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RELIGIOUS SERVICES IN WASHINGTON CHURCHES * I < I I DR. RUSSELL J. CLINCHY. Dr/ Canter Will Preach At Epworth ‘WhenTrouble Comes’ Is Subject—Other Services Set. pOR the morning service at 11 o’clock tomorrow in Epworth M. E. Church South Dr. Harry M. Canter will take as his subject “When Trou ble Comes.” The evening service will be held at 7:30, the first part of which will be conducted by the Young People's Department, after which Rev. John H. Blakemore, jr.. assistant min ister, will preach on "Courageous Liv ing.” The Minot Bible Class will have charge of the opening exercises of the adult department of the Sunday school at 9:30. Prayer meeting is Thursday night. The commencement exercises cf the Daily Vacation Bible School will be held. Young people from the church will attend the Intermediate Assembly at Front Royal, Va., from June 29 to July 4. SUNDAY EVENING SERVICE IS SET Informal One Hour to Be Continue^ Tomorrow At Petworth M. E. The informal one-hour Sunday eve ning service inaugurated last Sunday will be continued at Petworth M. E. ; Church from 7:30 to 8:30. The young j people will have charge of the first | half hour. Maurice Hansen will pre j side, Sarah Inman will read the i scripture. Ray Rice will lead in the prayer and June Mehlfelt will give a brief address. The minister, Rev. R. L. Wood, will conduct the concluding half hour, continuing the series or sermons on “Great Questions of To day.’’ His subject tomorrow evening will be “The Church Looks at Com munism.” At 11 a.m. Samuel A. Pulton of Mil waukee. international chaplain of the Gideons, will speak. On Wednesday evening the Epworth League will hold its annual lawn fete from 6 to 10 o’clock. PASTOR TO TALK ON GOD’S GARDEN At the Church of the Reformation Dr. Oscar F. Blackv.elder will speak at the 11 o'clock service on “God's Garden.” The annual flower day serv ice will be held. Bouquets, baskets and designs will be brought to decorate the chancel and at the close oi the service these flowers will be given to the sick, shut-ins or taken to the I cemeteries. The closing evening service for the season will be held at 8:15. when Dr. Blackwelder's theme will be “Jesus, the Gentleman.” At 7:15 the closing devotional meet ing of the Luther League will be held In the parish hall, when Miss Heiehe { Haddle will lead the devotions and : Joseph Peaslee, president, will be the speaker. SERVICES SET Morning Watch Planned at Eldbrooke M. E. Services in Eldbrooke M E will be I held tomorrow, with morning watch at 7. The pastor. Rev Walter ; M Michael, will tell a story to the ! children and will preach on 'Early Seekers.” At the regular worship service at 11 a m. the pastor will have as his sub ! ject "The Neglected Day.” Misses Betty Thompson, Lillian Turner and Ruth Michael will at tend the camp at Western Maryland : ; College for Intermediate boys and girls ! next week. -. SHIRKEY TOPICS Francis Asbury Pastor Speaks Twice Tomorrow. Rev. Albert P Shirkey. pastor of ! Francis Asbury M. E Church South, [will preach tomorrow at 11 o’clock on j ’The Greater Self.” At 8 p.m. he will preach on "The Conquering Church.” The church auditorium will be open ; Thursday at 7:30 for prayer and medi tation. At 8 o'clock the regular prayer service will be held. This service will be In charge of the young people. The subject will be "Sunsets.'' At 9 o'clock the Life Changers group will meet for a short study of "How to Win Others to Christ.” 