OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, November 14, 1936, Image 26

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1936-11-14/ed-1/seq-26/

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SET AT $1,105,000
President Approves Addi
tional Sum for Construc
tion at University.
Original Sum, Granted in 1933,
Was Found Too Small for
Building Needs.
Administrator Ickes today boosted
to $1,105,711.58 the P. W. A. funds to
be made available to Howard Uni
versity for construction of one of the
finest library buildings in Washington.
He announced presidential approval
of an allotment of $305,711.58 for the
library, in addition to $800,000 which
had been allotted for it on November
24. 1933. This will obviate the delay
encountered since that time.
. President Roosevelt recently dedi
cated a new chemistry building at
Howard, as the latest step toward
completion of a six-year building pro
gram financed by the P. W. A.
When the question of building a
library on the university campus was
tak£r> up almost three years ago,
it was estimated $800,000 would be
necessary for the construction, long
planned by university trustees. Sub
sequently, eight or nine bids were
submitted. The lowest of these, how
ever. was $305,711.58 in excess of the
$800,000 P. W.« A. had allotted.
The university trustees made an
extensive investigation of their plans
and of the bids and bidders, and re
ported recently to Administrator Ickes
that no satisfactory revisions could
be made in the plans.
During the interim other buildings
have been completed at the uni
The total funds now available for
library construction at the university
are $65,462 in excess of the three low
bids accepted recently. No explana
tion was made at P. W. A. of the
need of a surplus.
Three low bids were submitted for
various phases of the work and equip
ment. Irwin & Leighton, Philadel
phia. made a successful bid of $819,925
for construction of the building. A
bid of $161,280 was accepted from
Snead & Co.. Jersey City, for the
book stacks, and John Wanamaker,
Philadelphia, will provide library
furniture and educational facilities at
a cost of $59,034. The total is $1,040,
Hearing in Effort to Force Testi
mony on Shooting Slated
Justice Peyton Gordon of District
Court will be called upon Monday
to decide whether Joseph E. O’Brien,
gang shooting victim, can be forced
to testify before the . grand jury
against six men who police say "put
him on the spot” July 21 in an effort
to kill him.
Taken before the jury Thursday,
O’Brien and Harry (Spike) Berhle,
who was with him when the attack
took place, stood on their constitu
tional rights, refusing to testify for
fear of self incrimination.
Not 'satisfied that the two men
were sincere in their refusal, prose
cuting officials announced they would
take them into court and ask a judge
decide whether answers to the pro
posed questions would have incrimi
nated them.
The hearing before Justice Gordon
was scheduled for yesterday after
noon, but press of other court busi
ness prevented the jurist from reach
ing the O’Brien case.
O'Brien was shot several times as
he stood on the sidewalk in the
200 block of Second street southeast.
Arrested for the assault were
Charles (Bags! Warring, John W.
Sweeney, Clarence L. Ware, Joseph
S. Bond, George P. Tear and Samuel
S. (Monty) Montgomery. All are at
liberty under bail.
Describes Changes in Palestine
Since 1917 Before Geographic
Changes which have occurred in
Palestine since the British wrested
It from the Turks in 1917 were de
scribed to 4,000 members of the Na
tional Geographic Society last night
by Lowell Thomas, traveler, writer
and radio commentator.
Thomas, who inaugurated the so
ciety’s 50th lecture season, was in
troduced to the audience in Consti
tution Hall by Dr. Gilbert Grosve
nor, president of the society. The
speaker was the author of "With
Lawrence in Arabia.”
Thomas saw the Holy Land taken
from the Turks by troops under Gen.
Allenby. He expressed the opinion
future historians will give more im
portance to the battles in the East
in their accounts of the World War.
