Newspaper Page Text
WEATHER The,0"1; evening, paper temperature about 42 degrees tonight; to- 111 W elSningtOn With til© morrow cloudy and warmer, followed by t>_ vt _ showers; colder tomorrow. Temperatures— Associated Press News Highest, 52, at noon yesterday; lowest, 33. and WirephOtO SeiWlCeS. at 7 a.m. today. Pull report on page A-ll. Oo-iag N.w York M.rk.t,, P«,« 12 84th YEAR. No. 33,786. Mrtta'c WASHINGTON, D. C., SATURDAY, • OCTOBER 31, 1936—THIRTY-SIX PAGES. ** on M..n. A..oci.t.d Pr..fc TWO CENTS. ^ I ^- —.. CANDIDATES IN MAJOR VOTE APPEALS TONIGHT; RECORD BALLOT IS SEEN 45,000,000Poll Indicated on Tuesday; SECURITY ACT ROW SURPRISE Maritime Walkout Brings Leaders to Attention. B? the Associated Press. Amid a noticeable tautening of nerves, the tremendous hurly-burly of the 1936 campaign roared on today toward an imminent conclusion. As President Roosevelt and hun dreds of others prepared to speak their last major pieces tonight, all sides agreed that the emotions and cerebral processes stimulated by the economic and political events of the last few years and the clashing argu ments of the past several months probably would lead next Tuesday to *n outpouring of ballots shattering all records. Advance analyses of registration figures have indicated a possible vote of well over 45.000.000, exceeding by more than 5,000,000 the total cast in 1932. The campaign fever that has gripped the Nation indicated to seasoned ob servers that the issues and the debates have struck home to citizens in un precedented numbers, arousing a de termination to let nothing stand in the way of expressing their preference at the polls. Denounces Republicans. Before a Brooklyn crowd that howled with glee at his thrusts. President Roosevelt denounced the Republican leadership last night, saying it is driven by “sinister forces’’ which have op posed social legislation for generations. He recited New Deal acts and said they had made a “better, happier America.” Tonight Mr. Roosevelt planned to bring his campaign to its finale with a speech in Madison Square Garden, his last pre-election pronouncement except a brief radio appeal from Hyde Park Monday night. Gov. Landon, who had spoken what he termed his credo and challenged Mr. Roosevelt to tell “where you stand,” before a yelling throng in the Garden Thursday night, was homeward bound today stressing what he termed the New Deal’s "waste and extravagance cn an unparalleled scale.” On Thursday Mr. Landon pictured the New Deal as a menace to consti tutional freedom and declared he was against governmental “planning” and “concentration of power.” Tonight Mr. Landon planned to speak in St. Louis before going on to Kansas to await the election returns. 11th Hour Developments. This week produced two eleventh hour developments being watched closely by campaign leaders. One was a fight over the social security act. The other was the maritime strike, a walk-out which brought political stra tegists to alert attention to determine what, if any, bearing it might have on Tuesday’s ballotting. The sudden intensity of the clash over the social security act came as a surprise. Previous the act had not been at the center of the hottest cam paigning, though Gov. Landon had denounced it as “unworkable and stupidly drafted” and John G. Wain ant had quit his post on the Social Security Board to assault Landon's stand as a "call to retreat.” This week, however, there were cries of "fraud” from both sides of the argument. The Social Security Board complained to the Justice Department that the board’s name was fraudu lently used on posters announcing forthcoming taxes on wages and pay rolls to finance the program. Co incidentally, William Hard, Republl- j can radio commentator, charged the j act was “a deliberate coercive fraud upon youth.” Praise and Attack. With campaigners springing to arms on either side, high party leaders continued the hot clash last night. President Roosevelt called the act "a new magna charts for those who ■work.” He said "sinister forces” were behind the Republican attacks and that "pay-envelope propaganda” was carried on by "old time exploiters of. labor.” Col. Frank Knox, who Incidentally Is concluding a 20,000-mile campaign called the most arduous in national campaign history, assailed the act at Gary, Ind., as a "scheme for sharing poverty.” He also declared the pen sions and insurance measure “puts half the working people of America under Federal oontrol.” Meantime a campaign which has tom long-time “regulars” from their political moorings continued also to develop sharp differences of opinion even among close relatives. The latest example is that of the Edison family. Charles Edison, son of the late Thomas