten persons abreast, the march
er* will proceed to the Veterans Ad
ministration, Vermont avenue and H
street for stop number one and a
series of entertaining features. Along
with the marchers and the float riders,
will be bicyclists, single and tandem,
and roller-skaters, whose agility and
costumes will be considered in the
award of prizes.
Torches will flare, flags will wave,
and the different groups are said to
be dressing their membership in
special uniforms. In urging the at
tendance of all, the authorities in
charge of the parade state:
“This is our opportunity in Wash
ington, D. C., the Capital of the Na
tion, to show to ttoroe people who
.(See bfcUONSTfcd'nON. Page 2.)
■' 'A
* . I Li, ~
Garnett Authorizes Serving
of Warrant Charging
United States Attorney Leslie C.
Garnett today ordered served im
mediately the assault warrant against
Mrs. Rubye Nix Zioncheck, wife of
the Washington Representative now
undergoing mental treatment in the
Sheppard and Enoch Pratt Sanitorium
at Towson, Md.
This action was taken after Mrs.
Benjamin Scott (Pamela Schuyler)
Young, former landlady of the Zion
checks and complainant in the case,
had demanded Mrs. Zioncheck’s
Officials Held Warrant.
Officials have been holding the war
rant. together with a similar one
against Zioncheck, pending disposi
tion of the inquiry into the sanity of
the Representative.
Zioncheck, however, passed from the
jurisdiction of District authorities yes
terday when Justice Daniel W. O'Don
oghue signed a formal order ratifying
his transfer from Gallinger Hospital
to the Towson institution.
The warrant against Zioncheck, of
course, cannot be served at this time.
Charges against both the Represen
tative and his wife grew out of the
alleged ejection by them of Mrs.
Young from her Harvard Hall apart
ment, which she sublet to the newly
married couple.
Continuance Likely.
It was expected that Mrs. Zioncheck
will seek a continuance of the assault
case when it is called for hearing in
Police Court on the ground her hus
band is a necessary witness and his
testimony is not now available.
Both warrants were Issued about
two weeks ago by Assistant United
States Attorney Karl Kindleberger,
who will have charge of prosecution of
the case against Mrs. Zioncheck after
service of the warrant.
The court paper probably will be
placed in hands of police today for
Tumbles Into Opening While
Chasing Dog—Pulled Out
by Firemen.
By a Staff Correspondent of The Star.
Tumbling Into a 50-foot dry well while
chasing a collie pup near his home,
William C. Dyer, 17, of Glebe road
near here, was rescued by volunteer
firemen late this morning after re
maining ift the bottom of the weU al
most an hour. He was not seriously
The dog, which first plunged through
rotten planks covering the well, also
was hauled to the top in a make-shift
harness. It was uninjured.
Two firemen, Timothy Thompson,
24, of the Clarendon rScue squad, and
Joe Collins of the Jefferson District
squad, were temporarily overcome by
gases in the well when lowered on
ropes to place Dyer in a harness.
The youth was knocked uncon
scious by his fall. He regained con
sciousness a short while later and
yelled for help. His father, Artie
Dyer, heard his calls and procured a
block-and-tackle arrangement in an
effort to lift him from the well.
After the son tied himself to the
end of a rope the father twice suc
ceeded in getting him within 10 feet
of the top. Unable to get the boy
entirely out, he called for the rescue
Young Dyer, a junior at Washing
ton-Lee High School, was taken
to Georgetown University Hospital,
Washington, and released a few min
utes later.
To Marry Arthur Hornblow This
Week End, Is Report.
HOLLYWOOD, June 27 04s) .—The
movie colony bussed yesterday with
unconfirmed reports that Myrna Loy,
slant-eyed film actress, and Arthur
Hornblow, studio executive, would be
married, probably at Yuma, Arts.,
over the week end.
Neither could be found to com
ment. H»e marriage has been ex
pected ever since Hornblow* first
wife, Juliette Crosby, stage actreea,
woo a divorce at Reno.
Civil Service Group
May March Tonight
But Signs Are Barred
Civil service employes can
march in the Roosevelt parade
here tonight—but they cannot
carry banners.
This word went out today from
the Civil Service Commissico in
response to a flood of questions
from Government workers, who
wanted to know how far they
could go toward participating in
the “nominator” ceremony, j
without overstepping the bounds
of the political activity law.