Thomas described how the Turks
were driven across the Sinai Desert
by troops suffering more from thirst
and sun than from the bullets of the
enemy. Strangely enough, Thomas
said, the Holy Land was taken from
the Moslems and returned to the
Christians by troops drawn largely
from India and including many
The lecturer described improvements
which have taken place since the
Jewish immigration set in. He said
that Jaffa, for example, was trans
formed from the sleepy port of 1917
to one of the leading shipping points
of the Eastern Mediterranean. Jewish
Immigrants have constructed modern
buildings, improved sanitation, culti
vated vast grain fields and developed
gome of the world’s finest orange
Kiwanians Select Cities.
CHICAGO. November 14 (iP).—San
Francisco will be tbe site of the 1938
convention of the Kiwanis Interna
iion, the Board of Trustees, in annual
council here, announced yesterday.
The 1937 convention will be held
Is Indianapolis next Jui*.
+ .
Fan Mail Remedies Pour in
t . 4 I
On Girl Sneezing Constantly
Mary Cleer Reads All
With Hope She’ll
Find a Cure.
Mary margaret cleer, is
year-old victim of a malady
that has baffled more than
a dozen doctors, sat up In
bed in her Port Myer nome today
and, betweeen sneezes, pored over her
latest batch of "fan mail”—letters
and post cards suggsting every Imag
inable method of stopping the strange
paroxysms by which she has been
shaken day and night for more than
a month.
“I've heard from about 80 people
in all parts of the country so far,”
Mary Margaret said, shuffling through
the pile of mail on her bed. "Nothing
that they’ve suggested has done my
sneezing any good, but I still pick
up every letter and card with the hope
that it’s what I’ve been praying for—
a real cure.”
Along with the messages. Mary Mar
garet, who has been sneezing con
stantly since October 9. has received
a generous supply of snuff, a "mag
netic” note to be pinned beneath her
clothing, a "special inhalor” and a
"radio” device guaranteed to "purify
the oxygen" In her blood.
Thought it a Cold at First.
Mary Margaret, oldest of the four
children of Thomas Cleer, Arlington
County filling station attendant, be
gan sneezing while in class at Wash
ington-Lee High School, where she is
an eighth-grade dudU.
“I thought she had a bad cold- com
ing on,” said her mother, "so I put
her to bed. When the sneezing didn’t
stop I had a doctor examine her. He
didn’t know what the trouble was, and
neither have any of the others that
I’ve taken her to since—and there
have been at least 15. including a
At first, the sneezing was almost
continuous. "We kept count one
night,” Mary Margaret said, "and I
sneezed 37 times in a minute.” More
recently, however, the sneezes have
become less frequent and considerably
more violent.
“That’s why I stay in bed,” the
blue-eyed, golden-haired child ex
plained. "I feel all right, except for
some irritation in my throat, but the
sneezes shake me up so, I just can’t
control myself. The only time I get
out of bed is when I go to the clinic
at Children's Hospital—several times
a week.”
Mary Margaret’s mysterious ail
ment was brought to public attention
through publication of stories in The
Star and other newspapers through
out the country on October 23.
Shortly thereafter, the "fan mail,” as
she calls it, began pouring in.
Advice From Alabama.
From Goodwater, Ala., a man
“Keep the eyes open and press the
upper lip Just under the nose. To
pass the time and make you alert
mentally, repeat the alphabet back
ward. Also, transpose the alphabet in
1-2-3-4 order, like this—ACBD, EOF
Do this forward and backward, and
in this manner—CX, DW. EV, FU,
"The results will be nothing less
than miraculous, and you will amaze
both yourself and your friends.”
A Washington man advised:
“Take a small paper bag, such as
is used in a grocery store, hold the
open end closely around the mouth,
so no outside air can get in, and
breathe into it deeply a few times.”
The writer, Mary Margaret was as
sured, had "stopped sneezing in this
way” on several occasions.
Colored Cloth Offered.
Another letter from tlie District—
this one from a woman—inclosed
scraps of rayon in a variety of hues,
with the explanation that "studies in
color harmony” might help. The best
way to carry on such studies, the
writer implied, would be on National
Capital Parks outings; but, that being
impossible, the pieces of material,
"left over when my mother and sister
made me some underslips last June,”
should prove a satisfactory substitute.
