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Total for All Products Sent Abroad Is Greater Than, 1935, However. A decline in the valine of farm prod ucts exported by this country in the ” first quarter of the current fiscal year and an increase in agricultural imports for. the same period compared with 1935 were reported yesterday by the Agriculture Department. For the July through September period this year the value of all agri cultural exports was placed at $152, 635.000 as against $158,613,000 for the game months In 1935. Imports of all agricultural products for the June-September period were valued at $322,796,000. as against $286,236,000. Of these Imports "competitive farm products’’ were valued at $154,839,000 the first quarter of the present fiscal year as against $145,144,000 In 1935. While value of farm products ex ports declined, sales of other goods were large enough to bring the export total to $569,209,000. well above the 1935 total of $533,588,000. Total imports for the quarter this 1 year of $615,043,000 also were above the same three months last year, when they were valued at $522,161,000. Cotton exports valued at $60,025,000 for June-September this year and $66,253,000 In 1935, and tobacco val ued at $32,799,000 this season and $36,860,000 last, comprised the built of this country's sales to the world In farm products both years. Volume of exports for this Sep tember showed a "marked rise,’’ the department said, reaching 63 per cent of pre-w’ar levels, the highest index for any month this year and also above September thq last two years. , Cotton rose to 79 per cent of pre war volume, with tobacco at 134 per cent. Fruit export volume was below August and last September but still 327 per cent of pre-yar volume. LEAGUE OF COAST GUARD TO HEAR MME. UTGOFF. Widow of Russian Naval Officer to Talk at Meeting . Wednesday. Mme. Lydia Utgoff. widow of Comdr. Victor V. Utgoff of the im perial Russian navy, killed in a plane crash while attached to the flying service of the United States Coast Guard, will address the League of Coast Guard Women at its annual meeting and luncheon at the Co lumbia Country Club next Wednes day. Mrs. Russel R. Waesche, wife of the Coast Guard commandant, will preside at the business meeting, which begins at 10 am. Among the guests will be Mrs. Henry Morgenthau. jr., wife of the Secretary of Treasury; Mrs. George T. Pettenglll. head of the Navy relief here; Mrs. Thomas Parran, wife of the surgeon general of the Public Health Service; Miss Edith Spray of the American Red Cross, and Mrs. F. C. Billard, widow of Admiral Bll lard, founder of the Coast Guard League. 4 _ ■ Parliament Did Nothing. The so-called "addled Parliament" met on April 6, 1914, sat through two months and was dissolved by James Z without having passed a single bill. CONTRACTORS’ UNIT TO HOLD MEETING Program for Betterment of Con struction Companies to Be Considered. The Governing snd Advisory Boards of the Associated General Contrac tors of America will hold their annual Fall meeting tomorrow and Tuesday at the Willard Hotel to consider imme diate development of a program for betterment of the construction com pany. President W. A. Klinger, Sioux City, Iowa, and Managing Director E. J. Harding, Washington, who last month made an extensive joint tour through the West for the association, will submit reports and recommenda tions based upon observations and exchanges during their field contacts. Major consideration will be given to the questions of accelerating con struction revival, continuing highway and public worlcs construction and combating day-labor competition by governmental agencies. Reports to the boards, Harding said, will show’ a definite and well-founded upward movement in private construc tion. Representative general contractors from every part of the country will attend the meetings. --•————* Card Party December 7. A benefit card party and Christmas Rift sale will be held by the St. Ger trude's Guild Monday, December 7, at the Wardman Parle Hotel ior the St. Gertrude's Sclfool of Art and Crafts. Mrs. Robert Whitney Imbrle is presi dent of the guild. Columbia Association of Churches Meets Tuesday and Wednesday. The Columbia -Association of Bap tist Churches will hold its midyear meeting Tuesday and Wednesday at the National Baptist Memorial Church, Sixteenth street and Columbia road. Moderator E. B. Shaver will con vene a joint session of the association and the Columbia Federation of B. Y, P. U. at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday. He will introduce Louis F. Lucas, president ol the federation. Thomas R. Wilson will hold a court of review, followed by presentation of a pageant, “The Frustrations of Luther Rice," directed by C. B. Mclnnis. The Women's Baptist Missionary Association of the District will meet at 10:30 a.m., Wednesday, in the church, with Mrs. Oeorge A. Ross presiding. Addresses will be deliv ered by Miss Ruth Maguire, Christian friendliness missionary of the Atlan tic district, and Miss Inabelle Cole man of the Foreign Mission Board, S. B. C. Rev. John Compton Ball, D. D„ will lead a devotional service for the asso ciation at 2:15 p.m., Wednesday, fol lowed by a business feasion and re ports from church Institutions on their work. Memorial services will be held at 4:15 p.m. for Rev. E. Hez Swem, V. C., past moderator: Rev. George E. Truett, V. C., and Rev. George W. Quick, V. C. Addresses will be delivered at the concluding session Wednesday night by Rev. Joseph T. Watts, D. D., gen eral secretary, Maryland Baptist Un ion Association. Baltimore, and Rev. W. H. Bowler, D. D., executive secre tary, Northern Baptist Convention New York City. Rev. Gove