Patronage employes of the
emergency agencies are in the
clear on all counts. They not
only can march in the parade
to Griffith Stadium, but they can
carry all the banners that they
can stand up under.
Five Others Wounded and
Two Clubbed in Beer
Garden Brawl.
ay the Associated Press.
CHARLESTON. W. Va„ June 27.—
A sudden volley of shots fired during
a beer garden brawl, ended the life
early today of Leo Fixer, 23-year-old
West Virginia University foot ball star,
and wounded live other persons, in
cluding a girl. Two were clubbed in
the head.
The disturbance happened so
quickly in the downtown garden, Po
lice Chief W. A. Tully said:
“I don’t suppose we ever will know
exactly what did happen.”
He placed a charge of murder, how
ever, against Okay Deboard, a for
mer city patrolman and "bouncer” at
the establishment.
Miss Opal Clark, one of those
wounded slightly, told Tully:
"It was about midnight. Two boys
were arguing in the entrance. De
board got in between them and some
one pushed or knocked him down. He
got up tiring his gun in one hand
and swinging a blackjack in the
other. I ran.”
None of the injured was hurt se
riously. They are Frank Marple,
Harry Hill, Clayton Henso.,, Charles
Erwin and Miss Clark, wounded; Her
man Artrit and Gayle Powell, struck
in the head with a heavy instrument.
Fizer lived in St. Albans, 15 miles
west of Charleston. He was a sopho
more triple-threat backfleld player on
last year’s Mountaineer eleven.
Coach Trusty Tallman called from
Huntington to confirm the fact of the
shooting, and told friends he had
counted heavily on Fizer for next
year’s team.
Vessel With 34 Aboard in Need
of Immediate Help,
Crew Says.
By the Associated Press.
MANILA, P. I„ June 27.—The Jap
anese ship Awaji Maru. steaming to
the assistance of General Petroleum
Corp.’s tanker Magnolia, aground with
a crew of 34 cm Ross Island in the
Yellow Sea. wirelessed today that the
tanks of the disabled vessel were leak
ing badly and it needed immediate as
The rescue ship did not state its
position in relation to the tanker,
which was 100.miles off the coast of
Korea and 500 miles north of Shang
Efforts to reach the Magnolia by
radio from Manila were futile.
MANILA. P. I., June 27 OP).—Com
monwealth President Manuel Quezon
became 111 suddenly today at Cebu,
where he and a party of assemblymen
had gone to participate in comer
stone laying ceremonies.
The president stayed in his suite
aboard the steamship Mayon in Cebu
Harbor upon advice of his physician
to remain quiet. He was suffering
from fever and a bad cough. The ill
ness was diagnosed as angina pec
Adams Is Second as Cotton
and Sarazen Fail to
Keep Pace.
By the Associated Press.
HOYLAKE, England, June 27.—
After knocking at the door of the title
many years, Alf Padgham, tall and
rugged British professional, won the
open golf championship with 287 today
as Henry Cotton, former titleholder
and the favorite, faltered down the
stretch and finished with 289.
Padgham, runner-up last year with
the same aggregate, achieved the title
with rounds of 73—72—71—71, repre
senting nine strokes under regulation
Jim Adams, the Scottish open
champion, finished a stroke behind
Padgham, shooting the last two rounds
of the 72-hole medal test in 71, 73,
for an aggregate of 288.
Cotton, with 215 for 54 holes and
an outgoing 36 on his final round, led
Padgham by two shots through the
63d hole. While Padgh&m shot lour
of the first five Incoming holes In four
under par, finishing the back nine in
34. Cottcn could do no better than
equal par for that stretch and took
38 on the last nine.
Green Falters at Finish.
Tom Green, British professional,
was even with Padgham through the
63d, but he couldn’t stand the pace
and finished the last round in 75 for
291, bracketing him at that figure
with Gene Sarazen, the stocky Ameri
can and winner of the title In 1932,
and Percy Alliss, another native pro
Three shots back of Cotton and
Adams, the leaders at the end of the
morning round, Saraz<m went out in
35 on his final round. He was two
under par through the seventieth, but
lost those strokes on the last two
holes for an Incoming 38 and a final
73 after earlier rounds of 73, 75 and 70.
Marcel Dallemagne, French open
champion, fired a subpar 69 on the
(See GOLF, Page 2.)
Has Questioned Parents of Pair,
District Attorney
By the Associated Press.