"To focus the attention,” the woman
counseled, “practice as If looking at
the bridge of the nose, single-eye as
it were, helps to exclude the distract
ing. When I am studying a photo
play sometimes, I make binoculars
with circle of thumb and forefinger
to exclude that which detracts from
close vision.”
The "radio” contraption—a muci
lage bottle containing a whitish fluid
and rigged up with several wires—
also came from the Capital.
“A nice old man brought it to me,”
Mary Margaret said. "He told me to
attach one part of it to a radio, put
another part between my toes and
rub my nose with another part. He
said this would purify the oxygen in
my blood and make me well. I tried
it, but—well, it only tickled.*
Magic Letter Received.
The "magnetic” letter was sent J>y
a woman in Hornell, N. Y„ with the
warning, “Don’t handle this any
more than you can help.” Mary
Margaret was advised to "let your
mother lay this on your flesh, under
your clothes, and pin it so it will
stay open. This," the^note concluded,
upper: Mary Margaret Cleer
with some of her "fan mail
Lower: Mary Margaret ex
amining a "radio” contraption
sent her in the hope it would
stop her sneezing.
—Star Staff Photos.
I "is a magnetic treatment.” .
"I am an old lady and have been a
practical nurse, and my mother was
a nurse before me,” said a message
from Port Collins. Colo. "I make
something I use for sneezing, head
ache, hay fever, cold in the head and
sore throat. It is simple and won’t
hurt, you if it doesn’t do you any
! good.” ,
The preparation consisted of ”1
thimble household borax and 1 thim
ble powdered sugar, mixed and run
through a wire tea strainer three
times.” Directions for use of the
"remedy” were:
“Snuff powder dry. Keep snuffing
up your nose until you can taste the
The “special inhalor” came without
any accompanying explanation. Mary
Margaret’s 9-year-old sister Patty
tried it.
“I don’t know’ whether it’s good for
> sneezing.’’ Patty said, “but all it did
to me was to make my no6e bleed.”
Other messages suggested inhala
tion of chloroform (this from a Bur
lington, N. C., man who affixed an
”M. D.” to his signature), turpentine
and “corn fodder tea.”
“The mail keeps right on coming,”
Mary Margaret smiled, “and I keep
right on reading it. Some day,
maybe. Til come across something
that’ll really fix me up.”
5. E.C. Is Told Realty Jumps
Five Times When Buying
Ground Is Proposed.
The Securities and Exchange Com
mission today studied the statement
that real estate jumps five times in
value when it is proposed to use it
for cemetery purposes.
At the same time it sought to rec
oncile with this testimony information
that there is enough cemetery space
already available in Washington to
accomodate the dead for almost a
century to come.
Stop-Order Hearing.
Both assertions were made during
the stop-order hearing on the proposal
of the Washington National Cemetery
Corp. to finance the development of
its 65 acres on Marlboro Pike out
side the District Line with a (225,000
bond offering.
Hie property was bought in 1927
for (53,000 from Mrs. Jease Bell, who
used it as farm land, according to
Prescott Edmonds of Lynchburgh,
Va„ who is president of the Lincoln
Memorial Cemetery, adjacent to the
Washington Memorial.
Lincoln Memorial still owes (20,
000 on the land. Edmonds added. He
said Lincoln Memorial had sought in
1932 and 1933 to rid itself of the
property for (65,000. In September
of this year, however, Lincoln turned
it over to the Washington Memorial
Corp. for one thousand (150 5 per cent
notes, payable in 10 years.
Business Adviser’s Comment.
Charles William Banker, a New
York business adviser, who now is
vice president and treasurer of the
Washington Corp., told the commis
sion he figures his cemetery will be
worth (390,000 when improved.
To finance the Improvements,
Banker said he is putting up the
money necessary for the present. The
3 per cent bond issue, for which the
6. E. C. contends the Washington
Memorial Corp. made Inaccurate
statements in his registration, would
supplement Banker's money, the New
Yorker said.
