Newspaper Page Text
CHarfc of Skattko. MURRAY. JANE. The sons and daughters of the late JANE MURRAY wish to thank all relatives and friends for the floral tributes and their kind expressions of ■Empathy at the loss of our dear mother. THE FAMILY. £?atl?0. ALEXANDER. AMALETA. On Monday. December 7. 1936. at 7 ».m.. at her resi dence. 1527 S st. n.w.. Miss AMALETA ALEXANDER, youngest daushter of the late James and Lucy Alexander of Georgetown. D. C.. and sister of Mrs. Marlon A. Moore of Cane May. N. J.. and Miss Katherine Upshur Alexander of this city. Funeral Thursday. Decem ber 10 at 10:30 am., from St. Lukes Episcopal Church. 15th and Church sts. n.w. Relatives and friends are Invited. Arrangements by McGuire. 9 ALEXANDER. AMELITA. The officers and members of the Teachers* Benefit and Annuity Association are hereby notified of the death of Miss AMFLITA ALEX ANDER J. E. SYPHAX. Pres. J. L. GRAY. Secy. BLONDHEIM. MABLE. Departed this life on Tuesday December 8. 1936. at her residence. 524 North Pitt st.. Alexandria. Va . MABLE BLONDHEIM. wife of John Blondheim. loving mother of William. Albertha and John Blondheim: loving daughter of John and Ella Haskins. Remains resting at the John T. Rhines funeral home 221 North Patrick st.. Alexandria. Va. until 4 p m Thursday, thereafter at the residence of her par ents. 515 North Pitt st.. where funeral ■ervices will be held Friday December 11 at 1 p.m. Interment in Douglas Cemetery. 10 CARTER. CLIFTON W. On Tuesday. De cember 8. 1936. at Washington Sani tarium Hospital. CLIFTON W.. beloved husband of Charlotte Carter of 6202 Ridge drive. Brookmont. Md. Body rest ing at Warner E Pumphrey’s funeral home. Rockville Md Services at Mount Pleasant Church Taylortown. Va.. on Thursday. December in. at 11 am. In terment church cemetery. CHARLES. NEWTON. On Wednesday, De cember 9. 1936. at his residence. 459 Luray ol. n.w . NEWTON CHARLES be loved husband of the late Mary C. Charles and father of Mrs. M. D. Balveat of Lexington. Ohio: Miss Clara Charles and Mrs Howard W. Berry of Washington. D C. He also is survived fcv six grandchildren and eleven great grandchildren. He was a member of Kit Carson Post. No. 9. G A R Fu neral from the above residence on Fri day. December 11 at 1:30 p m Rela tives and fripnds invited. Interment Ar lington National Cemetery. Arrange ments bv the W. W. Chambers Co. 10 CLEMENS. GEORGE E. On Tuesday De cember S. 1936. GEORGE E CLEMENS beloved husband of Gertrude V. Clemens Hurdle'. Remains restine at the Lee funeral home. 4th st. and Mass. ave. n.e.. where services will be held on Fri day. December 11. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends are invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 10 CLEMENS. GEORGE E. United Coun ell. No. ‘401). National union Assurance Society, announces the death of Member GEORGE E. CLEMENS, on Tuesday, De cember 8. 1936. COLBERT. LUCY E. Suddenly, on Mon day. December 7. 1036. at her residence. 4876 Deane ave. n.e. LUCY E. COL BERT. beloved mother of Kate Davis, aunt of Maurice and William Davis great-aunt of Vivian Davis. Charles Davis and Kenneth Stewart. Funeral Friday, at 1:30 P.m. from Ebenezer Church. 4th and D sts. s.e. Relatives and friends Invited. • COLBERT. LUCY. All Inmates of Bethel Household of Ruth. No. 1710. G. U O. of O. F. are reauested to be present at their regular meeting Thursday. Decem ber 10 1936. at which time arrange ments will be made for the funeral of P M. N. G LUCY COLBERT Funeral Friday. December 11. at 1:30 p.m. from Ebenezer M. E. Church. 4th and D its. s.e. LOTTIE HAWKINS. M. N. G. MAUDE JOHNSON. W. Rec. • EVANS. HARRY. On Tuesday. December 8 1036. at Casualty Hospital. HARRY EVANS. Remains resting at Frazier’s funeral home. 389 R. I. ave. n.w. Notice of funeral later. 10 FORBES. ELEANOR V. (NEE HINES 1. On Tuesday. December 8. 1936. at her daughter's residence, in Franklin. W Va.. ELEANOR V FORBES <nee Hines' be loved wife of the late George A. Forbes and mother of Mrs. John W. Seay and George H Forbes. Services at St. Paul's M E Church. 4700 13th st. n.w.. Thurs day December 10. at 2:30 P.m. Inter ment Glenwood Cemetery. • FOUNTAIN. MRS. J. L. Suddenly, on Tuesday. December 8. 