NORWICH, N. Y„ June 27.—District
Attorney Glenn Carter said today that
poison had been found in the stomachs
of two young children who died in
Norwich Hospital a week ago after an
illness of three hours.
"All I can say now 1s that we are
investigating,” Carter said.
He said, "We have questioned Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Angle of South
Plymouth, parents of the children.”
At the same time Dr. L. W. Abba
monte, Chenango County coroner, said
that “facts in my possession in con
nection with the case have been turned
over to the district attorney.”
Four other children in the family
were not ill. The two who died were
Laura, aged 2, and Louis, 1.
Nucleus of 1,000,000 Mem
bers in ‘French Social’ Body
to Oppose Blum.
But Strike Movement Is at Ebb.
Red Flags Fly in St.
N&zaire Yards.
Since taking power the Popular
Front Oovernment of Premier Leon
Blum has been plagued with
strikes, despite its pledges to do
everything possible to aid labor.
Striking employes seek shorter
hours, higher wages and vacation
with pay. Chief characteristic of
nation-wide strikes has been the
laborers’ refusal to leave their place
of employment.
Er the Associated Press.
PARIS. June 27.—Col. Francois de
la Rocque, organizer ol the militant
political group “Croix de Feu.' pro
claimed today the organization of a
Rightist “French social party” with
a nucleus of 1,000,000 members.
The new party, he said, would try
"for a decisive assault toward the
renovation, reconciliation, and recon
struction of France.”
Leon Blum's Socialist government,
to which Col. de la Rocque and his
followers are opposed, recently ordered
the dissolution of the “Croix de Feu”
and other Rightist leagues. De la
Rocque’s statement, appearing in his
newspaper, Le Flambeau, denied they
would dissolve.
m. v iicMi^uAncia*
Headquarters for the new party will
be opened Monday In the Rue Des
Freres Perler.
The strike movement throughout
France continued in ebb, with only
scattered Instances of new strikes re
At Bordeaux, the French liner Ja
maique, with 1,000 passengers aboard,
was prevented from sailing for the
West Coast of Africa when the crew
refused to eject striking repair men.
The repair men occupied the ship
because they were members of the
local metal workers' union, which was
out on strike.
The leader of the sailors' union
■aid the Jamaique's crew was not
striking, but that the ship could not
leave until the metal workers' strike
was settled, since he desired to avoid
Join Nationalists.
The National Union of Combatants,
representing nearly 1,000,000 war vet
erans, joined the Nationalists in a
campaign to raise the Tricolor of the
republic above the Socialist red flag.
The union urged “all free citizens’*
to fly the French flag from their win
The government announced it was
planning to set up a financing system
for loans to business and Industries
which find themselves In dlfficluties
after applying the new labor laws,
such as the 40-hour week.
Naval shipyards at St. Nazaire were
occupied by strikers under red flags
last night as crews, which had held
merchant ships in Marseille, went
back to work.
Blum’s government ran into diffi
culties in the Chamber of Deputies
with a split beginning to show in the
Leftist “people's front,” which placed
him in power.
One of his socialists attacked Com
munists, charging them with attempt
ing a revolution.
Wheat Board Bill Opposed.
Radical Socialist opposition to the
government's wheat board bill devel
oped. A delegation from this powerful
party, hitherto supporting Blum, told
him they objected to financing the
board with the nation’s budget deficit
Marseille seamen returned to their
jobs after a five-day walkout during
which they occupied virtually every
ship in the harbor. They won their
demands from the shipowners.
Vincent Auriol, minister of finance,
told the Chamoer 65,000,000 francs
($4,290,000) worth of gold had returned
to France since a government bill to
penalize secret exporters of capital was
announced last week. This measure
was passed unanimously by the Cham
ber today.
A bill providing for nationalization
of war Industries by decree was ap
proved by the cabinet and will be sub
mitted to the Chamber. The cabinet
also approved a large public works pro
gram measure.
Dakota Wheat Area Blackened
By Drought, Worst in History
Live Stock Being Moved Out of Stricken
Region—5 of 53 Counties to
Harvest Normal Crop•
TlfU is the first of a series of
articles on conditions in the
drought area.
Bj the Assorted Press.
JAMESTOWN, N. Dak., June 27.—
The worst drought in the‘history of
Stutsman County has transformed once
fertile prairies into a dismal land
As far as the eye could see today
were blackened and yellow fields, many
without rain for a year. Wheat,
burned and brittle, was heading four
to eight inches from the sun-seared
soil—if at all.