G. Johnson. D. D., pastor of the National Baptist Memorla Church, will be host to the assoclatlor meeting. , BOTANIST WILL SPEAK ON GREAT SMOKY PARK Dr. Jennlson to Deliver Illus trated Lecture Here Wednesday. The majestic scenery and beautiful vegetation of the Great Smoky Moun tains National Park will be described in word and picture by Dr. H. M Jennison, associate wild life tech nician and botanist of the park Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the Govern ment Auditorium. Dr. Jennison's illustrated lecture h a presentation of the National Park Service, which invites the public. Th« speaker will tell of the varied displaj of wild flowers to be found from earlj Spring until late Fall in the moun tains of North Carolina and Ten nessee. Many Work for Education. TAMPA, Fla., Dean M. S. Hale of the University of Tampa says Jobs ranging from cartoon sketching to truck driving are enabling 60 per cent of the university’s students to pay for their education. Slated for Inaugural Parade ■ t 1 ■ W——. Lieut.-Gov. J. B. Snider of Mississippi with a donkey that will be presented to James A. Farley as the official mascot of the Democratic party. The donkey will appear in the inaugural parade here. The donkey has been featured in Democratic activities during the last three years. —Wide World Photo. trademark Special Sale ^ Large Mahogany Flat Top Desk, Oriental Rugs, Mahogany Chests of Drawers, Parlor Suites, Tables, Walnut Bed Room Suites, Books, Up holstered D a v enports RECIfTVtco and Choirs, Breakfast Sets, Refrigerators, Mat tresses, Clocks, Book cases, Sewing Machines, Sectional Bookcases, Office Chairs, Lamps, Fire Esfinguishers, Teo Carts, Stamp Col lections, Jewelry, Silter, Opera Glosses, Glassware, Chino, Plated Ware, etc. at Public Auction AT SLOAN'S 715 13th St. Nowemhar 16, 1936 as m A M. A NEW THRILL AWAITS YOU WHEN YOU HEAR THE NEW RCA-VICTOR MODEL 6-K—A graceful, at tractive console thot offers tha extra performance furnished by 6 new RCA Metal Tubes at surprisingly low cost. Enjoy U. S. programs, foreign entertain ment on the 49-meter bond, and police, aviation and ama teur calls—tuning range of 540 to 6500 kcs. Phonogroph con nection. 4.5 wotts output. Music-speech control. Need Christmas Money? Our Old Gold and Silver Exchange Is at Your Service Look around the house, through your bureau drawers, in the attic archives and bring your old. no-longer wanted gold and silver pieces in to us. We pay cash immediately. Gold Dept, opertted hy Leo M. Aleitndrr, Licemed on Tretiury Form, T. G. L. 12, furiutnl to the Gold Reitrvt Act of 11)4, No. 46)1. Second floor, New Accounti See. | THE HECHT CO. Experienced AdvertisersPreier The Star r FOR YOUR OLD WASHER, ON THE NATIONALLY FAMOUS I MAYTAG I ELECTRIC WASHER I I . f&fjpo I w# ^^B ^^B ^B ekarpt. if marchaaed JK® M ^F on Ifce Budget Plan. wk Mondays in Winter seem even bluer without a U Maytag to chase the blues away... and a May jp tag^an do it, too. This is the sturdy porcelain || tub Maytag, built to give a lifetime of service. B Equipped with the famous Maytag gyratator ■ AV 2.1 that sPee(^^Y and &ently whirls the dirt out. 9 Come in and compare it with others you’ve seen H at the price. A Maytag sells itself. jHp ^^B^B<U*ln Floor. Bectncal Aicid*' .. ..* | SPECIALS from the PAINT Department SPIRAL BRAND FLAT PAINT gallon A dull, velvety finish for your walls. A heavy-bodied paint that covers well and is easy to use. Charming colors for your selection. (Fifth Floor. The Heeht Co.) OLD ENGLISH Special Combination 2 lbs. of Paste or 1 qt. Liquid . \ The liquid wax dean* and pol ishes your floors In one opera tion. The paste wax Is excellent for floors, furniture or automo biles. (Fifth Floor. The Hecht Co l PLAID BRAND Ready MIXED PAINT .69 gallon A high-grade linseed-oil-and lead mixed paint that may be used in doors or out. Choice of 15 wanted colors. (Fifth Floor. Tho Heeht Cb.» I MAIL AND PHONE ORDERS FILLED ... Just Call District 9400! 20 Diamond Bridal Group *110 Harmonising engage ment and wedding ring featuring twenty brilliant diamonds. White or yellow gold. $1.50Weekly! z_ This 5 Diamond Wedding Band $12*95 Styled after the more expensive wedding bands. The splendidly carved white or yellow gold mounting shows five ! sparkling diamonds. 50c Weekly! Exquisite Seven Diamond Ring ?39-w Beauty at a price you never thoueht poaalble. Seven finely cut dia mond* In a gorgeous mounting. oX white or yellow gold. 75c Weekly I Sale! Men’s GOTHAMS $1295 Nol There is not any mistake in the priee I 12.95 is all you pay for this handsome and depend ' able timekeeper. Don’t miss itl 50c Weekly! t Sale! Twenty Diamond Watch $49-50 A rare saving opportunity l The dainty round case is resplendent with twenty sparkling diamonds And it will satisfy your de mands for accuracy and de pendability. 75c Weekly! New! 17-Jewel Bulova Phantom . $37-50 The watch sensation ot the year I Men everywhere are praiaing its curved cate which snugly fits the wrist. Lightweight, in the color of natural gold. 75c Weekly! :_jg \mm Hr V "7 \t v v**Ji op?™** (M ?J 3b 1| If If LoHtrof VHHHHHHHH . A % > \ #4 MAGIC i CHEF Reg. 119.50 .50 | ing charge, If purchased on the Budget Plan INCLUDING MINUTE MINDER and ELECTRIC LIGHT You’re saving close to a third, and you're get ting an A-l up-to-the-minute range, guaran teed to revolutionize your hours in the kitchen. Comnare it with other ranges and you’ll find nothing to equal it at this price. Equipped with a . Lorain Red Wheel Oven Heal Control! # 3-iu-l Non-Clog Burners! a Automatic Top Lighter! # Closed Cooking Top ... more working space! # Completely Insulated Oven! (Main Floor, The Hecht Co.) CO. NATIONAL 5100 4 P ^