1936. Mrs. J. L. FOUNTAIN. Services and interment will be held at Raleigh. N. C. 10 FRISBY. ARTHUR A. On Wednesday De cember 9. 1936. ARTHUR A. FRISBY. beloved son of the late Henry and Mary A. Frisby and brother of Adele E. Hughes. Funeral from the McGuire funeral home. 1820 9th st. n.w.. on Saturday. December 12. at 2 p.m. Interment Harmony Cem etery. 11 GARRISON. BETTIE M. On Tuesday De cember 8. 1936. BETTIE M. GARRISON, widow of Samuel Smoot Garrison and mother of Gwynn L Garrison of Louisi ana. Mrs. F L. Elliott of Baltimore. Md„ and Miss Nellie M Garrison of Wash ington. D. C Remains resting at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w. Funeral services on Thursday. December 10 at 2 p.m.. at Ebenezer Methodist Church. Stafford County. Va. GIBBS. RUDOLF R. On Tuesday. De cember 8. 1936. at the Laurel Sanita rium. RUDOLF R. GIBBS beloved hus band of the late Alice Marean Gibbs. Body resting at the chapel of Jos. Gao ler's Sons. 1750 Pa. ave. n w. Services on Thursday. December 10. at 2 p.m. Friends are invited to attend. Inter ment private. Please omit flowers. GIB80N. RICHARD. Departed this life Monday. December 7. 1936. at St. Eliza beth’s Hospital, after a brief illness. RICHARD GIBSON. He leaves to mourn their loss a loving wife. Rhoda Gibson, and a number of friends. Funeral Thursday. December 10. at 2 p.m.. from Janifer’s funeral home. 1141 22nd st. n.w. Rev. Leroy Frayzer officiating. Remains may be seen at the above ad dress. Interment in Harmony Ceme tery. • BARLEY. JOHN. On Tuesday. December 8. 1936. JOHN HARLEY, beloved husband of Susan Harley (nee Meehan) of 2210 Pa. ave. n.w.. Apt. 701, Remains rest ing at Timothy Hanlon’s funeral par lors. 641 H st. n.e. Notice of funeral later. (Philadelphia and New York papers Please copy.) 10 BEDRICK. OATHER WILLIAM. Suddenly, on Tuesday. December 8. 1936. at his residence. Occoauan. Va. OATHER WIL LIAM HEDRICK, beloved husband of Eunice L. Hedrick. Remains resting at Hall’s funeral home. Occoauan. Va. Fu neral services Thursday. December 10. at 1 p.m.. at the Valley Church. Nokes ville. Va.. conducted by Rev. I. N. H. Beahm. Interment church cemetery. HOLMES. JACOB W. On Tuesday. Decem ber 8. 1936. at Qallinger Hospital. JACOB W. HOLMES, the beloved hus band of Eliza G. Holmes. Remains rest ing at Frazier’s funeral home. 389 R I. ave. n.w. Funeral Saturday. December 12. at 2 P.m.. from the Nineteenth Street Baptist Church. 19th and Eye sts. n.w.. Rev. Walter H. Brooks officiating. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Harmony Cemetery. 11 HlFF. LUCY TAYLOR. On Monday. De cember 7. 1936. at the residence of her daughter. Mrs. Walter H. Franks. New York City. N. Y.. LUCY TAYLOR HUFF, beloved wife of the late Walter P. Huff and mother of George T. Huff of Phila delphia. Pa. and Mrs. Walter H. Franks of New York City. Funeral services at the W. W. Chambers Co. funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w.. on Monday. De ?ember 14. at 2 n.m. Relatives and rlends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 10 Jackson, atty Fairfax, jr. Passed away, on Monday. December 7. 1936. at his residence. 1008 Oronoco st. Al exandria. Va.. ATTY FAIRFAX JACK SON. Jr. He leaves to mourn their loss a devoted wife. Christine Jackson; two listers. Anna Johnson of Ballston. Va.. and Mary J. Lambert of Washington D. C. and a host of other relatives and friends. Funeral Thursday. December 10. at 1 p.m., from Third Baptist Church, corner Patrick and Princess streets. Alexandria. Va. Interment Doug lass Cemetery. 9* FUNERAL DIRECTORS. ’ V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither the successor to not eonnecteo with the original W R 8peare eatabllahment. NAtlona?28P3 1009 H St. N.W. J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium 4th and Mast, see. N.R Lincoln HOP Joseph F. Birch's Sons (A L HAYCOCK Manager) BSSffla^a 3034 M St. N.W. CHAS. S. ZURHORST CO. 801 EAST CAPITOL 8T LINCOLN 0878. Frank Geier's Sons Co. V&2TS2& "iS NAtional 2473 WILLIAM H. SCOTT , 408 8th Bt. BA Lincoln OftSO. Chambers, One of the Largest Undertakers in the World 1400 Chopin St. N.W. CoL 0432 517 11th St S.E. Atlantic <700 FUNERAL DESIGNS. GEO. C SHAFFER REPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES PHONE NAT 0104 Open Evenings and Sundays Cor. 14th & Eye GUDE BROS. CO. Floral Pieces ISIS F St. N.W. National 4870 A Dealtja. JAMES. JOSEPH M. Departed this life on Wednesday. December 9. 