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tearing on Bank Problems Sketched at West Vir ginia Conclave. BY EDWARD T. STONE. Robert V. Fleming, who plays the louble role of president of the Amer :an Bankers Association and the tiggs National Bank, reviewed legis ition passed by the last Congress ihich has vital effect upon banking, tj the headline address made this Drenoon before the West Virginia iankers Association in session across he State line at Hot Springs. Va. •'It has been my experience, he said’’ hat in these questions of legislation fleeting banking, the proper atti nde for the American Bankers Asso lation to take is a constructive rather han a negative one of simply oppos ig all legislation introduced affecting be interests of banks. We have had ree and frank discussions with the Qpervisory authorities of Government nd in many instances their support as been invaluable. In a number f instances, excellent Government ;atistical information has been very eiuable in preventing the enacting f banking legislation of an unsound haracter. lax Law .mom \ iiai. The revenue act of 1936 furnished iic most difficult problem with which hs banks had to deal. Mr. Fleming sorted. Among the provisions of the ill was one which proposed a tax pon undistributed earnings which, if pplied to banks, would have been 3 direct conflict with the program ndertaken by the Government to ebuild and strengthen the capital tructure of the banks of the country. As far as banks and insurance com anies are concerned, the new law' as nally passed by^ Congress eliminates ny tax on undistributed net income. Vhile banks are not taxed »t the . raduated scale levied against other orporations, they are taxed at a flat ate of 15 per cent of their net income. Mr. Fleming added that bank hold ag companies, which are fequired by lection 5144 of the Revised Statutes o build up reserves fti readily mar ie table securities of either 12 per cent ir 25 per cent, depending upon fhether or not they hold iank. stock ubject to assessment, are' allowed a ' iredit in computing their taxes upon indistributed net intome for the mounts which the Board of Gov xnors of the FedesM Reserve System ertifies have been used in the acqui sition of such assets. With respect to the so-called com non trust fund, a provision was ilaccd in the law so that the common rust fund is not taxed on its own tccount or as a unit, but the partic pants are taxed upon their propor ioaate share of the net income of he fund, thereby providing the op lortunity for corporate fiduciaries to .ssist in the handling of small estates ,nd legacies, the Washington banker aid. Other Provisions in Law. Algo, the rate of the capital stock ax teas reduced from *1.40 ft?r thou and to *1.00 per thousand. With aspect to the tax upon dividends, tividends on bank shares were treated he same a* dividends of other corpo ations, which is at the normal rate if 4 per cent. However, it will be seen hat A. B. A. officials were able to ecure relatively favorable treatment n new revenue law. Mr. Fleming spoke of other legis ation of more or less importance to he bames. including a bill that would lave given another Government tgency new control over banks. This vntrol was eliminated. He spoke of he vast amount of time and thought ■equired in presenting the bankers’ lews at hearings and before the Gov rnment agencies and praised the ef orts of Tom K. Smith, Charles M. iylander, chairman of the A. B A. Taxation Committee, and Robert M. lanes, chairman of the Committee <r. Federal Legislation. At other points in his address, he eierred to the restoration of confi in banks, increased interest in imk stocks, steady paying off of R. 9. C. stock and notes, greater latitude tgarding the payment of dividends, md the improved relations between lnanciers and the general public. fUese statements coming from the lead of the A. B A. were received vith great enthusiasm and he was j.ven an ovation at the conclusion :f his address. , Transit Net Off 60 Per Cent. N?t income of the Capital Transit Jo. in May totaled *40,220.67 In corn prison with $100,463.37 In May, 1935. i decrease of $60,242.70. or 60 per •cnt. according to the monthly state rent just filed with the Public Jtilities Commission. Operating rev enues totaled *880.837 30 an increase >f $73,269 98. or 9.1 per cent, but >|:-rating expenses required *652. >13.57, ail increase of $95.133 84. or 7.1 per cent. The item for deprecia ;on was $32,000 higher than a year SO. these various added costs bringing r/ome down 37 per cent from Mav, 1C33. C. 4; P. Phone Net Higher. Net income of the Chesapeake &. omac Telephone Co. in May reached •he sum of $186,204. against the lower figure of *179,377 in May. 1935, the •eport filed today with the Public Jtilities Commission shows. Operating ■evenues totaled $900,769. as compart’d * ith *859,263 a year ago. Operating ex penses were higher than a year ago. tb27,487 comparing with $588,095 in viay. 1935. For the first five months let income totaled $915,956. far ahead >f the $819,223 balance before dividends r. 1935. Pepco Revenues Mount. The Potomac Electric Power Co. re tort* for May a net income of $349, 132.87, an increase of 12 16 per cent ner May, 1935 Operating revenues for May of $1,055,688 92 showed a gain if 7.9 per cent. Total revenue deduc tions were heavier than in May of last rear. For the first five months of 1936 the company reported an Increase in set revenue* of 9 75 per cent, the total handing at $1,863,644.07. NEW YORK PRODUCE. NEW YORK. June 77 (47.—Butter, 7. >'••}■ easy. Creamery, hl*t>er than extra. I"*«a:jl'i; extra <i>7 score/. 3O'«a30V Irslt (88-91 scoresi 79t«a.'10: second! 64-81 scores), 28‘/si»79; centralized >Uo Wore), 30 Cheese. 15,400; quiet Prices unchanged Eggs 77 400 steady Mixed colors (tandards and commercial' standards I71.a73; other mixed colors unchanged Live poultry steady By freight; Broil, Irs unquoted, other freight and all exprest •rices unchanged. 50 TONS OF LEAD SOLD. NEW YORK. June 27 (A>)'The St (oseph Lead Co. reports that 50 tom if pig lead from Southeast Missouri Oise* were sold yesterday at $4.45 pei 100 pound*, St. Loul*. o TRANSACTIONS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Br Prlvatr Wire Direct to The Star. Prev. 1938 Stoct ana Sale*— Bet High. Low Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close.Chge 52% 42 Abr & Straus (1.80) 30* 52% 52% 52% + % 118 111% Abr & Straus pf (7). 