Best Time'to Kill Hogs.
R E. Nance, professor of animal
husbandry at North Carolina 8tate
College, says the best time to kill
hogs is on a "cool. dry afternoon.”
1,000 FROM P. W. A.
$10,787 Contract for Mall
Water Supply System
Is Approved.
97 Employed in Building of
Swimming Bool at
About 1,000 men now are engaged
in Improvement work in the Washing
ton park system under the New Deal’s
emergency work program, C. Marshal
Finnan, superintendent of National
Capital Parks, announced today.
Under the Public Works Administra
tion set-up, the latest contract to re
ceive the approval of Secretary Ickes
is one for *10,787 for a water supply
system in the outer panels of the
Mall, awarded to D. L. Rathbone of
Rosslyn, Va.
Under the improvement program,
with the assistance of Public Works
Administration funds. Finnan said,
86 men are at work on the Mall side
walks; 97 are engaged in constructing
the new swimming pool in Anacostia
Park, and 37 are on the East Potomac
Park swimming pool project. Land
scaping and seeding are now going
forward in the Mall and in Meridian
Hill Park, a handful of workmen
are finishing up wall construction
there, also under P. W. A. funds.
Thirteen men are working on re
moval of buildings to enlarge the
park system.
Work to be Done.
Remaining to be done under the
P. W. A. current program here is
the rehabilitation of Rawlins Park, be
tween the old and new Interior De
partment Buildings, incident to street
lighting in the locality of Eighteenth
and Nineteenth streets, as well as for
E street north and south.
The largest group of men engaged
here in park improvement under the
emergency set-up, Finnan said, is
the Civilian Conservation Corps, com
prising 500 men, scattered in three
camps, Fort Dupont, that near Co
lumbia Island, and at Fort Hunt, Va.
The park chief explained that the
men of the Fort Hunt Camp have
now completed the first sanctuary at
Roaches Run on the Mount Vernon
Memorial Highway, also bridal paths,
and are well along with the develop
ment of picnic areas, which will be
ready for the public next Summer.
Restoration and road construction
at Abingdon, Va.. the old Nelly Custis
home on the Mount Vernon Memorial
Highway, has now been completed by
the Fort Hunt personnel. Finnan
said experienced tree surgeons were
utilized as foremen and the C. C. C.
assisted in tree surgery and forestry
work along the Mount Vernon Me
morial Highway, and this Job is now
Under the W. P. A., about 30 men
are engaged on improvements at
Takoma Recreation Center, 86 at
Turkey Thicket. 53 at Taft Recrea
tion Center, 35 at the Edgewood
Playground, 50 in the southern sec
tion of Rock Creek and Potomac
Parkway repairing flood damage, 37
are assigned to road patching in
various localities, 146 are concerned
with bank sloping and some road
construction on Fort Drive, near the
Alice Deal School, and in finishing
a retaining wall along Piney Branch;
73 are at work on the Anacostia Park
golf course, and 122 are occupied in
improving small reservations through
out the city.
The regular employes of the Na
tional Capital Parks are assigned to
Fall planting. Finnan said. Free dirt
is being obtained from a contractor
who is at work on the excavation on
the Bureau of Engraving and Print
ing Annex and this dirt is being util
ized in East Potomac Park to fill in
low places.
Xindley Named First Vice Presi
dent, Burrus, Second—Ehrlich
Is Made Director.
George P. Kindley of the Edgar
Morris Sales Co. was elected first vice
president of the Advertising Club of
Washington yesterday as the organ
ization made several changes in its
slate of officers.
B. G. Burrus. director of publicity
and advertising of Peoples Drug
Stores, was named second vice presi
dent, and Alvin Q. Ehrlich, affiliated
with Kal Advertising, Inc., was made
a member of the board of directors.
It was voted to hold the club’s
"jamboree” again during the coming
year, and a committee, headed by
Ehrlich, who had charge of the affair
this year, was named to make ar
Plans also were made for other fea
tures, exhibits and entertainments
during the Fall and Winter.
