Newspaper Page Text
GUEST PASTOR TO PREACH AT NATIONAL CITY CHURCH Dr. Preston Of Indiana Services at Texas Exposition. J)R. PAUL PRESTON of Indian apolis. Ind., will be the- guest minister at the National City Chris tian Church tomorrow in the absence of Dr. Raphael Harwood Miller, pas » tor. who is in Dallas. Tex., where he has gone to conduct a two-week evan gelistic meeting in connection with the Texas Centennial Exposition. Dr. ( Preston will have for his morning sub ject "God’s Answer to Human Need.” Dr. Preston is associate secretary of ' the Pension Fund of the Disciple* of Christ. He will give a brief address at the evening service In the social ball. Tomorrow night will mark the last ef the Sunday evening meetings at 7 30 o’clock in the social hall. The theme Is “Life in a World of Unem ployment.” Mrs. Pearl Henry Sigel /Will preside. Others participating are Miss Maxwell Galloway. Earl Taylor, Larry Evans, Mrs. Noland Everett Dix and the choir under the direction of W. E. Braithwaite. The Woman's National Bible Class will have a social Monday at 8 o'clock at the social hall. A meeting of the Board of Officers will be held in the choir room, Thurs , day evening. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Copeland will be hosts to the Endeavorers at their cot tage at Woodland Beach for swimming arid a picnic on July 4. The caravan will leave the Vermont avenue church at 8 a.m. It is requested that all meet there. If it is raining at the beach the Copelands will join the group for lunch at the social hall. Lunch by reserva tion. Miss Nancy Elliott will be the guest speaker at the Everyman Bible Class tomorrow morning at 9:45 o’clock. She will speak on' “The Consumers’ Co operative in Relationship to Christian ity.” Dr. Roscoe R. Hill, president, will preside. p CHURCH CHANGES ARE ANNOUNCED 1 Redemptorist Priests in Area to Get New Posts. By thy Associated Press. BALTIMORE, June 27.—The Cath olic Review announced yesterday a list of changes affecting Redemptorist priests in the archdiocese of Baltimore. The changes included: Rev. Francis J. Gallagher. C. SS. R., a member of the Redemptorist Mis- I sionary Band. St. Mary's, Annapolis, appointed rector of the Second Noviti ate and rector of St. Mary's Church, Annapolis, as successor to the late i Father Charles Crowe. C. SS. R. Rev. Ames Barron, C. SS. R.. rector Of Holy Redemer College. Washington, appointed rector of the Redemptorist \ Novitiate and Mission House at II ch ester. Rev. Giles J. Nusstein, C. SS. R , i rector of the Redemptorist Novitiate : and Mission House, Ilchester. appoint ed rector of St. Rames’ Church, Balti more. Rev. Cornelius J. Warren. C. SS. R., consultor to the Provincial Congrega tion, appointed rector of Holy Re deemer College, Washington. PLAN SACRAMENT _ Eastern Presbyterian to Have Service. The sacrament of the lord's supper will be observed tomorrow at the Eastern Presbyterian Church. The pastor. Dr. A. F. Barrows, will wel come new members and administer the rite of haptism to infants. At the evening service the choir will give their closing musical service of the season under the direction of Charles W. Guest. Christian Endeavor Wallace Memorial United Presby terian Church will be the scene Mon day at 8 pm of a pre-convention rally sponsored by the Summer Con ference leaders for those delegates making the four-day pilgrimage to Fredericksburg. Va. Frank McGeary. j Hilman Harris. Preston Campbell and j Others will assist. Warren Hoppes, field worker for the International Society in Pennsyl- | vania. will speak at the senior union j rally on July 13. Installation of of- j fleers will be made by Mr. Hoppes. Plans are being made for social and recreational activities at the Fred ericksburg Summer Conference under 1 the supervision of Dr. Darrell Crain, )r Among many features are a camp fire service to be led by Col. Cudlipp of Richmond, King Soloman’s Court, Under direction of Darrell Crain, sr, and a baby doll frolic, fun-fest and field meet in charge of the committee. Appropriate awards will be given In all competitive events. Facilities are available on the campus for swim ming. golfing, tennis, base ball and any individual sport hobbies First Brethren Senior Enaeavorers j trill conduct a song festival at the session tomorrow at 7 pm Nellie Sampson will have charge Base ball Will be played at 6 p.m. Tuesday on Fairlaw'n. "Young People and Reading” will be the theme of discussion at New York Avenue Presbyterian senior group tomorrow at 6 45 p.m. with Arch Whitney in charge. Senior Endeavorers at Wallace Memorial