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THESE aren't publishers' left-over stocks! Not books th«t didn’t sell! These ire netion-wid'e best sellers originally published at $2.50, $5.00, $6.50, $10.50 up to as high as $25.00! NOW they are only $1.00, $1.29, $1.39, $1.47, $1.69—none higher than $1.98. Prices have been brought down to one-half, one-fifth and as low as ONE-FTFTEENTH the cost of the original higher-priced editions. YES. but how is this possible ? you ask. Because the publisher, one of America's foremost, printed an immense number—and in many cases made ONE volume of books formerly bound in two or even three volumes (but without changing or cutting a SINGLE WORD of text) using EXACTLY the same plates used in the original higher-priced editions! THAT is why you can now get "Stories of the Great Operas and Their Composers’* (originally $10.50 in three volumes) for only $1.47; H. G. Wells’ world famous "Outline of History” (originally $5.00) for $1.29; "Practical Book of American Antiques” (originally $8.50) for only $1.98. And. these are only a few of the scores of amazing book bargains listed below.! YOU'RE certain to find something of interest in this vast variety of I books which we’ve carefully selected to appeal to all tastes and all purses. 1 Here are some of the classifications: Fiction, Biography, Mystery & I Terror, Travel, Music, Science, Art, Books for Youngsters, Gardening, 1 Cooking, Business & Finance, Books for Collectors. ! The books listed in this advertisement are all full library size, ranging from 5Vi x 8*4 inches to 83/< x 11'4 inches. Many of them contain 500 or 600 pages—some over 1,000 pages! Many are gorgeously illustrated with drawings, photographs, paintings in full color. Sturdily and luxuriously bound, and printed in CLEAR TYPE on fine paper. By all means come in and actually SEE the full assortment. But if you can’t (which would be * P‘*y)» P*^ UP d** telephone or use the convenient mail coupon below. f I_ 1 STORIES OF THE GREAT OP •• ERAS, And Their Composer*— Ernest Newman. Now enjoy the opera, whether over the radio or in the dress eirele! A thorough, easy-to-read story by the eminent London critic of oper atic music, history, and the lives of great composers. 1.028 pages. Formerly -• In l volumes. $10.50— NOW $1.47. 7 OPERA GOERS* COMPLETE GUIDE*—Leo Melitr. Handiest ref erence book ever published. Synopses of 288 operas, together with caste, voices, principal arias, famous mu sical numbers, etc. Indispensable com panion volume to title No. 1 listed above. W as $2.50—NOW' $1.40. 3 PLAT PARADE —Noel Coward. Seven of hia famous plays, includ ing Cavalcade. Design for Living, with a revealing introduction. W'aa $3.50— NOW $1. 4 THE DECAMERON OF BOCAC • CIO—Translated by Richard Ald ington. Color illustrations by Jean d# Bowchere. A riot of story-telling—by the greatest raconteur of all time. Evsry tale complete In English In Its original, unexpurgated, unchanged form. Formerly In 2 volumes, $17.50— NOW' $1.79. 5» SHIPS OF THE SEVEN REAS— • Hawthorne Daniel. W’hole fasci nating story of sailing ships and steam ships. from earliest days to modern times. Profusely illustrated. Was $4.00 —NOW $1. C GRAPHIC ARTS. The whole au thoritatlve story of photographic art, sculpture, cartoons, wood-cuts, drawing In pen-and-ink and pencil, pastel, crayon, etching, lithography, 'line engraving, drypoint, etc. 70 full ~pages of illustrations, including 8 ** pages reproduced in 5 colors. Hand *om« *!»" x llii" volume. Only 81,88. 