7~*—;— Christian Science. "Christian Science” is the subject of the lesson-sermon in all the Churches of Christ. Scientist, tomor row The golden text Is from Mat thew 13:33: "The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened " Among the citations which com prise the lesson-sermon Is the follow ing from the Bible: "Behold. I give i unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by ' any means hurt you.” (Luke 10:19). I Park Series Of Services Is Arranged Y. M. C. A. and Churches to Co-oper ate in Holding Rites. *THE first of a series of Sunday after x noon open-air services in Lincoln Park will be held tomorrow at 4 ©’clock under joint auspices of the Young Men's Christian Association and a group of churches in the eastern aection of the city. The opening meeting will be in eharge of the Phi Gamma Kappa Class of Metropolitan Baptist Church. W R. Schmucker will preside. The public is invited. The series was arranged by a Y. M. C A.-church committee, of which Page McK. Etchison is chairman. This will be the twenty-ninth year of the park services. Prominent clergymen and laymen will speak at the meetings. Co-operating with the Y. M. C. A. In the program are the following churches: Grace Baptist, Maryland Avenue Baptist, Metropolitan Baptist, Second Baptist, Church of the Brethren. First Brethren. Fifteenth Street Christian, Ninth Street Chris tian. Ingram Memorial Congrega tional, Christ Episcopal, St. Mark'* Episcopal. Kellar Memorial Lutheran. Church of the Reformation (Luth eran), Bruen M. E.. Douglas M. E., Rosedale M. E, Trinity M. E . Waugh M. E., Wilson Memorial M. E„ Ep worth M. E. South. First Methodist Protestant. North Carolina Avenue Methodist Protestant, Eastern Presby terian and Metropolitan Presbyterian. There will be a musical program at tach service, led by Mr. Schmucker, —-— •-—~ GUEST PREACHER TO GIVE SERMON Dr. Finnie of Crozer Sem inary to Speak at First Baptist. Dr. George F Finnie, former pas tor of the North Baptist Church, Camden, N. J.. and now a professor to Crozer Theological Seminary, Chester, Pa., will be the guest preacher at the First Baptist Church tomorrow, speaking in the morning on "Hope In Heavenly Places" and in the eve ning on "Youth’s Enthusiasms for AH.” In a "Profession of the Months" program at the B. Y. P U. meeting tomorrow evening, members from the following States will participate: Ver mont, Alabama. West Virginia, Wash ington, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. A group of young women from the Euzelian Class will visit Ivakota tomorrow and present a pro gram there. -• GIDEON TO SPEAK Will Discuss Organization at Columbia Heights. At Columbia Heights Christian Church tomorrow the topic will be “Thou Oughtest.” dealing with the Impact of the sense of obligation that each Christian should feel In the de velopment of Christian living. The evening services, the last for the sea son, will be in charge of the Gideons, e representative of whom will present the work of that organization. The mid-week services are in recess for the Summer. The Summer program will consist of the church school, the morning wor ship at 11 a.m.. and in the evening the youth groups will conduct a service to which the adults are invited. The minister, Rev Arthur P. Wilson, w-ill occupy the pulpit all through the Cummer months. -• SERMON SELECTED Dr. Brooks Will Speak on “Forth-Coming Help.” At the services of Lincoln Congre gational Temple tomorrow morning, Dr. R. W Brooks will speak on "Forth doming Help.” The Men's Brotherhood, at 10 a m. drill be addressed by Dr Ferdinand D Whitby, psychiatrist. Freetimen’s Hospital, on "Keeping Ones Mental Polce.” Men and women are invited to attend. The forum meeting at 6 p m invites the public to judge a debate on. "Re solved. That Ethiopia will develop more rapidly under Italian rule than Under former leadership.’’ -• MARRIAGE TOPIC Rev. Mr. Austin to Repeat Sermon of ’26. Rev C. B Austin, pastor of the West Washington Baptist Church, will preach at both services tomorrow. At • p m he will preach a special ser mon in the Sunday school auditorium on "Happy Though Married.” He preached this sermon Sunday evening, February 21. 