10b 111% 111% 111% - % 13% 9% Adams Exp <a20c).. 6 11% 11% 11%-% 36% 17% Adams MIUls(a75e) 1 20% 20% 20% 4 % 21% 1% Advance Rumley . 10 2% 2% 2% 7fl% 58 Air Reduction (tl). 6 69 68% 69 6% 2 Air- Way Klee Appl. 1 4% 4% 4% — % 17% 13% Alaska Jun (t60c>_ 2 13% 13% 13% 4% 2% Alleg Corp (d> 2 3% 3% 3% 30% 12% Alleg pf w*30wld)_ 1 23% 23% 23%-% 45% 27 Alleg prpf(d)_ 1 33 33 33 -2 208 157 Allied Chem (6> ... 6 203 201% 208 +1% 28% 23% Allied Mills (b25c). 4 24% 24% 24% + % 11 6% Allied Store* _. 15 10% 10% 10% 84 69 Allied Stores pf(S). 1 79% 79% 79% +1% 50% 36% Allis-Chalmcrs (1). 8 47% 47 47% - % 5% 2% Amal Leather .. 2 3 3 3 53% 34 Amal Leath pf U2) 1 45 45 45 -2% 125% 75 Amerada Corp (2).. 7 99 98 99 41 63% 50 Am Ae Chm Del(S) 1 61 51 61 -% 133 124 Am Brake Sh pf 5% 10s !3l% 131% 131% -1% 135% 115% Am Cat (*4» .. 4 132% 131% 131% - % 41 30 Am Car ft Foundry. 1 35% 35% 35% — % 73% 57% Am Car ft Fdry of.. 2 70V» 70 70 - % 32% 21% Am Cornel Alcohol.. 1 21 21 21 27% 16% Am Cryatal Sugar 40 27% 26% 27% 41 99% 89 Am Crys S lat pf(6) 110b 99 99 99 4 % 9% 6% Am ft Foreign Pwr. 14 7% 7 7 19% 13 Am Hawaiian (1).. 11 19 19 19 4 % 8% 5% Am Hide ft Leather. 3 6 6 6 41% 37 Am Home Pr (2.40). 1 39% 39% 39% - % 13% 9% Am international_ 6 10% 10% 10% 36% 23% Am Locomotive _ 6 26 25% 25% — % 15 10 Am Mch & Met a25c. 1 11% 11% 11%-% 42% 35% Am News(NY)2.40. 1 44 44 44 +1% 13% 7% Am Power ft Light 10 11% 11% 11% 58 36% Am P&Lt $5 pf(2%) 4 56% 56% 56% 4 % 67% 43 Am P&Lt $6 pf (3).. 3 66% 66% 66% 27% 18% Am Radiator _ 14 19% 19% 19% 4 % 94 Otl. Aw** Dnl linn 14/1 <7 OP'i OCl I 27 18 Am Seating. _ 1 20+ 20* 20'* 91+ 56+ Am Smelt & Kef (2). 8 81 80+ 80!;— + 73+ 57+ Am Snuff 173 J _ 1 63+ 63+ 63+ — + 33+ 20+ Am Steel Foundry.. 2 29+ 29+ 29+ — + 61+ 48+ Am Sugar i2)_ 2 55!; 55+ 55+ — + 178 149+ Am Tel & Teleg 19) 23 165+ 162*. 164+ - + 102+ 87 Am Tobacco (5)_ 1 96+ 96+ 96++ * 104 88+ Am Tobacco B (5).. 2 98+ 98 98 - + 150 136 Am Tobacco pf «6)_ 1 144 144 144 25+ 19+ Am Water Works._ 2 23+ 23+ 23+ + + 107+ 92+ Adi Wat W 1st t6)_. 1 107 107 107 - + 11+ 7+ Am Woolen__ 4 9+ 9 9+ 4 + 7+ 3+ Am Zinc & Read ... 4 3+ 3+ 3+ 394. 28 Anaconda Copta50c 24 34+ 34+ 34+ + + 46 35 Anaconda W ia50c) 3 42 41+ 42 + + 26+ 15+Anchor Cap (60c)_ 1 18+ 18+ 18+ - + 110+ 105+ Armour Dei pf «7)_. 2 108 108 108 + V. 7+ 4+ Armour (Illinois)_ 13 4+ 4+ 4+ 15 7+ Arnold Conatab 60c. 1 11 11„ 11 22+ 8+ Artloom Corp_ 7 12+ 12+ 12+ - + 86+ 59 Atch To&S Fe(b2)_. 11 77+ 76+ 77++ + 35+ 21+ Atlantic Coast Rlne 3 24+ 24 24V. + V* 19+ 11 Atl Gulf & W lnd .. 50s 18 18 18 22+ 13* Atl Gulf&W lnd pf. 2 22+ 22 22++ + 35+ 26+Atlantic Bet (1) 7 29+ 28+ 29++ + 115 111+ Atlantic Kef pf (4). 1 114+ 114+ 114+ - + 126+ 112 Atlas Powder pt (6) 10s 122+ 122+ 122+ -IV. 30+ 16 Atlas (Tack (aaUc)_ 1 14 14 14 54+ 26+Auburn Auto_ 1 29 29 29 — + 10+ 5+ Austin Nichols _ 3 5+ 5+ 5+ — + 46+ 31 Austin Nich pf A... 20s 32+ 32 32 - V* 7+ 4+ Aviation CorDtDel) 22 5+ 5+ 5+ $6 3 Baldwin Roco‘(d)._ 4 3+ 3+ 3+ 54 + 29+ Baldwin Coco pf id) 3 39 39 39 + + 24V* 15+ Baltimore * Ohio_ 9 18+ 18+ 18 + .102 82V. Barker Bros pf_ 20s 92 90 90 -4 20 14V, Barnsdall Oil (80cf*. 4 16+ 16V* 16+ 4- + 26 18 Beatrice Cream (1). 1 24+ 24+ 24+ + Vi 111+107 Beatrice Cr pt t7)__ 1 110+ 110+ 110!; 16+ 13+ Bolding Hem (1)__. 1 14+ 14+ 14V. 31+ 21+ Bendix Aviauon(l). 13 27 26+ 27 + + 24+ 20 Beneficial Rot 11 *) 3 21!, 21 21V* 63+ 45+ Bethlehem Steel_ 21 52+ 51 52+ 4 + 19 16+ Beth Steel 5% tl).. 4 17+ 17+ 17+ + + 48 23 Blgelow-San laVUc) 2 35+ 35 35 20V. 14+ Blaw-Knox (40c)_ 1 15+ 15+ 15+ — + 26V: 16+ Boeing Airplane_ 1 21!: 21+ 21+ — V. 63!, 44V. Bonn Alum & Bril) 4 44V. 44 44V. ZO* 25+ Borden Co 11.60)... 10 30+ 30 30V. 4 + 83+ 64 Borg-Warner (3)_ 6 73+ 73+ 73+ 3+ 1+ Botany Min A (d)_ 2 2 2 2 + + 18V* 12+ Brldgep t Brass «Uc 4 12+ 12!a 12+ — V, 64+ 43V* Bngge Mfg (T2)._. 11 50+ 50 50V; - + 50+ 40+Bklyn-Man Tr 13).. 5 49 48+ 48!* 104 97+ Bklyn-Man T pile). 1 102+ 102+ 102+ 4 + 14V. 8+ Bucyrus-Erle_ 10 12+ 12V* 12V* — + 20+ 13+ Bucyrus-Erle cv pf 15 17+ 17 17+ — 1+ 121 100 Bucyrus-E pf t3 + _. 20s 121 121 121 15V* 9+ Budd |EU> Mis 6 12+ 12+ 12+ — + 3+ 2+ Budd Mf 1 pd,July 16 3 2+ 2+ 2+ 4- + 14 8+ Budd Wheel_ 3 9+ 9+ 9+ + 33+ 25 Burr Ad Mcniteocj 2 26+ 26+ 26+ 4 + 25+ 16+ Byera tA Ml- 7 17+ 17+ 17+ - + 74 54+ Byera tA Ml pt_ 10» 67 57 57 - + 1+ + Callahan Zinc_ 2 1 1 1 14 6 Calumet&Hec a25o. 1 9+ 9+ 9++ + 40+ 30 Campbell Wy ttl)- 14 34+ 34 34+ 4 * 16+ 10+ Canada Dry U A_ 3 14 13+ 14 4 + 16 10+ Canadian Pacific_ 30 12V* 12+ 12V, 186 92+ Case (J 1) Co ... 1 179+ 179V* 179+ 4 + 79 54+Caterpillar Trac(2) 2 76+ 76+ 76!:— + 32+ 21+ CeJaneae Corp aillc. 1 23 + 23+ 23 * 4 + 31+ 19 Celotex Corp 4 23+ 23 23 — + 35+ 25+Cent Agulre (tl+). 4 29+ 29+ 29+ 4 + 58 47+ Cerro de Pasco t«i_ 2 ol+ 51+ 51+ — + 19V* 8+ Certain-teed Prod 2 9+ 9!. 9+ - + 74+ 59 Chesapeake Corpi2> 11 71+ 71 71+ 41+ 61 51 Cbes & ubio tZ.SO). 12 59V. 59 59 — + 2+ 1* Chi Grt West id)_ 18 2+ 2 2V, 4 + 8+ 4 Chi Grt W Dl (d)--. 91 8+ 7+ 8* -r + 5+ 2+Chi M StP*P pt Id) 1 3+ 3s, 3* — l, 20+ 12+ Chi Pneumatic Tool 1 16+ 16;» 16+— + 8 3+ Chi K 1AP 1% pt(d) 8 5 5 5 31+ 19+ Chi yellow Cab (2). 1 28 28 28 4 V* 11+ 7 Childs Co _ 1 8V. 8+ 8+ 110+ 85+Chrysler Corp (6).. 91 109+ 107+ 109 41 19+ 15+ City ice & Fuel (2). 2 17+ 17+ 17!,- + 7+ 4+ City Stores__ 1 6+ 6* 6+ — V* 70+ 48 Cluett Peabody (1). 1 52+ 52+ 52+-* 102 84 Coca-Cola (2)_ 1 99 99 99 20+ 13+Coigaie-P-P i50c)_. 9 13+ 13+ 13+ 51* 39+Collins & Aik (2)... 2 46 45+ 46 4 * 24+ 8+Colonial Beacon ... 20» 23 23 23 + + 9+ 3H C010 Fuel A Ir id).. 1 5* 5+ 6+ 49 24 Co Jo b St I pf id)... 10s 26*. 26+ 26* - y4 36+ 21+Colo & South 10s 31 31 31 21* 14 ColumD G&EiaZOc) 22 19* 19+ 19+ — y4 134 94 Colurn Caib vtc«t4) 1 122V„ 122', 122+ - + 64+ 44 Cornel Credit (3)... 14 63* 63* 63*— * 116+110 Cornel Cieo pi ia + i 4 115 114+ 115 — + 82+ 55 Cornel Inv Tr t3.60. 18 75* 74V: 75 — * 116!: 110* Cornel l 1 cv pt < 6) 1 115* 115+ 115* — * 114* 97 Cornel in T pl<4 + ) 2 113 113 113 -1 24* 14V. Comci Sojv i6oc) .. 15 14V, 14* 14V, 4 * 5+ 2+ Comw A Southern.. 14 3+ 3+ 3+4 * 44+ 32* Congoleum-N 1.80.. 3 38* 33+ 33* — * I 20 10 Conn BAR _ 30s 12+ 12+ 12* - * 13% 8 Consol Cigar _ 8 81* 8 8 — % 20% 12V* Con Cl (Del) ytc pf 20s 15 14% 15 + % 38% 27% Consol Edis N III) 36 35% 35% 35% 20% 15% Consol Film pf (11 1 17% 17% 17% - % 6% 3% Consol l*aunories . 