7 MANSIONS OF PHILOSOPHY— • Will Durant, great author of “Ths •tory of Philosophy,” discusses love, ethics, morals, sex. politics, religion, in the modern quest for happiness. Clear, eoncise. conclusive. Over 700 pages. Was $5.00—NOW' $1.43. © MARIE ANTOINETTE—8tefan Zweig. Notorious queen whose life ef frivolity, extravagance, and scandal ended on bloody guillotine. Illustrated. 491 pages. Was $3.50—NOW' $1.49. 9 WISDOM OF THE AGES—Mark • Gilbert. A treasury of the world's moat inspired thought. W'ill help you solve todays problems, inspire sura achievement. Was $2.50—NOW' $1. 1A THE SPY AND THE NEXT WAR v —Richard W. Rowan. This vivid exposition of the exciting technique of offensive and defensive combatant secret-service opens a new chapter in the long and terrible history of war fare. Was $2.50—NOW $1. 11 THE 8TORY OF RELIGION — Charles Franck* Potter. True story •f all faiths. Was $5.00—NOW $1. 17 ENGLISH AND AMERICAN 14** FURNITURE—Herbert Cesc in sky 400 beautiful reproductions of fine fur niture, with informative and authori tative text. Contains reference table of v events, dates, craftsmen, and complete glossary. Size 6?i x lGVk. printed on specially made heavy glazed paper. Was 17.50—NOW $1.08. 14 STANDARD BOOK OF BRITISH AND AMERICAN VERSE. Pref ace by Christopher Morley. A complete end comprehensive volume of modern end classic verse for every home library differing from other anthologies In that the poems are complete in this book rathsr than abridged as Is usual. 240 posts, 588 poems. 800 pages, 3 Indexes. Bound In full morocco. NOW *1.9*. 14 best SHORT STORIES OF 1,1 "ORI.D—Konrad Bercovlci. The finest stories of Maupassant, Conrad, Poe. many others. Was *2.50—NOW *1. 1C THE PHILOSOPHY OP l.IFF— **'* A. M. Baton. Countless Inspiring literary gems and great thoughts down through the ages. Was *5.00—NOW *L <. Ifi. RICHELIEU—Hilaire Belloc. Aa • tonishlng story of great Cardinal — past master of Intrigue. Inspired genius In diplomacy. Illustrated. Was *5.00— NOW *1. 17 OUTLINE OF HISTORY—H. G. WELLS. This masterpleca of all time, depicting development of man kind from dawn of history to present day. now available In thle great one volume edition. Unabridged, revised to Include momentous events of last dec ade. Complete with Illustrations, msps. charts, diagrams. 1,255 pages. Was *5.00—NOW *1.20. 15 ROGET'8 THESAURUS—C. O. 8. Mswaon. An invaluable book for everyone who uses the English lan guage. arranged In a new patented Dictionary form; all words. Ideas, Phrases, listed alphabetically. 6*4 pages, Wes *3.60—NOW *1.39, IQ THE FLAME OF I8LAM—Harold . * Lamb. Struggle for power In Holy Land—from epic encounters of Richard • tha Lion-Hearted to machinations of Queen of Moslems. Was *4.00—NOW *1. JD RASPUTIN, THE HOLY DEVIL— fcv* Rene Fulop-Miller. Authentic life •f the Mad Monk of Siberia who hyp notlied the late Ciarlna of Russia. Was *5.00—NOW |I. 71 BRING ’EM BACK ALIVE—Frank —Buck. Extraordinary adventures of Frank Buck, conqueror of wild animals. . Illustrated. Was (3.50—NOW *1. v 77 HOW TO LITE—Arnold Bennett. 4 vole. In 1. The famous novsllst'a rules for successful living. Was (5.60 NOW *1. 74 AFRICAN INTRIGUE—Alfred ■ Batson. The story of the German mission in Africa which Is still labeled •'Unfinished Business" in the foreign of fices of Europe. Wee *2.75—NOW *1. 