A. Edison, urged the re-elec tion of Mr. Roosevelt. Only a few days ago the inventor’s widow, now Mrs. Edward E. Hughes, spoke at a Landon rally. Pane Strings Loosened. The campaign also has loosened the purse strings of contributors as per haps never before, the drive has be come the costliest in history. The two major parties already have reported a total expenditure of nearly $10,000, 000, with large sums being spent by other organizations. Expressions of confidence were heard from both camps. John D. M. Hamilton, Republican national chair man, said there was “a nation-wide sweep for Gov. Landon” and against the "Roosevelt-Farley political ma chine." Hugh S. Johnson said “it's doubtful whether Gov. Landon will carry six States—it’s another land slide.’* ft f • ' 1 I- ■ . . Laivrence Predicts Roosevelt’s Margin Will Shock New Deal Observer After 20,000 Miles of Travel Through 40 States Presents “Ratio of Doubt99 Method of Forecasting. BY DAVID LAWRENCE. rIS is the fifth time I have at tempted to forecast the out come of a presidential election and I shall employ the identi cal formula that has made every one of the four previous forecasts accurate. I shall not attempt to predict an exact electoral table — I never nave—but I mere ly present each time as convinc ingly as possible the •‘‘ratio of ; doubt” theory which has en abled me hereto : fore to answer in advance the one ! question that is uppermost in everybody's mind — who will be elected President of the United David Lawrene*. ! States? . -- As in preceding campaigns, I am prepared to be surprised, prepared to be proved wrong, and if I am wrong this time I shall have to console my self with the knowledge that I will have been right four out of five times at bat. Oddly enough, most of the forecasts we read today are based on guesses and conjectures and not on an actual judgment derived from a personal con tact with many States. The two major Nation-wide polls, of course, represent a scientific method of canvassing a cross-section of the electorate and I shall refer to them later in this article. My own conclusions are based on a study of 40 out of the 48 States—the eight omitted being in the solid South, which is usually Democratic. I have traveled 20.000 miles in the last three months and have followed for the most part the route that I have traveled before so that an op portunity has been afforded me for comparative judgments—how the elec tee LAWRENCE, Page A-9.) OF CAMPAIGN IMP Works on St. Louis Address After Hitting “Waste” at Charleston. (Text o/ London Address, Page A-4.) Bs the Associated Press. ABOARD LANDON SPECIAL EN ROUTE TO ST. LOUIS, October 31— Gov. Alt M. Landon drafted the final summation of his presidential campaign tour against the New Deal today for Halloween delivery in St. Louis, his eyes cast on Missouri'* 15 i electoral votes. Smilingly reiterating confidence of election, the Republican nominee ap- ■ pealed for support of "real Demo crats” as he campaigned through West Virginia, en route to Missouri’s biggest city to meet his wife, whom he has not seen since his departure two weeks ago upon his transconti nental campaign drive. The Kansas Governor reserved the morning hours for visiting with Mrs. Landon, leaving the afternoon for conferences with party leaders be fore delivering his address in the | Municipal Auditorium. The speech will be broadcast nationally. 10:30 to; 11 p.m. (Eastern standard time). Cheered by 15,000. Landon capped his West Virginia thrust with a station platform speech at Huntington before a cheering throng estimated at 15,000 by Police Lieut. M. M. Johnson, after a broad cast at Charleston’s Mlddleburg Au ditorium, in w hich he asserted "house hold budgets” must pay for New Deal “waste and extravagance.” Discussing "issues as they relate to the home,” the nominee addressed the “thousands of men and women who in ordinary years take no active part in political contests.” He called the Constitution “the charter of our liberties—the charter that keeps our homes,” and told his hearers New Deal “misuse of public funds” threatened inflation through disregard of “the old-fashioned prin cipal of making both ends meet.” In some foreign countries, he said, “homes are no longer protected by the law against invasion of the agents of an all-powerful government. “We must never forget that the loss of liberty in these countries followed depressions: that the trends in govern ment which preceded this loss of lib erty were similar in many respects to the trends in government which we see in America today.” “When I Am President.” As he began “When I am Presi dent,” the crowd roared applause. When he asked “Did it (the present administration) tell you frankly