1926 All who have mar ried during the past 10 years are in vited to be special guest-’. The pastor will speak Thursday eve ning on "Rainbow Gleams ” The Ladies’ Aid Society will give a lawn fete July 17. -• Transfiguration Episcopal The services tomorrow are at 7 30 •nd 11 a m. Special short Summer aervlces. The rector. Rev J J Queally. Will officiate and preach at the 11 © clock service. The kindergarten-primary depart ment of the Sunday school, under the direction of Miss Helen Soliers. held Its graduation exercises last Sunday The members who graduated are as follows: Robert Ford James Shaw, Rodney Young Jean Knox. Mary Catherine Hutton. Blaine Burden. Stewart Philip. Robert Eiy and Phillip Lawson. Chevy Chase Methodist. Rev Edward G. Latch will have “The Goodness of God” as the subject of his sermon at the 11 o’clock service, j! The evening service will be omitted, members uniting with other Chevy Chase Protestant churches on the lawa of All Saints' Episcopal Church. Rev. Mr. Latch will speak on "God la Revealed Through Human Personal ity” Dr. Clinchy Honored at Conference Elected Committee man by Congrega tional Council. 'J'WO of the highest honors in the Congregational denomination were awarded Dr. Russell J. Clinchy of the Mount Pleasant Church at the annual national meeting of the General Coun cil of Congregational Churches, which closed its sessions yesterday at Mount Holyoke College. South Hadley. Mass, j He was elected a member of the Ex ecutive Committee of the Council for a term of six years and also re elected as a member of the National Council for Social Action for a sim ilar term. The Executive Committee is com posed of 18 of the leading ministers and laymen of the denomination from all sections of the United States and acts as the governing body of the church during the interim between the sessions of the General Council. The Council for Social Action was re cently organized for the purpose of co-ordinating the social service activi ties of the denomination. With his family. Dr. Clinchy left j Washington today for Palmer Lake. 1 Colo., to remain there during July and August. He will return East to deliver three lectures at the New Hampshire Convocation of Congregational Min isters on September 1, 2 and 3. and to preach at King s Chapel. Boston, on September 6. He will return to the pulpit of Mount Pleasant Church on September 13. Members of the church will worship tomorrow morning at the Universalist Memorial Church in the second of the series of union Summer services, in which All Souls' Unitarian Church also is participating. -• UNION SERVICE IS ANNOUNCED Dr. Roger F. Etz to Preach in Universalist Memorial Church. Dr. Roger F. Etz of Boston, the general superintendent of the Univer sal Churchfwill be the preacher at the union Summer services tomorrow held in the Universalist National Memo rial Church, In which the Mount Pleas ant Congregational Church and All Souls’ Unitarian Church co-operate. Dr. Etz has been the general secretary of the Universalist General Conven tion for a number of years, and the two positions have been combined since 1928. Dr. Etz will preach again July 5. At the concluding service in the , Universalist Church, July 12, Rev. Charles H. Emmons of Boston, vice president of the Universalist General Convention will be the preacher. The second series of services will be held in the Unitarian Church. “THE AMBASSADORS” TO HOLD SERVICE “The Ambassadors,” a gospel team j from the Evangelical Theological Col- j lege. Dallas, Tex., will conduct the: service at 11 o’clock tomorrow in the Wallace Memorial United Presby terian Church. The musical trio comprizes T. Nor ton Sterrett, a son of missionaries, born in Persia, a graduate oi Co lumbia Bible College and Wheaton College; J. Herbert Cook of Toronto, Canada, born in Argentina and edu cated in Eltham College, England, and Lewis H. Humphrey of Yakima, Wash., a former student in the University of Washington. The principal speaker is Harold Van Broekhoven of Passaic, N. J., an alumnus of Wheaton College. VISITOR TO SPEAK Chevy Chase Baptists to Hear Jersey Man. J. Herbert Rue of MitchellvtUe, N. J., will