71 PRACTICAL BOOK OF AMKRI CAN ANTIQUES—Eberlein and MeCInre. Covers Colonial crafteman , ship in iron, gold, pewter, glass, cop 5ir, silver, lace, etc. 257 illustrations. y twa famous authorities. 65* z *1*. Bound In buckram. Stamped in gold. Wu 51.5*—NOW *1.91. > ~ 7C NOTHING BUT WODEHOrSE— Edited by Ogden Nneh. Over 1 009 pagee of laughs including a complete novel and over two doien of tbs funniest stories of P. G. Wodehouae. Introduces Jeeves, Bertie Wooster. Mr. Mulllner, Mr. Ukrldge. Mr. Psmlth. other lntml table character*. NOW $1.21. 1C THE OMNIBUS OF CRIME — “w* Dorothy I.. Sayers. Breath-taking atorlaa of crime and horror by world famous author. 1,117 page. Waa 13.04 —NOW $1.40. 77 SEVEN FAMOUS NOVELS OF 6,1' H. G. WELLS. Exciting, blsarre stories that mads him famous. Includes: Time Machine. Ieland of Dr. Moreau, Invisible Man. War of Worlds. 1st Man In Moon. Food of tbs Gods. In ths Days of the Comet. $60 thrilling, fascinating page. Waa $1.75—NOW $1.4t. TO GENGHI8 KHAN—Harold Umh Terror of civilization conquered half known world. Waa $3.50—NOW II. 7Q BRITISH AGENT: The Hidden Moves of International Intrigue— K. H. Bruce Lockhart. The true and thrilling story of whirlwind Intrigue In one of the great crises of world history. Whit really happened In Rusala from 3 914 to 1118. Waa 13.50—NOW $1. Yft | IS THAT IN THE BIBLE?—C. F. Potter. Whit do you Know shout the Bible? This fascinating velum* contains rountleas curious, surprising and amusing items—NOW $1. Ol THE STORY OF PHILOSOPHY— Hill Durant. De Luxe edition of Americas most famous modern hook, which reviews great philosophers, their backgrounds. From Socrates to John Dewey this volume t rates history of human beings as great thinkers. Waa $5.00—NOW $1.69. 77 THE TRAVELS OF MARCO OU POLO—Edited with Introduction by Mannel Komrnff, Greateat of all books of fantAstle adventure. True tele of 26 years’ wandering In medie val Asia, with its vast palaces, daz zling courts, unbelievable harems, feast, battle.—at range besets, tem ples. weird sex rites. 402 pages. 32 lllus. In color. Was $5.00—NOW |1.54. 77 THE ROMANCE OF LEONARDO DA VINCI—Dmitri Merejkowelci. Proclaimed greatest novel about Re naissance and Its strange genius who painted Last Supper. Mona Lisa. Was $5.00—NOW $1. 7A ON THE TRAIL OF ANCIENT ‘rt> MAN — Roy C hapman Amirans. Enthralling adventures of American Museum of Natural Htatorv'aexpedltion into Mongolia. Waa $6.00—NOW $1. 7C THE CARE AND HANDLING OF •w- DOGS—-J. L. Leonard. D.V.M. How to select, mate, train, rear 150 breed. Care of pupple. Diets, batba. exercise, housebreaking—obedience, with chil dren. etc. Complete, quick lade. 25 photos. Was $2.50—NOW $1. 7C STRATEGY IN HANDLING PEO PLE—Webb and Morgan. Sensa tionally different: ahowa "key” methods used by successful men to away others, reach ambition. Waa $3.00—NOW $1. 77 THE GARDEN MONTH BY MONTH—Mabel C. Sedgwick. The moat convenient, practical and syste matic reference book on this subject ever compiled. A book of tested trust worthy Information well tabulated and Indexed. No gossip. Ovtr 200 photo graphs and a special color chart show ing the exact shade of ovory flower catalogued. Buckram bound. 6% x 10. Wraa $7.50—NOW $1.4$. 