Few Leading Rail Issues
Well Supported—U. S.
» Group Uneven.
Bond Averages
20 10 10 10
Rails Indus Util For n
Net change. Unc. Unc.—.1 +.3
Tloday, close 92.2 103.0 101.9 67.9
Prav. day_ 92.2 103.0 102.0 67.6
Month ago. 92.0 103.0 101.6 68.9
Year ago... 82.6 97.1 95.9 69.3
1936 high_ 94.3 104 1 102 5 72.0
1936 low_ 86.9 101.8 99.3 67.6
1135 high_ 87.8 102.2 99.8 70.4
’ 1935 low._ 76.4 92.2 84.5 65.5
1932 low_ 45.8 40.0 64 6 42.2
1928 high_101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5
. 10 Low-Yield Bonds.
* Close_111.5 Prev. day. 111.6
Month ago 112.0 Year ago. 110.2
4 1936 high. 112.3 1936 low.. 110.2
1935 high. 110.7 1935 low.. 107.9
1928 high. 104.4 1932 low.. 86.8
(ComDiled by the Associated Press.)
Pt the Associated Press.
NEW YORK. June 27.—Although
prices were, a bit irregular, bonds dis
played a slight disposition to move
higher in today's quiet trading.
Domestic corporation obligations
attracted some buying sentiment as a
few pivotal carrier loans were well
supported. The group was not with
out some recessions, however. United
States Governments were mixed to
lower, with changes neglible. Foreign
issues also were quiet and soft.
Chicago Great Western 4s, St. Paul
, "s. Chicago & North Western 434S and
Illinois Central 4't.s added substantial
fractions. Utility loans were confined
to narrow trading ranges and indus
trials were quiet and steady.
Polish bonds continued to color the
foreign list, the 8s moving up more
than Hi points, while the 7s and
Warsaw 7s dropped off about Ha each.
Pnlan/1 fic aHvonrpH mnrp tiian a half
Pennsylvania Railroad 334s and
Remington Rand 4V4s were other
favorites in the corporate list and
each moved up nearly a point. Mis
souri Pacific, Ohio Edison and Boston
& Maine loans were easy, the 5s of
1967 of the latter road declining more
than a point.
In the United States Governments
* list changes were held to 2/32 or less
and trading was light.
11 Brokers’ Comment
E' the Associated Press.
NEW YORK. June 27—Today's
stock market forecasts were somewhat
Weingarten A Co.—We believe the
market will emerge from Its lethargy
on the up-side before long.
Redmond A Co.—We believe cau
tion is still advisable.
Fenner A Beane—We look for fur
ther moderate recession, with resist
ance developing early next week.
Hornblower A W'eek—The market
does not seem ready to start moving
forward until a more thorough con
solidation of the previous advance
takes place.
Shields A Co.—A quiet and rather
ragged market is likely to continue
for awhile.
Munds, Winslow A Potter—The
market probably will be tested further
before a rise into new high ground is
J. 8. Bache A Co.—We lean to the
view that another attack on the April
highs may soon be attempted.
Henry Clews A Co.—Purchases on
moderate setbacks should prove profit
able for the pull.
Lamborn, Hutchings A Co.—It prob
ably would be a good part of discre
tion to trim sails a bit in trading
E. A. Pierce A Co.—It seems that
bu;mg is not disposed to follow
through aggressively on the advance.
Chas. D. Barney A Co.—It seems
irasonable to play safe and lighten
trading commitments moderately.
NEW YORK. June 27 OR.—New York
Security Dealers' Association.
Bit). Asked.
Admin Fd 2nd Inc_... 16.79 17.*6
Am Oen Ed Inc__ 1.04 1 JH
Am Business Shrs__ 114 1.24
Am In? Stocks_ 3.875 4 50
Basic Industry - 4.03 _
Broad Bt Inv_ 31 16 33.33
Bullock Fund_„ 17 *75 19.375
Corporate Trust-- 2.77 _
Corporate Trust A A__ 2.6* _
Coro Tr A A mod-... 3.35 _
Corn Tr Accum Ser- 2.6i> _
Ccfc Tr Acc Mod_ 3 35 _
Cumulative Tr Bh- 5.90 _
Depos Bk Sh N Y "A".- 2 34 2.60
Depos Ins Shra "A". 3 **
Depos Ins Shrs "BT_ 3.64 4 05
Diversified Tr C- 4 56 4 SO
Dividend Shrs _ I 73 1*7
Euultj Corp $3 pi_46 375 4.1.375
Fidelity Fund Inc_ 27 17 79.21
First Boston Corp- 49 66 50.50
Fiaid Trust Sh A- 11.94 -
Fixed Trust 8 B - 9.93
Found Tr Sh A _ 4 *5 5 15
Fund Investors Inc-21.96 74.06
Fund Tr Sbis A___ o n 6.7 5
Fund Tr Shr? B _ 5 '■*
Oen Investors Tr_ 6 63 6.67
Grown Sec Ajriculture- 7 17 2.35
Gro*D Sec Automobile_ 1.50 1.63
Groan Sec Bu,ldln*- 1 *|; 2.91
Group Sec Chemical- 156 1.69
oroap Sec Food ..i. 1-16
Groep Sec Invest Shrs 1 4' '54
OmuD Sec Merchandise 1.26
Giotp Sec Mlnine- 1 56 163
Group Pec Petroleum- 1-6
Group Sec R R Equ9. • ;
OrotD Sec Steel- 14; *
Groep Sec Tobacco- 1 31 1 4.1
Huron Ifoldint - 40 „.-§5
Ir.eorp Investors ...— - 23.-4 -4 99
Inv FTr N Y Coll "A"- 9 2.7* .mir,"
I r. vet tors Fd "C Inc.— ^><-5- 99.59
In\«tcr8 F'und of Am ... 1 .**<< 1 -J,**
Keyflon Cu?t Tund 3-3.. 23.50 35 *0
■tsior Shrs Corp- 3-90 „ - -
Maryland Fund - 18 '3 .0 5
Mam Invest Tr . 36.56 2* *
•t'ltaai Invest--- 1 J* \ 9;
Natfcn Wide Sec.~ 4 3- 4 4.
Natlr Wide vtc_ 1 *4 1 99
N T Bk Tr Shrs_ 3 59
North Am Bend Tr ctfs.. 73 *75 78.125
Nor Am Tr 8 -ares. 2.61 .
Nor'Am Tr Sh 1955. 3 44 -
Nor Air. Tr Sll 1956-. 3 49
Norj5m Trail 19.>8. ■ 44 - - -
‘4or4nem Becur -6..96 66.00
Pljatcu .4 Fund Inc - 9/ 1 h*
Quafterly Ir.'40me 8h_1
belated Am Bta--- 7*7 -n”
Se let ted Am 8h Inc- 1 64 1 ,9
Selected Cumul Sh- 9.55 -
Se letted rccomt Sh-- * »9 ---.
Seieated Indus ev -18 0<' If 50
Spencer Trask Fund--0 13 ~9 96
Bund Am, Tr Shrs- 4.00 4 .5
Stand Util Inc ...- A 21 109
Buoer of Am Tr A- 3 *« -
SupWt of Am Tr AA- x JK -
Super ol Am Tr B. •> 9» .
Super of Am Tr BB- 2.63 -
Suptr of Am Tr C. 4 .7 .
Suptr of Am Tr D-,’ ij iVtiA*
fiuparvised shrs —--*3 '2 14 99
Trultee SRand Inv C- *-8l .
Truatee Star.dlnvD- -.91 - - -
TruBeed Am Bk B - f "J ,13
Truateed Industry Shrs.. 13* j 2;'
Trutteed N Y Bk Shrs.. 155 ^.76
.'Reported oy Chas ~
9fl"AM"PWi»« 1W8-32,
tl'ip ,£• ir
it 3F- ata
. 16, 747 .. 104 ,
1 '38._ 103 74-3!
15 '3"— *1139~1!
? ! 16. '38_ 104 74-3'
1 15. „ 104 5-37
1 15 39.. 101 16-32 191 18-37
1 15. 39.. 6-32 103 7-32
15. '3»— 101 3-32
1 __ 1$. 40.. 101 27-37
•y private wire direct to The Star.
Approximate Transactions Today.
U. S. GoVt Bond*_ $210,000
Foreign Bond*___ 610.000
Domestic Bonda.___ 8.190,000
T R E A S U R Y.
Hlab. Loo. Clots.
2 64* 1945-47_ 103 20 10318 10318
264 ’* 1948-51_ 10123 10122 10122
244* 1951-54_ 1012 10031 101 2
2 % a 1956-60_ 1022 102 1022
3* 1946-48__ 1059 1059 1059
3* 1951-66_ 1048 1048 1048
844* 1946-49_ 10530 10530 10530
844* 1944 46 ... 107 20 10718 107 20
364* 1941-43 Mar 10827 10827 10827
364* 1943-47. 10811 1089 10811
4s V44-54 _ 11230 11230 11230
444*-314 1943-46 107 26 10726 10726
2 64* 19 4 2-47_ 1023 1023 1023
3* 1947 _ 103 15 103 15 108 15
3* 1949... 102 24 102 23 10224
264* 1942-44_10110 101 F 10110
264* 1939-49_1018 1016 1018
3* 1952_ 10217 10215 102 17
Blab Low Class
Abltibl Pa&Pw 6s •»! 4944 494 494
Anttoqula 7* 46 A- 10 10 10
Antioqula 7s ’45 B- 94 94 94
Antwerp 6a‘68—100 100 100
Argentine 6 4*'62... 100 100 100
Argentine «a-57 A_ 1004 1004 1004
Argentine ob do d- iuuva iuuv1 .uu-a
Argentine 6s'69 Juns 1004 100*. 100H
Argentine 6s '59 Oct 1004. 100*. 100**
Argentine 6s 60 Sept 100*4 100*; 100*4
Argentine 6s 60 Oct 100*4 100*4 100*.