United Presbyterian will be led by Josephine Davis in discussing the topic, "Why Should I Attend the C. E. Summer Conference." Those participating in the registra tion contest sponsored by the Sum mer Conference Committee are given until Monday night to report. Award will be made thereafter to the winner m the nature of a free all-expense trip to Fredericksburg and the con ference. Award of one-half of ex penses for the latter will be given to whoever finishes second. Contact should be made with Hilman Harris at 2149 California street northwest. Poetry night will be observed by the senior group at Luther Place Me morial Church tomorrow at an out door location. Visitors and friends should convene at the church at #.45 p.m. Guest Speaker DR. PAUL PRESTON. DR. BALL’S TOPIC IS ANNOUNCED Metropolitan Baptist Pas tor to End 33d Year at Church. Dr. John Compton Ball will deliver the closing sermon of the thirty-third year of his ministry as pastor of the Metropolitan Baptist Church tomor row morning His topic will be "Liv ing Up to One's Best.” The sermon will be followed by the administering of the Lord's supper. In the 33 years of Dr Ball's pastorate he has opened the House of Repre sentatives with prayer under eight Speakers, beginning with Joe Cannon and continuing with Speakers Clark, Gillett, Longworth, Garner, Rainey, Byrns and Bankhead. At the evening service will be an unveiling of a memorial tablet to his wife, Mrs. Jeannette Ball. This tablet is presented to the church by the Jeannette Ball Chapter of the W. W. G. Girls. Short addresses will be delivered by Miss Doris Hancock, president of the W. W. G.'s; Miss Emma Gardner, president of the Farther Lights Missionary Society. The sermon will be delivered by Sam uel A. Fulton of Milwaukee, interna tional chaplain and former interna tional president of the Gideons. DR. F. F. BRIGGS SELECTS TOPICS Will Preach Twice To morrow at National Baptist Church. Dr. Frederic F. Briggs, pastor in terim at the National Baptist Memo rial. will take for his theme tomor row morning "A Character-revealing Speech,” and in the evening "Regen eration—What Is It?” The second week of the Summer' Bible school begins Monday at 9 a m The school maintains four depart ments, one for beginners, one for pri- ! mary age. another for juniors and a fourth for intermediates. The school is free to all boys and girls from 4 to 17 years of age. TTie midweek service is Thursday evening. The subject will be "Doing the Will of God.” The Standing Committee will meet in the church parlor Friday at 7:30 pm. CHURCH SCHOOL TO HOLD FINALS The commencement service for the Vacation Church School of the Sixth Presbyterian Church will be held Friday at 10:30 a m. in the chapel. The program will consist of exhibits of the nursery, primary and junior departments. Parents and friends of the children are invited. The sermon topic tomorrow at 11 a m. is "Christianity and Democracy.” A nursery for small children is pro vided. The Misses Mary Worley. Mary Elizabeth Skinker, Mary Helen Rich ardson and Jean Belote will repre sent the church at the Young Peo ple’s Conference at Hood College, Frederick. Md., July 3 to 10. • PETWORTH TOPIC “ Rev. M. Smith to Speak Twice Tomorrow. "The Volume of Your Life" will be the morning subject of Rev. Henry J. Smith, pastor of Petworth Baptist ! Church. "Unwanted Wants" will be the subject of the evening service, which will be the last of the regular evening services, as next Sunday eve ning the union service will be held at the Wallace Memorial Church. After the Sunday morning Sunday school session the Philathea Claes and the Yaden Bible Class will join with the other departments of the school at 10 30 o'clock and will be addressed by E. H. De Groot of the National Baptist Memorial Church. BEATTY ’SUBJECT Georgetown Lutheran Pastor to Preach "The Restored Image" will be the sermon subject tomorrow at 11 a m. in Georgetown Lutheran Church by Rev. Harold E. Beatty, pastor. "Young People and Their Reading" will be the young people's topic at 7 p.m. Business meeting of the Sunday school officers and teachers Wednes day, 8 p.m., Joseph C. Wimmer pre siding. At the prayer service, conducted by the pastor, Thursday, 8 p.m., the subject will be "The Coming of the Holy Spirit.” -« .