70 GENUINE ANTIQUE FURNI TURK—Arthur Do Bias. A practi cal guide to the study of antlquts and a history of atvlsa In furniture written by a famous authority who has fre quently lectured In the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Illustrated with 2<I0 photographs and drawing. 1% x 19. Was $6,00—NOW II.4$. it THE BOOK OP OLD SHIPS— Henry B. Culver nnd Gordon Grant. Early ruitomi and superstitions of asafaring folk; strange records of lost ship*, curlou* detail* of Ufa on many seas. 77 Illuatrations. t new color platsa printed especially for this edi tion. Size I x 11%. bound In Bermuda blue rough buckram, stamped in gold. Formerly 15.00—NOW fl.9». JC CANTERBURY TALKS—Geoffrey Chancer. Illustrated by Rockwell Kent. A beautiful edition of these lusty atoriea by England a Kabelat*. in mod ern English. 25 full-page drawings in two colors by the famous artist. Rock well Kent. Specially bound and printed on extra quality paper with two-color label and gold stamping. 6% x 1%. Was $3.75—NOW $1.89. C7 COMMON SBN8F OF MTB1C— 3* • bltmuid Spittk. IITtlubU |Ulii to rioter undemanding, appreciation of mutle — cleaelo end popular. Waa 11.00 — NOW II. U OMAR K R ATT AM — Harold lamb. Fantaatle Ufa ef famoua author of The Rubaiyat and hie bar baric, giamoroua Portia. Waa— NOW 11. CQ GREAT WORKS OF ART, gad 37* Whet Makes Them Great—F. W. Rucketoll. Tbe prlnclplee upon wblch art ahould be Judged. A common tease ▼ lew or paintings and aculpture to Im part Joy and appreciation to the lay man. 171 pages. 171 reproductions ef paintings and sculpture. Waa 11.00— NOW $1.10. 47 STORY OF THE BIBLE — Hen drick Willem van Loon. Informal and fascinating story of the Bible from Genesis to Revelations by the author of The Story of Mankind. Profusely illus trated with drawings snd color plstea. Was 85.00—New Revised Edition $1.69. 40 BOOK OF CULTURE—Ethel Pey eer. Kssentisl facts of Literature, Drams. Art. Silence. History. Music. Religion. Philosophy. Interesting au thoritative. up-to-date. 760 pages. Was $4.00—NOW 11.69. 40 PRACTICAL EVERYDAY CHEM ISTRY—H. Bennett. F.A.I.C. An Indispensable book that tella you how to make what you uae and how to aave from 60 rents to 96 cents on every dol lar you spend for many household ne cessities. Over 1,000 tested money, making, money-saving formulas. No scientific knowledge or equipment nec essary. NOW 91.98. CO THE CRUSADER — Harold ——• Lamb. Exciting chronicle of w»r w.g.d by Christendom .gamut I.I.m for X r.nturle.; and of 3 million wul. who pariabad. Wu *4.06—NOW *1. Cl j THE I,E C.ALLIENNE BOOK OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN POETRY. 3 vol.. in on*. Vp-to-riate anthology .elected by a noted poet; 1.061 .elections from 5S0 author*, old and new Indexed. 1,636 page. Wag *7.00—NOW *1.4*. C* MAJOR MYSTERIES OF SCI —ENCE—H. Gordon Gwrbedinn. Tha march of acienca through the centurtea and what aciantlata ara planning for tomorrow. (4 full pages of Illustrations. Was 63.76—NOW *1.3*. MMK. CURRIER AND MR. I YES— • Russel ('raw. The lire and time# of two of America's foremost early lithographers with 12 essmplse of thalr rare work in full color sod In black and white. Was 14.00—NOW *1.1*. _ «THK GLORIOUS ADVENTURE • — Richard Halliburton. Impetu ous adventure on trail of Ulysses past t'lrce, the elrene. through Lotus I.and. Troy. Carthage. Modern thrills In lands made famoue by myth and song. Illus trated. Was 44.00—NOW $1. CO THE DICTIONARY COMPAN *“• ION — C. O. Sylvester Maweun. New kind of word book by foremost authority on synonyms, antonyms. Con tains simple plan for spelling, pro nouncing. understanding words. A cer tain guide to correct usage. 