OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, November 15, 1936, Image 74

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1936-11-15/ed-1/seq-74/

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(Continued From First Page.)
fashionable lady member from abroad
of the skeet club.
^ American Ambassador to Great
Britain, Is now vice president of the
National Capital Skeet Club and an
ardent hunter and skeet shooter. At
least a hundred of the leading physi
cians and lawyers of the Nation's
Capital also belong to its leading
skeet club. And. In the main, they
ere active members who oil their
automatic shotguns regularly because
they use the selfsame weapons fre
quently In war on the flying targets.
Such prominent medicos as Drs. Mc
Clennadln. Don Johnson, Walker.
Kirby Smith and Don Knowlton, and
barristers like A. F. Prescott, John
McClure and “Nubby” Jones, among
many others, rate as regular partici
pants In the skeet-shootlng contests.
In looking over the handicap list
we noticed with Interest that George
Deyoe is the No. 1 sharpshooter and
probably the best skeet shooter In the
entire Washington region, although
Dr. Don Johnson, reared on a Western
ranch and a seasoned big game hunter,
runs him a very close second. In
third place is Larry Williams, Jr., a
12-year-old lad, who selected a shot
gun as his first toy, if the way he
nicks the skeet targets at all angles
and levels ,1s any criterion by which
to Judge. Young Williams, son of a
father who is an enthusiast over
both sheet and field gunning, has been
carefully coached and brought along
to where he now is Junior champion
skeetman of the Atlantic seaboard.
It is a moot question that there's a
more skillful junior gunner in the
country today than this local lad.
Larry’s brother Leonard, a 10-year
old, Is another prodigy with a shot
gun. A. F. Prescott, Jr., a youth of
about 18, Is a fine shot and bolds his
own against many of the adult skeet
era at the National Capital Club.
Vincent Tompkins Is No. 4 on the
handicap roster, with Dr. Currey, A.
F. Prescott, Mr. Vance, William Coe,
William Leetch, H. F. Walters. Joe
Morrison and Andre Plot completing
the list in the order named of. the
dozen foremost marksmen. The out
standing woman shooters include
Mesdames A. F. Walker, Jones. Dyer, .
Prescott, Merrill, Tompkins, Williams
snd Coe. Mrs. Walker is the current
Maryland champion, winning her title
In the State contests at Towson. In a
recent trial she broke 92 out of 100
You can gain some idea of the In
terest of Washingtonians and their
nearby Virginia and Maryland neigh
bors in skeet by the fact that 169
rounds—the shotguns barked exactly
1,225 times—were fired at the Na
tional Capital Skeet Club during a
recent Sunday afternoon. On that
nccaslon there were guests teams from
the Kenwood Skeet Club, Skyland
Skeet Club, Alexandria Skeet Club,
Laurel Skeet Club and Towson 8keet
Club, In addition to 50 or more of the
National Capital Skeet dub men on
band blasting away at the flying clays
and having a thoroughly splendid
time enjoying the sport.
SKErr SHOOTING, the Invention
of W. H. Poster, now president of
the National Skeet Shooting Associa
tion, came Into country-wide being
in the United States a little lees than
a decade ago. Prior to that time, trap
shooting had ruled as the best avail
able substitute for field shooting. The
typical trap weapon is a long-barreled,
single shotgun, designed to throw
close patterns; a steady stance was
__ . _
the layman, trap shooting is more an
approximation of target practice;
ikeet shooting la the closest known .
imitation of quail, rallblrd and other
field shooting
The National Capital Skeet Club
supports four skeet shooting fields, so
that ISO or more gunners can partici
pate in the matches simultaneously.
There are eight shooting stations es
tablished on the semi-circular line of
fire on each field, these stands being
numbered consecutively.
Japan has forbidden ex-service men
to participate in politics.
Ladies and Gentlemen ... Take Notice! You may have seen some unusual furniture values in
your time, but we doubt if you've ever attended anything to compare with tomorrow's unpre
cedented event! Prices have been slashed to the bone to make room for our toy department
and shipments of new merchandise for Christmas! It is your opportunity of a lifetime to secure
furniture values that are truly remarkable.
Regular $119.75 2-piece
Kroehler Bed Davenport &
Suite, covered in durable
tapestry. Superior construe
Regular $129.75 2-piece