— First Brethren Rev. Homer A Kent will preach at 11 o’clock tomorrow on "Come Ye Apart Into a Lonely Place and Rest Awhile.” At 8 p.m. there will be a service devoted to the children of the church. This will be a Children's day abservance which has been postponed until this time. The second week of the Summer Vacation Bible School will open Mon Jay at 9 am. The midweek service alll be held Wednesday at 8 p.m. with the Women'! Missionary Society lead er A r DR. TAYLOR LISTS SERMON SUBJECTS ‘The Need for Reverence’ to Be Morning Topic at Central Presbyterian. Dr. James H. Taylor will preach a Central Presbyterian Church tomor row morning on "The Need for Rev erence" and at night on “The Epistle to the Colossians.” The Westminster League has dis continued meetings until October and the Intermediate Christian Endeavor has also discontinued meetings until the Pall. The Young People's Conference at Massanetta Springs. Va., under the auspices of the*Synod of Virginia, will be held from June 29 until July 6. This church will be represented by Claude Kniseley as registrar of the conference and Miss Maude Hudson as one of the counselors. The dele gation from the church will consist of Mrs. J. Wesley Buchanan, chaperon; Nancy Brewster, Rosalyn Buchanan, Laura Gibbs. Virginia Milburn. Hal lie Mae Reed. Marie Taylor, Rebecca Williamson, Billy Alexander, Ed. Carl, Jr.; Scott Ebrite, Rex Lauck and John B. Wisdom, jr. The delegation will return the ban ner which was won last year by a group from this church. ‘PRAYER PRIMER’ IS SERMON TOPIC Rev. R. Paul Schearrer to Speak at Takoma Park Presbyterian. "A Prayer Primer” will be the sub ject of Rev. R. Paul Schearrer tomor row morning in the Takoma Park Presbyterian Church The Welcome Bible Class for men and women and the Mother Gordon Bible Class meet at 9:45 o'clock. Miss Barbara McClenon will address the young people's meeting at 7:30 o’clock on “What Can We Believe About God?” This will be a union meeting of the senior and young people's groups. The Young People's Summer Con ference will open Friday at Hood Col lege, Frederick. Md. The following will attend: Elidge Allanson Alice L. Colbert, Ethel M. Fisher. Margarita Fraser. Barbara McClenon. Marcia Nelson. Glenna Irene Potts. Dorothy Schearrer and Eleanor Sherburne. LORD’S SUPPER TO BE OBSERVED Service in Covenant-First Presbyterian Church Tomorrow. The sacrament of the Lord’s sup per will be observed at the Covenant First Presbyterian Church tomorrow at the 11 o'clock service. Dr. A. J. McCartney will make the sacramen tal address. Miss Burleigh Wormington will ad dress the Sunday school class for adults at 10 o’clock on "Jesus Meet ing Human Needs.” Miss Marjorie Foreman will have charge of the class for small children in the church house at the same hour. The regular ses sions of the Sunday school have dis continued for the Summer. Dr. McCartney will be in the city until July 11 and available for pastoral service. Dr. Walter Whalen of the Roseville Presbyterian Church of New ark. N. J.. will occupy the pulpit next Sunday at the 11 o'clock service. Marvin Methodist. Rev. Edward H. Davis, one of the local preachers of the Washington dis trict, will be the guest speaker at the morning service at 11 o'clock. Rev C. Carroll Burruss will preach at 8 o'clock on "The Roman Jailer,” the fifth In a series of sermons on characters of the New Testament. Mrs. Laura 8 Bur russ will have charge of the Epworth League at 7.15 pm. The Board of Christian Education will meet Thurs day at 8 *5 p m. r - ■ , B. Y. P. U. News The yearly federation officer*’ re treat is being held at Orkney Springs, Va., tonight and tomorrow. The new ly elected officers are: President, Louis Lucas; vice president, George Ruhl; recording secretary. Miriam Beal; corresponding secretary. Louise Acher; treasurer, Wendeil Moyer; service com missioner. Hunter Pritchard: steward ship, Terry Beach; fellowship. Maurice Crawford; devotional life, Nellie Fike; publicity, Lucy Owens; intermediate leader, Marian CundifT. The federa tion retreat will be held In Septem ber at Harpers Ferry, W Va. Bethany will present "The Eyes of Jesus," with Mrs. Kenney as leader, as- j sisted by Mr. Caskey. At First all members from the States of Vermont. Alabama. West Virginia, Washington. Arizona, New Mexico and Texas will have charge of the pro gram, which is entitled "The Proces sion of the Months.” First B. Y. P. u. does not close during the Summer months. All unions which close are invited to meet with First. The Service Commission, with Stim my Hart as leader, will present the program at Petworth tomorrow eve ning. The Service Commission, under the leadership of Miss Gary Turner, will have charge of the meeting at Cal vary tomorrow. QHjrifitian fHyBttrs Order of Christian Mystics 3Frtgnba _ Friends Meeting of Washington. ' !£:,wr-3»'• Florid. Are. 1 (Ehriatabglpijtan Chap^C 73? Webster St. N.W. 6. 