1936. at Freed men's Hospital, after a brief Mneai. JOSEPH M. JAMES devoted son of John James and the late Thomasina James, loving brother of Thelma James Cyoress and Elizabeth James. He also leaves to mourn their loss two grandmothers, four uncles, three aunts and other rela tives and friends. Remains resting at Barbour Bros.' funeral home. 48 K at. n.e. Notice of funeral later. JOHNSON. RALPH PAGE. On Tuesday. December 8. 1930. at his residence. 108 Aspen st.. Chevy Chase. Md.. RALPH PAGE JOHNSON, beloved husband of Jane Whitelaw Johnson. Services will be held at his late residence on Thurs day. December 10. at 10 a.m Friends are Invited. Temporary interment will be In Prospect HU1 Cemetery. JONES. ELIZABETH W. Suddenly, on Mon day. December 7. 193H. at her residence. 235 7th st. n.e.. ELIZABETH W. JONES, beloved wife of Samuel A. Jones and mother of Raymond A. Jones Mrs. J. M. O'Dwyer. George E . Emily M. and Lucy W. Jones. Mrs. H. T. Randolph and Mrs. J. T. Mackenzie. Funeral from her late residence on Thursday December 10. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. Ar rangements by P. A. Taltavull. 9 KIRBY. ELLEN. On Monday. December 7. 1930. at Sibley Memorial Hospital. EL LEN KIRBY (nee McGarry). beloved wife of the late William Kirby. Funeral from her late residence. 3433 14th st. n.w., on Thursday. December 10. at 8:30 a.m.; thenoe to thp Shrine of the Sacred Heart 10th st. and Park road, where mass will be said at 9 a m Interment Greenwood Cemetery. Brooklyn. N. Y. 9 KYLER. THOMAS. On Monday. December 7. 1930. at Casualty Hospital. THOMAS KYLER. son of the late Thomas and Maggie Kyler. husband of Mrs. Etta Kyler. lather of Harold Kyler. Bernice Lyles and Arnetta Perry. He also is survived by two sisters. Mrs Maggie Butler and Mrs. Alice Ashton and other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Stewart's funeral home. 30 H st. n.e. Notice of funeral later. 10 LENOX. MARGARET L. On Tuesday. De cember 8. 19311. MARGARET L. LENOX the beloved mother of Melvin Lenox and daughter of William F. and Lottie Lane. Funeral services at the W. W. Chambers Co. Southeast funeral home 517 11th st. s e.. on Thursday. December 10. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 10 McNANEY. MARY ANN. On Monday. De cember 7. 1930. at her residence. 70 S st n.w. MARY ANN McNANEY. the beloved grandmother of Edward V.. Frank J. and Charles W. McDermott. Funeral servioes at the W. W. Chambers Co. fu neral home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w on Thursday. December 10. at 8:30 a.m.: thence to St. Martin’s Church, where mass will be offered at 9 a.m. for the repose of her soul. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cem etery. 9 MeNULTY. AMIE BREWSTER. On Sun day. Deoember ti. 1930. AMIE BREW STER. beloved wife of Benjamin L Mc Nulty of Woodbridge N. J . formerly of Washington. D. C. Funeral services will be held on Thursday. December 10. at 2 o’clock at 87 Grove ave.. Woodbridge N. J. Interment private. NORRIS. HELENA. On December 9. 1938. at Georgetown University Hospital. HELENA NORRIS widow of John H. Norris, of 3820 Yuma st. n.w. Notice of services later. O’CONNOR. WILLIAM BERNARD. On Tuesday December 8. 1930. at 935 Ken nedy st. n.w., WILLIAM BERNARD, beloved husband of Elizabeth M O'Con nor (nee Sullivan) and father of the late Helen O'Connor and son of the late Timithy E. and Agnes V. O'Connor (nee Tobin). Funeral from the family resi dence. 4522 4th st. n.w.. on Friday. December 11. at 9:30 a.m. Requiem ma s at the Church of the Nativity at 10 -’clock. Relatives and friends In vited. Interment Mount Olivet Ceme tery. Please omit flowers. 10 O’CONNOR. WILLIAM B. Members of n.eane council, no. .10.1. K. , of C.. are hereby notified of «.the death of Brother WIL ^LIAM B O’CONNOR, and are 7requested to meet at 4522 4th ' st. n.w. Wednesday. December 9. 1936. at 9 o.m. DR. GEORGE R. ELLIS. G. K. DEnmts J. rin. oecj. O'NEIL. ELIZABETH L. On Wednesday. December 9. 1936. at her residence. 