10 5 5 5 — % 15V* 11% Consol Oil <60c) ... 41 13% 13% 13% 26% 15% Container Corp (1). 9 19% 18% 19% + % 19% 10% Conn Making iA).. 1 14% 14% 14% - % 2% 1% Coni! Hakim: <B)_ 1 1% 1% 1% 87% 67% Conti Can (3)_ 4 77 76% 77 - % 46 35% Conn Ineur (tl.10). 6 41'* 41 41% + % 4 2% Conti Motors ... 4 2% 2% 2% — % 38% 28% Conti on ol 18>I< 1 » 2 31% 31% 31%+% 46 29 Conti Steel Corp(2) 1 30% 30% 30% 69 55% Corn Ex Uk&ii • 3 > 10s 59 59 59 — V* 82% 68% Corn Prod Kef (3). 9 81 80% 81 7% 4% Coty Inc 31 4% 4% 4% — % 28% 15% Crosley Rad(ajOc) 4 26*, 26% 26% 63% 43% Crown c A a < I i 2 60 59% 60 47% 45% Crown C&S pfl2.70) 2 45V, 45% 45% — % 10% 7% Crown Zelleb'k vtc. 1 8% 8% 8% + % 41 28 Crucible Steel _ 1 36 36 36 14% 6% Cuban- Am Sugar._ 8 10% 10% 10% + H 24% 16% Curtis Publishing.. 1 17% 17% 17% — % 104 99% Curtis Pub pf (7)_ 1 103’% 103% 103% + % 9% 4 Curtiss Wrlgnt__ 67 5% 5% 5% — % 21% 10% Curttss Wright A 7 14% 14% 14% V* Vi Curts-W rts. July 3 128 4 32 4 32 4 32 C5 43V* Cutler-Ham <«).. 1 54 54 54 89% 52 Deers & Co _ 1 79% 79% 79% + % 31 27 Deere* Co pf 11.40. 2 30% 30 30%+ % 26 19% Detsel-Wem-U t50e 4 21% 21% 21% + % 52 36% Delaware & Hudson 1 40% 40% 40V* 23% 14% Dei Rack & West . 2 16% 16% 16% + % 42 38 Dla Match pfl tl%) 1 41V, 41 % 41V, + % 34% 18% Dlsi Corp Sesc 3 20** 20% 20V* + % 21 19% Dixie Vortex (1%). 2 19% 19% 19% - % 61% 41% Dome I *2 i .. 16 58 57% 57%+% 75% 50% Douglass Air 9 62’i 62% 62% + % j 153 133 Dupont de N t3 60.. 3 147V, 146V* 147% — % 9% 6 Eastern Roll Mills.. 1 6 6 6 — % 172 156 Eastman Kod < t6).. 1 170 170 170 37 28% Eaton Mfg (2)_ 1 32% 32% 32% 44% 30% Elec Auto L 11 20).. 3 35% 35% 35% + V* 17% 10 Electric Boat .. 7 13% 13 13% + Vi 7% 5% Elec&Mua In(b24c) 1 6 6 6 - % 16V* 6% Elec Pw ft Et .13 15% 15Vi 15% + % 68% 29% Elec Pw ft U 16 pf. 4 67% 67 67 - % 73% 32V* Elec Pw & Et *7 pf 2 72% 72 72% + % ! 114 112% Endicott-Joh pf (5) 20e 113% 113% 113% + % 7% 5% Eqult Office B alOc.. 1 6 6 6 + % 17% 11 Erie K K . 1 12% 12% 12% + % 40% 27% Evans Products (1) 2 27% 27% 27% 8Vi 4% Exchange Buffet... 11 7Vi 6% 7% + % 18% 81, Fairbanks Co pf_ 20s 12 12 12 53% 34V* Fairbanks Morse .. 3 50% 50 50% + % 41% 31% Fajardo Sugar (2). 16 41% 40% 41% +1% 25 18V* Federal Et ft Tree.. 1 21 21 21 97 84 Fed Et & Tr of (6). 10s 93% 98% 93% -1% 12% 7% Federal Mot T 40c.. 1 9%' 9% 9% + H 5% 3 Fed Screw Works . 2 31* 3% 3% + % 4% 2% Fed Water Svc (A). 11 3V, 3% 3% 30% 20V, Fad'd Dept 8trs«l) 3 30% 30% 30% + % 48V, 40 First Nat Strst2%) 2 47% 47% 47% - V, 38% 24% Foster- Wheeler 4 26% 26 26%-% 38 30% Fourth Nl ww a76c 1 32% 32% 32', - % 35% 27% Freeport-Texss il) 6 28% 27% 28 + % 63 42% (Jen Am Transt 1% ) 2 48% 48% 48%+ % 34% 22 (Jen Asphalt I b26c). 7 24V, 24 24 — 1% 14% 10% (Jan Making <«0c).. 1 11% 11% 11% j 11% 7% Uan Bronxe__ 1 8 8 8 - Vi 16% 6% (Jen Cable__ 1 10% 10% 10%-% 1 59% 68% Oen Cigar (14)_2 58 . 68 58 -1 A Prev. 1930 Stock and Sale*— Nek High. Low Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close.Chge. 41% 34% Oen fllectrle 41J_i. 28 38% 38% 38%-% 48% 33% Oen Foods <1.80)__ 8 42 41% 41%-% 4% % Gen Gee A El (A)_ 4 2% 2% 2% + % 71 63% Gen Motore It*)_ 84 66% 65% 66%+% 6% 3% Gen Public Service. 1 4% 4% 4% 60 32% Gen Ry Signal (1).. 1 33% 33% 33%-% 3% 2 Oen Realty A Ottl._ 3 2% 2% 2% 44% 33% Gen Hefrac (1)_ 1 36% 36% 36% - % 18% 13% Gillette Saf Rastl). 10 14% 14V» 14%+% 90 76 Gillettes R pf <6)_. 2 76 76 76 - % 13% 6% Glmhel Bros _ 6 13 13 13 + % 7% 8% Oobei (Adolf)_ 5 4% 4% 4% - % 10% 7 Goebel Brw C(t2n0) 21 7% 7 7 -% 21% 13% Gold Dust vtc (60c) 13 14% 14 14% - % 23% 13% Goodrich <B F) - 3 19% 19% 19%-% 99 78 Goodrich (B F) pf.. 3 97% 97 97%+ % 31% 21% Goodvear TAR_ 5 24% 24% 24% 99% 87 Goodyear *7 pf (4). 3 94 93% 94 +1% 12% 8% Gotham Silk Hose... 9 9 8% 8% - % 4% 2% Grsham-Paire 10 2% 2% 2% + % 11% 1% Granby C (2d stpd) 3 1% 1% 1% 6% 3% Grand Union ctfs 3 3% 3% 3% 23% 16 Grand Un pf *62%c 1 17% 17% 17% 33% 28% Grant 1W T) (1.40) 3 33% 33V* 33%+% 44 32V* Ort Northern pf_ 7 39% 39% 39%+ % 39 31 Grt West Sur (2 40) 5 36% 36% 36% + % 28% 22 Green (HL)Co (tl) 4 25% 25'a 25% 95 66 Greene Cananea (3) 20s 70 70 70 + Hi* 80% 48% Greyhound C'p 3.20. 1 53% 53% 53% + % 3% 1% Guantanamo Sugar. 1 2 2 2 — % 55 30% Gulf Mobile* N pf. 1 47% 47% 47%+% 48 28% Gulf States Steel ._ 1 46% 46% 46%+% 16% 12 Hat Corp of Am (A). 1 15% 15% 15%+% 9 4% Hayes Body.. 1 5% 5% 5% — H 135 128 Hercules Pdr pf(7). 20s 129 129 129 44% 30% Holland Furnace... 2 36% 36% 36% - % 14% 9 Holland A Son (50c) 3 12% 12% 12%-% 87 19% Holly Sugar (1)_ 22 36 34% 36 +1 S3 22% Houd-Hers <B>1% 8 24% 23% 24%+ % 56'* 54% House Fin (A) Ct3) 2 66% 56% 56% + % 12% 6% Houston OH vtc_ 7 8% 8% 8% 57% 48% Howe Sound <t3)_ 2 48% 48% 48%-% 19% 13% Hudson Motor Car.. 2 16% 16% 16% - % 28% 18% Illinois Central_ 8 22% 21% 22% + % 13*4 6% Inspiration Copper. 1 9% 9% 9% 7% 5% Insur Sh Md ct 18c_ 1 5% 5% 5% 5% 2% Intercontl Rubber.. 1 3% 3% 2% + % 15% 9% interlake iron 16 10% 10 10% + % 5% 3 lnt Agricultural_— 2 3% 3% 3% + % 49% 35% lnt Cement (1%)_ 14 47 46% 47 - % 90% 56)* lnt Harvester 1.20.. 6 89 88% 88%-% 6% 2% lnt Hvdro Elec (A) S 2% 2% 2% 54% 43% lnt Nickel (Can) 1.20 16 50% 49% 50%+ % 4 2% lnt Paper A Pw(B). 1 2% 2% 2% 3% 1% lnt Paper A PwlC). 3 2% 2% 2% 36% 20% lnt Paper A Pw pf.. 7 31 30% 30%-% 41% 19% lnt Ry C A pf_ 60s 40% 40 40 -% 29% 23 lnt Salt (1%)_ 1 25 25 25 53% 47% lnt Shoe <t2)_ 1 48% 48% 48% 19% 12% lnt Tel A Tel_ 16 14% 14% 14% 15% 10% Interstate Dept Str. 7 15% 15% 15% 96% 82 lnt Dept Strs pf(7). 10s 96% 96% 96% 22% 15 Intertype Corp (1). 1 20% 20% 20%+% zo',* island (.rees tz»_ i zi zi zi 78?* 58% Jewel Tea (t4)_ 2 78% 78% 78%—% 129 88 Johns-Manville(2). 2 104% 103 104% +2 90% 75% JonesALaugh7%pf . 20s 79% 79 79 22% 17 Kaufman Dep S (1) 1 22 22 22 25% 14% Kelvlnator it50e)._ 13 20% 20 20%+ % 41% 28% KennecottC <1.20)_ 16 39% 38% 38%-% 22% 17% Keystone Stl & W. 3 20% 20% 20% - % 67* 4% Kresge Dept Stra__ 1 5% 5% 5% — % 25?i 20% Kresge (S S) (1) — 14 23% 23% 23%-% 110% 102% Kresga (S S) pf(7). 20s 102% 102% 102% 28 22 Kroger GAB (1 60). 1 22 22 22 - % 26% 19% Lambert Co (2)_ 2 19% 19% 19% 16% 12% Lee RubATlre (50c) 2 14% 14% 14% 23 15% Leh For Cmt(a25c) 2 18% 18% 18%-% 102% 94% Lehigh PorC pf(4). 20s 97% 97% 97% 4 21* Lehigh Valiev Coal 8 2% 2% 2V* 101 89 Lehman Corp (tS)-. 2 101 101 101 +1 157* 12 I.ehn A Fink (1%)-. 20 15% 14% 15% *1 49 37% Lerner Stores (2)3 48% 48 48%+ % 63% 47% Libbey-Owens G<2) 8 57% 56% 57 + % 11% 7 Libby McNeill A L. 219 8% 874 + % 31% 25 Life Saver 0 60)... 