6. 10:00 AM Worship 11 is Alt _ThursdayJBlble Cltst, g Sitting &mnrg A 03 Activities in Local Churches 03 Membership Campaign. The Pugh Bible class of Mount Ver non Place Church will inaugurate a membership campaign tomorrow at 9:50. Lloyd B. Hershey. Pennsylvania State chaplain of the Gideons, will be the guest speaker. Takoma Park Christian. The last of the attendance contest with Rockville closes tomorrow. Dr. Pinkerton will continue his sermon on Judas Iscariot and Simon Peter tomorrow at 11 a.m. Mrs. Goidon will lead the missionary topic on South America at 7 p.m. Divine Science. Horace D. Ashton will give a lesson sermon on "The Understanding Faith" tomorrow at 11 a.m.. at the Burlington Hotel. On Wednesday at 8 p.m. Robert H. Lee will give a review of Hudson's "The Law of Psychic Phenomena." H.vattsville Baptist. The pastor of the First Baptist Church will preach tomorrow morning on “Why Become a Christian?” One of the visitors to the Gideon Conven tion will speak at the evening service. Miles Memorial C. M. E. Missionary day will be observed at the 11 o’clock service. Rev. L. Q. Brown will use for his theme “Stewardship's Admission." Epworth League, 6:30 p.m. Song service at the 8 o’clock service. Prayer service Wednesday at 8 p.m. Missionary Alliance. Rev. P. R. Hyde will bring a Bible message at 808 I street on “The Two foldness of Divine Truth.” at 3 p.m. M. Showalter will deliver the sermon at 7:30 p.m. Young people’s service, 6:45. Miss Betty Murray in charge Washington's district young people’s rally will be held July 4 at Hagerstown. Md. Thursday prayer service at 2028 North Capitol street. Takoma Park Baptist. At the morning service Rev. William E. La Rue will speak on "Disappoint ments and His Appointments.” At the evening service a representative of the Gideons will speak. This will be the last evening service until the opening of the Fall season. Mount Zion Baptist. Bethesda. Rev. Claude A. Brubaker will preach tomorrow at 10 a.m. on "The Abiding Place of the Soul.” Fifth Baptist. . Dr. John E. Briggs will preach at 11 a.m. on "Paul’s Thorn in the Flesh” and at 7 :45 p.m. on “The High Cost of Loving.” Dr. Briggs will re main in the city most of the Sum mer and offers his services to those in need, regardless of creed. Second Baptist. A series of services in commemora tion of the nineteenth anniversary of the pastorate of Rev. J. L. S. Hollo man will begin tomorrow at 11 a.m. He will preach on "The Economy of Health.” This sermon is dedicated :o the nurses’ unit of the church. At the evening service Dr. D. F. Rivers, pastor Bcrean Baptist Church, will preach. Pastor R. D. Grymes, L. T. Hughes, W. H. Brown. J. T. Harvey, W. H. Jernagin. A. F. Elmes and C. R. Alexander will preach during the an niversary services. Western Presbyterian. Dr. Dunham will preach tomorrow morning on "A Chance for Every One.” Thursday evening the mid week prayer service. This will again be deacons' night. Congress Street M. P. The Harrison Bible Class will meet tomorrow at 9:45 a.m. Maj. E. W. Brown, first vice president, will preside. J. T. Marshall will have charge of the lesson. Dr. Hirl A. Kester, the pastor, will give a short talk. C. Melvin Sharpe, personnel di rector of the Potomac Electric Power Co., Will be the guest speaker. The lesson theme is "Jesus Meeting Human Needs.” All men are welcome. Dr. Kester will preach at the church services at 11 a.m. There will be no evening services. Potomac Heights Community. “Ready to be Offered" will be the subject of the sermon by Rev. O. J. Randall tomorrow at 11 a.m. A “Sun day Sunset Service” will be held at <:45 p.m. on the church lawn, the Christian Endeavor Society co-operat-' ing with the pastor. The annual picnic of the Sunday school will be held to day in Rock Creek Park. Moriah Baptist. The pastor will preach tomorrow at 11 a.m. and at 8 p.m. A pageant, "The Twelve Tribes of Israel.” under the auspices of the Missionary Society, will be held at 3:30 p.m. Prayer service Tuesday noon and 8 p.m. Fifteenth Street Presbyterian. Dr. H. B. Taylor will have for his subject tomorrow at 11 a.m. "Blessings That Follow the Worship of God.” Christian Endeavor, 5:30 p.m. St. Luke's Episcopal. Holy communion will be held tomor row at 7 a.m., with Rev. J. E. Elliott, rector, as celebrant. At 11 a.m., morn ing prayer and sermon by the rector. Zion Baptist, Southwest. Dr. J. M. Ehtson will preach at 11 a m. on "Balancing Life's Budget.” The C. E. S. will meet at 6 p.m. under the leadership of Rev. Thomas C. Garnett. Holy communon will be ad ministered at 8 p.m. Westminster