address the congregation of the Chevy Chase Baptist Church tomor row' morning, telling of "The Work of. the Gideons1." At the Chevy Chase Protestant ves per service cn the lawn of All Saints' Episcopal Church at 7 o'clock the speaker will be Rev. Edward G. Latch, pastor of the Chevy Chase M. E. Church. George B Fraser, general superin- ' tendent of the Sunday school, sailed j from New York today for Oslo, Nor way. where he will attend the World j Sunday School Convention. He was | accompanied by his son, George Fraser, jr. who graduated from Dart mouth College this month. --0 RELIGION IS TOPIC Dr. Carl C. Rasmussen to Preach Tomorrow. "Religious Must Be Marvelous” is the theme tomorrow morning of Dr. Carl C Rasmussen, pastor of Luther Place Memorial Church. A group of new members will be received. The Christian Endeavor Society will be led by Miss Sue Kemahan in a study of “Literature and You” at the evening devotional meeting Cars will leave the church at 6:30 o’clock for Sixteenth Street Resenoir section of Rock Creek Park, where the service will be held. Salvation Army Meetings tomorrow are Washington. No. 1 Corps—606 E street. Adjt. Henry Wilkins, officer in charge. 11 a m. and 8 p.m., Adjt. Henry Wilkins Washington. No. 2 Corps—1501 Seventh street Maj. James Roberts, officer in charge. 11 a m. and 8 p.m., Maj. James Roberts. Washington. No. 3 Corps—733 Eighth street southeast. Adjt. Charles Tritton. officer in charge. 11 a.m. and 7:45 pm., Adjt. Charles Tritton. Washington, No. 4 Corps—1075 Jer ferson street. Capt. Jackson Martin, officer in charge. 11 a m. and 8 p.m., Capt. Jackson Martin. Washington, No. 5 Corps—715 I street northeast. 11 a.m. Mrs. Capt. Rigsby Satterfield, and 8 p.m., Capt. Rigsby Satterfield. Men's Social Service Center, 526 First street. Brig. J. G McGee, offi cer In charge. 11 a.m.. Adjt. Hugo Bloomberg. A f . < Guest Preacher RT. REV. JOHN D. WING, Bishop of Southern Florida, who will preach tomorrow at the 11 o’clock service at St. Alban's Church. Dr. C. T. Warner will preside. —Harris-Ewing Photo. Dr. Steelman Talks Twice Tomorrow ‘Faultless Christ’ and ‘Grown-Up Religion’ Are Topics. "'T'HE Faultless Christ” will be the subject of the sermon by the minister. Dr. Frank Steelman, at the Calvary M. E. Church tomorrow at 11 o’clock. He will also preach at 8 p.m. on "Grown-Up Religion.” Beginning with next Sunday the 8 o’clock evening services will be dis continued during Juty and August, be ing resumed again the second Sunday in September. The midweek devotional service, Thursday evenings, will be discon tinued also beginning July 2, to be re sumed in September. The men s class, under the leader ship of Charles W. Brett, will conduct their sendee at Home for Incurables tomorrow at 3 o'clock. Rev. A. P. Wilson, pastor of the Columbia Heights Christian Church, will be the speaker. SERVICE *0F 1926 TO BE REPEATED Albright Memorial Will Duplicate Its First Worship. The tenth anniversary services at Albright Memorial Evangelical Church will close tomorrow at 11 a m. This service will be a duplicate of the first service, conducted in a tent 10 year* ago on the same date. The original pulpit will be used, the first offering plates, the first Bible, the first chairs, the original sermon will be preached and the same preacher. Rev. George E. Schnabel, will preach it. The sermon subject will be, "A Religion for Today." The evening service will begin at 7:45. The sermon subject will be, ' Climax or Beginning." There will be a reception of members into church fellowship at the morning sendee. The praver meeting Thursday night will be in charge of the minister. WOODSIDE TOPIC Dr. Smith to Speak on Divine Discontent. At the 11 o'clock service at the Woodside M. E. Church the minister, Dr. Ralph Dela Smith, will preach on “The Divine Discontent.” At the evening service at 8 o'clock Miss Carol Glbby, formerly director of religious education here, will tell of her work as a missionary to the underprivileged of the Southern mountains. --- ■»..