3 29 29 29 + % 1161* 97% LtggAMvers B(M). 1 107 107 107 50% 36% Link Belt (tl.20)... 1 38 38 38 +% 54?* 43 Loew'a Inc (t2)_ 11 48% 48% 48% - Vi 3% 2 Loft Inc •_ 3 2% 2 2% + % 8% 3% Long Bell Lum (A> 1 5 5 5 — Vi 261* 21% Lorlllard (P) 11.20) 5 22% 22% 22% - % 51% 13 La Oil Kef of (d) 190« 37% 36 37%+ V* 24% 20 Louisv GAEpfA 1% 1 221* 2214 221*-% 35 22% Ludlum Steel (11... 6 24 23% 24 + % 42 35 MacAnd A For (Z).. 1 36% 36% 36% 32% 29 McCall Corp (2)_ 4 31 30% 31 + % 13% 12% McCrory Stores ... 47 14% 13% 14% +1% 95 92 McCrory Stores pf- 1 93% 93% 93%+ % 118% 102 McKeesp't T P «T«> 3 101% 101% 101% - % 11% 8% McKesson A Rob .. 2 9% 9V. 9% + % 46 37% McKeasonAK pf (J) 1 44% 44% 44% + % 15% 11% McLelian Stores.-. 15 13% 12% 13 + % 37 27% Mack Truck (1)_ 11 33% 33 33%+% 43% 341* Magma Copper (2). 2 43% 43% 43%+ %l 17% 7% Manatl Sug pf <d).. 10s 11% 11% 11% -1 23% 14% Man El md gtd (d). 4 18% 16% 16% - Vi ! 6% 2% Maracaibo Oil Exp 1 3% 3% 3% 30% 18% Market St Ry pr pf 40s 24 23% 24 +1 19% 11% Marshall Field A Co 1 15% 15% 15% 36% 27% Matbleson Aik 1 %.. 2 29% 29% 29%+% 53% 43% May Dept Stra (2).. 12 52% 51% 52% +1% 21% 13% Maytag Co ... 2 15% 15% 15% 55 49 Mavtag pf ww (3)_ 1 49% 49% 49% — % 1101,103 Maytag 1st pf (6).. 30s 110 110 110 19 12% Mead Corp 1 14 14 14 51% 40% Mesta Machine (3) 3 49% 49 49%+ V 23 17% Mid Cont Pete a40c 4 21% 21% 21%+ % ! 12% 6% Minn Moline Put 20 9 9 9 9% 51* Mo Kans A Texas.. 2 8% 8% 8% - % 26?* 14% Mo Kans A Tex pf.. 5 25% 25% 25% + % 103 79 Monsanto Chemttl) 30 94% 93V, 94% -r % 45% 35% Montg’y Ward(80c) 31 44% 44 44%+ % l7* % Mother Lode 5 1 1 1 38% 28% Motor Products (2) 18 38% 37% 37%+ V, j 22% 15% Motor Wheel (1)_ 2 19% 19% 19% + %j 17?i 11% Mullins Mfg (B)- 1 14% 14% 14% 22% 14 Murray Corp__ 14 18V* 17% 18% + V* j 21?* 16% Nash Motors tlj- 7 16% 16% 16%-% 17% 12V, Nat Acme Co_ 3 14% 14% 14%+ % 15% 9% Nat Aviation __. 1 11 11 11 + % i 38% 31% Nat Biscuit 11.60).. 9 35% 354* 35% -% ' 162% 153 Nat Biscuit pf (7).. 1 160 160 160 26% 21 Nat Dairy 2(1.20).. 13 26% 26% 26%-%’ 15% 10 Nat Dept Stores ... 1 124* 12% 12% 33% 25% Nat Distillers (2).. 5 27% 27 27 -t- % 31% 26% Nat Lead (50c) . 11 26?, 26% 26% + 4* j 14 * a"* ->iti rwrocjui mut;. o iv ■ iwv* iv * 75 57% Nat Steel (1%)_ 1 65 65 65 474 194 Nat Supply Co_ 3 46 45% 46 + % 114 8% Nat Tea... 1 8% 8% 8% + 4 384 32 Xeisner Bros (1 %) 3 354 354 354 — 4j 69% 41 Newberry J J(1.6u) 1 53 53 53 — 4 j 13% 9 Newport Industries 5 94 9% 9% — % i 43 324 N Y Airbrake 8 45 43% 45 +2 42% 27% N Y Central RR .. 40 36% 36% 364 + % 70% 364 N Y Chi * St L pf_ 3 69% 694 69% + % 17% 10% N Y Dock pf — 10s 11 11 11 135 119 N Y & Harlem (5).. 10s 139 139 139 +5%; 2% 1 NY Investors (d)_ 1 1% IV* 1% — 4 5% 3 NY NH * H (d)_ 5 34 34 34 - % j 15% 94 N Y Shipbuilding... 1 10% 10% 10% + 4 107 934 N Y Steam 1st (7).. 20* 106 106 106 10% 6% North Am Aviation 9 74 74 74 I 324 234 North Am Co ill 17 28% 284 28%. 1054 98 North Am Ed pf(6) 1 104 104 104 36% 244 Northern Pacific 31 28% 28 284 57 51 Northwest Tel i3) 170* 52 52 52 4% 2 Norwalk Tlre&Rub 1 2% 2% 2% 174 124 Ohio Oil <50e)_ 6 13% 13 13 -4 20% 13 Otis Steel _ 2 134 13% 134 + 4 63 47 Outlet CO <t2)_ 80s 53 53 53 164 128 Owens-1 IMHasefS) 2 151 151 151 +1% 28, 2* Owenc 111 G.July 24 6 28, 28, 2-8, + % 174 14 Pacific Am Kish (1) 3 14% 144 14% — 4j 9** 34 Pacific Coast 20* 5 5 5 89% 30% Pacific G & E (1 %>- 7 39 38% 39 + % I 564 47% Pacific Etg 12.40) 1 51% 51% 51% — % 18 11% Pac West O <b25c) 1 13V* 134 134 + %j 13 64 Packard Wot (a25c) 28 104 104 104 + Vi j 974 67 Paraffine Co (2i 1 764 764 76% +1% 12 7% Paramount Picture* 5 8% 8% 8% 12% 8% Paramount 2d pf— 2 94 94 9% 5% 3 Park Utaa . 2 34 34 34 + % i 10 4V« Parmelee Tranap't- 5 64 54 54 114 6% Pa the Film Corp.— 4 7% 7% 7% — % 17% 10% Patino Mines — 1 104 104 104 2% 1% Peerless Motor- 13 2% 24 24 73 64V, Penlck & Ford (8).. 6 70V, 704 704 -4 104 44 Penn Dixie Cement. 5 6 6 6 39 28% Penn Railroad <all- 9 32% 32% 32% — % 494 38 Peonies Gas Chi . 1 41 41 41 194 124 Pfeiffer Brew<1.20). 8 12% 124 12%-% 50% 454 Phil* Co 6* pf (3)-. 1 51 51 61 3% 1% Phlla ft Read C&1._ 1 1% 1% 1% 88% 66 Phillip Morris <1)-. 3 87% 87% 87% -1% 49% 384 Phillips PetroMtl). 5 424 42% 424 - % 24 1% Pierce Petroleum— 14 2 1% 1% — y, 37% 30V, Pilabury FI <1 60).. 3 324 31 31 -2 404 354 Pitts Coal pf - 3 40 884 40 +24 11% 74 Pitts Screw ft Bolt. 1 8% 8% 8% — % 21 15% Pitts Term Coal pf. 20s 14 14 14 94 3 Pitts United Corp.. 2 7% 74 74 —% 41% 21 Pitts ft W Vs 20* 22 32 32 164 11% Plymouth 01Ha25c) 3 144 14 14 26% 20 Pond Creek Poet2). 1 23 23 23 12% 6% Postal TelftC pftd). 1 7% 7% 7% — 4 5% 2% Pressed SU Car (d). 13 3 3 364 18 Pressed Stl C pf<d). 1 264 264 264 +1 49 40% ProctorftGam< 1 H ). 6 45% 45 45 48% 39 Pub Svc N J (2.40). 1 444 444 444 — 4 1074 1034 Pub Svc N J pf <6). 3 107 107 107 - % 48% 36% Pullman Inc (1%).. 3 47% 47 47% + % 24% 16% Pure Oil ... 32 18% 18% 18% - 4 133% 103 Pure Oil pf (8)- 60s 107% 107 107 17% 9% Purity Bakeries 40e 2 124 124 124 - % 14% 9% Radio Corp . 34 11% 11% 11% + % 79% 68V, Radio cu 1st pf 3%. 4 784 78V, 784 - % 9% 5 Radio Kslih-Ortd, 12 5% 5% 5% + % 22% 18% Remlngton-R <60c) 6 18% 13% 18% 8% 4Vi Reo Motor Car - 4 5% 5% 64 26% 16% Republic Steel- 15 19% 18% 19% + yt 55% 27 Reynolds Spring <1) 2 534 53 53 -1 58% 50 Reynolds Tob B (3) 6 544 54% 544 364 30 Safeway Stores 12) 2 314 314 314 -4 112 109 Safeway Stre of(6) 10s 110% 110% 110% 29% 22% St Joseph LedfSOc) 1 23% 23% 23%-% 52 38% Schenley Dist a75c. 5 41 40 41 +14 44 2 Seaboard A L of <d) 1 2 2 2 — % 76% 69% Sear* Roebuck ll)_ 17 74% 74 74H - % • X is. Pm. 1838 Stock *nd Sale*— *« High. Lo v Dividend Rat*. Add 00. High. Low. Close.Chge. 4% 2% Second Netl Invest. 3 3% 3% 3% + % 73 61% Sec N Inv pf *1.66.. 10* 65% 65% 65% -1% 24% 15% Servel Inc (60c)._„ 5 24 23% 24 32 20% 8haron Steel Hoop_ 3 21% 21% 21%-% 8% 4% Sharp A Do time 5 7 7 7 + % 53% 43% Sharp A D pf (3%)_ 2 54% 54 54 + % 16% 1174 Shattuck F Q (60c). 2 13% 13% 13% 34 30% Sheaffer Pen (2).__ 30* 32 32 32 +1 19% 14% Shell Union Oil ... 3 16% 16% 16%-% 120% 110% Shell UnOpf (5%). 1 119% 119% 119% 14% 9% Sliver King (40c>_ 4 974 9% 9% + % 32% 19% Simmons Co_ 7 30% 30 30%+ % 132 112 Skelly Oil pf (f)_ 1 122 122 122 95 6574 Sloss-Shel Stl pf... 20* 80 80 80 17 1274 Socony-V 011 (40c). 47 13% 13 13%+% 7% 4 So Am G & P a20c_ 2 4% 4% 4% 34% 26 So Porto K Sug 12). 