Presbyterian. Rev. Harry V. Porter will preach at the morning service on "The Lib erty of Purity.” A member of the Society of Gideons will also address the morning congregation. The West minster Fellowship will hold its con cluding meeting in the chapel at 7 p.m. People’s Congregational. The theme tomorrow morning of Rev. A. F. Elmes will be "The Tower of Babel.” Next Thursday a service preparatory to the communion will be held, with the minister in charge. Wesley Methodist. Rev. J. Luther Neff will preach at the 11 a.m. service on "The Turn of the Tide.” Bethesda Baptist. Rev. George W. Griffin will preach tomorrow morning on "Some Lessons From the Book of Job ' for Today” and in the evening on "Gold." Metropolitan A. M. E. Dr. William H. Thomas will preach tomorrow at 11 a.m. on "Capacity for Religion.” H Street Christian. "Planning With God" is the subject of Rev. C. N. Williams tomorrow morning. The Lord's supper will be observed. Jones Memorial M. E. The annual sermon to Woman’s Home Missionary Society Auxiliary will be at 11 a.m. by the pastor. Dr. Julius S. Carroll. The Epworth League will hold its closing service on the church lawn at 6:30 p.m. Mid-week service Wednesday, 8:30 p.m. Trinity Methodist. Dr. Dan L. Ennis will have for his subject tomorrow morning “The Seer’s House.” and at 8 p.m. “The Romance of Life.” Herbert H. McMurray will address the Adult Bible Classes at 10 a.m. and Mjs. Henry Morris will speak to the Butler Class. Prayer service Wednesday at 8 p.m. Rock Creek Parish. Holy communion will be celebrated tomorrow at 8:30 a.m. and morning prayer and sermon at 11 a.m. The rector, Rev. F. J. Bohanan, will con duct both services. This will be the Schedule for the services during the Summer. St. Peter's day, June 29, there will be a service of holy com munion at 10:30 a.m. The services at Holy Comforter Chapel, 5714 Georgia avenue, will con sist of holy communion at 7:30 a.m. and at 11 o’clock morning prayer and sermon. Rev. C. S. Ridenour will of ficiate. St. Stephen’s Lutheran. At the 11 a.m. service Rev. Sam H. Kornmann will speak on “The Cup of Blessing." Fifteenth Street Christian. Worship tomorrow at 10:30 a.m., with the Lord's supper and sermon by the hilnister. Rev. Leslie L. Bowers, on "Astounding Christians.” No evening service. Yogoda Society. Brahmachari Jotin of Calcutta. In dia. will speak on “The Wisdom of the East” tomorrow evening at 1758 Co lumbia road. The public is invited. Memorial Vnited Brethren. At the 11 o'clock service tomorrow Rev. Simpson B. Daugherty will preach on “The Keeper of Souls.” Vespers at 7:30 p.m. The speaker will be a mem ber from the Gideons. Mid-week service Thursday at 8 p.m. Official board following. Friendship Baptist. “The Day of Test” will be the sub ject of Rev. William Weaver, assistant pastor, tomorrow at 11 a.m. The pas tor. Rev. B. H. Whiting, will preach a special sermon at 8 p.m. St. Mark's Lutheran. Holy communion will be adminis tered at the 11 a.m. service. “The Benefits of the Lord’s Supper” will be the theme of a brief address by Rev. J. Luther Frantz. McKendree Methrdist. Informal service at 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ward in charge of the singing. Sermon by the minister on “The Ministry of Night.’* Young Peo ple’s League meets at 7 p.m. Morning worship at 11 o'clock with sermon by the minister. Rev. Samuel E. Rase, on “Gladness in the Gloom.” Midweek service Thursday at 8 p.m. Lawn fete by the Philathea Class on the church lawn Wednesday be ginning at 7 p.m. Metropolitan Memorial M. E. Rev. William Andrew Keese, pastor, will preach at the 11 o’clock service, on “The Garden of Desire,” the third in the series of Summer sermons on “Garden Scenes of the Bible.” Good Will Baptist. Dr. James L. Pinn will preach to morrow morning on “The Platform of Christianity.” At 2:15 he will conduct services at the District Jail. At the evening service there will be a dress parade of the companies working for the semi-annual rally. Grace Reformed. Dr. Ranck preaches In the mom- I ing on “Jesus and New Dimensions of : Love.” The Potomac Synod of the ' Evangelical and Reformed Church convenes at Hood College. Frederick. Md . Monday evening. Dr. Ranck and Elder Dr. Franklin Meyer attend rep resenting this church. Bethany Baptist. "Magnanimity—Test of Greatness" is the pastor's morning subject. In the evening tha senior choir, under the direction of Allen Cook, will ren der a special musical program. The men's class will hear Horace L. Stevenson. Mrs. German will teach the Amoma Class. Midweek devo tional service Thursday evening, led