in advance what you were getting?" the crowd resoonded “No.” “And do you feel you got your money’s worth?” “No,” shouted the audience. “Is it (the New Deal) telling you jnow what it proposes to offer you if it should be re-elected?” After a chorus of “No," a voice (See LANDON, Page XT) * ROOSEVELT VISITS Tells Party Workers Voters’ “Increased Interest” Points to Victory. (Text of President’s Address J’age AS.) F> the Associated Press. NEW YORK, October 31. —Presi dent Roosevelt paid a visit to Demo cratic national headquarters today and in a speech of thanks to party workers declared the increased inter est the voters were taking in national affairs indicated victory for the New Deal next Tuesday. Speaking from a balcony looking down on a twentieth-floor ball room of the Biltmore Hotel, the Chief Ex ecutive said the most important “im pression’’ he had obtained from the campaign was that people were tak ing a more “intelligent interest" and becoming “forum-minded" on na tional affairs. “I may be frankly a little preju diced at the present time," he said, "but I believe the more people that go to those forums the bigger our majority is going to be next Tues day." Pays Tribute to Farley. The President also paid a warm tribute to National Chairman James A. Farley for having kept the cam paign on a “pretty high level" and said he had come to the definite con clusion that national headquarters had been "what we call in the Navy a happy ship—no crossed wires, everything clicking—and the result is going to bear that out next Tuesday." He visited headquarters with Mrs. Roosevelt after a drive from his town house on East Sixty-fifth'street. The greeting along the way reached its top pitch at the hotel where a heavy paper storm rained down on his party. The President remained at the Biltmore for lunch and then stepped out for a tour of the Bronx, where he was to speak briefly before a group of women leaders. He will then motor for awhile, and return to his home to rest up for his last major speech of the campaign tonight in Madison Square Garden. He brings the campaign to a close Monday night with a 15-minute radio talk from his home in Hyde Park. That his speech tonight would be another sharply worded blast at the (See ROOSEVELT, Page A-27) QUEEN MARY ILL Flower Show Visit Canceled Be cause of Cold. LONDON, October 31 C4>).—Strick en with a cold, Queen Mary was forced today to cancel a scheduled visit to a flower show. The 69-year-old Queen mother was confined to a room at Marlborough House, where she recently moved from Buckingham Palace. Her con dition was said to be not immediate ly serious. Group in Hollywood to Make Final Effort to Talk to Houdini By the Associated Press. HOLLYWOOD, October 31. —Ten years to the hour after Harry Hou dini died a group will gather tonight —Halloween—-on a Hollywood hotel roof In a Anal effort to communicate with the spirit of the great magician. They hope to hear his disembodied voice from 8:30 to 9 p.m., Pacific standard time. The group will be composed equally of believers in psychic phenomena, spiritualists, scientists and agnostics. One Superior Court judge of Los An geles will sit in the inner circle. It will assemble at the request of Houdini’s wife, Mrs. Beatrice Houdinl, his stage partner in life. “Long before he died," Mrs. Hou dini said, “we agreed that whoever should go first would try to return to the other. In his last hours he said to me, 'Beatrice, I’ll come to you somehow, even though I have to go through hell.’ f “We agreed upon a message, phrased in code. It was known only to the two of us. The compact was to last 10 years and no longer. After that period, the one of us still alive was to abandon hope either In the possi bility of the survival of the dead, or their ability to communicate with the living The message has never been received. "The fact that tonight is Halloween is a coincidence. Mr husband died on Halloween 10 years ago.” She spent today alone in her hotel room—"to clear my mind as much as possible and guard against the danger of hypnotising myself, or of putting myself in a frame of mind where I’d be too susceptible to suggestion.” Simultaneous seances In IS cities of the United States, in England, Australia and Canada will be held at the same hour as the Hollywood gathering, she said. A MARITIME UNIONS WILUNG TO RENEW PEACE®* Joint Committee Agrees if Employers Are “Sin cere.” EAST VOTES TONIGHT ON WALKOUT ACTION Miss Perkins Goes to New York to Attempt to Stop Spread of Trouble. BACKGROUND— In 1934 Pacific Coast maritime unions engaged in a bitter S3-day strike. Seven men were killed. Finally peace was won when the unions were given the right to con trol hiring of labor. This