Argentine 68 61 Febr 100*4 100*4 100*4
Australia 4 Vis‘60 .. 101V4 101 101
Australia 6s '65__ 107 107 107
Belgium 7s'66 _ 107 107 107
Bergen City 6s'60_1004 1004 1004
Berlin 6s ’6* .. 23 23 23
Berlin Elec 6Vi«'69— 234 234 234
Brisbane 6s '60 _ 1044 1044 1044
Budapest 6s '62
unmat coupon on__ 304 10 304
Buenos Aires
4 Vi-4 Vis’76 April.. 684 674 684
Buenos A4 Vis’76Aug 674 674 674
Buenos Aires
44s-34s'77 <Pvl. 66 654 654
Buenos A 6s'61 St Pv 694 69 69
Canada 34s '61_1014 1014 1014
Chile 6s'60 _ 144 144 144
Chile 6s 61 Febr_ 144 144 144
Chile 6s'61 Sept_ 144 144 144
Chile 6s'63_ 144 144 144
Chile 7s 42_ 1*4 144 144
Chile Mtg Bk 6s ‘61— 12*. 12** 12*.
Chile Mtg Bk 6s 62.. 12** 12** 12*.
Chile Mtg Bk 6Vls’61. 12H 12*. 12*.
Chilean Mun L. 7s'60 11*. 11*. 11**
Colombia 6s '61 Jan .. 224 224 224
Colombia 6s 61 Oct.. 224 224 224
Copenhagen 5s '62_ 97** 974 974
Cubs 6 Vis'46 __ 51 61 51
Czechoslovakia 8a '61 99 99 99
Denmark 44s 62_ 984 984 984
Denmark 6Via'66_101 101 101
Finland 64s 66 . 1014 1014 1014
Frameric In 7 4s '42 108 1074 108
Ger C Bk A 6s '60 Oct 29 28s. 28*.
Germ Gov 54s’65 st 264 264 264
Ger Prv & City Bk
con Ag 64s 68_ 334 33*. 33s.
Ger Rep 7s'49 stpd._ 334 334 334
Grt C El Jap 7s '44_ 934 93'* 934
Haiti 6s 62_ 984 984 984
Italy 7a'51.. 87 864 864
Ital Crd P W 7s 47 B 83 83 83
Ital P U Crd 7s '52 .. 74 734 734
Japan 64s'65.. 83 824 824
Japan 64s 64 . .. 97 964 964
Jugoa Mtg Bk 7s '57
unmat coupon_ 324 324 3214
Kreu&Toll 5s'59A cfs 364 364 364
Milan 64s'52 _ 754 744 744
Montecatlnl 7s'37_ 97 95 95
New So Wales 6s '58 103«i 1034 1034
NordRy64s'50_ 131 131 131
Norway 4%s'65_ 97 97 97
Norway 6s '63__ 102 102 102
Norway 6s '44_ 1064 1064 1064
Nuremberg 6s'62_ 23 23 23
Oslo G & E 5s '63_ 1004 1004 1004
Panama 5s 63 - 734 734 734
Paris Orl Ry 54s '68 1184 1184 1184
Ferrara 7a '47
Sept coupon off__ 154 154 154
Peru 6s 60..12 11*. 12
Peru 6s 61 _ 114 114 114
Poland 6s 40_ 42 38 42
Poland 7s 47_ 47 45 47
Poland 8s 50_ 46 41*. 46
Prussia 6s'52 _ 214 214 214
Queensland 7s 41... 1124- 112'. 1124
Rhein Ruhr 6s 51 .. 224 224 224
Kto Gr do Sul 8s 68
June coupon off 15** 15** 15**
Rio Gr do Sul 7s '66
May coupon off_ 174 174 174
Rome 6Hi 52 78 78 78
Sao Paulo St 6a 68
July coupon off_ 164 16s. 164
Sao Paulo St 7a '40_ 89 884 89
Silesia Prov 7a'6* ... 36 334 344
Silesian Bk 6s 47_ 33** 33** 33*.
Trondhlem 5Vis '67._ 1014 1014 1014
Uruguay 6s '60___ 604 504 504
Uruguay 6s 64_ 50 50 50
Warsaw 7s '58_ 35 334 844
Adams Exp 4s 48 _ 100 100 100
Alb Per W P 6s 48... 72 72 72
Alleg Corp 6a 44 _ 93 924 93
Alleg Corp 6s 49 ... 88 87*. 874
Alias Corp 6s '50 atp 494 49V. 494
j Allied Stores 4 4e 60 1014 101*; 1014
I Allis Chaim 4* 45 1364 1364 1364
> Am A For Pw 5s 2030 77 77 77
Am I G Ch 6%s 4* 112% 112% 112%
Am IntJ f %s 49 105% 105 105
Am Roll Mill 4%a 49 112% 112% 1124
Am T A T 4Ha 39 113 113 113
| Am T A T cl tr 6s 46 108% 108% 108%
Am T A T deb 5a 60 1124 1124*112%
Am T A T deb 6a 65.. 113 112% 113
Am TAT 6H» 48 ... 113% 113% 113%
Am Wat Wks6a 76.. 110 109% 110
Am Writ Pap 6s 47.. 36% 36% 36%
Anaconda db 4H* 00 105 104% 104%
Anglo Ch Nltr 7a 45 344 33% 33%
Anglo Ch Nit 7s‘45ct. 334 33V* 33H
Ann A let ar 'n 4a '95 70 70 70
Armour A Co 4 H*'*9 106 104 104
Arm'n Del Mat 4* 66 974 97 97
; Armstrong C’k 4a 60 105% 1054 105%
| A T&9 Fa gn 4s 95 1144 1144 1144
! Atl Coast L let 4s 61 964 864* 964
1 Atl Coast L clt 4S 62 87 864 87
AtlCl-un4%s 64 79% 79% 79%
j AtlantlcAD^ri 4s 48 47V* 474* 474
i Atl L’A W I 6s 69 . 704 70% 704*
| Atl Refin deb 6s '37 104% 104% 104%
j Auburn Auto 4 % a'39 74’. 74% 74%
I Baldwin Loco 6a 40. 105 105 106
B A U 1st 4a 48_ 106 106 106
BA04%s 60 _ 73 72% 73
B * O let 6s 48_112 112 112
B A O ret 6s '95 A_ 854 85 854
BA06S 96 F _ 8444 844 844
B A O ref 6a *000 D-_ 84% 84 84
B A O ref 6s 96 C_ 96 96 96
BAG PLEAWV 4a*41. 103% 103% 103%
Bang A Aroos 5s 43.. 114 114 114
Beth Stl 4 44 8 «0 at_ 1054 10544 105%
Bos A Me 4%e'61 J._ 72% 72% 72%
Bos A Me 6a'55_ 76% 75% 75%
Boa A Me 68 67 _ 76 74% 74%
Bos N V A L 4s 65_ 20V* 20% 20%
Bklyn Cy RK 6s 41_ 99 99 99
Bkivn Edit ts 62 E.. 103% 103% 103%
E4%s '81 B .. 108% 108% 108%
Buff KAP con 4%a'E7 78 78 78
Bush Term cn 5a 65. 57% 57% 67%
By Prod Ck 6%s 45.. 98% 98% 98%
! Calif Peking 6s 40.. 104 104 104
Camae 7s 42 ctfa_ 144 1444 1444
Canada So 5e 62 A .. 113% 113% 113%
Can alan NtR4%sE6 116% 116% 116%
Can dtan NtK4%s'66 1186.118% 118%
Can dlan NR 6s 70 . 120% 120% 120%
Can dlan P db 4a perp 954 96 9544
Can Pacific 4 H» '46 104% 104% 104%
Can'dtan Pc 6a 44 cfa 115% 115% 115%
Can'dlan Pc 6s '64 .. 107% 107% 107%
Cent of Ga con 6a 45. 25 26 23
Cent of Ga 6a '69 C_ 13% 13% 13%
Cent XU EAO 6a '61.. 103% 103% 103%
Cant of N J gn 6a 17. 98% 98% 9844
Cant Pao let rf 4a '49 110% 110% 110%
Cant Pac 6a '60 . 100 99% ICO
Cant RR B Ga 6s’37. 82 82 82
Chesap C ce 6a 44_- 11844 118% 118%
Chesap Corn 6s’47__. 135% 185% 135%
C A O gen 4 H« 9*_ 125% 125% 125%
CA04%e'93A_ 110% 110% 110%
CAOeon6s‘39__ Ill 111 111
Chi B A y gen 4s '6*. 112% 112% 112%
Chi B A Q 4%s 77 .. 112 112 112
Chi B A O ref 6s '71 11644 1164 1164
Chi BAQ Idle 3Ha'49 1074. 107% 107%
[ Chi Grl W 4B 69 36% 34% 35%
I CMAStP 4a '69 .. 63 53 53
CM&StP gn 4 H* '•# C 55% 65% 55'i
CMAStP 4%» 39 E— 654 6544 55V*
CMAStP 6s '76 _ 20% 19% 20%
CMASfPAP ad!6e*000 7 7 7
Chi A NW gn 4s 87... 42% 42% 4241
Chi A NW «H» 2037.. 18% 18% 1ST4
Chi A N W 4%s 49- 13% 181* 18%
; Chi A NW rf (a 3087 _ 20 19% 20
Hlth. Low. CMM.