471 pages. Was *3.00—NOW 11.10. CO THE COMPLETE GARDEN— °*>* Albert D. Taylor. M.S.A.. assisted by Gordon D. Cooper. B.S.A. The book that solves svtry gardening problem! Covers all aeaaons. plants, the country over. Was *0.01—NOW $1.70. M KEEPING MENTALLY FIT — • Joseph J set row. The noted author ity's famous book on every-day, prac tical psychology. Was 11.40—NOW Si. CC UNDERSTANDING HUMAN NA DS* Tt RE—Alfred Adler. By the fa mous psychologist at the University of Vienna. Waa tl.40—NOW 41. CC THE CIDCI BOOK—Dr. Waller* W. Nulling's fascinating book on tbs history and romaooa of old American and English Clonks. Lists of makers; over 200 lllus. Was 14.04—NOW $1.70. gn OLD PEWTER. BRANS. COPPER ®I* AND SHEFFIELD PLATE— H. Hadson Moors. IntentsJy interesting discussion of pieces within scops of average modest collector. Weights, hallmarks, methods of Identification. Profusely lllus. Was $$.00—NOW $1.20. CO PRACTICAL BOOK OP OUT DO* DOOR FLOWERS— Richardson Wright. An Invaluable handbook for all lovers of garden flowers. Systematic, authoritative and complsts, written by the editor of "House end Garden.'* Was 17.40—NOW $1.44. W GREAT MEN OF LITERATURE • —Will Durant. Author of Tbs Story Sf Philosophy" renders cross sec tion of greatest thoughts of all tlma. bv world's moot renowned thinkers Lists "too best books for an educa tion." Was 14.00—NOW tl._ ^BOW TO WRITE LETTERS—M. • O. Crowther. Compltt* fuid* to correct peraont) and business letter writing, with countless examples. Wad $2.00—NOW *1. 71 TAMERLANE, THE EARTH • SHAKER — Harold Lamb. Ruler of East when Europe was provino* ef Asia. Was $4.00—NOW $1. 77 ROMANCE or ARCHAEOLOGY •£» —K. V. C. Magoffin and Emily C. Dmvis. The ancient gloriea of bygone days, brought back to Ilfs. The fasci nating story of how scientists unfold the pages of history. S4t pages: 144 Il lustrations. Was IS.00—NOW 01.40. 7» THE HUMAN MIND —Karl A. >•9* Mwnlngrr, N.D. Practical, sound advice on wbat to do when wa run aroul of worry and unhappineea. Was II.OA—NOW *1. 7A A GUIDE TO THE WILD FLOW. KBS—Norman Tarter. 1.10S ape ries described. ISO Illustrated. Ingeni ously keyed; written tn simple lan guage. Was $$.40—NOW $1.40. 7t BOOK OF HUMOROUS VERSE— <9. Edited by Cawolyn Wells. Most popular of all the poems and varaea of lighter vein written In English, from Chaucer to DorotKr Parker.* plots humorous anthology published. 1000 pages. 70S selections. 110 authors. Complitely Indtied. Was *1.00—NOW 7 C THE CURIOUS LORE OF ID. DRUGS AND MEDICINE — Charles H. LnWall. Four thousand years of fascinating and romantle progress from witch doctors, black magic and superstition to the marvels ef modern Pharmacy. 04 pages of raro Illustration* Waa $1.00—NOW *1.70. j SPECIALS! | BIRDS OF AMERICA )Q BIROS OF AMERICA. A magnificent $ 1.000 page encyclopedia of ALL THE BIRD* OF THE NORTH AMERICAN CONTINENT. Each bird ie pictured and completely described •« to till, color habi tat. distribution, habila, family, etc. Tha book li simple to read, easy to understand, yet entirety authoritative. Kdrted by the President Emeritus of the Audubon Society, assisted by John Burroughs and others The hook contains 1.000 pictures. 