agree ment with employers expired on September 30 of this year. Since then there have been fruitless negotiations lor renewal of the con tracts. Arbitration efforts have been led by Assistant Secretary of Labor Edward F. McGrady, who played an important part in bringing about peace in 1934. Bs the Associated Press. Secretary Perkins made public a telegram today from the Joint Mari ume oume v^umimnee un uie west Coast, in which it said negotiations for a settlement could be resumed at once if "employers give sincere expression of real desire to negotiate rather than to continue to say no to fundamental union principles.” The Labor Secretary gave out the telegraphic reply to her request that the maritime unions resume negotia tions before she left for New York to attempt to avert a spread of the Pacific strike to East Coast ports. The reply of the Joint Marine Strike Committee to her telegram said: "Unions have been and are willing at all times to negotiate acceptable agreements with ship owners. If em ployers give sincere expression of real desire to negotiate rather than to con tinue to say no to fundamental union principles, then negotiations can be ! resumed at once. "Unions will welcome any effort 1 you may make to cause employers to resume negotiations provided employ j ers negotiate in sincere and honest effort to settle present differences.” Negotiations Held "Farcical." The Strike Committee described ne gotiations preceding the strike as "farcical” because of "employes’ un compromising, stiff-necked and un friendly attitude and obvious desire to smash unions.” The committee — represented by Marvyn Rathborne, secretary—assured Miss Perkins that the unions were taking "every precaution to preserve peace.” Rathborne's telegram said “No vio lence will occur unless caused by em ployers or by civil authorities acting beyond their legal functions as in re cent California labor controversies, particularly Salinas lettuce strike.” Harry Lundeberg, secretary-treas urer of the Sailors’ Union of the Pa cific, said in reply to a telegram from the Secretary, "We are ready at all times to meet ship owners in effort to negotiate amicable settlement and will co-operate with your department to this effect.” Lundeberg expressed appreciation for Miss Perkins’ efforts to bring about a renewal of negotiations and informed her that the sailors are keeping in close touch with Assistant Secretary of Labor Edward P. Mc Grady "whose efforts up until now have failed because of arbitrary and unreasonable attitude of ship owners.” E. B. O’Grady and George Chariot, officers of the Masters, Mates and (See STRIKE, Page A-3.) Lepers Under Control. MANILA, P. I., October 31 UP).— Restlessness among the 7,000 lepers in the Cullon Island colony, which re sulted in a request for troops two days ago, is well under control of authori ties, Dr. Eugenio Hernando, acting director of health, said here today. i HALLOWEEN— or NEW RAID Sirens Send Populace In doors-—Yesterday’s Death Toll Hits 165. BACKGROUND— Spanish civil war, which began last July with rebellion among soldiers in Morocco, moved swiftly at first, covering coastal sections of mainland. Then it spread to important French border area with Fascist rebels continuing a long chain of victories. Then began long, slow maneuvers to be known as Battle of Madrid. . Cautiously the rebels have been moving on the capital from many sides, cut ting off communications and leav ing the city without food supplies. On Madrid hangs the ultimate outcome of the struggle and the rebels have been sure of victory. The Socialist-Communist defend ers have dug in for a long seige, determined the city shall not fall. B* the Associated Press. MADRID, October 31.—The shriek of air raid sirens sent terrified Madrid street crowds rushing pell mell for shelter early this afternoon as deaths from yesterday's insurgent air raid passed the 165 mark. The warning was sounded at 1 p.m. Two hours later, as tragic queues wound away from the doors of morgues and hospitals housing the dying and dead from Friday's bombardment, the sirens wailed again. The crowds, shouting in terror, ran for subway exits, the doors of tall buildings, or any place which offered shelter. However, nothing happened and It was learned later that three Insurgent planes had merely skirted the city from the west, attempting no attack and apparently heading for Barajas airport. It was believed the first alarm was caused by sensitive aircraft detectors (See SPAIN, Page A-3.) COLD WEATHER SEEN Forecaster Also Says Election Day May Be Wet. Cold and possibly wet weather on the East Coast was indicated for Tuesday—election day—in the weekly weather outlook issued today by the Weather