Cattle wandered among the parched
crops and along roads, foraging for
such sparse vegetation as they couhg!
find. A lengthening cavalcade *bi
A , F
trucks, bearing abnormal loads of
live stock from the ravaged region,
rumbled through this community at
the gateway to an area of blight that
stretched northwestward over three
fourths of the State.
“I’ve been here 27 years and have
never seen anything like it,” said C.
P. Conaway, secretary of the North
Dakota Grain Dealers’ Association.
“It’s developing Into a catasthrope.
The farther you go west the more
serious it becomes. The only bright
of a few scattered areas
Wallace and Davis Invited
to White House Before
President Departs.
Weather Bureau Predicts Dry
Spell Continuance—Bain
Gives Little Belief.
Blistering droughts have swept
Middle Western States on numerous
occasions in recent years, the most
serious being those of 1930 and
.. In latter year, with New Deal
agencies of relief already function
ing, Federal Government came to
aid of stricken farm population
with cash relief, cheaper transpor
tation, seed loans and numerous
other devices. Since then efforts
have been made to study problem
in full perspective with such means
as reforestation, cover crops, irri
gation and soil conservation among
helpful possibilities.
While the Federal Government
moved to extend all possible aid to the
drought-stricken West, President
Roosevelt today called in Secretary
of Agriculture Wallace and Chester
Davis, the former A. A. A. administra
tor who now is a member of the Fed*
erad Reserve Board, to discuss the sit
uation before his departure for Phil
adelphia late today.
Meanwhile, the Weather Bureau re
ported that widely-scattered showers
were indicated for the Dakotas, part
of the section seared by 100-degree
heat and a drought which Is assuming
proportions that threaten conditions
even worse than those of 1034.
Continuance of the extremely hot
weather was predicted, however, by
the Weather Bureau, which said th«
rain in the drought areas during the
last 48 hours was too light to relieve
the situation.
Rain Best in North Iowa.
Northern Iowa received the beat rain
fall. but the precipitation amounted
to only 0.16 of an inch avenge.
Light rains fell in Louisiana and
Eastern Texas, parts of Indiana, Illi
nois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota
Iowa, Northern Missouri, Central
Kansas, Bbstem south Dakota, East
ern North Dakota amLMcntaaa.
Joseph L. Bailey, director of run]
rehabilitation, left Washington Iasi
night for Lincoln, Nebr., where he will
meet Dr. W. W. Alexander, assistani
W. P. A. administrator, for a confer
ence with regional officials before de
parting Monday night for the Da
With the assistance of State and re
gional offioen, Bailey and Alexandm
will survey drought damage and esti
mate the type and amount of Federal
relief needed in the North Centra
In Mitchell, S. Dak., the Associated
Press reported overnight the tempera
ture reached 111, and large areas lx
the Dakotas have no crops at all.
Cioodbants in Montana.
Montana had some rain—cloud
bursts in the region between Bosemac
and Butte—but in the face of 103 ant
104 degree heat it was doubted that
crops would be helped.
From Wyoming officials reporter
that no amount of precipitation wil
do any good unless It comes In tfa)
next few days.
And along with this, grasshoppa
pests are spreading in Iowa. Wiscon
sin, Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska
A conference of State and local W
P. A. officials with Harry Hopkins, W
P. A. administrator, has been called U
St. Paul Tuesday, when relief meas
ures will be speeded. The residents a
the affected areas are doing what the]
can, but more Is needed, and Howart
Hunter, assistant administrator of re
gional W. P. A. activities, said that thi
conference would “plan more th&i
mprp wp will nut. m»n t/i nmrl
on something of permanent value.”
Crop Insurance Planned.
In Washington Agricultural Ad
justment Administration officials sail
that the Administration deflnltelj
planned to offer farmers optional croj
insurance in connection with soil con
servation benefit payments despite thi
failure of the Democratic nationa
platform to recommend it. Under thfa
plan farmers would be permitted ti
apply any part or all of their Govern
ment checks as premiums for financial
protection against losses caused by nat
ural disasters—drought, flood, fire a
It is contended that ample authoritj
for this plan is contained in the sol
conservation act as amended after tht
Supreme Court knocked out the ero]
control feature of the A. A. A.
Another step to help was taken hen
when the Interstate Commerce Com
mission authorized reduced emergencj
freight rates for the movement of live
stock from drought zones.
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