D. C. Violinist Asks $100,000
From Bus Company.
Miss Marge Rivers of Washington,
21-year-old bass violinist in the band
of Ina Ray Hutton, yesterday filed
suit in Detroit Federal Court tor $100,
000 damages against the Eastern
Michigan Motor Bus System, accord
ing to an Associated Press dispatch.
Miss Rivers alleged she was injured
When a bus in which she was traveling
overturned near Flint, Mich., May 24.
As It Was Done in the Old Days!
A "speedster” runs afoul of the law. This was a bit of "play acting” during today’s parade of
automobile relics, held in connection with the opening of the Automobile Show. Anthony Richett,
the officer, is telling Leslie Bond, the "speed demon," that he was going over 15. Margaret Carr
is the girl.
General view of the ancient vehicles as they gasped and sputtered down Constitution avenue
during the parade sponsored by the American Automobile Association. —Star Staff Photos.
--- ♦>-—
17 Autos of Ancient Vintage
Parade to New Models Show
All But One Reach Hall Under Own
Power—1914 Flivver Leads
at Finish.
With a pop, a roar and assorted
sputters. 17 automobiles of the vintage
that made horses shy took off from
Sixth street and Constitution avenue
today and drove to the Calvert Ex
hibit Hall, where the Washington
Automobile Show opened at 11 a.m.
AH but one arrived under its own
power, the 5 miles being covered
without serious mishaps between 10:10
and 10:50 o'clock.
Leading the procession at the finish
was a 1914 flivver of the kind that
made Henry Ford famous early in
the history of the automobile industry.
It was painted red. yellow, blue and
green and decorated with all sorts of
windshield stickers and metal tags, in
cluding a dashboard sign warning,
‘ Danger—Keep head and limbs inside
of car!”
The driver. Richard Greenfield. Ta
koma Park. Md., claimed the car could
make 35 miles per hour. Greenfield's
companion on the high front seat was
pretty Miss Rose Kimball, also of
Takoma Park.
One Fails to Start.
The procession started amid a haze
of exhaust fumes, a grinding of worn
gears and harsh casing of horns.
One old car Just couldn’t quite make
the grade as the rest of the entries
pulled away from Sixth street at a
signal from Police Supt. Ernest W.
“Get a horse," shouted some Jokester
who might have been a passer-by in
1905 as well as 1936.
As a sympathetic crowd gathered
and the distraught occupant lifted
the ancient vehicle's hood, a policeman
asked that every one stand back to
“let ’em get a little air and maybe
it’ll get started.”
The unfortunate cripple regained Its
power somewhere along Connecticut
avenue and arrived well toward the
front of the strange parade.
Rolling beside the “horseless car
riages” came a tandem bicycle
mounted by Ralph Shipman of Cot
tage City, Md., and Ruth Jenkins.
Fort Myer Heights, Vt. A sound
truck blared. “On a Bicycle Built for
Two,” as they pedaled swiftly, Ship
man’s fake mustache streaming out in
the breese. Miss Jenkins wore a
crimson sateen suit of the style suit
able for wheeling in the gay 90s,
while her companion was attired In
a loud checkered suit, purple hand
kerchief puffing from the breast pocket.
19*2 Cadillac Elegant.
Probably the most elegant equipage
in the motorcade was a 1902 Cadillac
driven by C. Raymond - Levis of An
napolis, Md. Levis wore a long
visored motoring cap, goggles, fur
gloves and a “duster.”' Next to him
on the high seat rode Mrs. I. E. Mil
lian in a green velvet dress with bro
caded lapels and a hat tha looked like
a wedding cake, draped in green gauze.
On he back seat were Mrs. Robert
MacCartee, in a purple velvet dress,
and D. E. Williams, in flat-crowned
derby and frock coat
! Fred Parsons, Bryn Mawr. Pa
' drove a high wheeled one-cylinder,
i Pierece Arrow, vintage 1902, which he t
explained had two speeds—one for- ;
ward and one reverse. Parsons sat in :
the driver's seat behind two pretty
companions in linen “dusters” and the
extraordinary heargear of the period
in which the car was born.