by the pastor. Kenilworth Presbyterian. Rev. K. C. Buker will have as his theme “Understanding and Unbelief” at 11 a.m. “The Highway of Life” will be the subject for the evening service, which will be the last for the Summer season. Prayer service Thursday will be lead by W. C. Rob erta. __ Peking ton Presbyterian. Morning service at 11 o'clock, with Gideon Bible observance Sunday. At 7:30, joint service of young people and church. The pastor, Rev. Henry B. Wooding, will speak. Service of prayer Thursday evening. Healing Service. The service of Christian healing at the Church of 8t. Stephen and the Incarnation will be held Tuesday at 10:30 am. Dr. George F. Dudley rector, will have charge. Twelfth Street Christian. Rev. J. F. Whitfield will preach i tomorrow at 11 a m. and 8 p m. The r ■ ■ - - 1 1 — Lord's supper will be administered at each service The Ladies' Aid Society will present Misses Chadwick. Lois Blayton and Pauline Daniels In a recital at 5:30 p.m. Prayer meet ing. Wednesday night; Men's Club meeting. Friday night. McKinley Memorial Baptist. Dr. S Geriah Lamkins will preach tomorrow at 11 am. on ''All Nations Are Made of One Blood, ' and at 8 p.m. on "O Lord Revive Thy Work ” Prayer and praise meeting Tuesday at • p.m. Volunteers of America. “Detours" will be the subject of Lieut. Maj. H. Mills Eroh, district commander, tomorrow afternoon at 471 Pennsylvania avenue. Capt. William Schafer will speak at services tomorrow night at the Alex andria Post. The mission service at Alexandria will be preceded by an open-air meeting under the direction of Capt. Clyde Parker. Seat Pleasant Methodist. Rev. Paul E. Bnhl will speak at 11 a m. on "The New Man” and at 8 p.m. on “Jesus at a Wedding ” The latter will be the first of four Sun day evening messages based upon incidents in the ministry of Jesus. Mount Bethel Baptist. Rev. K. W. Roy will preach at 11 a m. on "Who Is On the Lord's Side?” and at 8 p m. on "The Lord's Jewels” Prayer meeting Tuesday night, young folks' meeting Thursday night. St. Paul M. E. South. Rev. William F. Locke will preach tomorrow at 11 a.m. on "What Is Meant by Receiving Christ.” At 8 p.m. his subject will be "When God Is Lost to Us.” The young people's division will meet at 7:i5 p.m. Galbraith A. M. E. Zion. Rev. Daniel C. Pope will preach tomorrow morning on "Physical Facts Versus Spiritual Possibilities.'' At 8 p.m. his subject will be "The Com mitted Way.” Hnitifraal Bfaign The Fellowship of the Universal Design of Life WASHINGTON BRANCH I Stoneleivh Court, Conn. Are. A L. N.W. Harriers sre held an Sundays at 11 a m. Library open Wed'aday. J to 3. Rm. I (It* SELF-REALIZATION FELLOWSHIP BRAHMACHARI JOTIN Of India “Wisdom of the Fast” June ?8. 1936. 8 P.M. 1758 COHMB1A RD. N.W. (EljnBttatt Christian Science CHURCHES OF CHRIST SCIENTIST Branches of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ 1 Scientist, Boston, Mass. First Church of Christ Scientist Columbia Rd. and Euclid St Second Church of Christ Scientist me St. N.E. Third Church of Christ Scientist 13th and L Sts. N.W. Fourth Church of Christ Scientist 16th and Meridian N.W. SUBJECT “Christian Science” READING ROOMS FIRST CHURCH—730 17th St. N.W. Hours, 9 to 9 (except Wednesdays, 9 to 7, and Sun days and holidays, 2:30 to 5:30). SECOND CHURCH—111 C St. N.E. Hours, 12 to 5:30 p.m. week days, 2:30 to 5:30 Sun days and holidays. THIRD CHURCH—C olorado Bldg., 14th and G Sts. Hours, 9 to 9 (Wednesdays, 9 to 7:30, and Sundays and holidays, 2 to 6). FOURTH CHURCH—Tivoli Bldg., 3313 14th St., 9 to 9 week days; Wednesdays, 9:30 to 7; Sun days, 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. Holi days, 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. All Art welcome to stfiM Wf eAsreA terries* ut Mf tv rswn* room*. 3Jrruflalrm (SWEDENBORG IAN) CHURCH OF THE HOLT CITT 16th Above Q. N.W. 11am.—Worship Sermon: "His Lovint Kindness.'* Free Lendlnc Library. _Factor. REV. PALL SPERRT. _ Qlharfh of QUirifit 14th ST. CHURCH OF CHRIST 3460 14th st. N.W. 10:00 a.m.—Bible School. 11:00 am.—Communion Service and Sermon. 8:00 p.m.—Sermon. CECIL B. DOCTHITT, Minister. Euanggliral “A MOMENTOUS QUEST” [M fci 8 P.M. A Gospel Service with a 1? # wondeful atmosphere where HrM multitudes attend V “CHRIST’S PRAYFR |t| i HABITS ’ I | v I 11 A M |3 j WOL Broadcast, 2 P.M. I Bible School _ 10 s.m. Be*S j Toun* People ~ p.m. I sl | Enjoyable Week-day Services, KhtS Tues. dr Frl.—8 P.M. KV Follow the Crouds All Summer . to the Tabernacle. 9 Da.Clark.Foqcey,Minister [jff Piney BrPo.dt GeorgiaAvt.N.W!