101 of which are in gorgeous full eolor by j Louis Agasiii Fuertee. Complete (tottery | and Index Sire ft<4 i 11*%. A book ef teal beauty end permanent relue for ell agee. Bound Iw forest green buckram, extra reinforced to stand hard usage: gold stamping, tinted tops. Originally published by the University Society In three volumes at S17.M. NOW la one matter volume, ipeclally priced at 19.15. The aeme. In handsome Febrtkold jf tJ^M. binding, eocloeed in box. HAMMOND'S WORLD ATLAS AA HAMMOND'S NEW UNIVERSAL f 4v. WORLD ATLAS. Two of Amor Ira a leading publlshort Joined forms to produce ? America's Finest Atlas at the graataat bar* \ Nil priw tvgr aSarid l Hart la t nomplala. uplotbeminula Atiai 1 of the world today. Including eren such re cent changes as the new Italian Empire in Boat Africa. Over 100 superb colored maps (aeo«t of them IS x 11) show fall detail witn I perfect legibility Detailed maps of the ; •hall world, with ana ar nora fall.pail ■apt for aarh Kata In tba union. Indai of •tar 175,000 plica Danas. 81 a# 1J*4 wf«a i 10S hlifa. Baautlfull? printed, fine paper. Bound in durable buck ram Indispensable for bus loses mop—ideal » for home reference—a greet aid to students. Compiled from the moat authentic sources! represen's mora thin J50U.000.0A tnreit merit Navar before has a comparable Atlas sold foe leu than JJ7.50. NOW-only J9.7J. 41 TAKE THE WITNESS — Alfred Cohn and Joe Chisholm. Dramatic • lory of Earl Rogers, noted criminal lawyer whose genius won 11 acquittals In 100 murdsr trials I Was 13.SO — NOW $1. 40 THE STORY OF MANKIND — ML. Hendrik Willem ran Loon. Fa moufl history of the world with 18* unique Van Iaoos illustrations. Was—NOW II. 49 IDA BAILEY ALLEN'S MODERN *»•»• COOK BOOK. 1.100 tasted recipes, apaclal menus, diets. 1,001 pages. Was 11.00—NOW $1. 44 THE OUTLINE OF MAN’S WORK AND WEALTH—H. 6. Wall*. The whole story of man’s vast and various activities and the reaeon for theie ac tivities from the beginning of hie time to date. A companion relume to Wells’ great Oatline of History and tha Sci ence of Life. A survey ef man's every activity In work and play, war and peace, and anyona who raada It will have a better understanding of the world he llvae in. Over 114 pages Was 17.1*—NOW ll.l*. M PAINTING, Past and Present. An aid to tb* fuller appreciation of flno painting. Halpa you to undaratand treat works of art and what makts thorn front. Mora than 200 halftones and It fall pare* of color plate* show ing famous works of Rembrandt, Da Vinci, Gauguin, Cetanna. Michelangelo. Velasquez. Degas. Ihlgaat. Homer, and scores or others. A gorgeous yolnm* IU" z 11H' In sis*. A perfect gift. NOW ONLY flvtl. Ci A I.AFGH A DAY KFFPS THK DOCTOR AWAY— Inin 8. Cobb, inexhaustible fund of funny stories. Waa $2.50— NOW *t. CC THK ROYAL ROAD TO RO •W' MANCK — Richard Halllbartea. Reckless young romgnllclgt. Just out of collet*. proTss h* can tramp way pen niless to fascinating corners of tb* earth and bars a Jolly time doing lu Illustrated. Was $1.00—NOW $1. CC FORTY TFAR* OF SCOTLAND weN YARD — F. Wensley. Consldarad beat of police memoirs. By famed chteC •f C.I.D.. tbs Yard's amaslng crime mill. Illustrated. Wat 12.71—NOW II. nMAN OP TH 1 BEN A IfS A NCR— * Ralph Boeder. A fascinating atory tiring th* Account* of contrasting ca reer* ef four men whose brilliant lira* TltalU* th* most carnal period la tats tory. Waa S3.30—NOW 31.33. 