Snappiest and speediest of the 17
old “gas-buggies” was a 1908 Mer
cedcs-Daimler that coEt $9,000 when
imported. This fiery red racer is
capable of 62 miles per hour, accord
ing to Daniel Valentine, who drove it
down from Philadelphia. Further
more, it has all of four cylinders.
One Towed to Finish.
The only car that failed to arrive
at the exhibit hall under its own*
power was a bright red 1902 model.
This vehicle, a joy to behold in its
day. got started, all right, but had to
be towed after chugging a few blocks
wit han overheated radiator.
When the cars arrived at the show
they were lined up in the street for i
judging for prizes offered by the ;
American Automobile Association and :
the Washington Automotive Trade As
sociation. Principal judges were
Frank Taylor of the Smithsonian In
stitution, an authority on old cars, and
C. B. Bishop of the A. A. A.
Levis’ 1902 model won the first
prize, a gold cup awarded by the Au
tomotive Association, as well as a
radio, given by the A. A. A. for the !
oldest car in the procession.
A magniflcient Columbia electric, ’
1906 model, with a canvas brougham
top, won second prize, also a cup. This
vehicle, which must have caused many
a pang of envy when it sped along
the dirt highways of another era. was
an entry of the Haley Body Co.
Parsons’ 1902 Pierce-Arrow, fresh
from victories at the Philadelphia old
car derby, took third prize.
A 1906 Ford, entered by the North
east Motor Co., took the A. A. A.
special prize for “most amusing” par
ticipant, while another Ford, a 1902
variety belonging to William Vehren
camp, Jr., Mount Jackson, Va., was
given honorable mention.
Barney Oldfield, veteran race driver,
arrived yesterday to attend the show.
'He will broadcast over Station WMAL
at 4:30 p.m. tomorrow.
More than 20 manufacturers are
represented in the displays, exhibiting
65 models, including trailers. The
show will be open daily, through next
Saturday, from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Sun
day hours are from 3 p.m. to 11 p m.
More Private Jobs
Filled in October
Than in 1935 Period
dLocal Employment Up
turn Reflected by
More persons were placed In pri
vate employment here last month
than in* the corresponding period of
1938. according to the latest report
of the District Employment Center.
This indicates an uptunj in the local
employment situation, the report
The center received 3,292 appli
cations for employment last month
in contrast to 3.952 in October. 1935.
The decrease in applications is 16.7
per cent.
Placements made by the center
during October included 2,318 in pri
vate Industry, or a gain of 2 per cent
over September and a gain of 10
per cent over October, 1935, when
2,105 persons were placed. Public
projects absorbed 493 applicants and
27 were put on security wage jobs.
Of the private placements 1,005 were
reguhu 1,313 temporary.
Actual Demonstration of
Game Before Judge
Is Possible.
In recess today, the District Court
'pin ball trial” will be resumed Mon
day with the possibility erf an aetual
demonstration of the game before
Justice Daniel W. O'Donoghue in an
effort by the Government to convince
him that the devices are “evil chat
tels” and subject to police seizure.
The main issue is whether skill or
chance predominates in playing the
machines. Contending that they
were gambling contraptions. United
States District Attorney Leslie C.
Garnett last Summer ordered police
to seize the 10,000 machines scat
tered throughout the city's pool rooms,
drug stores, cocktail rooms and simi
lar gathering places.
The Pioneer Novelty Distributing
Corp., which said it'owned 2,500 ma
chines, countered with an injunction
suit against Garnett and Police Supt.
Ernest W. Brown, and Justice Oscar
R. Luhring granted a preliminary
stay. The current hearing is to de
cide whether the preliminary injunc
tion should be made final or dis
“Expert” to Testify.