— ■ Ebenezer Methodist* Bishop M. W. Clair, one of the re tired bishops of the Methodist Episco pal Church, effective at the recent general conference held at Cleveland. Ohio, will preach tomorrow morning. The church was built more than 35 years ago. when Bishop Clair was Its pastor. He now returns for its re dedication and rally services, which begin tomorrow, EuaugrliralanMSrformrh GRACE REFORMED 'SV# HENRY H. RANCH. D D.. Pastor. 11:00 a m—“New Dimensions of Love.'* 0 10 a m—Bund ay School._ CONCORDIA (Evangelical and Reformed.) i*Oth and G Sts N.VIr Rev CHARLES ENDERS. Pastor 9:45 im—Bible School j PREACHING SERVICES. 10:00 a m.—German. 11:15 a m. — English GOOD MUSIC. E\ ERVBODV WELCOME. _(ChriBtian 1 CHRISTIAN I a hr National (City ‘Disciples of Christ.) THOMAS CIRCLE DR. RAPHAEL H. MILLER. REV. J. R MILLS. Ministers 0 45 a m —Bible School, all uses. lO.ftnatn—Dr Paul Preston, preaching 7:30 pm.—Young people and Dr Presion. (Columbia HirightH 1435 Park Rd. N.W. Rev. Arthur P Wilson. Minister. 11 a m — 'THOr OlGHTEftT." j ft p m—Guest preacher . . . Gideon Representative. Stintli £>trrrt 9th & D Sts. N.E. CLIFFORD K. JOPE, Pastor 9:30 a m.—Bible School 11:00 * m —"The Joya of the Chrtetien.” 7 45 pm—"A» Evening With Friends." ; f----1 Corner Stone Service Set At Foundry Beginning of Present Building 33 Years Ago Recalled. FOUNDRY METHODIST EPISCO 1 PAL CHURCH will celebrate at the regular evening service tomor row the thirty-third anniversary of the laying of the corner stone of the present building. A generation has passed since this historic church moved from the old site at Fourteenth and G streets, where the Colorado Building now stands. The old church was attended by many Presidents, including President Lincoln, who came often to hear his close friend, Bishop Simpson. Foundry Church was built as a thank offering for the saving from destruction by the British troops in War of 1812 of the old foundry In Georgetown. Out of the present membership of 1.600, only about 80 belonged at the time of the corner-stone laying, when the membership was about 600. The service tomorrow night will be in charge of a committee composed of some of those who are still active In the church and who were present at the corner-stone laying. 33 years ago, among whom are George H. Ward, Ernest A. Short, Willis F. Roe. Rob ert C. Tracy, Miss Ada Stinemetz and Mrs. J. L. Ewin. A number of these will participate with Dr. Frederick Brown Harris, minister, in the serv ice. when the same hymns will be sung as were used 33 years ago and as far as possible the same service of dedication repeated. Dr. Harris will return today after lecturyig each day this week at a ministers’ conference in Hampton, Va„ and will preach at the 11 o’clock morning service on "The Eloquence of Silence.” » CALVARY PASTOR LISTS SERMONS Rev. W. S. Abernethy to Discuss “Life’s Reserves” in Morning. Rev. W S. Abernethy, pastor of Cal vary Baptist Church, will preach to morrow morning on "Life’s Reserves.” "The Law of Compensation” will be the subject of the evening sermon. Rev. Philip G. Murray will conduct the junior church tomorrow morning. This will be the last meeting until the Fall sessions begin. The prayer and monthly covenant meeting will be held on Thursday eve ing. with the pastor presiding. Calvary will be represented at the International Sunday School Confer ence to be held in Oslo, Norway, by Mrs. Mary Windsor. Miss Molly E. Ellyson and Dr. and Mrs. H. Dec. Adams Calvary M. E. Church. Rev. W. D. Keene will preach to morrow at the 11 o'clock service on ‘Mount Sinai, Mount of Law,” the sec ond In a series of sermons on “Mes sages From Bible Mountains.” At 7:30 the young people and the pastor will hold a joint meeting. Ben McCleskey will conduct the preparatory service. A representative of the Gideons will speak. At the prayer meeting Thurs day evening the pastor will conduct a round-table discussion on "What Can I Do to Make the World Better?” llmttrrualifit UNION SERVICE at the UNIVERSALIST NATIONAL MEMORIAL CHURCH 16th and S Sts. N.W. 11 O Clock. REV. ROGER F. ETZ, D. D., Boston, Mass. Co-operating Churches— All Souls’ (Unitarian) Mount Pleasant Congregational Universalist National Memorial _Unity_ Society of Washington, D. C. 1326 Eye Street N.W. Phone Metropolitan 1889 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m and 8 p m.