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ON THE RIFT Refuses to Confirm Report Former “Angel of Broad way” Is Ousted. By the Associated Press. LOS ANGELES, Calif., November 18.—Rheba Crawford, associate pastor Of Angelus Temple, awaited in a Glendale sanitarium today a letter •aid to carry notification of the can cellation of her contract. Aimee Semple McPherson, pastor end founder of the temple, refused to discuss reports that such a letter trad been mailed to the former “Angel 9 at Broadway.” "I have nothing to say about the letter nor about Miss Crawford," she •aid. "'There is • clause in my con tract with Sister Crawford which pre vents either of us from saying any thing derogatory against the other.” Miss Crawford, whose name has been removed from a large electric sign above the entrance to the dome roofed temple, has not appeared on the platform there for several months. “If the letter cancels my contract I shall go to court immediately," she declared. “I shall demand an ac counting of all monies collected and •pent since I have been associate pastor of the church. I shall sue Sister McPherson for full payment on my contract and ask for damages." The contract, reported to have about a year to run, is said to provide for a salary of $600 a month. Threats of new difficulties at An gelus Temple followed by some three weeks the departure of Roberta Sem ple, Mrs. McPherson’s daughter, from a* her temple offices and from the par sonage with the declaration she had been deprived of authority she held as assistant business manager. -- Tide Table*. (Furnished by United States Coast ant Geodetic Survey.) Today. Tomorrow High-_ 9:10 a.m. 9:50 am Low ___ - 3:58 a.m. 4:38 a.m High _ _ 9:30 p.m. 10:14 p.m Cow ___ 3:48 p.m. 4:21pm Tbs San and Maon. Rises. Sets, fun, today — 6:52 '}:§4 fun. tomorrow- 0:o3 4:o4 Moon, today_ 9:00 a.m. n:4o p.m , Automobile lightg must be turned ot #ne-h*lf hour after sunset. Precipitation. Monthly precipitation In Inches In thi Capital (current month to datei: Month. 1930. Ave. Record January __ 5.87 3.55 7.09 8 February - 3.83 3.27 0.84 ;s< March__ 4.4. .t.m 8.84 9 April__ 1.98 3.27 9.13 8! May 5.78 3.70 10.09 ’8! June I__ 2.29 4.13 Ki.94 ’(>< July _-_ 4.07 4.71 10.03 St August"_3.01 4.01 14.41 ’21 September- 1.98 3 24 l..d» ,3j October _—— l.<l ’.^4 *-•>• *• November __ 0.75 2.37 8.69 Hi December _ - 3.32 «.ot> Oi Weather in Various Cities. Temp. Rain Stations Baro H h.Low.fall. Weath’i Abilene. Tex 30.40 08 36 - Clear Albany. N. Y- . 29.70 50 28 ... Cloudy Atlanta. Ga .30.40 50 30 Clear Atlantic City 29.88 56 32 0.02 Clear Baltimore. Md 29.98 52 36 Cloudy Birmingham 30.44 60 30 -- Clear Bismarck. N. D 30.06 54 32 . Clear Boston. Mass 29.50 54 36 Clear Buffalo. N. Y 30.02 36 22 0.02 Cloudy Charleston 8.C 30.32 68 36 Clear Chicago. Ill . 30.38 34 26 C ear Cincinnati - 30.42 38 26 Clear Cleveland 30.20 32 28 0.02 Cloudy Columbia. S. C 30.34 60 32 ... Clear Denver Colo 30.16 ho 38 _ Cloudy Detroit! Mich 30.22 30 24 —_ Cloudy El Paso. Tex 30.34 72 42 -Clear Galveston Tex. 30 40 70 ss -Cloudy Helena. Mont 30.32 4o 26 -Cloudy Huron. 8. D 30.18 44 32 _Clear Indianapolis 30.42 34 24 -Clear Jacksonville _ 30.32 76 40 -Clear Kans. City Mo 30.46 56 20 Clear * Los Angeles .30.04 90 04 _Clear Louisville. Ky .30.48 4o 20-Clear Miami. Fla 30.14 74 54 _Cloudy Minneapolis 30.30 32 20 _ Clear New Orleans 30.42 74 40 Clear New York. N Y 29.80 52 32 0.02 Cloudy Oklahoma City 30.44 60 40 . Clear Omaha Nebr._30.38 40 20 _ Clear Philadelphia — 29.88 50 32 -Cloudy Phoenix. Ariz._30.os so 52 Clear Pittsburgh. Pa.