CANW Nr W 6 44 s '36 45 44*. 44%
CR IAP 4 44 s 62 ctfs 16V4 16*4 16%
Chi R IAP go 4a '** 8344 8844 8844
Chi Un Sta 3^s 63 E. 107% 107 107
Chi A W 1 con 48 '6* .. 1034* 108% 103%
Chi A W I 644s *12 A- 10544 1054* 105T4
Cln Un Ter 6s '67 C~. 1104* 110% 110%
CCCAStL can 4s '93_ 1034* 103% 1034*
CCOAStL rf 4 Ha*77E 9844 934* 9844
CCCAStLCWAM4s’91 98 98 98
Clsv Cliffs Ir 4 64s '60. 10844 1064* 10644
ClevEl Illuafcs’eS. 110 110 110
Clev Un Ter 4 44 s *77.. 102H 10244 10244
Cles Un Ter 6s ‘78 B. 108 107*4 107*4
Clew Un Ter 644e’72A 110|| 110 110
Colo A So 4 44s '80_ 7344 7344 7344
Columbia GAE
5s '62 May _ 10444 104 1044*
Jolumbla GAE 6s’61- 10444 104% 10444
Cornel Inv T 644s 49. 1104* 110'* 110’4
Cons Coal Del 6s '60.. 46*4 46*. 46*.
Consum P un 3%s'65 105*4 105*4 105*4
Cons Pwr 314s '70_ 104 103*4 104
Consum Pwr 3 44s'65 108 108 108
Container deb 6s'43.. 102 102 102
Container 6s '46__ 104 104 104
Crown CAS 48'60_105% 105>4 10544
Cuba Nor RR 644s *41 .57*4 67*4 67*4
Daytoa PAL 8 44a'«0. 106 106 106
Del A Hud rst 4s '43.. 8144 81% 81*4
Den A R Gen 48 86._ 32% 32 82
Den ARG W 6s'66... 17 16% 1644
PsnARGW 6s'6Sasst. 16*4 16 16
Den A R G rf 6s'78 .. 264* 264* 2644
Detroit Edts 48 66 P. 110*. 110*4 110H
Det Rlv Tun 444s’61. 1164* 116 1164*
E T V A Gs cn 6s '6S„ 11044 1104* 11044
Erie con 4a '96_104% 104** 104*4
Erie gen 4a '96—— 86 84 84
Erie ref 6a '67__ 78% 784* 7844
Erie ref 6s'75_ 78 77% 7 /44
Fed Lt A Tr ss'42_ 10344 10344 10344
ria CiL ny
FtWADen lst5%B'61- 106 106 106
G-n Steel C 6%a'49 — 81% 81 81
Uen Tbea Eq 6a 40 .. 24% 24% 24%
Gen Th Eo 6s’40 cfs. 24% 24 24%
Goodrich 6s 45 _105% 105 105
Goodrich 6 %a 47_107% 107% 107%
Goodv’r TAR 6s'67 — 105 104% 105
Gould Coup 6s'40 .. 86% 84% 86%
Great N Ry 4s'46 G.. 116% 116 115
Great N Ry 4s '46 H- 104% 104% 104%
Gt NR ref 4%a '61 A 118% 113% 113%
Gt N R gen 4%s '78 D 103% 103% 103%
Gt N R gen 4%i 77 E 102% 102 102
Gt N R 6%a '62 B-114% 114% 114%
Gulf M A N 6e '50- 94** 94% 94%
Gulf MAN 6%s ’60— 101% 101% 101%
Gulf Sta Stl 5%s '42.. 101% 101 101
Hoe(R)ACo 6%s '34.. 68% 58% 58%
Houston 011 6%a’40— 102% 102% 102%
Hudson Coal 6a ’62... 42V* 42% 42%
Hud A Man tne 6a*57. 29% 29% 29%
Hud A Man ref 6s '67. 79% 79 79
111 Bell Tel 3%■ 70 _ 107% 107% 107%
111 Cent coll tr 4s'62. 80 80 80
111 Cent ref 4a '65__ 85% 85 85
111 Cent 4%e 66- 74 73% 74
111 Cent ref 5a'65- 97 97 97
111 C Cairo Br 4s '50.. 105V* 105% 105%
111 C W L 1st 4s '61_ 96% 96% 96%
ICCAStL NO 4%s '68. 77% 77% 77%
ICCAStL NO 6a 63 .. 82% 82% 82%
111 C St L&NO 6s'51.. 110 110 110
Ind FlAIowa 4s '50_102% 102% 102%
Inland Stl 3%s 61_ 105 104% 104%
Int K T 1st rf 6a '66_95% 95% 96V*
Int RT 6s 32_ 60 49% 50
Int RT 7s 32_ 96% 96 96
Int K T 7s'38 ctfs_ 95% 95% 95%
Int Agr cl 6s '42 stp._ 99 99 99
Int Cement 4a'46__ 135 i34% 135
Int Grt Nr 6s'52 A_ 35 34% 34%
Int Hydro El 6s 44._. 42% 41% 41%
Int Mer Mar 6s 41_ 73% 73% 73%
Int Pap ref 6s 56_ 84 84 84
int Ky of C A 6s 41 . 96% 96% 96%
Int Ky ofC A 6%a'47 90 90 90
Int TAT cv 4V4* 29.. 92% 92 92
int TAT 4 %s '62. 81% 81% 81%
int TAT 5s'66.. 85% 85% 85%
KanCPAL4%s'61 111% 111% 111%
Kan C So 1st 3s 60 .. 86% 86% 86%
Kan C Ter 1st 4s 60 . 108% 108% 108%
Kreegc Foun 4s 46.. 108% 108% 108%
Laclede Gas 6s '2 3_ 99 99 99
Laclede O 6 %t '63 C. 69 68% 68%
Lake EAW 2d 5s '41.. 104% 104% 104%
Lautaro Nltr (a‘64... 30% 30% 30%
Leh CAN 4%s '64 C._ 102% 102% 102%
Leh Val Coal Ss '54— 64 64 64
Leh Val Coal 5 s’64 57 57 57
LVM 4%s 40 gtd. 92 92 92
Leh V Peon 4%s 2008 52 52 52
Llgg A Myr 6s ‘51_ 124 124 124
Long titrates 4»_102% 102% 102%
La A Ark 6S 69 _ 94% 93% 93%
L A N 1st 4s 2003_102% 102% 102%
LAN unit 4s 40_ 108% 108% 108%
LA N 4 %s 2003 C. 117% 107 107%
L A N Atl KAC 4s '55 102% 112% 112%
McKessA K 6%s f.0 103% 103% 103%
Market St Ry 7a'40 A 100 100 100
Mead Co 6s 45 ... 104% 104% 104%
Mich Cent 4%8'79 .. 104% 104% 104%
Mil E R A S L 5s 61 .. 104% 104% 104%
Mil E RAS L rf 6s’71 105% 105% 105%
Mil SpaAN W 4s -47- 37 37 37
Minn A S L 5s '34 cfs. 5** 5 5
MStPASSM cn 4s '38. 34% 34% 34%
MStPASSM 6s'38 gt. 40% 40% 40%
Mo 111 6s'59. 39 39 39
Mo K A T lit 48 90_ 91% 91 91%
Mo K A T 5s 62 A_ 84% 84 84%
Mo K A T ad] 6s'67_ 60 59% 59%
Mo Pac 4s '75 _ 12% 12% 12%
Mo Pac 6a 65 A_ 31% 31% 31%
Mo Pac 5s 77 F_ 31% 31% 31%
ii. r*_ . r. en rf . e i . mi/
Mo Pac 6s 81 1_ 31*. 31k 31k
Mo Pac 6 Vis 43 A_ 101* 10V* 10%
Mont Pwr 6s '62 A... 102k 102k 102k
Mor A Esx 3%s 2000. 93k 93k 93k
Mor A Esx 6s "65 .. .. 97k 97k 97H
Namm A Sons 6a 43.. 98 98 98
Nashv CASt L 4s '78 91 91 91
Nat Dairy 3f*s'51ww 104k 104'. 104k
Nat l>ls PC 4H* 46 103k 103*. 103’.
Nat Ft M laHs'61 asst 3k 3k 3k
Nat R M 4s 77 asst... 3k 3k 3k
Nat Steel 4s 66 .. 107 107 107
New E TAT 1st 6s '62 124k 124k 124k
New Or P 8 6e 62 A _ 98k 98*. 98*.