|p| j ilrrfilTglrrian NEW YORK AVENUE 13th and H and N. Y. Ave. Minister in Charge DR. ALBERT EVANS 0 .'SO a m.—Church Bible School. 11:00 a m—“Refining Lift’* Virtues.* Dr. William A. Yoyng. 8:00 p m.—Evening Vesper Hour. EASTERN Md. Ave. and Sixth St. N.E. Alfred E. Barrows. D. D. Pa.tor. 11:00am—Communion Service and re ception of members. 7:45 PM MUSICAL SERVICE By Larie Ve.ted Chorus. SIXTH PRESBYTERIAN 18th and Kennedy Sts. N.W. J. HERBERT GARNER. Minister 11 a.m.—‘‘Christianity and Democracy." Church School—June 55nd to July 3rd. Sunday School—0:30 a.m. C. E.—7 p.m. CHEVY CHASE Chew Chaee Circle Dr. J. Hillman Holliater. Minister 0:30 a.m to 10:50 a m and 13 noon— Church School • 0:45 a.m.—The Clyde Kelly Bible Class 11:00 a.m—Morning Worship. Rev. Rob ert B. Reeves, Jr., will preach. GEORGETOWN (Founded 1780) P Street near 31st Street N.W. REV. ROBERT M. SKINNER. Minister 0:45 a.m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—Moraina Worship 6;0npm_I. C. E 6.45 p.m.—Combined Youna People s Meeting. (Truth &mrtr** JEJSJSfB®aiaiBEj®aS®B/B®E®aiSIS.®3S I Universal School of Truth |i Suite 303, Insurance Bldg. ! 967 Fifteenth St. N.W. PRESENTS KITTY GRAY DILLS Sunday Services, II A.M.-8 P.M. j J “LOVE” “FAITH” Rhythms of Revelation each Wednesday at 2 P.M. | • Healing Services each Friday at 8 PM. PUBLIC INVITED * j _MasiBiasiBiaisiaiBiBfBiBiBiBi^ #r?fitnj!rrutn _ j - ' .. 3 i FOURTH f PRESBYTERIAN 1; CHURCH nth and Fairmont St*. N.W James H. Miers, Minister £ ! 11:00 a m.—“The Coming of the Holy Spirit." • Broadcast Over WOL at 11:30). Mi 8:00p.m.—"Sign* of the Time*." (Monthly Prophetic Study>. CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN Southern General Assembly 16th and Irving Sts. N.W. REV. JAMES H. TAYLOR, D. D. Pastor 9:30 a m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship. Sermon by Dr. Taylor. 5:00 pun.—Westminster League. 7:00 pun.—Christian Endeavor. 8:00 p.m—Evening Worship. _Sermon by Dr. Taylor. ■ ■■■■' — -t Church of the Pilgrims On the Park WET at *-:d and P St». N.W. Gift of the Presbyterians of the South to the Nation’s Capital. Rev. Andrew R. Bird. D. D. Minister Divine Worship. 11 a m. and 7:45 p.m A Cordial Woleoma to All COVENANT. FIRST Conn. Are. at 18th Sc N St*. N.W. DR ALBERT lOSEPB McCARTNEY. REV. 8AMI EL R. ALLISON. Ministers. MORNING WORSHIP. 11 A M. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper Dr. McCartney in charge. Summer Sunday School, 10 A.M. ~~ WESTERN 1906 H St. N.W. REV. J. HARVEY DUNHAM, D. D., Minister. 9:30 a m—Sunday School. 11:00 a m.—Morning service — Sermon: "A Chance f*r Every One.” Kathryn Hill Rawls, organist. Mary Owen Pearson, soloist. guntonTtemple^m; Rev. Bernard Braskamp. D. D. Minister 9:45 a m.—Church Bchool. 11:00 am.—Sacrament ol the Lords I Supper. 6:48 p.m.—Young People's Meeting. WESTMINSTER 7th Near E S.W. REV. BARRY V. PORTER. Pastor. 10:00 a m.—Church School. 11:00 a m.—Morning Worship, sermon by the Pastor: "The Liberty of Purity.” 7:00 p m.—Westminster Fellowship. PECK MEMORIAL CHAPEL Pa. Are.. 38th and M Sts N.W. IRVING W. KETCBLM. Minister 11 a m.—Sermon "The Way to Peace.” 9 45 *.m.—Sunday School Wednesday 8pm —Worship Servle*. A HEARTY WELCOME. /* _fcpiritualiflt RE\. ELISABETH McDONALD. Meetings Thurs 2 30 pm Readings Daily by Ap pointment. lilt; 10th St. N.W. Met. 0631. _ • Fraternal Spiritualist Church 1320 N St. N.W. Healing—7 pm. Services—7:45 p.m. "LOVE THY FELLOW MEN." Ballot reading by church psychic. Independent Messages by Mrs. Caroline _Mister. __ SPIRITUAL PSYCHIC SCIENCE CHURCH „ REV NIZA Message Meetings Every Thursday Night at 8 p m Trance Medium . „„ Spiritual Advice by Appointment 1323 Vermont Ave N W Potomac 1595-W _Apartment 4._ Psychic Science Church of Christ 1379 Irving St. N.W. REV. G. D KLINEFELTER. Paster. ANNUOUNCES LECTURE BY REV. H. B. PLUMMER Sunday. 8 p m Messages after Lecture MESSAGE SEANCE EVERY WED 8 P.M. Dr. Klinefelter Gives Adviee by APPOINT MENT, Phene Adams 1977._ • ■J K SIMMONS 1311 Newton 8t7~N.W. Message Meeting every Monday and Thurs.. 8 pm Readings by appt _Col. 4.142 • Rev. Carol E. McKinstry 1342 Gallatin St. N.W.. at 300* Block 11th St. Under authority of The General Assembly ot Spiritualists. "Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted." Matt. 3:4. Message Meetings Tues. and Fri. eves.. 8 » m. Public welcome. All reached. Georgia 6563. • Baptist METROPOLITAN Sixth and A Sts. NX. JOHN COMPTON BALL. D. D, Pastor 11:00 AM. Last Sermon Until September by Dr Ball “Your Real Value” Administering of lord's Suuuer Will Follow the Sermon. Evening at Seven Forty-five UNVEILING OF MEMORIAL TABLET TO MRS. JEANETTE BALL. Address by GIDEON'S INTERNATIONAL CHAPLIN. MR. S. A. FULTON Followed by Dr. Ball’* Final Word* Attend the church open all Bummer Large evening audiences We Glow. Go and Grow Continually. IF LATE CALL A TAXI. 9th and So cdro. Ave. S.E Pastor. F W. JOHNSON. 