1359 Otis st. n.w. ELIZABETH L O'NEIL tnee Lennan). beloved wife of the late Chris touher O’Neil and mother of James O. O'Neil. Notice of funeral later. PAYNE. MARGUERITE CAROLYN. De parted this life on Monday. December 7. 19.36, at her residence. 1413 T st. n.w.. after a lingering illness MARGUERITE CAROLYN PAYNE, the devoted daughter of Mrs. Helen V. and Leroy L. Payne. She leaves to mourn their loss two brothers Meredith and Phillip Simmons; other relatives and friends. Funeral Thursday. December 10. at 1 p m., from her late residence. Rev. E. C. Smith of ficiating. Interment in Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. Funeral arrangement* by L. E. Murray Sc Son. 12th and V sts. n.w. POLITIS. NICK. On Tuesday December 8. 1936. at Garfield Hospital. NICK POLITIS. Remains resting at the W. W. Chambers Co. funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w. Funeral services at St. Sophia's Church. 8th and L sts. n.w . on Thursday. December 10. at 2 p m. Rel atives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. POSTELL. DOUGLAS. Departed this life on Saturday December 5. 1936. at Gal linger Hospital DOUGLAS POSTELL of 1417 5th st n.w.. beloved husband of Ida Postell. He also is survived by three sons. Earnest. James and Herbert Postell: five daughters. Beulah. Margaret. Mary Lou. Esther and Cleopatra Postell. and other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the Malvan & Schey funeral chapel corner N. J. ave and R st. n.w. Funeral from the above chapel on Thurs day. December 10. at 1 o.m. Interment Mount Zion Cemetery. BAPLEY. HELEN s. On Monday Decem ber «. 1936. at Emergency Hospital. HELEN S RAPLEY of the All States Ho tel. Services at Warner E. Pumphrey's funeral home. 8424 Georgia ave.. Silver Spring. Md., on Thursday. December 10. at 11 a.m. Interment private. 9 SAGER, WALTER, On Tuesday. Decem ber 8. 1936. at his residence. 1438 T st. s.e.. WALTER SAGER, beloved husband of Maude J. Sager (nee Wallace!. Fu nerai from the chapel of Thomas F. Murray & Son 2007 Nichols ave. s.e., on Friday. December 11. at 10:30 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Inter ment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 10 SAGER. WALTER. A special communica tion of Anacostia Lodge. No. 21. F. A. A. M.. has been called for Friday. Decem ber 11. 1936. at 9:45 a.m to attend funeral services for Past Master WAL TER SAGER. By order of the worshipful master. J. C. BEVERIDGE. Jr.. Secretary. 10 gANDERS. JAMES. Departed this life Mon day. December 7. 1936. JAMES SAN DERS. beloved son of Richard Sanders of Tuscaloosa. Ala. He also is survived by many other relatives and friends Re mains resting at the Malvan & Schey Deanwood funeral home. 4445 Deane ave. n.e. Remains will be shipped to Tusca loosa. Ala.. Thursday. December 10. at 12:05 a.m.. for interment. SCAGGS. ROBERT LEE. On Tuesday De cember 8 1936. at Emergency Hospital. ROBERT LEE SCAGGS. beloved husband of Ida Jane Scaegs (nee Lodge) Fu neral from his late residence 1244 W st. s.e.. on Friday. December 11 at 1:30 P.m. Services at the Anacostia Meth odist Church. 14th and You sts. s.e.. at 2 o m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 10 SCAGGS. R. LEE. A special communica tion of Anacostia Lodge. No 21. F. A. A. M.. has been called for Friday. De cember 11. 1936. at 1 p.m.. to attend funeral services for Brother R LEE SCAGGS. By order of the worshipful master. J. C. BEVERIDGE. Jr.. Secretary. 10 SHEFFIELD. JAMES. Departed this life on Tuesday. December 8. 1936. in Emer gency Hospital, after a brief illness. JAMES SHEFFIELD, the beloved hus band of Ida Sheffield, He leaves to mourn their loss six daughters, two sons and other relatives and friends. Funeral Wednesday. December 9. at 7 p.m., from the Metropolitan Baptist Church. Rev. E. C. Smith officiating. Interment in Newport. R. I. Funeral arrangements by L. E. Murray & Son. 12th and V sts. n.w. 8 STURTEVANT. CAROLINE SHUSTER. On Monday. December 7. 1936. at New Rochelle. N Y.. CAROLINE SHUSTER STURTEVANT widow of Edward K. Sturtevant. Funeral services Thursday. December 10. at li a.m.. at Hysong’s parlors. 1300 N st. n.w. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. TASKER. ROBERT E. On Tuesday. De cember 8. 