New Or P 8 6e'55 B.. 97k 97k 97k
New Or Ter 1st 4s '63 82k 92k 9214
New Or TAM 6s '64 B 38k 38k 38k
N Y Centals 97 . 100k 100k 100k
N Y Cent rf 4%s 201* 86% 86% 86k
N Y C rf 4ks 2013 n.. 86% 86k 86k
N Y Cent rf 6s *01*_ 93 92k 92%
N Y Cent cr«s 44_112k 112% 112k
N Y C L Sh 8 ks '98__. 93k 93k 93k
NYC Mich C 3k» »*- 94% 94 94
NYCASt L let 4s '37. 108k 103k 103k
NYCAStL 4ks 1* .. 88% 88 88k
NYCAStL 6ks'74 A. 100k 100k 100k
N Y Chi A St L 6s 38 97k 97k 97k
N Y Dock 1st 4« '51 61k 61 61
N Y Edison 3 k s'65 D 102 102 102
N Y G El HAP 6s 48 124k 124k 124k
NY NH A H 3%s 47.. 26k 26k 26k
NY NH A H 48 67... 17% 16k 16%
NY NHAH cl tr 6s'40 36k 36 36
NY NH A H cv 8s '41 29k 29 29
N Y OAW gen 4s '65.. 37% 37% 37*.
N Y Ftys 6s '65 A _ 105k 105k 105k
N Y Steam let 6e*61. 106V. 106k 106V.
N Y lei gen 4 Via 39.. 110k 110k 110k
NYWAB4ViS46_ 14k 14k 14k
Nlag LAO P6s 65_106V* 106k 106k
Norf So 1st 5s'41_ 60 60 60
Norf A W 1st 4s'98.. 120Vi 120k 120k
North Am Ed 6s '69 C 105 105 105
Nor"n Pacts 97_109% 109% 109k
Norn Psc 6s 2047 C-_ 107k 107k 107k
Nor Pae 5a 2047 D_107% 107k 107%
Nor'n Pae 8a 2047_111H 111k Ill’s
North Sta Pw 4 ks '61 106V* 106k 106V*
Ohio Edison 4s '65 104V4 104k 104k
Ore Sh Line 6s 46_120k 120% 120k
Otis Steel 6s '41_102% 102k 102k
Pac Coast 5s 46_ 63% 63% 63%
Pac O A E 6s 42_102% 102 102%
Param t Pic 6s 65_ 90k 90 90
Parmeiee 6s 44 .___ 65% 64k 64%
Penn Dixie Cds'41_96% 96% 96*.
Penn OAD 4 Vie'77_ 106 105V. 106
Penn P A L 4%»'81 .. 107 107 107
Tenn R P. 3%e'70 C.« 101k 100k 100k
Penn RR cn4«'4» Itp. 114% 114'. 114%
Penn HR 4s 63 .. 103% 103% 103%
Penn HR 4%e '81 D._ 109 109 109
Penn RR 4%a*44_108%*108% 108%
Penn RR gn 4 Via '66.. 112*. 112k 112%
Penn RR db 4Vis 10.. 103% 103k 103k
Pere Marq let 4s ‘66.. 96% 96*. 86*.
Per# Mara 4 Vis'*0_ 99k 99. 99
Phils BAW 4 %■'*1— 114 114 114
Phlla Co 6a 67.. 105k 105k 105k
Phlla A R CA1 6s 49. 20k 20k 20k
PCCAStL 6s'70 A.—. 120k 120k 120k
Port A CAD 6a '68 A.. 101% 101% 101%
Prt Gen El 4 Vis'80... 71 70 70
Porto Rico A T 8a '4*. 76k 76k 75k
Postal Tal A C 6s *6*. 80k 30k 30k
Pub 8EI404I '71... 102k 102k 102k
Pure01l«Via 60 ww. 115k 115 115
Pure 011 4 ks '60 xw. 104% 104% 104k
Purity Baa 6a '«*- 94k 94% 94k
Reading Jer C 4s ’61. 100 100 100
Rem Rand 4 Via 56 ww 109 108% 108%
Republic 8tl 4 Via '60 109k 109% 109k
Republic Stl 4 Vis '61. 97k 97'% 97k
Revere Cop 4 %s'66.. 103% 103% 103%
Richfield Oil 6s 44 .. 39 39 39
Richfield O 6s '44 cfa. 38 38 38
Rutland Can 4e'49... 80k 30V* 30k
St Jo Hy LTAP *e'*7. 108% 103% 103k
StL IM*SRAS4s'33ct 77% 77% 77%
St Lr8 Fran 4 Via-71.. 18% 19% 19%
St LrS F 4 Vis'TI cf at. 18 18 18
H!*n LOW. Clot*
St L-S F Es ’60 B cfa 21 21 21
St I. SW lat ter la'63 624 524 524
St P K C 8 L «Hs'41 164 164 164
StPM*MEGT4Hs'47 25 26 25
San AAA Pats 4a 41. 994 994 994
Scioto CAN E 4b ’*9._ 1194 1194 1194
Seabd A L 4s'50 stp.. 134 134 184
Seabd ALadj 5a‘49.. 84 3 4 34
Saabd A L 6a 46 A 84 84 84
Sharon Stl ot 4Hk’5l. 106 106 106
Shall Un dab t Ha'll. 964 964 964
SUaalan Am 7a'41..., 66 61 61
Socony VaolHa'60.. 1044 1044 1044
So Colo Pw la'47 a~ 1054 1054 1064
So Pac col 4a‘49_ 984 934 984
So Pac rat 4r ‘66_ 1064 105 106
So Pao 4Ha ‘68_ 90 894 90
Sc Pac 4 H*‘*9_ 90 894 894
So Pac 4Ha 11_ 90 894 89*.
So Pac Ora ♦ Ha‘77... 974 974 974
So Pac S F Tar 4a ‘60. 1124 1124 1124
So Ry can 4a‘64 A... 674 67 67
So Ry 5l '94 - 1034 1034 1034
8o Ry gan 6a‘66...^. 824 824 824
So Ry 6Ha 66 _ 874 8614 874
So Ry St t> dlw 4a '61. 864 864 864
S W Bail Tal *Ha‘44. 1074 1074 1074
Studabakar ot (a ‘46.. 98 974 98
Swift A Co 846a '60_ 1064 1064 1064
Tann CAC 6a ‘44 B_ 1084 1084 1084
Tann El Pw «a ‘47 A 984 984 984
Tarm Aa St L 4H> '19 1114 1114 1114
Tax Corp ct 6a '44._ 1024 1024 1024
Tax A Pao 6a *77 B_ 104 1034 104
Tax A Pao 6a ‘79 C_ 1044 1044 1044
Third At rat 4a‘60... 69 684 69
Third A ad in ax 6a’60 354 354 364
Un Oil of Cal 4a ‘47._. 118 118 118
Un Pao lat 4a'47 ... 113H 1184 1184
Un Pao tat rf 4a 2008. 109 109 109
United Blecult 6a 60. 1074 1074 1074
Unit Druj: 6s ‘63 1014 1014 1014
U S Pipe Fdry 3 Ha '44 1094 109 1094
U S Rubber 6a '41 . 1064 1064 1064
Ur.lT Pipe A R 6s '86. 40 384 394
Utah PAL 6a 44 ... 1034 1034 1084
Util PAL 6a 6# ww... 69 69 69 I
Util PAL 64a 47_ 724 724 724
Vsr flit* laa *Tw a O .6. 141/ i A n.. lit
V* EAP lat raf 4«'66. 107H 107H 107H
\'a Ry lat 3%«’66 A.. 104b 104 104
Wabaah 6a «0 D_ 27H 27b 27b
Walworth 4a '66_ 74b 73b 73b
Warner Bros cv 6s '39 9344 9344 9344
Warnar-Quln 6s31b 31b 31b
Warrtn Br cv 6s '41.. 64 64 64
Wash Term 3 b a ’45.. 108V4 108b 108b
Wash W Plat 6a'39.. 110b 110b 110b
W Sb Ist4s2061 *td._ 90b 90b 904*
Weat'n Md lat 4a'62.. 100b 100 100
Weat'n Md 6%a '77... 106b 106b 106b
WestnNYAP lst5s'27 102 102 102
West n Pac Ss^A as 34 34 34
Waafn Un4ba'60... 107b 107b 1074*
Waat'n Un 6s 61.106b 106b 106V,
Waat’n On 6a '60. 107b 107b 107b
Whaal Steel «b» ««- 100b 100b 100b
White Sew M 6n'40 ._ 99*. 994, 99b
Wilkes B&E lat 6a'42 57b 57 57b
Wilson A Co 4a 'll6 100b 100b 100b
Wls Cent 1st gn 4s 49. 184, 18b 184*
Y’ngst'n S&T 3b»'51 108b 107*4 108
Y'ngstn S & T 4s 61.. 99b 99b 99b
Youngtn SAT 6s’70B. 106b 106b 106b
Washington Produce
BUTTER—Range of prices In store*
gathered from wholesale dealers 'prices to
nearby shippers based on Phlladelpnla and
New York prices': One-pound prints, car
ton <92 score). 33: 1-pound prints, carton
<90 score). 32: 1 .-pound prints, carton '92
score), 34; V*-pound pr.nts, carton (90
score), 33; tubs <92 score), 32; tubs (90
score). 31.
MEATS—Beef 12al6: veal. 15*17: lamb.
22*24: smoked ham. 26a28 fresh ham
23a24: pork loin 23a25: compound, luba
11 ’ at lard. 17al2b.
LIVE STOCK—Pigs. OalO'b; light hogs.