Scheduled to take the witness stand
Monday morning is Ralph Branden
burg. mechanic's helper, who testified
late yesterday that he was an expert
pin ball player and cobld call his
shots almost at will. Under direct
examination by Attorney William R.
Lichtenberg, who represents the dis
tributor, Brandenburg admitted mod
estly that he acquired his skill by
much practice, but still “slipped up
once in a while.”
Cross-examined by Assistant United
States Attorney John J. Wilson. Bran
denberg explained that he counter
acted slight imperfections in the
playing board by giving the ball
either a “back spin” or a ‘forward
spin," merely by twirling the plunger
to the right or left.
Beside him as he testified was a
brightly painted pin ball board which
went under the name of “peerless."
Brandenburg said he had been "quite
successful" on the "Peerless” and
thought he could put the ball in a
predetermined hole every time. The
“Tycoon * another make of machine,
was a little more difficult, he said,
and the best he could promise was
5 bull’s-eyes out of 10 shots.
Druggists Are Called.
Three druggists who keep pin ball
machines In their stores preceded
Brandenburg on the stand.
Figures given by the three indi
cated a wide range in the average
“take" per machine, depending prin
cipally on the location of the store.
Machines in the store of Dr. Jo
seph Bernstein at 333 H street north
east seemed to be the most profitable.
The druggist said he got only 25 per
cent of the "take,” but that, even so,
his share amounted to about >75 a
week for each machine.
Dr. Robert I. Myers, whoee drug
store is at 5915 Georgia avenue, said
be received 50 per cent of the net
profits but made only between $5
and $15 weekly.
By the Soldiers’ Home Band in
Stanley Hall at 5:30 pm. today. John
S. M. Zlmmermann, bandmaster;
Anton.Polntner. assistant.
March, "For Freedom's Flag”.-Baron
Overture, "Festival”_Leutner
Three Country Sketches.Howgill
(a) "Pastorate,’’
(b) "Darlnee,” »
(e) “Little Villagers Dance.”
Serenade Espagnole, “Ye to Arne,"
* Mueller
Walts medley, “My Old Kentucky
Potpourri, "Viennese Folk Songs.”
Finale, “The Oallant 36th”_Fulton
^ "The Star Spangled Banner."
p I
Bowie to Study Evidence in ■
Poiice-Bondsman Case
Before Acting.
Governor Leaves on Midwest Trip.
Safe to Be Installed to
. Protect Becords.
Momentarily expected for the past
two weeks, the appointment of a spe
cial investigator in the Prince Georges
County, Md., police inquiry has been
deferred for at least four days, it was
learned last night.
State’s Attorney Alan Bowie, sched
uled to recommend an assistant for
appointment by the Circuit Court
today, will not make his selection until
Tuesday, he said, pending a further
survey of evidence.
The prosecutor's nomination of an
investigator, to help him sift charges
of a police-bondsman conspiracy, has
been anticipated since the grand Jury
recessed to recommend a recall for
further investigation of Washington
motorists' complaints against law en
forcement irregularities.
Bowie, after indicating he would
name his aide shortly following the
panel's disbandment, finally declared
the choice would be made when he
had completed criminal prosecution in
Circuit Court. That session closed
To Stud^ Records.
Yesterday, however, photcstatic
copies of the police arrest “blotter”
and bonding book were brought to
Upper Marlboro after duplication of
originals in Baltimore. Bowie, point
ing out he had been “unable thoroughly
to analyze these records as yet,” said
his assistant would be appointed by
Meanwhile, the State’s attorney was
preparing to install a small safe in his
office today. He will keep all records,
impounded by the grand jury, in the
strong box to safeguard the files. Al
though Bowie denied any attempts
had been made to reach the docu
ments, reports of threatened tamper
ing with the records prompted post
ing of armed guards in the court
house Wednesday night.
The photostats probably will be
transmitted to Keystone Automobile
Club officials today. Keystone at
torneys intend to check the copies
against affidavits from District auto
ists, compare their findings with court
records and submit the evidence to
the Board of County Commissioners
for possible administrative action
against involved policemen.