1936. ROBERT E. TASKER, beloved brother of Mrs. J. O. Jollift. Mrs. Emma Lowe. John H.. Charles A. and Wilbert C. Tasker. Services at Oaw ler’s chapel. 1750 Pa. ave. n.w.. on Thursday. December 10. at 11:30 a m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. TATE. JAMES. Suddenly, on Tuesday. December 8. 1936. JAMES TATE, aged 5 years, beloved son of Mike and Emily Tate. Funeral from his late residence. 60 New York ave. n.e.. on Friday. De cember 11. at 8:30 a.m.: thenoe to Holy Rosary Church. 3rd and F sts. n.w.. where mass will be offered at 9 a.m. for the repose of his soul. Relatives and friends invited. Interment St. Mary'i Cemetery. Services by the W. W. Cham bers Co. 10 TYLER. ESTELLA L. On Tuesday. Decem ber 8. 1936. at her residence. 2110 F st. n.w., ESTELLA L. TYLER, aged 08 years. Funeral from the Deal funeral home. 81« H st. n.e.. on Thursday. December 10. at 3 D.m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. | WALTER. NOAH C. A. On Monday De cember 7. 1036. at Walter Reed ' Hos pital, NOAH C. A. WALTER, father of Mrs. Alice Dawson. Noah C. A.. Vernon and Charles Walter; two grandchildren and a devoted friend. Mrs. M. 8. Hughes also survive. Remains resting at Fra zier's funeral home. 380 R. I. ave n w Funeral Thursday. December 10. at l -'no p.m. from the above mentioned estab lishment. Interment Arlington National Cemetery g WASHINGTON. M. LOUISE. On Monday December 7. 1936. at 1 a.m.. at her resi dence. 1240 Kearney st. n.e.. Miss M. LOUISE WASHINGTON beloved daugh ter of the late 8arah Washington and devoted cousin of Leonora C. and Mary E Randolph and Mrs. Rachel Arrington and Sarah B. Washington. Funeral from her late residence on Thursday. Decem ber 10. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Arrangements by McGuire. 9 WASHINGTON. LOUISE M. The offleers and members of the Teachers' Benefit and Annuity Association are hereby noti fied of the death of Miss LOUISE M. WASHINGTON. J. E. SYPHAX. President. 3. L. GRAY. Secy CEMETERY PLOTS. CEDAR HILL CBMEITRT. Section 19—Will sacrifice for $360 be low ooet to eeth purchaser. Adana SOM. fte FUNERAL IS HELD FOR DR. 0. L. FASSIG Services Conducted at Christ Epis copal Church for Retired Meteorologist. Funeral services for Dr. Oliver L. Fassig, 76, retired Weather Bureau meteorologist, who died Sunday in Emergency Hospital, were held today in Christ Episcopal Church, George town. Rev. Dr. J. G. Armstrong, rec tor, officiated. Burial will be in Lou don Park Cemetery, Baltimore. The list of honorary pallbearers in cludes Dr. W. J. Humphreys, retired chief physicist of the Weather Bureau; Dr. C. C. Clark, acting chief of the Weather Bureau; Dr. L. F. Schmecke bier of the Brookings Institution, George Winchester Stone, retired as sistant supervising architect of the Treasury Department: Dr. Charles F. Brooks, director of the Blue Hill Ob servatory, Harvard University; Dr. Victor K. Chestnut, retired chemist; Dr. Theodore Palmer, ornithologist; John T. Vance, jr„ law librarian of the Library of Congress; Dr. Herbert Kim ball, research associate at Harvard University; Walter W. Pollard and William G. Pollard. Dr. Fassig had been under treatment at the hospital as a result of injuries received when struck by an automo bile November 20. He was retired from the Weather Bureau in 1932. He last served as chief of the division of climatology. He was widely known for his scien tific writings; had lectured at a num ber of universities and since his re tirement from the bureau had been research associate of the Blue Hill Ob servatory of Harvard. FORMER TREASURER OF CULPEPER DIES Gregg A. Thompson, Native of Far West, but'Resident of Virginia 30 Years. Special Dispatch to The Star. CULPEPER, Va., December 9 — Gregg A. Thompson, former treasurer of the town of Culpeper, died at his home, on Jameson Hill, Monday night after a lingering illness. Mr. Thomp son, who was about 60 years old, was a native of the Par -West, but came to this county with his late father and others of the family more than 30 years ago, purchasing the estate known as Milton, near Brandy Station. Later he became connected with the South ern Railroad, serving for some years as station agent at Brandy Station, and later, after removing to this town, as station agent in Culpeper. He was a member of the vestry of St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church. He is survived by his wife, formerly Miss Helen Nottingham of this county, and a son. Sayre Thompson, who succeeded his father in the office of town treasurer. One brother, Norris Thompson of Roanoke, also survives. MARYLAND CHURCH ASKS 3-DAY MARRIAGE LAW Baltimore Presbytery Calls Upon Other Religious Groups to Back Legislation. BJ the Associattc Press. BALTIMORE, December 9.