10a 10b: mediums, lOalO; heavies fia
10b: roughs. 5a8, calves, 5a8b: lambs.
Prices paid shippers, net. f. o b Wash
ington. Bv the United States Bureau of
Agricultural Economics:
EGGS—Market steady and unchanged.
Current receipts. 21 ba22b; hennery whites.
22ba23b: a few fancy at 1*2 prem
ium: Government graded and dated white
eggs (Including grading and marketing
costa): U 8. extras. Targe 30: U. S
extras, mediums. •;«: U 8 standards,
large, 27. U. 8. brown standards, large.
LIVE POULTRY—Trading very oulet;
receipts light; prices unchanged Fowl—
colored heavy 18a20: Leghorns l«al*;
roosters. 12*14 Chickens—Plymouth
Rocks 23a25; Leghorns. 18a20: mixed
colors. C0a21. Turkeys—Hens 18: a few
at 10a20: toms. 14al5; a few at 16*17;
No. 2s, 12al3.
Fruits and Vegetables.
Sales In large lots by original receiver*
Up to 8:00 a m today:
CANTALOUPES—One Arizona two Cali
fornia arrived; five broken and five un
broken cars on track Supplies moderate;
demand moderate: mark-t steady. Vlne
rlpened and precooled California salmon
meats jumbos 30s 3 50*3.75: Jumbos 45s
3.75*4.00: standards 45s. 3.25*3.50: Ari
zona salmon meats lumbo 24s and 30s
3.00*3 25: Georgia bushels, packed locally.
1 OOal 25.
HONEY DEWS—Three California ar
rived: one car diverted; three broken and
four unbroken ears on track Supplies
moderate, demand good market steady
California, standard crates 9s to 12s. 1.75
HONEY BALLS—Two California arrived:
one car diverted; one broken and one un
broken car* on track Practically no sup
plies on the market.
POTATOES—-One North Carolina ar
rived; one unbroken car on track Truck
receipt* moderate, supplies moderate: de
mand moderate market weak North Car
olina and Eastern Shore Virginia stave
barrels cobbler* U. 8 No 1. 5 50.
Lamoimi arrived;
three broken and one unbroken cars on
rack. Supplies moderate, demand light:
market steady California Western lettuce
crate' bunched 2.75; half-lettuce crates.
CELERY—No carlot arrivals; three
broken cars on track Supplies moderate:
demand moderate market steady Cali
fornia '2 crates individually washed and
nrecooied. :P?a.V? dozen 2.50*3.25: New
York ■5-crates Individually washed, 3a
312 dozen. 2.50*3.00. few 3.25.
CORN—No carlot arrivals; 1 broken
car on track Truck receipts light; sup
plies light; demand moderate, market
steady. Standard crates: Florida 1.50a
1.75: North Carolina, best 1.25. fair
quality. 1.00
CUCUMBERS—Supplies moderate: de
mand very slow; market dull. 6outh Caro»
lina, bushel baskets. 50a75. few high as
1 0<k
LETTUCE—Three California arrived: 5
broken and 4 unbroken cars on track
Supplies moderate: demand moderate:
market steady. California. Western crates
Iceberg type 5-dozens 3.75*4.00.
Onion Price* Steady
ONIONS—No carlot arrivals: 1 broken
car on track. Supplies moderate, demand
moderate market steady. Texas 50-pound
sacks Yellow Bermudas. U. 8 Commercial.
1.25 poorer lower.
TOMATOES—Two Mississippi. 1 South
Carolina arrived; 3 unbroken cars on track.
Supplies moderate; demand moderate: mar
ket steady. Lug boxes, ripes and turning
wrapped 6x0 and larger: Georgia and
South Carolina 1.50*2.00; Florida, fair
condition. 1.00*1.25. few best 1.50.
PEACHES^—One Georgia arrived: 3 brok
en cars on track. Truck receipts moderate:
supplies moderate: demand light: market
weak Georgia 14-bushel baskets Hileys.
U S No 1 1 ’.-Inch minimum. 1.50: North
Caroinla bushel basket* Early Rose U 8.
No. 1. 134-inch to V, inches. 1.50*2.50.
mostly 2 no >2-bushel b»skets Early Rose
U 8 No 1 l’.-inch minimum 50a 1 on:
South Carolina wasty -bushel baskets
Early Rose U S No. 1. 1’.-inch minimum
50: 2'4 inches. 75; 2'j-inch minimum.
WATERMELONS—One Florida arrived:
four broken and seven unbroken cars on
track Supplies moderate; demand light;
market steady. Georgia. Tom Watsoms.
32-34 pounds average 60*05 each.
rivals: no cars on track.
LIMA BEANS—Truck recsipts moderate:
supplies moderate: demand moderate:
market allghtly weaker Bushel hampers
Georgia. 2 50. fair quality 2.25; South
Carolina 2.50.
EGGPLANT—Supplies light; demand
light: market steady. Florida, 1'4 buahel
crat.**. 2.00
PEPPERS—Practically no supplies on
the market ... . . .. ,
OKRA—Supplies light, demand light;
market steady Florida, bushel hampers.
CHICAGO. .Tune 27 UP1.—Poultry, live.
1 car 8 trucks: steady; hens. 5 pounds
and less. 20; more than 5 pounds. 18>4:
Leghorn hens. 15*4: Plymouth Rock
Borings. 2fi,4: White Rock. 28; colored.
25: Plymouth Rock fryers. 24 V4: White
Rock. 24: colored. 21'a; Plymouth. White
Rock and colored broilers. 21; b»reb*cks.
18*21: Leghorns. 17*20: roosters 14,
Leghorn roosters. 13, turkeys. 13*18.
heavy old ducks. 14%; heavy yotmg. lflVg:
•mull white ducks, 11 V». smail colored.
10%: young geese. 15: old. 13.
Butter. 20.312; unsettled; Prices un
changed Sits. lfi.3P5: easy: extra flrits.
local CO*1'*.' cars. 21V*: fresh traded firsts,
local 2ot4: car*. 21: current receipts.
10%: storage packed extras, 21%: storage
DlPoUtS*rs,t‘08-10?. track. 244. total TT. 8.
shipments. «87- slightly weaker, supplies
^'h*/ndre&nht. 'OkUhom^Bll«CTri
SV\h£r,n8g heated. ‘^fe^a
300 U S No, 2 25: Cobblers. U. S.
No 1 3 On: Arkansas Bliss Triumphs. U.
S No i. and partly graded 3 15*25: heat
ed some decay. 2.<5a3.oo. U. 8. No
showlna heated some decay 1.5IU2 on:
Texa* Bliss Triumph*. U. S. No. 1. few
sales* “3“ North^Carolina Cobbler* U.
S No 1 3 10: showint decay. 2.50: U. S.
No * 2 00 showing decay. 1.50: Missouri
Cobblers: U S No. 1. and partly graded.
° 75*80: mostly 2.75; Bliss Triumphs,
partly graded heavy to small. 2.75; Kansas
Cobblers V 8 No > »nd nartlv graded.
2.8(1*00: California White Rose. V .8 No
1. 3.40*55: poor. 3.30; partly graded. 3.00.
8t. Louts Southwestern Ry— Def
icit five months ended May SI vu
$148,488 against deficit of $194,789.
Many Stocks Off Fractions
to Point or More—Few
Able to Advance.
By the Associated Press.
NEW YORK. June 27.—The barom
eter of market sentiment dropped
today and many curb stocks ducked
fractions to a point or so.
Some shares were about even late
In the session and a few went forward.
Bunker Hill Sc Sullivan ducked about
iu points. Safety Car Heating &
Lighting and Aluminum Co. of Amer
ica lost approximately a point, and
Lake Shore Mines. Sunshine Mining
and United Light & Power, small
Insurance Co. of North America
went ahead for more than a point,
while American Cyanamld “B” and
American Superpower scored small
Washington Exchange
Potomac Electric S'i% pfd.—2 at 114.
1 at 114.
Washington Rwy. & El. pfd—12 at
American Security & Trust Co.—10 at
258, 10 at 258.
Mergenthaler Linotype—10 at 47, 10
at 47.
Capital Traction 5s—$1,500 at PI1,*,
$500 at 91 Vi, $500 at 91 >/*, $1,000 at
91’«. $1,000 at 91’*, $1,000 at PI1/*.
Riggs Bank com.—10 at 260.
Bid and Asked Prices.
r U OKiV/ U X XXXX X x .
Bid. Asked.