Bureau. This outlook was for New England and down the Atlantic Coast to Vir ginia. -■ - 11 i Summary of Today’s Star ■ II ■ —-I-—— Page. Page. Amusements. A-7 Music _B-4 Army, Navy. A-4 Obituary_A-ll Art_B-3 Puzzles _C-8 Books _B-2 Radio _A-7 Church Real Estate C-i-7 News..B-5 to 7 Short Story C-6 Comics _C-8 Society _A-10 Editorial _A-8 Sports ...A-14-15 Finance .A-12-13 Woman’s Pg-B-8 Lost-Pound -_A-3 POLITICAL Landon to end campaign trip in St. Louis tonight. Page A-l Taylor, Republican, faces fight of career in Tennessee. Page A-2 NATIONAL Candidates in major appeals as record vote is seen. Page A-l Republicans report campaign expendi ture of $7,488,718. Page A-2 James O'Connell, veteran union leader, dies. Page A-4 Indictments returned in New York restaurant racket. Page A-3 A. F. of L. says upswing to continue re gardless of election.. Page A-ll FOREIGN. Women and children massacred in ''Madrid raid. Page A-l Italy to double navy personnel against British rearmament. Page A-l WASHINGTON AND VICINITY. Dairies announce higher milk price, effective tomorrow. Page A-l Halloween festival here favored by Ideal Fall weather. Page A-l Two Pennsylvania trains derailed in Capital area. Page A-2< State police enter Maryland bond collusion probe. Page A-18 Ickes asks showdown on title to air port runway land. Page A-18 1 —1 Religious leaders mourn death of Msgr. John J. Burke. Page A-16 EDITORIAL AND COMMENT. This and That. Page A-8 Answers to Question. Page A-8 Stars, Men and Atoms. Page A-8 David Lawrence. Page A-I Paul Mallon. Page A-9 Mark Sullivan. Page A-9 Jay Franklin. Page A-9 Headline Folk. Page A-9 MISCELLANY. Washington Wayside. Page A-2 Betsy Caswell. Page B-8 Dorothy Dix. Page B-8 Vital statistics. Page A-1I Nature's Children. Page A-4 Bedtime Story. Page A-ll Young Washington. Page C-7 City news in brief. Page A-II Auto Show Puzzle. Page C-4 Traffic convictions. Page A-9 REAL ESTATE. Building permits. Page C-l Realtor convention plans. Page C-l The Home Gardener. Page C-3 Designed for Living. Page C-4 Home Modernization. Page C-5 SPORTS Winners in outstanding grid games to day forecast. Page A-14 Marquette assumes Rose Bowl tint by win over St. Mary’s. Page A-14 Eastern, Roosevelt seen as out of high school race. Page A-14 Penalties handicap Catholic U. in loss to Loyola. Page A-14 Coiomals only underdogs among D. C. teams today. Page A-15 Prep school championship bid being made by Landon. Page A-15 Ranking pin stars of District swing into action. Page A-15 Six local stable! enter hones in na tional show. Page a-15 K Japanese Artillery Roars at Peiping in Maneuvers by 5,000 By the Associated Press. PEIPING. October 31.—While Chinese flags, honoring Chiang Kai-Shek's 50th birthday anni versary. whipped proudly in the teeth of a gale, Peiping echoed today to the roar of Japanese field guns. The guns spoke in accompani ment to maneuvers by 5,000 Jap anese troops outside the south walls of the city. Formal pro tests against the maneuvers were made to Japanese authorities in Nanking yesterday. A "march on Peiping” and a grand review on the Peiping Golf Club course, four miles west of the city, will climax the maneu vers next Wednesday. Last month Japanese maneuvers tore up the turf of the course and brought a protest from the club. ITALY TO DOUBLE NAVY PERSONNEL Rome’s Aim Reported to Be to Meet Mediterranean Rearmament. By the Associated Press. ROME, October 31.—Italy intends i to double its naval personnel, author itative sources said today, preparing to meet any threat from England in the Mediterranean. Naval sources also disclosed plans for development and expansion of the Italian war fleet. Doubling of the naval personnel, just increased from 50.600 to 60.000 men, would raise it to at least 100,000. Purpose to Match Britain. The purpose of the move, it was said, was to match Britain's naval rearmament in order to maintain the ratio of Italian naval strength to the British fleet. Following Mussolini's recent an nouncement to the cabinet that “sev eral scores of warships are now under construction,” naval sources said: 1. Many light warships, from sub marines to cruisers, are being added to the two 35,000-toa battleships Littorio and Vittorio Veneto now under con struction. Ten new submarines, of 600 tons each, are now completed and, of short cruising radius, are destined to remain in the Mediterranean. 2. The navy will complete its system of bases. A strong base has just been finished on the Island of Elba, pointing at France and the northern Mediter ranean. New works are to be constructed at Taranto, in the arch of the Italian Boot, to make that base one of the (See ITALIAN, Page A-3.) ■ - •- ■ Senator Bone in Hospital. MOUfoT VERNON, Wash., Octobef 31 (4>).