—A pro posal lor a three-day interval between the issuance of marriage licenses and performance of the marriage bore the approval pf the 415th stated meeting of the Balimore Presbytery today. The Presbytery voted to ask the Legislature to enact a lew requiring the three-day interval, and also asked other religious groups to back the proposed legislation. In line with this action, the group adopted a resolution requir ing ministers to have notice three days before they solemnized a wedding "ex cept under clearly justifiable circum stances.” The plea to the Legislature and the provision requiring the ministers to have notice were proposed by the Com mittee on Christian Education. The committee also proposed that civil marriages be authorized by the Legis lature. Recent attempts to get this bill through have been defeated. PLAN TO SAVE REINDEER The Government went today to the rescue of Santa Claus’ reindeer. The Bureau of Biological Survey announced it had hired an expert trapper to teach the Alaskan Eskimos how best to catch wolves and coyotes which have been preying on reindeer herds.. "Reports of hundreds of reindeer killed in one night are not uncom mon,” the bureau said. Swtfya. WASHINGTON. LOUISE. The members of the Helping Hand Club are requested to attend the funeral of Miss LOUISE WASHINGTON, on Thursday December 10, 1936. at 2 p.m.. from her late resi dence. 1240 Kearney st. n.e. M. E. CABANISS. President. • WEBSTER. MARY ELIZABETH. On Wed nesday. December 9. 19.36. MARY ELIZA BETH WEBSTER, beloved wife of the late James H. Webster and mother of Mrs. Harvey Bell. Mrs. Davia E. Meredith and Mrs. William J. Lynch Funeral from the residence of her daughter. Mrs William J. Lynch. 726 15th st. a.e. Notice of time later. WHITE. NELLIE M. Suddenly, on Tues day. December 8. 1936. at her residence. 616 A st. n.e.. NELLIE M. WHITE, be loved wife of Arthur B. White. Remains resting at Zurhorst’s funeral parlors. 301 East Capitol st. Notioe of funeral later, WILLIAMS. CHARLES H. On Sunday. December 6. 1936. at Casualty Hospital, CHARLES H. WILLIAMS, husband of Clara E. Williams, father of Marie Dockett. Sarah Barnett. Gilbert Mc Allister. He is also survived by two brothers, three sisters and other rela tives and friends. Remains resting at Stewart's funeral home. 30 H st. n.e. Funeral Thursday. December 10. at 2 p.m.. from the Good Hone Church. Coles ville. Md. Interment church cemetery. In iJUmurtam. BRADFORD. MARTHA W. Sacred to the memory of our beloved mother. MAR THA W. BRADFORD, who departed this hfe .three years ago today. December 9. At home in the beautiful city of God. By the river of rest, so fair: Borne day. some time, when our task is done. With Joy we will meet you there. HER CHILDREN. • BROWN. EMMA. In loving remembrance of our dear mother and wife. EMMA BROWN, who was called from us two years ago today. December 9. 1934. Just when life’s hope was brightest And we could have lived our best. The gate of heaven opened And she entered eternal rest. HER DEVOTED HUSBAND AND CHIL DREN BURKE. GEORGE W. A loving tribute of devotion to our dear father. GEORGE W. BURKE, who died one year ago today. December 9. 1935. Oft from our hearts comes a bitter cry, ■Why. oh why. did our father die?" The answer was said, so softly and sweet. "Your father is not dead, he Is only asleep.” HIS DEVOTED CHILDREN. • GINECHESI. THERESA. In memory of my beloved mother. THERESA GINECHESI who died four years ago today. Decem ber 9. 1932. FRANCESCA • JOHNSON. ELLEN. In sad but loving re membrance of our dear mother ELLEN JOHNSON, who departed this life nine years ago today. December 9. 