Amer Tel & Tel. 4%s-112% -
Am. Tel. X Tel. col. tr. 5s.. 108%
Anacoslla X Potomac 5s- 78 (0%
Anacostia X Pot. Guar. 5t— 10B -
C. X P. Tel. of Va. 5s-103%
Cap. Traction R. R. 5s_ Bl 91%
City X Suburban 5s_ 85 90
Georgetown Gas 1st 5s-115 —
Pot. Elec. Pow. Cons. 5s.- 99% 100%
Potomac Electric 6s_______ 105%
Wash. Gas 5s 1958_106 -
Wash. Gas 5s 1960_119 -
Wash Gas 6s, series B__ 100% - - -
Wash. Rwy. X Elec 4s_ 106 106%
Chevy Chase Club fi'/js__ 106 --
Col Country Club 5%s-105 -
W. M. Cold Storage 5s-100 -
Amer. Tel X Tel. (8)-*163
Capital Transit Co-- 15% 16 a
N. X W. Steamboat (6)_ 88% -
Pot. Elec. Pow. 677 pfd (6)._ 108% -
Pot. El. Po. 5%% t>f. <5.50>_ 112% 114
Wash. Gas Lt. Co. (3.60)_80% 84
Wash Ry. X II Co (361_ 650 -
Wash. Rwy. X El. pfd. (51-110% -
Amer. Sec. X Tr. Co. (1Q)_ 257 265
Bank of Bethesda (1.50)-*26 -
Capital (4)_ _*128
Com. X Savings («6)_____*185 -
Liberty (3)_113 --
Lincoln (6.25) _*200 -
Natl. gav. X Tr_121 135
Prince Georges Bk X Tr— 1« 20
Riggs (8)_ 260 265
Riggs pfd. (5i-105 -- —
Washington Iff)_*12o 130
Wash. Loan X Tr. (8)_ 225 -
American (112) -- 195 -
Corcoran (5) 88 -
Firemens (1.60)_ *36
National Union (.60)_*14 a --
Columbia (.30)__ 7 -
Real Estate (6)_120 -
Carpel Corp (1.60)_ 23% 24%
Lanston Monotype (4) __ 81 89
Mergenthaler Linotype *f) 4. 48%
Peoples Drug St. com. (1.00) *37 % 40
People* Drug 8 pfd. (6.50) 113 -
Real Eat. M X G. pfd (.20). *4% 6
Security Storage (5) _ 106 -
Ter. Ref X Wh Corn. (3) 62
Wdwd X Loth. com. ( + 1 50)_ *55 70
Wdwd X Loth. pfd. (7)-*120 -
'Plus extras
:« per cent extra.
!50c paid May 15. 1938.
a—4 per cent extra.
e<j the Associated Press.
CHICAGO. June 27 —Prospects of
a big run of wheat on Monday from
the harvest fields Southwest gave a
downward swing to prices late today.
A substantial increase of the United
States wheat visible supply total Mon
day was likewise expected. Unofficial
July crop reports next week were
awaited with interest, especially the
season's first estimates of this sea
son's com yield.
Wheat closed weak. *4-% under
yesterday's finish, July, 93%-V\\
September, 93%-%; com, % off to
7a, up; September, 65-65%; oats.
%-3g advanced, and provisions un
changed to a rise of 15 cents.
Open. High. Low Close
July_.94% .94% .9:1% .93%-%
September. 94% W5% .93% .93%-%
December.. .93% .98% .95% .95%-%
July_ .68 .68% .85% .05%- *
September. 04% 65% 04% 65-05%
December_.00*4 .61 %• .60% .01%-%
July_ .30% .30% .30 .30%
September. .31 .31% .30% 30%-31
December.. .32 .32% .32 212%
July_ .03% 63% .63 .63%
September- .03% 04% .03% .63%
December.. .64% .65% .64% .64%
July____ _ .... 44%
July_ 10.57 10.02 10.57 10.00 *
September- 10 79 10 75 10 70 10.72
October_ 10.72 10.75 10 70 10.75
December.. 10.05 10.07 10.05 10.05
July--- - - 13.52
Chicago Cash Market.
Cash wheat. No. 1 red new, 1.01;
No. 1 red garlicky new. 99’,4; No. 1
red light garlicky new. 99%; corn. No.
3 mixed, 65%; No. 5 mixed. 62%; No.
1 yellow, 68-68%; No. 2 yellow, 68;
No. 3 white, 76: sample grade. 54a61;
oats. No. 2 white, 34; No. 3 white,
31%; sample grade, 27%a30%; no
rye; soy beans, No. 2 yellow, 95; bar
ley, No. 2 malting. 93; feed quoted
35a42; malting quoted 52a93; timothy
seed, 3 90a4.20 cwt.; clover seed, 11.00a
18.00 cwt.
Liverpool Wheat Price*.
LIVERPOOL. June 27 UP)—Wheat fu
tures closed firm.
Hleh. Low Close, close.
July _.89 .87*1 89 .88%
October ..... 90 .88% .90 .89%
December_ 89 .87% .89 -.88%
Exchange. 6.01%.
Special Dispatch to The Star
BALTIMORE. June 27.—
Sales. STOCKS High. Low. Close.
25 Baltimore Transit 4 4 4
10 Consol Gas. 90% 90% 90%
372 Easter Sug Assoc 17% 17% 17%
60 Eastn Sug Assoc pf 28% 28% 28%
8 Mfrs Fin vtc_ 7% 7% 7%
300 Mar Tex Oil Co.. 2 2 2
50 New Amster Cas 11% 11% 11%
400 C S Fidel * Guar 14 14 14
1.000 Balto Tr deb 4s A 28% 26% 26%
LIVERPOOL June 27 UP).—Wheat fu
tures opened lower today, but a sharp
rally took place later on a bullish private
estimate of wheat unsold In Australia
and poor crop reports from America.
Trading in cotton futures was smaU
scattered liquidation being absorbed by
trade calling and speculative buying on
unfavorable United States weather re
London and Paris—Closed.
MONTREAL. June 27 i.P> — Silver fu
tures closed steady, unchanged to 5 higher
No sales. Closing bids: July. 44 70 Sep
tember. 44 83; December, 44 85.
NEW YORK, June 27 (JP).—Bsx
silver nominal, no quotation.
By private wire direct to The Star.
Stock me Sale*—
Dividend Rate. Add 00. Blah. Low Cloea.
Adams Mlllls 1st
pf (7) 10s104 104 104
Ala Gr SoU (alVi) 100s 49* 49* 49*
Alum n Co of Am 1160s 186 129*135
AJum'n Ltd eu pf. 1 94 94 94
Am Cynam B «0o. 6 34* 33* 34
Am GAB (1.401_ 5 87* 37* 37*
Am Gen Corp 2 8* 8* 8*
Am General pf 2* 25s 41 41 41
Am Maracaibo .. 3 1* 1* 1*
Am Superpower — 7 2* 2* 2*
Am Superpwr pf.. 2 42 41 42
Angostura (20c).. 2 6S 6* 6*
Appalachian Elec
Pwrpf(T> 50*109* 109* 109*
Arcturus Radio T 1 1* IS IS
Ark Nat Gas .. 2 6* 6* 6*
Ark Nat (iss IA). I860
Ark Nat Gs* cu pf 4 8* 8* 8*
Asso Elec Ind Ltd
(a29 7-lOc)_ 8 12 12 12
Asso 04E _ 1 1* 1* 1*
Asso Invast(tlH) 100s 43 48 43
Atl Coast Fisher.. 3 9 9 9
Atlas Corp (a40c). 6 12* 12* 12*
Atlas Corp war 13 3 8
Atlas Plywood_1 8* 8* 8*
Austin Sliver_ 8 1* 1* 1*
Auto Products_ 1 9* 9* 9*
Reliance Aircraft. 1 2* 2* 2*
Benson A Hedges. 1 4* 4* 4*
Black St Decker. _. 2 20S 20* 20*
Blue Ridge Corp.. 2 3 3 3
Blumenthal S_ 1 16* 16* 16*
Bridgeport Mach.. 1 15* 16* 15*
D.ltl.L A _ All
coupon (80c)... 1 254 254 254
Brown-Co of - 100* 9 9 9
Bunker HASul(t2 75* 78 78 78 |
Can Indus Aleo a 2 74 74 74
Carmsn & Co B ... 1 24 24 24 1
Carrier Corp_ 35 114 104 114
CstsllnCorp 3 104 104 104!
Central Pwr A Lt
7 % pf (84). 25s 654 654 654 j
Cent & S W Util.. 6 24 24 24 !
Cant States Elec 2 24 24 24!