—Lecture. 6:45 p m.—Good Words Club WEEK DAT CLASSES. 8 p m—Tuerday and Wednesday o ld n m—Friday Center open daily except holiday*. Unity literature for sale. TOO ARE COBDIALLT INVITED. Matter Sag &ainta CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS 16th St. and Columbia Road Weekly Program: Sunday. 10 a m—Sunday School. 7 p m.—Worship-Preaching. Wednesday 8 p m—Women's Re lief Society. ORGAN RECITAL DAILY • Except Sunday) at 7 P.M. Edward P. Kimball, Organist • Public cordially invited to all functions. (No collections.) Congregational At Mount Pleasant Church 1410 Columbia Road—Phone Ad. 4614 Rev. R. J. Cllnchy, D. D., Minister 10 a.m.—Church School. 11a.m.—Service of Worship. Union Service With National Unl versallst Memorial Church. REV. GRACE L. PATCH, Pastor of the First Divine Science Church, who will ad dress two sessions of the Con gress of the New Thought Alliance in Boston. She will head the Unity Society in Buffalo, N. Y\, during July and August, and return here in September. Rev. Florrie Beal Clark, president of the Divine Sci ence College of Oklahoma City, will preach here in the Burlington Hotel during her absence. m Two Canons Will Preach At Cathedral Honors to Boy Choir Will Be Awarded Tomorrow. J)R ANSON PHELPS STOKES, for many years secretary of Yale Uni versity and now canon on the Cathe dra 1 staff, and Canon Raymond L. Wolven, chaplain to Bishop James E. Freeman, will deliver the sermons at the 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. sendees, re spectively, In the Great Choir of the Cathedral tomorrow. The annual honors to members of the boy choir will be awarded at the 11 am. serv ice of holy communion. Services for the day wrill begin with celebration of the holy communion In St. Mary's Chapel, at 7:30 a.m. Group pilgrimages for out-of-town worshipers will be held immediately after the 11 am and 4 p.m. services, with particular reference to the “Ter Sanetus” Reredos in the Great Sanc tuary and the three Crypt chapels. tuangelifitir Center FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE North Capitol and K Sts. 8 30—Sund.y School 11 o’clock—Pre.chin*. 7:30—Evan*eltstic. Tues.. 7:45—YeUhf Peoola. Wed. 7:45—Pre.chin*. Frl 7:45—Blblt Study and Prayer. Public Cordially Invited. B. E. MAHAN Pastor. Catbnlir .'vaffliaiBOiBisjsaaispjBfflraiafiiSraraMS'". ISt. Mary’s I Fifth St. N.W. Bet. G £ H Sts. i Sunday Masses 7, 8, 9. 10:30 and 11:30 Novena devotions In honor of Oar ^ Lady of the Miraculous Medal are © held every Monday at 0 a.m. (Mast) @ and at 12:10. 4. A. 6:30. 7:30 and g 8:30 p.n. IBlBfSlBlBlBlBJBIBrSlBIBlSJSlBlBiaHaiBlBIBf^ fliiBittue <£bn**tanity Morning and Evening Services Dr. G. F. Fraser National Church of Positive Christianity SUNDAY— 11 » m.—"The Tree of Life.” June 28. 8 P m—"Atonement.” WEDNESDAY. July 1— . 8 p m—“Nerve Enersy.’* AU Classes FREE Monday Night. Church, 1726 H N.W. • National Church of Positive Christianity, Inc. PROF. WM. ESTEP, Founder PROF. WM. ESTEP. SERVICES Bun., 11 a m.—"The Law* Governing Success." 8 p m.—"Divine Concentration." Wed 8 p m.