1927. HER DEVOTED 80NS AND DAUGH TERS • McCORMICK. CHARLES. In memory ot our dear father. CHARLES MCCOR MICK. who passed away seven year* ago today. December 9. 1929. Gone, but n^forgottep^ ^ # FUNERAL SET MONDAY FOR MRS. LUCY HUFF Former Resident of District to Be Buried in Cedar Hill Cemetery. Funeral services for Mrs. Lucy Tay lor Huff, former District resident, who died Monday In New York City, will be held at the Chambers chapel, 1400 Chapin street, at 2 p.m. next Monday. Burial will be in Cedar HU1 Cemetery. Mrs. HulT, a native of Tennessee, was the widow of Waller T. Huff, who was a District highway Inspector for several years preceding his death three years ago. Since then Mrs. Huff had beer, living In New York with her daughter. Mrs. Walter H. Franks. While here Mrs. Huff was active in the various women’s organizations of the Christian Church. She was a member of Columbia Heights Chris tian Church. Surviving, in addition to her daugh ter, is a son, George T. Huff of PhUa delphla. MRS. W. S. REEVES DIES IN HOSPITAL Wife of Head Gardener at White House Had Been in Poor Health for Year. Mrs. William S. Reeves, wife of the head gardener at the White House, died at Emergency Hospital this morn ing. Mrs. Reeves had been in poor health for nearly a year,. but her condition did not become serious until a few days ago, when it was found necessary to take her to the hospital for an operation. Mr. Reeves, who has been at the White House for more than 30 years, said that while funeral arrangements have not yet-been completed, it was thought likely that the funeral serv ices will be held at Chambers’ parlors, Fourteenth and Chapin streets, with interment In Rock Creek Cemetery Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Reeves had been mar ried 32 years, and throughout all that time had lived at 52 Bates street. Mrs. Reeves was born in Georgetown and educated in the public schools here. Besides her husband, she is survived by Mrs. Anna Coale of Silver Spring, Md., a sister, and Robert Chamberlain, a brother. MRS. HELEN S. RAPLEY RITES SET TOMORROW Retired Employe of Bureau of In dian Affairs Was Active in D. A. B. Work. Special Dispatch to The Star. SILVERS SPRING, Md., December 9.—Funeral services for Mrs. Helen S. Rapley. 77, who died Monday at Emergency Hospital after a long ill ness, will be held here tomorrow morn ing at 11 o’clock at the Warner E. Pumphrey funeral home, 8424 Georgia avenue. Interment is to be private. A native of Olean County, N. Y., Mrs. Rapley came to Washington a number of years ago and entered the Interior Department, where she was employed in the Bureau of Indian Affairs. She retired about six years ago. She was active in the work of the Daughters of the American Revolution and was a past regent of the Emily Newell Chapter in Washington.. At the time of her death she was a mem ber of the Capt. Jc *ph Macgruder Chapter, D. A. R. She resided at the All States Hotel. There are no immediate survivors except several first cousins, who are Frank Page of Linden, Md.; Fred Page of Chevy Chase. Md., and Dr. Sinclair of Wilmington, DeL ASK MILLION DAMAGES • DALTON, Ga„ December 9 The North Georgia Electric Member ship Corp., a co-operative body for distributing T. V. A. power, filed a $1,000,000 damage suit yesterday against the Georgia Power Co. The petition charged the power concern with unfair practices. It accused the company of having mailed to registered voters in eight North Georgia counties letters con taining “libelous and damaging state ments.” JOHN LEE ALVERSON TO BE BURIED TODAY Former Superintendent of Docu ments at G. P. 0. Died Monday. By a Staff Correspondent ot The Star. CHEVY CHASE, Md., December 9 — John Lee Alverson, 72, former super intendent of documents for the Gov ernment Printing Office, died Monday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ruth A. Niepold of 8301 Florida street, Chevy Chase. Mr. Alverson was a native of Nicho lasvllle, Ky. He left the Government Printing Office early in 1921 and since then had been connected with the E. H. Walker Supply Co. Mrs. Niepold and a son, P. Sherwood Alverson, survive him. Funeral services were to be held at 11 a.m. today at Lee's funeral home, Fourth street and Massachusetts ave nue northeast, Washington. MRS. LAURA LAWRENCE WILL BE BURIED TODAY Body of Washington Woman, 63, Sent to South Dakota for Final Rites. Mrs. Laura B. Lawrence. 