2 27 27 27 - % 29% 25 South Cal Ed u %). 5 28% 28% 28%+ % 38% 2374 Southern Pacific 19 35 34% 35 + % 20% 12% Southern Railway.. 14 16% 16 1674 + % 3274 19 Southern Ry pf 23 297* 2874 2974 + % 78 6374 Spa Idlngl A(J list pf 20* 65 65 65 9% 5% Sparks- Wlthineton 11 7% 7% 7% + % 237. 1574 Sperry C vtc b25c_ 11 19% 19*4 19% 24% 13% Spicer Mfg 1 23% 23% 23% - % 18 1474 Stand BrandsiKOc). 9 15*4 15% 1574 — 74 13% 10 Stand Com Tobacco 3 1074 10 10 974 5% Stand Gas A El <41. 6 6% 6% 674 +% 177-4 974 Stand OAE *4 pf (d) 13 15 14% 15 + % 36% 24% Stand G&E $6 pf(d) 1 34 34 34 -% 42% 26% Stand GAE $7 pftd) 3 40% 39% 40% +1% 47% 35% Stand Oof Cal («). 4 37% 37% 37%-% 4074 32% Stand Oil of Ind(tl) 1 34% 34% 34%-% 70 5174 Stand Oil of NJ tl. 23 60% 60 60 33% 24% Starrett <L S) 1.40. 1 26 26 26 71% 65 Sterling Prod (3 *0) 1 70 70 70 + % 24% 16% Stewart Warn(60c). 1 18% 18% 18% - W 21% 14% Stone A Webster— 2 18% 18% 18% 147. 974 Studebaker Corp- 7 11% 11% 11%+ % 6% 3 Superior Oil_ 2 4% 4% 474 + % 14% 9% Superior Steel_ 2 11 11 11 + % 2.= 20% Swift A Co (1)- 4 21 2074 21 + % 3574 28% Swift Inti Ltd (2).. 1 30% 30% 3074 11% 5% Symington A (d)_ 13 10*4 10 10+74 39% 287. Texas Corp (1) _ 25 36% 35% 36 -74 38% 33 Texas Oulf Sul (2). 6 36 35% 36 + 7a 44 28 Texas A Pac HR 2 44 44 41 -1 15% 7% Tex Pac Co»l A Oil. 3 1074 10% 10% - 74 14% 9% Tex Pac Land Trust 1 10 10 10 44 3374 Thatcher (1). 1 36 36 36 -1% 12*4 8% Thermold Co — 3 9% 9% 9% + 74 32% 24% Thompson P a30a_ 2 29% 28% 28% - 74 39% 26 Thompson Star pf.. 1 28% 28% 2874 -1% 1974 14% Tide Wat Asao 60c_. 7 15% 15 15 - % 17% 1274 Timken-Detroit ... 7 17V* 17 17% + % 72% 56 Timken R B 4 + 2)_ 5 61 60% 61 +1 14% 11 Transamerlca e30c. 16 14 1374 13% 27% 14% Trans A Westn Air. 2 19% 19% 19% - % 12 774 Trl-Contl Corp- 3 8% 8% 87k 7 4% Truax-Tra Coal ... 1 5% 574 5% 32% 22% 20th Cent Fox Film. 2 24*. 24% 24% + % 12% 8% Twin City R T 1 9% 9% 9% + % 83 65% Twin City R T pf— 70s 70 69% 70 +1% 8% 3% Ulen A Co -- 24 374 3 3 - % 99 77% Und-EU-Fish (3)... 12 77% 77 77 - 74 A Und-Ell-F._.July 6 192 8 32 6 32 7 32 +1 32 133 125% Und-EU-Fish pf (7) 10* 125% 12674 1257. 52% 38% Union BasAPap (2> 6 43% 43% 43%+% 9274 71% Un Carb&Carb 2.40 10 90% 89** 90% — V* 28% 20% Union Oil of Cal (1) 3 22% 22% 22*.+ % 1387* 108% Union Pacific (6)... 6 130 128 130 +1% Prev. 1039 Stock ana Salea— Hat ; Blah. Low Dividend Rata. Add DO. Blah. Low. Cloae.Cnse 32*. 20+4 United Aircraft_ 6 23% 23 23% 4- % ! 21 13 United Air Lines vtc 6 17 16% 17 + % 82% 68 United Carbon J.40. 2 79 79 79 29% 22% Unlt-Carr F(tl.20). 1 24% 24% 24% - % 9% 5% United Corn__ 69 7% 7 7% 47% 40% United Corn of<I)— 4 45% 45 45 + % 16% 10% United Drug ... 4 12% 12% 12% + % 26% 15 United Dywood (al) 1 25% 25% 25% + % 80% 66% United Fruit (J> 4 78% 78 78 19% 14% United Oaa Imp (1) 18 16 15% 15%-% lOXn 10 US Distributing pf. 10» 13 13 13 - % 20 13 U 8 & FoPn Secur__ 2 15% 15% 15% — % 14% 8% U S Hoffman _ 22 13% 13% 13% * % 69 33% U S Ind Alcohol (1) 9 35 34% 35 + % 18% 11% U S LeatbenA ivte. 3 12% 12 12 — % 42X4 21% U S Pip# & F < 154 >_ . 3 41% 41 41 13 7% U S Realty A imp.. 5 9% 9% 9% 35 16% U S Rubber__ 21 29% 29 29% + % 80% 47 US Rubber 1st pf.. 30 74 73% 74 + % 96% 84% IT H Sm A Ref (aS) . 15 84% 83 84 - % 75% 68% U S Sm*R pf (3%). 5 73% 72% 73%+% 72% 46% U S Steel 94 61% 60% 61%+ % 132% 115% U S Steel pf U)_ 3 127% 127% 127% - % 7% 5 United Stores (A28 6 5% 6 160 153 Univ Leaf T pt iJ). 10s 157% 157% 157% + % 3% 1% Univ plpeARad (d) 76 1% 1 l — % 22% 13% Univ PAR pt (dl... 170a 15% 15% 15% 7 3% Util Pwr A Lt 1A).. 4 4% 4% 4% 2% 1% Vadsco Sales Corp.. l i% i% i% 27% 16% Vanadium Corp_ 3 18% 18% 18% 37% 28% Van Raalts (1)_ 8 37% 37% 87%+ % 114% 109 Va El A Pwr pf 4 6). 10s 113% 113% 113% — % 34% 30 Walgreen Co ((2).. 6 34% 34 34% +1 118 115% Walgreen pf (644). 20s 116% 116 116 -1 34% 26% Walker (H) (2)- 2 28% 28% 28% + % 10 5% Walworth Co_ 6 6% 6% 6% + % 79 47% Ward Baking pf (3). l 74 74 74 _i 14% 9% Warner Bros Pie._ 22 10% 10% 10% 2'+ % Warner-wuln <d)__. 23 % \ a, 28% 21 Warren FdryAP(l) 1 25% 25% 25%+ % 46% 34% Wesson (JASi t60c) 1 35% 34% 35 — % 98% 87 West Pa Elec pf<6) 10» 97 97 97 12% 8% Western Maryland. 3 9% 9% 9% + % 9% 5% Western Pacific pf. 1 6% 6% 6*. 95 72% West Union (02)... 10 86% 85% 86%-% 48% 34+4 Wesfgb'se A B (1). 7 44 44 44—14 122% 94% Westingh'se El (4). 11 117% 116 117V* 145% 123% West use 1st Dt 3 % 30s 135% 134% 134% +1% 28% 19% tVestvaco Chlo t40c 1 19% 19% 19% 109% 85% Wheeling Stl pf J2_. 1 90 90 90 28% 18% White Motor _ 2 22% 22% 22% — % 17% 14% White Rk M 8(1.40) 1 14% 14% 14% 5% 2% Wilcox OH & Uas.._ 2 4% 4 4% + % 11 6% Wilson A Co (600.. 7 7% 7% 7% 87 70 Wilson A Co pf t6)_ 3 73% 73% 73% - % 56% 44+i Woolworth (2.40)_ 9 53% 53% 53% + % 35% 23% Worthington Pump. 3 26 26 26 75 56 Worth Pump pf (A). 10s 63% 63% 63% — % 20% 8+4 Tallow Truck- 3 17% 17S 17%+% 55 44% Toung Sp A W (S) 2 44% 44 44 -1 68 41% Toungstn Sheet AT 29 63% 62 63% + % 26% 11% Zentth Radio_ 4 25% 25% 25*t + % 9+4 5X4 Zonlts Products_ 16 6 6 Approximate Sales of Stocks on (he N. Y. S(ock Exchange. 11:00 A.M._ 170.000 )Z:00 Noon_ 370.000 Dividend rites ss tlven in the above table are the annual cash payment baaed on the latest quarterly or half-yearly decla rations s Onlt of trading less than 100 shares tAnnuai rate_not including extras SAecumulased dlvldenls a Paid this year b Paid last veer a Companies reported In receivership or be Ins "organized x Ex-dlvldend Baltimore Markets &t icial Dispatch to The Star. BALTIMORE. Md.. June 27—Po tatoes. new, barrel. 5.00a6.00; old. 100 pounds, 4.00a4.25; sweet potatoes, bushel, 1.25al,75; yams, hamper, 75a 1.10; asparagus, crate, 75a3.00; beans, bushel, 50a90; beets, bunch. 2a3; cab bage, pointed type, hamper, 50al.25; nearby bushel. 75al.50; carrots, half crate, 1.65al.75; bushel, tops oS, 1.60a 1.65; dozen bunches, 38: nearby, bunch. 3a4; cauliflower, crate. 1.50; celery, half-crate, 2.75a3.25; corn, crate. 1.25a 1.75; cucumbers, bushel, 25al.00; nearby, half bushel. 50a65: eggplants, crate. 1.25a2.00: lima beans, bushel, 1.50a2.25; lettuce, crate, iceberg, 2.00a 4.25; big Boston, crate, 80; onions, 50 pound sack, 75al.20; bushel, 50a75; peas, bushel, 75a2.50; peppers, crate, 75a2.00; spinach, bushel, 75a 1.00; squash, bushel, 60a90: nearby half bushel, 50a60: tomatoes, lug. 1.25a 2.00; apples, new, bushel, 75al.50; blackberries, crate, 200a3.75; canta loupes. crate, 60a4.00; honey balls. 