-30.10 32 20 0.01 Cloudy Portland. Me. .29.48 54 34 -- Cloudy Portland. Oreg._ 30.10 58 42 -Clear Raleigh. N. C— 30.22 52 32 . — Clear Salt Lake City- 30.32 54 28 C ear San Antonio . 30.30 74 52 Clear fan Diego. Cal. 30.02 80 52 -Fogg/ fan Francisco- 30.14 60 54 _Cloudy 8t Louis. Mo. 30.48 44 30 -Clear Seattle. Wash. 30.06 64 46 __ Foggy Spokane. Wash. 30.32 44 26 ... Clear Tampa. Fla. __ 30.26 72 46 - Clouffy WASH. D. C— 30.04 51 34 -Clear FOREIGN. (7 a m.. Greenwich time, today ! Temperature. Weather London. England - 52 Cloudy . Paris. France _ 48 Cloudy Vienna. Austria- 41 £!ou5y Berlin. Germany- 41 Cloudy Brest. France- 5j* Cloudy Zurich. Switzerland_ 3. Cloudy Stockholm. Sweden— 39 Cloudy J New Navy Planes to Hop Pacific - - - " - ■ ■ i.1.11 : ■!!W!W This is one of the latest in Navy patrol planes, half a dozen of which will hop off from me West Coast next month, bound for Honolulu, T. H. Officially known as the PBY-1 this plane has wing tip floats, which are calculated to speed up the craft and cut down wind resistance. Old types at the Fleet Air Base at Pearl Harbor, T. H., will be replaced by these latest ships. —Official Photograph, U. S. Navy. Mail Carriers to Dance. CLARENDON, Vft., November 16 (Special).—The Arlington branch of the National Association of Letter Carriers will give its first Fall benefit dance Friday night at Lee Tavern, North Glebe road and Lee boulevard. G. E. Sebastian, chairman of the Branch Entertainment Committee, announces that tickets may be ob tained from members of the com mittee or from any Arlington letter carrier. Bag Coyote in City. Police Officers Howard Moore and James Messer of Lawrence, Kans., bagged a wild coyote recently that had strayed into the city from the countryside. TWO MEN ON SLOOP GROUNDED IN CREEK Coast Guard Cutter Answering Call For Help From Poto mac River Craft. B!> the Associated Press. BALTIMORE, November 16.—The Coast Guard cutter Apache left Its Fort Henry base today In answer to a call for help from a sloop aground in Broad Creek, upper Potomac River, with two men.aboard. Washington headquarters of the Coast Guard Informed Capt. W. G. Bloom of the Apache that the vessel had run aground in 4 feet of water. A still wind was sweeping the water out of the river. RETIRED ADVERTISING LEADER DIES AT 73 Seth Brown, a Founder of Asso ciated Advertising Clubs of America, Had l>ong Been 111. Bs the Associated Press. NEW YORK, November 16.—Seth Brown, retired advertising man, a founder and former secretary of the Associated Advertising Clubs of Amer ica, died here yesterday at his home after a long Illness. He was 73. A native of Oberlin, Ohio, Brown taught advertising to private classes in Chicago, and at one time was presi dent of the Cleveland Advertising Club in Cleveland. He was one of the founders of the Audit Bureau of Circulation, and from 1913 to 1916 published Standard Advertising, a trade magazine in Chicago. -.■ ■ ■ OIL EXECUTIVE DIES BIRMINGHAM. Ala., November 16 OP).