—Divine Healing Service. July 9th. Madam Gorpal Sardana of India TESTIMONIAL BANQUET Wesley Hall 1703 K St. N.W. I I Chevy Chase Church Will Have Guest Rev. Robert B. Reeves. Jr., Preaches Tomor row to Presbyterians. AT CHEVY CHASE Presbyterian Church tomorrow morning Rev. Robert B. Reeves, jr„ of New York City, will be the guest preacher. He is a graduate of Williams College and of Union Theological Seminary, and for the last year has been studying In European universities as fellow from Union Seminary. The Summer Club for Junior and senior high school students has se lected as an executive committee Polly Creech, chairman; Annie Love, Helen Steece. James Marsden and Charles Judson. The following sched ule of activities has been made; Mon days, 1-3, tennis at home of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Boggs, 21g Elm street, Chevy Chase, Md.; Tuesdays, 8-10:30, party or other special feature; Wed nesdays 1-3:30, swim at Wardman Park Pool; Friday, tennis as on Mon day. The club has agreed to give $1 each week to send boys and girls from the Juvenile Court to Fort Foote for week end trips under the supervision of Miss Etta Mae Russell of the Wash ington Federation of Churches. The young people older than high school are making somewhat similar plans this week. The Community Vacation Bible School has enrolled about 130 pupils. Miss Winifred Simpson has charge of the nursery. Miss Margaret Angel the kindergarten, Miss Cynthia Biggs the primary, and Misa Margaret Sim monds the Junior. CHOIR DIRECTOR TO LEAVE POST Mrs. Edith Stowell to Retire at St. Paul’s Lutheran. "A Roaring Lion" will be the topie •t St. Paul's Lutheran Church tomor row morning by the pastor. Dr. Henry W Snyder. This service win marie the volun tary retirement as soloist and choir director of Miss Edith 8toweU, who through many years of valuable service in the musical organisations of the church has won the esteem and af fection of the entire congregation. After tomorrow and until September the music will be led by the Junior Choir in charge of Mrs. H K 8mid. At the union service at 7 p m. on the lawn of All Saints' Episcopal Church Rev. Edward G. Latch will officiate. The Luther League will tour to Beverly Beach tomorrow at 2 o’clock, assembling at the store of Louis E Hoover. 1212 Fourteenth street There will be a rummage sale Mon day at Twenty-first and K streets. conducted by the Hickman Class Culljpratt TRINITY MISSOURI SYNOD 4th and E Sts. N.W. REV. HUGO M. HENNIG Rev. C. Stuebe, Assistant 8:30 a.m.—German Service. 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—English Service. "THE IMPORTANT SEPARATION." Christ Lutheran - BETHESDA-CHEVY CHASE STATE THEATER, BETHESDA MD. REV. HENRY J. WHITING. Pallor. 9 45 a.m—Church School. 11 no a m —"The Vain* *f a Man T A If DM A Seventh A Dahlia St*. N.W. ■ 1 nfiUItlA Rev. j, Adrian Pfeiffer. Paeter. 8 8 at 8 a m. Morning Worahlp at 8 45 Tutfjeran <8ratt XalStrn *tljurr>j W«5tW «nu» S. 3 45 a m —Sunday School classes for all. 11:00 am.—"If This Were a Christian _Werld." lermon by the pastor. ATONEMENT North Capital and Rhode Island Ave. HOWARD E. SNYDER. Pastor Services Morning 11 o'clock; Vespers. S _p m Sunday School. 3:46 a m_ Faith Ev. Lutheran Church N. Irving St. at Pershlns Dries. CLARENDON. VA. George J Grenenow Paster. 3.10 a m —Church School 11 :QO a m—Worship 8ervlce_ St. Mark’s Lutheran 8th and Independence Ave. S.W. REV. J. LUTHER FRANTZ. Pastor. 11:00 a.m.—"The Benefits of the Lord's Supper." The Holy Communion. 3'45am—Sunday School_ Worship in the Charming Little Church. CHRIST LUTHERAN (MISSOURI SYNOD) 16th and Gallatin Sts. N.W. REV. J. FREDERIC WENCHEL Pastor 9:45 a m —Sunday School. 11 OQ a m.—Sermon by The Pastor_ Keller Memorial Maryland Avenue and Ninth St. N.B. S. T. Nicholas, D. D., Pastor Sunday School_9:30 A.M Morning Worship_11:00 Holy Communion Evening Worship_7:45 “Sources of Peace” Holy Communion Young People's Societies. 6:45 p.m. j THE HOMELIKE CHURCH I Church of the Reformation Opposite Fo leer-Shakespeare Library. H i East Caoltol Strop* Dr Oscar F Blaekwelder. Pastor. Dr. John Weidley, Pastor Emeritus. 8:30 s m—Sunday School, classes tor every one. 1100 am—Sermon. “God's Garden.” 