2.50a3 50; honey dews, 1.50al.65; cherries, pound, sweet. 8al0; sour, 5a6: peaches, basket, 90al.50: bushel, 90a2.00; raspberries, red. pint. 4al0; black quart, 10a 11; watermelons. 35a50. Dairy Market. Live Poultry — Young chickens, broilers, 24a26: Leghorns, 18a20: hens, 20a23. Leghorns, 17a20; old roosters. I3al5: ducks. 16al8. Eggs—Nearby current receipts, per dozen, 22: hennery whites, large, 24 a25; medium 22a23; Southern, 21; receipts, 1.849 cases. Butter—Prints, per pound, 31a32; good to fancy, creamery, per pound, 30a31: store packed. 19a20; good rolls, 20a22; receipts, 492 tubs. Sea Food Market. Catfish, rough, per pound, 3a4; dressed. 8al0; carp. 3a4; eels, 5a8; herring. 232'*; haddock. 5a7; Spanish mackerel, 10; pan rock. 10: large rock, 10al2; white rock, 4al0; yellow perch, 4a5; Southern pike. 10al2; shad, buck, 10al2; roe, 12al5; trout. 8al0; bluefish, 10aI2; king mackerel, 5a8; sea bass. 10al2; flounders, 5al0; shrimp, 10al5; porgies, box, 3.00; croakers, box. 3 00; butterfish, box. 5.00; crab meat, claw, pound, 30; regular, 50; special, 55a60; back fin, 55a70; frogs, dozen, 1.25a2.50: clams, large, per 100, 75a90; Cherrystones, 60a70; Little Necks, 60. lonacro uarnei. Maryland leaf tobacco firm; leaf nondescript, 3.00a4.00; common, 4.00a 10.00; medium, 10.00a25.00: good to fine red, 25.00a40.00: seconds, com mon, 3.00a7.00; medium, 7.00al2.00; good to fine, 12.00a25.00. Grain Market. Wheat—Settling prices were: No. 2 red. Winter, garlicky, spot, domestic, July delivery, 84'- bid. Corn—No. 2 yellow, domestic, 81; Western delivery at a premium over this price; cob corn, new, nominal. Oats—No. 2 white, as to weight and location. 43a53; No. 3, 42a52. Rye—No. 2, 75a80; barley. No. 2, 55a60. Hay—The general hay market con tinues quiet, with receipts ample for demand, which is easily satisfied. No. 1 alfalfa hay is quoted at 12 00al5.00 per ton, while prices on good timothy and clover-mixed hay are nominal around 10.00al2.00 per ton. Poor grades of hay are hard to move, and prices are irregular on all grades below No. 2. Live Stock Market. Cattle 100. Compared with Friday last week, steers about steady, heifers and bulls weak to 25 cents lower. Cows averaging 25-50 cents lower. Medium and good fed steers, 7.75a 8.25 Pew yearlings 8.35. Common and medium grass steers, 6.25a7.25. Several lots and few loads common stockers, 6.25a6.75. Common and me dium grasfc heifers, 5.50a6.75. Late trade low cutter and cutter cows, 3.50a4.25; few beef cows upward to 5.00 and above. Common and medium bulls, 5.00a6.25. Calves 100. Closed strong with a week ago. Good and choice vealers 9 00a9.50, common and medium 6.50a 8.50. Hogs 250. Steady with Friday or 15-35 cents higher than last Satur day. Good and choice 120-210 pounds 11.25a 11.50, top 11.50. desirable 220 250 pounds 10.60all.25. heavy butch ers down to 9.70. Good packing sows 8.65a9.25. Sheep 125. Compared with Friday last week spring lambs strong to 25 cents higher, slaughter ewes steady. Quality of lamb supply not very de sirable on late days. Bulk medium and good grades 11.00a 11.75. few good and choice lots 12.00. Choice rail lambs quotable to 12.23 or above. _ BONDS ON THE CURB MARKET. DOMESTIC BONDS. High. Low. Noon. Alabama Pw 4%s 07... 84 K4 84 Alabama Pow 5s '51__ 100 100 100 Amtr P&L Os 3010_102V, 102 102% Am Roll Mill 5s 48_lo;< 103 lo:t Arkans P&L os 50... 102 101% 102 Asso El Ind 4%s '5.'!_02 61% 02 AS to G&E 4%s 4ft C__ 40% 40% 40% Asso G & E 5s 08_ 4ft1, 4ft14 49% Baldn Lo Os '.'18 **_ 87% 87% 87% Bell Tel Can 5s B 57__ lift3, lift3, 119% Brmngm El -^%s 08_93% ft-;', 03% Brmharr. Gas 5s '511_ 85 84% 86 Broad R P 5s A '54_102 102 102 Canadian Pc Os 43_111 % 1113, ill3, Carolina P&L 5s '50 1021, 102 lo2 Cer-t Ariz L&P 5s '60__ 1O0 100 100 Cent 111 PS 4%s F '07.. lorn; ioo% loo1. Cent 111 PS 5s G ’08_103% io;:% io:i% Oen 111 PS 4%s H 81_»!i% ho% lift', Cent Pw & Lt 5s '50_til3, »l :il % Cent Sta Elec 5s 48_ o»% osi% Oft1, Cn St El 5%s C '54_70% 7o% 7o% Cities Service 5s '50_ 83% 83% 823, Cities Service 5s '00_ K4 84 84 Cit Srv Gas 5%s ’42_102% 1 02 102 Cit Srv Gas Ps Os ’4.1_104% 104% 104% Cit Srv Pw 5%s ’52_ 78% 78% 78% Cit Srv PL 5%s -49... 78 78 78 Com Edis 4s P '81... 107 loo3, loo3. Com Bub 5%s A '48_104 lo4 104 Comnty P&L 5s 67_71% 71% 71% Conn LP 4%s C ’56_107% 107% 107% Conn LP 5s D 02_107% 107% 107% Cont G&E 5s A '58_ 9]% no1, »o’« 9. 2as 5* i l|7-loo% 100% 100% Det C Gas 5s B 50- 105% 105% 105% Det In Brd 6%s '52_ 7*'« 0% 7 Det In Brdg 0%s '52 cod 01% 01% 01% Elec P&L 5s A 20.10_ 88s, 88% S83, El Paso El 5s A '5o_lo:i3, lo.'!3, ion3, El Paso NO o%s '.".8...110 110 110 Elmira NL&R 5s 50_107% 107% 1117% Emo O & R 5%s '43_ 8ft 81* 8ft Federa. Wat 5',s '54_ 88 s;% 87% Firestone CM 5s 4a„_. 103% 10:1% lo.!3. Firestone Tire 5s '43___ 103% 103% 10.3% Florida P&L 5s '54. _ *<53, 95% 95% Gary E&G 5s '.'(4 st xw„ 97% 97% 97% Gatineau Pw 5s '56_ 97% 9T3, 97% Gen WG&E 5s A '43_ 89*, 89*, 89% Georgia Pw 5s ’07_ 993, 991 99a Grand Tr W 4s -5o_101 % 101 % mi % Gulf Oil Pa 5s '47_105% 1*15 195 Hall W F 5%s A '47 st.. 92% ft]3. !!]% Hons L&P 5s A 53 - 105% 105% 105% Hous L&P 4*.. D ’78__ 1033, 10.93., 1993, Hyerade Fd Os A '4ft. . 79 7"% 79 Illns Cent RR Os '37 97 97 <17 Ij! £w A ’5.-I-106 105% 1953a I P & L 5%s B n4_103% 103*, 103% 111 Pw & L os C '50_ 993, 9ft% 993, Ind Gas 5s A ’52__ 873, 87% 87 3, Indiana Sir 5s '50_ Oft3, oil3. Of*3, Indiana S 5s A 03_os ok 08 Indno P&L 5, A '57_105% 105% 105'. lilt Pw Sc 7s F '52_ 71 % 71*2 71% Intern Sc Am 5s '47_ »ft% lift ‘ 99% Intersta Pw 5s '57_ 78% 78% 78% Inter P S 5s D '56_ fto fto 90 Interst PS 41 * '58 F .. 84 83% s.3% Iowa Pw&L 4%s '58... 105', 105V, 105% Iowa Pb Svc 5s '57_104% 104% 104% Jacksonvl Gas 5s '43 st. 51% 51% 51', Jers CP&L 4%s C 01_ 106 100 106 Kns G««*E 6s A *!oC*!_1MH- 11‘Hii Kentuck U 5s H '61_f*«P4 mp4 Ken Util 5%s F '55... 101 % 101 % 101 % Kimberly Cl 5s A 43.. 103% lo.l3, 103% Koppers G&C 5s '47_ 104 1 04 1 04 Koppr G&C 5'.as '50.. 100', 106% loo', Lehigh P S Os 3020_111 % 111 % 111 % Lexington Ut 5S 53_ 103 103 103 Libby McN&L 5s '42_ 104 104 104 P & L 5s '57- 105% 105% 105% Metro Ed 4s '71 E_ 107 107 107 Midland V RR 5s '43_ftl ftl ftl Mllw G&E 4%s 07_loo loo loo Mir.n P&L 4%s '78... loi», 101% 101% Minn P & I 5s ’55_ 1051, 105V, 105', Miss Power 5s ’55__„ Sft% 8ft% 89% Miss Pw Lt 5s '57_95% 95% 95% Miss Rv F 6s '44_106% 1 06% 100% Miss Riv Pw 5s '51_ 108 108 108 Mo Pb Sv 5s A '47_ 72 71 % 71 % Nass & Suf L 5s '45... 