63. who died here Sunday at her home, in the Broadmoor Apartments, was to be buried today at De Smet. S. Dak. Funeral services were held here Mon day afternoon In Chambers’ funeral parlors, 1400 Chapin street, with Rev. Dr. U. G. B Pierce, pastor of All Souls’ Unitarian Church, officiating. The body was accompanied to South Dakota by Mrs. Lawrence's husband, Aubrey Lawrence, lawyer and special assistant to the Attorney General. The funeral party was to be met at De Smet by Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence’s son, Ray mond Lawrence, this city, who has been in the Northwest on a business trip. Mrs. Lawrence had been a resident of Washington for the past seven years, she and Mr. Lawrence coming here from Fargo, N. Dak., where he practiced law. Besides her husband and son. Mrs. Lawrence leaves two granddaughters, Ann and Joan Lawrence HOLMES’’KIN DIES H. P. Bishop, 80, Was Retired Orchestra Leader. NEW YORK, December 0 OP).— Harry Placide Bishop, retired orches tra leader, died yesterday at his home at Babylon, Long Island. He was 80 years of age, a son of Dr. Charles Bishop and a direct descendant of John Adams and Oliver Wendell Holmes. He started his pro fessional career in music at the age of 12 and retired 15 years ago. Milbura T. ZIRKLE Co. I FUNERAL DIRECTORS 510 C St. N.E. Unc. 5537 Ambulance Service .FLOWERS ^OUPOHTCIRCll JL HO, 7000 (cdctr Hill mat Beaded (emetery DOCTORS RECOMMEND AMBULANCE SERVICE BY Chmbeti $ D any place ^ in the city Columbia 0432 One ef the Lerreet Undertaken in the World. The Matter of Cemetery Plots for Families Who Are Unprepared Sudden and iinexpected toss of a loved one occurs in many families that have made no previous purchase or selection of a burial plot. This problem is one of the many anticipated and provided for in the services of the WM. H. SARDO fir CO. without additional charge or commission. Our organization will arrange for your selection of suitable facilities in any local cemetery. Prices for plots are fixed by the cemeteries and not by the funeral director. WM. H. SARDO & CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS 412 H St. N.E. Lincoln 0524 * Any Family Can \ Afford Ryan Funeral Service IHowever limited your means. Ryan Service provide* everythin* necessary lor a simple, dignified and com plete funeral service. Ryan Funeral prices are as low as any in Washington. ^Perfectly appointed funeral home. Music it desired. Lady attendant. These essentials are offered without extra charge. For our complete funeral price* call Atlantic 1700-1701. Ryan Ambulance Service New De Luxe Ambulance for Local or Distant Calls at Reasonable Rates James T. Ryan Funeral Director 317 Pa. Ave. S.E. ATlantic 1700-1701 FORGOTTEN CHILD! TUNE IN RADIO STATION WRC AT 10:30 TONIGHT Hear another of the National Broadcasting Company's broad casts given in behalf of THE STAR-WARNER BROS.-N. B. C. TOY MATINEES, in co-operation with THE METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTMENT and THE PARENT-TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION, featuring stars of the stage, the screen, the air, and prominent Washington officials. AMONG THE HEADLINERS ON TONIGHT’S PROGRAM WILL BE: Fred Clark and his Earl Theater Orchestra; Olive and George, Earl Theater midgets, with Buster Shaver; and Audrey Sieber, mistress of ceremonies and others. And a special show broad cast from THE RALEIGH HOTEL PALL MALL TOY PARTY . .. including Eddie Elkins and his Pall Mall Orchestra, with Bill Owens, soloist; Bette Hartz, mistress of ceremonies and soloist; Henry C. Nestor, and his quartette; Sara Bella and Jacqueline McGraw, tap dancers; 'The Telephone Quartette," and "The Rays," violin and accordion duette. These and Others Will Entertain You and Tell You How You Can Make Sure That Food, Toys and Clothes Will Be Provided lor Wash" ing ton's Needy This Christmas. BRING A TOY TO THE RALEIGH PALL MALL ROOM TONIGHT IT WILL BE ACCEPTED INSTEAD OF A COVER CHARGE. Full Details Daily in flje ht