Charts Corp (1H) 1 174 174 174
Childs Co pf_ 25s 47 47 47
Cities Service_ 34 44 44 44
Cities Service pf_ 2 62 614 614
Cltlea Service (B) 2 6 6 6
Cities Svc P A L
87 pf_ 50a 63 63 63
Clav Tractor_ 1 104 104 104
Club Aluminum_ 2 14 14 14
Colon 011(d)_ 51 24 2 24
Columbia Qaa A
Elev cv pf (5) 50s 1064 1064 1064
Columb Oil A Gas 18 34 34 34
Com'wltb Ed (4) 1 1034 1034 1034
Com-with A S wsr 16 4 A it
Como Mines _ 10 A 4 A
Consol Aircraft_ 2 154 154 154
Cons Coppsr 2 34 34 34
Consol Gaa of
Balto (3 60)_ 2 90 90 90
Cons Retail St_ 1 54 54 54
Cooper Besa pf A. 1 424 424 424
Cord Corp_ 2 44 44 44
Crane A Co_ 4 314 314 314
Crocker Wheeler. 1 10 10 10
Croft Brewing.... 16 H 4 4
Crown Cant P#tr_ 2 24 24 24
Crown Drug alOc 2 44 4V4 44
Crown Drug pf 1 4100* 224 224 224
Cueno Press(1.20) 4 39 384 39
Cusl Mex Mining 40 1 11
Dayton Rubber_ 1 12 12 12
Dlctograph(alSc) 4 24 234 234
Distilled Liquors. 1 11 11 11
Dubeller Condena 2 3 3 3
Duval Tex Sulph. 1 84 84 84
Eagle Plcher
Lead (alOc) 1 94 94 94
Eastn UAE pf
(A) (6) _ 100* 594 59 59
Rsstn GAE
pr pf (4 V4 )_ 50* 71 71 71
Easy Washing
MachB(toO) 1 124 124 124
Edison Broad.SO) 1 484 484 484
Elec BondAShare 29 204 204 204
Emp GAF 6% pf. 25* 604 604 604
Equity Corp _ 3 24 24 24
Evans Wall Lead 14 4 4
■x-Cel-O AATool. 1 17 17 17
Falstafl Brewery. 4 64 64 64
Fldello Brewery . 14 4 4 4
Fire As Phlla (2). 10s 76 76 76
Flintkot# Co <1)— 3 344 344 344
Ford Motor
(Can) A (a75c).. 9 204 204 204
Ford Motor Ltd
(18 1-lOc) 2 74 74 74
Froedtart Gr A M
cv pf (1.20) 100* 184 184 184
Gen Tei (a2Se) 3 164 164 164
Gan Telecv pf (3) 1 494 49 . 494
Glen Alden C <1). 4 144 14 144
Great Atl A Pao
Tea n-v |t6) .30*1144 1144 1144
Greenfield TAD 1 64 64 64
Gulf 011(1)_ 2 804 804 804
Hartford Electric
Light 12.75) . 25s 70 70 70
Hecla Min (600.. 1 124 1E4 124
Hires (C E)A(2). 50s 26 26 26
Humble Oil (D... 8 614 614 614
Hygrade Food_ 14 4 4
Hygrmd# Syl (2).. 60* 364 364 364
111 PwALt 86 pf-. 300* 484 48 484
Imp Oil Ltd
coupon (t60c)- 2 214 214 214
lad Pipe Lina 40c 1 7 7 7
InsCoofN Am (2)250* 72 714 714
inti Mining war.. 7 34 34 34
inti Petro (tl 41. 2 364 364 364
Inv Royalty al H. 2 4 4 4
Kingston Prod.. 1 44 44 44
Kreuger(G)Krd) 1 224 224 224
Lake Shore M (4). J 584 584 584
Lakey Fv A Mach 8 74 7 74
Lehigh CAN(30c) 3 74 74 74
Long Island Light
_» ,n> .ex inn. rz. e rn
Loudon Pk n t50c 1 64 64 64
La Land >40c> 1 12 12 12
McWms DredgM) 60» 844 844 844
Mangel Stores 1 44 44 44
Maosnlte Corp tl. 100a 91% 91% 91%
Memphis N G a20c 1 51* 54 54
Merritt Chap ft S- 2 8 74 74
Mich Gas ft Oil .. 2 34 34 34
Midi St Pet-vtc A. 3 3 3 3
Mock Jud Voe <1> 1 264 264 264
Mohawk Hudson
1st pf 44). 250s 89 884 89
Molybdenum Corp 2 74 74 74
Montana-Dak Util 1 17 17 17
Montreal H Lt ft
Pwr(lH) 3 314 31 31
Moore Corp!a75c) 25s 38% 38% 38%
Moore Dlst (toOc) 2 84 84 84
Mueller Brass sue 4 324 32% 324
Nat Fuel Gas <1> 6 19 19 19
Nat Gypsum (A). 2 52% 52 52%
Nat Leather 1 14 14 14
Natl Transit!75c) 1 104 104 104
Neatle-Le Mur... 1 24 24 24
X J Zinc 412)_100s 814 814 814
New Mex&ArlzLd 1 24 24 24
Newmont Min (2) 1 84 84 84
N Y Merch <t2)._ 1 49 49 49
N Y Water Svc pf 60s 544 544 544
Nla* Hud Pwr 28 10% 104 10%
Niagara Shares
(Md) B (alOc) 2 11% 114 11%
North AmLftP pf 260s 48 474 48
Northern States
Power (A* 1 274 274 274
Okla Nat G Co pf 50a 27 27 27
Pacific Eastern_ 2 4% 4% 4%
Pacific G ft E
latpf(lH)_ 11 314 314 314
Pantepec Oil_- 23 54 5 4 54
Pennroad !b20c). 42 4% 44 44
Pepperell Mtgil) 20a 68 68 68
Pie Bakeries!60c) 4 134 13% 134
Pierce Governor 1 104 104 104
Pioneer Gold Mines
Ltd (80c) 3 84 8H 84
Plttsb'gh P G!t2) 1 120 120 120
Potrero Sugar 3 44 44 44
Powdrell&Al tl% 1 34 34 34
Pub s>vc Ind or pf 150s 47% 4" 47%
Pub Ut Sec pr pf 25s 3% 3% 3%
Pug S PAL $5 pf 5 50s 754 754 754
Pugfct Sound Pwr
ft Lt IS pf_ 50s 294 294 294
Quaker Oats (t4). 20s 118 115 115
Reliable Stores... 1 164 154 154
Reybarn Co_ 1 54 54 54
Richfield Oil of
Calif pf (d) 3 14 14 14
Root Pet‘m(a25c). 11 15% 154 15%
Rustless lr ft 8tl. 3 54 64 54
Saf Car HftL (4). 60s 85 85 85
St Anthony Gold. 10 % % %
St Regis Paper... 3 4 3% 4
St Regis Paper pf 50a 644 63% 63%
Salt Creek P!80c) 1 74 74 74
Segal Lock AH 2 3 3 3
Sel *nd all cfs 6 4 150s 904 894 904
Shattuck Den Mir 5 74 74 74
Sher Williams! 4 i 100e 138 138 188
Sherwtn- Wlll’ma
of Canada_ 50s 16% 16% 16%
Sonotona <atc> __ 1 24 24 24
Southn Calif Ed
pf (B) (1 %)_1 28% 28% 28%
Southn Calif Ed
Of tC> (14)-—. 2 2<%. 264 264
Southern Un Gas. 1 IS 14 14
South I d Roy 20c. 1 74 74 74
SpanlshftGen rcta. 4 4 4 4
Stand Oil Ky (1).. 1 174 174 174
Stock ana aaiao—
Dividend Rate Add 00 Bleb Low Clot*
3tand UI1 Nebr . 1 11*4 11*4 11 *»
Stand SilAL tala) fi *» i 4
Sterchl Brow Stra 8 6 6 6
Sterling Br(alOc) 7 6*4 6>» 6*4
Stroock A Co a7Sc ISO* 29H 29*. 29H
SunrayOU.. 19 4*4 4 4*4
Sunshine Min (1). 4 l.V« 13S 13*4
Swigs-Am £1 pf.. 60s 73 73 73
Swiss OH (ttOs).. 25 6*4 4*4 6*4
Taggart Corp- 3 7 7 7
Taatoyaaat < Dal) A 3 3*4 3*4 8*4
Taylor Distill_ 16 5 6
Technicolor Ino_ 4 27*4 27*4 27*4
Tsnn Products_ 1 H 44 *»
Texas Gulf Prod. 17 5 4*4 4’a
Tob Prod Ex (10c) 4 3*4 St* 3>v
Tonapah Min a3c. 11 1 1
Trans-Lux Uayilt*
Pie Sn <30c) .14 4 4
Tublx* Chatlllion. 7 7 7 7
TublsaChatl <A). 1 29*. 28*. 28*.
Twin Cnash <a 10c 1 13*4 13*4 13*4
Union Gas ot
Canada UlOc) 1 12 12 12
Unit Corp war_ 8 1*4 m m
Unit Gaa Corp- 24 8*4 8H 8%
Unit Gas C war... 7 2*4 2*4 2*4
Unit Gas Corp pf. 2 110S 110*w 110*.
Unit Lt ft Pw (A) 16 7 6H 7
Unit Lt* Pw pf.. 2 65*4 65 5S<«
Unit Shoe M f2H 100a 88*4 88*4 88*.
0 8 VolKBHfOe). 3 16S 16*4 16*4
Dhit Stores Tto... 1 ft ii til
Unit Varda Ex(l). 1 3S 3H 34,
Unit WaU Paper.. 7 4*, 4S 4*4
Utah A pax- 1111
Util Pwr A Lt- 1 1*4 1 *4 m
Util Pwr * Lt pf. 800* 22»« 2244 22S
Utility Equities . 1 34, 3», 34,
Venezuela Patrol. »1 14, 14, 14,
Waco Aircraft_ 1 5*» 6*4 544
Way na Pump ... 7 34*4 33*4 34*4
Weatn Cart pf (6) 26a 101*, 101’., 1011,
Westvaco pf (7) 125a 100', 100', 100>,
Wilson-Jones <2). l 314* 31’, 3U,
Woodley Pet Hoc) 1 8*» 81a fi'a
Wright Hark Mfle 5 8 8 8
Dividend rate in dollars based on last
quarterly or semi-annual payment. tAn
nuai rate—plus extra :Accumulated divi
dends aPaid this year. bPald ieat year.
dCompanies reported in receivership or
being reorganized. ePayable in stock
fPlus partial distribution ot aafet*.