104% 104% 104% Nat P&L Os A 2030... 103% 103% 103% Nat P&L 5s B 2030_93% 93% 93% r o >s COaT___ 27 27 27 Nevada Calif 5s '56_ 95 94% 95 New Ena GA-E 5s '47_71 % 70% 71 % New Erg G&E 5s '48_ 70 70 70 New Ena G&E 5s '50._ (.9% 09% 09% New Ena Pow 5s '48_90% 96% 90% New Eng P 5'/*s '54_ 99 99 99 New Orl (is A '49_ 79% 79% 79% N Y P A L 4 %s (17_106% 106% 10(1% Nlag F P fis '50 AA_105% 105% 105% N Am LAP 5%s '56_ 94 94 94 Nor Ind Ps 5s C '66_104% 104% 104", Oeden C. 5s '45__ 108% 108% 108% Ohio Edison 6s '60_105% 105% 105% Ohio Po 4'7s D '56.. 105 104% 105 Okja C. A E 5s '50 lo.'t% lo:i% in.1% Okla P W 5s A '48_89% 89% 89% Pac Pw ,V L 5s ’55_ 86% 86 86 Pa C P&L 4%s ’77_104% 104 104 Penn Elec 4s ’71 F_100% lnn% 1(H|% Penn P 3 fis C '47 _. 108% 108% 108% Pen WAP 4%s B ’68_107% 107 107 Peon O L 4s B '81. 95% 95% 95% Peon L A P 5s '79_ 12% 11% 12% Portld G C 5s '40 75 75 75 Puh Ser 5%s A 49 102% 102% 102% P S N 111 4"s P ’81 103% 103". 103% Pa s PAL 5%s A ’49 93% 93% 93% Pug S PAL 5s C '50 89% 89 89 Pg S P&L 4%s '50 D 84’. 84% 84% Sar. An PS 5s B '58 104V, 104% 104V, Schult RE fis '35 mat 18% 18% 18% Sherida Wyo fis '47 68% 68 68 SE P&L (is A 2025 106% 106 106% Sou Calif Ed 3%s '60 105% 105 105 So Cal E 3%s B 'HO 105% 105% 105% So Carolina 5s '57 9il3, 99% 99% South N O 6s ’44 10"% 1<>"% 103V, Std G&E cv mat 6s '358 77 77 77 Stand GAE (is '51_ 75 75 75 Stand GAE (is '66_ 74", 74% 74", Stand PAL Hs '57_ 73Va 73% 73% stand T 5%s A '434_ 63 62% 63 Tenn El Pow 5s '56_ 92% 92% 92% Tex P&L 5s '56... .. 105% 105'a 105'a Tide W Pow 5s A '70.. 101", 101% 101% Twin CR 5%s A '52_ 81% 81 % 81V, Unit LAP fis '75___ 90 90 90 Un LAR 5%* '52_ 93 92% 1*2% Un LAR 6s A '52_111". 11 1 % 111'. Va Puh Svc fis '46_ 90% 90% 90% Va Puh Svc 5%s A '46. 100", 100% 10(>% Wash Gas L 5s '58_ 107 107 107 West New De Us 44_ 59 59 59 West Penn 5s 2030_102% 1 02% 102% West Pa Trar 5s '60_110% 110% 110", West Try U 5s A '57_94% 94% 94% Wise PAL 5s F '58_103', 103', 103% Wise Pub Svc Hs ’52_105% 105% 105'a FOREIGN BONDS. Buen A Pr 7s ’52 st_ 71% 71 71 Buen AP 7%s '47 st_ 7.3% 73% 73% Cen Bk Co Hs B 51_28% 28V, 28% City Lima 6%s '58_ 9 9 9 Cuban Tel 7%S A '41. 99 99 99 Ercole M 6%s '53 A_65 (12% 63 Flnld R M B 5s '61_ 100 100 100 Gua W RR (is A '58_ 59% 59% 59% Isarco Hvd E 7s '52_ 69 69 69 Ital Su Pow (is A '63_63% 62% 62% Mendoa Pr 4s '51 st_ 83 83 83 Pled Elec 6%s A '60_ 69 69 69 Russ 5%s '21 mat_ 1% i> 1% Russ 6'/as '19 mat_ 1% 1% 1% Santias Chile 7s 'til_ 12% 12% 12% Saxon P W fis 37_25% 25% 25% Terni So 0%s A '5.3._ 69 fit! 66 Unit El S 7s '56_ 71 70% 70% Un Ind C HE 6s '45_26% 26% 26% Pied Elec 6%s A '60_ 69 69 69 ww—With warrants xw—Without warrants. n—New. wi—When Issued, st 1 stn 1—Stamped. ^Negotiability impaired by maturity. (Companies reported in receivership Bucks discounted 1.00. Common lambs downward to 9.00 and below. Good and choice clipped ewes 3.00a4.00, common down to 2.90. /) NEW YORK COTTON Ey the Associated Press. NEW YORK, June 27.—Cotton fu tures opened barely steady. 5 higher to 1 lower, with trade buying meeting fm-eign selling and liquidation. July. 12.38; October. 11.67; December, 11.64; January, 11.64; March, 11.65; May 11.69. July was relatively firm at the start on further covering and sold up to 12.43 after the call, or about 10 points net higher. New crop months also worked up a point or two on trade buying without advancing to 11.73. The general market held steady at net advances of 3 to 5 points on new crop at the end j of the first hour. Trading was comparatively quiet after the call and business was attrib uted partly to week-end evening up j following recent advances. Crop advices from the Southwest | indicated mostly average progress, but I emphasized the need of rain. New • crop positions appeared to be helped by the news. Liverpool attributed the relatively steady market there to trade calling and scattered buying on the unfavor able weather news from the South. Futures closed steady. 4 to « higher. , , High. Low Last. July- 12.43 12.38 j 2.39-40 October - 11.73 11. 67 117" •December-11.7o 11.63 11.mi January- 1170 1164 11.68 March- 11.70 11.65 11.70 Mav- 11.74 11 69 11.74 Soot steady: middling. 12.49. Cottonseed Oil. Bleachabie cottonseed oil futures closed firm. July. 9.28b; October, 9.11b; December. 8.98. Sales, 16 con tracts, including 2 switches, b—Bid. New Orleans Prices. NEW ORLEANS June 27 .48.—Cotton futures closed steady at net advances of 4 to 5 points. Open. High. Low. close. July _ 12.32 12.32 12.32 12.32 October _11.64 1 1.68 11.64 11.66 December_11.59 II 64 11.59 11.63 January _ 11.59 11.63 11.59 11.63 March _ 11.61 11.65 11.61 11.65b May _ 11.67 11.67 11.67 11.69b Cottonseed oil closed steady. Bleach able prime Summer yellow. O.Ooa.o 20; orice crude nominal: July. 8.85b: Sep tember 8 82b. October. 8 68b December, 8.55t: January. 8.53b b—Bid. Liverpool Quotations. LIVERPOOL June 27 <48 — Cotton. 7.000 bales no American. Spot moderate business done: prices 3 points higher: quotitions In pence: American strict good middling. 7 91; good middling. 7.61: strict middling. 7 41: middling 7.21: strict low middling 6.91: low middling 6.61: strict good ordinary 6 41: good ordinary. 6.11. Futures closed very steady. July. 6 67; Oetoser. 6 29: December 6.18; January, 6.18, March. 6.17: May. 0.16. NEW YORK BANK STOCKS NEW YORK. June 27 MV—New York Security Dealers' Association: Bid. Asked. Bk ol Man (1H)_ 28 29'2 Bankers Tr <7>... 59'i 61'2 Cell Hrn Bk A Tr <4>_llii 119 Chase Nat <1401_ 42 44 Chem Bk A Tr il.80>_ 59 HI Commercial 18) _ 169 175 Cont Bk t- Tr 1.8m_ IT3, 19', Corn Ex Bk A T 1.3)_ 583, 5!i3, Empire Tr <1) _ 223, 23 », First Nat iBos> (2)_ 44V, 46', First Natl Him)_1895 1935 Guaranty Tr <12)_ 293 298 Irvimr Tr «.GO) _ 143, ]53, Manufacturers Tr ilai 44 4K Nat] City (li_ 3H 38 | N Y Trust 15)_ 1"1 1°4 Public 1112'__ _ 39 41 Title G A T_ ys, h,24 a—Including extras. U. S. TREASURY POSITION. By the Associated Press. The position of the Treasury June 25: JfjeiP's $19,360,531 65: expenditures. $!41,o9H.lH9.01: net balance. $3,017. 9~7.433.32: customs receipts lor the month. $2 7 497,304 52. ,iRe«f.enJ& the fiscal year (since July Jiv, 54.072.47H 560.38; expenditures. $8 ' JW.SO. ■ 4)*45.