—Senator Homer T. Bone, Democrat, of Washington, was con fined in a hospital here today after canceling an appearance at a Demo cratic rally last night. HALLOWEEN FETE Elaborate Festivities Ex pected to Be Favored With Ideal Weather. (Pictures on Page A-14) Ideal Fall weather, crisp and clear, was expected to favor Washington's most elaborate Halloween festival and parade of ghosts, witches, goblins, huge comic figures, floats, bands and marching units tonight. While the city prepared for a gay evening, the Weather Bureau pre dicted clear skies and somewhat warmer temperatures tonight. Cloudy and warmer weather tomorrow should be followed by showers in the after noon and lower temperatures tomor row night. The low this morning was 33 degrees. The first event of the celebration here will be a reception at the Willard Hotel at 6:45 p.m. for the District Commissioners and the mayors from nearby towns who will review the parade as special guests. The parade of approximately 5.000 persons will form near Sixth street and Constitution avenue, moving down Constitution avenue at 7:30 o'clock to a disbanding point at Sev enteenth street and the Elipse. Balloon Comic Figures. Spectators along the line of march will be treated to a pageant which will include 15 huge balloon comic figures. 22 commercial floats, 15 civic floats, 11 bands. 50 marching units and more than 100 individual march ers attired in every conceivable cos tume. The queen of the Halloween Festi val will meet the girls of her court at the Willard Hotel prior to the pa rade and will go from there to Con stitution avenue and Sixth street to join the column. The parade will pass before a re viewing stand on Constitution avenue between Fourteenth and Seventeenth streets. This will be occupied by the Commissioners, visiting mayors, mem bers of the diplomatic corps and other distinguished guests. The queen’s section of the parade will lead the column. This will be headed by Maj. Ernest W. Brown, su perintendent of police. This section will include the Police Boys’ Club Band, three chapters of Job's Daugh ters, the “court jester,” the "king of (See HALLOWEEN. Page*A-3T) PUBLISHER KILLED Paul Maddock of Indiana Victim in Automobile Crash. MARTINSVILLE, Ind., October 31. (A*).—P a u 1 Maddock, prominent Bloomfield, Ind., newspaper publisher and president of the Indiana Republi can Editorial Association, was killed near here early today when his auto mobile left the road and turned over. Maddock, who was alone, apparent ly lost control of his car at a turn. He was in charge of the reception given Alf Landon, Republican presi dential nominee, when the Kansas Governor spoke in Indianapolis last Saturday. Ocean Flyers’ Weather Guide Sees Solo Hop Glory at End By the Associated Press. NET/ YORK. October 31—The man who charted the course of every suc cessful east bound trans-Atlantic air plane flight since Charles A. Lind bergh’s rolled up his maps today and wrote this bold inscription on the back: "Capt. James Q. Mollison: Last of the solo heroes of the ocean airways.” For Dr. James H. Kimball, New York’s weatherman, is convinced the day of the lone daredevils has ended. There was no more glory to lure them, he said. Mollison captured the last of it. On his record-breaking lunch-to breakfast hop from Newfoundland to London the English captain did the one thing no one else dared before: Flew into threatening ocean weather. Dr. Kimball warned Mollison before he took off that sleet and snow would batter him, and that ice would form on his ship’s wings. That happened, but the flyer won. The flight closed the busiest season in trans-Atlantic flying history. Ten crossings were m^dd before MoQlson’s trip, and no lives were lost. But a flight made after this would be “fool hardy," Dr. Kimball said. By the time another ocean-flying season rolls around, next May, Dr. Kimball expects spectacular non-stop hops will be supplanted by test flights with two or three stops. The safest route for a cross-ocean air ferry, as far as weather is con cerned, he said, is by way of Ber muda, the Azores and Portugal. It was along this route that the Germans catapulted the flying boats Zephir and Aeolus on six test flights to Long Island this Summer. Twenty-six persons died in the nine frenzied ocean-hopping years after Lindbergh's acclaim. By 1936, however, ocean flights were almost commonplace. Dick Merrill and Harry Richman went across and back, Mrs. Beryl Markham flew west, Kurt BJorkvall flew east, and Mollison made his fourth Atlan tic crossing. “Yes,’* said Dr. Kimball, “the glory is gone* "And,” he added. "I’m glad. I never approved of those flights.” I MILK PRICE RISES ONE CENT A QUART Increased