Others May Be Suspended.
Three constables have already been
suspended. IX the checking procedure
substantiates motorists' compfainu
several more officers are expected to be
removed from duty, pending comple
tion of the jury’s investigation at Tues
day’s meeting of the board.
Plans of Keystone officials to seek
State intervention in the inquiry from
Gov. Harry W. Nice were balked yes
terday when the Maryland executive
left for a 10-day trip to St. Louis, Mo.
The club leaders had planned to see
the Governor yesterday to present
charges that police corruption had
prevented large sums of money from
reaching the State treasury after
traffic arrests.
"Whitewash” Talk Scouted.
Rumors that the investigation might
end in a “whitewash" were vehemently
denied by State's Attorney Bowie yes- ”
terday. Similar denials have been
made by county commissioners, while
political leaders have expressed their
desire to “clean up” the affair.
A suit charging a “towing racket "
filed by a District driver, wes sched
uled for hearing before Justice of tha
Peace Robert E. Ennis in Capitol
Heights last night. Defense attorney,
however, demanded a charge of venue,
and the trial was postponed umil
another magistrate could be selected.
The complainant alleged that his
automobile was driven to a Prince
Georges garage by a constable after
his apprehension on a traffic violation.
Following his release, the motorist
said, a bill for *3.50, itemizing “tow
ing and storage” expenses, was pre
sented to him for payment before he
could obtain his automobile.
Captain and Cook Critically Hurt
in Yacht Explosion.
SAN DIEGO. Calif., November 14
(/P).—An explosion on the research
yacht Scripps critically burned Capt.
Murdock G. Ross. 50. and Henry Ball,
60, cook, and sank the craft yester
day. ,
The 60-foot vessel was owned by
the Scripps Institution of Ocean
ography. Crew members of the Novia
del Mar, anchored nearby, carried
Capt. Ross and Ball to safety. Their
burns may be fatal.
Frightened Pup
Underneath Car .
Ties Up Traffic
Canine, Panic Strick
en Among Autos,
Seeks Refuge.
One small, badly frightened puppy
caused a bad traffic Jam at Ninth
and O streets last night by taking
refuge under a halted street car and
refusing to be coaxed from beneath
the wheels.
The dog, a German shepherd, was
caught In heavy traffic and became
panic-stricken, darting beneath the
wheels of motor cars, busses and
street cars. Traffic slowed down *
while volunteers tried to catch the
fugitive. ,
Finally the animal dashed under
a street car stopped at the corner.
The motorman could not start his
car, nor could he persuade the dog
to come from beneath the wheels.
Meanwhile traffic backed up behind.
Traffic Policeman R. Y. Hesse sent
for a scout car, but the car could
not get to the scene.
A colored man Anally crawled be
neath the street car and brought the *
dog to safety. Later a wagon from
the Animal Rescue League came for
,fe d0*- A
Wall Street Lawyer, Now Friar,
Admitted by Supreme Court
A Wall Street lawyer little more
than a year ago, and now a friar of
the Franciscan Order. Brother Fldeiis
of Holy Name College returned hap
pily to his monastic duties today
after being admitted to practice before
the Supreme Court.
Until a year ago, Brother Fidelia
then Arthur J. O’Rourke—was a real
estate and probate attorney in New
York. He had practiced law for four
years after receiving his degree from
Fordham University.
Then, dissatisfied with the life
around him in New York, he said, he
applied for admission to the Fran
ciscans. He served a year in a novitiate
at Paterson, N. before coming here.
Most of his time now is taken up
with studies for the priesthood, but
yesterday Brother Fldelis left his
duties long enough to apply for ad
mission to practice before the Su
preme Court.
“I will never be called on to use
this privilege unless, perhaps at some
distant date, the order should be in
volved in litigation which would
reach that court,” be said.
Brother Fldelis studies Important
court decisions and keeps in touch
with legal movements in the belief
he might be called upon to teach

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