«1 including $3.242 697 - 18, 44 of emergency expenditures: excess of expenditures $4,697,325,105.23: gross debt. 434 a decrease of $95.573.832.25 under the previous day; gold assets, $10 600 423.232.56 Rece pts for June 27. 1935 'comparable date last year) $10 098.529 71: expendi tures. M4.30- 645.H3: net balance. $1. flOo.l5. 086.24: customs receipts for the month. $25 719.838.49. Rece pts for the fiscal year $3,785, 8,1'. 119...49: expenditures. $7.258 217. 980.69. Including $3,555,167,03079 of emergency expenditures: excess of expendi tures $3 472.347 894 20. gross debt $28. H65 77:1,433.53: gold assets. $9,112,002, 278.01. - ■ ■ ■ 4 ■ ■ •- —■ FOREIGN EXCHANGES. NEW YORK. June 27 (4b. — Foreign excitante firm: Great Britain In dollars, others in cent?: Grea BrtfW.n demand. 5.023,: cables. 5.02a,; 60-day bills. 5.013,; Fran#, de mand. cables 6.63V,: Italy, d^ mand. ”.88: cables 7.88. • * Dents nds — Belgium. 16 92: Germans free. 41.36: res . 21.50: re*, travel. 25.257 j Holland. 68 15: Norway. 25.25 Sweden. 25 91; Denmark 22.44: Finland 2.22a*. I Switzerland. 32.76: Spain 13.76; Portu gal. 4.56'j Greece .94 Poland. 18 87: Czechoslovakia. 4.15: Jugoslavia. 2.30: Austria. 18 83n: Hungary. 19.85: Ru mania. .76: Argentina 33 4 8n; Brazil. H.Hln: Toklo 217.43: Shanghai, 30 184,: Hongkong. 32.44: Mexico City. 27 85: Montreul fin New York. 99.75, New York in Mott real. 100 25. n Nominal -a FINANCING TO BROP. NBW YORK, tom 27 OP).—New munlciaal financing scheduled next week tty 43 municipality total *6. 948.427. the smallest weekl* total this year, the dally Bond BUyet. reported today. The revised total for^tHe pre ceding week was *25,735,148. rr tmh — Develop Steadier Trend. A. T. & T. and Others Continue to Droop. Stock Averages 30 13 13 no Indus Rails UtU. Stks. Net change. +.1 -t-.2Unc. -K1 Today, close 86.2 35 8 48 2 64 0 Prev day... 86 1 35.6 48 2 63 9 Month ago. 82 7 34 9 47.2 61 9 Year ago... 60 1 24 0 32 4 44 1 1936 high... 87.4 39 7 50 8 84 8 1936 low_ 73.4 30.2 43 4 55 7 1935 high_ 76 3 31.2 44 7 58.1 1935 low_ 49 5 18 5 21.8 34 8 1 1932 low_ 17.5 8.7 23.9 168 1929 high_146.9 153.9 184.3 157.7 I 1927 low_ 51.6 95.3 61.8 61.8 (Compiled b» the Associated Prats.) j ' BY VICTOR EUBANK. Associated Press Financial Writer. NEW YORK. June 27—8t«els steadied In today's stock market, whlls American Telephone and a number of other leaders continued to droop. Many traders were absent from ths board rooms on extended week end holidays and the two-hour turnover amounted to approximately 350.000 shares. The close was irregular. Business news was still on the con structive side. The pleasing flow of favorable dividends and earnings dis played few signs of abating. The financial sector took another look at the foreign situation as ths French franc moved up sharply in terms of the dollar to its best level since last March. Politics, although holding much of Wall Street's attention, apparently stiil was without appreciable market Influence. Bonds were slightly mixed, while commodities improved. Among stocks about unchanged to ahead as much as a point or *o were United States Steel, Republic Steel, Bethlehem, Gulf States Steel. Gen eral Motors, Chrysler, Deere, Warner Bros.. Montgomery Ward. United States Industrial Alcohol. Schenley, American Crystal Sugar. Motor Prod ucts, Monsanto Chemical. Anaconda, Consolidated Edison. North American, Douglas Aircraft, Santa Fe, New York Central and Union Pacific. In addition to the major communi cations company issue, which was off 2 at its worst, wavering issues in cluded Westinghouse. American Can, Du Pont, United States Smelting, Kennecott, Cerro De Pasco and Rem ington Rand. The recent slide of American Tele prone was said to have reflected yes terdays Public Service Commission order for a sharp reduction of rates by the company's principal New York subsidiary. While the lower charges are supposed to go Into effect August 1, it was thought the reduction might be held up if the company decides to take the matter to the courts. CHICAGO STOCK MARKET CHICAGO. June 27.—Following is tha complete official list of transactions in stocks on the Chicago Stock Exchange today: Sales STOCKS. High. Low. Closa. loo Assoc Invest_4.1 4H 43 300 Autom Proc _ O’* 9*. 0% "00 Bastian-Bless_ll 10% II 400 Bendlx Av _ 26% 26% 26% 2('0 Berghoff Brew __ 12s. 12% 12% 50 Bmks Mfg_ 7 7 7 250 Bliss A Laughlin. 25 24% 24% 200 Borg-Warner .. 73% 73% 73% 250 Butler Bros ... 8% 8% 8% TOCen 111 Pub Sv pf 59% 59 59 50 Cen A S W Dt .. 2% 2% 2*« 40 Cer. i S W pi pf. 66 66 66 150 Chi A N W_ 3 2 2% 200 Chi Corp .... 4% 4% 41» 200 Cities Serv _ 4% 4% 4% 100 Compressed 1 Gas 56 55% 56 100 Consumers___ % % % loo Cord Corp_ 4% 4% 4% 300 Crane Co_ 31% 31% 31V* 150 Dayton Rubber _ 12% 12% 12% 50 Decker A Cohn _ 7% 7% 7% 100 Dixie-Vortex ... 19 19 19 100 Economical CDS 17 17 17 loo El Household_ 14% 14'/« 14% 300 Gen Household_ 7% 7’* 7% loti Godchaux Sug B_ 16 16 16 2i((i Goldblatt _ 29% 28% 28% ion Gt Lakes Dredge 27 27 27 400 Heileman 'G> Br 12% 12% 12% so Hormel A Co_ 18% 18% 19% 50 Houd Her B_ 23*. 2.3% 23% lo Inters Pow 86 pf 16% 16% 16% 10 Inters Pow 87 pf 21 21 21 , 20 Kalamazoo Stove 42 41 41 20 Leath A Co_ 4% 4% 4% loo Leath A Co pf.. 22% 22% 22% 7ooLib-McN A L_ 8% 8% 8% 50 Lincoln Pr_ 11% 11% 11% 50 Loudon Pack__ 6% 6% 8*4 50 Marsh Field_ 15% 15% 15% 450 Merch A Mfrs A. 6% 6% 6% 10 Merch A Mfrs pf. 30 30 30 2200 Mid West Corp.. 8% 8% 8% 50 Mid West Co war 3% 3% 3% 10(1 Midland Unit pf. 2% 2% 2*4 2<H> Nat Leath_ 1% 1*4 IV* 50 Nat Stand_ 42 42 42 5(i Noblitt-Sparks 28% 28% 28% 50 No West Eng 24% 24% 24% 500 Nor'west Bancorp 8% 8 8 50 Public Svc n p 60 60 60 30 Quaker Oats 120% 120% 120% 100 Raytheon vtc 6% 6% 6% 150 Raytheon vtc pf 2% 2% 2% 10 So west G A E of 102% 102% 102% inn Std Dreda of 1.3% 13*4 13% ion Swift A Co . 21 20% 20% '■* 25(1 Swift Int 30% 30 30% 50 Thompson (J R> 9V* 9V* 9*4 50 Utah Radio .. 2*4 2% 2*4 loo Walgreen 34% 34V, 34% 150 Wise Bankshrs _ 5% 5% 5% hoo Zenith Rad 25% 25% 25% —Stock spies today. 13,000 ghares. I—' ' .. ' ■ 5*/2% MONEY AVAILABLE For Construction Loans and Loans on Improved Properties in the District of Columbia. Prompt Action on Applications Real Estate Mortgage & Guaranty Corporation 1610 K St. N.W. NAtL 1403 First Mortgage Money For CONSTRUCTION LOANS * and ' LOANS ON * IMPROVED PROPERTY ft the • District of Columbia, Nearby Maryland and Virginia 5%% Prompt Action B. F. SAUL GO. 925 15tb Street NatL 211ft i ’ y ‘ — *>, t