7:15 p m—The Senior Luther League 8:15 nm—Sermon. “Jesus, the Gentlemen.” Dr. Blaekwelder It Preaehint. The Publle Is Welcome. ST. PAUL’S Conn. Are. and Ererett St. REV. HENRY W SNYDER D. D.. Patter 8:30 a m—Sunday School. 11:00 a m —Sermon. "A Roaring Lion.” 7:00 p m.—Onion Service at All Saints' Episcopal Chureh. INCARNATION gallatin*?. w (Maryland Synod. United Lutheran Church) Services. 8 end 11 a m School. 8:45 a.m. ahpnflophg Wednesday. July 1. 8:15 P.M. Talk followed by Question* and answers "Life and Death” Library Open Saturday, 1 to 4. United Lodge of Theosophists Hill Bldg.. 17th and Eye Sts. N.W. No Dues. Fees or Coileetient iftrtboMst Eptarnpal . SOUTH. Mount Vernon Place | SOUTHERN METHODISM’S i f REPRESENTATIVE CHURCH; I? Massachusetts Ave. at Ninth St N.W * g DR. W. ANGIE SMITH. Minister. | M 11:00 a m.—Sermon by Dr. X. C. §f Beery. —Program of musle by j Choir. Jfounlirp lfltb SL Near P It FREDERICK BROWN BARKIS. D. Minister 11.00—“The Eloquence of Silence.” 8:00—The Thirty-khird Anniversary of Laying the Corner Stone of the Church. Epifirnpal W ashington Cathedral Wisconsin and Massachusetts Avenues and Woodlev Road. HOLY COMMUNION 7:30 a m \ Choral Litany. Holy Com munion and Sermon. Preacher Canon Stokes 11:00 a.m. Peonie s Evensong and 8ermon. Preacher Canon Wolven 4:00 p m i ST. JAMES’CHURCH 22? 8th St. NJ.—Tel. Atl. 1748. THE REV. A. Q PLANK. Parish Priest Sunday Masses—7:30 and 11 am Evensong. 7:30 a.m. Dally Mass. 7 a.m. j Holy Hour—Thursday. 8 pm. ST. THOMAS’ 18th Bet. P and Q. Nr. Dupont Cir. Services. 8 and 11. Sermon at 11 bv REV. C. ERNEST SMITH. D. D.. D C. t. Holy Eucharist—Thur., 11 a m. St. John’s Church Lafayette Square Clergy— The Rev. Oliver J Hart. D D., Rector. The Rev. James F. Madison, Curate. 8:00 a.m.—Holy Communion. 11:00 a.m.—Morning prayer and Sermon by Mr. Madison. VISITORS WELCOME. —ST.AGNES’— 46 Que Street N.W. (Fla Ave or North Capitol St. CarJ REV V O ANDERSON RECTOR. Sundays 7:00 a m.—Low Mass 11:00 am.—Sung Mass and Sermon. Week Dkgs. * 7:00 a m.—Low Mass every day 9:30 a m.—Low Mass Thursdays. 8:00 p.m —Intercessions Friday*. ROCK CREEK PARISH REV F J BOHANAN D D. The Country Church in the City ST. PAUL’S CHURCH Rock Creek Church Rd and Webster 8t Services 8:30 and 11:00 a.m HOLY COMFORTER CHAPEL Georsla Ave and Madison St 7:30 9:30 11 a.m 7:30 Dm. ST. JOHN’S, GEORGETOWN 3240 O St , REV. E BLAND TUCKER. R*elor. Rev J. G. Armstrong in CRrtt. 7:30*.m—Holy Communion 11:00* m.—Morntn* Prayer an# 8*r inon. \ 7 Eptaropal Epipljany 1317 G Street N.W. REV Z. B PHILLIPS D D. LL. D. REV. RICHARD A. CARTMELL. B. D. REV. D. WADE SAFFOHD A. B. 8:00 a.m.—Holy Communion. 9:45 a m.—Church School. ' 11:00 a m.—Morning Prayer and Sermon by the Rev. Mr. Cartmell. 8:00 p m —Evensong and Sermon by the Rev. Mr. Safford. SlllARGARETC Conn. Are. and Bancroft Place. REV. HERBERT •SCOTT SMITH. D D. Rector. REV G. BERKELEY GRIFFITH. 7:30—Holy Communion II o'clock—Mornlna Prayer and Sermon. The Rector will preach—Them# "A First Century Christian Fellowship or Burhmanism." Monday (St Peter), and Thursday. Holy Communion at 11 o'clock. CHURCH OF ST.STEPHEN AND THE INCARNATION Sixteenth and Newton Streeta N.W. The Rev. George F Dudley. D D.. Rector The Bev Robert L. Jacoby HOLY COMMUNION_7:30 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL _ 9 45 A M MORNING PRAYER_11:00 A.M. WEEK DAYS. ' ~ Tu oday. HEALING SERVICE _10:30 a.m. Wednesday. HOLY COMMUNION _7:00 A.M. Thursday. HOLY COMMUNION_ 9:30 AM. &amt jflarfe’s Third and A Streeta Southeast REV. WILLIAM R. MOODY. Rector. 7:30 a.m—Holy Communion 9:45—Church School 11:00 a m.—Morning Prayer and Sermon. EMMANUEL CHURCH 13th and V Sts. S.E. BEV. GORDON L. GRASER. Reeter. 7:00 a m.—Holy Communion 9:15 a m.—Church School Service. 10:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer. • The Nativity ^ ^ V,?.^ Resurrection. Church School. 9:15. All Welcome Alw»y*. * All Souls’ Memorial Church Cathedral and Conn. Avea. N.W. Rev. H H. D. Sterrett. Reeter. 11:00 a m—Morning Prayer and Sermon.