—Joseph Ernest Taylor, 60. a New York executive of the Texas Co., died here yesterday. He had been in de clining health for a year. He became connected with the Texas Co., a major oil and gasoline refinery concern, more than 27 years ago. Burial will be in Dallas Wednes NIGHT COUGH Ldue to a cold speedily relieved by this l pure prescription medicine. Only 35i. A -II THE WEATHER District of Columbia—Fair and colder with lowest temperature to night about 26 degrees; tomorrow fan and warmer; diminishing northwest Winds becoming light variable tonight Maryland and Virginia—Fair and •lightly colder tonight; tomorrow fall v and warmer. West Virginia—Fair and continued •old tonight: tomorrow fair and Warmer. River Report. Potomac and Shenandoah River; •lear today. Report for Lost IK Hours. Temperature. Barometer Saturday— Degrees. Inches. 4 p.m. _ 64 29.58 8 p.m. _ 69 29.51 • Midnight_-_5H 29.50 Sunday— 4 a.m._ 49 29.50 8 a.m.__ 4« 29.51 Ifoon__ _ 46 29.57 4 p m__ 36 29.74 8 p.m. _ 36 29.SO 12 midnight . 37 29.87 Today— 4 a.m_ 36 29.99 5 a.m. _ 35 30.05 Noon _ 39 30.13 Record for Last 21 Hours (Prom noon yesterday to noon today ! Highest. 46, at noon yesterday. Yeat Sgo. 47. Lowest. 34. at 7:15 a.m. today. Yeai •go. 41. Record Temoeratures This Year. Eighest, 105. on July in. )west. 0. on January 23. Humidity for Last 24 Hours. (From noon yesterday to noon today ! Highest. 54 per cent, at 9.15 p.m. yes terday. Lowest, 40 per cent, at 3:45 p.m. yes terday. GAS OH STOMACHS 40-year-old treatment > * gives quick relief-say thousands In the past 40 years, mil lions of men and women have used Stuart’s Dys pepsia Tablets to quickly relieve dyspepsia, gas, belching, sour and upset stomach. Many say relief comes quickly, usually in 2 minutes. "For 40 years they have never failed to give me quick re lief.” writes E. II. W. I never want to be without them,” says A. M. M. Stuart’e Tablets contain only pure, helpful ingre dient-. Get a box today. At all druggists. Why go around with a Stuffy HEAD cold?h_ GatRoUofBy Warm Vapo Method With This Pocket Warm medicatedvapor forms when you press the switch. I n- Sk hale end feel it loosen up the I.mB Clogged passages that other medicants seldom reach. a IP 'i Also aids to prevent JB vl|\K colds. Soothing and pro* mm l1 a (active to nose and throat. jMyu|||i\l NASAL VAPOR I ZIR ^11 b and VAPOR w 11 At all tbe better drag stores. fiRSARY RATION WINTER MANDS A URC ER-Mf |j{" For Health and Economy Priced From Your "small change" in thii alcctric clack pays far a new Frigidaire. s key down *p TO? EARS to pay : _ ---- -— jMWWMMWWWMMIMBIMWMMiiaBWWiWMWBpWBM——— ■HTrTTTT. 1,1,1] »l I »A JHs K ' BBI I 1 i ’ I M 1 I1 I 1 1 * ,T1 IT.'»• slBg&ggggi‘ 1 i I 1 j.H i f , 1*4 JESS I t H— 1 I I I I *1 * i'w 1*4 n i i H I i Bk'j of ■|||Mi]><ljLf >il |9HK 1 » • I : • t . j . | | I «| » y • 1 . m 1 ■ *i r | ■% HIBBOB i:;.* ., '" ‘iF'^kc^S^' 1 -v / ' , * *•** "* -. v **Xj BMlfut11 iff|* sSag r rfs4 HI» y M. 1< <MB^B^^BI^^^BBIBw5IiBEBiMHBliftBBE&!gg%x$MB«8&fil%li<fei»Bg ^^B MHTOMi—^Mjgg&MBBTiB— SB* IHjL f%»T $ nLii|I^MP^BB!BBHi^CTBK!ff'WnMl^T^i«^in»B^^^ff§!aMHH^B4 B BP _^BV|.;" ?■ BTBPlillftnilTMEMr^MMTrni'iiiflffnliMrinirg^BBtfJiBM^bflMfiTrTtiTT^iiltriiiSttrTjynSniK^Lf -—n«Y 'ir" ^ -A -^1-'.,.-: j •■ - .Ai-cBBWBI 1 I Sugfitti wow I—IT WORTHWHILE FOR YOL' V 1#-^ If I y'C 7 TO SHOP TOMORROW 111! / ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ \ Kay's SO Store* from Coast to Coast are completely / \ T'/ \ stocked with new. smart merchandise tor the / \ Christmas g.'t giving season Our prices are beyond compare—AND vnu c*n TAKE ALL TO PAL — ' . -IB^ JB ^^B | our 4 Star M —' NjJif||!!LlM_- geru siron'ts ^ B^B a 1 ^B B l roun i■■ ■■ fl i ^^^B I I B B i B^^Bl -OAST^ftl^B .,,» mcve-B B B fl fl / (I i 1 KAY WIJiJI jlii'Jjiliil JiliTw __ ■ I .~~i i