Living Room Suite, covered
in corded friezette. Value
beyond comparison.
Regular $69.95 2 - p i e c e _ _
Living Room Suite, covered $
in long-wearing tapestry. JLMm&JUm
Don't fail to see this suite. Ik " S
Regular $109.75 3 -piece Living Room Suite,
covered in genuine mo- A
hair with o 5-year moth v
protection guarantee.
A real value_
$64.75 3 -piece Living Room Suite, covered in
durable tapestry. Loose, a
spring-filled reversible ^
cushions — limited
Regular $89.95 2-p iece Modern Living Room
Suite, covered in long- a
wearing tapestry. An «P
outstanding special in
this sale.
Regular $106.75 4-piece
Modern Maple Bedroom, a uw fKMKf
Consists of bed, chest of «P M M
drawers, vanity and dresser. M M
A real "buy''_ * *
Regular $89.95 4-piece
Bedroom Suite, Attractive a mgf
walnut finish. Consists of $ ■ ■
bed, chest of drawers, vanity J
end dresser_ £^F
Regular $109.75 4-piece
Colonial Bedroom Suite. Rich
mahogany veneer and hard* a
wood. Consists of bed, chest «p fj
of drawers, vanity and M
dresser_ m
Regular $69.95 4-piece
bedroom Suite. Rich
walnut finish. Consists
of bed, chest of draw
ers, vanity and dresser. ,
Regular $229.75 4-piece Modern Bedroom
Suite. Burl walnut
and gumwood.
Consists of bed, A^gj ■■ 0^
chest-robe, vanity | 1,(0
and dresser. A real I J ^0
value_ I
Regular $94.95 4-piece
Bedroom Suite. Rich hm* mm
walnut finish. Triple S"F Jt .95
Venetian mirrors. Con- M
sists of bed, chest, van- 0
ity and dresser_
Regular $139.75 10-piece Duncan Phyfe Din
ing Room Suite. Wal
nut veneer on gum
wood. Consists of buf
fet, china, extension •
table, server and six
Regular $169.50 10-piece Solid Oriental Oak
Dining Room Suite.
Consists of buffet,
china, extension
table, server and
six chairs.
Regular $74.75 7-piece Dinette Suite. Walnut
veneer on gumwood.
Buffet, china, exten
sion table and four
chairs. An outstand
ing value in this sale.
Don't miss it!
Regular $129.75 10-piece Modern Dining
Room Suite. Walnut
veneer on gumwood. *
Expertly built with V
g u a r a nteed interior
98c 40x2 1/6 Lace Panel_69c
$1.59 30x2 1/4 Lace Curtains, pr_98c
$2.49 Damask Overdrapes, lined, pr___$1.98
$3.49 Damask Portieres_$2.49
$6.95 Guaranteed Link Spring_93.49
$7.95 Guaranteed Coil Spring_$3.98
$12.95 20-yr. guar. Double Coil Spring_$8.95
$8.95 Cotton Mattress_^_$4.49
$12.95 Felt Mattress _ $7.95
$14.95 Inner-spring Mattress-1_$9.95
$3.98 Night Table, walnut finish _$2.49
$6.95 Metol Wardrobe, special value_$3.98
$17.95 Fold. Cot ond Mattress, 2 ft. 6 in._$10.95
$24.75 Desk-Chest Comb., wal. fin_$14.95
$29.75 Double Chiorobe, wal. nish_$19.95
$8.95 Chest of Drawers, nicely finished_$5.95
$5.95 Metal Beds, all sizes_^_$3.98
$8.95 Poster Bed, wal., mahg., mop. fin_$5.95
$26.95 Metal Chest of Drawers_$16.95
$7.95 Maple Cricket Choir_$4.98
$7.50 Cretonne Boudoir Chair_$4.98
$5.49 Occasional Chair, walnut finish_$3.49
$7.95 Tapestry Seat Rocker, wal. fin_$4.95
$19.95 Bone White Leath. Occ. Choir_$12.95
$17.95 Cogswell Chair, tapestry cov_$ 11.95
$32.75 Leath. Lounge Chair & Ottoman_$19.95
$6.95 Rush Seat Ladder Back Chair_$3.98
$4.95 Console Toble, walnut veneer_$2.98
$7.95 Occasional Table, wolnut veneer_$4.95
i $4.95 Coffee Table, walnut finish_$2.49
$9.95 Cocktail Table, walnut finish_$5.95
$2.49 Book Trough End Table-$1.00
$16.95 Gateleg Table, wol. or mahg. ven_$9.95
$3.49 Drop Lf. Butterfly Table, wal. fin._$1.98
$1.29 Card Table ___69c
$6.95 Porcelain Top Kitchen Table_$4.49
$11.75 Cedar Chest, walnut finish_$7.95
$19.95 Lone Cedar Chest, walnut fin_$14.95
$36.95 Lone Cedar Chest, mahg. ven-$24.95
$37.95 Lane Cedar Chest, Peg Maple-$24.95
$29:95 Studio Couch, Inner-spring Mattress..$19.95
$65 Studio Couch, gen. mohair frieze.._$42.50
$39.95 Bed-height Studio Couch, tap. cover. *$27.95
$64.75 Bed-height Studio Couch, friezette—$49.95
$54.95 Bed-height Studio Couch, tap. cover—$39.95
$46.95 Kroehler Auto Bed, tap. cover-$37.95
Hit* National
7th &U Sts.
$63.50 Solid Maple |
Bedroom Suite. 3 I
pieces: Bed, Chest L.
and Vanity. I
$3995 p
Dresser Extra I
' ' m 1
$69.95 English
Lounge Suite. Sofa
and Chair covered in
tape try.
/ *
$109—10-piece Din
ing Room Suite in
walnut veneer on
*88 |
$98 Kroehler Bed
Davenport and But
ton back Chair, cov
ered in tapestry.
$17.95 Co
lonial Desk. .95
Large size— I ■
$14.95 Tapestry
Covered Lounge 95
$32.95’ Coal
Range with $^“T*95
hi-shelf_ mm #
$15.95 Circu
lating Oil 85
Heater_ I '
mr free i w free
H To Mar,la* , i eTsZ’A M
and Virginia J ^ 6th and 7th
A _. ' * > -

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