72 RAIDERS OF THE DEEF—Law IO. *11 Thomat. Strang* tales of submarine battles chore end below the surface of the sea. Adventures of fearless U-boat commanders. A thrlll lna book of the war. 7Q NAPOLEON —Emil Lndwlg Thrilling rise and fall of lover, warrior, Impsror. On* of greet hooka of modern times. Was 33.00—NOW 3L MNew Book of ETIQUETTE. Com • plately Revised sad Brought Up to-Dole by Lillian Elchler, whoso first hook sold a million copies. All th* lat est rules . . . Including proper way to servo wines. Waa 34.00—NOW 31. Q1 ASTRONOMY: The Splendor bf ol’ the Heavens Brought Down In Earth—A. M. Harding. 413 thrilling pesos explaining the mysteries of the •klea to simple, easy - to - understand langnaga Over 141 llluftrntlons. 81i* <% x 13*. Bound In midnight blue vel lum; colored end sheets. NOW 31.33. WORLD—Erases Protherae, F.Z.S. 24 plates la gorgeoua natural color, orar tot photograph! — authoritative and up-to-date. Rneyrlopedla of animals, birds fishes. Insect*. reptUea. etc. Site *43 a *43. bound In Jungle green rough buckram, stamped In gold. Hitherto available only in Bug land. NOW 11.13. W DROLL STORIES—Honor* d* * Bnlanr. A splendid edition of this moat human of Balsae** worka Hilari es*. Intriguing, sophisticated, t n abrtdged. Illua. by Ralph Barton. In t vole, was 113.00—NOW In l vol.. 31.(3. MET LIFE At AN EXPLORER— • Sron Had fat. Forty year* of perl lona adventure and amaatng escapes from death In mystic Asia. 344 pages. Profusely Illua. Waa 33.00—NOW 31 33. « GREAT WORKS OF MUSIC — °W* Hew hi Listen To aad Enjoy Them —Philip H. Goopp. ConcItF. under standable interpretations of 00 famous Interpretations of oreheetrel music, in cluding ail nine of Beethoven's treat symphonies, and finest works of other composers, classical end modern. Give* music added meaning, for both con cert-goer and listener-in. Three vol umes now In one.lSCI pages. Was 11.00 —NOW 11.00. E. Alexander Powell. Amailn* adventure* In inyatarlou* Nepal. Dar in* dlacloaurea of (hocking "religion*’’ depravity. Wa* lt!#«— NOW U. A (bury. Unflinching ac count of th* (Ink-hole of vie* that once mad* Ban rranetaco'a under world th* moit dan aeroua *pot In America. Waa |1.0»—NOW *1. 68 OF HUMAN °°- BONDAGE — W. Someraet Maugham. Parhapa th* greateat autobiographical novel of our cantury. Waa K.IP—NOW |1. 60 THE 8TOBT OF 0,1 LAW—J. M. lane. Faaelnatlng atory of Law from early time* to prevent day. 416 ga*. Wa* 11,-NOW on THE FT.TTNO CARPET — Rich ard Halliburton. Dar ing aacapadaa In an airpian* over Rurop*. A a I a. Africa. He dropped down from the aky to meet th* king or head hunter*; flaw over Mt. Evaraot, hlgh eat point on th* global Illuecrated. Waa 11.71 —MOW |L W HISTORY AND • DESTINY OF TO JEWS Jooef Kaafc rioyrapny or in« ptopii wno art •era tha baat and tha laaat known raoa on aarth. Waa $3.**—NOW $1. 0? THE COHQUB9T OF FEAB BmII Klnf. Hart you an “Infer!* ority aompltx"? Art you timid, nlf« conorlous—tongue-tied In the presence at others? This book bee helped 1*0.000 to conqaer tears at oil kinds. Was ?2.0t —NOW *1. Q? EARTH OOIVQCKRORS—J. !«■ "• He Mile tied Magnificently adveo tarous IItss and achievements at Co Iambus, MagaUaa. seven other daring aaplorera. was »*.«»—NOW 11. QQ BEST LOVED POEMS OP THE "■ AMERICAN PEOPLE—Edited by Haael FrUeman. Mora than *00 beloved poem, that have gladdened people* hearts for generations. Only (1.6*. 1|M ROMANCE OF CHINESE ART. *W. 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