NEW YORK June 27.—Dividends de
clared 'prepared by the Standard Sta
tistics Corp ):
Pe- Stic of Pay
. _ Rate. riod. record, able
Int Ceilucotton Prod ?5c 8-26 7-1
Int Ceilucotton Prod 75c Q 6-26 7-1
Apollo Steel 12'4e Q 6-25 7-1
Badser paint A Hard
ware Stores 50c 6-25 7-1
Badger Paint h Hard
ware Stores pfd 25c Q 6-25 7-1
Canadian Ddte * Dk *1 7-16 8-1
Diversified Tr Shares
Series C .0735 6-30
Foremen's Fund Ins SI Q 7-6 7-15
Knott 'A J> Tool ti Mfg
Coro 7Tr pfd SI 75 Q 6-27 7-1
Lincoln Service Coro
(Wash D Cl 25e 6-30 8-1
Lincoln 8rv Corn (Wash
D C.) 7% Did 87>,gc Q 6-30 8-1
Luzerne County GAE
_ S7 1st Pfd S1.75 Q 7-31 8-15
Luzerne County G&E S6
1st pfd *1.50 Q 7-31 8-15
M-a-C Plan Inc 'Provi
dence R I ) pfd 25c Q 6-18 7-1
Mass U Associates pfd 25c Q 6-19 7-1
Massachuaetts Utilities
Associates pfd 62V2e Q 6-30 7-15
National Bank of Ger
mantown A Trust SI s 6-30 7-1
Neva da-Cal Corn 7G
_Pfd _ *1.75 Q 8-20 S-l
Ohio Tel Serv ofd *1.75 o H-24 7-1
Perfection Petr pfd 37'ic Q 8-30 7-1
Pittsfield Coal Gas 50c Q «-24 8-24
Rich's Inc 50c Q 7-20 8-1
Second National Bank
1 New Haven > T5c Q 6-25 7-1
Second National Bank
_ '?LewW 7 5c O #-23 10-1
Squibb (E Ri A- Sons
_ 1st pfd SI 50 Q 7-15 S-l
State Street Inv 50c Q 6-30 7-15
Waterbury Farrell Fdy
* Machine 25c Q 6-25 1-1
Wtlllmantlc Co 20c 7-1 8-1
L.?d*WBanYk°SoKndf*Jnt 87
4',s Nov. 1958-38_10S3, 107’•4
4',s May, 1957-37- 103', 1031,
4>',s Jan., J957-37_102 >4 HV33,
4',s July 1956-46_ion 101
4s May.’ 1958-38_ 105', 1053i
4s Not’ 1957-37_104', 104»,
4s July. 1946-44_109*, !"9r,
3>is May. 1955-45_ 102', in"3,
3$ July. 1955-45_ lOO', 100'i
3s Jan. 1956-48_100', 100>j
3s May. 1956-46_100', lnO'j
CHICAGO. June 27 'P> (United States
Department of Agriculture'. — Cattle.
1.500: calves. 100. Compared Friday last
week Strtctly gram-fed steers and
yearlings 25 to 40 higher: medium-weight
and weighty steers of value to sell at 7.5"
upward up most: grassy and warmed-up
offerings 25 to 50 lower: Stockers and
feeders 50 off: fed heifers 15 to 25 higher,
but grassy kinds unevenly 25 to 75 lower:
strictly good to choice fat cows 25 lower:
lower grade fat offerings and cutters 50
off: bulls 25 lower: vealers strong to 25
higher: due partly to widespread drought,
more grass cattle in run. mainly South
westerns and Northwestems: even larrer
runs expected at once: extreme top spe
clxltr Western Nebraska fed steers. 10.00;
practical top heavies. 9 25: long yearlines
9 10: heifer yearlings. 8 65: more long-fed
steers sold above 8 25 this week as senti
ment fat cattle marke's show distinct Im
provement over last two weeks undertone
all grass cattle weak at decline
Sheen. 4,500: for week ending Friday.
23.200 directs. Compared Friday last
week: After price advances of 25 to 50
cents were scored on fat lambs on open
ing sessions, prices continued to decline
until closing quotations were weak to 25
lower: best native Springers for week.
12.10 with 11 50 oracttcel ton late, with
1175 quotable: late bulk, ie.50all.00:
throwouts dreggy. 25 to 50 lower, closing
at 8.00a9.00; bucks discounted 1.00:
yearlings around 35 lower, bulk for week
8.25a8 50. w ith odd lots choice handy
weights to 9.00 and better; fat sheep
strong to 25 higher; unfilled demand for
choice handyweight ewes, best on sale.
4.00: bulk. 2.75*3 75.
Hogs. 6.000. Including 5.800 direct;
today's market nominal: shippers took
none: estimated holdover. 500; nominal
top. 10 75; no sales compared week ago,
market generally 25 to 35 higher: spots
up more.
Reorganization Proposal Is
Submitted to Federal
Court at Chicago.
by the Associated Press
CH1CAOO, June 27 —The Chicago
& Northwestern Railway Co sub
mitted to the federal District Court
yesterday a reorganization plan, which
would cut its complex fixed interest
charges approximately $12 000.000 an
nually by simplification of Its obliga
tion structure of $558,946,000
The proposal was offered under
section 77 of the amended bankruptcy
act, the fourth to be submitted by
Wetaern railroads under that statute
in a little less than a year.
In general, the plan offered to re
place outstanding bonds with Interest
rates ranging as high as 64 per cent
for a 1920 offering with new bonds
carrying 3 to 34 per cent rates to
slice the yearly Interest burden from
$16,582,300 to $4,662,705.
Exchange Outlined.
_Present preferred stock holder*
•would receive one share of new pre
ferred. one share of new common and
a warrant for a second share of com
mon for each two shares tendered.
A total of $11,197,500 in new preferred
would be authorized
Present common stock holders would
exchange two of the present $100 par
value Issues for one of the new no
par common. They would get also a
warrant for the purchase of an ad
ditional share at a schedule of prices
increasing from $10 to $75 between
1937 and 1944. Of the new common
3.742,531 shares would be author
ized with 1.140.616 to be issued on
the plan's taking effect.
The new stock issues would in
clude $23,644,100 in 4 per cent prior
Would Get New Bonds.
Present bond holders would get new
bonds of 3'i per cent Interest for a
set portion of their holdings and new
3 per cent non-cumulatlve bonds for
the remainder. They would also re
[ reive for each *1,000 bond of present
issues one share of the prior preferred
stock in payment of accrued Interest
; and could get one share of the new
common. The highest proportion of
j the 3% per cent new bonds would
; go to holders of the current 6Vi per
cent interest bonds. They would re
ceive 33 per cent in the 3% rate, the
rest in 3 per centers.
The new capitalization would
l amount to *513,047,333 compared to
present total including unfounded
obligations of $535,624,133.
i NEW YORK. June 27 «8.—New York
1 Security Dealers Association
Bid. Asked.
Aetna Cas (2a)_ 98 100
Aetna Ins (1.60) _ S3 55
! Aetna LI fe t.60a>_.._ 31 33
Am Eouit (la)_....._ 30 33
i Am Ins Newark (»).._ 15 18%
1 Am Reins (3)_ 73% 78%
I Am Reserve (1)_ 27% 29%
| Am Surety (2%)_ 49% 51%
! Automobile (la)__ 35% 37%
! Balt Amer ( 20a). 7% *% *
Carolina (1 20) _ 28% 29%
City of N Y (1.20)_ 25% 27%
Conn Gen Life (.80)...... 43% 44%
Fid A Dep (2a)_ 95% 99%
Firemen's Nwk___ 9% 11%
Frank Fire (la) __ 31 33
Gen Alliance (.80) u_ 20 21%
Glen Falls (1.80)_ 39% 41%
Globe A Ren '%*) _ 14% 16%
Globe A Rut_ 41 44%
Great Amer (la) ^_ 28% 30%
Hanover (1 60*_......_36% 38%
Harmonia (1.20) _ 27% 79
Hartford Fire <2>_ 72% 75%
Home Fire Sec_ 4% 5%
Home In: da)_ 34% 36%
Homestead <1> _ 25% 28%
Lincoln Fir- _ 3 4
Natl FlTe (2) _ 71'a 74%
Natl Liberty ( 70a) _ 9% 10%
New Hampshire (1.00)_ 45% 47%
N Y Fire (.One)_ 19% 22
Nor River ( 80a) _ 25% 28%
Phoenix (20_ 85% 89% *
Prov Wash (1)_ 39% 41%
St Paul Fire *8)_214% 218%
Springfield (4%a) _138% 141%
! Sun Life_ 430 480
Travelers (16) _ 560 570
U S Fire *1.80)_ 50'a 52%
Westchester (la)_ 34% 36%
a—Also extra or extras.
g—Declared or paid so far this year.
NEW YORK June 27 OP—Railroad*
reporting May net oDeratini income (be
fore fixed charges and other Income) to
dav included:
1936. 1935.
St Paul •*310.265 *1.501*010
Den & Rio Or. *171 941 *48.358
Money for Construction Loans
Loam on Improved Properties
Successor to the Business of
643 Indian* Ave. N.W.
First Mortgage Loans
District of Columbia, Nearby Maryland and Virginia
Homes Business
Apartments Properties
Terms from 3 to 15 years
Monthly Payment Loans
Randall. H. Hagner 6c Company
Mortgage Loan corrbepondent
1321 Connecticut Avenue N.W.. Telephone: DEcatur 3600
Property Mortgage
Management Loans
Automobile Fire
Insurance Insurance
Fire and Let us take care of your Fire and Auto
mobile Insurance. We represent recog
Automobile nized strong companies—and give
Insurance watchful service to your interests.
925 15th St. Mcphtrtom smart National 2100
Sv I
0 4