9:30—Bible School, classes for all. 8ERMON TOPICS: 11:00 a m.—"4—10—-9—SB." 8.00 p.m.—“Bread Enough and to Snare.” Fraver Meeting Thursday at 8. ALL WELCOME AT GRACE Maryland Avenue 14th and Md. Are. N.E. Rev. W. A. Emma ns, Pastor. 9:30 a m.—S. S. B. Y. P. u.—7 p.m. 10 00 am—"Is the Bible Trust worthy?” 8:00 p.m.—"A Life That Pays.” We Preach 1 Crucifleil Chriat } com'in, WEST WASHINGTON 31 at and N Streets N.W. CHARLES B. AUSTIN. Pastor. Worship—11 a m. and 8:00 p m. HIGHLANDS CHURCH Fourteenth Street at Jefferson. NEWTON MERCER SIMMONDS. Pastor. 9:U0 Church School 11. tho need of prayer S. Faith. BETHANY —S. THE STEVENSON Invites yon to hear HORACE L. STEVI _ot the I FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, DR. H. W. O. MILLIN') 11 A M —"HOPE IN HEAVENLY PLAC 8 P M—"YOUTH S ENTHUSIASM FOl Come to Sunday School 0:30 Rational Igapt 16th and Columbia Road N.W. Dr. Frederic F. Brig # 11 AM—“A CHARACTER-REVI 8 P M—“REGENERATION-MV1 9:30—Bible School. 6:45—B. Y. SECOND WEEK OP SUMMER; BII (Free to All Boys and ( Calbarp w s8ti 11 RESERVES.” 8 P.M —“THE CAVV OF COMI 9:30—Sunday School 11:00—Junior Church-Sf*. Q. Mu ■ . «■ 1 Spiritualist ZOE Group Meeting Daily. Phone District 1519. 1111 K 8T. N.W.. APT 51. • MYSTIC CHURCH OF CHRIST Services Sunday and Wednesday at 8 p.m Healing gnd Consultation daily 13 to H p m Healing each meeting. 7 to 8 p.m DR. F. L. DONCELL. Teacher. 1317 R. I Ave. VW. » Church _ _ of Spiritual Science Dr. Z. A. Wrifht, ___j Pastor. 1017 9th Si. N W. IPythian Templa) < Second Floor. Take Elevator) SUNDAY SERVICE. 7 30 P.M Add “SPIRITUAL TRUTH.'* Messages to every one attending by the clergy of the church, assisted by visiting medium*. Come, bring a friend. YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED Seance* at the home chapel. 450 N. 1. Aye. S.E.. Mon.. Wed. and Fri.. 8 p.m. Interviews Daily Lincoln 10037. This church is not connected with or under the supervision of on 7 mIr church or churches. • The First Spiritualist Church Organized in the Year 1808 Chartered by the National Spiritualist Association Services at the Psychic Centoc 131 C Street N.E. Lecture by the Pastor REV. ALFRED H. TERRY Subject “THE CALL OF THE SPIRIT” Followed by Spirit Message* Sunday 8 p.m —Spats free. All wel come Dr Terry gives reidir.*s bv appointment. Phone Lincoln 1572. Last service for the season. • Baptist SECOND _ 17th and Bait Capitol Btm Rev. B. M. B Jonea. D D. Paster. 9:30 am.—Sunday School. 11:00 am.—"The Stregele ef the f hurrh." 6 45 p.m.—B Y. P U. 8:00 p m—"The Change* Life." COKDIAL WELCOME TO ALL. PETWORTH 9 30 a m—Sunday School claaaes for all. 9:45 a m.—Yaden Bible Class for Men. 10:30 a.m.—Address by B. H. De Oroot 11:00 a m—Sermon by Pastor. "The Volnme of Life.” 8:00 pm —8ermon and Song Service "Unwanted WaAtt." CENTENNIAL 7th and I Streets N.E. Wilson Holder, Pastor. 9:30 AM.—Bible School. 11:00 A.M. ‘Song of Deliverance’ 6:45 PM.—B. Y. P. CJ. 8:15 PM. ‘What Keeps MEN From God?’ 8 P.M.—Thursday—Study of the Sunday School Lesson. • PRAYER FOR THE SICK AT ALL SERVICES. FIFTH E Near 7th s w * *t 111 Dr. J. E. Briggs, Pastor. ( 11a m—"Paul a Thnrn in the Flesh.” 1 ' 45 p m—"The High Coat •( I.or'nf." Men s Baraca Chorus at Night. S 8 . 8:30 a m. B. T. V.. 6:30 p.m. All services continue all Summer Brief sermons on bright subjects. Dr. Bnggs will be in the city most of the Summer, and offers his services to those in need, regardless of creed. ' KENDAUU 9th NEAR B s7w. Len Franklin Stevens. Minister. 8:40 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—“The Prevailing Power." 8:00 p.m.—"The Healing Touch.” 7:00 p.m.—B. Y. P U. Thurs.. 8:00 p m.—Prayer Service. TAKOMA Pl"' Branch Road 1 nr.Ultm and Aspen Street 11:00 a.m—"Disappointments and HIS Appointments." 1:45 p.m.—A Gideon Representative. 2nd St N.W M P. GERMAN. Minister dagnanimity—Test of Greatnesa." evening Wilh the Choir." BIBLE CLASS NSON give a practical interpretation •SMB 16th and 0 Streets N.W. •TON. Acting Pastor. ES." Dr. Geo. r. Finnic. Chester. Pa. : ALL.” Dr. Finn!*. i m.; B Y P. U.. 6:45 p m ist jHemonal Gove G. Johnaon, D. D., Pastor, ga, Pastor Interim « BALING SPEECH.” IAT IS IT?” P. U. ILE SCHOOL—MONDAY, 9 A M. Hrl«. t to 17 Tears.) i and H Sts. N.W. BERNETHY, Minister ENSATION.” 6:45—Young People * Group*, ray.