to 14 Cents. Chestnut Farms Follows Lead of Embassy. PRODUCERS’ DEMANDS ARE MET BY DAIRIES Boost Effective Tomorrow—Offi cials Cite Necessity of Hike. BY BLAIR BOLLES. Washington consumers will pay 1 cent a quart more for their milk be ginning tomorrow morning than they do today as a result of the city's leading dairy’s decision to pass on to the consumer the price increase de manded by the organized fanners of Maryland and Virginia. The Embassy Dairy, handling from 7,500 to 8,000 gallons a day, was the first to fall into line and agree to the increase. Chestnut Farms-Chevy Chase Dairy, which handles almost half the milk on the market, soon afterward announced its price will go from 13 cents a quart to 14 cents a quart, or back to the level of May 1, 1932. The Chestnut Farms-Chevy Chase Dairy decision followed conferences this morning between Edgar and Henry Brawner, operators of the dairy. Highland Farms Dairy producers beginning tomorrow will get 1 cent a gallon more for their milk than they do now, as well as 6 cents instead of 5 cents for each tenth per cent of but terfat content over 4 per cent, Philip Rosenfield, attorney for the dairy an nounced. Highland’s store price will remain at 10 cents a quart, however. Wakefield and Marcy Bros, dairies were undecided on their move. Thompson Bros., the fifth buyer of the output of the 1,100 farmers organized as the Maryland and Virginia Milk Producers’ Association, said it would make known its decision at 2 p m. All were expected to agree to the higher Drice. however. Letter to Dairies. B B. Derrick, treasurer of the as sociation, sent each of the five dairies which buy his farmers’ daily produc tion of 57,000 gallons a letter de manding the same new minimum price scale which would have been i effective tomorrow if the milk mar keting agreement had not been thrown i out as unconstitutional by Jus tie* Oscar L. Luhring in District Court “I haven’t heard any complaints from the dairies,” Derrick said. "I guess they are all falling into line. | They have to. Our producers are pushed to the limit. They can't pay for the feed. They can’t turn out the milk if they don't get more money for it.” “We can’t do anything else but pay what they ask,” James J. Ward, president of the Embassy Dairy, said. I ‘‘And that means we have to put our price up. We don't make enough money now to cover this increase.” Feed shortage is the answer to his demands for increased price, Derrick said, adding: "The producer is put at a tre mendous disadvantage by the increase in the cost of feed since June. Harvests of clover, timothy and alfalfa are' way off average and pasture is so i poor that the farmer has to buy exensive grain feeds. He can’t pro , duce for a profit at present prices." New Price Schedule. The new farmer-price schedule calls for $3.24 a hundred pounds, instead of the present $3.02 and $2.82. and requires top-price payment for 90 per cent of the farmer's output instead of 75 per cent as at present. The farmer holds the whip-hand in the economics of milk supply from now until Midspring, for cows pro duce little in Winter months and sup ply barely meets demand. For this reason, it is believed that the dis tributor will have to meet the terms of the farmer. .me uiituuutor wouia nna n almost impossible to find new sources of milk, for virtually all producers in this milk shed—which overlaps the Baltimore, Philadelphia and Richmond sheds— have a market for their Winter out put. For the farmer to dump his milk for a few days would be costly to him, but nothing like as costly a' it would be for the distributor, whose plant would be idle. Meanwhile, the Agricultural Adjust ment Administration sought hurried action on the problem of the consti tutionality of the marketing agree ment, which will be laid before the Court of Appeals. MAN BURNS TO DEATH ON BOAT AT CAMBRIDGE Orville Lloyd, About 30, Found Lead After Flamea Sweep Oyster Bateau. By the Associated Press. CAMBRIDGE, Md„ October 31.— Orville Lloyd of Cambridge was burned to death early this morning when the oyster bateau on which he was living burned in Cabridge har bor The fire was discovered about 3 o’clock by a watchman, who sum moned the local volunteer fire com pany. Lloyd was dead when found. BALLOONS DELAYED Weather Prevents Stratosphere Experiment by Piccard. MINNEAPOLIS, October 31 <JP).— The projected stratosphere flight of two small unmanned ballons, sched uled to be sent up by Prof. Jean Pic card from the St. Cloud, Minn., air port Sunday has been postponed be cause of weather conditions, the Uni versity of Minnesota aeronautical de partment announced today. The flight will be attempted the latter part of next week if the wea*h<* is favorable. t